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12th July, 2017

Dear Madam,
Dear Sir,

I am a country director for Mercy Corps in Yemen. I have been working in many countries for 8
years as country director with many organizations including Danish Red Cross, Palestine Red
Crescent , Medecins du Monde (MdM) , Secours Islamique France (SIF), Action Contre La Faim
(ACF), Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW) and Mercy Corps (MC). I have been in management
positions in humanitarian work for 15 years in many countries with different contexts. During the
course of my humanitarian work, I was exposed to different kind of challenges related to program
and to the context of the countries where I used to work including Palestine, Yemen, Pakistan,
Jordan, South Sudan, Afghanistan. In my current and previous missions, I got relevant knowledge
about the severe humanitarian impact of different kinds of crisis both related to political and
natural disasters on the general life conditions of the refugees, IDPs as well as hosting

During the last 3 years , I worked as head of mission for SIF in Jordan for 2 times . I started the
mission in Amman from the beginning and I was working on designing SIF strategy in Jordan .
Unfortunately due to personal reasons I had to leave . I am still very keen to work for SIF and very
willing to rejoin again .
Being fully aware of the different contexts and challenges and at the same time being on the senior
management regarding different programs I managed during my missions on both development
and emergency/ humanitarian response approach and in particular my wide experience in crisis
response projects and also fully aware of the context of Middle East and in particular the impact of
Syrian crisis, I believe that I meet your criteria to join your organization as a Head of Mission for
Jordan .

I feel that the combination of my skills enhanced by my work experiences in different countries,
and in particular with MdM and with you in Jordan as well as my educational background, makes
me more capable to perform a head of mission position in your organization.
I look forward to the opportunity of talking with you further about your expectations and the
potentials that could fit into what you are looking for.

Kind regards,

Jordan Amman - Mobile : 00962 798745137
Palestine-Tubas Mobile : 00970 599266604

NP! I am flexible for other positions in other countries.

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