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Statement on recent developments of USA-Cuba relations

Since 1960, the USA is maintaining commercial, economic and financial embargo
on Revolutionary Cuba with number of legislations and various other interventions.
Over these nearly six decades the embargo process had been extremely complicated
and complex, inflicting huge embarrassment to citizens, government officials,
academics and those who engage in trade in both countries. The adverse effects have
not been limited to the two relevant parties only but to other countries and
multinational corporations as well, because involvement of certain sanctions extends
beyond the territories of the USA and Cuba.

Though this has gone on for decades, neither country has benefited, proving the
futility of the embargo.

Over the years, the multifaceted embargo has been highly criticized and objected
by almost all the countries except the USA and Israel at the UN General Assembly
and at various other international platforms. Despite the embargo, Cuba could nurture
greater solidarity and corporation worldwide in trade, international politics, science
and culture.

In December 2014, taking a progressive step forward, former USA President

Barak Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro commenced the process of re-
establishing diplomatic relationships and lifting some travel and economic restrictions.

But, the present President of USA Donald Trump reversed some crucial policies
of former President on 16th of last month in Miami, in front of a gathering of veterans
of the failed Bay of Pig invasion. Apparently, President Trumps government is

unilaterally trying to apply certain conditions on Cuba which could adversely affect
Cubas sovereignty, independence and threaten economic and political principles
which helped Cuban people and the Government to stand against all sorts of
oppressions including that of imperialism. Cubas revolutionary principles defined its
unique place in the international arena.

We are sure that, as already expressed by the Foreign Minister of Cuba, Cuban
government and the people will not betray these long held noble principles and
policies for want of short term economic gains in dealing with the USA. We extend
our solidarity as ever before to Cuba and hope that the relationship with the USA will
mature based on mutual collaboration with due respect to sovereignty and
independence of each nation.

Peoples Liberation Front (JVP) - Sri Lanka

09th July 2017

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