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Extended Algorithms for Sample Rate Conversion

Matthias Henker and Gerhard Fettweis

Technical University of Dresden,
Mannesmann Mobilfunk Chair for Mobile Communications Systems,
D-01062 Dresden, Germany

Abstract again. Therefore the well-known effects of imaging and

aliasing occur. The received signal is assumed to be suffi-
The idea of software radio (SWR) implies the capability ciently bandlimited by means of an analog anti-aliasing fil-
of changing the air-interface just by down-loading the re- ter prior the first sampling process within the ADC. How-
spective software. Since analog components (e.g., for pre- ever, this is not the case for the resampling process at the
filtering and digitization) are difficult to parameterize these standard-specific sample rate. The first sampling step has
tasks have to be moved to the digital domain, or have to caused a spectral repition of the spectrum of the received
be done in a standard independent way. In such receivers signal. This is called imaging. Some parts of the images
the task of sample rate conversion (SRC) is essential and will become aliasing components with respect to the resam-
has to be performed in an adaptable manner. Polynomial pling process at the standard specific sample rate. There-
filters are a very suitable choice for sample rate conversion. fore the effect of aliasing has to be taken into account be-
Since the support (length) of the filter determines the effort fore resampling. That is the reason why a reconstruction
and costs implementing this filter, minimizing the support filter is required. One way is to reconstruct the signal to
is an important task. It will be shown that using a more gen- obtain a copy of the original signal. This is often meant
eral approach to interpolation leads to filters with minimal by the term interpolation. This filtering undoes the process
support for a given accuracy. This results in a considerable of sampling which has caused the periodic images. In fact,
reduction of the effort. exactly these images are removed by interpolation filters.
Therefore, these filters are also called anti-imaging filters.
But we do not really need a completely reconstructed
1 Introduction signal. This is because we are mostly interested in only
one channel of the received signal which occupies only a
The current mobile communications market presents a di- part of the whole signal bandwidth. So the most important
versity of indoor and outdoor standards. This does not agree constraint on the reconstruction filter is to prevent aliasing.
with the mobility proposals of a seamless, any-time, and This results in an anti-aliasing-filter in contrast to interpo-
any-where communication required in modern wireless ser- lation.
vices. In order to overcome this lack of uniformity the con- If the ratio of the specific target sample rate and the fixed
cept of software radio has emerged. Thus, upon this revolu- digitization rate can be expressed by two integer numbers L
tionary paradigm multimode wireless communications de- and M like
vices have to be designed, which are able to implement the
different physical layer functionalities on a reconfigurable ftarget L
= (1)
hardware platform by simply running the corresponding fADC M
sample rate conversion can be performed by a cascade of
Mobiles will always be restricted in terms of hardware
the following operations (see figure 1)
resources and power consumption. That requests simple
algorithms. Furthermore, a common fixed hardware should 1. up-sampling by L (imaging occurs)
be preferred enabling a reconfiguration of the terminal by
means of software only. Another point is how to cope with 2. filtering (rejection of potential aliasing components)
the diversity of the symbol rates of different standards. One 3. down-sampling by M (hopefully no aliasing destroys
solution is to clock the ADC at an integer multiple of the the channel of interest)
master clock rate of each standard. Generating all these
clocks with very low jitter is the resulting new problem. A
reconstruction s(nTtarget)
better way out is to perform the AD-conversion at a fixed s(kTADC ) L filter M
rate and adapt this process to the different symbol rates by
sample rate conversion [1].
Sample rate conversion can be modeled as a process Figure 1: Model of sample rate conversion as a cascade of
of sampling, reconstructing the signal, and resampling it an up-sampler, reconstruction filter, and a down-sampler
2 Traditional interpolation step. It requires a pre-filtering step, namely the determi-
nation of the coefficients c(n T ) from the samples s(k T ).
Interpolation means the calculation of in-between values of This is the first step. The intention is to observe the above
a sampled signal s(kT ). The thus reconstructed signal srek (t) mentioned interpolation constraint:
can be expressed as a weighted sum of the samples s(kT )

of the original continuous-time signal s(t).
srek (kT ) = s(kT ) = c(nT ) h((k - n)T ) (7)
srek (t) = s(nT ) hint (t - nT ) (2)
n=- That means the non-interpolating reconstruction filter h(t)
becomes interpolating due to the pre-filtering step. The
The weights of the samples s(n T ) are given by the val- equation above can be written as a convolution of the pre-
ues of the interpolation function hint (t - nT ). To fulfil the filter output c(k T ) and the sampled version hS of h with
condition of interpolation in a strict sense (also called exact hS (kT ) = h(t)t=kT as follows
interpolation), the equation srek (kT ) = s(k T ) must hold.
This requirement is equivalent to the condition s(kT ) = (c * hS )(kT ) (8)

