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Blum. Chem Systems Inc., 275 Hudson S t r e e t , Hackensack, Flew Jersey 07601. I
Chem Systems, under the sponsorship of the Electric Power Research I n s t i t u t e , is de-
veloping what i t considers t o be both an e f f i c i e n t and r e l i a b l e system t o manufacture
methanol f o r peak shaving power generation from coal-derived synthesis gas. The reac-
tion scheme consists of a three-phase fluidized bed reactor. Synthesis gas containing
CO, CO and H2 i s passed upward i n the reactor cocurrent to an i n e r t l i q u i d which serves
t o bot2 f l u i d i z e the c a t a l y s t and absorb the exothermic heat o f reaction. The conversion
level i s limited by equilibrium considerations b u t a close approach should b e obtainable
by this system. A t 800-1000 psig and 260O-3OO0C, about 25-301 conversion should be
realized by u t i l i z i n g a cornnercially available copper-based c a t a l y s t . The exothermic
heat o f reaction is taken up by the liquid as sensible heat and by vaporization. The
overhead product gases a r e condensed t o remove the product nethano1 and water and t o re-
cover any vaporized liquid f o r recycle. The main liquid flow is circulatory through a
heat exchanger f o r temperature control. Unreacted synthesis gas can e i t h e r be recycled
t o the reactor o r burned d i r e c t l y f o r base-load power generation.



R. M. HcGhee
Transco Energy Comnnnv, Houston, Teras 77001

Clean fuels and chemicals have been produced from coal for more than a century.
When natural gas and crude oil became readily available at low cost, coal use

decreased. In most of the developed countries, only limited research and develop-

ment efforts continued. However, where gas and o i l were not readily available and

coal was, the development has continued, and today we have three primary processes

to convert coal into a synthesis gas which can be cleaned up to remove sulphur

and other objectional impurities and which can be used as a fuel as is, upgraded

to a pipeline quality or high Btu gas or converted into other products (liquid

fuels or chemicals). The main processes in use today on a commercial scale are

the Winkler, the Koppers Totzek, and the LURGI process. These processes are

competitive, and the choice for any particular application is made on both the

quality and characteristics of the coal available and on the products desired.

Many other processes are in various stages of development--bench scale, pilot plant,

and demonstration plant--but none are in full scale commercial operation, nor have

any of them been selected for f u l l commercial scale plants that have been announced.

I am excluding all of these from "ready now" technology on the basis that no com-
panies or investors have selected any of the new processes for major new plant in-
vestments. Of those plants announced for construction in the United States, the
majority have selected the LURGI process. These plants are designed to produce
high Btu gas essentially equivalent to natural gas for augmenting the diminishing

supplies of natural gas being produced in the United States.

The Winkler and Koppers Totzek processes produce a gas from coal consLsting essen-
tially of carbon monoxide and hydrogen as worthwhile and usable constituents. These

- 1 -

processes minimize the production of by-products such as tars, phenols, naptha,


The LURGI process, which operates a t s u b s t a n t i a l l y higher preseures, produces in

addition t o t h e carbon monoxide and hydrogen, a Substantial amount of methane and

a l s o substantial q u a n t i t i e s o f ammonia, naptha, phenol, and tars. The amount of

methane, depending on t h e type of coal being used, can b e as high as 33% of t h e

methane, CO and hydrogen produced.

The writer and h i s a s s o c i a t e s were working on and t r y i n g t o develop an economic

production f a c i l i t y f o r SNG from a s p e c i f i c Western coal. We had decided t h a t the

LURGI technology was t h e best f o r our p a r t i c u l a r conditions, coal feed and desired

product. The p a r t i c u l a r coal that w e were using r e s u l t e d in a 1-1-2 mol r a t i o of

methane, CO and hydrogen. We were intrigued by t h e CO-hydrogen r a t i o which i s

stoichiometrically what is required t o produce methanol, and w e therefore decided

t o evaluate a p r o j e c t which would make methanol out of the carbon monoxide and

hydrogen and save t h e methane f o r our o r i g i n a l purpose, and t h a t is, t h e production

of SNG f o r addition t o t h e U. S. n a t u r a l gas supply.

The equipment, processing steps, etc. for cleaning up t h e synthesis gas produced

from c o a l proved t o be e s s e n t i a l l y the same, whether we converted t h e gas t o SNG

via a methanation s t e p o r whether we converted i t t o methanol using e x i s t i n g tech-

nology. We therefore developed c a p i t a l and operating c o s t f i g u r e s f o r a coproduct

plant producing SNG and methanol f o r comparison with our already completed SNG from

c o a l plant. We elected n o t t o make a t h i r d study. and t h a t is the production of

methanol, only, from t h e synthesis gas produced from t h e coal, but studies on t h i s

subject have been made by others, and one of the papers in t h i s session covers such

a study. The reason we d i d not conduct t h e t h i r d study was because we f e l t t h a t

t h e much lower thermal e f f i c i e n c y going from coal t o methanol would not be anphere

- 2 -

near as economically a t t r a c t i v e a s the coproduct p l a n t o r the s t r a i g h t SNG plant.

The lower Btu e f f i c i e n c y of a methanol from c o a l p l a n t , between 45 and SO%, a r e

confirmed by Dr. Dennis Eastland of DaG Powergas i n h i s paper a t t h i s session.

We believe that our evaluation shows t h a t t h e r e are some s u b s t a n t i a l advantages

f o r the coproduction of SNG and methanol and t h a t a very l a r g e advantage e x i s t s

if the methanol can be sold at a premium price above f u e l value as i t h i s t o r i c a l l y

has sold and currently sells as a chemical, r a t h e r than a fuel.

This r e p o r t w i l l describe t h e s i m i l a r i t i e s and differences between a plant t o

produce SNG and a plant t o produce methanol and SNG.



, Exhibits 1 through 7 summarize technology, c a p i t a l and operating c o s t

/I of a coal derived coproduct SNG/methyl fuel project compared t o a coal

derived SNG project alone.

It should be pointed out a t the o u t s e t t h a t these s t u d i e s do not

include c a p i t a l o r operating c o s t s of developing a mine.

Exhibit No. 1, an abbreviated block flow diagram, depicts a simplified

I flaw configuration on a LURGI technology based coal g a s i f i c a t i o n project.

This is a t y p i c a l configuration and is almost i d e n t i c a l with t h a t i n t h e

Wesco coal g a s i f i c a t i o n f i l i n g and with much fundamental s i m i l a r i t y i n the

E l Paso g a s i f i c a t i o n schemes as submitted t o t h e Federal Power Commission

(although t h e r e a r e some differences). The point t o b e made here is t h a t

a l l process s t e p s are conrmercially proven.

Output i n t h i s case is a standard 2 5 0 M2SCFD of SNG a t 987 HHV with

an input of 30,079 ST/D of Buffalo, Wyoming, c o a l , which is t h e b a s i s of

a study conducted f o r Transco by Fluor. There a r e some 8,100 BPD of l i q u i d

fuel by-products a s fuel o i l , naptha and t a r s . 150 ST/D sulphur i s produced,

- 3 -

180 T/D ammonia and 114 T/D phenols.

Exhibit NO. 2 shows a block flow diagram of how t h i s e x i s t i n g study

c o n f i g u r a t i o n would b e modified f o r coproduction of SNG and methanol. It

i s t o be remembered t h a t t h e whole coal g a s i f i c a t i o n process would s t i l l

be based e s s e n t i a l l y on LURGI c o a l g a s i f i c a t i o n technology.

I n t h i s e x h i b i t , t h e red c r o s s hatching i n d i c a t e s i d e n t i c a l b a t t e r y .
l i m i t s u n i t s ( i n s i d e t h e g a s i f i c a t i o n complex) compared t o SNG only. The

green i n d i c a t e s u n i t s and systems t h a t would change i n size--mare o r l e s s .

The blue c r o s s hatching would be u n i t s t h a t are net a d d i t i o n s needed t o

r e a l i z e t h e f u e l coproducts.

f i e methanol s p t h e s i s technology f o r t h i s r e p o r t has been evaluated

from Information received from Imperial Chemical I n d u s t r i e s , Ltd. (ICI),

who are l i c e n s o r s of a'methanol process. I C 1 has reviewed t h e Transco concepti

f o r the methanol y i e l d data.

Gross coal i n p u t f o r t h e coproduct mode is 33,185 STID, some 10% more

than t h e s t r a i g h t SNG mode. The q u a n t i t y of g a s i f i c a t i o n feedstock would

remain t h e same f o r e i t h e r mode, but t h e increased q u a n t i t y of c o a l i n

t h e coproduct mode is required for t h e increased &teamdad power require-


A 1 1 o t h e r by-products such as t h e l i q u i d f u e l s , sulphur, armnonia and

. phenols, would be produced i n e k a c t l y t h e same q u a n t i t y a s i n t h e SNG

a l o n e mode.

Exhibit No. 3 makes a three-way thermal efficiency comparison between

the two modes. The first compare Btu's produced per day in prime fuels only.

In this case, the co-product mode produces 4.33% more than SNG alone. (Of
the total co-product, 59% is SNG and 41% is methanol).

In the second comparison, the thermal efficiency of total fuel and

process coal feed (no by-products) is considered. Here, 'the SNG single

product has an advantage of about 2.8%.

In the third comparison, the total products (except sulfur and ammonia)
are considered. This results in a greater differential (3.79%) in favor of

SNG alone.


Exhibit No. 4 shows conceptual capital cost comparisons between the

I two modes in the general category of process units, utility and offsite

i units. Basis of the cost data is the Fluor report, in turn, derived from

the Wesco work. Costs are taken as 1974 basis. It can be seen that the

dollar changes between the modes are minimal with the greatest effect in

the addition of the methanol synthesis loop and purification. Net dollar

addition is 325.118 M for the co-product mode.

I In the utility units, a large change is the elimination of the com-

1 pression step in SNG but the addition of more steam generating and water
1/' related facilities. Net dollar addition is 315,026 M.

The offsite costs are virtually the same with the exception of tankage
I and this has been increased in the co-product mode to provide two weeks'

J inventory of methanol fuel. Dollar differential is 93,002 M.

Exhibit No. 5 summarizes capital cost of both modes In thc three

general categories, and shows the effects of such additives as sales tax,

initial charge of catalysts and chemicals, fees and royalties, railroad

- 5 -

Epur, environmental, s p a r e p a r t s , water supply, working c a p i t a l , i n t e r e s t .

during c o n s t r u c t i o n and contingency. Net d o l l a r d i f f e r e n t i a l a f t e r f i n a l

a d d i t i o n i s 359,679 M.

E x h i b i t No. 6 on the operating cost estimate shows the comparative

cost f o r the f i r s t f u l l year of operation, 1974 basis. This' example

rhars t h e e f f e c t of t o t a l coal feed a t 30~/bl*Btu with t h e a d d i t i o n of
c a t a l y s t and chemicals, wages, overheads, maintenance s u p p l i e s , a s h

disposal, t a x e s and insurance and water supply. C r e d i t s a r e given i n

this line-up f o r t h e values of t h e by-products which, a s can be seen, a r e

the same e i t h e r case.

ks a matter of i n t e r e s t , t h e operating c o s t r e f l e c t s an organiza-

t i o n a l r o s t e r o f 620 people for SNG alone versus 650 people in co-product.

