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Carbohydrate Polymers 101 (2014) 154162

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In vitro digestibility, physicochemical, thermal and rheological

properties of banana starches
R.G. Utrilla-Coello a,b , M.E. Rodrguez-Huezo c , H. Carrillo-Navas a , C. Hernndez-Jaimes a ,
E.J. Vernon-Carter a, , J. Alvarez-Ramirez a
Universidad Autnoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, Departamento de Ingeniera de Procesos e Hidrulica, Apartado Postal 55-534, Mxico, D.F. 09340,
Centro de Desarrollo de Productos Biticos (CEPROBI), Instituto Politcnico Nacional, Yautepec, Morelos, Mexico
Tecnolgico de Estudios Superiores de Ecatepec, Departamento de Ingeniera Qumica y Bioqumica, Av. Tecnolgico s/n esq. Av. Central, Col. Valle de
Anhuac, Ecatepec, Edo. Mx. 55210 Mexico

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Banana starches (BS) were isolated from Enano, Morado, Valery and Macho cultivars. The BS possessed B-
Received 12 July 2013 type crystallinity and an amylose content varying from 19.32 to 26.35%. Granules had an oval morphology
Received in revised form 1 August 2013 with different major-to-minor axis ratios, exhibiting both mono- and bi-modal distributions and mean
Accepted 8 September 2013
particle sizes varying from 32.5 to 45 m. BS displayed zeta-potential values ranging between 32.25
Available online 16 September 2013
and 17.32 mV, and formed gels of incipient to moderate stability. The enthalpy of gelatinization of BS
affected the crystalline order stability within the granules. In-vitro digestibility tests showed fractions
as high as 68% of resistant starch. Rheological oscillatory tests at 1 Hz showed that BS dispersions (7.0%,
Banana starch
Physicochemical properties
w/w) exhibited Type III behaviour, attributed to the formation of a continuous phase complex three-
Thermal properties dimensional amylose gel reinforced by swollen starch granules acting as llers. Amylose content and
In vitro digestibility granules morphology were the main factors inuencing the BS properties.
Rheology 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction and functional properties of starch, as well as the susceptibility

for physical (e.g., gelatinization) and chemical modications (e.g.,
Starch is the main reserve carbohydrate synthesized by superior hydrolysis).
plants, representing an important component of a large num- Traditionally, cereals and tubers have been the main starch
ber of agricultural products, including cereals with polysaccharide botanical sources. However, in the recent decades, the promo-
content in the range 3080%, legumes with 2550% and tubers tion of regional economies by different worldwide agencies and
with 6090% (Guilbot & Mercier, 1985). Traditionally, starch has the search of sustainable agricultural activities have motivated the
constituted a major source of energy for many living organisms, exploration of alternative starch botanical sources, such as tropi-
especially to man (Buleon, Colonna, & Leloup, 1990; Luallen, 1998). cal fruits (Zhang, Whistler, BeMiller, & Hamaker, 2005), tubers and
In the recent decades, starch has found diverse applications in food roots (Hoover, 2001), among others. In particular, banana is widely
and non-food industries as additive for modifying microstructure harvested in tropical and semi-tropical regions with developing
and functionality of commercial products (Bello-Prez & Paredes- and emerging economic activities. World gross exports of banana
Lpez, 2009; Maurer & Kearney, 1998; Meshram, Patil, Mhaske, were of 13,893.7 thousand metric tonnes in 2010 (FAO, 2011).
& Thorat, 2009). Starch is composed mainly of two glucose poly- Starch is the main component of green bananas and their system-
mers (amylose and amylopectin) spatially organized in granules atic isolation and characterization can be traced back to the work
with morphology, chemical composition and relative arrangement by Kasiyu, Hood, and Vansoest (1981). In the recent two decades, a
of macromolecules in the solid state depending of the botanical tight characterization of banana starch has been carried out, includ-
source. The relative proportion of amylose and amylopectin and the ing digestibility in human intestine (Faisant et al., 1995), changes
organization within solid granules determine the physicochemical by physical and chemical modications (Hernndez-Jaimes, Bello-
Prez, Vernon-Carter, & Alvarez-Ramrez, 2013; Waliszewski,
Aparicio, Bello, & Monroy, 2003), structure and digestibility (Zhang
Corresponding author. Tel.: +52 5558044648; fax: +52 5558044900. & Hamaker, 2012), among many other studies.
E-mail addresses:, Some studies have shown that the physicochemical and func- (E.J. Vernon-Carter). tional properties of banana starch are not unique, and that they