1 for k = 0 This enables us directly the determnation of the pre-filter
hint (kT ) =
(3) output c(kT ).
0 otherwise

c(kT ) = (s * h-1
S )(kT ) (9)
which is also called the interpolation constraint. To be able
to reconstruct the sampled signal at arbitrary time instances, -1
To characterize the required pre-filter hPF (kT ) = hS (kT )
we need to know the complete function hint (t). To easily
the Z-transform is determined.
evaluate hint (t) at run-time as well as easily implement it
in hard- or software simple descriptions of the interpola- -1 1
Z 9h-1
S (kT )= = Z {hS (kT )} = = HPF (z) (10)
tion function are required. Typically, the interpolation func- HS (z)
tion is built up from polynomial or trigonometric functions
[2, 3]. In this paper only polynomial interpolation will be with Z {hS (kT )} = HS (z).The reconstruction function
treated. The interpolation function is described as a sum of hint (t) h(t) is no longer bounded to the interpolation
piecewise polynomials constraint (see eq. (3)). This allows an extended choice for
h(t) with possibly better performance.
N p / 2-1
The most familiar example of generalized interpolation
hint (t) = pi (t) (4) is the spline interpolation. It is a very powerful and well-
i=-N p / 2 investigated interpolation algorithm based on polynomials
which is used in image processing often [4, 5]. Until now it
with Np - number of concatenated polynomials, (N - 1) -
has been scarcely used in the field of sample rate conversion
highest degree of polynomials, ci, j - adjustable coefficients,
by rational factors.
Signals srek (t) reconstructed by means of spline interpo-

j-1 lation are piecewise polynomials concatenated at the so-
Nj=1 ci, j I t-iT
T M for iT t < (i+1)T
pi (t) =
(5) called knots s(kT ) with the special property of being (N -2)
0 else
times continuously differentiable, where (N -1) is the high-
est degree of the polynomials. Thus, h(t) must be (N - 2)
Ideal interpolation means that srek (t) becomes identical to
times continuously differentiable, too. The shortest possi-
the original signal s(t) before sampling. This is only possi-
ble reconstruction function h(t) can be obtained for Np = N.
ble if s(t) is band-limited with a cut-off frequency of 2T1 . In
It must be noted that the support or length of h(t) determines
this case error free reconstruction is possible using the well
directly the required hardware effort. Hence, the search for
known sinc-function as the interpolating function hint .
short efficient filters h(t) are a demanding problem. For
a certain degree (N - 1) there exists exactly one solution,
3 Spline-Interpolation namely the B-spline of degree (N - 1):

In contrast to the tradtional interpolation (see eq. (2)) the h(t) = N-1 (t) (11)
desired signal value srek (t) is no longer a weighted sum of
the samples s(nT ) but can formulated as a weighted sum of
general coefficients c(nT ) [4]. N-1 (t) = (0 * 0 * . . . * 0 )(t) (12)

srek (t) = c(nT) h(t - nT ) (6)

1 for - T / 2 < t < T / 2

(t) =
1/ 2 for |t| = T / 2 (13)
This form is called generalized interpolation and is carried

0 otherwise
out in two separate steps. Equation (6) is only the second
with W = 2 f T / L, and GB-spline (W) = GB-spline (z)z=W being
The B-spline 0 is very similiar to the nearest neighbor in-
terpolation (also called zero-order hold), 1 is equivalent to the frequency response of a simple FIR-filter (see table 2 * )
[7]. The filter HCIC (W) = HCIC (z)z=W is a simple running
the linear interpolation. Both B-splines fulfil the interpola-
tion constraint. This is not true for N 3 anymore. Thus,
a pre-filter HPF (z) = 1/ HS (z) of order N is required (see N
GB-spline (z)
tab. 1). 1 1
N 2 1
N HPF (z) 3 (z + 6 + z-1 )/ 8
1 1 4 (z + 4 + z-1 )/ 6
2 1 5 (z + 76z + 230 + 76z-1 + z-2 )/ 384
3 8/ (z + 6 + z-1 ) 6 (z2 + 26z + 66 + 26z-1 + z-2 )/ 120
4 6/ (z + 4 + z-1 )
5 384/ (z + 76z + 230 + 76z-1 + z-2 )
Table 2: Transfer function of the FIR-filter GB-spline (z)
6 120/ (z2 + 26z + 66 + 26z-1 + z-2 )