It should b e remembered t h a t these s t u d i e s exclude mine operating

and development c o s t s and that t h e s e a r e covered by t h e purchase price of

the coal. The subsequent economic s t u d i e s r e f l e c t t h e c a p i t a l c o s t s ,

operating c o s t and t h e e f f e c t s of varying t h e coal c o s t s .

The question has been r a i s e d as t o the e f f e c t s of reducing t h e co-

product f a c i l i t y s i z e t o reduce c a p i t a l d o l l a r requirement. For t h i s

purpose, a f a c i l i t y to produce an a r b i t r a r y 2,000 ST/D product methanol

with corresponding 56.67 Mscfd of SNG output has been c o s t evaluated.
The seventh e x h i b i t shows a r e s u l t i n g c a p i t a l c o s t - s i z e p l o t . In general,
reducing t h e production s i z e from t h e prime study p o i n t by 63% c u t s

c a p i t a l c o s t about 50%. The corresponding coal requirement reduces from

33,200 ST/D t o 12,200 STID. Subsequent discussions on economics w i l l

show t h e e f f e c t s of s i z e reduction on product value.


The economic a n a l y s i s which is presented looks a t t h e co-production


- 6 -
Of methanol and SKG on two bases, one which a s s i g n s t h e same value t o a

Btu regardless of t h e product form and t h e o t h e r which recognizes t h e real .

world h i s t o r i c a l p r i c i n g r e l a t i o n s h i p between the c o s t of clean l i q u i d

f u e l s and n a t u r a l gas. Clean l i q u i d f u e l s have h i s t o r i c a l l y s o l d a t a

s u b s t a n t i a l premium over n a t u r a l gas. Currently, t h i s premium i s about

$1 p e r m i l l i o n Btu. Chemical methanol, which can be produced f o r a

n e g l i g i b l e a d d i t i o n a l c o s t , has s o l d a t a su'bstantial premium above c l e a n

l i q u i d f u e l s on a contained Btu basis.


\ The economics show t h a t i f a clean l i q u i d f u e l o r a chemical methanol

market p r i c e can be obtained, the co-product p l a n t can produce a g r e a t e r

r e t u r n on c a p i t a l investment and r e q u i r e s less c a p i t a l investment per

d o l l a r of annual s a l e s , o r a lower s a l e s p r i c e f o r the SNG.

Exhibit No. 8 shows that on a combined t o t a l Btu b a s i s , SNG alone

I! appears t h e more a t t r a c t i v e venture. S N G h t h a n o l co-production r e q u i r e s

a product p r i c e of about 8%more p e r m i l l i o n Btu and c o s t s $60 MM more to


Exhibit No. 9 shows what t h e minimmirequired SNG p r i c e would be a t

d i f f e r e n t methanol p r i c e s t o give a 20% r e t u r n on equity. As an i l l u s t r a -

tion, s e l e c t a p o i n t which is near today's open market p r i c e s : coal at

9O&MEtu and gas a t $1.48/MMBtu. Minimum required methanol p r i c e would

be $6.OO/>IMBtu o r 3 8 . 9 ~ I g a l . Current p r i c e of methanol i s 3 2 ~ / g a l .

Exhibit No. 10 shows t h e same information i n graphic form.

For t h e reduced s i z e pl+t 'discussed i n t h e technology s e c t i o n , we

have elso c a l c u l a t e d t h e average required s a l e s p r i c e f o r the products

based on Btu content as shown below:

- 7 -

Required Sales Price - $/MMBtu

Methanol Rate, ST/D

Coal Price - C/MMBtu 5420 2000

30 2.12 2.44
60 2.73 3.05
90 3.34 3.66

SNG Rate - MMSCF/D 154 57


1. 20% DCF internal rate of return on equity.

2. Financing provided on a 70130 debtlequity ratio.

3. Interest rate of 9% per year on all debt, both construction

and long-term.

4. Book depreciation done on straight line basis.

5. Tax depreciation done on double declining balance with

normalization basis.

6. Sinking fund payments 5% per year on a semi-annual basis.

7. Five-year construction period and 25-year operation period.

8. Startup 1 January 1974.

9. Operating and maintenance costs constant for 25-year plant life.

10. Coal feed assumed to be available at p l a n t inlet at a given

purchase cost.

11. For combined total in Exhibit No. 8, Btu prices were apportioned
into the expected split of 59% SNG and 41% methanol.

- 8 -


Gasoline s u b s t i t u t e i s t h e g r e a t e s t p o t e n t i a l market f o r f u e l

grade methanol. It i s so g r e a t t h a t t h e l a r g e s t conceivable p l a n t would,

supply less than 3%o f t h e market. However, t h e introductory problems t o

t h i s market are almost insurmountable f o r t h e near future, except f o r

possibly a c a p t i v e f l e e t (i.e-, New York City t a x i s ) .

The market that would be served f i r s t appears t o be peaking t u r b i n e

fuel. This i s t h e conclusion o f government agencies, supported by G. E.

and Westinghouse confirmation t h a t methanol has 7% higher e f f i c i e n c y and

6% more KW than f u e l s being used a t present.

Exhibit NO. 12 shows some s t a t i s t i c s looking a t s p e c i f i c areas and

markets. E l e c t r i c u t i l i t y b o i l e r s n o t r e q u i r i n g conversion (gas burning)

+xi Texas and Louisiana alone would consume 5,900 tons/day of methanol.
i! Boilers r e q u i r i n g conversion ( o i l burning) i n t h e same a r e a would r e q u i r e

177,000 tonsfday. And gas t u r b i n e s would r e q u i r e 2,260 tonslday.

Our two l a r g e customers'would consume a combined t o t a l of about 5,500


tonsfday i n t h e i r gas turbines. I n y c t another use, Transco compressors

t o t r a n s p o r t one t r i l l i o n CF/year would r e q u i r e 6,300 tonslday.

Exhibit No. 13 shows the t o t a l U. S. peaking.fue1 requirement f o r

e l e c t r i c u t i l i t y gas t u r b i n e s and' i n t e r n a l combustion engines. The d a i l y

requirement of methanol would b e 32,000 tons for gas-burning t u r b i n e s and

62,800 tons f o r oil-burning turbines.

The 1974 e l e c t r i c u t i l i t y consumption of a l l f u e l s f o r gas t u r b i n e s
used t o generate e l e c t r i c i t y i s equivalent t o more than 100,000 t o n s per

day of methanol. Methanol has a PI. thermal e f f i c i e n c y advantage over the

'I f u e l s t h a t are c u r r e n t l y being used ( n a t u r a l gas, LPG's, # l and #2 fuel

o i l and JP). The increased thermal e f f i c i e n c y r e s u l t s from t h e higher

- 9 -

mass flow through the turbine (approximately 2%) and from the use o f

vaporized methanol (approximately 5%). Liquid methanol b o i l s a t 64.65' C.

and can be vaporized with waste heat from exhaust gas t h a t is a t too low

a temperature f o r any other economic use. Methanol's advantages over

these conventional f u e l s f o r t h i s use should p r i c e it a t a modest premium

versus these f u e l s .

Another type of guarantee t h a t w i l l be necessary f o r a coal/methanol/

SNG p r o j e c t w i l l be some form of downside market p r i c e guarantee which we

presume can only be furnished by t h e U. S. government. The j o i n t methanol

fuel report prepared by a group of governmental agencies and bureaucracies

has recognized that such guarantees w i l l be necessary for such a project

t o become a r e a l i t y . This government report a l s o recognizes t h e need for

a ' s u b s t a n t i a l decrease i n t h e time required f o r obtaining a l l of t h e gov-

ernment-required approvals.


The current United States production of methanol is approximately

12,500 short tons per day. The e x i s t i n g chemical use market is growing a t

approximately 10%per year. The current supply-demand imbalance amounts

t o a shortage i n excess of 1,000 tons per day. No new p l a n t s are under

construction. Only one plant is being designed (Celanese's Bishop, Texas

plant; estimated a d d i t i o n a l production capacity: 1,500 tons per day).

Exhibit No. 14 shows a p r o f i l e of the chemical methanol market.

E s s e n t i a l l y , all chemical methanol produced i n the U. S. today is made

from n a t u r a l gas. The n a t u r a l gas consumption by these p l a n t s is approxi-

mately 500 MMCF p e r day.

The posted s e l l i n g price f o r methanol at the end of the t h i r d quarter

of '74 was 32c p e r gallon ($S/MMBtu) FOB producing plant, but none w a s

available at t h i s price. The d r a s t i c downturn i n the home building and

- 10 -

automotive market (which account f o r over one-half of a l l methanol consump-

tion) has created a surplus of supply over demand. Short of a long term

recession, additional chemical production w i l l be needed a t near i t s

h i s t o r i c a l growth r a t e .

The future c o s t of chemical methanol calculated on a Btu value cannot

be l e s s than the cost of 1.8 Btu of purchased n a t u r a l gas plus $1.00 per

million Btu of methanol produced. For example, i f n a t u r a l gas is $2.00

per million Btu, t h e cost of methanol would be $3.60 f o r n a t u r a l gas plus

$1.00 f o r plant c o s t f o r a t o t a l of $4.60 per million Btu. Most U. S.

methanol is produced from i n t r a s t a t e gas for which s a l e s have been reported

a8 high a s $2.05 per MMBtu i n 1975.

For these reasons, we believe that methanol sold i n t h e chemical

marketplace w i l l continue t o c o m d i t s h i s t o r i c premium p r i c e Over the

I cost of clean l i q u i d fuels. We believe t h a t t h i s premium w i l l amount t o

a minimum of $1.00 per MMBtu. On t h i s b a s i s , chemical methanol p r i c e can

be expected t o at least maintain i t s current price. We believe t h a t the

current price of clean l i q u i d f u e l s is between $2.00 and $2.50 per million


Therefore, t o t h e extent t h a t methanol can be sold in the chemical

market, t h i s w i l l represent the highest p r i c e which can be obtained.

Because of t h e domestic shortage of n a t u r a l gas, even i n the i n t r a -

s t a t e market, t h e chemical producers with whom we have had conversations


d believe t h a t chemical methanol w i l l be produced from coal i n the United

S t a t e s i n the 1980s.


on the concept grade evaluation t h a t has been made, w e conclude t h a t

further in-depth e f f o r t should be made:

- 11 -

1. To produce f e a s i b i l i t y grade c a p i t a l and operating c o s t and

product c o s t ,

2. To evaluate marketing p o t e n t i a l f o r t h e products (SNG and

methanol), and

3. To obtain governmental encouragement and support f o r such a

venture by the p r i v a t e venture or f r e e e n t e r p r i s e s energy

production i n t e r e s t s .


The writer wishes t o acknowledge and express appreciation t o the following for

t h e assistance and encouragement provided which made t h i s a r t i c l e possible:

Transco Energy Company

Fluor Engineers and Constructors, Inc.
I C 1 Americas
Davy Powergas, Ltd.
Imperial Chemical I n d u s t r i e s
Lawrence Livermore Laboratory

- 12 -
Ekhibit 1
- 1 1

Exhibit 3




SNG - 153.611 M2scfD @ 987 Btu/scf = 151.614 M3BtuD
I.teOH - 5420.8 T/D @ 9760 B t u / l b = 105.814 H3BtuD
257.428 M3BtuD
SNG - 250 M2scfD I?987 Btu/scf = 246.750 M3BtuD

Difference = 257.428 -
246.750 = 10.678 M3Btu0 B e n e f i t from Co-Product
O r = 4.327% increase over SNG alone.



