Imelaka Trial2016 Kertas 123 DGN JWPN

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1. This question paper consists of 50 questions.

Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 50 soalan.
2. Answer all questions.
Jawab semua soalan.
3. Answer each question by blackening the correct space on the answer sheet.
Jawab dengan menghitamkan ruangan yang betul pada kertas jawapan.
4. Blacken only one space for each question.
Hitamkan satu ruangan sahaja bagi setiap soalan.
5. If you wish to change your answer, erase the blackened mark that you have
made.Then blacken the space for the new answer.
Sekiranya anda hendak menukar jawapan, padamkan tanda yang telah
dibuat. Kemudian hitamkan jawapan yang baru.
6. The diagrams in the questions provided are not drawn to scale unless stated.
Rajah yang mengiringi soalan tidak dilukis mengikut skala kecuali dinyatakan.
7. You may use a non-programmable scientific calculator.
Anda dibenarkan menggunakan kalkulator saintifik yang tidak boleh diprogram.

Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 27 halaman bercetak

4541/1 SULIT
Question 1 to Question 50 are followed by four options A, B, C or D.
Choose the best option for each question and blackened the corresponding space on
the objective answer sheet.
Bagi Soalan 1 hingga Soalan 50, tiap-tiap soalan diikuti oleh empat pilihan jawapan A, B,
C dan D. Pilih satu jawapan yang terbaik bagi tiap-tiap soalan dan hitamkan ruangan yang
sepadan pada kertas jawapan objektif anda

1 Which of the following processes occurs when iodine is heated?

Antara proses berikut, yang manakah berlaku apabila iodin dipanaskan?

A Evaporation
B Sublimation
C Condensation
D Boiling

2 Which of the following statements is true for one mole of a substance?

Antara pernyataan berikut yang manakah benar tentang satu mol suatu bahan?
A 1 mol of hydrogen gas contains 6.02 10 atoms
1 mol gas hidrogen mengandungi 6.02 x 10
B 1mol of magnesium contains 6.02 10 molecules
1mol magnesium mengandungi 6.02 10
C 1 mol sodium chloride solution accupies 22.4 dm at s.t.p
1 mol larutan natrium klorida mengandungi isipadu 22.4 dm pada s.t.p
D 1 mol of water contains the same number of molecules as the number of atoms in 12 g
1 mol air mengandungi bilangan molekul yang sama dengan bilangan atom dalam 12 g

3 Which of the following chemist arranged the elements in the Periodic Table of Elements in order
of increasing proton number
Antara ahli kimia berikut, siapakah yang menyusun unsur-unsur di dalam Jadual Berkala
Unsur mengikut susunan bilangan proton yang menaik

A Moseley
B Mendeleev
C Dobereiner
D Lothar Meyer

4 Which of the following statements best explain the stability of inert gases?
Antara pernyataan berikut yang manakah terbaik menerangkan kestabilan gas adi?

A Have octet electron arrangement except helium

Mempunyai susunan elektron oktet kecuali helium
B Can accept, lose or share electron
Boleh terima, hilang atau kongsi elektron
C Have 8 valence electrons
Mempunyai 8 elektron valens
D Exists as polyatomic gases
Wujud sebagai gas poliatom

5 Diagram 1 shows the symbols of element Y and element Z.

The letters used are not the actual symbol of the elements.
Rajah 1 menunjukkan simbol bagi unsur Y dan Z.
Huruf yang digunakan bukan simbol sebenar unsur itu.

7 14
3 7
Diagram 1
Rajah 1

Which of the following is true about the atoms of element Y and Z?

Antara berikut yang manakah benar tentang atom bagi unsur- unsur tersebut?

A The number of mole in 7 g atom Y is equal to the number of mole in 14 g atom Z

Bilangan mol dalam 7 g atom Y adalah sama dengan bilangan mol dalam 14 g atom Z
The mass of an atom of Y is 7 g and the mass of an atom of Z is 14 g
B Jisim satu atom Y ialah 7 g dan jisim satu atom Z ialah 14 g
The mass of 1 mol of Y is 3 g and the mass of 1mol of Z is 7 g
C Jisim 1 mol Y ialah 3 g dan jisim 1 mol Z ialah 7 g
The mass of 1 mol of Y is twice the mass of 1 mol of Z
D Jisim 1 mol Y adalah dua kali jisim 1 mol Z

6 Z is an element that reacts with water to produce hydrogen gas.

Which of the following is likely to be the electron arrangement of
Z adalah satu unsur yang boleh bertindakbalas dengan air untuk menghasilkan gas hidrogen.
Yang manakah antara berikut adalah susunan elektron Z?

A 2.4
B 2.8.7
7 Diagram 2 shows the set-up of apparatus for an experiment to determine the empirical formula
of magnesium oxide.
Rajah 2 menunjukkan susunan radas bagi eksperimen untuk menentukan formula empirik
magnesium oksida.

Mangkuk pijar

Diagram 2
Rajah 2

Why is the crucible lid opened once in a while during the experiment?
Mengapakah penutup mangkuk pijar dibuka secara berkala semasa eksperimen?

A To avoid explosion
Untuk mencegah letupan
B To cool the magnesium
Untuk menyejukkan magnesium
C To allow oxygen gas to enter the crucible
Untuk membenarkan oksigen memasuki mangkuk pijar
D To see what happen inside the crucible
Untuk melihat apakah yang berlaku di dalam mangkuk pijar

The information of substance X is:
Empirical formulae is CH2
Relative Molecular Mass is 42

Maklumat bagi Bahan X adalah

: Formula empirik CH2
Jisim Molekul Relatif 42

What is the molecular formula of substance X?

Apakah formula molekul bagi Bahan X?
A C2H4
B C2H6
C C3H6
D C3H8
9 Table 1 shows the proton number of elements P and Q
Jadual 1 menunjukkan nombor proton bagi unsur P dan Q

Element Proton number

Unsur Nombor proton
P 11
Q 17

Table 1
Jadual 1

Which of the following statements are true for the elements in Table?
Antara pernyataan berikut, yang manakah adalah betul bagi unsur-unsur didalam Jadual1?
I Q is more electronegative than P
Q adalah lebih elektronegatif dari P
II The atomic size of P is bigger than Q
Saiz atom P adalah lebih besar dari
Elements P and Q can conduct electricity
IV Unsur-unsur P dan Q boleh mengalirkan elektrik
P and Q are in the same period in the Periodic Table of Elements
P dan Q berada dalam kala yang sama dalam Jadual Berkala Unsur
I and III only
I dan III sahaja
II and IV only
II dan IV sahaja
I, II and IV only
I, II dan IV sahaja
II, III and IV only
II, III dan IV
10 Diagram 3 shows the electron arrangement of ion J.
Rajah 3 menunjukkan susunan elektron ion J

Diagram 3
Rajah 3

Where does the element J is placed in the Periodic Table of Elements?

Dimanakah unsur J diletakkan di dalam Jadual Berkala Unsur?

Group Period
Kumpulan Kala
A 1 3
B 3 1
C 8 2
D 18 2
11 The diagram 4 shows the representation of Calcium element in the Periodic Table of Elements.
Rajah 4 menunjukkan perwakilan bagi unsur Kalsium dalam Jadual Berkala Unsur

Diagram 4
Rajah 4

Choose the correct standard representation of calcium atom.

Pilih perwakilan piawai yang betul bagi atom kalsium

12 Which of the following diagram shows atom of element that exist as monoatomic gas at
room condition?
Antara rajah atom unsur yang berikut, yang manakah wujud sebagai gas monoatom pada
keadaan bilik?


13 Which of the followings is the correct electron arrangement of atom of element that exist in form of
diatomic molecule ?
Manakah di antara berikut adalah susunan elektron yang benar bagi atom unsur yang wujud
sebagai molekul dwiatom?

A 2
B 2.6
C 2.8
D 2.8.3

14 Halogen is the common name for members of group 17 in the periodic table of element. All member of
halogen react with heated iron wool to produce brown solid of iron(III) halide.
Halogen adalah nama lain bagi ahli kumpulan 17 dalam Jadual Berkala unsur.
Semua unsur halogen bertindak balas dengan kapas besi yang panas menghasilkan pepejal berwarna
perang ,besi (III) halida.
Choose the best statement to describe the above property of halogen.
Pilih kenyataan yang paling tepat untuk menerangkan sifat halogen tersebut

A The electronegativity of halogen increase down the group

Keelektronegatifan halogen bertambah menuruni kumpulan
B The electronegativity of halogen decrease down the group
Keelektronegatifan halogen berkurang menuruni kumpulan
C The number of valence electron in an atom of halogen increase down the group
Bilangan electron valens di dalam suatu atom halogen bertambah menuruni kumpulan
D The number of valence electron in an atom of halogen is 7
Bilangan electron valens di dalam suatu atom halogen ialah 7

15 Atom of element Q formed a positive charged ion. The oxide of Q react with both acids and alkalis to form
salt. Choose the best statement for the oxide of Q.
Atom unsur Q membentuk ion bercas positif. Oksida unsur Q bertindak balas dengan asid dan alkali
untuk menghasilkan garam. Pilih kenyataan yang tepat mengenai oksida unsur Q

A Q ion has +3 charge.

