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Not all love stories end with a HAPPILY EVER AFTER because sometimes its only up

to ONCE UPON A TIME. (slowly walks to a grave) I am Cee del Pilar and this is how my
tragic story started.

(3 years ago)

1: The First Encounter

I was happily walking in the hallway when suddenly a man bumped me. In normal
circumstances, I would be pissed but nope, not today, not this one.

GREG: I'm so sorry. I'm kinda in a hurry. You okay?

This guy is a super hot and handsome one. He's a 10 in my handCeem meter. No
kidding, he has this broad shoulder, pointed nose, nice eyes and killer smile. Well, he
also help me regain my footing and said sorry so overall: he's my type.

GREG: Hello? Ms? You okay?

CEE: Ahh.. ummm.. yeah.. yeah... I'm fine. Thanks. Though I would advise you not to
run in hallways again.

GREG: Yes ma'am.

He's not familiar though, maybe, he's only visiting someone in the school. Wait. You
might be thinking that I know every hot guy in the world but sorry to burst your bubble, I
don't. Only in school. Being in this school for 4 years, it would b impossible not to
familiarize faces right? Especially those handsome ones.

By the way I am 4th year accountancy student. I'm an average type of girl. Not ugly but
not also that pretty, not a loner but not also popular and not dumb but also not a genius.
In short, I'm in between everything. I gotta go to my class since the "handsome guy" had
fled off while I was introducing myself.
2: The Second Encounter

I was in my class already but I can't help not to think about Mr. HG (handsome guy).
While I was daydreaming of him, my 2 best friends had been chatting with me too. Is
this what you called 'boys vs hoes' or was it the other way around since they really are
pissed off.

REN: Earth to Cee! What are you thinking about? Are we interrupting you? (Pissed

CEE: Well, yeah, kinda. (Sheepish smile)

(Ren and Isla death glare)

He he.. just kidding. (Peace sign) I was just thinking about a certain guy.

ISLA: A guy? Really? The great Cee del Pilar thinking about a guy and not just his
accounting books? (Shocked)

REN: Wow. (Shocked) Is this the end of the world already? And who could this very
unlucky guy be?

CEE: Thank you guys for your support. (Sarcastic)

ISLA AND REN: no problemo.

CEE: Hey, I'm serious. He's a perfect 10 and you know me, a perfect 10 is a perfect 10.
Though I don't know him in details. We just bumped with each other earlier. He's a new
face so I don't know if he is enrolling here. I might not even see him again though I
really want to. He looks like ( Greg went inside the room) HIM (points to Greg). (Smiling)

(Isla and Ren looked at Greg and was dumbfounded)

ISLA: Is your Mr. HG the transferee student, Greg? (Wide-eyed)

CEE: Yep. (Smiling) so his name is Greg. How manly.(admiring)

REN: Well, I'm not sure if that's the best way to describe him. Condolence to your poor
heart besh. (Almost laughing)

ISLA: Condolence.

CEE: Oh, come on guys. He's handsome and all but I don't think I have 0% chance with
him. Aren't you being mean to me? (Sad effect)

REN: Nope, we're not. We're being realistic. You know how supportive we are but not
with that guy.

CEE: What's wrong with him? Isn't he a perfect 10?

ISLA: Yeah. (Paused) If he were a guy. Look (points at Greg)

(Cee looks at Greg and saw him flirting with other guy)

(Cee fainted)

3: Love is Blind

I woke up at the clinic. Thankfully my besties didn't leave my side, either they were
really worried about me or just having a reason to skip class. I choose the latter.

ISLA: Well.. well.. well.. look who's awake.

REN: Princess Cee, the royal court really needs you right now.

CEE: HA HA HA . Very funny guys, thank you (sarcastic) What time is it?

ISLA: 10:30. Why?

CEE: What? Oh my gosh. We are 30 mins late to Sir Dag's class. (Hurriedly stand up
and exit)

REN: Hey. Hey. Chill. We have a valid reason you know. Mr. Dags won't be angry at us.

