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Tuesday, December 6, 2016

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing a letter of recommendation for Kaitlyn Nieman. Kaitlyn was my student
teacher from September 2016 through January of 2017. She exceeded all of my
expectations and I have no doubts about her becoming an effective educator. She was
quick to build relationships with staff and students. I completely trusted her to
communicate with the parents of my students because she is knowledgeable and has
tact when speaking or emailing with them.

Kaitlyn was always prepared and extremely flexible, able to change or adapt the lesson
to what was needed in the class. She was very thorough while correcting assignments,
being sure to take time to write comments that would help the students.

The students respected and trusted her like a teacher because she took the time to
listen and help them. She was quick to curb any misbehavior and was able to handle
many difficult situations with confidence. Kaitlyn never forgot to encourage everyone
while praising those students who deserved it. Her positive enthusiasm gave the
classroom energy for learning.

Going above and beyond was never an issue. Kaitlyn worked lunch duty four days a
week, attended all staff events and meetings, chaperoned dances and musical events,
planned part of the program for our Veterans Day ceremony, helped with late work
lunches and was a valuable asset at team meetings.

The lesson plans Kaitlyn created for our ELA classes were meaningful and interesting
for the students. They were always engaged and challenged. Her meticulous
organizational skills are evident through her lesson plans as well as through her record
keeping of the students progress. Co-conducting fall conferences with her was a
pleasure due to her valuable input.

Kaitlyn made an amazing impression while student teaching at Einstein Middle School.
She will no doubt make the same impression at the school that is fortunate enough to
hire her. She is truly an incredible teacher.


Jill Kable

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