0144-8617/$ see front matter 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R.G. Utrilla-Coello et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 101 (2014) 154162 155

depend on variety, regional climatic conditions and harvest- area produced by atomization of the liquid feed enables a short
ing periods (Bello-Prez, Agama-Acevedo, Snchez-Hernndez, & gas residence time (340 s), which permits the drying of sensitive
Paredes-Lpez, 1999). Although the so-called Criollo variety is the materials without thermal degradation.
most commercialized banana cultivar worldwide, diverse varieties The resulting powder was ground to pass through a 100-mesh
are still produced at regional level. For instance, the Enano and sieve and nally stored at room temperature (25 C) in a sealed
Macho varieties are widely cultivated in Southern Mexico, repre- glass container until required.
senting an important economic income for low-intensity farmers.
Thus, studies on the digestion and functional properties of starches 2.3. Chemical composition
from regional banana cultivars have gained increasing importance,
as they might help boost their application in processed foods and Moisture content was determined by gravimetric heating
become a commercially viable commodity (Zhang et al., 2005). In (130 2 C for 2 h) using 23 g sample. Ash, protein and fat were
particular, the examination of the morphological and rheological analyzed according to AACC (1983) methods 0801, 4613 and
properties of banana starches is an important step in the charac- 3025, respectively. Amylose content of the banana starches was
terization and understanding of their functional properties. determined by following the method of Williams, Kuzina, and
The aim of this work was to characterize the chemical com- Hlynka (1970). Starch samples (20 mg) were added with 10 mL of
position, morphology, average particle size and distribution, 0.5 N KOH and the resulting suspension was thoroughly mixed.
zeta-potential, X-ray diffractograms, swelling, solubility, thermal Afterwards, the dispersed sample was transferred into a 100 mL
properties, rotational and oscillatory rheological properties, and volumetric ask and diluted to the mark with distilled water. An
in vitro digestibility of starch (or starch dispersions) isolated from aliquot (10 mL) was pipetted into a 50 mL volumetric ask and 5 mL
the Enano, Morado, Valery and Macho banana cultivars from of 0.1 N HCl was added followed by 0.5 mL of iodine reagent. The
Southern Mexico. By doing this, it is hoped that useful techni- volume was diluted to 50 mL and the absorbance was measured at
cal information is shed about the physico-chemical and functional 625 nm. The measurement of the amylose was determined from a
properties of these starches, contributing to boost their applica- standard curve developed using amylose and amylopectin blends.
tion in the food industry in substitution of commercially available
2.4. Swelling and solubility