Table 1: Transfer function of pre-filter HPF (z) = 1/ HS (z) of sum filter (causal notation)
order N for B-splines of degree (N - 1) N N
1 - z-L
HCIC (z) = K z O = K
O (20)
1 - z-1
For the case of increasing the sample rate of s(k T ) by
an integer factor L only some samples of h(t) are required mostly implemented as the well-known CIC-filter [6].
but not the whole function h(t). In the case of spline- Hence, the implementation of a spline-interpolator can be
interpolation the reconstruction function becomes realized very efficiently (see fig. 3).
The combination of the B-spline with the pre-filter is
h(kT / L) = N-1 (t)t=kT / L (14) called cardinal spline. Since the pre-filter is a symmetric
hS (kT ) = N-1 (t)t=kT (15) IIR filter, the cardinal spline has infinite support (duration).
Therefore there is no closed solution for the cardinal spline.
Interpreting equation (6) as a convolution we obtain a dig- The reconstruction function and the pre-filter are described
ital system as shown in figure 2 where H(z) is the Z- separately. However, the frequency response HC-spline (W) of
transform of h(kT / L) and HPF (z) the Z-transform of h-1 (kT ) the cardinal spline (overall system) can be formulated as a
(see eq. (10)). product of pre-filter and reconstruction function (see fig. 3)
HC-spline (W) = HPF
(LW) HB-spline
(W) (21)
c(kT ) 1
s(kT ) HPF (z) L H(z) srek (nT / L) = N-1 HPFN
(W) GNB-spline (W) (22)
with W = 2 f T / L. Figures 4 and 5 show an example of
Figure 2: Increasing the sample rate by an integer factor L impulse and frequency response of a spline interpolation

Calculating the frequency response of the sampled B-

splines unveils a very interesting connection to the very 4 CIC-filters for interpolation and
simple CIC-filters (for details on CIC-filters see [6]). The decimation
fourier transform of a continuous-time B-spline of degree
(N - 1) is CIC-filters are very often used for interpolation and decima-
N tion, since they are quite simple [6]. They have good anti-
N-1 ( f ) = F 9N-1 (t)= = T Isinc( f T )M (16) imaging or anti-aliasing attenuation, respectively. But they
lack from a severe passband droop, especially for higher or-
with sinc(x) = sin(x)/ (x). Since N-1 ( f ) is not band lim-
ders N. This is not the case for spline interpolation which
ited, sampling the B-spline causes aliasing. Hence, the fre-
N provides a maximally flat passband. As it was shown in the
quency response of the sampled B-spline hB-spline (kT / L) = last section the spline interpolators are closely related with

N-1 (t)t=kT / L becomes the CIC-interpolators. Thus, it is worth trying to extend the
CIC interpolators by a pre-filter, too. The performance will
1 N
HB-spline (W) = Isinc(L(W/ (2) - n))M (17) hopefully become similiar to that of the spline interpolation.
L n=- However, the implementation is expected to be completely
1 sin LW/ 2 N N different and to be simpler in many cases.
= K O GB-spline (W) (18)
LN-1 sin W/ 2 * For odd order N the up-sampling factor L must be odd too. In practical
1 cases this condition can be dropped using this filter GB-spline (z) for arbitrary
= N
HCIC (W) GNB-spline (W) (19) L.
c(kT ) N
s(kT ) GB-spline (z) srek (nT / L)
HPF (z) L N
HCIC (z) LN-1

IIR-filter up-sampler CIC-filter FIR-filter

Figure 3: Spline-interpolation with digital filters

pends on L (see tab. 3), in contrast to the pre-filter of the

truncated CardinalSpline
B-splines (see tab. 1).

