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Milda Sakalauskaite

October 2013

7th semester Dissertation

Bachelor of Architectural Technology and Construction Management

Sustainable Zero Energy Buildings

Pushing Sustainable Kindergarten Building to the Absolute Zero

Written by: Milda Sakalauskaite

Supervisor: Bos Srensen

VIA University College, rhus, Denmark

Date: October 2013
Milda Sakalauskaite

October 2013



TITLE OF THE REPORT: Sustainable Zero Energy Buildings;

Pushing Sustainable Kindergarten Building to the Absolute Zero


AUTHOR: Milda Sakalauskaite

DATE/SIGNATURE: 25.10.2013



NUMBER OF PAGES (2400 characters per page): 30

GENERAL INFORMATION: All rights reserved no part of this publication may

be reproduced without the prior permission of the

NOTE: This report was compiled as part of the

Constructing Architect education every
responsibility concerning guidance, instructions or
conclusions is hereby renounced.

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October 2013


This dissertation is a part of 7th semester final examination for the Bachelor of Architectural
Technology and Construction Management education. The writing theme is chosen in
connection to final 7th semester project, which is a kindergarten project in Denmark
(Brnehaven Bkdalen). This report belongs to the sustainability theme group. Topic
Sustainable Zero Energy Buildings with a focus sub topic Pushing Sustainable
Kindergarten Building to the Absolute Zero is also chosen freely wanting to look deeper in
sustainable zero energy houses designing processes and challenges for the architects and
engineers; also taking in consideration peoples, who are the users of such houses, opinion.

I would like to thank my consultant Bo Srensen for helping me to write this report, for all
the good advices and inspiration.
Also Maurice Eggen, sales manager of company Thermoflor b.v., for advices related Green
Building design also giving a book where I found many interesting ideas related indoor
Chistensen & Co Architects for short interview via phone about Solhuset project.
Architect Nicholas Bjrndal I have met in a Building Green exhibition, who told me about
architects experiences and expectations for the future regarding sustainability and energy
efficient building improvements.
Nijole Sakalauskiene, pedagogue and teacher from Lithuania for helping to find pedagogical
information about children and their needs, also for advices from practical point of view.

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This report is a result of researches and empirical data gathering in different fields. In the
report I am analyzing a concept of Sustainable Zero Energy Kindergarten and possibility to
build such a building in Denmark in the nearest future. Everyone wants to live in healthier
environment so by building sustainable, green buildings architects and building owners
show that they care about their living environment. But maybe there is even more rational
way to take care of our living environment? By pushing Environment friendly buildings to
produce as much energy as it uses; having zero carbon emission building could make even
less harm for the environment and function by itself according to occupants needs. Also
from the first sight no energy bills sounds very seductively. But why these buildings are
not a part of our everyday life? This question is going to be answered in this report.

First the reader is going to be introduced to Sustainability meaning and Zero Energy
Buildings concept. After that the main problem becomes what architect must consider
wanting to design Sustainable Zero Energy Building. Here I am presenting the biggest issues
related to both of these types of the building. After general theory is presented; Danish
situation is being analyzed following with some building examples. Second part of the report
is turning to kindergartens requirement analysis and what kind of the challenges architect
will meet during Sustainable Zero Energy kindergarten buildings design process. At the end
real possibility of building Sustainable Zero Energy Kindergarten in the nearest future is
analyzed and what kind of influence such a building will have for people.

The report is not only orientated to architects, and designers; building users also is a big part
of the project because Sustainable Zero Energy Building could never function efficiently
without its occupants using it responsibly.

Key words: Sustainability, Zero Energy Building, Green Design, Renewable Energy,
Kindergarten, Environment.

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List of contents

1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 7
1.1. Problem statement ..................................................................................................................... 7
1.2. Research questions ..................................................................................................................... 7
1.3. Reasons of choice........................................................................................................................ 7
1.4. Background info .......................................................................................................................... 8
1.5. Delimitation ................................................................................................................................ 8
1.6. Choices of theoretical basis ........................................................................................................ 8
1.7. Overall structure and rationalization of report .......................................................................... 9
2. Understanding the Sustainability.................................................................................................. 10
2.1. What is Sustainability? .............................................................................................................. 10
2.2. Sustainable Building .................................................................................................................. 10
2.3. Energy Efficiency ....................................................................................................................... 11
3. Zero Energy Building ..................................................................................................................... 13
4. Sustainable Zero Energy Building .................................................................................................. 14
4.1. Building design and orientation efficiency................................................................................ 14
4.2. Materials ................................................................................................................................... 15
4.3. Energy sources .......................................................................................................................... 16
4.4. Water ........................................................................................................................................ 20
4.5. Ventilation................................................................................................................................. 22
4.6. Heating and cooling .................................................................................................................. 22
4.7. Lighting ...................................................................................................................................... 23
4.8. Sound level ................................................................................................................................ 24
4.9. Waste reduction........................................................................................................................ 25
4.10. Smart energy management .................................................................................................. 25
4.11. Inhabitant behavior............................................................................................................... 25
5. Denmark........................................................................................................................................ 26
5.1. Danish situation ........................................................................................................................ 26
5.2. Building Regulation analysis...................................................................................................... 26
5.3. Short statistics ........................................................................................................................... 27
5.4. Case analysis ............................................................................................................................. 28
5.4.1. Sustainable Building example ............................................................................................... 28

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5.4.2. Zero Energy Houses .............................................................................................................. 29

5.4.3. Solhuset Active house ........................................................................................................ 30
6. Kindergarten as Sustainable Zero Energy Building ....................................................................... 31
6.1. Children psychology and building function............................................................................... 32
6.1.1. Needs .................................................................................................................................... 32
6.1.2. What can be different comparing to a traditional kindergarten? ........................................ 33
6.1.3. How children can be involved in building sustainable community?..................................... 33
6.2. Extra architectural challenges and possible solutions .............................................................. 34
7. Conclusions ................................................................................................................................... 35
7.1. Why to build? ............................................................................................................................ 35
7.2. How a perfect example of Sustainable Zero Energy Kindergarten in Denmark would look like
today? .................................................................................................................................................. 35
7.3. Last word................................................................................................................................... 36
List of references................................................................................................................................... 38
List of illustrations ................................................................................................................................. 42
Appendix A ............................................................................................................................................ 44
Appendix B ............................................................................................................................................ 45

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1. Introduction

1.1. Problem statement

The purpose of this dissertation is to make a deep research about sustainable zero energy
buildings in Denmark. To analyze possibilities combining zero energy building designs and
sustainable building designs having Danish kindergarten building concept in mind.

1.2. Research questions

What is sustainable building and what is zero energy house?

What does it take to build sustainable zero energy building?
Is it worth for an architect and client to challenge themselves and choose to build sustainably
friendly zero energy building in Denmark? (pros and cons)
Why to build that kind of the kindergarten building is worth and more challenging than other
kind of building?

1.3. Reasons of choice

Danish building regulations are getting stricter every minute. Analysing them we could spot
few requirements which are getting tight and facing to the future. This time I would like to
pay attention to two very important subjects: energy and sustainability.
What do I mean saying energy? Everybody can say that zero energy buildings are the
future and not that far from now all of the new constructed buildings will have to meet zero
energy buildings requirements. Everybody who works in building sphere can feel it.
Another subject is environment. Nowadays sustainable buildings are very popular and there
are many reasons why (peoples health, fashion etc.). Even though Danish regulations is
does not require having only sustainable constructions in the buildings, but the materials
used to design the building cannot be harmful. So greener the building is better for the
people it is.
Focusing on my bachelor project kindergarten, I would like to analyse exact this case in my
dissertation. Every parent wants his/her children to live in good, healthy environment. So
natural/green/sustainable kindergarten building and surroundings definitely will have
influence on childrens welfare. I would like to analyse several environment friendly
kindergarten concepts and try to find the way how to push this kind of concept to be zero
energy building. According to my early researches there not that many architects who are
challenging themselves to create zero energy houses, so my idea is quiet radical. I would like
to find an answer to this question: Is it possible to push the sustainably designed Danish
kindergarten project to be a zero energy building? And is it worth doing it?

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1.4. Background info

Before starting to write this report I have had only very abstract knowledge about
Sustainable Buildings and Zero Energy Houses. I have written a report related to Green
Buildings in third semester of my Constructing Architects education, it was the only deeper
knowledge I have had before starting the research for this report. Taking in consideration
that third semester report was written with a main focus on materials, in this dissertation
materials is not going to be a main subject.

Regarding kindergarten design: during my practical placement I have been working on a

private primary school and kindergarten building and it was a big experience which had
influence for choosing this type of building as a dissertation topic.

