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Psychophysiology, 42 (2005), 465472. Blackwell Publishing Inc. Printed in the USA.

Copyright r 2005 Society for Psychophysiological Research

DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8986.2005.00306.x

Absolute pitch and pupillary response: Effects of timbre

and key color


Department of Psychology, Humboldt University at Berlin, Germany

The pitch identication performance of absolute pitch possessors has previously been shown to depend on pitch range,
key color, and timbre of presented tones. In the present study, the dependence of pitch identication performance on
key color and timbre of musical tones was examined by analyzing hit rates, reaction times, and pupillary responses of
absolute pitch possessors (n 5 9) and nonpossessors (n 5 12) during a pitch identication task. Results revealed a
significant dependence of pitch identication hit rate but not reaction time on timbre and key color in both groups.
Among absolute pitch possessors, peak dilation of the pupil was significantly dependent on key color whereas the effect
of timbre was marginally significant. Peak dilation of the pupil differed significantly between absolute pitch possessors
and nonpossessors. The observed effects point to the importance of learning factors in the acquisition of absolute pitch.
Descriptors: Absolute pitch, Pupillary response, Pitch memory, Pitch learning

Absolute pitch is the ability to name or produce tonal pitches absolute pitch is dened as long-term memory for individual
without the use of an external reference such as the piano or pitches (Ward, 1999): The absolute pitch possessor is assumed to
tuning fork. With an incidence between 0.01% and 0.10% in the map a heard pitch to an internal reference system for pitches to
general population and around 5% among professional musi- nd the verbal label of the heard pitch. Nonpossessors are sup-
cians, this ability is comparatively rare. In contrast to relative posed to rely on relational strategies (e.g., relating a heard pitch
pitch, which is the ability to identify relations or intervals be- to their own vocal range) in pitch identication tasks, usually
tween pitches, absolute pitch is not required for professional leading to performance around chance level (with each octave
musicians, although the fact that famous composers like Bach, containing 12 pitch categories or pitch classes, chance in pitch
Mozart, or Beethoven are assumed to have had absolute pitch identication is 1/12 or 8.3%).
has led to an idealization of absolute pitch possessors as highly Of all methods to measure absolute pitch (pitch identication,
gifted musicians. This study examines the inuence of key color pitch production, and memory tasks), pitch identication tasks
(i.e., whether a pitch corresponds to black or white piano keys) are most widely used. In pitch identication tasks, participants
and timbre (i.e., the instrumental sound in which a pitch is pre- hear a number of musical pitches and have to label them with the
sented) of presented pitches on error rates, reaction times, and corresponding pitch class, such as C or C#. Because pitch class
pupillary responses of absolute pitch possessors and nonposses- labels are repeated in each octave, a designation of octave, such
sors during pitch identication. as C4 or C5, is required to dene the exact pitch height of a pitch.
Results of pitch identication studies (for a review, see Takeuchi
& Hulse, 1993) revealed a wide range of pitch identication rates
Characteristics of Pitch Identication among absolute pitch possessors (as well as nonpossessors), de-
Relative pitch judgments are assumed to be based on working pending on the kind of stimuli, the selection of participants (self-
memory (Baddeley & Hitch, 1974): The two tones to be com- report or absolute pitch screening), and on the tolerance of
pared are maintained in the phonological loop until the decision semitone (i.e., the smallest unit for pitch notation in Western
on the interval has been made. Then, the tones are no longer music, corresponding to adjacent piano keys) and octave errors.
rehearsed and, as a consequence, forgotten. On the other hand, The latter are typical errors of absolute pitch possessors, but not
of nonpossessors, which has led to the conclusion that absolute
The authors thank Oliver Vitouch, Susanne Raisig, and two anon- pitch possessors rely on pitch class in their judgment, whereas
ymous reviewers for providing helpful comments on an earlier version of nonpossessors can only make imprecise pitch judgments on the
this article. basis of overall pitch height (Ward, 1999).
Lars Kuchinke is now at Free University of Berlin.
Address reprint requests to: Kathrin Schlemmer, Department of
A number of studies have examined the effect of stimulus-
Psychology, Humboldt University at Berlin, Rudower Chaussee 18, specific inuences on pitch identication by absolute pitch
12489 Berlin, Germany. E-mail address: possessors. It has been found that speed and accuracy of pitch
466 K.B. Schlemmer et al.