Ion Q mempunyai cas +3
B Chemical formulae of Q oxide is Q2O
Formula kimia bagi oksida Q adalah Q2O
C Oxide of Q is amphoteric
Oksida Q adalah amfoterik
D Oxide of Q is ionic compound
Oksida Q adalah sebatian ion
16 Table 2 shows the results of an experiment to determine the reactivity of three metals R, S and
T in the electrochemical series by using the displacement reaction.
Jadual 2 menujukkan keputusan satu eksperimen untuk menentukan kereaktifan tiga logam R,
S dan T di dalam siri elektrokimia menggunakan tindakbalas penukargantian

Reactants Observations
Bahan tindak balas Pemerhatian
R + solution of S No visible change
R + solution of T T deposited
S + solution of T T deposited

Table 2
Jadual 2

Arrange the three metals in ascending order in the electrochemical series.

Susunkan tiga logam ini dalam tertib menaik siri elektrokimia.

A S, R, T
B T, R, S
C R, S, T
D T, S, R

17 Diagram 5 shows the experiment setup by a student to find out his favorite iron spoon got rusty.
He cleaned the surface with sand paper but still not improve the appearance. He searched the
internet and found the way to make it attractive.
Rajah 5 menunjukkan susunan eksperimen oleh seorang pelajar untuk mengenalpasti mengapa
sudu besi kegemarannya telah berkarat. Dia membersihkan permukaannya dengan kertas pasir
tetapi masih lagi tidak menarik. Dia melayari internet dan mendapat jawapan bagaimana
untuk menjadikan sudu itu menarik.

Rajah 5
Why the brown solid deposited on the spoon
Mengapa pepejal perang terenap pada sudu besi?
A Hyroxide ions are discharged at anode
IonCopper (II) sulphate
hidroksida dinyahcaskan di anod
B solution
Hydrogen ions are discharged at anode Copper electrode
hidrogen kuprum sulfat di anod
dinyahcaskan Elektrod Kuprum
C Copper ions are discharged at cathode
Diagram 5
Ion copper dinyahcaskan di katod
D Sulphate ions are discharged at cathode
Ion sulfat dinyahcaskan di katod

18 Diagram 6 below shows a chemical cell.

Rajah 6 di bawah menunjukkan satu sel kimia.

Magnesium Zinc

Glacial ethanoic acid

Asid etanoik glasial

Diagram 6
Rajah 6

It is found that the needle of the galvanometer does not deflect.

What should be done to make the needle deflect?
Didapati bahawa jarum galvanometer tidak terpesong.
Apakah yang patut dilakukan untuk memesongkan jarum galvanometer?
A Add dry cells in series in the circuit
Tambahkan sel kering seciri bersiri di dalam litar
B Add water to the glacial ethanoic acid
Tambah air kepada asid etanoik tulen
C Substitute the zinc electrode with carbon electrode
Gantikan elektrod zink dengan elektrod karbon
D Interchange the magnesium electrode and the zinc electrode
Tukarkan kedudukan elektrod magnesium dan elektrod zink

19 Diagram 7 shows the electrolysis of concentrated sodium chloride solution using

carbon electrode.
Rajah 7 menunjukkan elektrolisis larutan natrium klorida pekat menggunakan elektrod

Carbon electrode : X Carbon electrode : Y

Elektrod karbon : X Elektrod karbon : Y

Concentrated sodium chloride

Natrium klorida pekat
Diagram 7
Rajah 7

Which of the half equation represent the reactions at the electrode X and electrode Y?
Setengah persamaan manakah yang mewakili tindak balas pada elektrod X dan elektrod Y?

- +
ABCD 2 Cl Cl2 + 2e 2H + 2e H2
- +
2 Cl Cl2 + 2e Na + e Na
- +
4 OH 2 H2O + O2 + 4 e Na + e Na
- +
4 OH 2 H2O + O2 + 4 e 2H + 2e H2
20 Diagram 8 shows the set-up of apparatus of an electrolytic cell.
Rajah 8 menunjukkan susunan radas bagi sel elektrolisis.

Copper electrodes
Elektrod kuprum

Copper(II) sulphate solution

Larutan kuprum(II) sulfat
Diagram 8
Rajah 8

Which of the following graphs show the changes in mass of the cathode during electrolysis ?
Antara graf berikut manakah menunjukkan perubahan jisim katod semasa elektrolisis?

A Mass /g

Time / s/ Masa/s

B Mass /g

Time / s/ Masa/s

C Mass /g

Time / s/ Masa/s

D Mass /g

Time / s/ Masa/s
21 Diagram 9 shows the set up of the apparatus for the reaction between calcium carbonate and
ethanoic acid in two different solvents.
Rajah 9 menunjukkan susunan radas bagi tindak balas antara kalsium karbonat dengan
asid etanoik dalam dua pelarut yang berlainan.

10 g of calcium
carbonate Ethanoic acid + benzene
Ethanoic acid + 100 cm
3 10 g kalsium karbonat Asid etanoik + benzena
distilled water
Asid etanoik + 100 cm

Gas bubble
Gelembung gas Diagram 9
Rajah 9

Which of the following statements are true about the observation in beaker X and Y?
Antara pernyataan berikut, yang manakah benar tentang pemerhatian dalam bikar X dan Y?

I Water ionizes ethanoic acid in beaker X

Air mengionkan asid etanoik dalam bikar X
II Benzene ionizes ethanoic acid in beaker Y
Benzena mengionkan asid etanoik dalam bikar Y
III Water reacts with calcium carbonate in beakerX
Air bertindak balas dengan kalsium karbonat dalam bikar X
IV Ethanoic acid remains as molecules in beaker Y
Asid etanoik kekal sebagai molekul-molekul dalam bikar Y

A I and II only
I dan II sahaja
B I and IV only
I dan IV sahaja
C II and III only
II dan III sahaja
D III and IV only
III dan IV sahaja
22 Table 3 shows the degree of dissociation of four solutions of alkali which have the same
Jadual 3 menunjukkan darjah penceraian empat larutan alkali yang mempunyai
sama kepekatan.

Solution Degree of dissociation

Larutan Darjah penceraian
W High/Tinggi
X Medium / Sederhana
Y Very high/Sangat tinggi
Z Low /Rendah
Table 3
Jadual 3
Which solution has the highest pH value?
Larutan manakah yang mempunyai nilai pH yang paling tinggi?

23 A farmer found that his soil is too acidic for some plants to grow well.
Which substance is suitable to reduce the acidity of the soil?
Seorang petani mendapati tanahnya terlalu berasid untuk tanamannya tumbuh dengan
baik. Bahan manakah yang sesuai digunakan untuk mengurangkan keasidan tanah
A Barium chloride
Barium klorida
B Calcium oxide
Kalsium oksida
C Sodium nitrite
Natrium nitrit
D Potassium iodide
Kalium iodida

24. Which of the following is the cause of plastic products pollute the environment?
Antara yang berikut, yang manakah merupakan sebab barangan plastik
mencemarkan persekitaran?

A Non biodegradable
Tidak terbiodegradasi
B Extremely toxic
Sangat toksik
C Flammable
Mudah terbakar
D Radioactive
25 Diagram 10 shows the apparatus set-up for the neutralisation reaction between a strong acid
and a strong alkali.
Rajah 10 menunjukkan susunan radas bagi tindak balas peneutralan antara asid kuat
dan alkali kuat.

Diagram 10 Sulphuric acid

Rajah 10 Asid sulfurik
3 3 -3
25.0 cm of sulphuric acid neutralises 50.0 cm of 1.0 rnol dm sodium hydroxide solution.
What is the molarity of the sulphuric acid?
3 3
25.0 cm as id sulfurik meneutralkan 50.0 cm larutan natrium hidroksida
1.0 mol dm . Apakah kemolaran asid sulfurik?
A 1.0 mol dm 1.0 rnol dm-3 sodium hydroxide
B 1.5 mol dm 1.0 rnol dm-3 natrium hidroksida
C 2.0 mol dm
D 4.0 mol dm

26 Which characteristic of hydrogen chloride enables to show acidic properties in water?

Ciri hidrogen klorida yang manakah membolehkannya menunjukkan sifat keasidan
dalam air?

A Dissolves in water
Larut dalam air
B Contains hydrogen in its molecule
Mengandungi hidrogen dalam molekulnya
C Contains chlorine in its molecule
Mengandungi klorin dalam molekulnya
D Ionises in water to form hydrogen ions
Mengion dalam air untuk membentuk ion-ion hidrogen
27. Equation bellow shows the formation of fibre glass:
Plastic + Glass Fibers Fiber glass
Persamaan di bawah menunjukkan penghasilan gentian
kaca: Plastik + Gentian Kaca Kaca Gentian

Why is fiberglass better than common plastic?

