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MEIS|EnneagraminSales 1



MEIS|EnneagraminSales 2



This Seminar has several goals:

You will get to understand or improve your knowledge of the personality

theory of the Enneagram.

You will get to know the different possibilities of discovering the type of
your business partners (in Sales or Management). This should enable you
to think about the opportunities to approach your business partners in a
positive and professional way

Finally you will have the chance to simulate Sales situations and to apply
your knowledge of different personalities in different Sales situations.

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In preparation for this lecture, you have to read the following Literature:

Read this paper, especially the Part 1 in full (Part 2--Application is done
during the lecture/training!)
Read the designated pages (see our reader) of: The Enneagram in love
and work by Helen Palmer

Please reserve enough time for reading and understanding- it is not so easy to

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The Armenian Iwanowitsch Gurdjieff publicly presented the Enneagram to a St.

Petersburg study group in the year 1916.
The Enneagram was first mentioned by the Sufis (a religious Muslim order) and
the Sarmoun-brotherhood (approx. 2500 B. C. in Babylon).

Oscar Ichazo (born 1930) stated that he was introduced to the psychological
typology of the Enneagram by Sufi-teachers in Pamir (Afghanistan). Ichazo has
been working with the Enneagram in Chile in the Arica-Institute since 1970.

The psychiatrist Claudio Naranjo introduced the Enneagram to California

where the Jesuit priest Robert Ochs studied it.

From this time on the Enneagram made its way to humanist psychologists and
via the Jesuits into both the Roman Catholic and protestant Christian

Richard Rohr played a big role in Germany being the pioneer of the Jesuit
tradition of the Enneagram. Together with the Bavarian Lutheran pastor
Andreas Ebert he published one of the most famous Enneagram books in 1989.

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Unknown origins
(Babylon or Middle East, approx. 4000 2500 B.C.).

(14./15. cent.)

Study groups O. Ichazo (1960)

First papers (1972)
Study groups

C. Naranjo

J. Lilly (1973)
S. Keen (1973)
J.G. Bennet K. Speeth H. Palmer
T. Dunne SJ/B. Ochs SJ
(1973) (1988)
D.R. Riso

M. Beesing OP P.O. Leary SJ u.a.

(1984) (1984)

E. Jaxon-Bear R. Rohr
A. Lefrank SJ
H. Ehrtmann (1984)

A. Heine (1984)
A. Ebert (1988)



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For thousands of years, philosophers, thinkers and psychologists have been

trying to find models of personality.
The first and most well known is the one created by the Greek physician
Hippocrates (460 - 377 B. C.) who defined the following four types:

# Sanguine Type

# Choleric Type

# Melancholic Type

# Phlegmatic Type

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# According to the Enneagram theory, EVERY person is ONE

special Type

# We normally use the behavioral patterns of this special type

# If we FAIL to be successful in VERY IMPORTANT life situations,

We IN DESPAIR switch to another type and then use the behavioral
Patterns of THIS OTHER TYPE for a while (this is called the
STRESS POINT (read more about it later)

# In very happy situations of our life and when we feel Very safe,
We get access to a MATURE Version of behavior IN ADDITION
TO OUR NORMAL TYPEthis is called the point of further
Development (against the arrow- what a nice symbol, it is not easy
to get there !)

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In order to gain familiarity with the Enneagram, we should have a look at the
chances and risks of typologies in general:

Possible advantages of using a typology of personalities:

The variety of human attributes and behavior are a problem to all of
us when cooperating with other people. (think about our most personal
relationships )
Typologies can have the function of a map which can give us a little help
and orientation.

A map gives us the most important basic information about a landscape in a

symbolic way. The Enneagram types do the same with typical patterns of

# For example: If you have never have been to the United States and have a
closer look at a map you get some information about the Rocky
Mountains. What type of information can you get from the map?

USA-- information you get from the map:

Rocky Mountains
# Their main direction is north-south
# They are higher than 4.000 meters and
# Superb roads cross the mountains.

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You can get similar information about the Enneagram types:

Enneagram-type 8:

# is a fighter
# has strong sense of fairness and justice
# follows his/her goals with determination
# therefore does not see the needs of others

Advantages of Dangers of
Typologies Typologies

The type descriptions give us the chance Having studied a map of the Rockies
to get a little bit of orientation in an does not mean we really know them.
unknown (psychological) landscape
getting to know a little bit about the The dangers of typologies therefore are
structure of our partner. those of labeling
For example: This human being is a
This gives us the possibility to choleric or phlegmatic person, a type
create realistic expectations. 3, a narcistic personality, a neurotic.

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We can use the Enneagram in four steps:

Orientation (WHO is the person I am in contact with?)