Feed coal o f 23517 T/O @ 7618 B t u / l b = 358.305 M3Btu

Fuel; b o i l e r , power, SH. -
9668 T/D @ 7320 B t u / l b = 141.540 I43Btu
499.845 M3Btu

Roduces - 257.428 M3BtuD; E f f i c i e n c y = 51.50%

Feed coal o f 23517 T/D @ 7618 B t u / l b = 358.305 M3BtuD
Fuel; b o i l e r , power, SH. -
6562 T/D @ 7320 = 96.068 M38tuD
454.373 M3RtuD

I Produces - 246.750 M3BtuD; E f f i c i e n c y = 54.31%


Feed & Fuel = 499.845 M3BtuD
Products: 257.428 + 49.428 = 306.856 M3BtuD
E f f i c i e n c y = 61.39%

Feed & Fuel 454.373 M k u D
Products: 246.750 + 49.428 = 296.178 M3BtuD '

I E f f i c i e n c y = 65.184%
Exhibit 4


(1974 Costs)
250 1.12scfD 153.61 M2scfD/5421 st/O
Process Units $ 186,631 M $ 211,749 I4
Uti1 i t y Units 115,815 130,841
Offsi tes 57,829 . 60,831
SUBTOTAL $ 360,275 rj $ 403,421 M

Sales Tax @ 1.155% $ 4,161 M $ 4,660 M

I n i t i a l Charge - Catalyst 8 Chemical 2,650 . 5,210 .
Fees, Royaltie's 6 Eng. I 5,200 5,200
Fees; Royalties & Eng. --- 1,500
Railroad S p u r . . 4,700 4,700
.Environmental - 1,000 1,000
Spare Parts 1,801 2,017
Water Supply 12,000 13,500
SUBTOTAL $ 391,787 M $ 441,208 M

Morking Capital 10,772 14,920

. I n t e r e s t During Construction 61,979 63,147
Contingency 39,179 44,121 .

TOTAL $ 503,717 M . $ 563,396 M

DOES NOT INCLUDE: 1. Construction camp

2. Product SNG pipe l i n e s (nor $ difference f o r s i z e differences)
* 3. Loadout and handling f o r EleOH .
-4. Escalation
5. Startup Costs
6. Land
7. Nine t support f a c i l i t i c s
' 163 Exhibit 5


(1974 Costs)




Gas Production (Lurgi) $ 65,533 M $ 65,533 M

S h i f t Conversion 10,061 9,000
Gas Cool i n g 8,739 8,739
Recti sol (Gas P u r i f i c a t i o n ) 66,783 65,783
Methanation . 22,021 12,100
Phenosolvan (Ammonia - Phenol separation)l3,494 13,494
Mettianol LOO; --- 37,100
Ethylene Conversion --- ---
TOTAL $186,631 M $21 1,749 M

Zcixre:ision b 5,370 $ ---

Uxygen Plant 36,282 36,282
Sulfur Recovery 4,693 4,693
Steam Gen. & Dist. 43,009 61,000
Plant & Instrument A i r 525 525
Dernineral i z e d Water 3,188 4,391
Fuel Gas & 112 380 380
BFW & condensate 3,189 4,391
Ammonia Disposal 789 789
F l y Ash C o l l e c t i o n & Fuel Gas Trrn. 16,485 16,485
Stacks & Chimney 855 855
Dust Control 1,050 1,050
TOTAL $115,815 M $130,841 M

S i t e Devel oprnen t $ 8,176 M 3 8,176 M

Coal & Fly Ash Conveying 5,744 5,744
E l e c t r i c a l System 16,506 16,560
Flares 2,483 2,483
Buildings 4,438 4,438
F i r e Water 2,147 2,147
Mud Water 25 25
Fuel O i l 481 481
Cooling Water 2,665 : 2,665
C l a r i f i e d Water 834 1,150
P l a n t & Potable Glater 1,101 1,101
Loading & Unloading 529 529
Holding Pond 1,420 1,420
Proc. E f f l u e n t Treat 8,750 8,750
Tankage 1,796 4,428
S u l f u r Storage -- 734- 7 34
TOTAL $ 57,829 M $ 60,831 M
Exhibit 6





Coal Supply 49,425( 1) 54,733( 2)

C a t a l y s t & Chemicals 3,366 4,936

Wages & S a l a r i e s 7,976 . 8,360

G&A @ 25% 1,994 2,090

Maintenance M a t e r i a l s 4,830 5,062

Supplies 6,370 6,400

Ash Disposal 500 500

Taxes & Insurance 5,880 6,618

Uater Supply 41 5 501

80,756 89,200


Sulfur 78,110 T @ $20/T 1,562 1,562

Crude Phenols 41,610 T @ $50/T 2,081 2,081

Naphtha 56,794 T @ $67/T 3,805 3,805

Tars 339,085 T @ $30/T 10,173 10,173

Fuel O i l 112,347 T @ $67/T 7,527 7,527

Amnonia 65,700 T @ $85.7/T 5,629 5,629

30,777 30,777

NET 49,979 58,461


1. 164.751 M46tu/Y @ $.30/M2Btu

2. 182.444 l@Btu/Y @ $.30/M2Btu
Exhibit 7


Buffalo, I.lyoming Coal
& IC1

(Scale up factor = 0.7169)

. . , , i

, . ...

* 000 4330 5000 to00 moo 1000 K l O d l O

G D. k K
Exhibit 8



25-Year AveraRe


30C/M2Btu Coal Feed 1.94 2.12

60C/M2Btu Coal Feed 2.52 2.73

90C/M2Btu Coal Feed 3.09 3.34

I. 10% Capital Investment hcrement - SALES PRICE INCReMENT

. .16

XI. 101 Yearly Operating Cost Increment - SALES PRICE I N C ~ N T

.OS \
Exhibit 9



30C/M2Btu 60&/M2Btu 90t/M2Btu
Coal Feed Coal Feed Coal Feed
&/Gal1 on -
f/NMBtu $/MMBtu
16.2 2.50 1.a5* 2.89 3.92
19.4 3.00 1.51 2.54 3.58
22.7 3.50 1.16 2.19 3.23
25.9 4.00 0.81 1.84 2.88
29.2 4.50 0.46 1.49 2.53
32.4 5.00 0.11 1.15 2.18
35.6 5.50 ,-Negative 0.80 1 .a3
38.9 6.00 Negative 0.45 1.48
42.1 6.50 Negative 0.10 1.13
45 :4 7.00 Negative Negative 0.79
48.6 . 7.50 Negative Negative 0.44
51.8 8.00 Negative Negative 0.09

I 55.1 8.50 Negative Negative Negative

58.3 9.00 Negative Negative Negative
61.6 9.50 Negative Negative Negative
64.8 10.00 Negative Negative Negative
*Range where co-produced SNG sales price f a l l s below sales price
o f SNG produced alone.'
... . Exhibit 10


A T V A R I O U S M e O H P R I C E S


- ,


I 8 I I
A I 30 40 50 60
I # I I I I I
60 80. 100 120 140 160 180
Exhibit 12

h l m
2 Z S I n N


Exhibit 13




Fuel Consumption
e of Fuel
Gas 624,500 Mcf/D 32,000 T/D
! t
Fuel Oil (Distillate) 11 210,540 Bbls/D
1 62,800 T/D


A. J. Fcmey, W. P. Haynes, J. J. E l l i o t t and M. F. Zarochak
P i t t s b u r g h Energy Research Center
Energy Research and Development Administration
4800 Forbes Avenue
P i t t s b u r g h , Pennsylvania 15213


The Federal Bureau of Mines was engaged from 1944 t o about 1969 i n a r e s e a r c h
and development program on t h e s y n t h e s i s o f g a s o l i n e and o t h e r Fischer Tropsch pro-
d u c t s from coal. The a c t u a l F i s c h e r Tropsch r e a c t o r designs and c a t a l y s t work was
done at Bruceton i n what is now t h e P i t t s b u r g h Energy Research Center of t h e U. S.
Energy Research and Development Administration.

H i s t o r i c a l l y t h e work was covered e x t e n s i v e l y by Storch.(l) This paper w i l l

cover t h e work done a t Bruceton i n t h e 1944-1969 period and t h z development of t h e
v a r i o u s r e a c t o r s and c a t a l y s t s plus t h e p r e s e n t work.


The o i l - c i r c u l a t i o n process was developed a t Bruceton f o r s y n t h e s i z i n g l i q u i d

f u e l s by t h e Fischer-Tropsch reaction.(2)(3) Carbon monoxide and hydrogen r e a c t over
an i r o n c a t a l y s t t o produce a product tEat-is e s s e n t i a l l y hydrocarbons ranging from
methane t o high molecular weight wax. Removal o f t h e h e a t of r e a c t i o n (50,000 Btu/
g a l l o n o f l i q u i d product) i s achieved by s e n s i b l e heating o f a r e c y c l e o i l t h a t com-
p l e t e l y covers t h e c a t a l y s t .

Although granular fused i r o n oxide ( s y n t h e t i c ammonia c a t a l y s t s ) used a s a fixed-bed

was a c t i v e a s a c a t a l y s t , gradual cementation o f t h e p a r t i c l e s t o g e t h e r caused increased
p r e s s u r e drop. This problem was a l l e v i a t e d by o p e r a t i n g with a n expanded bed.(4) Because
a t t r i t i o n caused gradual d i s i n t e g r a t i o n o f t h e c a t a l y s t , c a t a l y s t s with an i n e z core o f
i r o n and an external c o a t i n g o f c a t a l y t i c a l l y a c t i v e i r o n were developed such as oxidized
ironshot. These experiments f i n a l l y l e d t o t h e development o f l a t h e - t u r n i n g s c a t a l y s t .
This c a t a l y s t was used i n a fixed-bed and showed no a t t r i t i o n problem, and t h e l a r g e void
volume eliminated t h e problem of cementation. Table 1 shows d a t a taken from t h i s type
of operation.


The o i l c i r c u l a t i o n system w a s l i m i t e d i n temperature and t h e hourly space v e l o c i t y

(SVH). The temperature could n o t b e r a i s e d above 300' C without cracking and r o l a t i -
l i z i n g t h e o i l . 'Ibe SVH could n o t b e r a i s e d much above 800 without lowering t h e gas
conversion. To overcome t h e s e problems, we turned t o t h e hot-gas-recycle process.(L)
This process uses a f i x e d bed o f c a t a l y s t (lathe-turnings), through which l a r g e volumes
o f r e c y c l e gas a r e c i r c u l a t e d t o remove t h e h e a t of r e a c t i o n as s e n s i b l e heat. The
lathe-turnings incurred a low p r e s s u r e drop (about one p s i / f t o f bed h e i g h t ) . Table 2
shows t h e r e s u l t s of s e v e r a l tests and shows t h e e f f e c t s of some process v a r i a b l e s on
product d i s t r i b u t i o n .

The p a r a l l e l p l a t e t y p e c a t a l y s t was developed as a v a r i a n t of t h e l a t h e - t u r n i n g

, c a t a l y s t used i n t h e hot-gas-recycle work. The p r e s s u r e drop a c r o s s t h i s c a t a l y s t was
s i g n i f i c a n t l y lower than t h a t of t h e lathe-turning c a t a l y s t . (5)

L By acceptance of t h i s a r t i c l e , t h e p u b l i s h e r and/or r e c i p i e n t acknowledges t h e U. S.