2. Materials and methods Starch solution (1.0%, w/w) was prepared in a ask and then
heated at different temperatures in the range from 30 to 90 C for
2.1. Materials and reagents 30 min, with shaking each 5 min. The slurry was centrifuged for
10 min at 5000 g. The supernatant was decanted, and the volume
Edible green (unripe) pre-climateric bananas (Musa sp.) from was measured; aliquots were used to estimate total carbohydrates
the Enano, Morado, Valery and Macho cultivars were purchased in (Dubois, Gilles, Hamilton, Rebers, & Smith, 1956). The precipitate
the local market of Tuxtepec, State of Oaxaca, Mexico, immediately was used to determine the moisture content (2 h at 130 C).
after harvest without any postharvest treatment. All the chemicals
(sulphuric acid, citric acid, sodium hydroxide, potassium hydrox- 2.5. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
ide, hydrochloric acid, iodine, sodium acetate) used were reagent
grade (J.T. Baker, Mexico City, Mexico). The hydrolytic enzymes The BS particles were mounted on carbon sample holders using
of pancreatic -amylase (SigmaAldrich, Toluca, State of Mexico, double-side sticky tape and were observed using a JEOL JMS 7600F
Mexico; Nr. A3176; 23 IU mg1 ), pepsin (Merck, Naucalpan, State scanning electron microscope (Akishima, Japan) with the GB-H
of Mexico, Mexico; Nr. 7190; 2000 FIP-U g1 ), amyloglucosidase mode at 1 kV accelerating voltage. Micrographs at 2000 and
(Boehringer, Mexico City, Mexico; Nr. 102857) and glucose oxidase- 2200 magnication are presented. Samples were not metalized
peroxidase kit (SERAPAK Plus, Bayer de Mexico, S.A. de C.V., State of since the microscopy equipment operates under ultra-vacuum con-
Mexico, Mexico) were used in the in vitro starch digestibility test. ditions (Hernndez-Jaimes et al., 2013).
Amylose (Nr. A-0512) and amylopectin (Nr. A-8515) were used as
standards and were purchased from SigmaAldrich (Toluca, State of 2.6. X-ray diffraction (XRD)
Mexico, Mexico). Deionised water was used in all the experiments.
BS particles were stored in a sealed container at a relative
2.2. Starch isolation humidity of 85% for achieving constant moisture content. XRD pat-
terns were measured at room temperature following the procedure
Starch from the different banana cultivars was isolated follow- of Hernndez-Nava, Bello-Perez, San Martin-Martinez, Hernandez-
ing the procedure proposed originally by Flores-Gorosquera et al. Sanchez, and Mora-Escobedo (2011) with slight modications. A
(2004) and implemented to pilot plant scale by Utrilla-Coello, Bello- Siemens D-5000 diffractometer (Karlsruhe, Germany) using Cu
Prez, Vernon-Carter, Rodrguez, and Alvarez-Ramrez (2013). The K radiation ( = 1.543) and a secondary beam graphite mono-
fruit was peeled (ca.100 kg), cut into cubes (125 cm3 ), immedi- chromator was operated at 40 kV and 30 mA. Intensities were
ately submerged in aqueous citric acid solution (0.5 g L1 ), and then measured in the 570 2 range with a 0.03 step size and mea-
macerated at low speed in a Waring blender (10 kg of fruit to 10 L suring time of 1.0 s per point.
of solution) for 2 min. The homogenate was subsequently sieved
through screens (40, 100, 200, and 325 US mesh) until the wash 2.7. Granules average particle size and distribution
distilled water was clear. The starch dispersion (300400 g kg1 )
was fed to a spray-dryer (Niro Atomizer model P-6.3, Copenhagen, The particle size distribution of the BS was determined with
Denmark) using an inlet air temperature of 130150 C and an air laser diffraction using a Mastersizer 2000 (Malvern Instruments
outlet temperature of 7080 C as reported by Casarrubias-Castillo, Ltd., Malvern, Worcestershire, UK), with the help of a Scirocco dry
Hamaker, Rodrguez-Ambriz and Bello-Prez (2012). These authors disperser unit used for dispersing the powders at a feed pressure
found that under these drying conditions the damage to starch of 2 bars and a feed rate of 40%. The obscuration was in the interval
structure was negligible (0.37%). During spray drying the surface of 0.55%. The Fraunhofer approximation was used for calculation
156 R.G. Utrilla-Coello et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 101 (2014) 154162