identication depend on pitch range (Heyde, 1987; Miyazaki, kin, & Dykes, 1996; van der Meer, Friedrich, Nuthmann, Stelzel,
1989), timbre (Marvin & Brinkman, 2000; Miyazaki, 1989), and & Kuchinke, 2003). In a study on pitch discrimination, Kahne-
key color (Marvin & Brinkman, 2000; Miyazaki, 1990; Takeuchi man and Beatty (1967) found a significant relation between dif-
& Hulse, 1991). The method of these studies is similar: A number culty of discrimination between two pitches and the magnitude
of pitches differing in the variable of interest, for example, key of pupil dilations.
color or timbre, are labeled by the absolute pitch possessor, Pupillary responses have also been linked to emotional
whose pitch labeling performance (error rates, reaction times) is processing, although the evidence is somewhat mixed. For in-
then compared for pitches of the different timbres or key colors. stance, Mudd, Conway, and Schindler (1990), who compared
It has been shown that tones of the middle frequency region are pupil responses and verbal preference judgments to six pieces of
identied better and faster than tones of the very high or very low music, found that ratings of liking were associated with pupil
regions. Second, it has been shown that piano tones are identied dilation whereas disliking was associated with pupil constriction.
better and faster than synthesized complex tones or pure tones This is one of the few studies supporting the controversial hy-
(Miyazaki, 1989), and also faster than violin tones (Marvin & pothesis of bidirectional pupil responses formulated by Hess
Brinkman, 2000). Third, white key pitches have been shown to be (1965). However, studies controlling the initial pupil constriction
identied better and faster than black key pitches. following stimulus presentation found increases in pupil dilation
The effects of pitch range, timbre, and key color point to when both pleasant or unpleasant stimuli as opposed to neutral
the importance of learning factors in absolute pitch acquisition. stimuli were processed (Steinhauer, Boller, Zubin, & Pearlman,
They can be explained as base rate effects, because pitches in the 1983; Libby, Lacey, & Lacey, 1973). These studies suggest that
middle frequency region, white key pitches, and pitches in both liking and disliking require the allocation of resources and
piano timbres occur more often in most Western music than that the level of emotional involvement rather than the emotional
pitches of extreme frequency regions, black key pitches, and pure valence of stimuli is related to pupil dilation.
tones. The interpretation of the key color effect as an effect of Pupillary responses were measured during pitch identication
base rate is supported by Simpson and Huron (1994) who to assess stimulus-specific differences in mental effort that
could relate Miyazakis (1990) reaction time data for the 12 pitch may not be able to be seen in error rate or reaction time. The
classes to their expected frequency of occurrence, calculated latter reect accuracy and speed of information processing rather
from a sample of Western baroque music. According to Simpson than mental effort needed in the task. The analysis of mental
and Huron, 45% of the observed variance in Miyazakis effort is of particular interest for the investigation of key color
data could be explained by the HickHyman law (Hick, 1952; differences, because a higher error rate for black key pitches is
Hyman, 1953), stating that the greater the expectancy for a confounded by a response bias (i.e., a higher probability to guess
given stimulus, the shorter the reaction time will be for that the name of a white key pitch when uncertain). Reaction time,
stimulus. on the other hand, is inuenced by artifacts during answer
