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My learning from the 2nd day of EGI sessions are as follows:

House on the moon:

Different people have different way of thinking and approach towards situations they face I real
life. Likeminded people fall into same groups.

Colored brain Communication Inventory:

Based on different characteristics our brains can be classified into 4 different color labels i.e Red,
Green, Purple & Blue.

Analysis of different brain colors & their related characteristics:

We made attempts to relate to such characteristics in our real life and the significance of these
colors in our life events in the past.

Human Emotional Drivers:

Ranking of these emotional drivers were done with respect to individuals perception. These
drivers keeps changing continuously throughout our life.

Jigsaw Puzzle:
Different brain colors and their respective emotional drivers have a huge impact on how they
work in a team to achieve their destination or goal.

Knowing the color of our own brain & driving forces:

We would like to see what changes to bring about in our life.

Submitted By:
Hrishikesh Mahapatra
Roll no: Uemf16009

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