Islam and Freemasonry-Article

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Islam and Freemasonry

By Sinsuat A. Andang, Jr., PM

The topics about Islam and Freemasonry are sensitive one. Others would say that both are
inconsistent with each other. The traditional Muslims say they are incompatible. But our brethren
Muslims would say that nothing speaks of the differences of the two for they co-exist as history
would narrate. Let us delve more seriously whether there is truth to this.
It is unlikely that there are no presumptions from Muslims and Christians who are non-
masons that Freemasonry is a religion. Thats the first presumption which make the craft in
controversy. This misconception about freemasonry has always placed the fraternity at a scornful
situation wherein explanations made from the brethren are always considered insignificant. Well
and good if the public will be asking for an explanation from its members but it will be unfortunate
for us if no one asks for an explanation and just throw conclusions at the prejudice of the craft.
For us members of the craft, this is a false presupposition. Freemasonry is not a religion.
But this is not to suggest that Freemasonry does not make use of religion. All theological faiths
and philosophies are incorporated in our philosophical and ritualistic orientation. In masonry we
have members who are Muslims, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Taoist, etc. Faith is important in our
fraternity. God is never left out. He is always placed first in every undertaking that we have. From
the time we open the lodge to its closure, we always invoke Gods blessings which reinforce
spirituality and the greater quest for philosophical understanding. We are always reminded that in
every important undertaking we are going to have we should always invoke the blessings of God.
In the acceptance of our petitioners, God is always the first requirement for them to be accepted to
our folds. God is always the center of our quest for light. We always consider God in everything
and every way we are into.
There are Christians and Muslims who are members of Freemasonry. A Christian being a
mason has some repercussions. One of which is that they will be excommunicated from their
parish. More so when they die that they will not be given a descent Christian burial. No mass for
them. A Christian Mason receives no holy communion and the worst is when they are being
ostracized in their community for being members of the craft. Although this is not the general
situation because there are parishes who provide mass for dead Christian Masons and which are
not bothered by their believers membership to Freemasonry.
Similarly, Muslims who are members of the craft are given the same treatment but with
variance. They are only considered as kafirs (non-believers). When they die, they are still given
the rites required to a dead Muslim despite their membership in freemasonry, unlike Christian
Masons who are not given mass not unless they renounce their membership during their lifetime.
If we ask traditional Muslims who are not members of our fraternity about Masonry and
Islam, they will give you an outright and categorical statement Islam and freemasonry are
considered contradictory or incongruous. They are oxymoron.

Ulama or the learned Muslims will say that there is an antagonistic relationship that exist
between Freemasonry and Islam. Most Islamic writers would say that also. But for those who have
been raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason and traveled through the different houses of
Scottish Rite and York Rite and eventually gained membership in to the Shrine, they will surely
say that both Islam and Freemasonry are compatible. There are similarities not differences between
the two.

These learned Muslim scholars did not understand that Masonry was a system of morality,
veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols. It is a fraternal brotherhood designed to make good
men better.

Let us go deeper about Islam faith as there is no more need for us to discourse about
freemasonry as we are already familiar with it.

Islam had been considered as one of the fastest growing religions in the world, second
largest to Christianity. It is believed that Allah (God) commissioned the Angel Gabriel to deliver
the divine revelations to Muhammad (PBUH) known as the Holy Quran. This is the holy book of
the Muslims and serves as the spiritual guide for all Muslims. Islam is defined as complete
surrender and obedience and most of all, the religion of peace. A Muslim is defined as one who
surrenders his/her will, in order to do the will of Allah (God).