Government's r i g h t t o r e t a i n a nonexclusive, royalty-free l i c e n s e i n and t o any copy-
r i g h t covering t h i s paper.

TABLE 1 .Typical experimental conditions and hydrocarbon y i e l d s i n exper-
iment 37 using steel lathe-turning c a t a l y s t i n t h e o i l - c i r c u l a t i o n
T e s t period: 14 15 16
C a t a l y s t age hr 1,503-1.527 1.551.1. 671 1.671.1. 791
Hourly space velocity of
........... ............
f r e s h gas
Space weight velocity
.h r.l 700 601 600

f t 3(STP)/hr-lb Fe
Maximum pressure
... .................
..... ............. ps i g

.. ..............
Pressure differential p Sl 10 10 10
Maximum temperature ...............
Temperature- d i f f e r e n t i a l
Recycle-to-fresh gas r a t i o ............. 2:l 2:l 2:1
CO, scrubbing ..........................
Synthesis gas r a t i o ............... H2:C0
Yes Yes Yes
1.018 1.014 1.025
Usage r a t i o....................... H2:C0 0.849 0.869 0.855
Cop-free c o n t r a c t i o n .....
volume-percent 65.1 63.6 57.8
H, conversion .................. ......
do 63.7 63.1 56.8
Hz+CO conversion ............... ......
do 70.0 68.3 62.3
CO conversion
F t 3 H, +CO converted/lb Fe ..............

Yields. g/m3 H2+CO converted:
c , ................................... 15.4 20.3 21.4
.................................. 3.9 4.0 4.3
................................... 18.2 16.1 14.2
Cp.......... ........................
c3 ...................................
7.4 9.4 10.2
7.8 8.9
c4= ...................................
c, ...................................
13.7 14.9 14.4
3.4 6.4 9.5
C 5E .................................. 13.2 12.8 10.7
c5 ................................... 3.4 2.4 3.7
cs= .................................. 6.0 4.3 3.8
C$ ................................... 1 (1 1 (11
Llght o i l ............................
68.9 61.9 62.4
Heavy o i l ............................ 2.5 12.9 7.9
Aqueous l a y e r ........................ 67.9 69.2 68.5
Product recoveries. lb/day:
<204O C ..............................
. . .
18.24 15.88 14.71
204-316' C ........................... 4.11 3.00 2.89
316-450 C ........................... 1.92 1.71 1.63
>450 C .............................. 0.97 1.14 1.09
Product d i s t r i b u t i o n . weight-percent:
<204' C .............................. 72.3 73.0 72.4
204-316' C ........................... 16.3 13.8 14.2
316-450 C ........................... 7.6 7.9 8.0
>450 C .............................. 3.8 5.3 5.4
R e l a t i v e catalyst a c t i v i t y , ............ 87 72 61
Recovery ................. weight-percent lOOI2 101.2 101.3
lNone d e t e c t e d .
2Anderson. R . B., and o t h e r s . Ind . and Eng . Chem., v . 44. 1952. pp . 391.397 .
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. ' 174

I n t h i s system c a t a l y s t s a r e flame sprayed o n t o p l a t e s which then are assembled

i n t o p a r a l l e l p l a t e modules ( f i g u r e 1) and s t a c k e d i n t h e r e a c t o r . O r i g i n a l l y a
c o a t i n g o f s y n t h e t i c ammonia c a t a l y s t (SAC) was used, b u t t h e most r e c e n t work used
Alan Wood magnetite ( A m impregnated w i t h K CO3.(7) Table 3 shows d a t a from t h i s
work (Ex. 34) plus an experiment u s i n g t h e S k (Ex, 33). Note t h e 2000 SVH achieved
i n t h e latest experiment and t h e g r e a t e r p r o p o r t i o n of gasoline-range hydrocarbons.
This SVH i s an economical f e e d r a t e c o n s i d e r i n g t h e number o f r e a c t o r s n e c e s s a r y f o r
a commercial plant.

A t t h e same time t h a t t h e o i l c i r c u l a t i o n system was b e i n g developed c o n s i d e r a b l e

work was proceeding on o i l s l u r r y operations.(E) I n t h e slurry process, a f i n e l y divided
fused i r o n c a t a l y s t (less t h a n 5 microns) is kzpt i n suspension i n an o i l ( p a r a f i n o i l - -
b.p. less t h a n 384' C) by t h e a g i t a t i o n o f s y n t h e s i s gas r i s i n g through t h e s l u r r y . /
In some o f t h e experiments a new type c a t a l y s t , a n i t r i d e d i r o n c a t a l y s t , was used t o
attempt t o maximize t h e y i e l d o f oxygenates, e s p e c i a l l y a l c o h o l s . Table 4 shows such data
comparing t h e r e s u l t s o f a t e s t o f t h e n i t r i d e d w i t h t h e fused i r o n c a t a l y s t .


A series of tests were performed i n a f l u i d i z e d - b e d a l s o u s i n g a n i t r i d e d , fused

iron cata1yst.Q) The r e a c t o r was a 1-inch ss p i p e , 6 f e e t long, enclosed i n a 3-inch
h e a t exchanger Jacket. About 78 p e r c e n t of t h e 1H2:lCO f r e s h feed was converted when
t h e u n i t was operated a t a SVH of 750, a 8 : l r e c y c l e - t o - f r e s h feed gas r a t i o , a 300 psig
p r e s s u r e and a temperature o f 252' C. About 33 p e r c e n t of t h e t o t a l hydrocarbons made
were oxygenates.


Our p r e s e n t work i n F.T. s y n t h e s i s is based on t h e hypothesis t h a t , because of

t h e g r e a t change in t h e energy p i c t u r e i n t h e U. S., v a r i a t i o n s of t h e Fischer-Tropsch
r e a c t i o n may be economically v i a b l e . Cost s t u d i e s (10) i n d i c a t e t h a t a modified
SYNTHANE (11) coal-to-gas system where a F i s c h e r - T r o z c h r e a c t o r i s s u b s t i t u t e d f o r
t h e t h e meTanation r e a c t o r and t h e H2/CO r a t i o o f t h e raw SYNTHANE gas is u t i l i z e d ,
w i l l y i e l d a combination of s u b s t i t u t e n a t u r a l gas and l i g h t o i l a t minimum c o s t .

While t h e aim o f t h e program a t PERC is t o u s e t h e Hot-Gas-Recycle p i l o t p l a n t

(with c a t a l y s t sprayed on p a r a l l e l p l a t e s ) , t h e f i r s t experiment i s being done i n
a bench-scale tube-wall r e a c t o r system. Figure 2 shows t h i s r e a c t o r system and
f i g u r e 3 a photo o f an a c t u a l sprayed s e c t i o n .

The t u b e was a 3/4-inch s t a i n l e s s s t e e l tube flame sprayed with a 0.020-inch

c o a t i n g o f AWM; t h e c o a t i n g was s i x inches i n length. The magnetite was reduced with \
H2 a t 400' C. Then s y n t h e s i s gas (3H4 + 1CO) was introduced. Conditions o f o p e r a t i o n
were: 1000 p s i g p r e s s u r e and 310-315 C; flow rate was 4.37 s c f h , e q u i v a l e n t t o 1640 SVH
(based on t h e annulus volume), o r 30 s c f h p e r sq. f t . o f c a t a l y s t a r e a , a more meaningful
term f o r t h i s type o f o p e r a t i o n . The h e a t o f r e a c t i o n was removed from t h e c a t a l y s t sur-
face by b o i l i n g Dowthenn on t h e i n s i d e o f t h e tube. R e s u l t s of t h e first test are shown
i n t a b l e S where we operated a t 300, 650 and 1000 p s i g .
Table 5 shows an i n c r e a s e i n the C1-C4 a l c o h o l s with i n c r e a s i n g pressure. The y i e l d of
hydrocarbons was low, as expected, because o f t h e increased throughput ( a s given a s scfh
feed g a s / f t 2 c a t a l y s t a r e a ) . This a l s o favored t h e formation of l i g h t e r hydrocarbons as
shown i n t h e wt-pct of t h e v a r i o u s hydrocarbon streams.

Planned tests include tests w i t h Raney Iron b e f o r e changing t h e H2/CO r a t i o i n t h e feed




TABLE 3 . .Hot-gas r e c y c l e s y n t h e s i s r e s u l t s with flame-sprayed

catalyst-coated p l a t e assemblies
Exp . No . E x p . No .
HGR 33 HGR 34

Fresh gas space v e l o c i t y . vol/vol h r ........ 600 1000 1000 2000

Total r e c y c l e i n f r e s h feed. vol/vol........ 52 15.9 20.4 14.4
Reactor pressure. psig ...................... 400 400 400 400
C a t a l y s t temperature. 'c
Average 269 325 320 325
Differential........................... 20 50 40 50
H2 conversion. p c t .......................... 73.4 90.9 90.1 83
CO conversion. p c t .......................... 80.6 98.8 98.2 94.4
H2+C0 conversion. p c t ....................... 76.4 94.4 93.4 87.5

Overall weight balance. p c t ................. 93.6 90.8 87.8 96.6 1

Hydrocarbons recovered. lb/1000 SCF f r e s h
gas ........................................ 7.4 9.5 10.3 11.6
Hydrocarbons recovered. wt-pct
cl+c .................................. 59.7 36.5 33.9 29.5
c3 ..................................... 6.6 14.1 13.3 12.8
Gasoline (C3= ~ 2 4 0 ' C .................. 31.8 43.7 48.5 53.0
Diesel o i l (204-3160C) ................ 1.9 5.0 4.0 3.8
Fuel o i l (316-4500 C) ................. 0 0.4 0.2 0.5
Wax (>450 C) .......................... 0 0.3 0.1 0.4

TABLE 4 . . S l u r r y Test Data

Experiment No ...................... LP-99 1p-66

Catalyst ........................... Fused Iron N i t r i d e d Fused Iron
Space Velocity. s c f h l f t 3 volume., ... 300 300
Temperature ........................
H2+CO Conversion . p c t ...............
255" C
250' C
Usage Ratio ........................ 1.02 0.84
Yield gm/m3 (H2+CO) Converted:
c1.c2 ......................... 20.0 44.4
Gas C3-C ..................... 39.2 67.4
Light O i l ..................... 78.8 55.4
Heavy O i l ..................... 47.3 0.0
Aqueous Layer ................. 90.5 65.0
Yield C3+ ..................... 165.3 154.1 . 1
Oxygenates .................... 6.9 44.9
Infrared Analysis o f
Light O i l . wt-pct:
OH............................ 2.1 10.9
COOH. COO. CO ................. 1.2 1.8
c=c........................... 10.21 5.3
Aqueous Product:
Oxygenated Compounds :
(KFR) wt-pct ................ 4.3 58.2
1 I1

