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Study Guides and Strategies


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Study guides
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Time, stress and

project management;
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with others, and in the classroom

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Math and science;




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Time/project management







Author pages

Guides: Learning and Studying

Learning to learn
Succeeding in continuing education
Visual/spatial learning
Learning as a student-athlete
Learning as an adult
Learning with ADHD
Active learning
Action learning
Language learning strategies
Exploring your personal learning style

Learning with others:

Collaborative learning
Group projects
Active Listening
Conflict resolution
Case study: conflict resolution
Peer mediation
Tutoring guidelines
Using feedback with tutors

Effective study habits
A.S.P.I.R.E. - a study system
Index - a study system
Studying with flashcards
Studying with multiple sources
Finding the right study space
Studying text books in science

Classroom learning
Preparing for the classroom
Class "prep"/paying attention
Classroom discussions
Taking notes in lectures
Influencing teachers
Interviewing for class projects
Consent form for interviews
Problem based learning
Using guided notes

Guides: Internet

Online learning:
Online learning: questions
Distance learning
Mobile learning (M-learning)
Taking online tests

Online communicating:
Basics: Website development
Basics: Website design
Making your website popular

Guides: Project and time management

Managing time and projects:

Time management
My daily schedule
My daily schedule
My weekly schedule
Organizing my tasks
Scheduling your school calendar
Creating to-do lists
Avoiding procrastination
Developing self-discipline

Problem solving/decision making

1. Overview
2. Defining and gathering
3. Alternatives
4. Implementation

Graphic overview: problem solving

Creative problem solving
Analogies in problem solving
Adaptive decision making
Managing by exception
Managing stress

Project management
Completing a class assignment
Project planning: class assignments
Project management .pdf
Organizing form
Developing case studies
Spreadsheets and budgets
Setting your (school) budget

Presenting Projects
Presenting projects/speeches
Public speaking
Presenting your positive image/
creating your "brand"
Public speaking match game

Self Motivation/Project Management

Intrinsic and Extrinsic values
Project development/mentors
Progress and Project Review
Guides: Writing and vocabulary

Writing assignments
Seven stages of writing assignments
Develop your topic (1)
Identify your audience (2)
Research (3)
Organizing with notecards (3a)
Prewrite (4)
Draft/write (5)
Revise (6)
Proofread (7)

Types of writing:
Writing for the "Web"
The five-paragraph essay
Essays for a literature class
Expository essays
Persuasive essays
Position papers
Open book exams
Essay Exams
White papers
Lab reports/scientific papers
Research proposals

Citing Websites
Writing under deadline
Writing Strategies Learned

Transitional words & phrases
Essay terms and directives
Modifiers & commas

Spelling exercises:
Spelling strategies
Spelling rules & exercises
Common misspelled words
There | They're | Their
Too | Two | To
"Y" with suffixes
Prefixes and root words
Suffixes and silent "e"
Mapping vocabulary
Picturing vocabulary
American alphabet recited

Guides: Thinking and evaluation

Role of silence in learning
Thinking critically I
Thinking critically II
Thinking creatively
Radical thinking
Thinking aloud/private speech
Mapping explanation/demo
Mapping exercise I
Mapping exercise II
Mapping exercise III
Thinking like a genius:
Creative solutions
Famous thinkers
Selected thoughts


Test preparation
General test preparation
Mastering one test
Standardized tests
Anticipating test content
Review tools for tests
Overcoming test anxiety
Organizing for test taking
Emergency test preparation

Test taking
Ten tips for terrific test taking
Taking online tests
True/false tests
Multiple choice tests
Short answer tests
Open book exams
Oral exams
Essay Exams
Essay terms and directives
Math Exams

Guides: Reading and research

Reading critically
Pre-reading strategies
SQ3R reading method
KWL reading method
Marking & underlining
Reading difficult material
Interpretive reading
Reading essays
Reading fiction
Narrator and character types
Speed and comprehension

Writing research papers
Researching on the Internet
Summarizing reading
Summarizing research
Evaluating website content
Organizing research: computers
Organizing research: note cards
Citing websites

Guides: Math and science

Math tests
Solving linear equations
Solving math word problems
Word problems, exercise I
Word problems, exercise II
Word problems, exercise III
Evaluating algebraic expressions
P.E.M.D.A.S.: 2nd exercise
P.E.M.D.A.S.: 3rd exercise
Creating and developing spreadsheets