N HPF (z)
1 1
2 1

J8 L2L-1 N Jz + 6 LL+1/ -1
2 2
2 -1 + z N
J6 L2L-1 N Jz + 4 LL+1/ -1
2 2
2 -1 + z N
BSpline 4

Table 3: Transfer function of pre-filter HPF (z) for CIC-filter
of degree N (In practical cases the numerator will be mostly
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 set equal to one.)
normalized time t=k T/L

Figure 4: Impulse response of a cubic (N = 4) spline-

interpolation filter with L = 5 The same principle can be used to extend CIC-
decimators. In this case the pre-filter becomes a post-filter.
The very good anti-imaging or anti-aliasing characteris-
tics of CIC interpolators and decimators, respectively, are
H (L)
PF maintained. The pre- or post-filter makes the passband
0 (theoretically) maximally flat without destroying the stop-
band. Since the pre- or post-filter can only be approximated
H () a small passband ripple is superimposed. Thanks to the pre-
20 CSpline
GN () filter the CIC-interpolator holds the interpolation constraint
attenuation in dB

() now (see eq. (3)).
The frequency response of the thus extended CIC-
interpolator for an up-sampling factor L (see fig. 6) is
(W) (23)
80 N
sin LW/ 2
= HPF (LW)N K O (24)
sin W/ 2
0.5 0 0.5
normalized frequency F=/(2*) with W = 2 f T / L. For the extended CIC-decimator for
a down-sampling factor M (see fig. 7) we get get a very
Figure 5: Frequency response of a cubic (N = 4) spline- similiar equation
interpolation filter with L = 5
sin MW/ 2 N
(MW) (25)
sin W/ 2
A CIC-filter for interpolation of order N as well as a sam-
N with W = 2 f T . Impulse and frequency response of the ex-
pled B-spline hB-spline (kT / L) has zeros at W0 = 2n/ L with tended CIC-filter are actually very similiar to that of the
n [1, L-1] of order N. These zeros are responsible for the spline interpolators. The influence of the dropped filter
attenuation of the imaging components. B-splines of order N
GB-spline (z) GN (z) = 1 is negligible.
N have 2 d(N - 1)/ 2t additional zeros improving the stop-
band attenuation only very slightly. Therefore they should Of course, there were several other ideas to correct the se-
N vere passband droop of CIC-filters like sharpening or using
be omitted. However the thus resulting pre-filter HPF (z) de-
so-called ISOP-filters as pre- or post-filters, but the exten-
dxt means the greatest integer less than or equal to x. sion by an IIR-filter performs in a much better way [8, 9].
c() N N
s(kT ) HPF (z) I1 - z-1 M L I 1-z1 -1 M srek (nT / L)

pre-filter N differentiators up-sampler N integrators

Figure 6: Extended CIC-interpolator for an up-sampling factor L

s(kT ) I 1-z1 -1 M M I1 - z-1 M HPF (z) s(nMT )

N integrators down-sampler N differentiators post-filter

Figure 7: Extended CIC-decimator for a down-sampling factor M

modified CIC-filter
time-variant implementation
s(kT ) HI,PF (z) I1 - z-1 M L I 1-z1 -1 M M I1 - z-1 M HD,PF (z) s(nMT / L)

pre-filter NI differentiators up-sampler NI +ND integrators down-sampler ND differentiators post-filter

Figure 8: Sample rate conversion by rational factor M using the extended versions of CIC-interpolator and -decimator