1.5. Delimitation

In this dissertation I am more focusing on architects/designers team focus points and

challenges which they are going to meet designing Sustainable Zero Energy Building. I am
going to present basic theory of Sustainability and Zero Energy Building concept but instead
of digging too deep and writing about influence of material choice or renewable energy
source appliances for Sustainable Zero Energy Building, I am going to focus on work in the
architect office, what extra analysis they have to do to design such a building, what
challenges they are going to meet, what do the architects think about Sustainable Zero
Energy Building design possibility. In this dissertation theoretical part is going to be as short
as possible helping for a reader to understand what I am going to talk about in analysis

1.6. Choices of theoretical basis

During collection of information I have made a wide research on internet first. It helped me
to understand the basics of Sustainability and Zero Energy Building concept place in
nowadays building industry. It also helped me to understand how I want to write this report
and where the main goal of analysis has to be orientated. For deeper research of theory I
have been using books and articles as well as lectures related to subject I found on internet.
I have also visited Building Green exhibition in Copenhagen October 10 where I have talked
with sustainable design, construction and environment orientated contractors, architects,
engineers and other. There I have got knowledge about innovative materials, newest
possibilities and ways how building design can be improved to more sustainable, also energy
efficient. I have been analyzing several Sustainable design cases including Active Houses,
Passive Houses, and Green buildings. Also I could not write this report without consulting
with architects. The last part of report is made consulting pedagogue and reading material
about kindergarten designs. Also a big help was my practical placements experience where i
had been working on a kindergarten and primary school project in Lithuania.

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1.7. Overall structure and rationalization of report

This report is based half on theoretical researches half on real case analysis. In first part of
the report I present Sustainable Building concept as well as Zero Energy Building. Then
based on theoretical researches and knowledge collected contacting contractors and
architects I write theoretical possibility of having Sustainable Zero Energy Building. This part
of report is written focusing what architect (building designer team) has to have in mind
during the process of creating Sustainable Zero Energy House design.

Second part of this report is written with a focus on Danish situation. I analyze is it worth
taking such a challenge for architect office to create Sustainable Zero Energy Building. Does
it pay off? What are the biggest challenges and what are opinions of architects about it?
The last part of this report is about possibility to have Sustainable Zero Energy Kindergarten
in Denmark. Here I will analyze pros and cons of such a project and present real possibility
of making it reality nowadays or in the nearest future.

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2. Understanding the Sustainability

2.1. What is Sustainability?

In the dictionaries the noun sustainability is described as the quality of not being harmful to
the environment or depleting natural resources, and thereby supporting long-term
ecological balance. (, n.d.)

Nowadays terms Sustainable and Sustainability are used to describe many different
approaches; therefore sustainability does not have rigid definition. In the building industry
it is mostly used when talking about using the resources of the planet without damaging
the environment now or in the future. And from here it comes that during the design and
building process architects, engineers, contractors and everyone who is working on the
project must focus towards the long-term view of how our actions affect future generations
and making sure we don't deplete resources or cause pollution at rates faster than the earth
is able to renew them. (Sustainability Store, n.d.)

2.2. Sustainable Building

In different sources Sustainable Building can be also called Green Building. Anyway it refers
to the same environmentally friendly building design. The word design in here is just a
key, the Sustainable Building concept does not end up with having simple building made of
environmentally friendly materials. During whole life of such a building it is very important
to have sustainability in mind. Starting from idea and design in the architects office,
following by management on the construction site, finishing by the building users and
demolition, everyone has to keep sustainability in mind. Creating sustainable environment
in the building collaboration is the most important thing.

The origins of sustainable building designs lie in ageless vernacular architecture. Exactly that
kind of construction that was practiced for most of human history and continues to be
practiced in what we in the West call the Third World. This approach relies on simple,
renewable, and naturally insulation materials and passive strategies like thick walls, and
natural ventilation to keep houses cool in summer and retain heat in winter. Roughly one-
third of worlds population continues to live in such architecture. The lessons it offers for
building environmentally responsible and energy efficient housing remain as valuable and
easy to copy as ever. (Alanna Stang, 2005, p.13)

Everyone can imagine that living in sustainable building has a lot of benefits. But here I
would like to point out that there are two different angles how we can look at its benefits:
With the focus on reducing environmental impact

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Focusing on healthier living conditions of building use

In general The Green Building concept was created having environmental impact in mind. It
is obvious that it aims to reduce the environmental impact; but a new building will never
reduce it, no matter what kind of sustainable solution have been made, a new building has a
negative impact just by being built. In another hand buildings are going to be built so why
not to choose less harmful way of doing it?

This question gives a hint what kind of solutions can be done having sustainable design in
mind. The biggest issues in this case are:
Energy Efficiency (Renewable Energy)
Water Efficiency
Preferable Building Materials and Specifications
Waste Reduction
Toxics Reduction
Indoor Air Quality
Sustainable Development
(U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2012)

When talking about the building user well being the list has a slight difference:

Reducing operating costs

Improve air and water quality
Enhance and protect biodiversity and ecosystems
Conserve and restore natural resources
Optimize life-cycle economic performance
Reduce waste streams
Enhance occupant comfort and health
Improve overall quality of life
(U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2012)

From those points it is visible that sustainable building has not only environmental, but also
social and economic benefits. Building designed in harmony with nature is a big challenge
for its designers but it obviously pays off after.

2.3. Energy Efficiency

One of the main focus points nowadays is energy. Sustainable buildings often include
measures to reduce energy consumption including embodied energy which has to be
extracted, building process related energy such as transportation, construction site work
such as material installation related energy, not forgetting operating energy to provide

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services such as heating and power for equipment. As high-performance buildings use less
operating energy, embodied energy has assumed much greater importance and may make
up as much as 30% of the overall life cycle energy consumption. (NAHB Research Centre,

Lower embodied energy materials may also have a big influence for reducing energy
consumption (ref. to chap. 4.3. Materials).
To reduce operating energy usage designers pay attention to the details that ensures
building envelope air tightness; having extra insulation in wall, roof and floor constructions,
choosing high-performance windows also improves operating energy performance.
Architect also may use other strategies to improve energy efficiency of the building, for
example choosing to orient windows and walls and place awnings, porches, and trees to
shade windows and roofs during the summer while maximizing solar gain in the winter.
(Tasmayee Laha Roy, 2012) Effective window placement also improves natural lightning of
the building and reduces the need of electric lightning.

Active energy sources are also an option to combine with passive ones. Renewable energy
sources are:

Anaerobic digestion
Solar energy
Wind power
Figure 1

Figure 2 Figure 3

Some of those renewable energy sources can be used only in special conditions but
geothermal and solar energy is possible to use in almost any building case (wind generators

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getting more popular for private energy generating, not only for public). Consideration to
use renewable energy sources to generate energy for the building will reduce
environmental impact significantly but it also very expensive features to add to building.

3. Zero Energy Building

Talking about energy second focus point of this thesis comes to mind: zero energy building

At the heart of the Zero Energy Building (ZEB) concept is the idea that buildings can meet all
their energy requirements from low-cost, locally available, nonpolluting, renewable sources.
At the strictest level, a ZEB generates enough renewable energy on site to equal or exceed its
annual energy use. (P. Torcellini, S. Pless, M Deru, D. Crawley, 2006)

But after this it gets really confusing what actually is real Zero Energy Building. A good ZEB
definition should first encourage energy efficiency, and then use renewable energy sources
available on site. (P. Torcellini, S. Pless, M Deru, D. Crawley, 2006)

It means that a building which buys its energy off its site (f.ex. public wind farm) is not
exactly zero energy house anymore. But some sources proofs that it can still be a ZEB.
Efficiency measures or energy conversion devices such as day lighting or combined heat
and power devices cannot be considered on-site production in the ZEB context.

Passive solar heating and day lighting are demand-side technologies and are considered
efficiency measures. Energy efficiency is usually available for the life of the building;
however, efficiency measures must have good persistence and should be checked to make
sure they continue to save energy. It is almost always easier to save energy than to produce
energy. (P. Torcellini, S. Pless, M Deru, D. Crawley, 2006)

To make it easier to understand I would like to present 4 classifications of Zero Energy

Building concept. These classifications are made having in mind how ZEB requirement is
being achieved.

Net Zero Site Energy: A site ZEB produces at least as much energy as it uses in a year,
when accounted for at the site.
Net Zero Source Energy: A source ZEB produces at least as much energy as it uses in a
year, when accounted for at the source. Source energy refers to the primary energy
used to generate and deliver the energy to the site. To calculate a buildings total
source energy, imported and exported energy is multiplied by the appropriate site-to-
source conversion multipliers.

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Net Zero Energy Costs: In a cost ZEB, the amount of money the utility pays the
building owner for the energy the building exports to the grid is at least equal to the
amount the owner pays the utility for the energy services and energy used over the
Net Zero Energy Emissions: A net-zero emissions building produces at least as much
emissions-free renewable energy as it uses from emissions-producing energy sources.
(P. Torcellini, S. Pless, M Deru, D. Crawley, 2006)

Zero Energy Building concept is a result of evolution of low energy design concept where
the first built example in the world was Passive House (German Passivhaus) in Germany
(Darmstadt, Germany 1990). As a fact it can be stated that the beginning of ZEB was in 1988
May, when Bo Adamson (professor of Lund University, Sweden) and Wolfgang Feist
(Institute for housing and the Environment, Germany) created the concept of Passive
House. Even though it seems that there has been made a lot of progress in building industry
during those 25years, nowadays it is still a big challenge for an architect to design and build
Zero Energy House.