The religion of Islam is based on "Five Principles or Pillars", which are;

a). Shahadah (Arabic term meaning confession of faith). Each Muslim must utter in the
presence of at least three witnesses that he/she "bears witness that there is no God, but Allah and
that Muhammad Ibn Abdullah is his Messenger".

b). Salah (Arabic term for prayer), prayer is prescribed five times daily, in which Muslims
turn east toward Mecca.

c). Zakat (Arabic term for almsgiving or charity) each Muslim has an obligation to give
and assist the poor and downtrodden.

d). Ramadan (Arabic term for fasting), the Muslims subscribe to the lunar calendar and
each year, which is based on the setting of the moon. Ramadan is observed throughout the Islamic
World. This coming May 27, 2017, the entire Muslim Ummah (congregation) will be observing
Ramadhan. In recognition of Allah revealing the Holy Qur'an, which fasting (Muslims do not
consume food nor drink and abstain from sex and other worldly activities are prohibited between
sunrise and sunset during this holy month), prayer and offer supplication to Allah (God) takes
place for approximately thirty (30) days and thanking God for the glorious Qur'an. Ramadan is
Islam's most sacred holiday.

e). Hajj (Arabic term for pilgrimage to Mecca), Muslims that are physically and financially
able, are required to at least once in a lifetime make the holy pilgrimage to Mecca and pray at the

Islam as a religion didn't start to geographically expand itself beyond the Arabian Peninsula
until approximately 640 A.D. some eight years after the death of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH);
there is a historical misnomer that Prophet Muhammad was a great conqueror that colonized huge
foreign territories by way of the sword. Islam's expansion beyond its boarder must be attributed to
Ali Ibn Abi Talib two sons, Hasan Ibn Ali and his brother, Husayn Ibn Ali.

In the article written by Fahim A. Knight-El entitled FREEMASONRY AND ISLAM:

WHAT DO THEY SHARE?, he explained that the Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of Mystic
Shrine began exactly one hundred years before the opening of the Seventh Seal in 1970. Shriners
falsely claim the Son-in-law and cousin of Noble Prophet Mustafa Muhammad Al-Amin (aka
Prophet Muhammad Ibn Abdullah, Amiyrul Mu Miniyn Ali (Ali Ibn Abi Talib), the commander
of the faithful, founded this secret society in 644 A.D.

It was stated in that article that the majority of African-American Islam had its roots in
Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine; moreover, Noble Abdul Sharrief Ali
(Noble Drew Ali) the founder of the Moorish Science Temple of America in 1913 formalized the
first Islamic organization in America in Newark, New Jersey, he himself was 33rd degree Mason.

Fahim A. Knight-El goes on to state that the Shriners bear such titles as High Priest,
Rabban, Oriental Guide, Worshipful Master, Warden, and Imperial Deputy. Incorporated within
their studies are the basic precepts of AI-Islam. The laws of the Mystic Shrine are not to be broken.
They are to be kept secret and never let out or passed on to anyone. A Shriner supposedly is devoted
to the cause of justice, truth and mercy. Justice is the sword which is their symbol.

The Christians and the Arabs made a covenant by crossing swords, whereby the Arabs
permitted the Christians to enter this city because the Christians believed in the Messiah, Jesus.
The sword was there as an emblem of justice and it was used by the original man in the Prophet
Mustafa Muhammad Al-Amin s time (570-632 A.D.). It was placed on the upper part of the flag
so that the Devil could be constant~ reminded that if he revealed any secrets, his head would be
taken by this sword.
According to the aforementioned author, shriners speak the same as Muslims. One of
this is the use of the phrase asalam o alaikom which is use as a greeting in shriners which means
Peace be with you and being replied as Alaikum misalam which is meant as and peace be
with you also.

The aforementioned citation from the author bears facts. There terminologies used in
Shriner that relates to Arabic wordings. Here it is that lies the similarities and compatibility of
Islam and Masonry. If we go deeper, we will know that Shriners originated from Khmet (Egypt).
The book written by George G.M. James, Ph.D. entitled Stolen Legacy published in New York
by Philosophical Library in 1954 cited that in Khmet (Egypt) there were already Masonic Lodges.
This is premised on the following phrases in the book aforementioned:

Having stated that the Grand Lodge of ancient mysteries was

situated in Egypt, with jurisdiction over all lodges and schools of the
ancient world, it now remains to show that such a Grand Lodge, did
actually and physically exist. In doing so, two things are necessary:
first, a description of the Egyptian temple, of which our modern
mystery lodges (called by different names) are copies, and second, a
description of the actual remains of the Grand and Sublime Lodge
of Ancient Egypt.

With this, it could be surmised that Islam and Freemasonry co-existed already during those
times. There lies the explanation why there are similarities with the two, Islam and Freemasonry.

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