5 CIC-filters for sample rate conver- 6 Polynomial filters for sample rate
sion by rational factors conversion by rational factors
Until now we have only dealt with integer factor sample rate Spline-interpolators as well as extended CIC-interpolators
conversion, namely interpolation and decimation. But the are special types of polynomial interpolation filters using
required sample rate conversion factor can be any rational the generalized interpolation (6). An example of poly-
or even irrational number. Assuming that each irrational nomial interpolation filters using the traditional interpola-
factor can be sufficiently approximated by some rational tion (2) are the Lagrange-interpolators. That means that for
factors, only rational factors will be treated. all these interpolators of a given order N, the number of
To realize sample rate conversion by arbitrary rational concatenated polynomials Np and the coefficients ci, j (see
factors, an interpolator and a decimator have to be cascaded. eq. (5)) are predefined. However, sometimes it is necessary
Using an extended CIC-interpolator of order NI and an ex- to design a filter with some certain characteristics, which
tended CIC-decimator of order ND leads to the structure are not covered by special filters. Some filter design strate-
shown in figure 8. Although this solution seems simple, gies are dicussed in [2] and [11]. A detailed comparison of
there is a big problem. The intermediate signal between a lot of special polynomial filters can be found in [4]. Fig-
interpolator and decimator as well as the whole integrator ures 9 and 10 show an example of an optimized polynomial
section is clocked L-times the input sample rate. Such im- filter, where in contrast to the B-splines the transfer zeros
plementations will overstrain any feasible hardware. But in the stopband (potential aliasing components) are spread
there are two facts from which it is possible to take advan- getting a wider stopband. This filter looks very similiar to
tage: 1) the integrator section is fed with L-1 zeros between the so-called o-MOMS, which perform the best signal re-
each pair of input samples, and 2) the integrator section cre- construction for a given effort [15].
ates output samples which will never be used by the follow- A cascade of up-sampler, polynomial filter, and down-
ing differentiator section because the down-sampler drops sampler permits sample rate conversion by arbitrary ratio-
all samples except each Mth sample. The combination of nal factors. Still, we have the same problems as cascad-
the integrator section with the up-sampler and the down- ing CIC-interpolators and -decimators. A implementation
sampler can be realized by a periodically time-variant sys- which avoids the high intermediate sample rate and creates
tem, clocked either at input or output sample rate. For a de- only the required output samples, is the so-called Farrow
tailed discussion of the time-variant (modified) CIC-filters structure (see fig. 11) [12]. The Farrow structure consists of
see [10, 14]. Meanwhile the CIC-filters have a multiplier- N FIR-filter branches and the length of each branch filter is
free structure, their time-variant implementation requires Np . The fixed coefficients ci, j describe the impulse response
multipliers now. The required hardware effort is compa- h(t) = i pi (t) (see eqs. (4) and (5)). More details about the
rable with that of the Farrow-structure (see next section). Farrow structure can be found in e.g. [2, 12, 13, 14].
s(kT ) or
c(kT ) z-1 z-1

control(nMT /L)
+ + + srek (nMT / L)
j=1 ci, j ci, j ci, j

+ + +
j=2 ci, j ci, j ci, j

+ +
j=N ci, j ci, j ci, j

-1 i=
-2 i=-
Np (nMT / L)
2 2 2

Figure 11: Farrow structure realizing sample rate conversion by means of polynomials of length T

j=1 j=2 j=N

+ + + z-1
- 2p ci, j ci, j ci, j z-1

+ + + z-1 +
- 2p +1 ci, j ci, j ci, j


s(nMT / L) or
+ + + z-1 +
c(nMT / L)
2 -1 ci, j ci, j ci, j
and dump
s(kT )
(kT ) control(nMT /L)

Figure 12: Transposed Farrow structure realizing sample rate conversion by means of polynomials of length MT / L

It is important to remark repeatedly that the length A very detailed derivation of this structure can be found in
of the polynomials pi (t) are bounded to the input sam- [14]. The transposed Farrow structure is very similiar to
ple period T . Thats why, the Farrow-structure is not a the original one. There is only an additional integrate and
very suitable choice for sample rate conversion by ratio- dump unit required. For more details see [13, 14]. The
nal factors. This is because the Farrow-structure can only length of the polynomials pi (t) are now bounded to the
realize interpolation filters which are in fact very good anti- output sample period MT / L.
imaging filters, but what we really need are anti-aliasing It is very interesting that the same filter coefficients ci, j
filters. Thus, if the impulse response h(t) is built up by can be used for both structures, resulting in an interpola-
polynomials of length MT / L instead of T , it would be pos- tion or a decimation filter, respectively. Hence, all well in-
sible to design anti-aliasing filters. Or equivalently, if the vestigated interpolation algorithms like spline or Lagrange
impulse response h(t) of the interpolation filters we dealt interpolation can be used for decimation and sample rate
with in this paper, is scaled in time by the factor M/ L, the conversion by rational factors, too. Of course, scaling the
frequency response will be scaled by L/ M, thus transform- filter h(t) in time means that the interpolation constraint (3)
ing the image rejection into an aliasing rejection property. is no longer hold, but it does not matter, because we do not
The transposed Farrow structure is exactly the looked for want to reconstruct the whole signal s(t) but only prevent
counterpart of the (original) Farrow structure (see fig. 12). aliasing distortions within the channel of interest.
A second solution is to truncate the infinite impulse re-
1 truncated impulse response sponse and implement this windowed filter as a stable FIR-
of overall system
filter. It is quite sensible to merge this FIR-filter with a
0.8 prior or following filter task (possibly matched filtering) by
convolution of both impulse responses.
0.6 A third solution is to take use of the zero-pole cancella-