Well for sliding thermocouple

A-inch stainless steel tubing

Gas inlet

$ - i n c h od cooling tube

$-inch pipe coated with


Iq-inch sch 8 0 stainless
steel pipe


TABLE 5. - R e s u l t s of bench-scale F.T. test compared to HGR-34

Experiment Number HGR-34 FT-TW-1

Fresh g a s ft-'lhr 8.85 17.7 30 30 30
Ft' c a t a l y s t s u r f a c e
H2/C0 r a t i o i n feed g a s 1.411 1.411 311 311 311
Reactor pressure, p s i g 400 400 300 650 1,000
C a t a l y s t temp. average OF/'C 6081320 6171325 615.21324 602.61317 609.91318
H2 Conversion, p e r c e n t 90.1 83 40.32 43.67 45.12
CO Conversion, p e r c e n t 98.2 94.4 78.30 78.46 76.21
H2 + CO Conversion, p e r c e n t 93.4 87.5 49.38 52.02 52.70
Heating v a l u e t a i l gas B t u / f t 3
With GO2 930 785 383 408 418
Without C02 1,000 852 419 447 453
Overall weight balance, percent 87.8 96.6 93.96 97.05 95.72
Hydrocarbons recovered lb/1000
scf f r e s h ga& 10.3 11.6 4.148 5.139 5.714
T h e o r e t i c a l hydrocarbons,
g/m3(H2 + CO) conversion 190.28 197.0 188.65 184.13 166.98
Recoverjr, p e r c e n t ' 119.53 97.39 71.33 82.76 108.09
Hydrocarbon recovered, wt-pct
c1 c2
38.00 32.71 71.26 67.01 69.56

c3 13.58 12.07 17.70 19.92 11.75

Caeoline (C; + <204C)L1 48.11 50.01 9.18 12.14 18.32
Diesel Fuel (204O C- 316OC) 4.46 4.27 1.60 .83 .32
Fuel O i l (316C-4500C) .18 .52 .25 .10 .06
Wax (>450 C) .ll .42 0.0 0.00 0.00

3 Period
Aqueous l a y e r , gramslrn (H2 + CO) Conv. 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd
C1-C40H 4.34 6.11 3.16 4.34 7.70 17.14 30.34 42.33
Other oxygenates .32 .36 .19 .13 .13 .18 0.0 0.0

H2 97.54 108.32 126.7 124.9 140.6 135.2 125.6 113.7

Percent CO i n t a i l gas 4.21 9.67 8.09 8.0 8.3

l/Includes alcohols and oxygenates.

Ne believe more work i n t h e a r e a o f t h e Fischer-Tropsch r e a c t i o n i s needed. The
process is very f l e x i b l e ; most any d e s i r e d product can be obtained by s e l e c t e d r e a c t o r
type, c a t a l y s t , o p e r a t i n g temperature and s y n t h e s i s gas r a t i o . Operating conditions
can be e a s i l y changed t o maximize t h e y i e l d o f product most i n demand a t any given time.
Our work w i l l continue t o s t r e s s p r i m a r i l y t h e gasoline y i e l d but oxygenates could be a
d e s i r e d byprodwt.


1. Storch, H. H., N. Golumbic. and R. B. h d e r s e n . The Fischer-Tropsch and Re-

l a t e d Syntheses: John Welby and Sons Inc., New York, N.Y., 1951. 610 pp.

2. Bienstock, D., A. J. Forney and J. A. Field. Fischer-Tropsch O i l - C i r c u l a t i o n

Process. Experiments With A Massive-Iron C a t a l y s t . R I 6194, 1963, 20 pp.

3. Bimstock, D., J. H. F i e l d , A. J. Forney, J. G. Myers and H. E. Benson. The

Fischer-Tropsch S y n t h e s i s In t h e O i l C i r c u l a t i o n Process: Experiments With
A Nitrided Fused-Iron C a t a l y s t . R I 5603, 1960, 32 pp.

4. Rensen, H. E., J. H. F i e l d , D. Bienstock, R. R. Nagle, L. W. Brunn C. 0. Hawk,

J. H. Crowell and H. H. Storch. Development of t h e Fischer-Tropsch O i l
Recycle Process. m i n e s Bull. 568, 1957, 72 pp.

5. F i e l d , J. H., D. Bienstock, A. J. Forney and R. J. Demski. F u r t h e r S t u d i e s of

the Fischer-Tropsch S y n t h e s i s Using Gas Recycle Cooling (Hot-Gas-Recycle
Process). R I 5871, 1961, 32 pp.

6. Forney, A. J., R. J. Demski, D. Bienstock and J. H. Field. Recent C a t a l y s t

Developments i n t h e Hot-Gas-Recycle Process. R I 6609, 1965, 32 pp.

, 7. E l l i o t t , J. J., H. P. Haynes and A. J. Forney. Gasoline Via t h e Fischer-Ropsch

1 Reactor Using t h e Hot-Gas-Recycle System. F.eprint 163rd National Meeting of
ACS, Boston, Mass., Fuels Division, vol. 16, No. I, A p r i l 1972, pp. 44-50.

! 8. Schlesinger, .!E D., H. E. Bensen, E. M. Murphy and H. H. Storch. Chemicals From

! t h e Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis. I n d u s t r i a l and Eng. Chemistry, vol. 46,
June 1954, pp. 1322-1326.
9. Demeter, J. J. and M. D. Schlesinger. Fischer-Tropsch S y n t h e s i s i n a Fluidized-
C a t a l y s t Reactor w i t h a Nitrided Fused-Iron C a t a l y s t . R I 5456, 1959, 16 pp.

10.1 Katell, Sidney, and staff. A Combined SYNTHANE G a s i f i c a t i o n of Montana Coal at

1000 p s i and Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis t o Produce High-Btu Gas and Liquid
/ Products. Report 74-21, Jan. 1974, 63 pp.

11. Forney, A. J. and J. P. McGee. The SYNTHANE Process--Research R e s u l t s and Proto-

I t y p e P l a n t Design. Fourth AGA S y n t h e t i c P i p e l i n e Gas Symposium, Chicago, Ill..
1 Oct. 1972, pp. 51-72.



A . McCeorge and R. V . Green

E . I. du Pont d e Nemours E Company Incorporated

I n d u s t r i a l Chemicals Department
Wilmington, Delaware 19898


In A u g u s t 1924, Slack's F a r m in Belle, West V i r g i n i a was chosen as the
site f o r a n ammonia p l a n t to b e operated by L'Azote Inc., a s u b s i d i a r y of
E. I. du Pont de Nemours I n c . T h e site was selected because o f the a v a i l -
a b i l i t y of bituminous coal from t h e West V i r g i n i a and Pennsylvania f i e l d s .
Plant operations began in A p r i l 1926 when synthetic ammonia was p r o d u c e d by
the Claude process at a thousand atmospheres. Coal was gasified w i t h steam
p r o d u c i n g " B l u e Gas" as shown in Equation 1 . T h e actual " B l u e Cas" contained
in a d d i t i o n to CO and H2 small amounts of C02, N2, methane a n d s u l f u r com-
pounds. T h e "Blue Cas" was l i q u e f i e d and p u r i f i e d to y i e l d hydrogen, w h i c h was
b u r n e d w i t h a i r to obtain a m i x e d gas for ammonia synthesis.
C + H20 CO + H2 1)
Because of d i f f i c u l t i e s associated w i t h coal c a k i n g during gasification, t h e
process was modified in 1930 to make coke and then g a s i f y the coke. A b a t t e r y
of 46 c o k e ovens was installed a n d coke was gasified w i t h steam and a i r in c y c l i c
gas generators p r o d u c i n g "Blue Gas and "Blow Run Gas." In addition, coke oven
gas was processed to recover coal tar byproducts; methane and carbon monoxide
were removed by liquefaction; a n d h y d r o g e n was recovered. T h e methane, c a r b o n
monoxide stream was r e t u r n e d a s fuel to the coke ovens. A t about the same time
commercial methanol s y n t h e s i s w a s begun at B e l l e w i t h the "Blue Cas" being used
mainly for methanol a n d c a r b o n monoxide manufacture w h i l e the "Blow Run Cas,"
w h i c h contained nitrogen, was u s e d for ammonia synthesis. D u r i n g the 1930's
a n d ' ~ O ' S ,production was b e g u n on a number of other products based o n c a r b o n
monoxide, hydrogen, methanol a n d ammonia. Among these w e r e n y l o n inter-
mediates, methyl methacrylate, u r e a a n d ethylene g l y c o l .

In 1948, the gasification of coke w i t h steam and oxygen o n a continuous

basis was started in t h r e e of the c y c l i c generator sets. Elimination o f n i t r o g e n
made it possible to p r o d u c e " B l u e Cas" continuously. Meanwhile, information
about Gerinan w o r k o n p a r t i a l o x i d a t i o n of coal to produce carbon monoxide a n d
hydrogen for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis helped to stimulate laboratory w o r k o n
p a r t i a l oxidation processes leading to a semi-works scale u n i t a t Belle w h i c h
operated in 1948-49. A v i e w of t h i s unit i s shown in F i g u r e I . It was a n
entrained feed, atmospheric p r e s s u r e process w h i c h r a n a total of 1200 h o u r s
w i t h t h e two longest r u n s being o f C5 and 66 h o u r s duration. It used 120 tons
o f several coals and consumed 1 1 1 tons of oxygen during i t s operation.

C r o w i n g out of the semi-works experience, a p i l o t p l a n t was designed a n d

started in 1950, see F i g u r e II. Operation of the p i l o t plant was successful in
demonstrating the g c n c r a l feasibility o f the coal p a r t i a l combustion process in
l a r g e r scale equipment. Satisfactory gas production rates and coal, oxygen,
a n d steam consumption rates w e r e achieved indicating substantial economies o v e r
coke gasification. F u r t h e r process improvement was needed in slag removal a n d
increased gas yield b y r e d u c t i o n of ungasificd carbon.

A s i m i l a r prograin was followed by Babcock & Wilcox resulted in a

p i l o t u n i t at Ihe Bureau o f Mines' station at Morgantown. dr'?. The
Babcock & Wilcox gasifier also u s e d steam to e n t r a i n the p u l v c r i z c d coal b u t
was designed for up-flow in the generator. in October 1951 a Babcock 6 Wilcox
designed generator was installed a n d operated in the Belle p i l o t p l a n t . The
experience gained from the total p i l o t plant operation led to a collaboration
between Babcock & Wilcox and Du Pont in the design and installation of a
commercial scale coal p a r t i a l oxidation unit a t Belle in 1955.


Process Description

The coal partial combustion process is based upon the gasification o f

pulverized coal in suspension w i t h oxygen and steam. Gasificatidn takes place
by several reactions w h i c h occur simultaneously. The heats of reaction are g i v e n
at 220OOF. although the reaction zone temperature was approximately 5OO0F h i g h e r ,
c + o2 _ j co2 - 170,000 B t u / i b . mole 2)
c + 112 02+ co - 49,500 B t u / l b . mole 3)
C + H20+C0 + H2 + 58,000 B t u / l b . mole 4)
CO + H 2 0 7 C O 2 + H2 - 13,000 B t u l l b . mole 5)
As coal entered the generator mixed w i t h steam a n d oxygen it r a p i d l y
devolatilized and reacted to produce C02, CO and H2. These products of
, combustion and gasification then reached e q u i l i b r i u m w i t h respect t o the shift
reaction, Equation 5 .
I A t the high generator temperature the ash in the coal melted a n d was
deposited in the generator base where i t drained from the reaction zone. Some
small particles of ash were c a r r i e d along w i t h the main gas stream a n d passed
out o f the reaction zone along with the ungasified carbon. The molten slag from
the bottom of the generator fell into a pool of water where it f r a c t u r e d a n d was
removed b y a lock hopper and slag pump.