While existing evidence supports the importance of base rate registration, either through the use of piano keys (with longer
learning, this study focuses on base rate effects in the individual ways to black keys; as in Miyazaki, 1989, 1990, Exp. 1) or a
learning history. Instead of comparing articial and instrumental decision between two labels for the same key (e.g., C# and D[)
timbres (like Miyazaki, 1989) we compared the pitch labeling for black key pitches only (as in Marvin & Brinkman, 2000).
performance for pitches played in familiar versus less familiar Because differences in overall emotional involvement in
instrumental timbres. Additionally, we investigated absolute black and white key pitches are expected to be minimal, pupil
pitch possessors as well as nonpossessors. Because we assume dilation could provide ne-grained information on differences in
that base rate learning affects both groups, we expected similar mental effort related to behavioral effects of key color (and
effects of timbre and key color on the pitch labeling performance correspondingly, timbre).
of absolute pitch possessors and nonpossessors, with possessors To examine differences in mental effort, we analyzed peak
showing an overall higher performance level. dilation of the pupil (i.e., the maximal pupil diameter in the time
interval of interest), which according to Beatty (1982) is the most
Pupillometrics relevant characteristic of the pupillary response. Because we ex-
We investigated the amount of resource allocation needed during pected higher mental effort to be required for the labeling of
the identication of musical pitches by analyzing changes in pupil black key pitches (compared with white key pitches) as well as
diameter as well as behavioral data (error rates, reaction times). pitches in less familiar timbres (compared with familiar timbres),
Although the pupils main function is the control of light entering we expected higher peak dilation of the pupil during the iden-
the eye (the functional path of the pupillary response; cf. Hoeks & tication of black key pitches as well as pitches in less familiar
Levelt, 1993), numerous studies have shown that pupillary re- timbres. On the behavioral level, we expected a faster and more
sponses are a reliable and sensitive index of the extent of central accurate identication of white key pitches and pitches played in
nervous system processing allocated to a task. This is called the familiar timbres compared with black key pitches and pitches
nonfunctional path of the pupillary response, in which the lateral played in less familiar timbres.
hypothalamus, the locus coeruleus, and the cerebral cortex are The hypothesized stimulus-specific effects during pitch iden-
assumed to play a crucial role (Hoeks & Ellenbroek, 1993). Ac- tication were expected to affect absolute pitch possessors as well
cording to Granholm and Steinhauer (2004), the extent of pupil as nonpossessors. On the behavioral level we expected an overall
dilation reects the amount of information processing. Increases higher accuracy and shorter reaction time among absolute pitch
in pupil dilation in response to increased information processing possessors compared to nonpossessors. On the psychophysio-
demands have been found in studies involving a variety of tasks, logical level, we expected higher peak dilation of the pupil among
such as language processing (Hyona, Tommola, & Alaja, 1995; absolute pitch nonpossessors compared to possessors, because
Just & Carpenter, 1993), perceptual tasks (Verney, Granholm, & they are assumed to rely on costly relational strategies when
Dionisio, 2001), and memory tasks (Granholm, Asarnow, Sar- labeling pitches.
Absolute pitch and pupillary response 467