of the starch granules size distribution and the corresponding vol- (G ), loss modulus (G ) and loss ratio = tan (G /G ) responses were
ume fraction-length mean diameter (d4,3 ) (Palma-Rodrguez et al., obtained from the equipment software in all cases.
2.12. Statistical analysis
2.8. Starch digestibility
Results are presented as means SE from the analysis of repli-
The total starch (TS), rapidly digestible starch (RDS), slowly cates (n = 3). Data analysis was done using the Statgraphics Plus
digestible starch (SDS) and resistant starch of the different software (Statistical Graphics Corp., Manugistics, Inc, Cambridge,
banana varieties were determined using the Englyst, Kingman MA, USA).
and Cummings (1992) assay and slightly modied by Casarrubias-
Castillo et al. (2012). Samples of native and gelatinized BS (400 mg), 3. Results and discussion
25 mg of guar gum powder, and 8 mL of water were cooked in a boil-
ing water bath for 20 min. Then, 5 mL of pepsin/hydrochloric acid 3.1. Chemical composition
solution was added and equilibrated at 37 C for 30 min. Then, 5 mL
of 0.25 M sodium acetate solution were added, agitated gently to The chemical composition of the different banana starches is
disperse the contents; 2.5 mL of enzyme mixture were added to presented in Table 1. The moisture content varied between 7.03%
tubes in intervals of 1 min, and tubes were placed in a water bath for the Enano cultivar to 8.96% for the Valery cultivar. The moisture
adjusted to a speed of 160 strokes min1 . After 20 min (G20 ), 0.5 mL contents of our BS were signicantly lower than those reported
aliquot was removed and placed into a tube containing 20 mL of for Macho (12.9%) and Criollo (11.1%) starches by Bello-Prez et al.
66% ethanol; after another 120 min (G120 ), a second 0.5 mL aliquot (1999), probably because in this work starch dispersions were
was removed and treated in the same way. Glucose content of the spray-dried, which is a more efcient drying technique than con-
hydrolyzates was determined using glucose oxidase/peroxidase vection drying used by the aforementioned authors. Our BS had
assay kit. Values for RDS, SDS, RS, and TS were calculated from the protein (0.830.98%) and fat (0.730.82%) contents that were sig-
measured G20 , G120 , and TG values. Values for the starch fractions nicantly lower than those reported for the Macho and Criollo
were expressed as mg of glucose 0.9 (Vatanasuchart, Niyomwit, varieties (Bello-Prez et al., 1999), despite that their samples
& Wongkrajang, 2012). had considerable higher moisture content. These results indicate
that our starch preparation technique produced samples with
higher purity, and that residual protein and fat were removed
2.9. Thermal analysis
almost completely during the alkali stepping. Bello-Prez et al.
(1999) reported higher values of ash content for Macho banana
The thermal properties of the BS were measured using a differ-
starch, although other authors (Kasiyu et al., 1981; Lii, Chang,
ential scanning calorimeter (TA Instrument, Q1000, New Castle, NJ,
& Young, 1982) reported lower ash contents (about 0.020.04%).
USA) previously calibrated with indium. The gelatinization temper-
The results in Table 1 are within the range reported recently for
ature was evaluated as indicated by Palma-Rodrguez et al. (2012),
these components by Carmona-Garcia, Snchez-Rivera, Mendez-
with slight modications. A 3.0 mg sample (dry basis) was weighed
Montealvo, Garza-Montoya, and Bello-Prez (2009). Surely, the
in an aluminium pan and 6 mL of deionized water were added. The
chemical composition of isolated starches from different botanical
pan was sealed tightly and allowed to stand for 1 h before carrying
sources depends on various factors, such as regional climate, agro-
out the analysis. The sample was subjected to a heating ramp of
nomic methods, harvesting conditions, isolation methods, among
10140 C and a heating rate of 5 C. An empty aluminium pan was
others (Lawal, 2004; Lawal et al., 2011).
used as reference. The onset (To ), peak (Tp ), end temperatures (Te ),
The amylose content plays a central role in affecting diverse
and the gelatinization enthalpy (Hgel ). The data were obtained
physico-chemical parameters of starches, since the amorphous
directly from the instruments software.
fraction of starch granules is built up mainly of amylose. The amy-
lose contents of our BS was in the range from 19.32 to 26.35% with
2.10. Zeta-potential the lowest and highest values belonging to Valery and Macho vari-
eties, respectively. Reported amylose contents for banana starches
The zeta-potential (-potential) of 7.0% (w/w) BS dispersions at have been: 1719.5% for Cavendish cultivar (Garcia & Lajolo, 1988;
pH 5.0 was determined using the Zetasizer Nano ZS90 equipment Ling, Osman, Fernandes, & Reilly, 1982); 40.7% for Valery culti-
(Malvern Instruments, Worcestershire, UK). var (Waliszewski et al., 2003); 38.643.8% for six Kluai cultivars
(Vatanasuchart et al., 2012). Interestingly, the amylose contents
2.11. Rheological properties reported in Table 1 are within the values (2025%) for cereal
starches. Similar results have been reported for rice starches from
BS dispersions (7.0%, w/w) were heated up to 90 C with mild different sources (Lawal et al., 2011; Wani et al., 2013).
agitation until gelatinization was achieved (30 min). Gelatinized
banana starches (GBS) were left to cool to achieve room tempera- 3.2. Solubility and swelling
ture (25 C) and the water lost during heating was added back to
the gels with gentle mixing and let to rest for 1 h to allow struc- The dependence of solubility and swelling with temperature
ture recovery. Rheological measurements were made at 25 0.1 C in the range of 3090 C is shown in Fig. 1. The starch solubil-
with a Physica MCR 300 (Physica Metechnik GmbH, Stuttgart, ity % and swelling capacity of all BS was not higher than 5.0%
Germany) modular compact rheometer, with a cone-plate geom- for temperatures lower than 50 C. For higher temperatures, both
etry, in which the rotating cone was 50 mm in diameter, and the the solubility % and swelling capacity increased in a nearly linear
cone angle was 2.0 . The apparent viscosity (app )-shear rate ()
fashion, with the Enano and Morado varieties presenting relative
behaviour of the GBS was determined by increasing the shear rate higher values. Similar trends were found for starch Macho variety
from 0.0001 to 1000 s1 . The viscoelastic properties were deter- solubility-swelling behaviour by Nnez-Santiago, Bello-Prez, and
mined under oscillatory shear conditions. To this end, amplitude Tecante (2004) for starch pastes with concentrations between 3
sweep experiments were performed with constant frequency of and 6% (w/w). The swelling capacity is the ability of starch gran-
1 Hz and strain varying from 0.1 to 1000%. The storage modulus ules to hydrate under excess water conditions. It has been argued
R.G. Utrilla-Coello et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 101 (2014) 154162 157