Get to know the other person and learn to understand
his/her structures (Aha, this and that is important to
Moving towards the other person (Taking the first step
towards the other person)!
Finding a way for mutual understanding (We like and
understand each other!)

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Most Enneagram authors would agree with the following assumptions

about the psychology of human development:
From the very moment of birth we have a strong wish to be loved and
accepted by others.
Fate has put us in a certain family with special structures like
complete/incomplete family, only child, number and age of siblings, poor or
Being intelligent little beings, we realized quite early that there is
something like conditional love which we can only get by behaving in a
certain manner.

For example: I love you because you are so sensitive (helpful, pretty..) or
You wont be my son any more, if you really become an actor!
This was the reason why we took the decision to be one of the types quite
early in our life-- because we had positive experiences with certain ways of
This decision was not taken by a mature adult, but by a child with a
restricted world vision
For this reason, the type is always a LIMITATION and a
RESTRICTION (in other words: in order to become type.. ,we have
sacrificed the strengths of 8 other types!)
As adults, we tend to re-apply those tried and tested types` behavioral
patterns, which enable us to deal with life without thinking.
The immature young adult is proud of his type, because the advantages of
the type bring him/her the first big successes in life.
Growing up in terms of the Enneagram also means realizing the
disadvantages of the type, starting to work on them and to define your
individual style of life yourself.

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There is always a chance for further development and for overcoming the
restrictions of the type .
For this reason, mature personalities can work on their own personality,
which opens additional possibilities for dealing with life (Uwe Bschemeyer
would call this the path from the type to the original)
Nevertheless certain abilities coming from the original type will never be
lost, even if we develop a lot of other, additional abilities!
Getting older from the point of view of the Enneagram has nothing to do
with decline, but with human growth.
Using the Enneagram provides the chance to:
# Recognize another persons type.
# Know the basics of the world view of this type, which helps to
understand and to respect it as a legitimate perspective on this world.
# Find better possibilities of communication to the benefit of both

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The central message of the Enneagram, a very tolerant


Get to know how others see the world, learn to tolerate and accept
them for the sake of dealing with them a lot better!

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As all psychological schools, the different authors of the Enneagram

developed a different vocabulary for the same things.
Here is a glossary of such terms:

Type = pattern

Definition: Is a set of behaviors which we can find in this special

combination. It includes positive and negative ways of behaving.

When we are feeling good, we rather tend to live the positive aspects of this set
of behaviors, where as in critical situations the negative parts of the pattern
will dominate.

The Stress-point (This definition is VERY

The stress point behavior is one of the key elements of Enneagram
theory, but stress in the sense of the Enneagram has nothing to do with
our normal understanding of the word stress.

In typical stress-situations of the everyday kind every one of us reacts using

the normal set of behavior (the strengths and weaknesses of the type).

If the problem we have is very serious and we cant solve it by the use of
our normal patterns, an astonishing reaction takes place:

All of a sudden, our behavior changes abruptly, and the Enneagram

predicts which behavioral set will then be dominant (please have a
look at the Enneagram scheme:
In order to find the stress point, we follow the arrow (in Pfeilrichtung).

From the perspective of other persons, this change of behavior

appears very strange and they have problems understanding why
this person is behaving now so differently.

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The Enneagram theory offers us some explanations for this change in

behavioral sets:

At the stress Point, we are desperate, because our normal patterns are failing
to work anymore.
Being in despair, we rely on a completely different set of behaviors, which we
have originally rejecte (You sometimes can observe a similar effect to
behavioral patterns under the influence of alcohol..).

Chance for further development = point of relief

Whenever we feel safe and fully accepted by the surrounding persons, we

have no reason just to rely on one pattern/type. In such situations, further
(positive) patterns of behavior are available to us.
Therefore, these situations open a window of opportunity for further

Enneagram theory gives us an indication in which direction we can develop

ourselves (against the direction of the arrow) to enable us to live a more
successful and content life.

The chance for further development points out our long term-
possibilities for further development towards a mature personality.

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The Mottos
Every type follows a set of special mottos (At this point, we can see some
similarity to the classic Transactional Analysis (TA) and to NLP, because
expression Script -which is used by these theories- means about the same).

Mottos define what the main values in a persons life will be and what
kind of guidelines a person will follow.

Can you imagine what would change in your life if your main motto
were Wer rastet, der rostet!!? (When you take a rest, you get rusty...)

A little exercise:

Try to remember, which central values YOU were told as a little child
(think about frequently told proverbs in your family!)
Do they have an impact on your central values and mottos?

The Trap
Each type puts too much emphasis on certain values and aspects of life,
which is a disadvantage, because it means, we lose a lot of other abilities and
possibilities to deal with life
(As performance is overestimated by type No. 3, a person of this type will
have a lack of other possibilities to deal with life, e.g. to lean back and
enjoy what you have or what the day offers.)