ISLA: Let's talk about Gr---

CEE: (interrupted) let's talk about what Mr. Dags wants to talk about. Okay? It's more
important than knowing that Greg is gay.

ISLA: Denial queen

REN: Seconded.


At the room

MR. DAGS: (upon seeing Cee, Island and Ren) Girls, you can come inside.

CEE, ISLA, REN: Thank you sir.

MR. DAGS: As what I was saying, 4th year students, although you are candidates for
graduation you must not let your guard down. It must not be a reason for you to relax.
Remember, you are just candidates so there are still possibilities that you can't graduate
as an accountancy student. We would be more strict to all of you. We will fail you if you
deserve to fail. Good luck guys. Class dismissed.

(Cee, Island and Ren exit the room and went to their favorite spot.)

ISLA: I can't just believe that the guy you like is Greg. Haven't you heard the rumors
about him or her?

REN: Your first love sucks. (Cee's death glare) just saying you know. How could you
have fall in love with him at first sight?

CEE: *thinks hard* If you could teach your heart whom to fall and not to fall in love,
there would be no people hurting right now. As what I answered in every scrapbook I
filled in, Love is blind. Love is not about race, religion, gender, age, height,etc. What that
eyes can see doesn't matter, what matters most is what the heart feels. (Points at the

ISLA: Bravo! Who are you? Juliet? Cinderella? Belle? Wake up princess! You are not in
a fairytale, a romcom anime or love dramas. This is reality. Things would not change if
you tell him you love him. He wouldn't go from being a hot gay to your perfect 10 guy.
You don't really have a chance on him.

CEE: You know he is my first love right? This is my first time having an interest on a guy.
And I wouldn't want to regret not doing anything for my first love. I didn't expect him to
change. If he is a gay so be it, what matters most is what my heart is telling me.

REN: Come on girl. People talks. You don't know what nasty rumors would emerged if
they know what you are saying. Don't you want to leave the school with a clean record?

CEE: But I also don't want to leave the school full of regrets. Can't you just support me ?
Please? You love me, right? (Puppy eyes)

REN: *sighs* okay, we will support you. It's not like we can change your mind.

ISLA: We'll be here no matter what. We already warned you that the path you are
heading is not easy. There is a high chance that you will get hurt and in those times, we
will be here.

CEE: Aww.. thank you guys and I accept the challenge. I am Cee Del Pilar and I'm
ready to capture Mr. Greg's heart. (Determined)

4: Thorns and Roses

In the first month of my courting, I put a rose and a letter to Greg's table everyday. At
first, he don't know who's behind this so he was happy smelling it but later on when he
found out I was the person behind the roses, he threw it in the trash can. I expected that
kind of reaction but I can't help not getting hurt but I didn't give up. I still continued doing
it and he still continued to throw it away. Rumors had been spreading between us but I
don't care. I always follow him wherever and whenever and he always flirts with guys. If
there are chances, I talked to him but he always says mean things. I don't know what's
wrong with me but every time he pushes me away, I keep loving him more. Though he
makes it clear in his actions and words that he doesn't feel the same, I'm still pushing
every ounce of chances that I have. That even if it is just 0.000000001% I will still hold
(It was already late night when Greg and his friends were walking home. Suddenly
Harvey and his friends show up.)

HARVEY: I heard the rumor. So you're the person Cee has been obsessing about.
(Look at Greg from head to toe) I don't know what he sees in you but if you accepts
what she gives, talk to her or even look at her, you're a dead man or should I say
"woman" ? (Laugh)

GREG: F.Y.I, I don't like her okay? We have the same wavelength, so Cee? No thanks.
Who are you BTW? Her brother? Or father?

HARVEY: (pissed) I am his fianc. So be a good girl and get out of my way. A fly like
you don't match with a butterfly like Cee.

GREG: Excuse me. I prefer to be a butterfly also. You might be talking about yourself.

HARVEY: What? (angry)

GREG: Nothing. Thank you for wasting our time "Mr. Self-proclaim Fianc". Let's go.

(Far away from Harvey's group)

FRIEND 1: Aren't you in love with Cee already?