4. Sustainable Zero Energy Building

Now when it is clear what Sustainable Building is and what Zero Energy Building is; a third
part of dissertation comes. Is it possible to combine those two and have one Sustainable
Zero Energy House? As long as Sustainability direction is not opposite to Zero Energy
Housings idea it seems to be possible and very logical way to improve building industry.
But why no one accepts the challenge to build such a building? What does it take to create
Sustainable Zero Energy Buildings design?

It is logical that Sustainable ZEB must reach Green Houses demands at the same time
reaching demands for ZEB. So it means that architect must take double challenge designing
such a building. In this chapter I would like to talk about what must be taken in
consideration during design process of Sustainable ZEB.

4.1. Building design and orientation efficiency

Size of the building is very important factor for building to be sustainable, different sources
say that smaller building is better than bigger. Of course building a smaller house will save
materials, time and energy so it will make a smaller environmental impact, but in another
hand it is very important to think of using every square meter of the building. Bigger

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building has bigger roof area which can be used for water collecting or solar panels
installation. So architect has to find an optimal size of the building. Then it comes to the
form of the house. Basic design methods apply here: less complicated form works better not
only taking in consideration heat loss though building envelope but also possibility to install
renewable energy appliances, saving building materials etc.

Land use and location bust be taken in consideration as well. Every architect analyses
situation plan before starting to design any kind of a building. Having sustainability in mind,
the designer has to think about making as little changes on the plot as possible. It means
that the building has to work well together with existing land surface, trees, bushes etc. But
at the same time designing Zero Energy Building very important becomes orientation of the
house, because it will affect many aspects of possibility to get sources for producing energy,
harvesting water, lighting of the building.

4.2. Materials

Creating any kind of building design architect has to choose materials the constructions are
going to be built of. The key words of choosing sustainable materials are: renewable,
reused, recyclable/recycled and of course local. But in case of Sustainable Zero Energy
Building extra attention must be paid to material performance and construction efficiency.

The easiest way for architect to choose materials is paying attention to certification systems
such as LEED. For example, wood products certificated by the Forest Stewardship Council
(FSC), low- emission paints certified as meeting Green Seal standards, and low- emission
carpets certified by the Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI) are typical international programs that
both provide assurance that products comply with their standards and are referenced in
building assessment systems. (Charles J. Kibert, 2013, p. 369) Another relatively new and
popular certification system is called Cradle to Cradle. Cradle to Cradle review criteria are:
Material health, Material reutilization, Renewable energy and Carbon Management, Water
stewardship, Social fairness. (Anon., 2011) So checking material certification is the safest
way of choosing materials.

Another factor when deciding materials and constructions is material embodied energy.
Constructions made of lower embodied energy materials will have a better u-value and will
passively help to save energy for the house. Energy saving through the choice of building
envelopes materials is one of simplest but most effective ways towards reaching Zero
Energy Buildings requirements.

A truly green building should be composed of several green materials. In general taking
whole close- loop building materials must be recyclable, harmless in production and in use,

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products must be disassemblable and whole building must be possible to deconstruct.

(Charles J. Kibert, 2013, p. 360)

4.3. Energy sources

By choosing energy sources for Sustainable Zero Energy Building architect defines how the
building is going to function whole its lifetime. There are many different renewable energy
sources to choose from. The main questions are about possibility to install fixtures for
energy production, price of fixtures, space requirements and of course efficiency. Some of
energy sources are being used to produce only electricity, some heat, some both: heat
and electricity. In this chapter I would like to present most common energy sources and
their use to give an idea what could be used in any building case and what can be installed
only having special conditions.

Anaerobic digestion uses naturally occurring microorganisms to break down organic

materials and produce biogas, a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide. The biogas can
be combusted to produce renewable electricity, cleaned to pipeline natural gas
standards, or further processed into compressed natural gas fuel. (Anonymous, n.d)

Figure 4

This energy producing method is not the most suitable for city buildings and cases when
the focus is one building. The main problems will be: getting material to start
fermentation and produce biogas also harvest energy gardens takes a lot of space. But
producing energy this way may be very good idea for environment friendly farms. It will
not only generate clean renewable energy but also will help to restore and maintain
healthy soils by using compost products and help to dispose the waste. It is still not very

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popular to have private anaerobic digestion garden because it is a very big investment.
Nowadays most of the energy got this way is being produced in Centralized Anaerobic
Digestion Management facilities.

Biomass is the oldest energy source of all possible. By burning different kind of biomass
energy can be produced because it contains stored energy. There are many different
kinds of biomass can be burned, for example wood or wood chips are the most popular
biomass, also it can be corn, grass, some types of garbage etc. This type of biomass is
mostly used to produce heat or electricity (by first producing heat).
It is easy to install biomass fixtures in buildings and there are many different on the
market. In another hand it is very old fashioned way of heating buildings and it requires
storage for material. The biggest disadvantage regarding environment is that burning
biomass releases carbon dioxide and by building Sustainable Zero Energy Building
architect prefers to avoid any extra pollution during lifetime of the building.

Geothermal energy is energy from the ground. Installing geothermal heat pump is very
effective method for reducing energy consumption in a building. It can be used not only
for heating but also for cooling. The ground is an attractive heat source or sink compared
to outdoor air because of its relatively stable temperature. (Charles J. Kibert, 2013, p.
283) There are two mayor
methods for connecting
heat pump systems with
the ground (Fig. 5): 1.
Horizontal it uses plastic
piping placed in horizontal
trenches to exchange heat
with the ground. This
system cost less and has
fewer requirements for
Figure 5
special skills and
equipment to install it. But it requires high land area so in most cases it cannot be used
in the city areas. 2. Vertical most common in city areas, especially in commercial
buildings. The main difference from horizontal piping system is that U-tube plastic piping
is placed in boreholes and manifolded in shallow trenches at the surface. (Charles J.
Kibert, 2013, p. 283) The temperatures in deeper level are more stable, soil is more
stable and it can be adapted to the most sites, also it does not require such a big ground
area as Horizontal piping system. The biggest disadvantage is the price, because to
install this system may require some extra soil tests and experienced installer.

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Geothermal heating/ cooling systems have been very successful renewable energy
systems. Nowadays it can be combined with ventilation system or even ground
produced heat converted to the electricity.

Hydropower. The most common type of hydroelectric power plant uses a dam on a river
to store water in a reservoir. Water released from the reservoir flows through a turbine,
spinning it, which in turn activates a generator to produce electricity. But hydroelectric
power doesn't necessarily require a large dam. Some hydroelectric power plants just use
a small canal to channel the river water through a turbine. () A small or micro-
hydroelectric power system can produce enough electricity for a home, farm, or ranch..
(Anon., n.d.)

The simple work principle and requirements for micro-turbine is explained in figure 6

Figure 6

As it is visible from the scheme, only in special conditions turbines can be installed and
productive. First it requires space and running water (a river normally) and usually it is
impossible to fulfil them in the city area, so using hydropower as a renewable energy
source is a good idea only in some cases.
Pointing out Danish situation - it is difficult to apply this method to produce electricity
here because there are almost no rivers. So only in very few areas it could be installed,

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but small turbines normally require fast water stream and it gives an extra problem
when considering this method.

Tidal energy generators (turbines) work under water capturing the kinetic motion of the
ebbing and surging tides in order to produce electricity. Work principle is similar to the
hydropower turbine work, but tidal turbines are designed to be placed in the ocean. It
has a large potential of producing a lot of energy. Therefore nowadays there is no case
of individual project using this energy source to fulfil its electricity needs.

Solar energy is normally used in 2 ways: to produce electric energy and to produce
heat/hot water.
Photovoltaic Cells generate electricity by allowing light pass through a silicon crystal. The
direct sun is not necessary for solar cells to be efficient; it is enough to have a normal
day light. Installing Photovoltaic Cells is generally a good solution and it is also very
popular way of getting energy. The system does not require any maintenance after
installation and it produces a consistent amount of electricity throughout its life. Also
modular panels can be easy scale-able to the electrical demand. The cost can be off-set
if panels are used to substitute roofing or cladding materials. (Tim Pullen, 2011, p. 147)
Even though it is very popular and successful product it is still being improved.
Nowadays it is possible to find coloured Cells (Fig. 7) which can be integrated in buildings
design and even to become an accent of the building character. Also scientists are
working on completely transparent modules, which could be integrated in windows.
(Fig. 8)

Figure 7 Figure 8

Solar Thermal Panels produce both: electricity and heat in the form of hot water. In
general the Thermal Panels are 25percent more efficient than equal Photovoltaic Cells.
But in another hand Thermal Panels are more seasonal than Photovoltaic Cells, it means
that Thermal Panels are less effective in less sunny days comparing to Solar Cells. Also
taking in consideration Solar Thermal Panels are more expensive.