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The Wings
Are we just ONE type?
The Enneagram theory gives a clear yes to this question, but at the same
time opens a window for more sub- variants of a type by the idea of the
Each type CAN have a left and/or right neighbor (for example: a type Nr.
1 can have a wing No. 9 and/or a wing No. 2 which can add additional
patterns to this person and thus widens this human beings possibilities to
successfully deal with life).

These wings also can have a moderating effect on the central type of a

The Basic Anxiety(again a core element of the

Each type has a very specific type of anxiety that intensively connected
especially with THIS type.

This anxiety is the central reason, why we are willing touse and apply our
type related special set of behavior.
(We spend a lot of energy in order to AVOID this basic anxiety!)


Type 8 (the fighter) has the basic anxiety to BE HELPLESSLY EXPOSED

to forces/powers/persons, without any chance of an active influence
THEREFORE this type leads an extremely ACTIVE life in order to AVOID
situations of that kind!

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Type Characterisation Motto:

In order to get a maximum of love,
I have to."

Type 1 The Perfectionist ... I always have to be perfect and to avoid

mistakes ...
Type 2 The Helper ... I always have to be unselfish, I am
ready to sacrifice my own goals ...
Type 3 The High Performer ... I always have to be successful ...
Type 4 The Individualist and ... I have to be different and out of the
the Exceptionalist ordinary ...
Type 5 The Observer and ... I have to know and recognize every-
Thinker thing, my intellectual abilities help me to
discover hidden things, feelings are a
problem, they just create confusion..
Type 6 The Loyal Companion ... I have to do my duty ...
Type 7 The light hearted ... I always have to be light hearted and
Optimist easy going ...
Type 8 The Strong one / the ... I always have to be strong and
Fighter successful ...
Type 9 The Peace keeper ... I always have to be modest and

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This chapter shall give you the necessary details to enable you to
understand the behavioral patterns of the nine Enneagram Types.

If you are interested to find out your own type (a challenging goal - it is
much easier to find out the type of other persons in comparison!), this part
of the paper can help you to reduce the number of types that could fit you
to of two or three remaining types.


Let the descriptions have an impact on your feeling, which type could fit to
describe your personality in a proper way.

If you find this to be difficult (most people do!), you could try the exclusion
method, having a look at types which NEVER would fit for you.
(For example: If you know that you have quite a problem with keeping a
minimum order in your apartment, you CAN`T be a Type No.1!!)

(The typical animal, the typical country and the typical celebrity are an
attempt to help you to identify your own and other types by using
the PREJUDUCES we have about countries, animals and VIP`s- these lines are
NOT IMPORTANT FOR THE TEST- if you don`t feel they are helpful for you,
ignore them!)


Of course, the types are influenced by national cultures!

(For example, in a very peaceful and conflict avoiding culture like in Norway,
even an 8 Fighter will behave less aggressive than an 8 elsewhere, but she/he
is still an 8 and will be perceived as aggressive in this cultural setting)

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Type 1 The Perfectionist

Motto I always have to be perfect!
Main focus of I always have to display diligence ,as other people expect
attention it from me. I try to do things right. I never lose my self-control
Basic anxiety If I were to make a mistake, other people would think or talk
negatively about me!
For this reason I don't show anger. Very often I don't say what I
really think.
The trap I have to be perfect, even in minor details!

Strengths Weaknesses
(especially in phases of well-being) (especially in difficult stages)

I can easily see the important things. I am a critical person and I

I am good at details. have the ability to easily
I have a very detailed mental picture of how identify mistakes.
things should be (done) I tend to preach and tell others what to do.
Order and discipline give me security. I tend to have too many goals.
For this reason I lead an orderly life. I create stress for myself.
I am competent and professional, I do I easily lose self-confidence, when
things RIGHT I think I have disappointed
I have the talent to organize and hardly others.
ever forget things. I try to keep my feelings under
I am thrifty and I am never out of money. control (which is not possible).
Typical animal The hard-working ant,
the busy bee,
The yapping terrier.
Typical country Switzerland, Liechtenstein
Typical celebrity Prlat Ignaz Seipel

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Type 2 The Helper

Motto I always have to be unselfish, I am ready to sacrifice my own
Main focus of I live for others in order to avoid loneliness.
attention I want to do as much as I can for other people.
Basic anxiety My anxiety: They won`t love me, if I don't give the
For this reason It's difficult for me to express my own needs, in particular I
can't say "no".
The trap I have to help everyone all the time.