GREG: Me? On that girl? no way! (Sneezes)

FRIEND 2: Hmm.. do you know what's the similarities of sneeze and love? (Look at
Greg) they can't be hide. We've been observing you Mr. Denial King, you always stares
at Cee when she's not looking at you, you kept her letters, and even made me get the
flowers you threw at the end of the day. What was that all about then?

FRIEND 3: We really know how in love Cee is to you and we can see that you are to.
We would be very happy if you end up together.

GREG: *SIGH* It's so funny how one day I realized that I also love her. She makes me
realized that I can love a girl and that I was just confused about everything. I want to
FRIEND 1: But what? What is stopping you?

FRIEND 2: You know how much she tries to protect you, her sacrifices for you, and the
efforts she's showing you. You really stole her heart you know.

GREG: I just don't want him to be hurt anymore. Even if I love her, I don't want people
mocking her. Other people might think that I'm still gay and using her as a cover. Also,
there is this "Mr. Sel-proclaimed fiancee", I want her to be happy with someone who
could provide that.

FRIEND 3: And you think it's not you? Who cares about other people? The one you
should be listening is that (points at Greg's heart), not other people. She didn't even
care about others. You think she's not hurting at what you are doing and saying? Heck,
yes! She's been hurting already but she's still fighting for you. Come on, give yourself a
break. You're both hurting yourself. You were a gay but face her as a man now.

FRIEND 2: You know you are the luckiest guy in the world. The girl you love is the one
courting you. Does your ego hurt? Follow what your heart dictates. We will always
support you.

FRIEND 1: AJA! Show them how manly Gregorio Bonifacio is.

GREG: Greg. Its only Greg, okay?

(Everyone laughs and went home. Greg is now determine to accept Cee)


GUY 1: Why are you scared of that guy? Don't tell me you are intimidated to 'her'?

HARVEY: Shut up! Of course not! I'm just making sure that he doesn't get in my way.

GUY 2: that's how Harvey works. He's really making sure of everything. But don't you
think he is not really that gay? He even looks at you straight in the eyes without acting
'gayish'. We all know you are famous to girls (except Cee) and gays.
GUY 3: You got a point bro. He's even manlier now if you compare it to the previous
months. Don't you have any other plans?

HARVEY: I do have that suspicion that's why I confronted him. Cee is mine and I won't
let another guy or gay steal her from me. (Evil smile) she would even be the one
begging for me.

GUY 3: How would you do that?

HARVEY: (smirk) *pull out his phone and dialed a number* Hello dad? Yeah yeah.
School is great. I'm doing fine. Listen dad, I have a favor to ask. I want you to fire Mr.
Del Pilar. What reason? It's Cee dad. You know how much I want her. Okay dad. Thank

(Looks at friends) Done. (Evil smile)

GUY 1: You really are evil, you know.

HARVEY: What's mine is mine.

(All of them laugh)

( the next day when Cee hard the news from her father)

CEE'S DAD: I'm so sorry Cee. You are already close to your goal and now.. I'm a
worthless father. (Sad) your mom might be cursing me in the other world right now.

CEE: It's okay dad. You don't have a control to it. You're not a worthless dad. You're the
best dad in the whole world. Even if mom is not here, you have raised me and for that
I'm so grateful. I love you dad. I need to say goodbye to my friends first. (Smile) it's time,
I need to go. Bye dad.

At school. Everybody is busy studying.

CEE: guys.. (island and ren look at her) I... can't concentrate studying here. You're so
noisy. (Joking) I need to go out and find some empty room somewhere.

ISLA: Haha.. okay Ms. Genius. We'll just call you for lunch.
REN: And no guy or 'gay' please. Hahaha. But if you can't resist use protection. (Joking)

CEE: (laughing) okay guys. I'll remember that. See you.

(In the empty room, Cee was lost in her thought that she hadn't notice her tears falling
and Greg approaching her)

GREG: Umm.. hey.. Cee.. you okay?

CEE: (Quickly wipes her tears) ha ha. I'm okay. (Force smile) It's just that this problem is
kinda hard.