Science and technology

Following the scientific method
Studying text books in science
Writing lab reports and scientific papers
How to write a research proposal
Writing white papers
Lab safety


Website overview: Since 1996 the Study Guides and Strategies Website has been
researched, authored, maintained and supported as an international, learner-centric,
educational public service. Permission is granted to freely copy, adapt, and distribute
individual Study Guides in print format in non-commercial educational settings that benefit
learners. Please be aware that the Guides welcome, and are under, continuous review and
revision. For that reason, digitization and reproduction of all content on the Internet can
only be with permission through a licensed agreement. Linking to the Guides is

The Study Guides and Strategies Website is intended for students, ages middle school
through returning adult, as well as their parents, teachers and support professionals. Its
resources are intended to empower all learners without regard to institutional and national
boundaries; cultural mores and religious beliefs; race, gender and sexual orientation. Full
disclaimer on use

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Welcome to Daily Grammar! Daily Grammar is a fun, convenient way to learn grammar.
By simplifying complex grammar subjects, Daily Grammar is a great teaching tool for
both public and home-schooled children, ESL students, and anyone needing to refresh
English grammar skills. By practicing language rules, any person able to read will be able
to master English grammar. To view Lesson 1, click here.

Daily Grammar consists of 440 lessons and 88 quizzes. Lessons 1-90 cover the eight
parts of speech, which are verbs, nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions,
conjunctions, and interjections. Lessons 91-300 cover the parts of the sentence, such as
appositives, predicate nominatives, direct objects, prepositional phrases, clauses, and
verbals. Lessons 301-440 cover the mechanics of grammar, which is also known as
capitalization and punctuation. Links to all of these grammar lessons and quizzes can be
found on our archive page. We also have a helpful glossary, making it easy to find the
definitions to a number of grammar terms.

Daily Grammar Lessons Search

con la tecnologa de

We provide a complimentary email service through the Daily Grammar Blog. We will
post lessons to the blog Monday through Friday, with a quiz on Saturday. Any posts
made to the blog will automatically be emailed to you. To subscribe to receive the Daily
Grammar emails, click here. To add the Daily Grammar Blog to your Yahoo, Google, or
Windows Live accounts use the Atom URL,

We are proud to offer the Daily Grammar eBook, FlipBook, and Workbook. The eBook,
the FlipBook, and the Workbook contain all of the Daily Grammar lessons and
quizzes. These products will allow you to enjoy the Daily Grammar lessons at your own

Have a question? Join our discussion group on Facebook. To view our privacy policy,
please click here.

Daily Grammar is sponsored by Yeah Write for Windows, an easy-to-use word

processor. For more information about this inexpensive and remarkable product, stop by
our web site at If you or your company would like to become a
sponsor of Daily Grammar, please email

Daily Grammar is the brainchild of Pete Peterson, E-mail Etiquette Tip

former Executive Vice President of Word Perfect. Pete of the Day
wanted to find a way to easily teach grammar to those
If someone asks you to
in need of lessons. In order to fulfill his wish, Pete refrain from forwarding e-
sought out the help of Mr. Bill Johanson, a thirty-year mails to them they have that
English-teaching veteran. right and you shouldn't get
mad or take it personally.
Mr. Bill Johanson is the author of all the Daily Courtesy of
Grammar lessons. He has taught high school and
junior high school English classes for thirty years and
has done a great job of preparing his students for

Teachers, who teach in our public school system, have our permission to duplicate and
use the Daily Grammar lessons in their classrooms so long as the copyright information
is preserved.

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About EnglishClub
Helping You Learn Or Teach English

Welcome to EnglishClub, a free website designed to help you learn English online. It's
your club, where you can:

make your own English page with blogs, photos, videos, music, groups and friends
test your level in English and get help with English grammar
study English grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation
play English games and do English quizzes online
chat in English with other students and teachers
find schools where you can learn English at home or abroad
find penpals for English practice

EnglishClub is divided into various main sections that you can navigate easily. Some of
the most popular are:


English Grammar: with help and tutorials on everything from tenses to prepositions
English Vocabulary: help and resources on English words, with explanations
English Pronunciation: tutorials and sound files explaining aspects of English
pronunciation such as word stress, sentence stress and linking