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In many cases architect chooses to use both: Solar Cells and Solar Panels. In this case
Solar Panels are used to produce heat and hot water for the building, but there are
many argues about building looks, efficiency and cost in such solution. Maybe it is
better to use Geothermal heating instead of Solar panels?

Using Solar Power as a renewable energy source is very popular solution nowadays. The
sun is the ultimate source of all renewable energy but all solar technology is plagued by
the same problem the sun always sets. A sensible solar system would seem to be a
natural essential and welcome development. (Tim Pullen, 2011, p. 149)

Wind energy is the fastest growing form of energy production, with an estimated year-
on-year growth of 25percent. (Charles J. Kibert, 2013, p. 286) Wind turbine work
principle is quiet simple and similar to hydropower turbine, but in this case wind power
is used to produce energy. The wind energy turns two or three blades of the turbine
around a rotor; rotor is connected to the
shaft which spins a generator. Generator
produces electricity. Wind turbines can be
connected to an electricity grid or it can be
easily used for single buildings. The most
common wind turbines stand at around
30meters above the ground, but there are
small wind turbines suitable for building-
scale applications. There even are
innovative programs that can make their
incorporations into a building financially
feasible. (Charles J. Kibert, 2013, p. 286)
Figure 9

4.4. Water

Latest researches showed that approximately 35per cent of high quality water and energy
goes straight down to the toilet. (Tim Pullen, 2011). It is around 61000 liters of water for an
average toilet.
The most popular and efficient solution is rainwater harvesting. It will reduce bills for water
by promoting water and energy conservation. The rain water is being collected from the
roof (less popular parking lot etc.) and stored in a special water tank (made of concrete or
plastic, made of recycled polyethylene) which is normally installed under the ground in yard
or basement of the building. Simply collecting water is not enough, it has to be filtrated
(typically through 4 filters) and pumped from the tank to the appliances. Harvested
rainwater is normally used for grey water applications flushing the toilet, washing
machines () as the water is not clean enough to be used as drinking water (and generally

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it is not enough of it). Cleaning the water to potable standards can be done and it just needs
two extra filters; a mechanical filter typically stainless steel or glass granules which filters
particles down to five microns, and an ultra- violet light filter which kills bacteria. (Tim
Pullen, 2011, p.182) Of course those two filters is an extra cost to the system and it is a
reason why in most of the cases harvested rain water is being used only for grey water

Grey water recycling is one more option to improve water usage. Grey water from hand
washing, laundry, dishwashers, baths could be reused for toilet flushing or watering the
garden. Grey water system is easier to install comparing rain water harvesting system. It
does not rely on any specific kind of building or level of rainfall and can therefore be used in
any type of household. The amount of grey water available is largely dependent on whether
baths or showers are used, but in all cases make a significant contribution to overall water
contribution. (Tim Pullen, 2011, p.188)

Also a stepped, grass-covered green roof reduces the buildings overall impact on the
natural environment and controls storm water runoff. So it may be useful to take in
consideration green roof installation possibility. This solution not only helps to retain
rainwater but also helps to
moderate temperature of the
water and act as a natural filter
of the water when it happens
to run off. It also helps to
reduce cooling, creates natural
habitat which filters pollutants
and heavy metals out of
rainwater. There many other
not water related benefits of
having a green roof such as

Figure 10 increasing agricultural space,

better sound insulation it even
increases roof life span by protecting water proof membranes from UV light. In another
hand it may be expensive solution in some cases. Also it cannot be used if roof area is
planned for renewable energy source installation (f. ex. Solar panels).

Water use consumption can be reduced by simply choosing water saving appliances: spray,
push or sensor taps will save water by shutting off the water after using. It is very good
idea to use those taps in public institutions where appliance has to think for the people.
Installing dual flush toilets can cut water use by up to 20 per cent. Choosing to have showers
instead of baths will also be a good step towards saving water. (Tim Pullen, 2011)

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4.5. Ventilation

Ventilation has direct influence on indoor air quality. Everyone knows that by having natural
ventilation the freshest and healthiest air is going to be provided to building occupants. But
the biggest problem is meeting Zero Energy Buildings requirements.
The most used ventilation solution is installing Passive Ventilation System. Ventilation air
using natural forces to move the air, rather than mechanical systems, can also be provided,
greatly reducing the energy needed to move air. Passive ventilation can be accomplished by
using thermal chimney effect, whereby air normally rises due to heating, including airflow in
a generally vertical direction; or Venturi effect, whereby air movement is included by the
development of a low-pressure zone created by wind flow. (Charles J. Kibert, 2013, p. 256)

An alternative way to warm the incoming air and thereby

minimize the heat loss inherent in ventilation systems is to
use supply-air windows. These are double-glazed windows
with a third pane of glass on the outside with an inlet at the
bottom of the third pane and an outlet at the top of the
double-glazed unit so that incoming air passes behind the
third pane, gaining a little solar heat, and a little of the heat
leaving the house through the double glazing, and enters the
house a bit warmer. (Tim Pullen, 2009) But in many cases
Windows cannot be the only one ventilation solution used in
a building because of Building Regulation requirements.
Figure 11

Very important is to design the ventilation right, because normally providing ventilation to
the building means that by using fans, dampers and control systems air from outside will be
moved into the building while at the same time exact same amount of air from inside is
going to be moved to the outside. With the drive to achieve zero-carbon building architect
focuses on making house as tight as possible, and then the need for controlled ventilation
comes. A well-designed system will extract air from the right places and introduce the right
amount of fresh air. Get the design wrong and you have either a damp, stuffy house or one
that is cold and draughty. (Tim Pullen, 2009)

Even having a smart ventilating technology sometimes ventilation has to be increased just
according to occupants needs, so an old simple way of letting the air into the building
through the open window must be kept in mind.

4.6. Heating and cooling

Heating and cooling are very important to create a good indoor climate and comfortable
living conditions. In Sustainable Zero Energy House heating and cooling can be done

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traditional ways: floor heating installation or radiators, or installing heating and cooling
systems together with mechanical ventilation system may be an option. The most important
is how the energy is gained for the heating. (Ref. Chapter 4.4. Energy sources) When this
decision is made, it has to be in mind that heating and cooling system efficiency is
dependent on building envelopes construction and its tightness. Better building envelopes
u-value is less energy will be wasted. Right choice of windows (G-value) will also affect
heating/cooling of the building.
Smart Heating Control System can also help to reduce energy usage for heating/cooling by
taking control of temperature of the building. (Ref. Chapter 4.11. Smart energy

4.7. Lighting

The lightning fixtures and electric motors are one of the major electricity consumers in the
building. In order to lower energy consumption, lightning systems must be taken in

First the passive energy saving methods can be used. Choosing efficient shading, window
size and placement, also general house orientation can reduce energy consumption during
day time by maximizing the use of daylight. Choosing light colors dominating in interior can
also help to reduce lighting need.

Active method to reduce energy use on lighting is paying attention on lightning systems
installed. When specifying lighting, several technical terms are used for selecting the most
energy efficient and effective system for the application: efficacy, Color Rendering Index
(CRI), and color temperature. (Charles J. Kibert, 2013, p. 275) (Efficacy is measured in
lumens per watt (lm/W) and defines efficiency of lightning fixture. Higher efficacy means
more efficient lighting. CRI is a quantitative measure of the ability of a light source to
reproduce the colors of various objects faithfully in comparison with an ideal or natural light
source. Color temperature is measured in kelvins (K). It represents the appearance of light
and general feel of light (low number of kelvins gives warm feel, higher colder, closer
to natural lightning.)

To improve lighting performance and reduce electricity consumption several different active
lighting options can be analyzed:

Fluorescent Lighting easily controlled and energy

efficient lightning option. Modern linear fluorescent
lamps have good color rendering and are available
in many styles. (Charles J. Kibert, 2013, p. 276) It
means this type of lamps can be also applied in
many different designs.
Figure 12

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Fiber - Optic Lighting is generally energyefficient

and provides illumination over given area. It is easy
to install fixture. Fiber-optic lighting systems
provide many benefits and eliminate many
problems encountered with conventional lightning
systems. This technology is especially useful for
retail settings, supermarkets, museums because it
emits no heat or ultraviolet radiation. (Charles J.
Figure 13
Kibert, 2013, p. 276)
Light Emitting Diodes (LED) are evolving rapidly,
white light LEDs now are being produced that can
be used in many building applications. (Charles J.
Kibert, 2013, p. 276) This type of lighting is also
easy to install and control, for this reason LED
lighting is being widely used nowadays.
Figure 14
Lighting control systems helps to save energy by performing in two smart ways: 1. By
turning lights on and off to the response of presence or absence of occupants in the room.
2. by throttling lights up and down depending on the daylight amount in the room.

Of course responsible building user will think about light amount in the room and regulate
it himself, so the lighting control systems and the choice of lighting fixture will give
maximum efficient.