Strengths Weaknesses
(especially in phases of well-being) (especially in difficult stages)

I know I am just a little part of the world Only the love of other people can give
and so I don't overestimate my value sense to my live
I can do a lot to make other people feel I "buy" love and attention by doing a lot for
good others
I am a very practical person I tend to suffer psycho-somatically
I SEEM to be modest whenever I don't feel the love of others
I devote my time and energy for the social My help is never unconditional and for this
good with idealistic goals reason I make other people feel guilty

Typical animal The loving mother-dog

the breath-taking monkey
Typical country Land of milk and honey
Sweden as a country with very high standards in social
security.(Peoples home)
Typical celebrity Mother Theresa
Brigitte Bardot
Karl-Heinz Bhm

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Type 3 The High Performer

Motto I always have to be successful.
Main focus of Life for me IS achievement. What do I have to do to be fully
attention accepted?
Which role will be accepted best?
Basic anxiety If I fail I am NOTHING.
For this reason What do I have to do to avoid failure and how can I sell failure as
partial success?
The trap All that counts is success and glamour, the rest is not
important and meaningless.

Strengths Weaknesses
(especially in phases of well-being) (especially in difficult stages)

I have a lot of charisma, charm My worst anxiety is failure and therefore

and success seems to follow me I long for success and recognition
I know very elegant ways of avoiding Image, status and the appearance of success
Resistance by GOING AROUND IT are very important to me.
I am a pioneer, I have good abilities to The APPEARANCE of being successful is
motivate other people and to adapt myself even more important to me than success
to other personalities I have to deal with itself.
Problems are there to to be solved I will be the winner! If it is necessary I`ll
I am quite good at presenting things and get my success at the expense of others and
creating images. Whenever I am successful, by aggressive means.
everybody will know about it I seem to be superficial and I
seem to have a lack of emotions.
Typical animal The color-changing chameleon
The quick reacting leopard
The racing horse.
Typical country United States of America
Typical celebrity J. F. Kennedy
Nicolas Sarkosy

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Type 4 The Individualist and Exceptional

Motto I have to be different and out of the ordinary!

Main focus of If everyone does the same, I will find a way to do it

attention DIFFERENTLY!
Basic anxiety The fear of banality and of being underestimated
For this reason I avoid being ordinary
The trap I always want to be original and individual!

Strengths Weaknesses
(especially in phases of well-being) (especially in difficult stages)

I am an interesting interlocutor. (It is Very often I feel homeless and rootless

always interesting to talk to me. I LIKE to suffer
I have a lot of intuition and sensitivity I tend to get depressed quite easily
I FEEL what's right and wrong I have frequent mood swings
My world of feelings is always very I am a sophisticated personality
intensive, both in positive and negative I refuse and despise simple things and
situations. simple people, which means I can be quite
I have a good sense for esthetics and a lot arrogant
of creativity. Being confronted with my failures, I can be
I like to create ideas, I am proud of my quite jealous and green with envy
Typical animal The thoroughbred horse
The oyster
The cat.
Typical country France
Typical celebrity James Dean Andr Heller
Maria Rauch-Kallat Richard Lugner
Karl Lagerfeld David Copperfield

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Type 5 The Observer and Thinker

Motto I have to know and understand everything, my intellectual
help me to discover hidden things. Feelings are a problem,
Main focus of I AM, because I think! I think about things
attention I LOVE to be critical: What is this all about?
Basic anxiety If I didnt keep a distance, I might be overwhelmed and
endangered by
For this reason I avoid everything which is not planned, situations that I am not
prepared for and I dislike quick decisions
The trap I have to know everything; I have to get things clear.
If something happens to fascinate me, I spend too much time on it

Strengths Weaknesses
(especially in phases of well-being) (especially in difficult stages)

I have very good analytical abilities I easily get anxious when confronted
Even in difficult situations, I have the with feelings.
ability to remain calm I am afraid of strong human bonds.
I have the ability to be quite tolerant I collect knowledge, but I don't like share it
I am polite and courteous, even in difficult with others
situations It seems that I am cold and unemotional
I like to make concepts, plans and to I dislike talking about my problems.
organise things.

Typical animal The wise owl, the oyster, the Lynx

Typical country Great Britain
Typical celebrity Charles Darwin Helmut Schmidt Angela Merkel
Heide Schmidt Albert Einstein

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Type 6 The loyal Companion

Motto I have to do my duty!
Main focus of I want to be integrated in the group. Everybody has to do
attention his/her part of the job. What does the majority think? What
do the authorities think about that?
Basic anxiety I don't want to be isolated, I am afraid of not being in the
middle of the group,
For this reason Norms, rules and regulations and laws are very important.
They have to be obeyed without asking silly questions.
The trap I always have to have security and therefore very often I do not
dare to use chances and windows of opportunity.