Mengapakah gentian kaca lebih baik daripada plastik biasa?
A High tensile strength
Kekuatan regangan yang tinggi
B Resistent to corrosion
Tahan kakisan
C Able to withstand heat
Berupaya menahan haba
D Good conductor of electricity
Konduktor elektrik yang baik

28 The chemical equation below shows the reaction of manufacturing of sulphuric acid in stage II.
. Persamaan kimia di bawah menunjukkan tindak balas untuk penghasilan asid sulfurik
dalam peringkat II.

What are the optimum conditions for the reaction in stage II.
Apakah keadaan optimum untuk tindak balas dalam peringkat II ini.

Temperature/ C Catalyst Pressure/ atm

Suhu/ C Mangkin Tekanan/ atm
450 1
250 10
Vanadium(V) oxide
250 10
Vanadium(V) oksida
Vanadium(V) oxide
450 1
Vanadium(V) oksida
29. Diagram 11 above shows the arrangement of atoms in brass. Which of the following
could be atoms X and Y?
Rajah 11 di atas menunjukkan susunan atom bagi loyang. Yang manakah berikut
mungkin atom X dan Y?


Diagram 11
Rajah 11

A Copper Tin
Kuprum Stanum
B Zinc Copper
Zink Kuprum
C Iron Carbon
Ferum Karbon
D Copper Zinc
Kuprum Zink

30. Diagram 12 shows a decorative glass which is used in the house. The glass has the
following properties.
Rajah 12 menunjukkan satu kaca perhiasan yang digunakan dirumah. Kaca
itu mempunyai ciri-ciri berikut.

High density
Ketumpatan yang tinggi
Optically transparent
Lutsinar secara optik

High refractive index

Index biasan yang tinggi

Diagram 12
Rajah 12
Which of the following glass has the above
properties? Kaca manakah mempunyai ciri-ciri
A di atasglass
Kaca silica terlakur
B Soda-lime glass
Kaca soda kapur
C Borosilicate glass
Kaca borosilikat
D Lead crystal glass
Kaca plumbum Kristal
31. Diagram 13 represents the interaction of the hydrogen dan chlorine particles in two
syringes , Syringe A and Syringe B in the reaction to produce hydrogen chloride gas.
Rajah 13 mewakili interaksi di antara zarah zarah hidrogen dan zarah zarah klorin
dalam dua picagari A dan Picagari B di dalam tindak balas menghasilkan gas hidrogen

Hydrogen particle
Zarah hidrogen Hydrogen particle
Zarah hidrogen
Chlorine particle
Zarah klorin Chlorine particle
Syringe A Syringe B
Zarah klorin
Picagari Picagari

Diagram 13
Rajah 13

The following statements are true about the reaction that takes place except
Pernyataan-pernyataan yang berikut adalah benar mengenai tindak balas yang berlaku

A. The collisions between the hydrogen and chlorine particles increases in syringe B
Perlanggaran antara zarah zarah hidrogen dan klorin meningkat dalam picagari B
B The kinetic energy of the hydrogen and chlorine particles in Syringe B is higher
compared to the particles in syringe A
Tenaga kinetik zarah-zarah hidrogen dan klorin dalam picagari B adalah lebih
tinggi berbanding dalam picagari A
C The rate of reaction to produce hydrogen chloride is higher in syringe B compared
to syringe A
Kadar tindak balas menghasilkan gas hidrogen klorida lebih tinggi dalam picagari B
berbanding A
D There are more collision of the hydrogen and chlorine particles that achieved
the activation energy in syringe B compared to syringe A.
Lebih banyak perlangggaran antara zarah-zarah hidrogen dan klorin dalam picagari
B mencapai tenaga pengaktifan berbanding dalam picagari A
32 Diagram 14 , shows the chemical equation between hydrochloric acid and calcium
carbonate that produces calcium chloride , water and carbon dioxide gas :
Rajah 14 menunjukkan tindak balas antara asid hidroklorik dan kalsium
karbonat menghasilkan kalsium klorida, air dan gas karbon dioksida :

CaCO3 (s) + HCl (aq) CaCl + H2O(l) + CO2 (g)

Diagram 14 2(aq)
Rajah 14

The rate of reaction for this reaction can be increased if

Kadar tindak balas bagi tindak balas yang ini boleh ditingkatkan jika

A. the volume of the hydrochloric acid is increased two-fold

isipadu asid hidroklorik yang digunakan ditambah dua kali ganda
B. Water is added to the acid to increase the volume the acid used
air ditambahkan kepada asid untuk meningkatkan isipadu asid yang digunakan
C. Increase the mass of the calsium carbonate used in the reaction
tambahkan jisim kalsium karbonat yang bertindak balas
D. the asid used in the reaction is heated
asid yang digunakan dalam tindak balas ini dipanaskan

33 Diagram 15 shows a structure formula which represents a food flavouring substance.

Rajah 15 menunjukkan formula struktur yang mewakili satu bahan perisa makanan.

Diagram 15
Rajah 15

Which of the following can be used to make the flavouring?

Antara yang berikut, yang manakah boleh digunakan untuk membuat perisa itu?

A Ethanol and butanoic acid

Etanol dan asid butanoik
B Propanol and propanoic acid
Propanol dan asid propanoik
C Butanol and ethanoic acid
Butanol dan asid etanoik
D Propyl propanoate and ethanol
Propil propanoat dan etanol
34. Diagram 16 shows the results of experiment 1 and experiment 2 for the reaction of
excess magnesium with hydrochloric acid
Rajah 16 menunjukkan keputusan eksperimen 1 dan eksperimen 2 bagi tindak
balas antara magnesium berlebihan dengan asid hidroklorik .

Volume of gas/cm3
Isipadu gas/cm3
Rajah 16
Experiment 1
If in experiment 1, the volume of 1.0 moldm hydrochloriceksperimen
acid used is1100 cm , state
-3 3

the volume and concentration acid used in experiment 2.

Jika dalam eksperimen 1 , isipadu 1.0 moldm asid hidroklorik yang digunakan
Experiment 2 ialah
sebanyak 100 cm , nyatakan isipadu dan kepekatan yang telah digunakan
eksperimen 2 dalam
eksperimen 2.
Volume of hydrochloric acid /cm
3 Masa/s
Concentration of hydrochloric acid/moldm
3 -3
Isipadu asid hidroklorik/cm Diagram 16
Kepekatan Asid hidroklorik/ moldm
A 25 2.0
B 50 1.0
C 25 0.5
D 35 2.0

35 A bottle of wine left open develops a sour taste after some time. Which statement best
explains this observation?
Bau masam terhasil apabila sebotol wain dibiarkan terdedah ke udara selama satu
jangka masa. Pernyataan manakah yang paling tepat menerangkan pemerhatian ini?

A The ethanol evaporates from the wine

Etanol yang terdapat dalam wain tersejat
B The ethanol is oxidized by air to an acid
Etanol dioksidakan oleh udara kepada asid
C The ethanol reacts to become an ester
Etanol bertindak balas menjadi ester
D The ethanol is slowly oxidized to carbon dioxide and water
Etanol teroksida perlahan-lahan kepada karbon dioksida dan air

36. A student found out that the time taken to collect the hydrogen gas that was produced

in the reaction between zinc and sulphuric acid was shortened when copper (II)
sulphate solution was added. What was the role of the copper (II) sulphate solution in
the reaction?
Seorang pelajar mendapati masa untuk mengumpul gas hidrogen terhasil melalui
tindak balas zink dengan larutan asid sulfurik asid menjadi singkat bila larutan
kuprum (II)sulfat ditambahkan. Apakah peranan larutan kuprum (II) sulfat itu dalam
balas itu?
I. It lowered the activation energy for the reaction
Ia merendahkan tenaga pengaktifan tindak balas yang berlaku
II. It provided the energy for the zinc atoms and hydrogen ions collisions
Ia membekalkan tenaga kepada atom zink dan ion hidrogen yang
berlanggaran antara satu sama lain
III. It caused the frequency of effective collisions between zinc atoms and
hydrogen ions to increase.
Ia menyebabkan frekuensi perlanggaran berkesan antara atom zink dan
ion hidrogen meningkat
IV. It caused the frequency of collisions between zinc atoms and hydrogen ions to
Ia menyebabkan frekuensi perlanggaran antara atom zink dan ion hidrogen

A. I dan III B. II dan IV C. I,III dan IV D. I,II,III dan IV

37. Food that is kept in the refrigerator last longer than the food exposed to room
temperature because
Makanan yang disimpan dalam peti sejuk lebih tahan lama berbanding makanan
yang terdedah kepada suhu bilik kerana

A. there is no bacteria in the refrigerator

dalam peti sejuk tiada bakteria
B. the rate of metabolism of bacteria is low when the temperature is low
kadar metabolisme bakteria adalah rendah pada suhu yang rendah
C. the low temperature of the refrigerator slows down the evaporation of water from
the food
suhu rendah dalam peti sejuk melambatkan penyejatan air daripada makanan
D. the collisions of bacteria and the food particles do not take place in the refrigerator
perlanggaran antara bakteria dengan zarah-zarah makanan tidak berlaku dalam
peti sejuk

38 The fourth member of a homologous series has the formula, C5H10. What is the
formula of the first member of this series?
Ahli keempat bagi satu siri homolog mempunyai formula, C5H10. Apakah
formula bagi ahli pertama dalam siri ini?