Method timbre was included, because not everybodys main instrument

was the piano.
Participants To minimize the success of skilled musicians in using relative
Twenty-one participants took part in the experiment (9 men, 12 pitch for naming successive tones, a strategy that is usually less
women, mean age: 28 years, SD: 5.8 years). Twelve participants successful with large intervals, the tones were presented in a xed
were professional musicians or music students and 9 participants order in which distances between two tones were never smaller
were amateur musicians. All participants have had musical than 10 semitones. Tones of different timbres were randomized
training on at least one instrument (mean duration of instru- so that two successive tones always differed in timbre.
mental training: 14.6 years, SD: 6 years), 14 participants played
more than one instrument. The instruments played by the par- Procedure
ticipants included piano (all participants), organ (1 participant), The experiment took place in a quiet, lighted room (background
violin (8 participants), viola (2 participants), cello (3 partici- luminance about 300 lux) and the participants were seated in a
pants), guitar (5 participants), recorder (5 participants), ute comfortable chair, with a distance of 0.8 m to the computer
(1 participant), clarinet (2 participants), saxophone (1 partici- screen at eye level and 1 m to the loudspeakers. The participants
pant), bassoon (1 participant), French horn (1 participant), and were familiarized with the experimental procedure by written
drums (2 participants). Nine participants reported having abso- instructions. The experiment started with a xation cross ap-
lute pitch. However, the nal classication of participants into pearing on the screen for 1000 ms. Then the tone was presented
absolute pitch possessors and nonpossessors was based on their from the loudspeakers. Participants were asked to react by mouse
pitch naming performance in the experiment. In accordance with click indicating identication as soon as they knew the name of
the subjective judgment of the participants, 9 were classied as the respective tone. They were instructed to react as fast as pos-
absolute pitch possessors (with more than 70% correct pitch sible, but only when they were quite sure about the note name.
judgments) and 12 as nonpossessors. The reaction time was the time between tone onset and mouse
Participants were recruited from music schools and choirs in click. After the participants mouse click, the cross remained on
Berlin and received no payment for their participation. They the screen for a further 1000 ms because the pupillary response
completed a questionnaire on momentary medical problems and has been shown to lag behind behavioral responses by 300500
medication. None of the participants suffered from neurological ms (Beatty, 1982; Hoeks & Levelt, 1993). Then a smiley face
or psychiatric diseases, nor did they take any medication that appeared on the screen indicating that participants were to an-
could inuence pupillary responses. They reported no oph- nounce the name of the tone and were allowed to blink. This
thalmologic problems other than correctable vision. Informed procedure was chosen to prevent light reactions and movement
consent was obtained. artifacts during the experimental trials. Participants were asked
to extend the blinking pause as long as needed and to start the
Stimuli next trial by mouse click.
The stimuli consisted of 88 tones from the two octaves between Tone names were registered by the experimenter who gave no
C3 and C5. The tuning standard was set to A4 5 440 Hz. Each feedback on the accuracy of responses. If participants did not react
tone was presented for 2000 ms, including fade-in and fade-out within 5000 ms, the smiley face appeared 5000 (11000) ms after
of 200 ms each. To test for effects of key color, 44 black key tones tone onset and the respective tones were registered as not named.
and 44 white key tones were used. The frequency of occurrence of Participants were tested individually. There were four practise
all 12 pitch classes was balanced through the experiment between trials before the experiment started. The experiment lasted ap-
six and nine times. To test for timbre effects, 10 different timbres proximately 45 min.
were used. Because most musicians (and all participants) are
familiar with the piano, we used 24 piano tones as familiar tim- Apparatus
bre. Twenty-four triangular tones were used as less familiar tim- The experiment was run by two IBM-compatible microcomput-
bre. In these two timbres, all 24 tones of the two octaves appeared ers. One computer was used for stimulus presentation and the
once. Additionally, eight other instrumental timbres were chosen other for the registration of pupillary data. The experiment was
from the three main groups of orchestral instruments, namely written in Matlab (version 6.5), using the Psychophysics Toolbox
string, woodwind, and brass instruments. For each of the three extensions (Brainard, 1997; Pelli, 1997). The pupillary data were
groups the selection included instruments playing in a higher as recorded with an iView system (SensoMotoric Instruments). An
well as lower pitch range. Thus, we used violin, cello, ute, clar- infrared-sensitive video camera including an infrared light source
inet, bassoon, trumpet, trombone, and French horn timbres and was xed on the participants head to record pupillary responses
presented ve tones per timbre. The number of black and white from the right eye. A near-infrared light source (l 5 7001049
key pitches was balanced in each of these eight timbres. The nm) illuminated the eye and produced a corneal reection. The
triangular tones were generated with the software CoolEdit corneal reection was recorded by the video camera, and at
(Syntrillium) and all other tones were recorded from the per- 50 Hz (i.e., every 20 ms), the horizontal pupil diameter was au-
formance of professional musicians on digital audio tape (DAT) tomatically measured and stored on the computers hard disk
and edited in duration and loudness with CoolEdit. Loudness along with the 5 mV TTL signals marking the beginning of trials
was normalized. and reaction times.
To classify familiar and less familiar timbres, each participant The xation cross and the smiley face were presented on a
was asked to name all instruments they had taken lessons in. computer screen that was 14 in. in size. The gray background had
These instruments were then classied as familiar for this par- a luminance of 39.65 cd/m2 and the two dark gray symbols had
ticipant. This procedure resulted in different numbers of familiar approximately the same luminance near 30 cd/m2 (xation cross:
and less familiar tones for each participant. It is justied, though, 30.58 cd/m2, smiley face: 29.56 cd/m2). External reections were
by the fact, that for every participant, at least one very familiar eliminated as well as possible.
468 K.B. Schlemmer et al.