Grammar Help: 24-hour English Help Desk with real live Teachers to answer your
Play ESL Games: play word games like Hangman, and learn English while having
Discuss at ESL Forums: where you can express your views and have a discussion
in English
Chat in ESL Chat: where you can chat online with English learners and teachers
Listen to the News in English: with texts and questions to help you
My.EnglishClub: start your own page and invite your friends
Learning English Video Project: short films about learning English around the

Special Interest

Business English: Business English resources including money matters, news and
professional seminars on subjects like CVs/resumes or presentations
In addition to the above, you'll find the following resources particularly useful:

7 Secrets for ESL Learners - these secrets come direct to you by email
Web Links for English Learning

EnglishClub comes to you from England. It is written mainly in British English. But we
have pages about other varieties of English such as American or Canadian. Don't be
surprised if you see a word that you think is wrongly spelled! Some words are spelled
differently in British English and American English. "Colour", for example, is British
English. In American English it is "color". We try to make this clear when it is important.

EnglishClub is free. And EnglishClub is totally independent - unaffiliated to any other

language organisation.

EnglishClub is your club. Please feel free to use it in any way you wish to learn English.

Good Luck!
Josef Essberger
Cambridge, England

Interviews about EnglishClub with Josef Essberger:

Really-Learn-English interview with Josef Essberger

English-Grammar-Revolution interview with Josef Essberger
An Interview with Mr Josef Essberger, the Founder of EC
An Interview with Mr Josef Essberger about MyEnglishClub

16 years of the
Study Guides and Strategies Website
Summary | Current projects/philosophy | Kudos/recognition | Traffic/metrics

For the past sixteen years I have researched, authored,
maintained and supported the Study Guides Web site as an independent, learner-centric
educational public service. We have enjoyed collaborative projects across institutional,
cultural and national boundaries. I resist registration and distracting graphics or features
that may interfere with maximizing learner access and success. I hope you find the resource

Summary from a presentation at the International

Conference on Learning, University of London, August
15, 2012
Since 1995:
255 topics, researched, authored and published by Joe Landsberger
Freely accessible without registration and tracking of individuals
(except with third party advertisers)
Consistent format & navigation
Independent & non-affiliated
39 language translations by native speakers

Source: Web of Trust (WOT)

Trustworthiness: 92/100
Reliability: 92/100
Privacy: 92/100
Child Safety: 91/100

Copyright disclaimer
An international, learner-centric, educational public service
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Intended to empower learners middle school through returning adult
without regard to institutional and national boundaries; cultural mores and religious
beliefs; race, gender and sexual orientation
Permission is granted to freely copy, adapt, and distribute individual Study Guides
in print format in non-commercial educational settings that benefit learners

Visibility of SGS
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Google rank 7/10
Search "time management" 3rd of 40,200,000 Websites
60,000 back links by (educational) institutions worldwide
National College Learning Center Association 2011
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Source: Google Analytics; 20 August, 2012; 190 countries;

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Most popular topics by language:
Source: Google analytics

English: Transitional words and phrases

Spanish: Concept mapping
Swedish, Indonesian: Managing stress
Vietnamese: Concentration
French: Active listening
Russian: Resolving linear equations
Persian, Hebrew: Time management
Arabic: Taking math exams

Demographics (U.S. Internet averages):


Age groups:
under 25; 35-44; 45-54
Disproportionately low-income
Moderately educated, childless women browsing from school & home
Above average from home and school;
below average from work
Above average below $50,000 income;
below average for upper income levels
Below average for Caucasians
Above average for African American, Asian, Hispanic, and "other"
Below average for non-college
Above average for college and graduate school

Hand held devices/cell phone usage:

Source: Google analytics

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Global: 9%

SGS Annual traffic

Source: Webalyzer (server based)

Page % visitors hits, files,

views Increase million million
2012 link
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1998 190,050 77.4%
1997 107,114
1995-96 n/a


Website overview: Since 1996 the Study Guides and Strategies Website has been
researched, authored, maintained and supported as an international, learner-centric,
educational public service. Permission is granted to freely copy, adapt, and distribute
individual Study Guides in print format in non-commercial educational settings that benefit
learners. Please be aware that the Guides welcome, and are under, continuous review and
revision. For that reason, digitization and reproduction of all content on the Internet can
only be with permission through a licensed agreement. Linking to the Guides is

The Study Guides and Strategies Website is intended for students, ages middle school
through returning adult, as well as their parents, teachers and support professionals. Its
resources are intended to empower all learners without regard to institutional and national
boundaries; cultural mores and religious beliefs; race, gender and sexual orientation. Full
disclaimer on use

Lesson 2
Parts of Speech - Verbs
Instructions: Find the verbs in these sentences. These verbs will be state of
being verbs.