C C2H4

4541/1 SULIT

39 Diagram 17 shows a process of preparing margarine from palm oil through

process X.
Rajah 17 menunjukkan proses menyediakan marjerin daripada minyak kelapa sawit
melalui proses X.

Process X
Palm oil Proses X Margarine
Minyak kelapa sawit Diagram 17 Marjerin
Rajah 17
What is process X?
Apakah proses X?

A Oxidation
B Saponification
C Halogenation
D Hydrogenation

40 Which of the following statements are true about vulcanized rubber?

Antara pernyataan berikut, yang manakah benar tentang getah tervulkan?

I Easily oxidized
Mudah dioksidakan
II Cannot withstand heat
Tiada ketahanan terhadap haba
III Stronger than unvulcanised rubber
Lebih kuat daripada getah tak tervulkan
IV More elastic than unvulcanised rubber
Lebih kenyal daripada getah tak tervulkan

A I and II
I dan II
B I and III
I dan III
C II and IV
II dan IV
D III and IV
III I dan IV
41 Diagram 18 shows a set-up of apparatus of a redox reaction.
Rajah 18 menunjukkan set radas untuk tindakbalas redoks

Acidified Potassium
manganate(VII) solution
Kalium mangganat(VII)
Iron (II) sulphate berasid
Ferum (II) sulfat

Sulphuric acid
Asid sulfurik

Diagram 18
Rajah 18
Which of the following observation is correct?
Manakah antara pemerhatian berikut adalah benar?

Iron (II) sulphate solution Acidified potassium manganate(VII)

Larutan Ferum(II) sulfat Larutan kalium manganat(VII) berasid
A Brown to green Orange to green
Perang kepada hijau Jingga kepada hijau
B Brown to green Purple to colourless
Perang kepada hijau Ungu kepada tidak berwarna
C Green to brown Purple to colourless
Hijau kepada perang Ungu kepada tidak berwarna
D Green to brown Orange to green
Hijau kepada perang Jingga kepada hijau

42 Which of following is redox reaction?

A ntara tindak balas berikut, yang manakah merupakan tindak balas redoks?

A Cu + O2 CuO
B Zn Zn + 2e
C 2H + 2e H2
D NaOH + HCl NaCl + H2O
43 P, Q and R are metals. Based on the ionic equations below, which of the following
statement is true?
P, Q dan R merupakan logam. Berdasarkan persamaan ion di bawah, penyataan
yang manakah benar ?

2+ 2+
Reaction 1 :P + Q Q + P
Tindak balas 1

2+ 2+
Reaction 2 :R + P R + P
Tindak balas 2

A P and R are oxidising agents

P dan R merupakan agen pengoksidaan
B P is more electropositive than R.
P lebih elektropositif daripada R
C The descending sequence of metals reactivity is Q, P, R
Susunan menurun kereaktifan logam ialah Q,P,R
D Q is lower than P in the electrochemical series.
Q adalah di bawah P dalam siri elektrokimia.

44 Which metals can displace lead from lead(II)nitrate solution?

L gam manakah yang boleh menyesarkan plumbum daripada
o larutan umbum(II)nitrat?

II Zin
III Copper
IV Aluminium

A I and II
I dan II
B I and IV
I dan IV
C II and III
II dan III
D III and IV
III dan IV
45 Diagram 19 shows a traffic jam caused by flash flood. This situation corrodes the
metal part of the car.
a R jah 19 menunjukkan kesesakan trafik disebabkan oleh banjir kilat. Kejadian ini
mengakibatkan bahagian logam kereta terkakis
If you are a materials engineer of an automotive company, suggest the best way to
solve this problem.
Jika anda merupakan seorang jurutera bahan bagi sebuah syarikat automatif,
c dangkan cara terbaik untuk mengatasi masalah ini.

Diagram 19
Rajah 19
A Electroplate the metal with silver
Penyaduran logam dengan argentum
B Galvanizing the metal with zinc
Penggalvanian logam kepada zink
C Connecting the metal to magnesium
Penyambungan logam kepada magnesium
D Paint the surface of the metal car with a thick layer of paint
Mengecat permukaan logam kereta dengan lapisan cat yang tebal
46 The following ionic equation shows the formation of lead( II ) sulphate .
Persamaan ion berikut menunjukkan tindak balas pembentukan plumbum(II )sulfat.
2- -1
Pb (aq) + SO4 (aq) PbSO4(s) H = -42 kJ mol
Which of the following answer is related to the above reaction ?
Antara jawapan yang berikut, yang mana adalah berkaitan dengan tindak balas di atas?

Initial temperature, Highest/Lowest Type of reaction

C o temperature, C
Suhu awal, C Suhu tertinggi / Jenis tindak balas
suhu terendah, C
A 29.0 32.0 Endothermic
B 29.0 32.0 Exothermic
C 29.0 27.5 Exothermic
D 29.0 27.5 Endothermic

47 Preservatives are one of the food additives that are commonly used to prevent the
proliferation of microorganisms to ensure that food from spoiling quickly . Which of the
following substance is a preservative ?
Pengawet merupakan salah satu bahan tambah makanan yang biasa digunakan untuk
menghalang pembiakan mikroorganisma bagi memastikan makanan tahan lebih lama.
Antara berikut, yang manakah bahan yang digunakan sebagai bahan pengawet?

A Lecithin
B Azo compound
Sebation azo
C Sodium nitrite
Natrium nitrat
D Monosodium glutamate
Mononatrium glutamat
48 Diagram 20 shows the inner part of a cold pack
Rajah 20 menunjukkan bahagian dalam sebuah pek sejuk.

Thin layer membrane

Lapisan membran nipis
Air Salt
Diagram 20
Rajah 20

Water and salt contained in cold packs are separated by a thin membrane that breaks down
when force is applied . Water will be mixed with salt and will cause an endothermic
reaction that gives a cool effect . Among the salts below , which can be used in the cold
pack ?
Air dan pepejal garam yang terkandung dalam pek sejuk dipisahkan oleh lapisan
membran nipis yang mudah pecah apabila dikenakan daya. Air akan bercampur dengan
pepejal garam dan akan menyebabkan tindak balas endotermik yang memberikan
kesan sejuk. Antara garam di bawah ini, yang manakah boleh digunakan di dalam pek
sejuk tersebut?

A Ammonium nitrate
Ammonium nitrat
B Calcium oxide
Kalsium oksida
C Anhydrous calcium chloride
Kalsium klorida kontang
D Potassium chloride
Kalium klorida
49 Chart 1 shows the classification of psychotherapeutic medicines.
Carta 1 menunjukkan pengelasan ubat-ubatan psikoteraputik.

Psychotherapeutic medicines
Ubat psikoteraputik

Medicines A Chart
Medicines B1 Medicines C
Ubat A UbatCarta
B 1 Ubat C

Which of the following answer is true?

Antara jawapan berikut yang manaToadalah
tension and anxiety To treat psychiatric illness
To reduce fatigue Mengurangkan kemurungan Merawat gejala pesakit psikotik
Mengurangkan kelesuan
Medicines A Medicines B Medicines C
Ubat A Ubat B Ubat C
A B C Stimulant Antidepresent Barbiturate
Stimulan Antidepresen Barbiturat
D Stimulant Antidepresent Antipsychotic
Stimulan Antidepresen Antipsikotik
Antidepresent Barbiturate Stimulant
Antidepresen Barbiturat Stimulant
Antipsychotic Stimulant Antidepresent
Antipsikotik Stimulant Antidepresen
50 Diagram 21 shows a simulation of the cleansing action of soap and detergent using match
Rajah 21 menunjukkan simulasi tentang tindakan pencucian sabun dan detergen dengan
menggunakan batang mancis.

Match head
Kepala mancis
Batang mancis Plasticine

Diagram 21
Rajah 21

The matchstick is representing soap ions and plasticine as grease. Based on the structure of
soap below , which of the following pairs are correctly matched to represent the head of a
match and matchsticks .
Batang mancis mewakili ion sabun dan plastisin sebagai gris. Berdasarkan kepada
struktur sabun di bawah ini, yang manakah menunjukkan padanan yang tepat
mewakili kepala mancis dan batang mancis.