Table 1
Chemical composition of native banana starches.

Banana variety Moisture (%) Ash (%) Protein (%) Fat (%) Amylose (g/100 g)

Enano 7.03 0.03 1.43 0.02 0.92 0.06 0.73 0.05 25.38 0.94
Morado 8.75 0.03 1.17 0.02 0.83 0.04 0.73 0.04 21.99 0.46
Valery 8.96 0.03 1.27 0.03 0.93 0.05 0.78 0.05 19.32 0.95
Macho 7.72 0.03 1.11 0.03 0.98 0.05 0.82 0.05 26.35 1.16

Values expressed are mean standard error (n = 3).

that starch solubility and swelling capacity are directly related 45 m. Enano and Valery varieties presented the lowest and higher
to the amylose-amylopectin relative content (Ratnayake, Hoover, mean particle size. For Nnez-Santiago et al. (2004) reported a
& Warkentin, 2002). Also, swelling capacity is an indication of mean particle size of the order of 1020 m for non-pasted Macho
the strength of water binding forces in starch granules. In fact, starch, and values similar to those found in this work for starch
the mobility of starch molecules is increased with temperature, pastes. In this way, it is apparent that the bi-modal size distribu-
thereby weakening binding forces. Hence, the leaching of soluble tions can be attributed to partial or incomplete swelling of some of
components is augmented, yielding improved starch solubility and starch granules. In turn, this would mean that hydration of some
increased granule porosity. An effect of this process is the increase starch granules was not complete enough.
of the effective diffusivity of water into the granule structure and, SEM was used for determining the morphological differences
together with the exibility of high molecular number of starch of the four starch varieties. In agreement with previous ndings,
molecules, improves water retention. Since amylose is related to Fig. 3 shows that the starch granules exhibited regular shapes
the amorphous fraction of starch granules, water penetration is with oval appearance (Eggleston, Swennen, & Akoni, 1992; Jane,
more important in these granule regions. In this way, in line with Kasemsuwan, Leas, Zobel, & Robyt, 1994; Kasiyu et al., 1981; Lii
the results in Fig. 1, higher solubility and swelling can be attributed et al., 1982). Major axes ranged from 10 to 80 m, mostly between
to high amylose contents (Lawal et al., 2011). 30 and 50 m. The Enano variety granules were more elongated
while the Macho granules were nearly spheroidal. An estimation of
3.3. Starch granule morphology the major-to-minor axis ratio is presented in Fig. 4, showing that
the larger value was found for the Enano variety. The conditions
Starch granules from Enano and Macho varieties exhibited under which starch biosynthesis occurs yield a natural variability
nearly mono-modal size distributions (Fig. 2). In contrast, the in amylose content, which may be responsible for granule diversity.
Morado and Valery varieties presented bimodal size distributions. The diversity of size distribution and shape is expected to affect
A small shoulder was observed for particle sizes smaller than the functional and rheological properties of materials added with
10.0 m. For all starches, the granule size ranged from 1.0 to about starch granules (Peterson & Fulcher, 2001; Soh, Sissons, & Turner,
200.0 m, while the mean particle size ranged from 30 to about 2006).