4.8. Sound level

Very important indoor climate factor is sound management. Choice of construction and
surfaces of constructions sound level and reverberation time can be managed. Architects
guide here can be Building Regulations, but how sound level can be improved in sustainable
way? Here comes ideas from companies providing innovative ways to manage sound issues
in buildings. In some cases using carpet as a floor covering material might be a great idea,
says Ege Carpets sales manager. For Sustainable building the carpet must be chosen
according several requirements: it has to be environment friendly, recyclable, and
certificated, all I have mentioned before. Furniture can be also chosen to reduce sound level
in building areas. Even plants can be considered to have in order to have shorter
reverberation time in big rooms, says Maurice Eggen.

Sound management is one of easiest to control factors to consider when designing

Sustainable Zero Energy Building; when other factors are taken care of. But it makes a big
influence for building occupants, their comfort and behaviour.

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4.9. Waste reduction

First thing what architect can do regarding waste reduction is Building Site Waste
Management. Accurate calculations for materials will help not to have extra material which
after building is finished becomes a waste. Also proper material delivery management will
help to avoid losses during storage period, as well as possibility for materials to get
damaged in storages.
Sorting of waste is also very important. Tim Pullen suggests to sort the waste before it hits
the skip and reuse everything possible. After that: to sort waste for recycling in separate
skips or areas. For example sorting metals may generate some income.
Environmentally friendly solution is also letting recycling company to take care of building
sites waste. They specialize on processing, recycling and energy recovery services so it
cannot be better way to take care of the last waste from the building.

Other type of waste is after building is finished and it has inhabitants. It is every day waste.
Here bigger responsibility take building users, but during building design process some good
thoughts also can be done. Comfortable waste recycling system will engage people start
recycling everyday waste. In some cases collecting compost can be also an option.

4.10. Smart energy management

To make all the architect decided ideas work more efficient smart building systems is the
best thing to consider. Buildings energy management system is a computer with software
that controls energy-consuming equipment to ensure that the building operates efficiently
and effectively. () In each building zone, a building authorization system and high-
bandwidth cabling connect all building telecommunications; heating, ventilation, air-
conditioning, fire, life and safety systems, lighting emergency power and security systems.
(Charles J. Kibert, 2013, p. 288) So the computer can take control of all fixtures and systems
in whole building and calculate energy consumption easily. By having everything controlled
it is easier to save energy in the building. Also to make more comfortable atmosphere for
building occupants; computers always have possibility to be regulated according to human

4.11. Inhabitant behavior

Architect can plan and design many things during design process, but the final result will be
reached by inhabitants of the building. It is very important that building users get
knowledge about the building they live (work or study) in. Proper using of all the
installations will give better result towards saving energy, waste management and creating
the best indoor climate possible.

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Smart building energy appliances may help to save energy, but it is still human who controls

So having Sustainable Zero Energy Building is impossible without inhabitant living

sustainable lifestyle.

5. Denmark

5.1. Danish situation

Regarding Sustainable and also Zero energy buildings Danish situation is one of the best in
the world. Maria Kordjamshidi calls Denmark a pioneer in energy rating in the EU. Denmark
started energy saving measurement in 1981. This country established a different type of
energy audit, known as the Act on the Promotion of Energy and Water Conservation in
Buildings. It comprises energy certificates for large and small buildings as well as for
industrial buildings, and for CO2 emissions in industry. (Maria Kordjamshidi, 2011, p. 12)

There is a rating system which is based on an energy inventory recorded by a qualified

specialist. It includes three parts:
1. Reports on water and energy consumption and CO2 emissions per annum as
compared with other similar buildings, on a rating scale from A1 to C5 (maximum to
minimum efficiency).
2. An energy plan (through which ways for saving energy and water in buildings are
proposed, with an estimation of the costs involved and annual savings for each one).
3. Information on the current state of the building in terms of its size, heating system
and energy usage, and the cost of energy and heating.
This rating system appears to be sufficiently comprehensive for conditioned buildings but it
is not able to deal with rating free running houses, owing to its dependency on the energy
base. (Maria Kordjamshidi, 2011)

5.2. Building Regulation analysis

In Danish Building regulations 2010 there are no demands for Zero Energy Buildings. It
means that so far there are not that many Zero Energy Building projects going on in
Denmark. In another hand there is a plan to be carbon neutral for every new building in
Denmark in year 2020. (Justin Gerdes, 2013)

Anyway here I would like to analyze Danish Building Regulations 2010, the chapters
regarding low energy buildings (Chapter Low Energy performance framework for
offices, schools, institutions etc. not covered by, because it is a start of Low Energy

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Performance Building requirements being included to the Building regulations and it leads
thinking towards Zero Energy Kindergarten design.

Danish Building Regulations 2010 Chapters and (Ref. Appendix 1) are
orientated towards saving energy. But the demands are challenging: for example the total
demand of the building for energy supply per square meter of heated area for regular
school building in 2010 must not exceed 71.3kW/sq.m/year (plus 1650kWh/year divided by
heated floor area), and to compare the same case if it was a low energy class building the
demand is 41 kW/sq.m/year (plus 1100kWh/year divided by heated floor area) so the
demand is going almost twice lower for low energy class building. As architect from
Chistensen & Co Architects said: it is easier to save energy than to produce it. The building
designers thoughts must always be first orientated towards saving energy and only then
covering the used energy by energy producing fixtures.(Appendix B) By this way of thinking
even zero energy building goals can be achieved.

Including demands for Low Energy Buildings to Building Regulations is a step forward, and
the next step would be including Zero Energy Building requirements to the Danish Building
regulations; step by step making Low Energy Building requirements a demand for all new
buildings. And after all of this Zero Energy building becoming a norm would be a perfect
pathway towards all new buildings being designed with a Zero in mind. But it is still future

5.3. Short statistics

Now I would like to look at the situation in Denmark right now. There are only few net-Zero
Energy Houses in Denmark by this date, fully functioning. It is a result of big financial
investment requirements, lack of new technologies and innovations which would not be
experimental. But Denmark is going towards sustainable building concept become a norm
by installing renewable energy generators for private and public buildings, renovating old
structures having sustainability in mind also by pushing Danish Building Regulation
requirements regarding energy, indoor requirements and materials.

For example solar panels have taken Denmark by storm over the past year after the
government introduced incentives to stimulate the market. Over 32,000 homes now have
solar panels, compared to about 3,600 at the turn of the year, though it is feared that as
many as ten percent may be installed incorrectly and result in damaged roofs. (Peter
Stanners, 2012) Such a situation represents that Danes desperately want to go green in
private sector. It is very a commendable feature for the nation open-minded thinking
regarding innovations and wanting to live in a healthier environment. Nowadays the rapid
increase in solar energy is mostly due to investments by private households and has helped
increase the share of Danish electricity produced by renewable sources toward the 35

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percent target set for 2020 and the 100 percent target for 2050. Denmark currently produces
22 percent of its electricity from renewable electricity though the 200MW produced through
solar will still only amount to about 0.5 percent of all the electricity produced in Denmark.
(Peter Stanners, 2012)
Architect companies and private architects are also working in this sector by creating
Environment friendly design concepts of different buildings and even Zero-energy and
sustainable housing complexes concepts. After deeper researches it is not very hard to see
Sustainable Zero Energy communities living in Denmark in the nearest future.

5.4. Case analysis

After presenting overall Danish situation I would like to analyze some real case examples:
Sustainable, Zero Energy and also Kindergarten buildings. It will give a clearer idea about the
situation today and where the ideas and technologies can bring building industry in nearest

5.4.1. Sustainable Building example

There are quiet many smart environmentally friendly buildings in Denmark today. As a
sustainable building example I
would like to choose Energy
Flex house designed by
Henning Larsen Architects.
Actually it is 2 identical
building project built in 2009
(Taastrup, Denmark); these
buildings still function as it
was planned by architects
even though it was partly an
experimental project for Figure 15
testing efficient constructional
solutions in 2 different ways: in office building condition (1st building) and family house (2nd
building). It is interesting project and very unique it is a fact that the building is not a final
product, but a tool to advance the innovation of ideas and prototypes that can be brought to
market. Its a flexible platform that can be easily adapted and modified by adding or
removing components to study various housing types. The facility opened in late 2009 and
has already generated valuable information for research of new sustainable systems.
(Branden Klayko, 2010)

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This building is made of environmentally friendly materials and with orientation to healthy
and sustainable lifestyle of the occupants. After building this case and recording how do the
building structures perform in different cases, making analysis it became easier to work on
other sustainable building projects and make them more efficient and comfortable.

5.4.2. Zero Energy Houses

Green Lighthouse is Denmarks first public carbon-neutral building. The building has been
built in less than a year in a close public and private partnership. Designed by Christensen &
CO Architects; built in 2010 Copenhagen, Denmark.