Match head Matchsticks

Kepala mancis Batang mancis

SULIT 1 4541/2

NAMA : ................................................



Kertas 2
2 jam
Dua jam tiga puluh minit


1. Tulis nama dan tingkatan anda pada ruangan Untuk Kegunaan Pemeriksa
yang disedikan di atas.
Markah Markah
Bahagian Soalan
penuh diperoleh
2. Kertas soalan ini adalah dalam dwibahasa.
1 9
3. Soalan dalam Bahasa Inggeris mendahului
soalan yang sepadan dalam Bahasa Melayu. 2 9
4. Calon dibenarkan menjawab keseluruhan 3 10
atau sebahagian soalan sama ada dalam A
Bahasa Inggeris atau Bahasa Melayu. 4 10
5. Calon dikehendaki membaca maklumat 5 11
di halaman sebelah kertas soalan ini
6 11
7 20
8 20

9 20
10 20

Jumlah 100

4541/2 SULIT
Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 25 halaman bercetak

4541/2 SULIT

1. This question paper consists of three sections: Section A, Section B and Section C.
Kertas soalan ini mengandungi tiga bahagian: Bahagian A, Bahagian B dan Bahagian C.

2. Answer all questions in Section A. Write your answers for Section A in the spaces
provided in the question paper.
Jawab semua soalan dalam Bahagian A. Tuliskan jawapan bagi Bahagian A dalam ruang yang
disediakan dalam kertas soalan.

3. Answer one question from Section B and one question from Section C.
Write your answers for Section B and Section C on the `writing paper provided by the
Answer questions in Section B and Section C in detail.
You may use equations, diagrams, tables, graphs and other suitable methods to explain
your answer.
Jawab satu soalan daripada Bahagian B dan satu soalan daripada Bahagian C. Tuliskan
jawapan bagi Bahagian B dan Bahagian C pada kertas tulis yang disediakan. Jawab Bahagian
B dan Bahagian C dengan terperinci. Anda boleh menggunakan persamaan, gambar rajah,
jadual, graf dan cara lain yang sesuai untuk menjelaskan jawapan anda.

4. Show your working. It may help you to get marks.

Tunjukkan kerja mengira.Ini membantu anda mendapatkan markah.

5. If you wish to change your answer, neatly cross out the answer that you have done. Then
write down the new answer.
Sekiranya anda hendak membatalkan sesuatu jawapan, buat garisan di atas jawapan itu.

6. The diagrams in the questions are not drawn to scale unless stated.
Rajah yang mengiringi soalan tidak dilukiskan mengikut skala kecuali dinyatakan.

7. Marks allocated for each question or part question are shown in brackets.
Markah yang diperuntukkan bagi setiap soalan atau ceraian soalan ditunjukkan dalam kurungan.

8. The time suggested to answer Section A is 90 minutes, Section B is 30 minutes and

Section C is 30 minutes.
Masa yang dicadangkan untuk menjawab Bahagian A ialah 90 minit, Bahagian B ialah 30 minit
dan Bahagian C ialah 30 minit.

9. You may use a non-programmable scientific calculator.

Anda dibenarkan menggunakan kalkulator saintifik yang tidak boleh diprogramkan.

10. Hand in your answer sheets at the end of the examination.

Serahkan semua kertas jawapan anda di akhir peperiksaan.

Section A
A [ 60
marks ]
[ 60 markah ]
Answer all questions in this section
Jawab semua soalan dalam bahagian ini.

1 Diagram 1.1 shows the change of the states of matter of an ice cubes which turn to
liquid after a while.
Rajah 1.1 menunjukkan perubahan keadaan jirim bagi kiub ais yang
bertukar menjadi cecair selepas beberapa ketika.

Diagram 1.1 / Rajah 1.1

(a) Based on Diagram 1.1,

Berdasarkan Rajah 1.1,

(i) state the process of physical change that occurred.

nyatakan proses perubahan fizik yang berlaku.

[1 mark]
(ii) Draw the arrangement of particles in the state of matter after the
process occur.
Lukis susunan zarah-zarah dalam keadaan jirim selepas
berlakunya proses tersebut.


[1 mark]

(b) Based on the process occurs in Diagram 1.1 , state the change to :
Berdasarkan proses yang berlaku dalam Rajah 1.1, nyatakan
perubahan yang berlaku kepada :

(i) the kinetic energy of the particles

tenaga kinetik zarah-zarah 1(b)(i)

[1 mark] 1

(ii) the forces of attraction between particles

daya tarikan antara zarah-zarah 1(b)(ii)

[1 mark] 1

(c) Diagram 1.2 shows an atom of element Z based on the model proposed by
James Chadwick.
Rajah 1.2 menunjukkan satu atom unsur Z berdasarkan model atom
yang dikemukakan oleh James Chadwick.

e Key / Kekunci :
p : proton / proton
p e n : neutron / neutron
n n e : electron / elektron

Diagram 1.2 / Rajah 1.2

(i) Complete the table below to compare the relative mass and the charge of
the following subatomic particles :
Lengkapkan jadual di bawah untuk membandingkan jisim relatif dan
cas bagi zarah-zarah subatom berikut :

Subatomic particle Relative mass Relative charge

Zarah subatom Jisim relatif Cas relatif
elektron 2

[2 marks]

(ii) State the nucleon number for atom Z. 1(c)(ii)

Nyatakan nombor nukleon bagi atom Z.

........................................................................................................................ 1
[1 mark]

(iii) Write the symbol of Z element in the form of X

Tuliskan simbol unsur Z dalam bentuk A 1(c)(iii)

[1 mark] 1

(iv) Atom Y and atom Z are isotopes of an element.

What is the proton number of atom Y?
Atom Y dan atom Z adalah isotop bagi suatu unsur.
Apakah nombor proton bagi atom Y? 1(c)(iv)

[1 mark] 1

Total A1

2 (a) Tartaric acid is used as flavouring in food and beverages. Diagram 2.1 shows
the molecular formula of tartaric acid.
Asid tartarik digunakan sebagai perisa dalam makanan dan
minuman. Rajah 2.1 menunjukkan formula molekul bagi asid tartarik.

Diagram 2.1
C/4Rajah 6

(i) What is the meaning of molecular formula?

Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan formula molekul? 2(a)(i)

..................................................................................................................... 1(a)(ii)

[1 mark]

(ii) Write the empirical formula of tartaric acid.

Tulis formula empirik bagi asid tartarik. 2(a)(ii)

..................................................................................................................... 1(a)(ii)
[1 mark]

(iii) State the difference between molecular formula and empirical formula of
tartaric acid.
Nyatakan perbezaan antara formula molekul dan formula empirik
bagi asid tartarik.
[1 mark]
(b) Diagram 2.2 shows a chemical equation for a reaction.
Rajah 2.2 menunjukkan satu persamaan kimia bagi suatu tindak balas.

2KI(aq) + Pb(NO3)2(aq) 2KNO3(aq) + PbI2(s)

2KI(ak) + Pb(NO3)2(ak) 2KNO3(ak) + PbI2(p)

Diagram 2.2 / Rajah 2.2

Based on the equation, answer the following questions;

Berdasarkan persamaan itu, jawab soalan-soalan berikut;

(i) State the name of reactants and a products.
Nyatakan nama bagi bahan tindak balas dan hasil tindak balas.

Reactants: .
Bahan tindak balas 2(b)(i)

Products: ... 1(a)(ii

Hasil tindak balas 2
[2 marks]
(ii) What is the physical state of PbI2?
Apakah keadaan fizik bagi PbI2? 2(b)(ii)

............................................................................................................... 1(a)(ii
[1 mark] 1

3 -3
(iii) In this reaction, 50 cm of 0.5 mol dm Pb(NO3)2 solution has reacted
with KI solution. Calculate the mass of PbI2 formed.
[Relative atomic mass : Pb = 207 ; I = 127]
3 -3
Dalam tindak balas ini, 50 cm larutan Pb(NO3)2 0.5 mol dm telah
bertindak balas dengan larutan KI. itung jisim PbI2 yang terbentuk.
[Jisim atom relatif : Pb = 207 ; I = 127]


[3 marks] 1

Total A2

3 Standard representation of sodium and oxygen are stated respectively in
diagram 3.1
Perwakilan piawai bagi natrium dan oksigen masing-masing dinyatakan dalam
Rajah 3.1

Diagram 3.1
Rajah 3.1

(a) (i) State the electron arrangement of sodium ion and oxide ion.
Nyatakan susunan elektron bagi ion natrium dan ion oksida.

Sodium ion / ion natrium :

Oxide ion /ion oksida:... 3(a)(i)

[2 marks]

(ii) Compare the size of sodium and oxygen atom. Explain your answer.
Banding saiz atom natrium dan atom oksigen. Terangkan jawapan anda.