1. My uncle is a pilot.

2. The pie looks good.

3. You seem upset.

--For answers scroll down.


1. is

2. looks

3. seem

These verbs are state of being or linking verbs. Some common linking verbs
are is, am, are, was, were, be, being, been, seem, look, feel, and become. They
do not show action. They just show that something exists.

DAILY GRAMMAR - - - - by Mr. Johanson

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Copyright 2014 Word Place, Inc - - All Rights Reserved.

For your convenience, all of our lessons are available on our website in our
lesson archive at Our lessons are
also available to purchase in an eBook, a FlipBook, and a Workbook format.
Daily Grammar Lessons Search

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Lesson 3
Parts of Speech - Verbs
Instructions: Pick out the verbs in these sentences and tell
whether they are action verbs or linking verbs.

1. Suddenly someone sneezed loudly.

2. There are holes in my shirt.

3. He appears happy.

4. The image appeared in the mirror.

--For answers scroll down.


1. sneezed

2. are

3. appears

4. appeared

Sneezed and appeared are action verbs. Are and appears are
linking or state of being verbs. Some verbs like appear can be
either action or linking verbs. It depends on whether it shows
action or not. Appears above is like saying seems which shows no
action while appeared above shows the action of the image.

DAILY GRAMMAR - - - - by Mr. Johanson

Previous Lesson Next Lesson
Copyright 2014 Word Place, Inc - - All Rights Reserved.

For your convenience, all of our lessons are available on our website in our
lesson archive at Our lessons are
also available to purchase in an eBook, a FlipBook, and a Workbook format.
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Lesson 4
Parts of Speech - Verbs
Sometimes a verb can be more than one word. When a verb is
more than one word, it is called a verb phrase. Verb phrases can
be two, three, or four words. Verb phrases are made by using
auxiliary or helping verbs.

Instructions: What are the verb phrases in these sentences?

1. You are going to Seattle.

2. You have been resting too much.

3. We must be early.

4. I will be finished shortly.

--For answers scroll down.


1. are going

2. have been resting

3. must be

4. will be finished

These sentences all have what are called auxiliary or helping

verbs. I will refer to them as helping verbs. There are twenty-three
(23) helping verbs that should be memorized since they are used
so often. If you will memorize them, it will make knowing and
understanding verbs much easier. They are usually grouped in the
following five groups:

Group 1: is, am, are, was, were, be, being, been

Group 2: has, have, had
Group 3: do, does, did
Group 4: shall, will, should, would
Group 5: may, might, must, can, could

DAILY GRAMMAR - - - - by Mr. Johanson

Previous Lesson Next Lesson
Copyright 2014 Word Place, Inc - - All Rights Reserved.

For your convenience, all of our lessons are available on our website in our
lesson archive at Our lessons are
also available to purchase in an eBook, a FlipBook, and a Workbook format.

Daily Grammar Lessons Search

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Lesson 5
Parts of Speech -
Some of the helping verbs can be
used alone as the main verb. Is, am,
are, was, and were can be used
alone as linking or state of being
verbs. Has, have, had, do, does, and
did always show action when used
alone. Be, being, and been can be
used with other verbs either to show
action or state of being. The other
helping verbs cannot be used alone
but only as helping verbs.
Instructions: Find the verb or verb
phrases in these sentences.

1. She has too many friends.

2. You do beautiful work.

3. I was in Canada last week.

4. You are being very stubborn.

--For answers scroll down.


1. has

2. do

3. was

4. are being

Has and do are action verbs, and

was and are being are state of being
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Acerca EnglishClub
Le ayudamos a aprender o ensear Ingls

Bienvenido a EnglishClub, un sitio web gratuito diseado para ayudarle a aprender Ingls
en lnea. Es su club, donde puede:

hacer su propia pgina Ingls con los blogs, fotos, videos, msica, grupos y
probar su nivel de Ingls y obtener ayuda con Ingls gramtica
estudio de Ingls gramtica , vocabulario y pronunciacin
jugar juegos en ingls y no Ingls interroga en lnea
conversar en Ingls con otros estudiantes y profesores
encontrar escuelas donde se puede aprender Ingls en el hogar o en el extranjero
encontrar amigos por correspondencia para practicar Ingls