The residence time o f the gas in the reaction zone was approximately 1 . 4
seconds. Residence time for fine coal particles was probably about the same,
although for the larger particles the time would be greater since they w o u l d tend
to f a l l back to the bottom.

From the reaction zone the gases passed through a heat removal zone where
465 p s i g steam was produced, the boiler feed water being preheated in an
economizer. Ash and ungasified carbon were removed by water washing using
o r i f i c e and plate scrubbers. This wash water was sent to a c l a r i f i e r before being
discharged. T h e sludge was pumped away and used as f i l l along w i t h boiler
fly ash.

In the generator there was approximately 1 mole o f water for e v e r y 3 moles

o f product gas. Sulfur in the coal was converted predominantly to h y d r o g e n
sulfide; a typical H2S concentration was 0.2%.

Equipment Description
Coal F e e d i n g

From a silo, c r u s h e d coal was weighed and discharged into a hopper. A

screw conveyor to control the feed rate discharged into a star seal w h i c h was
! blanketed by C 0 2 . A second screw conveyor c a r r i e d the coal into a steam jet
p u l v e r i z e r where i t was pulverized to 90% through a 325-mesh screen w i t h
145 p s i g steam. Oversized particles from the pulverizer were removed by a
spinner classifier. Pressure at this point was 125 inches of water. Coal was
conveyed by stcam from the p u l v e r i z e r to the generator.
J u s t before the generator, 95% oxygen at 250 inches o f water p r e s s u r e was
added t o t h e coal-steam stream. Velocities and d i s t r i b u t i o n of the p u l v e r i z e d coal
in t h e steam-oxygen gas m i x t u r e w e r e c r i t i c a l to avoid flashback f r o m the
generator to the p o i n t o f o x y g e n addition. F i g u r e Ill illustrates the coal p u l v e r i z e r
feeder and i t s operation.


T h e generator i t s e l f was a refractory lined vessel w i t h the gasification zone

30 feet high b y 11.4 feet i.d. T h e r e f r a c t o r y lining consisted o f a 9-inch t h i c k
15-foot high cast alumina section backed up b y two layers o f insulating b r i c k ,
o n e 9 inches thick a n d the other 4-1/2 inches t h i c k . T h i s r e f r a c t o r y construction
was i n s i d e a water tube w a l l w h i c h was p a r t of the steam b o i l e r . T h e r e was a
containment shell outside o f t h i s wall, see F i g u r e I V . T h e water tubes supported
t h e refractories from the bottom and the entire generator was suspended from
overhead beams; as i t expanded it elongated downward. T h e r e w e r e two 16-inch
downcomers to c i r c u l a t e water t h r o u g h the tubes to t h e b o i l e r on top. T h e
generator floor was made by bending e v e r y other water tube i n w a r d toward the 4
s l a g tap hole w h i c h was above the floor s o a 9-inch pool o f slag existed in the
generator. T h e hole was formed by a p i p e coil in a cone shape to g i v e a n
8-1 12-inch opening.

Ports w e r e p r o v i d e d f o r temperature measurements near the b u r n e r s and at

numerous other points. Thermocouples w e r e imbedded in the refractories. There
w e r e f o u r water cooled coal b u r n e r s , so arranged that two could operate at a time,
but o n l y 180 apart. T h e s e were directed d o w n w a r d toward the slag top opening
to assist in keeping the a s h molten. Velocity t h r o u g h the b u r n e r s was 125 ft./sec.


Gases leaving the reaction zone passed f i r s t through slag screen tubes, and
t h e n o v e r the superheater tubes before passing over the b o i l e r tubes. Soot blowers
w e r e positioned in the superheater a n d boiler tube sections to remove ash
accumulations. Steam w a s generated at 465 p s i g and superheated to 78OoF for use
in turbines.

Cas Scrubbers

Following the b o i l e r tubes, the gas passed t h r o u g h t h e economizer a n d then

t h r o u g h a n o r i f i c e s c r u b b e r , a wet cyclone, and a washer cooler before going to
the gas holder. T h e w a s h water from these operations was sent to a l a r g e c l a r i f i e r
w h i c h was 10 feet deep a n d 50 feet in diameter. Sludge was removed f r o m the
bottom and clear water was d r a w n o f f from the top t h r o u g h a sludge blanket which
was formed b y l i g h t e r p a r t i c l e s .

Design Basis

Specifications f o r g a s generation were based o n the data in T a b l e I.

TABLE I ' la5


Coa I Analysis Carbon 78.3%

Hydrogen 5.4
Oxygen 9.3
Sulfur 0.8
Nitrogen 1.6
Ash 4.6
A s h Fusion Temperature 2400' - 245OoF
Steam to Coal Ratio 0.8 Ib./lb.
100% Oxygen to D r y Coal Ratio 9.2 c f / l b .
Generator Temperature: 270OoF
Generator Pressure: 75 inches o f water
Steam Generation: 54,000 pph (? 78OoF
Coal ,Feed Rate: 30,700 pph
Oxygen: 95% Oxygen, 5% A r g o n & Nitrogen
Product Gas: co 40.4% (Mole % D r y Basis)
H., 40.4
N;+A 1.9
Production Rate: 22,500,000 c u . f t . / d a y of CO + H2
Process Performance

Performance of the unit compared to that projected from p i l o t p l a n t data was

essentially as predicted. T h i s i s shown in Table I I .



Item Projected Performance

-of 100% oxygen/lb. carbon 12.1 12.2
Ib. steam/lb. carbon 1 .o 1 .o
I c f 100%oxygen/lb. d r y coal
Ib. steam/lb. dry coal
I coal rate pph 30,700 30,000
T b . r y coal/Mcf (CO + H2) 33.8 32.2
c f 100% oxygen/Mcf (CO + H Z ) 325 324
8 carbon gasified 90.3 94.8
dust leakage (grains/100 cf) 5 ' 3
gas analysis ( d r y basis)
co 40.4% 41 .O%
40.4 38.0
1t.O 16.5
Operating Uti Iit y

Operating u t i l i t y of the unit was hampered by several mechanical difficulties.

B e g i n n i n g w i t h the flow of materials through the unit, operation was interrupted by:

Tramp material in the coal.

Pulverized coal classifier shaft failure.
Flashbacks o f o x y g e n into b u r n e r .
Refractory failures.
Carbon a n d ash deposits in boiler.
Superheater and b o i l e r tube failures.
Economizer tube failures.
Stack v a l v e expansion.

F i g u r e V shows some o f the refractory failure and Figure VI gives the overall
p i c t u r e of operating utility from startup in May of 1955 t o August of 1956 when the
u n i t was shut down and converted to partial combustion of natural gas. Actual
operation of the commercial u n i t over this period totaled about 5,300 hours out of
11,250 hours o r 47% of the time. Figure VI1 gives a n impression of the size of
t h i s unit.

Literature Cited

(1) P. R. Crossman and R. W. Curtis, "Pulverized-Coal-Fired Gasifier

for Production of Carbon Monoxide and. Hydrogen .I1 Trans. ASMA
Paper No. 53-A-49.


Stack Valve


Install Gas
1956 -


I Boiler
A ,Shutdown Failure


, , O

B .
40 60 Eo 100
96 Utility NonOpraIing Period


Dennis H. Eastland
Davy Powergas Inc.
Houston, Texas



Destructive distillation of wood originally provided t h e source of methanol

alcohol. Other developments in t h e wood industry, namely plywood, for which
nearly 40% of t h e production of methanol finds its way with forms of formalde-
hyde and associated resins have promoted i t s use and applications.
U.S. annual production in 1973 was close to one billion gallons or t h e
equivalent of a 10,000 tons per day plant. The corresponding world production was
25,000 tons per day. By reason of its price and availability in recent years,
natural gas was t h e preferred feedstock.

Some of t h e properties of methanol a r e given in Table 1.

Table 1 Properties and Other Data on Methanol

Composition CH30H
Appearance Clear, colorless
Density .792
Vapor Density 1.11
Boiling Point 148'F
Flush Point 52'F
Ignition Temperature 800F
Explosive Limits (air) Lower 6.0%
Upper 36.5%
Calorific Values HHV BTU BTU BTU
per Ib. per gal. per bbl.
Fuel Grade Methanol 9,760 64,771 2.72 million
No. 2 Fuel Oil 19,000 135,000 5.77 million
Western Coal-dry basis 10,345

Conversion Factors:

1 Ton 301.7 gal. = 19.5MM BTU

E $30.28 per ton 10 c/gal. = 1.54 $/MM BTU
Recent developments have brought about a situation that gaseous feed-
stocks no longer prevail as a readily available raw material and alternative
sources must b e considered for t h e production of synthesis gas, coal being a
strong contender.
The extent of t h e coal reserves has been compared by Linden' with other
sources of energy and represents a substantial percentage of t h e recoverable
fossil fuel reserves in t h e U.S.


Table I1 ..
U S Fossil Fuel Reserves
Proven & Currently Estimated Total
Recoverable Remaining Recoverable

Natural G a s 0.3 Q 1.5 Q

Natural G a s Liquids 0.1 Q
Crude Oil 0.2 Q 2.2 Q
Shale 0.4 Q 6.0 Q
Coal 4.3 Q 28.9 Q
Total 5.2 38.7
Q = '01 BTU

In i t e m s of heating value, coal represents 75 to 80 percent of these

resources. A t t h e current r a t e of consumption, 650 million tons per annum, these
coal reserves c a n last well into the next century.

In comparison, a 5000 ton per day fuel grade methanol plant would con-
sume about 4 million tons per annum of coal and give a daily output of about t h e
eq9valent of 90-95 MMSCFD of natural gas.
The applications of fuel grade methanol a s alternate fuels have been
reported extensively in t h e literature. R e y n t interest as a feed for gas turbines
has been reported by Power & Marine Systems a subsidiary of United
Technologies Corporation with tests at t h e St. Petersburg installation of Florida
Power Corporation.


Historical Background

The price and availability of natural gas led to the early introduction in
the U.S. of this material as a feedstock for t h e production of synthetic methanol.
The conversion of t h e 30 ton per day plant in Peoria in 1932 to a methanol-from-
natural gas unit was t h e forerunner of t h e industries transformation leading t o
plants up to t h e 2,000 tons per day range which have been in successful operation
over t h e last f e w years.

Prior to t h e advent of natural gas, solid fuels had been t h e main sources of
the raw material for t h e production of synthesis gas. In areas such as Europe,
Asia and S. Africa where natural gas was not available, coal became established
as t h e backbone of t h e ammonia and methanol industries and where suitable
economics prevail these plants continue t o operate. Recently a plant was com-
missioned in Modderfontein which manufactured both ammonia and methanol
from coal. Hence, t h e technology is still available and can be readily updated to

suit U.S. conditions. Present designs incorporate t h e improvements which have

evolved since t h e early 1920s when t h e plants first came into operations with
high pressure synthesis processes.

The last unit to employ coal as a raw material for methanol synthesis in
t h e U.S. was started up in Belle, W. Virginia using a B & W/DuPont oxygen blown
gasifier and operated for about 15 months, gasifying approximately 400 T/D of
coal to produce 24 MMSCFD of synthesis gas; about 1/3 of t h e output required
for t h e 285 ton/day high pressure methanol facility t h a t was in operation on t h a t

Other installations t h a t manufactured methanol from coal were located in

Billingham Heysham and Dowlais in t h e United Kingdom (cyclic water-gas
gassification with H.P. methanol). Leuna in E. Germany (Winkler gassification
with H.P. methanol and Mayengibe Paris, France (Koppers-Totzek.