............................................................................................................................... 2
[2 marks]

(b) (i) Sodium atom and oxygen atom are able to form a compound. Draw the
electron arrangement of the compound.
Atom natrium dan atom oksigen boleh membentuk suatu sebatian.
Lukiskan susunan elektron sebatian itu.


[2 marks] 2

(ii) Write the chemical formula of the compound formed.
Tuliskan formula kimia bagi sebatian yang terhasil.

[1 mark]

(c) (i) State one observation when water are poured onto the compound in a test tube 3(c)(i)
Nyatakan satu pemerhatian apabila air dituang kepada sebatian tersebut di
dalam sebuah tabung uji.
[1 mark]

(ii) Write a balance chemical equation for the reaction. 3(c)(ii)

Tuliskan persamaan kimia seimbang bagi tindakbalas itu.
[2 marks]

Total A3


4 Diagram 3.1 shows the set-up apparatus to study a chemical cell.
Rajah 3.1 menunjukkan susunan radas untuk mengkaji suatu sel kimia.

Diagram 3.1 /Rajah 3.1

(a) State all ions present in beaker A. 4(a)

Nyatakan semua ion yang hadir dalam bikar A.

..................... 1
[1 mark]

(b) Dilute sulphuric acid is used as a salt bridge in the cell. Suggest another
chemical substance that can replace sulphuric acid.
Asid sulfurik cair telah digunakan sebagai titian garam dalam sel tersebut. Cadangkan 4 (b)
bahan kimia lain yang boleh menggantikan asid sulfurik.

............. 1

[1 mark]
(c) (i) Referring to beaker B, state the process that occurs at copper electrode. 4(c)(i)
Merujuk kepada bikar B, nyatakan proses yang berlaku di elektrod kuprum

. 1
[1 mark]
(ii) Explain your answer in (c)(i) based on the change in oxidation number. 4(c)(ii)
Jelaskan jawapan anda di (c)(i) berdasarkan perubahan nombor pengoksidaan.

. 1
[1 mark]

(d) Write the half-equations for the reaction occurred at both terminals.
Tuliskan setengah persamaan bagi tindakbalas yang berlaku pada
kedua-dua terminal.

Negative terminal: ..........................

Terminal negatif (d)

Positive terminal: ...........................

Terminal positif 2
[2 marks]

(e) The voltmeter reading in Diagram 3.1 is 2.7V.

Bacaan voltmeter dalam Rajah 3.1 ialah 2.7V.

Predict the potential difference if copper electrode is replaced with silver

Ramalkan beza upaya jika elektrod kuprum digantikan dengan argentum
[1 mark]
(f) Magnesium and magnesium nitrate solution in Diagram 3 are replaced with silver and
silver nitrate solution.
Magnesium dan larutan magnesium nitrat dalam Rajah 3 digantikan dengan
argentum dan larutan argentum nitrat.

(i) State the flow of electron in the cell. 4(f)(i)

Nyatakan arah pengaliran elektron dalam sel tersebut.
[1 mark]
(ii) Write the ionic equation for the reaction occurs in the cell in (f)(i).
Tulis persamaan ion bagi tindakbalas yang berlaku dalam sel di (f)(i). 4(f)(ii)

.. .
[2 marks] 2

Total A4


5 Sulphuric acid is a strong acid. Table 5.1 shows two solutions of sulphuric acid, P and Q
of different concentrations.
Asid sulfurik ialah asid kuat. Jadual 5.1 menunjukkan dua larutan asid sulfurik, P dan Q
dengan kepekatan yang berlainan.

Sulphuric acid solution Concentration (moldm )
Larutan asid sulfurik Kepekatan (moldm )

Table 5.1/ Jadual 5.1

(a) State the meaning of strong acid.

Nyatakan maksud asid kuat. 5(a)


[2 marks]

(b) Solutions P and Q have different pH values.

Larutan P dan Q mempunyai nilai pH yang berbeza.

(i) Which solution gives a lower pH value? 5(b)(i)

Larutan yang manakah memberi nilai pH yang lebih rendah?
[1 mark]
(ii) Give one reason for the answer in 5(b)(i).
Beri satu sebab bagi jawapan di 5 (b)(i). 5(b)(ii)


[1 mark]

Diagram 5.1 shows the apparatus used in the titration process between an aqueous
potassium hydroxide solution and dilute sulphuric acid by using indicator A.
Rajah 5.1 menunjukkan radas yang digunakan dalam proses pentitratan antara
larutan akueus kalium hidroksida dengan asid sulfurik cair dengan menggunakan
penunjuk A.

Apparatus P Dilute sulphuric acid

Radas P Asid sulfurik cair

3 -3
25.0 cm of 1.0 mol dm potassium hydroxide
25.0 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm-3 solution + indicator A
potassium hydroxide solution 3
25.0 cm larutan kalium hidroksida 1.0 mol dm
25.0 cm larutan kalium hidroksida + penunjuk A
1.0 mol dm
Diagram 5.1/ Rajah 5.1

(c) Name:

(i) indicator A: 5(c)(i)

penunjuk A : ...........................................................................................................
[1 mark]

(ii) the process occur in diagram 5.1. 5(c)(ii)

proses yang berlaku dalam rajah 5.1.

................................................................................................................................. 1
[2 marks]

(iii) Based on answer in 5(c)(i), state the colour change of the solution in conical
flask at the end point. 5(c)(iii)
Berdasarkan jawapan di 5(c)(i), nyatakan perubahan warna larutan
dalam kelalang kon pada takat akhir.
[1 mark]

(d) (i) Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction between potassium
hydroxide solution with sulphuric acid. 5(d)(i)
Tulis persamaan kimia yang seimbang bagi tindak balas antara larutan
kalium hidroksida dengan asid sulfurik.
[ 2 marks]
(ii) In this experiment, 10.00 cm of dilute sulphuric acid is needed to neutralise
3 -3
completely 25.0 cm of 1.0 mol dm potassium hydroxide solution. Calculate
the molarity of dilute sulphuric acid.
Dalam eksperimen ini, 10.00 cm asid sulfurik cair diperlukan untuk
meneutralkan dengan lengkap 25.0 cm larutan kalium hidroksida 1.0 mol dm
Hitung kemolaran asid sulfurik cair.


[2 marks]
Total A5


6 Table 6.1 shows the result of two experiments to investigate the rate of reaction between
zinc powder and two different acids.
Jadual 6.1 menunujukkan keputusan dua eksperimen untuk mengkaji kadar
tindakbalas antara serbuk zink dengan dua asid yang berbeza.

Time taken for

Experiment Explanation complete reaction
Eksperimen Penerangan Masa yang
diambil untuk
tindak balas
3 -3
Zinc powder + 100 cm of 0.5 mol dm
I sulphuric acid 40 s
Serbuk zink + 100 cm asid sulfurik
0.5 mol dm
3 -3
Zinc powder + 100 cm of 0.5 mol dm
II hidrochloric acid 60 s
Serbuk zink + 100 cm asid hidroklorik
0.5 mol dm
Table 6.1
Jadual 6.1

(a) State a factor that can affect the rate of reaction in the experiment.
Nyatakan faktor yang mempengaruhi kadar tindak balas bagi eksperimen ini. 6(a)

[1 mark ] 1

(b)(i) Given that the chemical equation for Experiment 1 is as below:

Zn(s) + H2SO4(aq) ZnSO4(aq) + H2 (g)

Based on the given equation, state the observable changes to determine the rate
of reaction?
Diberi persamaan kimia bagi tindakbalas Eksperimen1 seperti

berikut: Zn(p) + H2SO4(ak) ZnSO4(ak) + H2 (g)

Berdasarkan persamaan yang diberi,nyatakan perubahan yang boleh 6(b)(i)

diperhatikan untuk menentukan kadar tindakbalas?

. 1
[1 mark ]

(ii) Draw the set up apparatus to determine the rate of reaction for the experiment
Lukiskan susunan radas untuk menentukan kadar tindak balas bagi
eksperimen di atas.


[2 marks] 2

(c)(i) Write the ionic equation for Experiment II

Tuliskan persamaan ion bagi tindak balas bagi Eksperimen II. 6(c)(i)

[1 mark ] 1

(ii) Calculate the maximum volume of gas released in Experiment II.

3 -1
[Molar volume of gas = 24 dm mol ]
Hitung isipadu maksimum gas yang dibebaskan di dalam Eksperimen
3 -1
II. [Isipadu molar gas = 24 dm mol ]


[2 marks]

(d)(i) Diagram 6.2 shows the graph of volume of gas released against time for
Experiment 1. Sketch the curve for Experiment 2 in the same axis in
Diagram 6.2.
Rajah 6.2 menunjukkan graf isipadu gas melawan masa untuk Eksperimen 1.
Lakarkan lengkungan untuk Eksperimen II pada paksi yang sama dalam
Rajah 6.2.
[1 marks]
Volume of gas (dm )
Isipadu gas(dm )

40 Time(s)
Masa (s) 1

Diagram 6.2
Rajah 6.2

(ii) Based on your answer in (d)(i), explain the difference of the rate of reaction
between Experiment 1 and Experiment II by using collision theory.
Berdasarkan jawapan anda di (d)(i), bandingkan kadar tindakbalas di
antara Eksperimen 1 dan Eksperimen II dengan menggunakan teori




[3 marks]

Total A6


Section B
B [20
[20 markah]

Answer any one question.