EnglishClub se divide en varias secciones principales que usted puede navegar con
facilidad. Algunos de los ms populares son:


Ingls Gramtica : con la ayuda y tutoriales sobre todo, desde los tiempos de las
Ingls vocabulario : ayuda y recursos en las palabras en ingls, con explicaciones
Ingls Pronunciacin : tutoriales y archivos de sonido que explican aspectos de la
pronunciacin Ingls como el estrs palabra, frase, el estrs y la vinculacin


Gramtica Ayuda : 24 horas Ayuda Ingls Escritorio con profesores reales en vivo
para responder a sus preguntas
Jugar Juegos de ESL : jugar juegos de palabras como Hangman, y aprender Ingls
mientras se divierten!
Discutan en ESL Foros : donde usted puede expresar sus puntos de vista y tener
una discusin en Ingls
Chatear de ESL chat : donde se puede conversar en lnea con los estudiantes y
profesores de ingls en todo el mundo
Escuche las noticias en Ingls : con textos y preguntas para ayudarle a
My.EnglishClub : comenzar su propia pgina e invita a tus amigos
Ingls Video Project Learning : cortometrajes sobre el aprendizaje de Ingls en
todo el mundo

Inters Especial

Ingls de Negocios : Recursos de ingls de negocios, incluyendo los asuntos de

dinero, noticias, seminarios profesionales sobre temas como la CVS / hojas de
vida o presentaciones

Adems de lo anterior, usted encontrar los siguientes recursos particularmente tiles:

7 secretos para Estudiantes de ESL - estos secretos vienen directamente a usted

por correo electrnico
Enlaces de Aprendizaje de Ingls

EnglishClub llega desde Inglaterra. Est escrito principalmente en Ingls britnico. Pero
tenemos pginas sobre otras variedades de Ingls como el estadounidense o canadiense.
No se sorprenda si usted ve una palabra que usted piensa que est deletreado
errneamente! Algunas palabras se escriben diferente en Ingls britnico y americano
Ingls. "Color", por ejemplo, es Ingls britnico. En Ingls Americano es "color".
Tratamos de hacer esto en claro cuando es importante.

EnglishClub es gratis. Y EnglishClub es totalmente independiente - no afiliado a ninguna

otra organizacin del lenguaje.

EnglishClub es tu club. Por favor, sintase libre de usarlo en cualquier manera que usted
desea aprender Ingls.

Buena suerte!
Josef Essberger
Cambridge, Inglaterra

Las entrevistas sobre EnglishClub con Josef Essberger:

Entrevista Realmente-Aprender-Ingls con Josef Essberger

Entrevista Ingls-Gramtica-Revolucin con Josef Essberger
Una entrevista con el Sr. Josef Essberger, el Fundador de la CE
Una entrevista con el Sr. Josef Essberger sobre MyEnglishClub

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Bienvenido a diario gramtica! Diaria gramtica es una manera divertida y prctica para
aprender gramtica. Al simplificar los sujetos gramaticales complejas, Daily Grammar es
una gran herramienta de enseanza para los nios pblicos y educados en casa, estudiantes
de ESL, y cualquier persona que necesite para actualizar los conocimientos de gramtica
en ingls. Mediante la prctica de las reglas del lenguaje, cualquier persona capaz de leer
ser capaz de dominar la gramtica Ingls. Para ver la Leccin 1, haga clic aqu .
Gramtica diario consta de 440 lecciones y 88 cuestionarios. Lecciones 1-90 cubren las
ocho partes de la oracin, que son los verbos, sustantivos, pronombres, adjetivos,
adverbios, preposiciones, conjunciones e interjecciones. Lecciones 91-300 cubre las partes
de la oracin, como apositivos, nominativos predicado, objeto directo , frases
preposicionales, clusulas, y verbales. Lecciones 301-440 cubren la mecnica de la
gramtica, que tambin se conoce como la capitalizacin y la puntuacion. Los enlaces a
todas estas lecciones de gramtica y pruebas se pueden encontrar en nuestro archivo de
pgina. Tambin contamos con un til glosario , por lo que es fcil encontrar las
definiciones de algunos trminos gramaticales.
Diario lecciones de gramtica Buscar

con la tecnologa de

Ofrecemos un servicio de correo electrnico gratuito a travs del Blog diario gramtica .
Publicaremos lecciones para el blog de lunes a viernes, con un concurso el sbado.
Cualesquiera los mensajes publicados en el blog ser automticamente enviado por correo
electrnico. Para suscribirse para recibir los mensajes de correo electrnico diario de
gramtica, haga clic aqu . Para agregar el blog diario gramtica a sus Yahoo, Google, o
cuentas de Windows Live Utilice el Atom URL, .