Analysis of Pupillary Responses 100

A computer algorithm was used to discard trials with major ar-
tifacts or excessive blinking and to correct trials with smaller 80
artifacts by linear interpolation. Trials with incorrect pitch labe-

Hit Rate (in %)

ling responses as well as trials with no mouse click responses were 60
absolute pitch absolute
excluded from the averaging. Trials were also excluded when pitch
reaction times exceeded mean reaction time (determined per 40 possessors
participant group) by two standard deviations. Altogether,
55.6% of trials were discarded due to major artifacts, excessive 20
blinking, or no or too slow responses. A further 9.7% of trials
were discarded due to incorrect pitch labeling responses, so there 0
remained 640 trials (34.7%) for further analyses. The loss of data All Participants (n = 21)
was systematically distributed across participant groups: Among
Figure 1. Distribution of hit rates (in percent) among all participants
absolute pitch possessors, 564 trials (71.3%) were valid, whereas
(n 5 21). Participants with a hit rate above 70% were classied as
20.6% of trials were discarded due to artifacts, blinking, or no or
absolute pitch possessors, the rest as nonpossessors.
too slow responses and 8.1% of trials were discarded due to
incorrect pitch labeling responses. Among nonpossessors, only
76 trials (7.2%) were valid, whereas 81.8% of trials were dis- sors (2%43% correct identication). Figure 1 displays hit rates
carded due to artifacts, blinking, or no or too slow responses and of all participants.
11.0% of trials were discarded due to incorrect pitch labeling Because the largest gap in the hit rate distribution was be-
responses. tween 43% and 73%, this was chosen as a cut-off point for the
A ve-point weighted average lter was then run over the classication of participants into absolute pitch possessors and
data. Baseline pupil size was dened per individual trial as the nonpossessors. With the chosen cut-off point, the classication
average pupil diameter (in millimeters) recorded 200 ms before of participants by hit rate in the pitch identication task con-
tone onset. The overall average baseline pupil diameter was 4.03 formed with participants own judgment of their pitch labeling
mm (range 2.776.96 mm). To rule out an inuence of baseline ability. Although it could be argued that the distribution of hit
pupillary diameter on our results, baseline pupillary diameter rates resembles an absolute pitch continuum (for a review of
was averaged for each experimental condition and each partic- the absolute pitch continuum discussion, see Vitouch, 2005),
ipant (cf. Table 2), and subjected to a 2  2 repeated-measures there were significant differences in the hypothesized direction
ANOVA. Furthermore, to rule out a drift of baseline pupillary between absolute pitch possessors and nonpossessors in hit rate,
diameter over the course of the experiment, the rst 10 and the F(1,19) 5 148.03, po.0001, Z2 5 .886, as well as reaction time,
last 10 baselines of each participant were averaged and compared F(1,19) 5 18.93, po.0001, Z2 5 .513, justifying this classication
with a repeated measures t test. (cf. Table 1). For both groups, the following rule was proven: The
Peak dilation of the pupil was computed by individual trial of faster the averaged reaction time of a participant, the higher his
each participant. Peak dilation was dened as the maximal base- individual hit rate, r 5 .79, po.0001. Furthermore, the char-
line-corrected pupil diameter in the interval between tone onset acteristic distribution of error sizes described by Ward (1999) was
and reaction time1500 ms, so pupillary responses lagging behind found among our participants, too. Whereas absolute pitch pos-
the behavioral responses by up to 500 ms were included. Pupil- sessors errors were almost exclusively semitone errors, nonpos-
lary responses were averaged separately for each participant and sessors errors ranged from one to six semitones (because octave
each experimental condition. Exploratory analyses revealed a designation was not required in our task, the maximal error was 12
large variability in the pupillary responses to tones in less familiar octave 5 6 semitones). Figure 2 displays the distribution of error
timbres, which we attribute to the joint analysis of articial tri- sizes for absolute pitch possessors and nonpossessors.
angular tones and tones in instrumental timbres with a more
complex overtone spectrum. To compare only pupillary respons- Behavioral Results
es to tones with similar sound complexity, we omitted the pupil- Table 1 displays descriptive evidence including the means and
lary data of triangular tones from the analysis of timbre effects standard errors of hit rate and reaction time, comparing black
and compared only familiar with less familiar instrumental tim- and white key pitches as well as familiar and less familiar timbres
bres. Therefore, the four conditions included the following num- for absolute pitch possessors as well as nonpossessors.
bers of valid trials: blackless familiar: 145 (absolute pitch The significance of key color and timbre effects on the pitch
possessors: 131, nonpossessors: 14), blackfamiliar: 93 (posses- labeling performance of both participant groups was tested by
sors: 86, nonpossessors: 7), whiteless familiar: 102 (possessors: subjecting hit rate to a 2  2  2 repeated-measures ANOVA
92, nonpossessors: 10), and whitefamiliar: 135 (possessors: 104, with key color (black vs. white) and timbre (familiar vs. less
nonpossessors: 31). familiar) as within-participant variables and participant group
(absolute pitch possessors vs. nonpossessors) as the between-
participant variable. The analysis revealed a significant main ef-
Results fect of key color, F(1,19) 5 4.53, p 5 .047, Z2 5 .193, with a
higher hit rate for white compared to black key pitches. The main
Classication of Absolute Pitch Possessors and Nonpossessors effect of timbre was significant, F(1,19) 5 7.50, p 5 .013,
There were large individual differences in hit rate in the pitch Z2 5 .283, with a higher hit rate for familiar compared to less
identication task among participants who judged themselves to familiar timbres. There was a significant main effect of partic-
be absolute pitch possessors (73%100% correct identication) ipant group, F(1,19) 5 129.57, po.0001, Z2 5 .872, with a higher
as well as among those who judged themselves to be nonposses- hit rate among absolute pitch possessors compared to nonpos-
Absolute pitch and pupillary response 469

Table 1. Means and Standard Errors (SE) of Hit Rate and Reaction Time, Dependent on Key Color and Timbre of Pitches, for Absolute
Pitch Possessors (n 5 9) and Nonpossessors (n 5 12)