The time suggested to answer this section is 30 minutes.

7(a) Fermentation is a metabolic process performed by almost all types of bacteria .Humans have
used fermentation to produce food and beverages since the Neolithic age. For example,
fermentation is used for preservation in a process that produces lactic acid as found in such
sour foods as pickled cucumbers, kimchi and yogurt as well as for producing alcoholic
beverages such as wine and beer.

Penapaian adalah suatu proses metabolik bagi hampir semua jenis bakteria. Manusia
menggunakan penapaian untuk menhasilkan makanan dan minuman sejak zaman Neolitik.
Sebagai contoh, penapaian digunakan untuk mengawet dalam proses yang menghasilkan
asid laktik dalam makanan masam seperti jeruk timun, kimchi dan susu masam, juga dalam
menghasilkan minuman beralkohol seperti wain dan bir.

(i) State the name of the alcohol produce during fermentation of glucose and give three
physical properties of the alcohol .
Nyatakan nama alkohol yang terhasil semasa penapaian glukosa dan berikan
tiga sifat-sifat fizik alkohol tersebut.
[4 marks]

(ii) Alcohol reacts with carboxylic acid to produce a fragrant smell substance known as
ester. By using the named alcohol as your answer in (a)(i) and propanoic acid as

State the name of the reaction

Write a chemical equation for the reaction.
State the name of the ester produced.
Draw the structural formula of the ester produced
Write the general formula for the homologous series of ester

Alkohol bertindakbalas dengan asid karboksilik menghasilkan bahan berbau
harum yang dikenali sebagai ester. Dengan menggunakan alkohol dalam jawapan
anda di (a)(i) dan asid propanoik sebagai bahan tindakbalas ,

Nyatakan nama tindak balas tersebut

Tuliskan persamaan kimia bagi tindak balas itu
Nyatakan nama ester yang terhasil
Lukiskan formula struktur bagi ester tersebut
Tuliskan formula am bagi siri homolog ester

[6 marks]

7 (b) Diagram 7.1 shows the thermochemical equation for the precipitation reaction between
3 -3 3 -3
20 cm 0.5 mol dm potassium chloride solution and 20 cm 0.5 mol dm silver nitrate
Rajah 7.1 menunjukkan persamaan termokimia bagi tindakbalas pemendakan antara
3 -3 3 -3
20 cm 0.5 mol dm larutan kalium klorida dan 20 cm 0.5 mol dm larutan
argentum nitrat
KCl + AgNO3 AgCl + KNO3 , H = - 65.5 kJ mol

Diagram 7.1 / Rajah 7.1

(i) State the meaning of Heat of Precipitation for this reaction.

Nyatakan maksud Haba Pemendakan untuk tindakbalas ini
[1 mark]
1 markah

(ii) Draw the energy level diagram for the reaction.

Lukis gambar rajah aras tenaga bagi tindak balas ini.

[2 markah]

(iii) Calculate the change in temperature for this precipitation reaction.

-1o -1
[ Specific heat capacity of solution = 4.2 Jg C ,
Density of solution = 1g cm ]
Hitung perubahan suhu bagi tindakbalas pemendakan ini.
-1o -1 -3
[Muatan Haba tentu larutan= 4.2 Jg C , Ketumpatan larutan = 1g cm ]

State the temperature change for the reaction if sodium chloride solution is used
to replace potassium chloride solution while other conditions remain the same.
Give your reason.
Nyatakan perubahan suhu bagi tindak balas pemendakan jika larutan
natrium klorida digunakan menggantikan larutan kalium klorida manakala
lain- lain keadaan kekal sama. Berikan alasan anda.

[7 marks]
[7 markah]

8 (a) Diagram 8.1 show ammonium sulphate formed from the reaction between substance X
and ammonia. Substance X is produced from Contact Process whereas ammonia from
Process Z. Pollutant Y is the by product in Contact Process.
Rajah 8.1 menunjukkan penghasilan ammonium sulfat daripada tindak balas bahan X
dan ammonia. Bahan X dihasilkan daripada Proses Sentuh manakala ammonia
dihasilkan daripada Proses Z. Bahan pencemar Y adalah hasil sampingan Proses
Sentuh .

Contact Process Pollutant Y Substance X

Bahan X
Proses Sentuh Bahan pencemar Y +
Ammonium sulphate
Ammonium sulfat


Diagram 8.1/ Rajah 8.1
(i) State the name of substance X and pollutant Y.
Nyatakan nama bahan X dan bahan pencemar Y. [2 marks]

(ii) State one use of ammonium sulphate.

Write the chemical equation for the reaction between substance X and ammonia to
produced ammonium sulphate.
Nyatakan satu kegunaan ammonium sulfat.
Tuliskan persamaan kimia bagi tindak balas antara bahan X dan ammonia untuk
menghasilkan ammonium sulfat.
[3 marks]
(iii) Describe briefly Process Z in industry to produce ammonia.
Huraikan secara ringkas Proses Z dalam industri untuk menghasilkan ammonia.
[4 marks]

(iv) State three effects of pollution caused by pollutant Y.

Nyatakan tiga kesan pencemaran yang disebabkan oleh bahan pencemar Y.
[3 marks]

(b) Describe the cleansing action of soap to remove dirt and grease from the clothes.
Huraikan tindakan pencucian sabun untuk menanggalkan kekotoran dan gris
daripada pakaian.

[6 marks]
(c) Name two types of modern medicine and state their functions.
Namakan dua jenis ubat moden dan nyatakan fungsinya.

[2 mark]

9 (a) Diagram 9.1 shows the time taken for meat to cook using different size of lamb meat
Rajah 9.1 menunjukkan masa yang diambil untuk memasak daging menggunakan
saiz daging kambing yang berbeza.

120 minutes 20 minutes

120 minit 20 minit
Diagram 9.1 / Rajah 9.1

Explain why different size of meat takes different times to cook?

Terangkan mengapa saiz daging yang berbeza mengambil masa yang berbeza untuk
[2 marks]

(b) Two experiments are carried out to investigate the factor affecting the rate of reaction
between carbonate of P and an acid Q. Table 9.1 shows the reactants and the time
taken to collect 30 cm of carbon dioxide gas released.
Dua eksperimen dijalankan untuk mengkaji faktor yang mempengaruhi kadar tindak
balas antara P karbonat dan asid Q. Jadual 9.1 menunjukkan bahan tindak balas dan
masa yang diambil untuk mengumpul 30 cm gas karbon dioksida yang terbebas.

Experiment Reactants Time taken

Eksperimen Bahan tindak balas (s)
Masa diambil
3 -3
Carbonate of P powder 50 cm of 1.0 mol dm
I in excess acid Q 10
Serbuk P 50 cm asid Q
karbonat 1.0 mol dm
3 -3
Carbonate of P granule 50 cm of 1.0 mol dm
II in excess acid Q 20
Ketulan P karbonat 50 cm asid Q
berlebihan 1.0 mol dm
Table 9.1/ Jadual 9.1

(i) State one example which could be carbonate of P and one which could be acid Q.
Nyatakan satu contoh yang mungkin bagi P karbonat dan satu contoh
yang mungkin bagi asid Q.

By using the carbonate of P and acid Q, write the chemical equation for the
reaction occured.
Menggunakan P karbonat dan asid Q tersebut, tulis persamaan kimia
bagi tindak balas yang berlaku.
[4 marks]

(ii) Calculate the average rate of reaction for Experiment I and Experiment II.
Hitung kadar tindak balas purata bagi Eksperimen I dan Eksperimen II.
[4 marks]

(c) When sodium thiosulphate, Na2S2O3 solution reacts with sulphuric

acid,H2SO4, a precipitate is formed.
Apabila larutan natrium tiosulfat , Na2S2O3 bertindak balas dengan asid
sulfurik, H2SO4 , suatu mendakan terbentuk

Based on the statement above, name the precipitate formed.

Describe a laboratory experiment to investigate the effect of temperature on the
rate of reaction between sodium thiosulphate, Na2S2O3 solution and sulphuric
acid, H2SO4.

Berdasarkan pernyataan di atas, namakan mendakan yang terbentuk.