Estamos orgullosos de ofrecer el Daily Grammar eBook , FlipBook , y Libro de Trabajo .

El libro electrnico , el flipbook , y el libro de trabajo contiene todas las lecciones diarias
de gramtica y concursos. Estos productos permitirn que usted pueda disfrutar de las
lecciones diarias de gramtica a su propio ritmo.
Tiene alguna pregunta? nete a nuestro grupo de discusin en Facebook . Para ver
nuestra poltica de privacidad, por favor haga clic aqu .
Gramtica diario es patrocinado por S Escribir para Windows, un procesador de texto fcil
de usar. Para obtener ms informacin sobre este producto de bajo costo y notable, pase
por nuestro sitio web en . Si usted o su empresa desea ser un
patrocinador del diario La gramtica, enve un correo electrnico .
Gramtica diaria es una idea original de Pete Peterson, E-mail Etiquette Tip
ex vicepresidente ejecutivo de Word Perfect. Pete quera of the Day
encontrar una manera de ensear fcilmente la gramtica If someone asks you to
a los necesitados de lecciones. Con el fin de cumplir su refrain from forwarding e-
deseo, Pete busc la ayuda de Mr. Bill Johanson, un mails to them they have that
veterano de treinta aos Ingls-enseanza. right and you shouldn't get
Sr. Bill Johanson es el autor de todas las lecciones mad or take it personally.
diarias de gramtica. Ha sido profesor de la escuela Courtesy of
secundaria y escuela de secundaria de las clases de ingls
durante treinta aos y lo ha hecho un gran trabajo de
preparacin de sus estudiantes para la universidad.
Los maestros, que ensean en nuestro sistema de educacin pblica, tienen nuestro
permiso para duplicar y utilizar las lecciones diarias de gramtica en sus clases siempre y
cuando se conserve la informacin de copyright.

16 aos de la
Guas de Estudio y Estrategias Web
Resumen | Proyectos actuales / Filosofa | Kudos / reconocimiento | Trfico / mtricas


Durante los ltimos diecisis aos he investigado, escrito,

mantenido y apoyado el sitio Web Guas de estudio como, el servicio pblico educativo
centrado en el aprendizaje independiente. Hemos disfrutado de los proyectos de
colaboracin a travs de fronteras institucionales, culturales y nacionales. Me resisto
registro y grficos que distraigan o caractersticas que puedan interferir con el fomento del
acceso alumno y el xito. Espero que encuentre til el recurso.

Resumen de una presentacin en la Conferencia

Internacional sobre la Educacin de la Universidad de
Londres, 15 de agosto 2012
Desde 1995:
255 temas, investigado, escrito y publicado por Joe Landsberger
De acceso libre y sin registro y seguimiento de los individuos
(Excepto con los anunciantes de terceros)
Formato y la navegacin consistente
Independiente y no afiliado
39 traducciones de la lengua por los hablantes nativos

Fuente: Web of Trust (WOT)

Confiabilidad: 92/100,
Confiabilidad: 92/100,
Privacidad: 92/100,
Seguridad para nios: 91/100

Copyright Responsabilidad
Una, centrado en el aprendizaje, el servicio pblico educativo internacional
intencionalmente ". net" no ". com"
La intencin de capacitar a los estudiantes de la escuela media a travs regresar
sin tener en cuenta las fronteras institucionales y nacionales; costumbres culturales
y creencias religiosas; la raza, el gnero y la orientacin sexual
Se concede permiso para copiar libremente, adaptar y distribuir Guas individuales
de Estudio en formato impreso en los centros educativos no comerciales que
beneficien a los estudiantes

Visibilidad de SGS
Altamente calificados por directorios, portales, motores de bsqueda:
Rango de Google 7/10
Buscar "gestin del tiempo" 3 de 40.200.000 sitios web
60000 enlaces de vuelta por las instituciones (educativas) en todo el mundo
Asociacin Nacional Centro de Aprendizaje Colegio 2011
"Uso innovador Premio a la Tecnologa de"