GREG: Is that problem worth crying?

CEE: Crying? Me? No.. I was not crying. Ha ha

GREG: Come on. You can't fool me. You're not being you today. You're not so energetic
like your usual self. Also, that smile is really force you know. I didn't even got a flower

CEE: (Raise an eyebrow) Now you care? For the past months you have just been
pushing me away. You know how much it hurts? What you're saying and what you are
doing to me really breaks my heart (crying) but this idiot heart is still madly in love with
you. (Wide eyed)(wipe tears) I'm sorry. I shouldn't be upset to you. It was my choice in
the first place and you're not even the reason why I'm crying. I'm so sorry. (Quickly
stands up and go out)

GREG: (hold the hand of Cee) Wait. I know I'm being a jerk to you but can't I just at
least know why you are crying? (Cee look at him with question look) You know..
ummm... your... ummm.. problem would be.. ummmm.. lighter if you share it. I can be
your friend right bow. Just tell me. I will listen. (Smiles)

CEE: (just friend? Ouch) Nope. It would be bad for my impression if know it. I'm still not
giving up on you. (Stucks tongue out)

GREG:(hugs Cee) Let's forget about that. Tell me everything. I will listen. I will be here
with you now.
CEE: (Shocked but tear are quickly falling) (hugs Greg tightly) I can't join the graduation
ceremony. I can't pay my fees next month. We already have many debts to pay. It's just
so frustrating how I struggled to pass all my accounting subjects from first to fourth year
but I couldn't even graduate. I can't say that to my father though. I know he's much more
hurting more than I am. (Between sobs)

GREG: (gently pats her back) Shhhh... Everything will be okay. (Cee is still crying and
for a moment they stayed like that, hugging each other tightly, like saying they are there
for each other) (Greg let go of her first and that made Cee hurt a little bit but) I'll help
you pay your fees. (Determined)

CEE: (wipe her tear) No way! no you can't do that. No. No. No.

GREG: Hey. It's just a little amount. I can afford it. Haha

CEE: Wow. I didn't know you have a breezy side.

GREG: There are still many things you didn't know about me. (Serious look)

CEE:(awkward) ummm... No.

GREG: (thinking) Hmmm...well.. how about this. Help me with my studies and in
exchange I'll pay your fees. Deal?

CEE: Wait.. wait... wait.. Hold on. Aren't you good at everything? Why are you asking for
help? If you are just pitying me, well, I don't need that.

GREG: Me? Pitying you? Of course not. Like I told you, there are things you still don't
know about me. How about riding this wave? You don't know, I might find you lovable
while you're tutoring me. (Smile mockingly)

CEE: *BLUSH* Umm... (thinking)

GREG: So we got a deal?

CEE: Okay. Deal. (Shakes hand) Don't tell anybody about earlier, okay?

GREG: My lips are sealed. (Smiled sheepishly)

CEE: Thank you. (Cee's phone ring) Hello? Ren? Yeah. Yeah. I'mcoming. Bye.

See you tomorrow, Greg. Library. 9am sharp. Bye. (Leaves)

GREG: I didn't even say yes to 9am. But.. oh well..

FRIEND 1: Good job baby boy. Don't waste this opportunity from now on. (Smiles)

5: Beginning of Everything

I can't believe what happened yesterday, I can't even have a proper sleep last night
because I can't get over with. And now, I am 30 minutes early from the time I set. Am I
being excited? But when I entered the library, I saw the most wonderful sight, Greg
sleeping. I silently sit beside him and watched him sleep. I might look like a creep to
others but I don't care. He's so cute while sleeping. My heart is pounding hard and fast
now. I really love this guy. We stayed like that for an hour, I don't even care about the
time. When he gently open his eyes, my world stopped. Oh my gosh. How much deeper
must I fall in love with this guy. Would he catch me? I suddenly wondered. He was
shocked seeing me but I just smiled like a crazy person and preceded to the real
objective. I must work hard for that money he offered. We started our tutor sessions but
as the time passes by, it feels like I'm the one being tutored. When I looked at him with a
question look, he would then shut up and let me do my job. Something fishy is going on
here but I don't mind, everything else is worthless right now. We continued in that setup
for weeks until our final exam began. I guess something has just began because of that
but need to pass my exams first before analyzing other things. The hell week is over
and the result night is coming. I am so grateful to Greg for this opportunity (which is by
the way, has became my text mate for this past few weeks until now) I am even so
attached to my cellphone because of him. This day all 4th year accountancy students
are just required to go to school at 3pm to who will really graduate. I didn't know that
Greg had been talking to Ren and Isla. At 3pm, I was puzzled when I arrived at school
because I just saw one of my classmate outside the room and when he saw me, he
quickly sent back inside. When I get there, the air is so suspicious.