Strengths Weaknesses
(especially in phases of well-being) (especially in difficult stages)

I am obliging, very cooperative I am quite anxious and hesitant

and warm hearted I miss chances because I am too cautious
I like to be integrated in communities and Very often I don`t dare to give my true
cooperations opinion before others have done so
I am reliable and loyal I tend to have I have a lack of self-confidence and
long term ties to partners, companies, therefore I like to do routine things,
associations because they give stability to my life
I strongly identify myself with my duties and Sometimes, I become very aggressive in
I am consistent in pursuit of my goals. order to hide my anxieties.
Sometimes I am quite authoritarian to
weaker/subordinated people.
Typical animal The frightened rabbit, the reliable cart horse, the flock of sheep
around the shepherd
Typical country Germany
Typical celebrity Herr Karl Molotow
Harry Truman Franz Jonas
Fred Sinowatz party soldiers in politics

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Type 7 The light-hearted Optimist

Motto I always have to be light hearted and easy going!

Main focus of How can I m a x i m i z e m y e n j o y m e n t ? How can I be happy and
attention what is the best way of enjoying my life?
Basic anxiety I am afraid of missing the positive sides of life, not being able to enjoy
everything positive life can offer
For this reason I avoid pain, struggle and suffering. I tend to find the easiest way in life.
The trap "Don't worry - be happy" is a nice motto, but in the long run it can be quite

Strengths Weaknesses
(especially in phases of well-being) (especially in difficult stages)

I am obliging, very cooperative As I live here and now, I often forget what I
and warm hearted, make friends originally intended to do
with everybody I anxiously avoid boring or painful
I like to be integrated in communities and Situations
Cooperations I'm easily distracted
I'm an optimist and this attitude is very I tend to be superficial and have a tendency
often also helpful to others to exaggerate.
I'm the ambassador of good mood I'm rather immoderate and
I'm very sociable, trying to be everybody`s hedonistic
darling I try to do several things at the same time
I'm dynamic and have a lot of energy
Consistency is not my strong suit
My interests and talents are quite varied
I'm afraid of strong human bonds (then I
I'm a quick learner and I'm able to quickly
adapt to new situations. might miss something)
I encourage and connect groups by my
I live "here and now". Therefore I can
easily use all the advantages that come
up in a certain situation.
I'm a gourmet/gourmand
Typical animal The colorful butterfly, the peacock, the hummingbird
Typical country Brazil
Typical celebrity Gerhard Schrder, Bill Clinton, Thomas Gottschalk, Harald Juhnke

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Type 8 The Fighter

Motto I always have to be strong and successful!
Main focus of I have to work like a dog). How do I get/keep influence and
attention power? How can I keep things and people under control?
Basic anxiety I am afraid of being weak and of losing control.
For this reason I try to put on a show of strength, in order to
avoid signs of weakness and impress others around me
The trap I ALWAYS have to be strong and superior!

Strengths Weaknesses
(especially in phases of well-being) (especially in difficult stages)

I am a powerful "mover" I want to have power and control and

I am decisive (sometimes too much!) therefore I often appear to be tough und
I am impatient undiplomatic to others
I am a mover, funnily enough resistance I tend to live excessively, whatever I do, I
gives me ADDITIONAL motivation do it to the bitter end.
I am attracted by conflicts as they clarify I don't avoid conflicts, because they provide
the situation me with clarity
I am just and truthful I despise the weak and lethargic
Sometimes, I am open-hearted zealous plus When people try to cheat me, I become
having a tendency to protect the weak extremely aggressive
I don't have too much respect for In moments of aggression I tend to see
Authorities, therefore tend to challenge them everything in black and white, consequently
I want to have CLEAR relationships! I then go too far in these situations
I tend to provoke in order to clarify unclear
Typical animal The angry wolf, the fighting cock, the elephant
Typical country The Roman Empire
Typical celebrity Julius Caesar, Charles de Gaulle, Franz-Josef Strau, Kurt Krenn,
Jrg Haider

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Type 9 The Peace keeper

Motto I always have to be modest and harmonious!
Main focus of The most i m p o r t a n t thin g s in l i f e a r e h a r m o n y a n d
attention peace!
Basic anxiety I am afraid of being separated from people, things and habits

For this reason I avoid disaccord, conflicts and quarrels. Please be peaceful!
The trap I always have to be modest and peaceful!

Strengths Weaknesses
(especially in phases of well-being) (especially in difficult stages)

I am calm, open-minded and peaceful I have a lack of drive and can be quite
I do a lot to create a good team spirit phlegmatic
I create field of harmony around me I avoid conflicts, often by ignoring them
I have a lot of empathy and diplomacy, and When I have problems, I withdraw
people like me for that and tend to hide them
Human beings are very important to me and I subordinate myself and try to have an
I do a lot so that everyone can feel idealistic view of authorities, I rather
Comfortable identify with a boss instead of wanting to
I am popular and sociable BE one
I am persistent in a way and I don't like to decide things, therefore I have
therefore I get what I want without a a tendency to POSTPONE them
conflict/ without battling for it I love business as usual as it saves energy

Typical animal The dove of peace the placid St. Bernhard, but also the
stubborn mule.
Typical country Norway, Iceland
Typical celebrity The Dalai Lama, Cardinal Schnborn

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Type-Definition among colleagues:

Lets try for the first time the use of the Enneagram in a small group.