Pases de los visitantes con porcentaje de trfico

Fuente: Google Analytics; 20 de agosto 2012; 190 pases;

EE.UU.: 48,0%
Filipinas: 6.8%
Canad: 4.7%
India: 3.9%
Australia: 3,3%
Vietnam: 2,8%
Mxico: 2.4%
Reino Unido: 2,1%

Brasil: 1,8%
Malasia: 1,6%
Singapur: 1,2%
Columbia, Indonesia: 1.0% cada uno
Irn, Nueva Zelandia: 0,8% cada uno
Sudfrica: 0.7%
Israel: 0,6%
Francia, Rusia, Tailandia, Per, Alemania, Japn: 0,5% cada uno

1639 temas de SGS: 250 ms populares por idioma

Fuente: Google Analytics

Ingls: 137; Espaol, 30; Vietnamita, 23; Indonesia, 12;

rabe, 10; Persa, 10; Portugus, 9; Rusia, 6;
Francs, 5; Hebreo, 2; Italiana, 2; Chino, 1;
Japons, 1; Serbio, 1; Sueca, 1

La mayora de los temas populares por el idioma:

Fuente: Google Analytics

Ingls: las palabras y frases de transicin

Espaol: Los mapas conceptuales
Sueco, indonesio: Controlar el estrs
Vietnamita: Concentracin
Francs: La escucha activa
Rusos: Resolucin de ecuaciones lineales
Persa, hebreo: Gestin del tiempo
rabe: Tomar los exmenes de matemticas

Demografa (medias Internet en Estados Unidos):


Grupos de edad:
menores de 25 aos; 35-44; 45-54
Desproporcionadamente bajos ingresos
Los padres
Moderadamente educados, las mujeres sin hijos navegando desde la escuela y el
Por encima de la media de la casa y la escuela;
inferior a la media del trabajo
Por encima de la media por debajo de 50.000 dlares de ingresos;
debajo del promedio de los niveles de ingresos ms altos
Por debajo del promedio para los caucsicos
Por encima de la media para afroamericanos, asiticos, hispanos y "otros"
Por debajo del promedio para los no-universidad
Por encima del promedio para la escuela universitaria y de posgrado

Dispositivos de mano / el uso del telfono celular:

Fuente: Google Analytics

EE.UU.: 5%
Gran Bretaa: 33%
Global: 9%

SGS trfico anual

Fuente: Webalyzer (basada en servidor)

Pgina % hits, archivos,

vistas Aumentar milln milln
2012 enlace
2011 21709708 21.3% 10400000 249.4 62.4
2010 17637519 6,7% 8600000 163.2 27.1
2009 16536110 7,1% 7900000 196.4 20.3
2008 15435695 20,0% 6300000 130,6 60.1
2007 12796495 8,0% 5100000 82.3 36.6
2006 11849732 41.7% 3900000 69.5 53.2
2005 8300907 35.4% 3600000 53.9 40.6
2004 6128170 22.9% 1500000 42.4 31.0
2003 4984983 72.8%
2002 2884739 48,5%
2001 1942479 58,6%
2000 1224433 136.1%
1999 518550 172,8%
1998 190050 77,4%
1997 107114
1995-1996 n / a


Resumen de pgina: A partir de 1996 las Guas de Estudio y Estrategias sitio web ha
sido investigado, escrito, mantenido y apoyado como, centrado en el aprendizaje, el
servicio pblico educativo internacional. Se concede permiso para copiar libremente,
adaptar y distribuir Guas individuales de Estudio en formato impreso en los centros
educativos no comerciales que beneficien a los estudiantes. Tenga en cuenta que las Guas
aceptan y estn bajo crtica y revisin continua. Por esa razn, la digitalizacin y
reproduccin de todo el contenido en Internet slo puede ser hecha con permiso a travs de
un acuerdo de licencia. Vinculacin con las Guas se anima!

Las Guas de Estudio y Estrategias web ha sido diseada para los estudiantes, la escuela
media a travs de las edades de regresar de adultos, as como a sus padres, maestros y
profesionales de apoyo. Sus recursos estn destinados a capacitar a todos los estudiantes sin
tener en cuenta las fronteras institucionales y nacionales; costumbres culturales y creencias
religiosas; la raza, el gnero y la orientacin sexual. Exencin completa sobre el uso de

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