tion technique. The idea is to cascade the unstable pre- or

0.4 post-filter HPF (z) and a FIR-filter having at least zeros at the
optimized poly N
nomial based filter unstable poles of HPF (z). Since the frequency and phase re-
0.2 sponse of the pre- or post-filter should not be deteriorated,
the additional FIR-filter is a linear-phase, approximated all-
0 pass. To show its simplicity an example for the cubic spline
interpolation (N = 4) is given. The transfer function of the
unstable pre-filter is HPF (z) = 6/ (z-1 + 4 + z1 ) (see tab. 1).
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4
normalized time t=k T/L The simplest possible transfer function of a suitable allpass
approximation is
Figure 9: Impulse response of a cubic (N = 4) optimized 1
polynomial based interpolation filter with L = 5
Happrox. allpass (z) = (zD + Cz + z-D ) (26)
Cz + 2
with D + . The parameter Cz determine the placement
20 N
of the transfer zeros, and D determine the number of zeros.
Sensible values of D are in the range [3 . . . 8]. Thus, the
transfer function of the approximated pre-filter is
6 zD + Cz + z-D
20 N
H () 4
Happrox.PF (z) = 1 (27)
Cz + 2 z + 4 + z-1
attenuation in dB

40 Hoptfilter()
where the scaling factor 6/ (Cz + 2) can be neglected in most
practical cases (see fig. 13). The coefficient Cz depends on
the location of the transfer poles p1 and p2 and is
Cz = - ApD
1 + p2 E
100 For
0 the cubic spline-interpolator
0 the poles are at p1 = -2 +
3 and p2 = -2 - 3.
120 The drawback of this solution is that the unstable poles
0.5 0 0.5
normalized frequency F=/(2*)
must be exactly cancelled by zeros. Therefore Cz must not
be rounded. However, this again is equivalent to the trun-
Figure 10: Frequency response of a cubic (N = 4) opti- cation of the infinite impulse response of the pre- or post-
mized polynomial based interpolation filter with L = 5 filter. The window length is 2D - 1 samples for the example

7 Realizing the pre- and post-filter 8 Conclusions

Normally the reconstruction filter h(t) is symmetric and This paper has given a short overview about traditional and
has finite support (duration). Therefore, the digital filter generalized interpolation algorithms as well as their imple-
hS (k T ) = h(t)t=kT or hS (k MT / L) = h(t)t=kMT / L , re- mentation as digital filters. It was marked that interpolation
spectively, is a linear phase FIR-filter. The pre- or post- filters are anti-imaging filters undoing the process of sam-
filter hPF () is chosen as the inverse function of hS () (see pling. Furthermore, it was stressed that sample rate con-
eq. (10)), transforming the zeros of HS (z) = Z {hS ()} to version by rational factors require anti-aliasing filters more
poles of HPF (z) = Z {hPF ()}. Thus, the pre- or post-filter than anti-imaging filters. This is because not the whole sig-
is a linear-phase IIR-filter, especially an all-pol filter. Since nal s(t) needs to be to reconstructed but only the channel
some poles of HPF (z) are outside the unit circle, the pre- or of interest must be prevented from aliasing errors. Scaling
post-filter is unstable. However, there are some ways tack- the interpolation filters in time and frequency meets the re-
ling this problem. quested requirements on the reconstruction filters.
One solution is to split the pre- or post-filter in its stable The so far used interpolation constraint has always led
and its unstable part (for details see [5]). However, this is to the Farrow structure. As the Farrow structure has been
only possible, if the input signal can be processed in blocks Obviously, the first solution does inherently the same. The window

which is the case in image processing. length is equal to the block length of the input signal.
z-1 z-D

+ Cp Cz +

z-1 z-D

s(kT ) + + c(kT )

0 post-filter for0cubic spline-interpolators or -decimators (N = 4), respec-

Figure 13: Stable and causal approximated pre- or
tively. The parameters are Cp = 4, Cz = -[(-2 + 3)D + (-2 - 3)D ] , D +

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