ISLA: Congrats to us Cee. We are all graduating from this hardships.

CEE: (happy) Really? Yehey! (All of them hugs)

REN: Hey, but you still owe us some explanation you know.

CEE: Huh? What?

ISLA: We're kinda hurt that you told Greg about your problem more than us.

CEE: (note to self: kill Greg later) I'm sorry. I just don't want to be a burden to the two of
you. I know how much you are preparing for the final exams. I can't blow it up to you.
I'm so sorry.

REN: Its okay. We're kinda at fault for not noticing. (Cee wanted to interrupt) Shhh.. I'm
not done yet. If any problems rise out again, don't hesitate to tell us, okay? I don't want
hearing it from another person.

ISLA: I second the motion.

CEE: (hugs them) Okay. Thank you for everything girls.

Which is by the way, where is Greg? He didn't even texted me this way.

ISLA: OMG! You're in that stage already?

CEE: (blushes) He told me we're 'friends' so its normal to be texting each other.

REN: You didn't even text us once, we are 'friends' also. How frustrating. (Pouts)

CEE: He he. (Peace sign)

REN: Don't 'he he' us. Your prince charming is here.(points at Greg)

(Cee looks at Greg, shocked at what she saw then she began to cry and fainted)

At the clinic

CEE: (slowly opens her eyes ) Was it all a dream? (She saw her 2 friends and
remembered evrything that happened)

ISLA: Well.. well.. well.. look who's awake.

REN: Princess Cee, the royal court really needs you right now.

(Cee was kinda disappointed)

And your prince charming is worried sick about you. (Greg enters)

GREG: Are you okay? Are you hurt somewhere? Should I call the doctor? Do you need
water? Fruits? Hey! Talk to me! (Worried)

ISLA: Easy prince. (Laughing) The princess is still internalizing everything. She thinks
you are a dream. (Island and Ren laughing)

CEE: Then (almost crying) what happen earlier was true? (They all nod)

(Cee flashbacks what happen earlier: Greg on his knee with flowers and their
classmates holding a placard 'will you be my girl?' And when she looks at Greg again,
she saw for the second time around, Greg kneeling )

GREG: I do hope that you are not sick or anything since you always fainted. (Ren clears
her throat) so to the girl in front of me (Island in the bgd: me? Haha Ren: shhhh) I'm
sorry for being a jerk for this past few months and for hurting you. I woke up one day,
realizing that I do love you but I was afraid of beginning something that might painfully
end. But now, I am determined enough that whatever challenges our relationship might
face, I will protect you and will not hurt you again. Ms. Cee Del Pilar, will you be my girl?
( Cee cried and was very overwhelmed so she just nod her head and Greg was so

(Cee and Greg hugs)


ISLA: Aren't they really perfect for each other? Haha

REN: Yeah. Because they love each other.

ISLA: That's one. (Ren made a questioning look) Clue: interchange their family names.
REN: Gregorio Del Pilar and Cee Andrea Bonifacio..