70 12
60 10 Enano
Solubility (%)

Volume (%)

50 Morado
8 Valery
40 Enano Macho
Morado 6
20 Macho 4

10 2

0 0
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1 10 100
Particle Size (m)
Swelling Capacity (g/g)

Mean Particle Size (m)


30 40 50 60 70 80 90
o Enano Morado Valery Macho
Temperature ( C)
Fig. 2. (a) Particle size distribution for the four banana starches. The Enano and
Fig. 1. Dependence of banana starch solubility and swelling with temperature Macho varieties exhibited nearly mono-modal size distributions (Fig. 2). In contrast,
(3090 C). Marginal solubility and swelling is observed for relatively small tem- the Morado and Valery varieties presented bimodal size distributions. (b) Mean
peratures. particle size for the four banana varieties.
158 R.G. Utrilla-Coello et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 101 (2014) 154162

Particle Aspect Ratio


Enano Morado Valery Macho
Fig. 4. Major-to-minor axis ratio estimations for the four banana starches. The larger
value is found for the Enano variety.

3.4. X-ray diffraction (XRD)

The X-ray diffraction patterns of the four banana starches are

presented in Fig. 5. All the BS displayed similar diffraction patterns,
with crystallinity indexes of the order of 2830%. The diffrac-
tograms showed a region of prominent peaks in the range from 12
to 25 diffraction angles. The highest peak was located at about 17
degrees, while other two minor peaks were located at about 15 and
23 diffraction angles. In line with previous reports (Faisant et al.,
1995; Lii et al., 1982; Teixeira, Ciacco, Tavares, & Bonezzi, 1998),
this diffraction pattern is consistent with B-type crystallinity. Zhang
et al. (2005) commented that the crystallinity type of banana
starches is not clear as other researchers have reported A-type
(Bello-Prez, Romero-Manilla, & Paredes-Lpez, 2000) and C-type
(Jane et al., 1994; Waliszewski et al., 2003) crystallinity patterns.
Surely, the detected crystallinity pattern depends on plant grow-
ing conditions. In particular, the starch isolation technique (e.g.,



Intensity (a.u.)





Fig. 3. Morphology of the banana starch granules as determined by scanning elec- 10 20 30 40
tron microscopy (SEM). The shape is regular with an oval appearance.
Diffraction Angle, 2 (degrees)
Fig. 5. X-ray diffraction patterns of the four banana starches had similar diffraction
patterns, with crystallinity index of the order of 2830%.
R.G. Utrilla-Coello et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 101 (2014) 154162 159

Table 2
Gelanisation properties of banana starches measured by differential scanning 10000
calorimetry. Enano
Banana variety To ( C) Tp ( C) Te ( C) Hgel (J g1 )
1000 Valery
Enano 71.3 0.1 78.4 0.4 91.5 0.7 14.9 0.7 Macho
Morado 60.9 0.1 70.2 0.2 83.2 0.6 10.4 0.2
Valery 71.9 0.1 76.2 0.1 88.71 0.6 14.8 0.5

app (Pa s)
Macho 74.6 0.1 78.7 0.5 92.4 1.0 15.1 0.1

To , onset temperature; Tp , peak temperature; Te , end temperature; Hgel , enthalpy

of gelatinization. Values expressed are mean standard error (n = 3).

Shear thickening
alkaline or non-alkaline) can affect largely the internal organization