To reduce energy use and provide a holistic and healthy

indoor environment for students and faculty the
building was oriented to maximize its solar resources,
while windows and doors are recessed and covered
with automatic solar shades to minimize direct solar
heat gain inside the building. Plenty of the daylight and
natural ventilation is provided through skylights,
windows and the generous atrium. Intelligent state-of-
the-art technology has been applied: heat recovery
systems, photovoltaic panels, solar heating, LED Figure 16
lighting; phase change materials and geothermal
storage are just some of the technologies that are seamlessly integrated into the building.
(Velux group, n.d.)

But besides of all the innovative technologies this case does not fulfill expectations. Velux
agent says that the Green Lighthouse experiment, by function recordings of the building
show that existing tools such as BE06 and BE10 are not entirely realistic as they do not take
user behavior into account. (Velux group, n.d.) By building this project a very important
lesson has been learned users behavior is the key what makes building function.

Home for life is second case of

zero energy house in Denmark.
Designed by AART Architects,
located near Aarhus, this building
stared functioning in 2010 and it
has been more successful project
comparing to The Green
Lighthouse. It is also
experimental building case. By
Figure 17

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having a real family living in this house and recording their needs, building performance
issues can be analyzed.

In this building case large windows are used to cut down on the amount of indoor lighting
and mechanical ventilation need. It helps to improve heating issues and to get closer to zero
energy buildings goal. To reduce the risk of overheating, the windows are programmed to
open on their own to let in fresh air. Sensors in every room track the temperature, carbon
dioxide levels, and humidity, and a weather station on the roof monitors outside

The shape of the house made a big difference as well. Its overall surface area was kept to a
minimum because that is a major factor in heat loss. In addition, the tip of the roof is tilted
to the north, which increases its surface facing south. That side of the roof is covered with
solar panels, solar thermal collectors, and skylights, each of which plays an important part in
determining the house's overall energy budget.

Most of the construction is made of wood, with a few steel beams added for load-bearing
parts of the structure. Facades and roof are designed out of natural slate rather than brick,
which have a larger energy footprint. So it represents that Architects took a challenge to
design a building from materials which pays off the energy invested in the materials.
(according to Ellen Kathrine Hansen, 2010)

5.4.3. Solhuset Active house

The last real case analyzed is a kindergarten building located in Hrsholm Kommune,
Copenhagen. Designed by Chistensen & Co Architects this building has been build in 2010.
The concept is an active house. And this building is CO2 neutral and least self-sufficient in
energy by solar panels, solar cells and geothermal heating installation.

Building achieves requirements for the Energy Class 1(1) building - before the use of
renewable energy.

The windows are chosen and placed to provide a substantial part of the heat consumption
in the heating season. Also it is calculated that one Solhusets room has 3.5 times more
daylight as Danish Building Regulations requires today. Also the room layout is planned that
every room receives the daylight at least from two sides.

1. The Danish Building Regulations have introduced two low energy classes for new buildings in order to stimulate and
support the development of low energy solutions. Low energy class 1, i.e. 50% of the minimum requirement, is expected to
be made the minimum requirement in 2015. In order to ensure the continued development of low energy solutions that can
form the basis for meeting the future demands, it is necessary to demonstrate how low energy class 1 buildings can be
developed without significant influence on basic building techniques and economy. (Jorgen Rose, Jesper Kragh, Svend
Svendsen, 2008)

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Regarding ventilation the fresh air is ensured through the combination of automated natural
and mechanical ventilation with heat recovery.

Most of the building materials are recycled and certificated including Swan-labeled or
certificated indoor surfaces, paint, etc. Ti ensures that all the materials are sustainable, both
in terms of production, in the construction phase and in the subsequent use, maintenance
and disposal. (Normal Sloth, 2010)

Figure 18

This case is interesting that it is the first kindergarten building built not only with an idea
having it green and environment friendly, but also towards saving energy as much as it is
possible. Different from other extreme energy saving oriented buildings this one is not
experimental concept. It is designed for 100 children and with full occupancy the results are
very satisfying. Educating building users made the biggest change in this case, letting the
occupants (staff in this case) know how to use electronic appliances and how to act in a
building helps to follow the building performance plan which was simulated in architects
office. (Ref: Appendix B) It is a real case which shows that without cooperation with building
occupants, building cannot function properly and be fully effective.

6. Kindergarten as Sustainable Zero Energy Building

Here I would like to talk about a possibility of building a Sustainable Zero Energy
Kindergarten in Denmark. As I have mentioned before Denmark is very sustainability
orientated country and educational institutions one of the most influential organs of the
country. So creating an environment orientated atmosphere in an environment friendly
building where the youngest can learn healthy style of living seems to be an ideal way
towards orienting the entire nation towards green lifestyle.

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6.1. Children psychology and building function

In general designing a kindergarten is a big challenge for architect. Most of the architects
first study several existing kindergarten plans and functions, make questionnaires and then
design a new building according the results. It is interesting kind of the building because it
must be comfortable for very different ages of the people: from children under 1 year old to
very active children till 6 years old (in different countries age may vary), also not forgetting
grownups teachers, pedagogues, helpers etc.

Many of the kindergartens have their own unique learning plans for children of different
groups. The plans are made taking in consideration different age groups and seasons of the
year. The building can also have an influence on the year learning planning and way of
educating children. For example kindergarten Solhuset provides their education plan in their
website and it is visible that their education is orientated to sustainable living and ecology.
They have a possibility to educate children towards this direction and they do it. In this case
architects created conditions for pedagogues and children have activities related to green
lifestyle by designing sustainable building and environment friendly surroundings.
Children is the easiest to educate group of the people. In general children are curious and
very active people. Most of the things in kindergarten children learn by playing. There is no
theory practice in their world yet. They learn by watching, trying the things themselves. Also
a young child starts building his own personality not only by being with his parents but also
in a community kindergarten group. So many experiences in a kindergarten are influential
for his/her future.

Building is a start in this case. The surroundings children are being educated will not only
influence their educational program, but also give them opportunities to see what
sustainable building, how energy is being used and what to do to save it, how does it looks
and what does it feel to be in a healthy environment and etc. Simply learning to sort waste
will have an influence not only in a kindergarten lifestyle but at home as well. Sustainable
and healthy lifestyle can become a game everywhere while they are young and later it will
be just a habit.

6.1.1. Needs

As I have mentioned before the kindergarten must be a building designed for different
people: very young children, children till around 6 years old and grown up people who are
going to take care of children and kindergarten environment.

First safety needs: in general the building must be designed not to be dangerous for
children, easy to navigate; the location of the kindergarten building and its garden must be
safe easy to enter, entrance of the plot must be considered to be within a distance from big

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streets if possible and etc.

Indoor needs for comfortable interior exploitation. Besides fulfilling standard needs such as
toilet rooms, kitchen and cantina, group rooms, teacher/pedagogues room, technical
installation room architect has to think about zoning. It is very important that different
groups of children have interaction with each other, but having too much of it will cause a
noise, mess and lose of control. So By designing a zoned building architect solves a future
social problem. Of course different age groups of children have different needs: baby
nursery group (if considered to have in a same building) will have different needs comparing
to older children groups where main focus is learning activities and games. Also zone for
pedagogues and office must be considered as well.

Educational institutions, especially kindergartens have higher sound and ventilation

requirements according to Danish building regulations.

6.1.2. What can be different comparing to a traditional kindergarten?

Creating a Sustainable Zero Energy Kindergarten the main difference from a traditional
kindergarten will be energy solutions, material and construction choices, design nuances
etc. But what can be different that uneducated person can see and feel?

Materials create a first impression about the building. Choosing sustainable cladding
materials will give a right impression, also surfaces inside of a building helps to create cozy
and healthy indoor climate. Talking about indoor climate ventilation influences it a lot
(Ref. Chap. 4.6. Ventilation); as well as a choice of having lighter and more open spaces.
Alexander van de Beek, Sander Kroll and Peter Oei suggest increasing window area and also
having more plants inside of the building. They say that children perform better at school
when working in a clean, bright and green indoor environment. The use of greenery and
glass offers excellent opportunities for teaching children about the environment. Being
aware of energy management at the school helps pupils acquire a new perspective on living
and working. Also, presence of a butterfly garden or reptile biotope, for example, is a good
way of bringing extra experience and knowledge (). (Alexander van de Beek, Sander Kroll,
Peter Oei, 2010, p. 70)
Involving children into a building function is also a good idea of getting knowledge. What if
every child knows that he influences an energy performance of the building? What if there is
a possibility to simulate building performance?

6.1.3. How children can be involved in building sustainable community?

As a part of the community kindergarten first function is to educate. From the small days it
is very important that children pay attention to their surroundings and understand that

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everyone creates the environment they live at. It is important understanding and being
responsible. At his lecture Patric Bellew says that it is very important that the building users
know how to use it and a kindergarten is a fantastic opportunity to show this importance. So
it means that if children are going to be educated to absorb information about their living
surroundings, building opportunities and function their lifestyle will be more environment
friendly and building will function more efficient way comparing to if the building occupants
do not know how to use smart buildings appliances and what is the idea of buildings design.
By educating children at the same time their parents and relatives are being educated,
because child is a person who normally likes to share information and tell his/her
experiences. Grownups also tend to be interested in their children experiences and lifestyle
and by this way influence can be also made for all age groups, just by building a sustainable
kindergarten and adopting sustainability oriented pedagogical programs.