Methanol Synthesis

The growth of t h e synthetic methanol business from one million gallons

per annum in 1927 t o 80 m i l l i o ~ g a l l o n per
s annum in 1947 has been described by
Kastens, Dudley and Troeltzsch .
Recent interest in methanol as an alternate fuel h a s resulted in a number
of conferences y papers. A critical analysis of these latest developments was
given by McGhee at t h e Engineering Foundation Conference in New Hampshire
in July 1974. Whilst emphasizing the reduction in energy requirements from 4 to
2 BTU per BTU of methanol, his paper contains a useful bibliography on t h e new
low pressure 50/100 a t m process, as compared to t h e high pressure up to
1,000 a t m processes.
The amount of natural gas being flared was mentioned by Harrison in a
recent symposium on synthetic fuels. This gas could be utilized as p a r t of a
i concept of transporting energy in t h e form of fuel grade methanol as opposed to
LNG and it h a s been demonstrated t h a t designs of units of 5,000 tons per day
capacity a r e perfectly feasible and incorporate features of plants already in
existence. In addition, checks with equipment suppliers indicate t h a t such i t e m s
as the methanol converter can b e manufactured in the sizes required for a jumbo
methanol unit.

Schemes have been proposed for up to 25,000 tons per day of methanol
(corresponding to 480 billion BTU/day of product). These should be compared
with t h e coal to SNG projects based on western coals which have normal capaci-
ties of 250 billion BTU/day of pipeline quality gas at 1,000 psi.
Later in this paper we will touch briefly on t h e economics of these large
size units and t h e change in emphasis in capital investment which is about 20%
for methanol synthesis in a coal based unit compared with about 40% in a gas
based unit.

Coal Gasification
Early gasification processes d a t e back to t h e last century; for example in
1883 Ludwig Mond designed a producer gas unit employing air as t h e gasifying
medium for 200 tons/day of coal. This type of unit became t h e forerunner for
t h e semi-water gas plant designed to produce synthesis gas at low pressure to
feed t h e Haber process for ammonia which went into operation in Germany at
Oppau in 1913. Synthetic methanol was first produced on t h e industrial scale by
BASF in Germany i n 1923. Coke from gas ovens often was t h e most popular
feedstock for these cyclic plants of which well over 1,000 units were put in

Gasification of inferior fuels such as brown coals and lignite developed

with t h e invention of t h e fluidized bed Winkler process in 1926 which also had the
advantage of being a continuous process. To date, there have been built 36 units
in 16 plants around t h e world.

Some of the disadvantages of g a s compression from atmospheric pressure

was overcome by t h e development between 1933/36 of t h e Lurgi process. This is
somewhat offset by the high methane content of the gas produced as well as the
need f o r e x t r a equipment to deal with naphthas, t a r s and phenols which appear as
by-products. To date, about 63 units in 13 plants have been put into operation
and t h e r e has been considerable interest in t h e pilot plant work carried o u t on
t h e Lurgi plant in Westfield Scotland to methanate the gas to produce SNG.
Where oxygen and steam a r e used as t h e gasification medium, the
Koppers-Totzek process can handle most types of coal in t h e entrained fuel
gasifher which requires pulverized fuel. The higher temperature of gasification,
2200 F, results in no heavy hydrocarbon being carried forward, and t h e gas, after
purification, can b e utilized for production of methanol or ammonia. Fifty-two
units of this t y p e have been reported in 20 plants worldwide.

Although there are many other processes in different stages of develop-

ment, it can b e seen t h a t coal gasification is not a new and untried field of
operation and indeed as recently as 1955 has been used for t h e production of
synthesis g a s i n the U.S.

To prepare t h e raw gas from t h e gasification section for methanol syn-

thesis requires several additional processing steps, namely:

1. compression
2. shift conversion
3. acid gas removal

all of which have been in commercial operation for many years. Each of these
processing s t e p s c a n be found in any modern day ammonia or methanol plant,
regardless of t h e feedstock being processed.

The e x a c t combination of process steps to convert coal to methanol will

vary depending upon t h e gasification scheme selected and t h e economics of by-
product production. Figures I, 2, 3 and 4 present four possible alternatives.

As a typical example, the following (see Figure 5 ) is a more detailed

description of a methanol from coal facility based on the Winkler gasification
technology available from Davy Powergas:

Winkler Coal Gasification

Coal Preparation. The run-of-mine coal from storage pile is conveyed to

t h e crushers where t h e coal is crushed to a particle size of 3/8" x 0. If predrying
of t h e coal is required, fluid bed dryers may b e utilized to reduce the moisture
level to that required. In t h e dryer, hot air, heated by t h e combustion of coal, is
used to fluidize t h e coal and supply t h e heat necessary for drying. Most of t h e
dried coal is removed directly from t h e fluid bed. However, a portion is
entrained in t h e hot gases leaving t h e dryer. A cyclone recovers most of t h e
entrained coal, and it is returned to t h e dryer product coal and conveyed to t h e
gasification section. The hot gases from cyclone a r e scrubbed with water for
particulate m a t t e r removal before venting to atmosphere.

Coal Gasification. The coal feed is conveyed to the gasifier through lock
hoppers and screw conveyors. The gasifier is maintained as a fluidized bed
operation under moderate pressure. A mixture of steam and oxygen is injected
at several points within t h e bed t o gasify t h e coal while s t e a m alone is injected
into t h e bottom most level to fluidize t h e coal and to cool t h e larger ash par-
ticles discharging &rom t h e gasifier bottom. The high bed temperatures,
typically 1700-2200 F, a r e obtained by t h e partial combustion of t h e coal's
carbon and contained hydrocarbons. Due to t h e relatively high temperature of
gasification, t h e tars, gaseous hydrocarbons and carbon present in the coal a r e
converted to carbon monoxide, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide. Only a small
percentage of methane remains in t h e raw product.

The primary coal gasification reactions are:

c + o =co (exothermic)
c + 050, =Eo (exothermic)
c+co = 2 c o (endother mic)
C + H = CO+ H (endothermic)
C + 2620 = C02 +?H2 (endother mic)
At a constant coal feed r a t e t o t h e Winkler generator, t h e ratio of oxygen

k and steam to coal is controlled t o maintain t h e desired bed temperature.

Optimum bed temperature is a compromise between product gas calorific value,
carbon efficiency and overall thermal efficiency, but is limited by t h e ash
softening temperature. If t h e ash softening temperature is exceeded, t h e ash
may fuse and agglomerate, thus upsetting t h e fluidization characteristics of t h e
bed and possibly plugging t h e reactor.

As a result of t h e fluidication, the particles of ash and their contained

carbon a r e segregated according to size and specific gravity, Le., t h e heavier
particles fall down through t h e fluidized bed and pass into t h e ash discharge unit
at t h e bottom of t h e generator while t h e lighter particles a r e carried up out of
the bed by t h e product gas. Approximately fifty to seventy-five percent of the
incoming ash will b e entrained in t h e hot product gases leaving t h e t o p of the
Winkler generator. The e x a c t quantity entrained with a given gas velocity, is
primarily dependent upon t h e particle size distribution of t h e feed coal. Since
t h e height of t h e fluidized bed is relatively small compared to t h e total height of
t h e generator, t h e upper o r major portion of t h e generator is available to
perform t w o other functions; firstly, to further gasify any entrained carbon
particles, and secondly, to e f f e c t a separation of any heavier solid material. To
aid this further gasification, a portion of t h e s t e a m and oxygen is added to the
generator near t h e upper limit of t h e fluid bed.
The unreacted carbon in t h e discharged ash is a function of gasifier tem-
perature and coal reactivity. Generally, reactivity varies inversely with geo-
logical age, lignites being the most reactive.
G a s Cooling and Particulate Removal
The hot gases leaving t h e generator pass through t h e h e a t recovery train
where heat is removed from t h e g a s by generating and super-heating high
pressure s t e a m and preheatin& boiler feedwater. The hot Winkler product gas is
cooled to approximately 300 F in t h e heat recovery train. High pressure steam
in excess of t h a t required by the process is generated and therefore available to
drive the product g a s compressors and/or t h e compressors in t h e air separation

The heavier char particles leaving t h e bottom of the gasifier pass out of
t h e system and t h e balance of t h e char is carried out of t h e gasifier in the
overhead product gas. The bulk of this char is removed in t h e h e a t recovery
train and in cyclones. In combination, t h e heat recovery train and cyclones are
designed to remove approximately 85% of the entrained solids. The char thus
removed will b e utilized as supplementary fuel in t h e boiler house. The gas from
t h e cyclone flows through t h e venturi scrubber where t h e remaining char is
removed to a level of 1 grain/1,000 SCF.
Production of Methanol

The methanol plant contains t h e following sections to process t h e raw gas

from t h e coal gasification plant:

1. Raw G a s Compression
2. G a s Shift Conversion
3. Acid G a s Removal

4. Methanol Synthesis and Purification

5. Sulfur Recovery

6. Oxygen Production for Coal Gasification

7. Offsites

A description of each section is a s follows:

Raw G a s Compression. The methanol synthesis is conducted at approxi-

mately 100 Ats. and i t has been found t h a t it is more economical to compress t h e
gas exiting t h e gasification unit prior to further processing. The cooled and t h e
dust f r e e gas from t h e coal gasification section is compressed to 1480 psig in
steam turbine driven compressors.

Gas Shift Conversion. The purpose of t h e shift conversion s t e p is to

adjust t h e ratio of carbon monoxide to hydrogen t o t h a t required for t h e
methanol synthesis according to t h e exothermic shift reaction:

CO + H20 = C02 + H2

An exit CO content of 6.4 volume percent in t h e shifted gas is achieved in

a one stage shift conversion reactor and a p a r t of t h e compressed gas is by-
passed around the shift reactor, cooled and mixed with t h e cooled shift effluent
to yield an average CO content of approximately 20%. The compressed gas to
t h e shift reactor is mixed with the shift reaction steam to give a 1.0 r a t i o of
steam to t h e dry gas and preheated by heat exchange with t h e hot effluent gases
from the shift reactor prior to its introduction to t h e reactor which contains a
sulfur resistant catalyst. From t h e interchanger, t h e shift effluent is cooled in a
series of waste heat recovery exchangers.
Acid G a s Removal. The Rectisol process has been selected to remove t h e
acid gases as i t has t h e advantage of using t h e plant product as t h e scrubbing
medium. This process was developed by Linde and Lurgi in Germany and plants
presently in operation have been designed by both companies.

The Rectisol process absorbs CO and H S from t h e shifted synthesis gas

stream using methanol. C02 is rejected?o t h e a?mosphere and a hydrogen sulfide
rich gas is available for the sulfur recovery in a Claus Plant. These streams a r e
obtained by selectively regenerating t h e methanol from t h e absorber in a two
stage regenerator system. Low pressure nitrogen from t h e air separation section
is used to strip carbon dioxide from t h e rich methanol solution in t h e f i r s t stage
regenerator. Stripped solution from t h e first stage regenerator is stripped of i t s
hydrogen sulfide by a steam heated reboiler in t h e second stage regenerator. The
H S stream flows to t h e Claus unit for sulfur recovery and t h e purified Synthesis
g62s is now ready for methanol synthesis. The carbon dioxide content of t h e
synthesis gas is controlled by mixing a desulfurized side stream of high carbon
dioxide content from t h e absorber with t h e absorber overhead.