(They all laugh)

6: The Last Goodbye

Isla, Ren and I had put up our own accounting firm after a year of passing the board
exam. We gain some experience firm before putting up the firm. Island and Ren are
happily married with their businessmen hubands , they even got married first. For me? I
am still in a happy relationship with my Mr. HG, it has been 2 year already. It's our
anniversary today and we agreed to meet up in our favorite restaurant. He even invited
Island, Ren and their husbands because he have something important to announce.
Greg was kinda late because his professor has something important to instructions. He
is studying to become a lawyer since he always dream of becoming a CPA lawyer. I
waited outside for awhile and saw him in the opposite streets running towards me. He
was already so close to me when suddenly a car bumped him. The car quickly fled
away and I was left there stunned. When I recovered, I saw him lying on the streets full
of blood. I cried and cried and shouted for help. When he was brought to the emergency
room, I don't know what to do. One nurse Gabe me his belongings. It was covered with
blood but one thing has caught my attention. I moved it out and open the small box. I
cried my heart out realizing what it was. The doctor went out from the ER to relay the
news. I saw Greg's parents crying and hugging each other. I don't know what to think,
my tears just quickly fall out and I know this is the last goodbye of my first love.


(Cees phone rings)

CEE: Hello?
GREG: Dont tell me youre in my grave?
CEE: Well, yeah. Im mourning because its my first loves 3 rd anniversary.
GREG: Isnt it about time you should move on?
CEE: Hahaha. Dont be so serious. I already moved on. I do need to keep an act about
you dying, right? By the way, Happy Birthday Gregoria! (smiles sheepishly) Hows life
there at America?
GREG: Hard but were getting a hang of it. Its been 3 years already and we are still
very grateful of you.
CEE: Never mind that. I was just giving the happiness you deserve. Its not like you will
become a man if I forced myself to you when on the very first day already, you have set
your eyes on the man you love. Whats your happiness is also my happiness. I was glad
that I had given that to you. (smiles)
GREG: Hey. Youre making me cry. Hahaha.
CEE: Wheres that man by the way?
GREG: Hon, its Cee.
HARVEY: Hey Cee.
(FLASHBACK: Greg was already lovers from the start. They met at a bar and fall in love
with each other. Greg also transferred because of Harvey. Greg was in a hurry in the
first scene because Harvey was already waiting for him. Harvey was also the guy that
Greg flirts when Cee was still courting him.The intimidating part was just their act to
made their friends believe that Greg is really a guy. He was also in the library during
those tutor moments and was even sleeping on the opposite of Greg during that
moment. On the library moment also, Greg and Harvey told Cee about their relationship
which Cee accepted and volunteered to help them. Harvey was also the topic of Greg
and Cees text which is the plan on how to make them disappear. He was even the one
driving the car to ensure that the plan wont fail. After the incident, they paid the doctor
and nurses to tell a lie and flew to America. There, they started a new life and a new
HARVEY: CEE? Still there?
CEE: Huh? Oh yeah. What were you talking about?
HARVEY: We will be having our wedding here already. (excited) Wanna come?
CEE: If my expenses are free, why not? (joking)
HARVEY: Deal. You wont pay even a penny here. Its our treat.
CEE: Hey I was just joking. You dont need to treat me. I can afford it.
(Greg in the bgd: Yeah. She can afford it hon. Her firm is very successful and on
demand now. Coming here would just be like going to the market.) (the three of them
HARVEY: NO. I insist. After all the sacrifices you made, this is just a small token of our
CEE: OKAY. If thats what you really want. ( saw her friends coming) Gotta go. Isla and
Ren are here. Take care. Bye and Im really happy for the both of you.
HARVEY AND GREG: Thank you. Bye. See you soon.
(Isla and Ren approaches Cee)
Isla: Who were you talking too?
CEE: It was Jade, you know our classmate in college, she was just following up if were
going to the reunion.
REN: Of course, we are. We have so many memories in our college life including Greg.
We wont miss the reunion.
CEE: Yeah. Thats what I said to her.
ISLA: Are you two done? We dont wanna be late on the reunion right?
(then the three of them went to the car)

Others might think Im being an idiot for helping my first love with his first love but I
didnt regret what I did. And if there comes a time that I would need to face that kind of
situation, I will still do what I did because one thing that I learned about truly loving
someone is that their happiness matters most and letting go means to come to the
realization that some people are a part of your history, but not a part of your destiny.

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