Use the Type exclusion method in order to find out which types you can
possibly detect among your colleagues!

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Type 1: The Perfectionist

Motto: I always have to be perfect!

Stress-point Chance for further development

=4 =7
I develop the negative aspects of type I develop the positive aspects of type
nr. 4, which means.. nr. 7, which means..

resigned behavior Im relaxed

depression I develop optimistic perspectives
criticism of myself and others I start to enjoy life and the
positive aspects of life
intense mood swings

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Type 2: The Helper

Motto: I always have to be unselfish, Im ready to

sacrifice my own goals!

Stress-point Chance for further development

=8 =4
I develop the negative aspects of I develop the the positive aspects of
type nr. 8, which means.. type nr. 4, which means..

I tend to be over- aggressive I start to realize I have to learn to

say no
I develop a tendency to destroy
relationships I start to feel my own needs and
to do what is important for my
I start to be EAGER to fight no life
matter how big the losses are
I start to become more independent
from what others (might) think

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Type 3: The high Performer

Motto: I always have to be successful!

Stress-point Chance for further development

=9 =6
I develop the negative aspects of I develop the positive aspects of type
type nr.9, which means.. nr. 6, which means

I have a tendency towards I develop loyalty and reliability

I develop warm-heartedness
I become rather passive and the readiness to help
I have a tendency towards auto- I develop patience
aggressive behavior
I become astonishingly stubborn

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Type 4: The Individualist and Exceptional

Motto: I have to be different and out of the ordinary!

Stress-point Chance for further development

=2 =1
I develop the negative aspects of I develop the positive aspects of type
type 2, which means.. no. 1, which means..

I have a tendency towards self-pity I develop and start

honoring norms and stable
I become auto-aggressive and foundations for my own life
start to hate others
These structures give me much
I tend to make myself stronger ties to reality, thus
indispensible creating realistic expectations
I develop a tendency to and plans
manipulative and scheming I start to develop stable values
/intriguing behavior

MEIS|EnneagraminSales 35

Type 5: The Observer and Thinker

Motto: I have to know and recognize everything!

Stress-point Chance for further development

=7 =8
I develop the negative aspects of I develop the positive aspects of type
type 7, which means.. no. 8, which means..

I immediately start HECTIC I open myself to other persons

activities (leading to nothing )
I make USE of the knowledge I
I develop a tendency to have and ACT
superficiality and eccentricity
I develop TRUE self confidence
Surprisingly, I show a lack of will
I develop an attitude of
avoidance (not seeing the
real aspects of problems)

MEIS|EnneagraminSales 36

Type 6: The loyal Companion

Motto: I have to do my duty

Stress-point Chance for further development

=3 =9
I develop the negative aspects of I develop the positive aspects of type
type 3, which means.. 9, which means..

I cant stop working Im relaxed and confident of being

able to handle the important
I tend to see things more things in my life
positively than they are
I can learn to live in harmony and
I tend to rely on authoritarian therefore can reduce my anxieties
patterns of behavior, a slight about having conflicts
tendency towards sadism is
I tend to be aggressive

MEIS|EnneagraminSales 37

Type 7: The light-hearted Optimist

Motto: I always have to be light-hearted and easy


Stress-point Chance for further development

=1 =5
I develop the negative aspects of I develop the positive aspects of type
type 1, which means.. no. 5, which means

I tend to be hyperactive to avoid I become more quiet and

pain develop profound
I lose my easy going qualities in
these situations I am now able to stop activity and
to watch, think first and act later
I now tend to undervalue others
I can learn to do things my way
I tend to be an egoist and to be
instead of trying to do too many
things at the same time

MEIS|EnneagraminSales 38

Type 8:The Fighter

Motto: I always have to be strong and successful

Stress-point Chance for further development

=5 =2
I develop the negative aspects of I develop the positive aspects of type
type 5, which means.. no. 2, which means

instead of developing my usual * I can develop warm feelings for

high level of activity, I retract and other people and I can learn to
use my intellectual ability to respect their needs
THINK instead
* I am willing to help
I dont talk about problems,
* I start to develop partnerships
therefore nobody feels a need to
with others
help me
* I start to be able to be active in a
I try to get distance from people
and things, therefore reduce my
I start to hoard money

MEIS|EnneagraminSales 39

Type 9: The harmonic Conservator

Motto: I always have to be modest and harmonious

Stress-point Chance for further development

=6 =3
I develop the negative aspects of I develop the positive aspects of
type 6, which means.. type 3, which means..