Key color
Black White

Less familiar timbre Familiar timbre Less familiar timbre Familiar timbre
Absolute pitch possessors
Hit rate
Mean (%) 81.87 91.54 87.64 88.27
SE (%) 6.67 3.88 3.49 4.63
Reaction time
Mean (ms) 1973 1711 1852 1651
SE (ms) 348 269 283 284
Absolute pitch nonpossessors
Hit rate
Mean (%) 14.21 12.88 15.73 32.94
SE (%) 3.40 4.48 4.13 8.56
Reaction time
Mean (ms) 2869 2522 3013 3327
SE (ms) 265 488 480 428

sessors. Interactions were all insignificant except for the triple diameter of the rst 10 trials and the last 10 trials of each par-
interaction key color  timbre  participant group, F(1,19) 5 ticipant, t(8) 5 1.802, p 5 .109. Thus, there was neither evidence
5.57, p 5 .029, Z2 5 .227. for an inuence of baseline pupillary diameter on pupillary re-
Further analyses of absolute pitch nonpossessors pitch iden- sponses in the experimental conditions nor for a drift in baseline
tication performance compared their hit rate in each experi- pupillary diameter in the course of the experiment.
mental condition against chance level (8.3%). One-sample t tests The significance of the key color and timbre effects on peak
revealed that only hit rate in the easiest condition white dilation was tested by subjecting peak dilation to a 2  2 re-
familiar exceeded chance performance significantly, t(11) 5 2.88, peated-measures ANOVA with key color (black vs. white) and
p 5 .015. Because only reaction times of comparable trials, that timbre (familiar vs. less familiar) as within-participant variables.
is, correctly labeled pitches, could be compared, chance per- The analysis revealed a significant main effect of key color,
formance in three out of four conditions among absolute pitch F(1,8) 5 7.93, p 5 .023, Z2 5 .498, with greater peak dilation for
nonpossessors led to the methodological problem that the inu- black compared to white key pitches. The main effect of timbre
ences of key color and timbre could not be further distinguished was marginally significant, F(1,8) 5 4.08, p 5 .078, Z2 5 .338,
in the reaction time data of this participant group. with less familiar timbre showing slightly larger pupil dilation
Therefore, reaction time of only absolute pitch possessors was than familiar timbre. There was no significant interaction.
subjected to a 2  2 repeated-measures ANOVA with key color To analyze differences between absolute pitch possessors and
(black vs. white) and timbre (familiar vs. less familiar) as within- nonpossessors pupillary responses, peak dilation of the pupil
participant variables. The analysis of reaction time revealed an during nonpossessors only above-chance performance condition
only marginally significant main effect of timbre, F(1,8) 5 4.31, (whitefamiliar) was compared. An independent-samples t test
p 5 .071, Z2 5 .350, whereas there was no significant main effect revealed a significant difference, t(14) 5 2.175, p 5 .047. Figure 4
of key color, F(1,8) 5 2.127, p 5 .183, Z2 5 .210, and no signif-
icant interaction.
Relative Frequency (in %)

Pupillometric Results absolute pitch

Because only 7.2% of absolute pitch nonpossessors trials were 80 possessors
valid and because their pitch labeling performance exceeded absolute pitch
chance in only one experimental condition, effects of key color 60 nonpossessors
and timbre on pupil dilation were analyzed for absolute pitch
possessors only. Mean pupillary responses, averaged across all
possessors, are shown in Figure 3. Table 2 displays descriptive
evidence including the means and standard errors of baseline
pupillary diameter and peak dilation, comparing black and white
key pitches as well as familiar and less familiar timbres. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 no
The effect of baseline pupillary diameter differences in the answer
four experimental conditions was tested by subjecting baseline Error Size (in semitones)
pupillary diameter to a 2  2 repeated-measures ANOVA with
Figure 2. Distribution of error sizes ( 5 distances between correct pitch
key color (black vs. white) and timbre (familiar vs. less familiar) class labels and incorrect pitch labeling answers, calculated in semitones)
as within-participant variables. There were no significant main among absolute pitch possessors and nonpossessors. For example, the
effects of key color, F(1,8) 5 1.507, p 5 .254, Z2 5 .159, or tim- answer C# to a presented A was counted as an error of four semitones,
bre, F(1,8) 5 1.096, p 5 .326, Z2 5 .120. Furthermore, there was because these two pitch classes are four semitones apart on the piano
no significant difference between the averaged baseline pupillary keyboard.
470 K.B. Schlemmer et al.