Shear thinning
of banana starch granules. 1

3.5. Thermal properties

The thermal properties of the BS are presented in Table 2. The
Morado variety presented the lowest values for To (60.9 C) and Tp
(70.2 C), while the Macho variety exhibited the highest To (74.6 C) 1E-4 1E-3 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
and Tp (78.7 C) values. A similar pattern was found for Hgel ,
Shear Rate (1/s)
the Morado variety showing the lowest value (10.4 J g1 ) and the
Macho variety the highest value (15.1 J g1 ). Similar values of ther- Fig. 6. Flow curves for the banana starch dispersions. Shear thickening and shear-
mal properties have been reported for Macho variety (Bello-Prez thinning behaviours were observed for low and high shear rates, respectively.
et al., 2000; Nnez-Santiago et al., 2004). However, Table 2 indi-
cates important differences in the internal organization of starch
-potential is apparent (R = 0.85), suggesting that amylose
granules depending on the banana variety. It was observed that the
molecules affect largely the electrochemical activity of colloidal
Morado and Valery varieties had lower values for the end temper-
systems. Following the notions by Hanaor, Michelazzi, Leonelli,
atures (83.2 and 88.7 C) than the Enano and Macho starches (91.5
and Sorrell (2012), colloidal systems formed by banana starches
and 92.4 C), respectively. This suggests that the former starches
should display incipient-moderate stability, so their use for emul-
had more regular internal order than the latter starches. Amylose
sion applications should be considered in combination with other
has been related to the irregular patterns in starch granules, which
biopolymers (e.g., gums, proteins).
are displayed over a broad range of entropic conditions. In turn,
higher temperature values are required for gelatinizing the internal
arrangements for starches with high amylose content. On the other 3.7. Starch digestibility
hand, gelatinization enthalpy is a measure of the internal order of
starch granules (Chiotelli & Le Meste, 2002; Hoover & Vasanthan, In vitro starch digestibility measured in terms of rapidly
1994). Lower values of Hgel indicate poor starch molecules orga- digestible starch (RDS), slowly digestible starch (SDS) and resis-
nization. The Morado variety, with relatively low amylose content, tant starch (RS) is presented in Table 4. It has been shown that
exhibited the lowest Hgel and the lowest onset and end temper- banana starch appears to be resistant to enzyme-catalyzed hydrol-
atures. In contrast, Macho starch, which had the highest amylose ysis (Zhang et al., 2005; Vatanasuchart et al., 2012). Table 4 shows
content, also presented highest To , Te and Hgel values. that native banana starches presented an important amount of SDS
and RS. Native Macho and Morado starches presented the lowest
(9.4 g per 100 g) and highest values (19.7 g per 100 g) of RDS. These
3.6. -Potential
results indicate that banana cultivars, grown in Southern Mexico,
have a low digestibility index. It has been pointed out that the
Starch in diverse forms (e.g., native, gelatinized, chemically
digestion performance of cooked banana starch would be of impor-
modied) has been proposed as an additive for stabilizing emul-
tance to the food industry, since the consumption of cooked starch
sions in the food industry (Tan et al., 2012; Tesch, Gerhards, &
in human food is much more common than that of native starch.
Schubert, 2002). The surface charge plays a central role when starch
Table 4 shows that the RS contained in banana starch is relatively
is combined with other biopolymers for coating droplets in dif-
fragile under cooking conditions as about 90% of RS is converted in
ferent emulsion congurations (Mao & McClements, 2013). The
RDS and SDS after gelatinization. The RS in Macho variety presented
-potential is an index commonly used for quantifying charges
the highest cooking robustness as about 25% of RS remained after
in biopolymers and the results for the four BS dispersions are
gelatinization. These results suggest that for avoiding high glycemic
presented in Table 3. All the BS were negatively charged, with
indices and for exploiting the prebiotic advantages of SDS and RS,
the Macho variety presenting the lowest (32.26 0.86 mV) and
banana starch should be used in its native state in food products.
the Enano variety the highest (17.32 2.34 mV) zeta-potential
values. A positive correlation between amylose content and
3.8. Rheological properties

Table 3 The ow curves of the BS dispersions are presented in Fig. 6,

Zeta potential of native banana starches.
and are all qualitatively similar. In the shear rate range of
Banana variety Zeta potential (mV) (101000 s1 ) the apparent viscosity proles can be described
Enano 18.52 0.62 by a power-law equation of the form app = K  n1 . The param-
Morado 32.26 0.86 eter values of the power-law tting are shown in Table 5. The
Valery 28.41 1.26 smaller (0.013) and higher (0.26) n values correspond to the Valery
Macho 17.32 2.34
and Macho varieties, respectively. Interestingly, the Valery starch
Values expressed are mean standard error (n = 3). has the lowest amylose content, suggesting that amylose plays an
160 R.G. Utrilla-Coello et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 101 (2014) 154162

Table 4
Total starch (TS), rapidly digestible starch (RDS), slowly digestible starch (SDS) and resistant starch (RS) content from native and gelatinized banana starches.