* I become even more passive, my I become goal-oriented and

tendency to seek security becomes efficient
I do the right things at the right
* I become dependent on others who time
direct me
I have fun at being successful, but
* I like to be guided by strong without glorifying success
personalities and to feel at home
I develop a feeling of fun at work
in a community
and enjoy to improve the
* I cant make decisions because organizational aspects of work
Im afraid of the results

MEIS|EnneagraminSales 40

Practical Exercise

Stress-point and Chance for further development:

In which situation(s) could I feel my stress-point, how did I behave then?

Chance for further development:

In which direction would I like to develop my personality?

What do I have to do in order to develop my point of further development?

MEIS|EnneagraminSales 41


Now we have reached a crucial point of this lecture/behavioral training:

The Enneagram is nothing but a nice piece of theory if you are not able to APPLY
your knowledge about the nine types in practical life.

For this reason, the next sequence of exercises is dedicated to train you to perceive core
elements of a personality and to make an educated guess about the personality type of
the person in question then.

At the end of this part, you should be well able to identify another person`s type in
most cases.

MEIS|EnneagraminSales 42


Type 1 Type 2 Type 3

Imagine what
kind of building
would a person of
this type have
(e.g. what kind of
company, what
kind of a private
house, what of a
car or room used
mainly by this
What kind of
reception ca I
expect when
I meet this
Imagine how a
room would look,
if it were mainly
used by this
personality type
(e.g. an office, a
living room, a
library )?
Imagine typical
possessions for
this personality
(e.g. a laptop, a
ball point pen,

MEIS|EnneagraminSales 43

Type 1 Type 2 Type 3

Does this person

Have an orderly
and disciplined

What type of
clothing does this
person prefer?

What is her/his
attitude to jewelry
and valuables?
How does this

What would be
typical body
language of this
What are the
general values
(e.g. conservative,
What are the
typical hobbies of
this person?

MEIS|EnneagraminSales 44

Type 4 Type 5 Type 6

Imagine what
kind of building
would a person of
this type have
(e.g. what kind of
company, what
kind of a private
house, what of a
car or room used
mainly by this
What kind of
reception ca I
expect when
I meet this
Imagine how a
room would look,
if it were mainly
used by this
personality type
(e.g. an office, a
living room, a
Imagine typical
possessions for
this personality
(e.g. a laptop, a
ball point pen,

MEIS|EnneagraminSales 45

Type 4 Type 5 Type 6

Does this person

Have an orderly
and disciplined

What type of
clothing does this
person prefer?

What is her/his
attitude to jewelry
and valuables?
How does this

What would be
typical body
language of this

What are the

general values
(e.g. conservative,
What are the
typical hobbies of
this person?

MEIS|EnneagraminSales 46

Type 7 Type 8 Type 9

Imagine what
kind of building
would a person
of this type have
(e.g. what kind
of company,
what kind of a
private house,
what of a car or
room used
mainly by this
What kind of
reception ca I
expect when
I meet this
Imagine how a
room would look,
if it were mainly
used by this
personality type
(e.g. an office, a
living room, a
Imagine typical
possessions for
this personality
(e.g. a laptop, a
ball point pen,

MEIS|EnneagraminSales 47

Type 7 Type 8 Type 9

Does this person

Have an orderly
and disciplined

What type of
clothing does this
person prefer?

What is her/his
attitude to jewelry
and valuables?
How does this

What would be
typical body
language of this

What are the

general values
(e.g. conservative,
What are the
typical hobbies of
this person?

MEIS|EnneagraminSales 48


The main goal of this chapter is



a good style of communication between Manager and Employees and

positive teamwork in the sense of mutual acceptance of the different types of

developing ideas for the right combination of types in order to make project
groups and working teams efficient and satisfactory

MEIS|EnneagraminSales 49


Type 1 Type 2 Type 3

What does she or

he need to work

What should we
avoid whilst
working with
this type?
How much positive
feedback does this
person need and in
what manner?
How much criticism
does this type need
and in what

What is motivating
for this type?

What demotivates
this type?

Try to combine all

these ideas to
ONE golden tip
ONE deadly sin

MEIS|EnneagraminSales 50

Type 4 Type 5 Type 6

What does she or

he need to work

What should we
avoid whilst
working with
this type?
How much positive
feedback does this
person need and in
what manner?
How much criticism
does this type need
and in what

What is motivating
for this type?

What demotivates
this type?

