Survival Shelters

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SURVIVAL SHELTERS CONSTRUCTION MANUAL CONSTRUCTION of SURVIVAL SHELTERS Is not just crazy talk anymore, Anarchism is here! The insane foreign policies of this government have brought terrorists to America with their bombs! The Los Angeles riots were only a small sample of what is to come if the comforts we now enjoy are removed. Your only choice must be to plan ahead for the inevitable. You will see 11 different, totally complete plans, material lists, and instructions ranging from easy to consiruct basement blast shelters, to totally comfortable underground shelters that fook like pleasant patios or gardens. M&M engineering has finally released it's trouble free survival shelter plans that you can be comfortable living in and comfortable looking at from the outside Apsolutely essential survival preparation for pre New World Order society (mass contiscations of property and freedoms) and in the aftermath, the reestablishment of Socialist Governmental Control. Think for a moment, your guns, food, precious metals. and medicine are planted in burial tubes in the ground and that's great for the short term but wouldn't it be better to construct a secret shelter where your lifesaving supplies will be safe for you to inspect, repair, and replace whenever YOU want to. —— |TABLE OF CONTEN ABOVE GROUND FALLOUT SHELTERS MILITARY SHELTERS BELOW GROUND SHELTERS BELOW GROUND FALLOUT SHELTER BELOW GROUND BLAST SHELTER BASEMENT FALLOUT SHELTER I BASEMENT FALLOUT SHELTERH BASEMENT FALLOUT SHELTER iil . BASEMENT FALLOUT SHELTER MULTI-USE 10. BASEMENT FALLOUT SHELTER PREFAB 11. BASEMENT FALLOUT SHELTER PREFAB 12. BURIAL VAULTS CEN OAMRWND The purpose of this construction manual is fold in it's scope © To provide you with professionally designed survival shelters that can be built under “normal” pretenses so as to arouse as little concer of your local zoning board, state building administration, federal agencies to fumerous to list in this small manual, and all your neighbors. It stands to reason that if you file papers with the zoning board that you are about to build a "blast sheiter’, you would first: Be the talk of your town, second, You would draw a crowd of on lookers who want to see first hand how you are building a underground “blast shelter”. Third: The goverment at all levels will record and probably monitor your activities for the rest of your life!_and fourth: In the unlikely event that what the dcom sayers are telling us is true, that we are about to experience a world wide shit storm of anarchy, your building records are public decuments! \f anyone knows you built a nuclear Dlast shelter, then in times of need they will come in mass to you in your shelter and after their failed attempts {0 persuade you to feed and house them they would surely become resentful of your "GREED and SELFISHNESS" with “THEIR™ food and medicine, simply put, you have given your friendly neighbors a target, and they will eventually breach whatever security measures you may have devised to get at your food, medicine and weapons. Having served my community on the town Zoning board | can give just a few suggestions that would arouse little or no suspicion to the submission of your plans and filing your applications to build your new underground "poo! filter room” or a state of the art environmental safe "septic system” or the most environmentaly safe “heating oil storage tank” available, (but we know your building you're survival shelter). If you live in a rural setting do, hire distant outside contractors te perform the work as quickly and quietly as possible, pay cash with no name or receipt necessary, and tell no one. ed ®. The second reasonis simple TO ALLOW OUR CONSTITUTION TO SURVIVE CAN YOU BE DETECTED IN YOUR UNDERGROUND SHELTER? senna ‘The world leamed in Waco eee tht ths nd tony afer 97 StanneD emments can and do 100k for imagery ‘survival shelters! England actu- ally participated in Waco with their high tech Penetrating Radar and infrared. News pa- pers in Londen revelled that i Feliable detection to depths of 20 Feet . Infrared and gas spectrum analysis detection can also be integrated into their data for a near 100% detection, more on deception and con- cealment tater in my manual

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