Banana variety TS Native Gelatinized


Enano 92.7 1.9 13.3 0.8 36.9 2.5 42.4 1.9 72.9 0.7 18.4 1.7 3.6 0.7
Morado 87.1 1.8 19.7 1.7 39.9 1.7 27.4 1.6 67.4 1.4 17.0 1.7 0.76 0.2
Valery 95.0 1.8 11.0 0.9 38.9 2.0 45.0 1.0 78.0 1.8 11.0 1.9 3.6 0.9
Macho 99.6 0.7 9.4 1.0 22.5 1.4 67.6 0.9 72.0 1.2 14.1 1.1 13.4 1.9

Values expressed are mean standard error (n = 3).

important role in the apparent viscosity drop with respect to the 1000
applied shear rate. Indeed, in agreement with reports for other
starches (Xie et al., 2009), a positive linear relationship (R = 0.88) 100
between amylose content and power-law exponent is apparent.
The decaying apparent viscosity indicates that, for high shear
rates, BS dispersions exhibited a shear thinning or pseudo-plastic

G' (Pa)
behaviour, which was more pronounced for the Valery starch. These Enano
results suggest that the alignment of the starch granules along the 1 Morado
ow direction is responsible for the shear-thinning behaviour, par- Valery
ticularly at relatively high shear rates, and that when amylose is 0.1 Macho
lixiviated from the partially swollen granules, the viscosity of the
continuous phase is increased reducing the drag among starch par- 0.01
ticles. However, for relatively small shear rates (below 103 s1 ), 0.1 1 10 100 1000
the BS dispersions exhibited a shear thickening behaviour (the 100
apparent viscosity increased) with increased shear rate. Here, the
shear rate is high enough for breaking the granules ocs and (b)
causing their alignment in the direction of ow, and rather a spa-
tial rearrangement of the dispersed starch granules accompanied
by entrapment of continuous phase within the ocs, causing an
G'' (Pa)

increase in the apparent viscosity. 10

The combined viscous and elastic behaviour of the BS dis-
persions can be determined by examining the movement of the Morado
material as a function of an oscillatory force. If the n caused by Valery
shear stress during oscillatory movement is reversible and returns Macho
to zero after stopping the applied force, the material will behave as
an elastic solid. In contrast, if the strain is completely irreversible, 0.1 1 10 100 1000
the material will exhibit a viscous (i.e., liquid) behaviour. Complex
uids, like starch dispersions, behave as a combination of both Strain (%)
viscous and elastic models. For an oscillation frequency of 1 Hz,
Fig. 7. (a) Elastic G and (b) loss G moduli dependence on strain % as obtained from
Fig. 7a and b exhibit the elastic (G ) and the viscous (G ) moduli oscillatory tests at 1 Hz. An overshoot for moderate strain % is observed for the loss
as function of strain %. For the small strain range (up to 10%), modulus.
the elastic modulus was nearly constant, indicating a linear elas-
tic behaviour. At strains higher than about 10% all BS incurred in a
power law decrease of G . In line with the results of apparent vis- 100
cosity as function of the applied shear rate, it can be suggested
Enano Liquid-like behaviour
that the power-law behaviour observed in Fig. 7a is associated
to the onset of the microstructure breakdown that is hastened
as strain % increases until a constant structural deconstruction is Macho
achieved at relative high strain %. As a consequence, the dispersion S 10
Tan() = G''/G'

BS structures increasingly tend to behave more as a viscous liquid.

Fig. 8 presents the behaviour of the loss ratio (G /G = tan()), which
reects the dominance of liquid-like over solid-like behaviour for
values larger than one. The crossover between elastic and vis- 1
cous dominance is located at about 40% for the four BS. A more

Table 5
Parameters of the power-law used for describing the shear thinning behaviour at 0.1 Solid-like behaviour
intermediate shear rates.

Banana variety K (Pa sn ) n ()

Enano 4.98 0.23 0.24 0.03 0.1 1 10 100 1000

Morado 11.86 0.97 0.22 0.02 Strain (%)
Valery 67.31 1.56 0.08 0.02
Macho 14.91 1.05 0.26 0.04
Fig. 8. Loss ratio G /G for the banana starch dispersions, showing the dominance
Values expressed are mean standard error (n = 3). of viscous effects over elastic effects for strain % values.
R.G. Utrilla-Coello et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 101 (2014) 154162 161

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