0.3 0.3
Key Color Timbre

Response (mm)

Response (mm)
Mean Pupillary

Mean Pupillary
0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1
black keys familiar
0.0 white keys 0.0 less familiar

0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 500 1000 1500 2000

Time After Tone Onset (ms) Time After Tone Onset (ms)

Figure 3. Averaged pupillary responses of absolute pitch possessors, comparing black and white key pitches (left) as well as familiar
and less familiar timbres (right). Pupil values were millimeter calibrated and baseline corrected. The time window chosen for
averaging lasted from tone onset to tone offset (2000 ms).

displays mean pupillary responses of absolute pitch possessors around 200 ms whereas Takeuchi and Hulse (1991) used a dif-
and nonpossessors in the condition whitefamiliar. To show that ferent paradigm (a Stroop-like task in which participants had to
the group difference in pupil dilation was specific for correctly respond with same or different to an aurally presented pitch
labeled pitches, mean pupillary responses of both groups for in combination with a visually presented pitch name) so that their
incorrect pitch labeling responses in all conditions are also reaction time data are not quite comparable with ours. The
displayed. smaller hit rate differences in the present study can be attributed
to the specific (and small) population tested here whereas the
smaller reaction time differences can be attributed partly to our
Discussion method of answer registration, which was identical for both key
colors and thus avoided effects of motor and other biases.
The experiment yielded four main results. First, on the behavi- Interestingly, pupillary response data were more sensitive
oral level, we obtained significant timbre and key color effects on than reaction time data in revealing a significant key color effect,
the pitch labeling performance of absolute pitch possessors and because peak dilation of the pupil was higher when participants
nonpossessors. Second, on the behavioral level, we obtained no labeled black key pitches than when they labeled white key
significant timbre and key color effects in the reaction times of pitches. This result suggests that the key color effect is really an
absolute pitch possessors. Third, on the psychophysiological effect of differential mental effort during the labeling of black and
level, we obtained a significant key color effect and a marginally white key pitches, and not simply an effect of response bias or
significant timbre effect on pupillary responses of absolute pitch experimental artifacts: Labeling a black key pitch is more de-
possessors. Fourth, on the psychophysiological level, we ob- manding than labeling a white key pitch. On a theoretical level,
tained a significant difference between pupillary responses of the higher demand in labeling black key pitches compared to
absolute pitch possessors and nonpossessors during the condi- white key pitches suggests an easier retrieval of white key pitch
tion whitefamiliar. names from memory possibly because more frequent exposure to
The experiment was motivated by three questions. The rst white key pitches during the individual music learning experience
question was whether the key color effect observed by Marvin produces stronger associations of white key pitches with their
and Brinkman (2000), Miyazaki (1990), and Takeuchi and Hulse labels than of black key pitches with their respective labels.
(1991) can be conrmed by psychophysiological data. Results The second question that motivated the present experiment
revealed a key color effect in hit rates but not reaction times of was whether a timbre effect could be shown when absolute pitch
absolute pitch possessors. That is, white key pitches were labeled possessors are asked to label pitches played in familiar versus less
correctly more often but not faster than black key pitches. Com- familiar timbres. On the behavioral level, labeling pitches played
pared with the other reported studies, differences in both hit rate in less familiar timbres produced more errors and marginally
and reaction time are rather small. Miyazaki (1990) and Marvin longer reaction times than labeling pitches in familiar timbres.
and Brinkman (2000) obtained larger reaction time differences This conrms data by Marvin and Brinkman (2000) and Mi-

Table 2. Means and Standard Errors (SE) for Pupil Parameters, Dependent on Key Color and Timbre of Pitches, Absolute Pitch
Possessors Only (n 5 9)

Key color
Black White

Less familiar timbre Familiar timbre Less familiar timbre Familiar timbre
Baseline pupil diameter
Mean (mm) 4.385 4.353 4.367 4.440
SE (mm) 0.238 0.245 0.244 0.260
Peak dilation
Mean (mm) 0.383 0.354 0.358 0.296
SE (mm) 0.056 0.056 0.056 0.045
Absolute pitch and pupillary response 471

0.4 0.3

Responses (mm)

Responses (mm)
Mean Pupillary

Mean Pupillary
0.1 Correct
Responses 0.0
White-Familiar False Responses
0.1 0.1
0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 500 1000 1500 2000
Time after Tone Onset (ms) Time after Tone Onset (ms)
absolute pitch possessors absolute pitch nonpossessors

Figure 4. Averaged pupillary responses of absolute pitch possessors and nonpossessors for correctly labeled pitches in the condition
whitefamiliar (left) and for incorrect pitch labeling responses in all conditions (right). Pupil values were millimeter calibrated and
baseline corrected. The time window chosen for averaging lasted from tone onset to tone offset (2000 ms).