6.2. Extra architectural challenges and possible solutions

Architect always has to work for client and finances are a big part of architectural business.
Clients expectations and wishes sometimes can be a big challenge for building designers
team. Nowadays architects and building designers use modeling software to express their
ideas for the client and it makes the situation easier when talking about building design
(starting from layout of rooms and building shape; finishing cladding materials, colors and
textures). But another thing is financial issues: architect always has to balance between
good quality material choices, constructions, installations, etc. and the price client is willing
to pay.

Fitting a building to the area is also a great challenge for architect wanting to design any
kind of the building. But in Sustainable Zero Energy kindergartens situation makes
everything even more complicated, because this type of the building not only has to look
good and to give a welcome and safe feeling for people, the function of it is the most
important factor. This building has to work well for its occupants, the nature and itself. As
Douglas Farr said in his lecture High performance buildings must work together with high
performance infrastructure. It means that surroundings will make a big influence for
particular buildings function. For example before deciding to have a kindergarten, the need
of such a building must be analyzed taking in consideration the density of the area. It is very
important for sustainable lifestyle that there are no buildings just functioning half efficient
as they could. Environmentally friendly decision also would be choosing a public place (in
this case kindergarten) close to peoples home, that a need of the car is being lowered
down, this way instead of parking spaces green areas could be considered.

Many problems are being solved in architect offices using analytical modeling. It is a great
tool for architects to use and possible simulate peoples lifestyle, surroundings influence,

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energy flow etc. But in another hand the final product function depends on building users,
so as I have mentioned before building is not only a house, it is a tool for a lifestyle and it
has to be used with care and responsibility towards health and environment.

You dont have to lose anything from building a green building, it can be a great place to
work, play and live. (Patric Bellew, 2010)

7. Conclusions

7.1. Why to build?

Main reasons why whole the world is looking towards environmentally friendly lifestyle is
global warming reasons and common understanding that we- people- have to be
responsible for our actions and take care of the place we live. Architecture takes a big part
in here, because one building makes a big change on the landscape, carbon dioxide emission
level, and waste level in general. Architecture must work for peoples lives and safety.
(Patric Bellew, 2010) So by building smart homes there is a possibility not only to reduce
possible damage for nature and peoples health but actually to improve existing situation.

Now it is still a big challenge for building designer teams to design any kind of Sustainable
Zero Energy House and to make it function after it is build (this is the most important part
because empty building is not a final product fully functioning building is). So by
experimenting and analyzing existing cases, improving them and educating people the best
result can be reached. Also in general architects should not rely only on scientific
improvements of existing solutions, science is moving forward as well. As Patric Bellew in his
lecture said: The future is an outcome from what we already know and what the technology
is starting to bring forward.

Building Sustainable Zero Energy Houses and investing in them will bring not only healthier
surroundings and climate (both: indoor and outdoor) but it will also help to save money in a
long term. Experimenting and building more of this type houses will lower the prices of
materials and fasten testing and improvement process, so more clients and architects are
interested in this type of the buildings easier it gets to achieve environmentally friendly
lifestyle goals.

7.2. How a perfect example of Sustainable Zero Energy Kindergarten in Denmark

would look like today?

There may be many different opinions about exact look of the building and only in design
process this problem will be solved. Here I would like to talk about what design principles

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and energy generating (also saving) methods would work the best for Danish Kindergarten

The most efficient and usable renewable energy sources in Denmark are solar, wind and
geothermal. It is impossible to imagine Sustainable Zero Energy Building without solar cells
and solar panels. Using those represents that surfaces of the building are being used for
something more than just creating a shape of the building and form. Also it would be a good
idea to install geothermal heating fixtures as well. Wind generators may be considered as
well, if there is a possibility to have those on site or building roof without affecting design or
constructions in a negative way. Combination of LED and Fluorescent lamp lighting plus
installing smart energy management system will help to save electricity. Smart Energy
management system connected passive ventilation system and heating is a must for such a
building. Installation of high performance windows and paying attention to shading is one
more step towards Zero. Water recycling system and water saving installations will help to
lower down water use, also creating possibility to harvest rain water and to use is a good
choice, especially in Denmark where amount of precipitation is high.

Besides these improvements architects responsibility is to make kindergarten building

comfortable, simple to understand and interesting. People must feel their responsibility to
manage the buildings fixtures in the most efficient way, understand how important is to be
open for improvements and absorb information about building usage.

7.3. Last word

To sum up this report I would like to point out that by taking care of environment everyone
takes care of himself at the same time. Building industry progress is unbounded and only
thing what every person can control is which way this progress goes to.
The popularity of environmentally friendly buildings is just growing up and by that all
innovations are being improved faster. Such a building creates healthy living environment
for everyone. Zero Energy Buildings is our future in building industry as well as children is
our future in general. Every parent wants their child to grow in healthy surroundings and by
letting them go to Healthy Environment orientated kindergarten they ensure that child is
going to have healthy atmosphere, will get knowledge about sustainability and
environmentally friendly lifestyle.

Sustainable Zero Energy Kindergarten is an ambitious idea taking in consideration that such
a project in reality does not successfully function, but it is worth investing money to such a
project because it is not only a building it is healthy future we are looking at. Unfortunately
most of the Zero Energy Houses in Denmark are built as experimental examples to make
researches about this type of buildings, but latest researches and improvements show that
when building occupants show interest to live and accept new lifestyle, getting educated

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and changing their habits towards more environmentally friendly zero energy buildings
requirements can be reached. Just common interest is needed. And when such a building
can function efficiently it pays off in a longer period of time. It pays off not only in direct
costs such as saving on electricity bills, heating, water etc, but living in healthier indoor
climate and healthier lifestyle will positively influence peoples health towards having
stronger immunity system, smaller possibility of having depression, unhealthy lifestyle
caused diseases and many more. This way longer life can be achieved.

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List of references

Michael Bauer, Prof. Dr., Peter Molse, Michael Schwars, Dr., 2010, Green Building:
Guidebook for Sustainable Architecture. Berlin: Springer- Verlag.

Alexander van de Beek, Sander Kroll, Peter Oei, 2010, Building with Green and Light:
Sustainable innovations for living and working environments in practice. The Netherlands: Ki
Plant Concept BV.

Woodrow W. Clark, II, Ph.D., 2010, Sustainable Communities Design Handbook: Green
Engineering, Architecture, and Technology. New York: Elsevier Inc.

Charles J. Kibert, 2013, Sustainable Construction: Green Building Design and Delivery. 3rd ed.
Hoboken, New Jersey: John Willey & Sons, Inc.

Maria Kordjamshidi, 2011, House Rating Schemes: From Energy to Comfort Base. Berlin:
Springer- Verlag.

Tim Pullen, 2011, the Sustainable Building Bible. U.K.: Ovolo Books.

Andrew Scott, 1998, Dimensions of Sustainability. London: E & FN Spon.

Alanna Stang and Christopher Hawthorne, 2005, the Green House: New directions in
Sustainable Architecture. 1st ed. New York: Princeton Architectural Press.

Daniel E. Williams, 2007, Sustainable Design: Ecology, Architecture, and Planning. Hoboken,
New Jersey: John Willey & Sons, Inc.

Terry Williamson, Antony Radford and Helen Bennetts, 2003, Understanding Sustainable
Architecture. London: Spon Press.

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Anonymous, 2011, Cradle to Cradle Certified Products [online] Cradle to Cradle Products
Innovation Institute. Available at: <> [Accessed
16 October 2013]

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<> [Accessed
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Anonymous, n.d., Hydropower [online] Renewable Energy World. Available at:

<> [Accessed 20 October
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<> [Accessed 16 October 2013]

Justin Gerdes, 2013, Copenhagens ambitious push to be carbon neutral by 2025 [online]
The Guardian. Available at
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Ellen Kathrine Hansen, 2010, Denmarks Net-Zero-Energy Home. [Online] Available at:
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21 October 2013]

Branden Klayko, 2010, Energy Flex House: Green Building Eco-Laboratory in Denmark.
[Online] Available at: <
laboratory-rises-in-denmark/> [Accessed 21 October 2013]

Tim Pullen, 2009, Passive Ventilation [online] Homebuilding and Renovating. Available at:
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20 October 2013]

Tasmayee Laha Roy, 2012, Green buildings coming up in Salt lake, reality sector becoming
eco- friendly [online] Et Bureau, The Economic
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16 October 2013]

Peter Stanners, 2012, Popular solar panels damaging homes [Online] The Copenhagen post.
Available at: <>
[Accessed 20 October 2013]

Peter Stanners, 2012, Solar electricity target reached early [Online] The Copenhagen post.
Available at: <>
[Accessed 20 October 2013]

Sustainability Store, n.d., The Definition of Sustainability [online] Sustainability Store.