Methanol Synthesis and Purification. The unique f e a t u r e of this process is

the synthesis step, utilizing a copper based catalyst specially developed by ICI,
which gives good yields of methanol at low temperatures (410F to 520'F). The
high activity of t h e catalyst at low temperature permits the reaction t o b e
carried out at pressures as low a s 750 psig and is the key to t h e economy of the
process. By-product formation is minimized a s a result of t h e low operating
temperature, t h u s leading to high process material efficiencies.

Final t r a c e s of sulfur are removed f r o m t h e synthesis g a s by a bed of zinc

oxide a f t e r preheating to desulfurization temperature. A bed of chloride catch is
also provided to prevent chloride poisoning of the synthesis catalyst. After
cooling, t h e make-up synthesis gas enters t h e synthesis loop at t h e inlet of t h e
circulator compressor. The mixture of unconverted gas and fresh make-up gas is
preheated to reaction temperature in the converter interchanger by t h e hot gases
leaving t h e converter. The methanol synthesis converter is a pressure vessel
containing a single bed of catalyst. Temperature control is effected by injecting
cold g a s a t appropriate levels into t h e catalyst bed.

The f e e d gas and t h e cold shot gas combine and r e a c t to form methanol as
they pass downwards over t h e catalyst. The converter e x i t gas is first cooled in
the converter interchanger and subsequently in the crude methanol condenser
where t h e c r u d e methanol product is condensed. Crude product is separated in
the high pressure separator.

The non-reactive components of t h e make-up gas, methane and nitrogen

are purged from the synthesis loop between t h e separator and t h e point of make-
up gas addition and are subsequently used as boiler fuel.
The crude methanol collected in t h e separator is l e t down in a single stage
to t h e let down vessel and t h e resultant product passes to t h e distillation plant.
To provide some independent operation of the synthesis and distillation units, the
crude can alternatively b e pumped to crude methanol storage.

Flash gas from t h e letdown vessel (mostly dissolved gases) is mixed with
the synthesis loop purge stream and used as fuel.

The c r u d e methanol is processed in a single column system to fuel grade

methanol, and the overall efficiency of t h e distillation system is expected to be
99% at the end of life conditions.

The upper section of t h e column removes t h e light ends, principally

dimethyl ether, methyl formate, aldehydes, ketones, and lower paraffin hydro-
carbons while t h e sections of t h e column below t h e feed t r a y is designed to
remove water. Fusel oil (predominately alcohols such a s isobutanol) is purged
from a tray near the base of the column. In order to reduce organic and thermal
losses in t h e effluent water stream, t h e fusel oil is subsequently blended back
into t h e product fuel grade methanol. The fusel oil may be utilized as fuel if
chemical grade methanol is t h e desired product.

Methanol product is removed f r o m the top section of the column, cooled,

and pumped to storage.
Sulfur Recovery. Sulfur recovery will be accomplished in a standard Claus
unit equipped with a Wellman-Lord SO2 recovery unit. The W-L system has been
included so t h a t t h e tail gas leaving t h e plant will be in compliance with
environmental regulations.

Oxygen Production. The methanol plant of 5000 TPD capacity from coal
requires large tonnage oxygen for coal gasification and, hence, i t is economical
to include an oxygen production unit in t h e facilities. Standard cryogenic a i r
separation units producing 1600TPD of oxygen can b e used. The by-product
I nitrogen from this unit will b e utilized in t h e plant for purging, char conveying
and rectisol unit methanol stripping.

L Offsites. The offsites section consists of those facilities to provide all

services to t h e other sections. The major systems a r e water treatment, cooling
tower, boiler feedwater, and the coal fired high pressure boilers. The coal fired
boiler is a conventional pulverized coal boiler, but will also bum t h e purge gases
from t h e methanol loop and all of the dry char from t h e Winkler gasifiers. The
boiler package includes an electrostatic precipitator for particulate removal, but
does not include facilities to remove sulfur dioxide from t h e boiler flue gases.
Design Basis

Product Specifications

Fuel Grade Methanol


Methanol plus organics, W t . % 9 9 . 5 minimum

Water, W t . % 0.5 minimum
Higher heating value, BTU/lb. 9,725


State Liquid
Pressure, psig 100
Temperature, OF 110
Delivered to Battery Limits for storage

Raw Material Specifications



Ultimate analysis, W t . %

Water 6.50
Ash 18.87
Carbon 48.36
Hydrogen 3.61
Nitrogen 0.86
Sulfur 0.57
Oxygen 11.23
Total 100.00
Higher heating value,
Dry, BTU/lb. 10,345
Ash softening point OF 2,282
Ash melting poin&,dF 2,597
Ash flow point, F 2,723
Raw Material, Utility and Product Rates

When producing t h e design 5,000 TPD of methanol (99.5% purity), t h e battery

limit flows for the unit herein described a r e as follows:


Process Coal M Ib/hr 896

Boiler Coal M Ib/hr 129
Total I, 025
Raw Water M Ib/hr 3,047
Electric Power MKWH 57
NaOH Ib/hr 45

Methanol ton/hr 208

Sulfur ton/hr 2
Wet c h a r M Iblhr 27
Boiler Ash M Ib/hr 52
Water Effluent , M Ib/hr 1,300


Methanol Production, S Tons/Day 5,000
20 1

Unit. Cost

Raw Water 1.5CII ,000~ b 1,097

Electric Power ic/tcwn U ,637
Caustic Soda 6C/lb 651
Total', $/Day 14,799

Coal $31s T m 36,983

$6/S Ton 73,825
$9/S Ton into,na
$12/S. Ton 147,650
$ W S Ton1 184,563
NO credit has been taken for sulfur production,

Using t h e design just described, a capital estimate of the facility was made
based an January 1975. prices and, the foHowM. overaU economics were

Capital Cost, UM$ 2701

No. Gasifier Trains a!
No. O g e r a t d D a y (4 shins7 IF0

Maintenance Materiafs & Labor @ 4% 32,700
Taxes & hsutance @I 2.5% 20,500
Administrative Overhead @ 2.5% 20*,500
Oper. Labor & $10,00O/Manyear 2,400

/ Utility
-- 65% Debt @ 10% 62,500
35% Equity @ 12% DCF 62,400
- Incl. 20 yr Straight
Line Dept.

Total Fixed Charges, $/Day 201,000~

I' Total Fixed Charges, $/STMefJH 4@-20

Total Direct Charges, $/ST MeOH Z. 9 6

I Coal $31ST, $/ST MeQH 7-38

$6/ST, $/ST MeOH 14,77
S9IST. $/ST MeOH 22. P5
$12/ST; $/ST MeOH 29.53
$I5/ST, $/ST MeOH 36.91



The Winkler process for the gasification of coal has provided gas for fuel
or power, for synthesis of methanol and ammonia, for Bergius-Hydrogenation,
and for t h e production of hydrogen in Europe and Asia when coal was the only
raw material available. All of those commercial installations were designed and
operated so that, a f t e r cooling and particulate removal, the product g a s would be
delivered at nominally atmospheric pressure. The reason for t h e low pressure
operation was that, at t h a t time, German regulations favored atmospheric
pressure plants, i.e., operating pressures above 1.5 ata (7 psig) c r e a t e d problems
in t h e areas of materials and government supervision.
In mid 1972, Davy Powergas undertook a study to determine whether or
not a Winkler gasifier operating under these proven conditions would be com-
petitive with other available technology. Within the accuracy of the estimates
made, none of the commercial processes appeared decisively better than any of
t h e others and hence, review was begun of t h e Winkler process to determine what
constituted i t s limitations for current U.S. conditions. I t became rather obvious
t h a t the biggest deficit w a s t h e low pressure of operation since t h e detrimental
effects of low pressure operation a r e threefold:

1. Large size equipment to handle t h e large volume of gas.

2. High capital cost attributable t o t h e product compression station.
3. High daily operating cost of power for product compression

Process economic studies were conducted to find t h e optimum pressure

ranges and to assess t h e magnitude of savings attributable to pressure operations.
Three separate studies were completed a s defined below:

Case I - Effect of gasification pressure on t h e production cost of low/medium

BTU fuel gas using air/oxygen a s t h e gasifying medium. The final
fuel g a s is delivered at 210 psig, with a maximum of 100 ppm of

C a s e 11 - Effect of gasification pressure on t h e production cost of 5,000 STPD

of methanol.
C a s e 111 - Effect of gasification pressure on t h e production cost of 1200 STPD
of ammonia.

The general conclusions were encouraging as outlined below.

1. General Conclusions

I t may be concluded that an increase in gasifier operating pressure

results i n a decrease in t h e overall cost of product. I t becomes
apparent that the greatest savings may be attributed to a decrease in
the number of gasification trains required for a given output.
Although there a r e significant savings in t h e compression require-
ments for the higher pressure case, t h e number of gasifiers remains
constant. Despite the f a c t t h a t the size of each gasifier has de-
creased, the increase in cost of t h e higher pressure design outweighs
the net savings in compression, resulting in a slight increase in overall
production cost.

The greatest decrease in the number of gasifiers occurs between

20 psia and 43 psia, for example, t h e plant for t h e production of
5,000 ST/D of methanol would require 12 gasifiers at 20 psia a s
compared with 8 a t 43 psia.

From examination of graphs, i t was deduced t h a t t h e optimum op-

erating pressure for the gasifier, depending upon t h e final product,
\ lies between 120 and 180 psia. The one c a s e which does not neces-
sarily follow these conclusions is t h e integration 0 1 a Winkler system
with a combined cycle power plant. In this c a s e the air compression
is provided by t h e gas turbine--compressor system, and as a result,
the optimum gasification pressure is t h e highest permitted by the air
delivery pressure.
2. Methanol Systems

Figures 6 and 7 present t h e cost of producing 5,000 ST/D of methanol

from western sub-bituminous coal. Since methanol may be considered
either a bulk chemical, o r a liquid chemical fuel, t h e production costs
reflect both typical utility financing (Figure 6 ) and typical industrial
financing (Figure 7). Although there a r e but small savings in
production cost over the range of gasifier pressures of 43-213 psia,
the minimum production cost occurs at approximately 150 psia
generator pressure.

The improvement in capital and operating costs resulting from pressuriza-

tion is shown clearly in Figure 8 which also compares alternative processes such
as steam reforming and partial oxidation for the production of synthesis gas.

The author would like to acknowledge permission from Davy Powergas Inc. to
publish this paper and thanks a r e especially due to his colleagues for their
assistance in i t s preparation.



1. -
H. R. Linden Southern Gas Association Meeting
Houston, April 23, 1974.
2. Press Release April 17, 1975, Power & Marine Systems,
Farmington, Connecticut.
3. M. 1. Kastens, J. F. Dudley & J. Troeltzsch
Ind. Eng. Chem 40 2230 1984.
4. -
R. M. McGee Engineering Foundation Conference
New Hampshire, July 1974
5. G. E. Harrison, "Fuels of the 1980's & 1990's",
London Chemical Engineering Congress, May 14, 1975.




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