Try to combine all

these ideas to
ONE golden tip
ONE deadly sin

MEIS|EnneagraminSales 51

Type 7 Type 8 Type 9

What does she or

he need to work

What should we
avoid whilst
working with
this type?
How much positive
feedback does this
person need and in
what manner?
How much criticism
does this type need
and in which

What is motivating
for this type?

What demotivates
this type?

Try to combine all

these ideas to
ONE golden tip
ONE deadly sin

MEIS|EnneagraminSales 52


Normally teams for certain goals are created with the idea of combining the
best available practical abilities of team members.

The Enneagram enables us to add another aspect to this:

Psychological aspects of project teams:

MEIS|EnneagraminSales 53

Overall goal of A good mixture of Less favorable

the company types to achieve the combinations of types
with this goals
To finalize a long 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
term project which is favorable because unfavorable because
far behind schedule

To reform a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
profit center which is favorable because unfavorable because
currently not

To develop an 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
extremely detailed favorable because unfavorable because
fire prevention plan

MEIS|EnneagraminSales 54

Overall goal of A good mixture of Less favorable

the company types to achieve the combinations of types
with this goals
To install a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
sophisticated total favorable because unfavorable because
quality management
system in a company

A conflict-ridden 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
group that needs an favorable because unfavorable because
additional member.
Which type will you

Detailed improve- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
ment in the logistic favorable because unfavorable because
systems and in details
of the organization
should be found.
Which type would
you put in the group?

MEIS|EnneagraminSales 55

Overall goal of A good mixture of Less favorable

the company types to achieve the combinations of types
with this goals
A regional sales 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
organization should favorable because unfavorable because
be built up
consisting of one
sales manager, two
sales representatives
and two secretaries.
Which combination
of types could
cooperate in a proper
way both on a
rational and on a
personal level?

MEIS|EnneagraminSales 56


Type 1 Type 2 Type 3

In which way should you

get in CONTACT with
this type?

How much small talk is

favorable before you
start to sell?

What is the ideal way to

find out the needs of this

What type and intensity of

argumentation is

MEIS|EnneagraminSales 57

Type 1 Type 2 Type 3

Which arguments and

how many arguments
should you use for this

What about the speed of

this sales talk?

How much pressure

should you put on your
customer in order to
bring this conversation to
a conclusion?

What rules would you

give the salesperson for
the price part of your

MEIS|EnneagraminSales 58

Type 4 Type 5 Type 6

In which way should you

get in contact with this

How much small talk is

favorable before you
start to sell?

What is the ideal way to

find out the needs of this

What type and intensity of

argumentation is

MEIS|EnneagraminSales 59

Type 4 Type 5 Type 6

Which arguments and

how many arguments
should you use for this

What about the speed of

this sales talk?

How much pressure

should you put on your
customer in order to bring
this conversation to a

What rules would you

give the salesperson for
the price part of your

MEIS|EnneagraminSales 60

Type 7 Type 8 Type 9

In which way should you

get in contact with this

How much small talk is

favorable before you
start to sell?

What is the ideal way to

find out the needs of this

What type and intensity of

argumentation is

MEIS|EnneagraminSales 61

Type 7 Type 8 Type 9

Which arguments and

how many arguments
should you use for this

What about the speed of

this sales talk?

How much pressure

should you put on your
customer in order to bring
this conversation to a

What rules would you

give the salesperson for
the price part of our

MEIS|EnneagraminSales 62


Sales Profile

Type no ...: Strengths Weaknesses

Appearance, first impression

Outfit, way of dressing,

personal belongings like
wrist watch, jewelry, ...

Body language

Way of getting in contact

Style of communication and

typical way of talking

Attitude towards the


Behavior towards the


MEIS|EnneagraminSales 63

Type no ...: Strengths Weaknesses

The way to ask

Way of argumentation,
type and number of

Speed of the

MEIS|EnneagraminSales 64

Type no ...: Strengths Weaknesses

Pressure to come to the

point of this sales process

The way to handle

customers counter-

The style, how the

Price issue is handled

MEIS|EnneagraminSales 65











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MEIS|EnneagraminSales 76


Author Title and Publisher Comment

Palmer, Helen The Enneagram:

Understanding yourself
and the others in your life
San Francisco: Harper &
Row, c1988
Palmer, Helen The Enneagram in love and
San Francisco: Harper San
Francisco, c1995
Riso, Don Richard The Enneagram: discovering
your personality type
London: Thorsons, 1995
Vollmar, Klausbernd The Enneagram workbook:
Understanding yourself &
New York: Sterling Pub. Co
Ebert, Andreas Experiencing the Enneagram
Kstenmacher, Marion New York: Crossroad, 1992
Kirschke, Waltraud Scenes from animal life: nine
pairs of fables for the
Enneagram types
Oxford: SLG Press, c1998

MEIS|EnneagraminSales 77

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