Available at: <> [Accessed 16 October

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U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2012, Components of Green Building [online].

Available at: <> [Accessed 16
October 2013]

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2012, Why Build Green? [online]. Available at:
<> [Accessed 16 October 2013]

Velux group, n.d., Experience from Green Lighthouse shows that users are decisive factor in
sustainable buildings [online] Available at:
[Accessed 21 October 2013]

E- Books and pdfs:

Jorgen Rose, Jesper Kragh, Svend Svendsen, 2008. Low energy class 1 type houses according
to the Danish building regulations [pdf] Available at:
danish-building-regulations(14b6c960-0bc1-11dd-ba15-000ea68e967b).html> [Accessed 21
October 2013]

NAHB Research Centre, 2002. Building Green with Wood, Module 3: Energy Conservation.
[pdf brochure] Available at: <
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P. Torcellini, S. Pless, M Deru, D. Crawley, 2006. Zero Energy Buildings: A Critical Look at the
Definition. [pdf Conference Paper], National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Available at:
> [Accessed 16 October 2013]

U.S. Department of Energy, 2009. U.S. Life Cycle Inventory Database Roadmap. [pdf
brochure] Available at: <> [Accessed 16 October 2013]


Douglas Farr, 2009. Sustainable Urbanism: Urban Design with Nature. [Online video]
UChannel. Available at: <> [Accessed 16
October 2013]

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Patric Bellew, 2010. Anthills to Labyrinths Engineering Sustainable Architecture. [online

video] The RSA. Available at: <> [Accessed
16 October 2013]

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List of illustrations

Figure no. 1 Hydroelectric Dam. Source: Nicholas, 2013, Hydroelectric Power. Available at:
<> [Accessed 17
October 2013]

Figure no. 2 Model of tidal power technology. Source: Anonymous, 2007, Wave & Tidal
Energy Technology. Available at: <>
[Accessed 18 October 2013]

Figure no. 3 Windmills at Copenhagen. Source: Signe Cecilie Jochumsen, 2012, Wind
Power: an update on Denmarks progress and goals. Available at:
progress-and-goals/> [Accessed 19 October 2013]

Figure no. 4 Simplified Anaerobic Digestion Working Scheme to produce energy. Source:
Anonymous, 2009, Climate change: be part of the solution Focus on: farm anaerobic
digestion. Available at: <
anaerobic-digestion> [Accessed 17 October 2013]

Figure no. 5 Geothermal Heating Piping example. Source: Brian Knight, 2011, Ground
Source, Geothermal Heat Pumps in Asheville NC. Available at:
<> [Accessed 18 October

Figure no. 6 Micro water turbine scheme. Source: Anonymous, 2011, How it Works: Home
of the Stream Engine. Available at: <>
[Accessed 17 October 2013]

Figure no. 7 Example of Colored Solar Cells. Source: C-Cell Series. Available at:
<> [Accessed 19 October 2013]

Figure no. 8 Picture of transparent photovoltaic cell. Source: John Wallace, 2012,
Transparent photovoltaic cell from UCLA absorbs and converts IR. Available at:
ucla-absorbs-and-converts-ir.html> [Accessed 19 October 2013]

Figure no. 9 Wind turbines installed on the buildings roof to help offset its electricity use.
Source: Anonymous, n.d., Kettle Foods Processing Plant, Wisconsin, United States if America.
Available at: <>
[Accessed 19 October 2013]

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Figure no. 10 Example of the green roof. Proposal made by Bjarke Ingels Group: a school in
Asminderod, Denmark that is topped with a series of undulating green roofs. Source: Bjarke
Ingels Group, 2011, Project: Vilhelmsro Primary School. Available at:
<> [Accessed 18 October 2013]

Figure no. 11 - Solar-powered fan, providing the added benefit of more precisely controlling
the volume of air being extracted, but without the need for extra energy . Source: Tim
Pullen, 2009, Passive Ventilation. Available at:
<> [Accessed
19 October 2013]

Figure no. 12 Fluorescent light bulb integration in design. Source: Anonymous, 2012,
Replacing Fluorescent Lightbulbs. Available at:
<> [Accessed 18
October 2013]

Figure no. 13 Fiber optic light lamp design. Source: Paul Strauss, 2008, Glofab: Fiber Optic
Lights That Dont Suck. Available at: <
optic-lights-that-dont-suck/> [Accessed 18 October 2013]

Figure no. 14 Led Spotlight. Source: Jan, 2012, LED Lamp. Available at:
<> [Accessed
18 October 2013]

Figure no. 15 Energy Flex House. Source: Henning Larsen Architects. Available at
[Accessed 21 October]

Figure no. 16 Green Lighthouse in Copenhagen. Source: Anonymous, 2012, Det sidste
Model Home 2020 er aabnet. Available at:
aabnet.aspx> [Accessed 21 October 2013]

Figure no. 17 Home for life. Source: Ellen Kathrine Hansen, 2010, Denmarks Net-Zero-
Energy Home. Available at: <
netzeroenergy-home> [Accessed 21 October 2013]

Figure no. 18 Picture of Kindergarten Solhuset in Copenhagen. Source: Anonymous, 2011,

Solhuset Aarets byggeri 2011 I Aaben kategori. Available at:
byggeri.aspx> [Accessed 21 October 2013]

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Appendix A

Extract from Danish Building Regulations 2010

7.2.1(10) Buildings covered by the low energy performance framework set out in 7.2.4 must
be built such that the design transmission loss does not exceed 4.0 W per m of the building
envelope in the case of single-storey buildings, 5.0 W per m for two-storey buildings and 6.0
W for buildings with three stores or more.

7.2.3 (1) For offices, schools, institutions etc., the total demand of the building for energy
supply for heating, ventilation, cooling and domestic hot water and lighting per m of heated
floor area must not exceed 71.3 kWh/m/year plus 1650 kWh/year divided by the heated
floor area. Low energy performance framework for offices, schools, institutions etc. not covered
by Offices, schools, institutions and other buildings not covered by
may be classified as class 2015 low energy buildings when the requirement for supplied
energy for heating, ventilation, cooling, domestic hot water and lighting per m heated floor
area does not exceed 41 kWh/m/year plus 1100 kWh/year divided by the heated floor area. For buildings or building sections in low energy class 2015 whose requirements
include, for example, a high level of lighting, extra ventilation and high consumption of
domestic hot water, or which are used for extended periods, or buildings with high ceilings,
the energy performance framework must be augmented in proportion to the calculated
increase in energy consumption. Process energy such as ventilation of fume cabinets is not
included in the energy performance framework.

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Appendix B

Interview with architect from Chistensen & Co Architects about Solhuset project in

You have been working on the Kindergarten project called Solhuset, what is your general
experience with this project?

It was a challenging concept for all our team even though it was not a first active house
project for us. Designing such a building is always challenging but good cooperation between
architects, designers, engineers and of course contractors made it possible.

Could you point out some of specific difficulties you had to face during design process?

We had some issues locating the building on the plot because of the plot specifications;
wanting to have the building to be orientated paying attention to efficiency of solar panels
and solar cells made some extra problems regarding organizing the space around the
Kindergarten and as you probably know a yard for children is very important, we could not
ignore the fact that children and teachers will prefer more spacious, organized playground
outside over having extremely energy efficient solar fixtures.
Regarding the building design I can also mention roof design, as you can see it is a
combination of green roof and solar panels. Zigzag roof shape is chosen in order to increase
roof area, have a possibility to collect more rain water and also to have a larger area for
more solar panels at the same time having them angled to more efficient way.

Were there any doubts during design process that the building might now work as you plan?

When this case was still in the office there were no doubts, we have been working with life
simulation programs to try our ideas out on finished project model and trying to simulate
people using the building. We have been analyzing existing passive houses and it made us to
feel sure about what we were doing. The only doubt was about if the building occupants are
going to use the building as we have simulated it. But in Educational Institution case it is
easy to control because this building from the beginning was a sustainable oriented case, so
we were sure that building users are going to be interested in making the house work as
efficient as it is possible.

What have you learned from this experience? And what could you advice for a young
architect who wants to design a Zero Energy Kindergarten?
All our team have learned a lot from this project and we are very happy that it has a big
interest from different kind of the people. We see this kindergarten as an example for future
kindergarten buildings.

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Zero Energy Building is still a big challenge for an architect team. In there is not everything
about energy as most of the people think but anyway it is a big part of the building after
creating a perfect design, materials, constructions. I think the most useful advice regarding
design is having in mind that it is a lot easier to save energy than to produce it. The building
designers thoughts must always be first orientated towards saving energy and only then
covering the used energy by energy producing fixtures. And of course not forgetting who is
going to use the building is also very important. Everything else is very individual from case
to case.

Thank you very much for your answers and sharing experience.

Interview was taken on phone.

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