yazaki (1989), and extends their results to the individual famil- respective contribution of key color and timbre to this effect
iarity of timbres, because we did not test the effect of articial cannot be differentiated due to the overall small number of cor-
versus instrumental timbres, but rather the effect of familiar ver- rectly labeled pitches, a preliminary conclusion is that the factors
sus less familiar instrumental timbres. shown to inuence the pitch labeling performance of absolute
An effect of timbre was also suggested by pupillary data as pitch possessors do also affect that of nonpossessors.
peak dilation of the pupil was marginally higher for pitches in less Higher peak dilation of the pupil among nonpossessors com-
familiar timbres than for pitches in familiar timbres. We attribute pared to possessors in the condition whitefamiliar conrm the
this to a lack of power in analyzing a sample of only 9 partic- hypothesis that nonpossessors have to put higher mental effort
ipants, but could not increase the number of participants due to into a pitch labeling task than possessors do. Again, an alter-
the low incidence of absolute pitch in the general population. native interpretation involves emotional processes, for instance,
Upon debriefing, some participants mentioned great difculties a higher anxiety among nonpossessors. Such an explanation is
in avoiding the calculation of intervals from a correctly labeled circular, though, because an assumed higher anxiety would likely
pitch (i.e., a trial in which they were quite sure about the respec- be caused by a perceived higher task difculty of nonpossessors.
tive pitch name), especially when a pitch played in less familiar The lack of group differences in pupillary responses during in-
timbre was preceded by a pitch played in a very familiar timbre. correctly labeled trials (cf. Figure 4) supports our interpretation
Thus, a possible explanation for the higher demand of labeling that the differences observed in valid trials are caused by differ-
pitches in less familiar timbres compared to familiar timbres is the ences in mental effort during pitch identication rather than by
costly use of relational pitch labeling strategies, even if this was differences in emotional reactions to a more or less solvable task.
perceived as a highly automatic process by the participants. On a theoretical level, effects of key color and timbre among
However, further research, possibly including a manipulation of absolute pitch nonpossessors support the base rate theory (Take-
pitch labeling strategies, is needed to conrm this interpretation. uchi & Hulse, 1991) for the explanation of key color effects,
An alternative interpretation of both key color and timbre because in most Western music absolute pitch possessors and
effects on pupil dilation is that the effects are linked to differences nonpossessors alike are more often exposed to white key pitches
in emotional involvement in presented tones. We do not feel that than to black key pitches. Similarly, a personal base rate effect
differences in emotional involvement can explain the key color can explain the timbre effect found in this experiment, because
effect very well, because there is no reason to believe that such pitch labels can more easily be retrieved from memory if the
differences exist except as a consequence of different mental ef- pitches are presented in the timbre of an instrument which the
fort associated with the labeling process. However, we cannot participant has played (and hence, heard very often). The reason
exclude an inuence of differences in emotional involvement in for this effect could be a larger representation of pitches in fa-
tones in different timbres on pupillary responses, although we do miliar timbre in the auditory cortex, as found by Pantev and his
not know the direction of such an inuence. Although familiarity coworkers (Pantev, Roberts, Schulz, Engelien, & Ross, 2001;
of timbres is certainly associated with positive emotionality, fa- Pantev et al., 1998). Their participants listened to pitches in dif-
miliar timbres could still be less interesting than more novel, that ferent instrumental timbres while cortical representation of
is, less familiar timbres. This issue cannot be resolved in the pitches was measured with magnetoencephalography (MEG).
current study because it requires a comparison between verbal Results showed that cortical representation is enlarged for pitch-
preference judgments and pupillary responses to pitches in dif- es in instrumental timbres compared to articial sine tones by
ferent timbres, similar to the method used by Mudd et al. (1990) roughly 25% (Pantev et al., 1998), and that there is a specific
for the comparison of entire musical pieces. enlargement for the tones of ones own instrument compared to
The third question motivating this study was whether stim- another instrumental timbre (Pantev et al., 2001). Although the
ulus-specific effects could also be found among absolute pitch task of these experiments was a passive one, that is, listening to
nonpossessors, as suggested by Marvin and Brinkman (2000). presented tones, it is interesting to note that the effect occurred in
Hit rates above chance level only in the condition whitefamiliar both absolute pitch possessors and nonpossessors.
suggest an effect of both key color and timbre on the pitch labe- Taken together, Pantevs and our results suggest that frequent
ling performance of absolute pitch nonpossessors. Although the exposure to specific tones enlarges the cortical representation for
472 K.B. Schlemmer et al.

these tones and facilitates their labeling for absolute pitch pos- ferences in pupil dilations conrm Beattys (1982) description of
sessors as well as nonpossessors. The combination of behavioral pupillary responses as an index of both within-task (stimulus-
measures with the measurement of pupillary responses provides specific effects among absolute pitch possessors) and between-
meaningful information about cognitive processes underlying individual (absolute pitch possessor vs. nonpossessor) variations
pitch identication as well as pitch learning processes of both in mental effort and add to the validity of the pupillary response
absolute pitch possessors and nonpossessors. The observed dif- as a measure of resource allocation.


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