Huraikan satu eksperimen makmal untuk mengkaji kesan suhu terhadap kadar
tindak balas di antara larutan natrium tiosulfat, Na2S2O3 dengan asid sulfurik,

Your answer must include the following:

Jawapan anda perlu mengandungi perkara berikut:

List of materials
Senarai bahan

List of apparatus
Senarai radas

Procedure of the experiment and result

Prosedur eksperimen dan keputusan


[10 marks]

10 Diagram 10.1shows the set-up of apparatus to prepare two solutions of hydrogen
chloride in solvent X and solvent Y.
Rajah 10.1 menunjukkan susunan radas untuk menyediakan dua larutan
hidrogen klorida di dalam pelarut X dan pelarut Y.

Hydrogen Klorida
chloride Hydrogen
Hydrogen Klorida
Hidrogen klorida
Hydrogen chloride Hidrogen klorida
Hydrogen chloride

Solvent Y
Pelarut X Solvent Y
Pelarut Y
Solvent YX
Pelarut Pelarut Y
Solvent Y

Beaker A Beaker B
Bikar A Bikar B

Diagram 10.1/ Rajah 10.1

Table 10.1 shows the pH values of the two solutions of hydrogen chloride in
solvent X and solvent Y.
Jadual 10.1 menunjukkan nilai pH bagi dua larutan hidrogen klorida
dalam pelarut X dan pelarut Y.

Solution pH value
Larutan Nilai pH

Hydrogen chloride in solvent X

Hidrogen klorida dalam pelarut X
Hydrogen chloride in solvent Y
Hidrogen klorida dalam pelarut Y

Table 10.1/Jadual 10.1

(a) (i) Name a suitable substance that can be used as solvent X and solvent Y.
Namakan bahan yang sesuai yang boleh digunakan sebagai pelarut X
dan pelarut Y.

[2 marks]
[2 markah]

(ii) Describe a chemical test to differentiate the two solutions of hydrogen chloride
in solvent X and solvent Y. Explain your answer.
Huraikan satu ujian kimia untuk membezakan dua larutan hidrogen klorida
di dalam pelarut X dan pelarut Y. Terangkan jawapan anda.
[6 marks]
[6 markah]

(b) (i) From table 10.1, choose suitable hydrogen chloride that can be used to prepare a
soluble zinc salt. Explain your answer.
Dari jadual 10.1, pilih hidrogen klorida yang sesuai yang digunakan
untuk menyediakan satu garam zink terlarut. Terangkan jawapan anda.
[2 marks]
[2 markah]

(ii) By using hydrochloric acid and one suitable substance, describe an experiment
to prepare dried zinc chloride salt.
Dengan menggunakan asid hidroklorik dan satu bahan yang sesuai,
huraikan satu eksperimen untuk menyediakan garam zink klorida yang
[10 markah]

1 18
1 11 Proton Number 2

H He
Hydrogen 2 Na Symbol
Elements 13 14 15 16 17 Helium
1 Sodium Name of the element 4
23 Relative atomic mass 7
3 4 5 6 8 9 10
Li Be B C N O F Ne
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Boron
13 17
11 12 14 15 16 18

Na Mg Transiti Al Si P S Cl Ar
onEleme Aluminu Chlorin
Sodium Magnesium Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Argon
24 nts m 31 e
23 28 32 40
27 35.5
22 24 25 32 35
19 20 21 23 26 27 28 29 30 31 33 34 36

K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Titaniu Chromiu Manganes Germaniu Bromin
Potassium Calcium Scandium Vanadium
m e Iron Kobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium m Arsenic Selenium Krypton
39 45 m 51 79 e
40 52 55 56 59 59 64 65 70 73 75 84
48 80
42 43* 44 45 46
37 38 39 40 41 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe 25
Molybdenu Technetiu Rutheniu Rhodiu Palladiu
Rubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium m m m
Silver Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium Iodine Xenon
88 91 m 101 m 112 128
85.5 89 93 96 108 115 119 122 127 131
98 103 106
57 72 76 78 81
55 56 73 74 75 77 79 80 82 83 84 85 86

Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Lanthanu Hafniu Osmiu Platinu Thalliu
Cesium Barium m
Tantalum Tungsten Rhenium Iridium Gold Mercury Lead Bismuth Polonium Astatine Radon
m 181 184 186 m m m 210
144 137 139 192 197 201 207 209 210 222
178.5 190 195 204
87 88
104* 105* 106* 107* 108* 109*
Fr Ra Ac *Unq *Unp *Uns *Une
Actiniu *Unh *Uno
Francium Radium
223 226
* - Not exist naturally

* - elements not yet discovered

59 60 61* 62 63 64 65 67 71
58 66 68 69 70

Lanthanide Series Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Praseodimiu Neodymiu Promethiu Samariu Europiu Gadoliniu Terbiu Holmiu Lutetiu
Cerium Dysprosium Erbium Tulium Ytterbium
m m m m m m m m m
162.5 173
25 140 141 144
147 150 152 157 159 165
167 169
90 91 93* 94* 95* 96* 97* 98* 99* 100* 101* 102*

Actinide Series Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr
Uraniu Lawrenciu
Thorium Protactinium Neptunium Plutonium Americium Kurium Berkelium Californium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium
m 254 256
232 231 237 242 243 247 247 251 253 254 260
NAMA : ................................................





Kertas 3
1 jam
Satu jam tiga puluh minit

1. Tulis nama dan tingkatan anda pada

ruangan yang disedikan di atas. Untuk kegunaan pemeriksa sahaja
Markah Markah
2. Kertas soalan ini adalah dalam dwibahasa. Penuh diperolehi

3. Soalan dalam Bahasa Inggeris 1 33

mendahului soalan yang sepadan dalam
Bahasa Melayu.
2 17

Jumlah 50

Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 12 halaman bercetak

4541/3 [ Lihat sebelah

SULIT 4541/3



1. This question paper consists of two questions: Question 1 and Question 2.

Kertas soalan ini mengandungi dua soalan: Soalan 1 dan Soalan 2.

2. Answer all questions. Write your answers for Question 1 in the spaces provided in
this question paper.
Jawab semua soalan. Tulis jawapan anda bagi Soalan 1 pada ruang yang disediakan
dalam kertas soalan ini.

3. Write your answers for Question 2 on the helaian tambahan provided by the
invigilators. You may use equations, diagrams, tables, graphs and other suitable
methods to explain your answers.
Tulis jawapan anda bagi Soalan 2 dalam helaian tambahan yang dibekalkan oleh
pengawas peperiksaan. Anda boleh menggunakan persamaan, rajah, jadual, graf
dan cara lain yang sesuai untuk menjelaskan jawapan anda.

4. Show your working, it may help you to get marks.

Tunjukkan kerja mengira, ini membantu anda mendapatkan markah.

5. The diagrams in the questions are not drawn to scale unless stated.
Rajah yang mengiringi soalan tidak dilukis mengikut skala kecuali dinyatakan.

6. The marks allocated for each question or sub-part of a question are shown in brackets.
Markah yang diperuntukkan bagi setiap soalan atau ceraian soalan ditunjukkan
dalam kurungan.

7. If you wish to change your answer, cross out the answer that you have done. Then
write down the new answer.
Jika anda hendak menukar jawapan, batalkan jawapan yang telah dibuat. Kemudian
tulis jawapan yang baharu.

8. You may use a scientific calculator.

Anda dibenarkan menggunakan kalkulator saintifik.

9. You are advised to spend 45 minutes to answer Question 1 and 45 minutes for
Question 2.
Anda dinasihati supaya mengambil masa 45 minit untuk menjawab Soalan 1 dan 45
minit untuk Soalan 2.

10. . Tie the extra sheet together with this question paper and hand in to the invigilator
at the end of the examination.
Ikat helaian tambahan bersama-sama kertas soalan ini dan serahkan kepada
pengawas peperiksaan pada akhir peperiksaan.

Answer all question Examiner
Jawab semua soalan s Use
1 A student have conduct an experiment to compare the strength of four different
acid which are acid P, acid Q, acid R and acid S. Concentration of all the acids is
0.1 mol dm . Universal indicator was used to measure the pH value of the acids
and the colours obtained was compared with universal indicator chart in
Diagram 1.1

Seorang pelajar telah menjalankan satu eksperimen untuk membandingkan

kekuatan empat asid yang berlainan iaitu asid P, asid Q, asid R dan asid S.
Kepekatan keempat-empat asid ialah 0.1 mol dm . Penunjuk universal
digunakan untuk mengukur nilai pH kesemua asid dan warna-warna yang
diperolehi dibandingkan dengan carta penunjuk universal dalam Rajah 1.1

Universal Indicator Chart

Carta Penunjuk Universal
pH Warna
pH Colour
1 Red
3 Orange
5 Yellowish orange
Jingga kekuningan
6 Yellow
7 Green
8 Yellowish green
Hijau kekuningan
10 Bluish green
Hijau kebiruan
12 Blue
14 Purple

Diagram 1.1
Rajah 1.1
(a) The results of the experiment are shown in Table 1.1 Examiner
Keputusan eksperimen ditunjukkan dalam Jadual s Use

Acid solution Colour of indicator pH value

Larutan asid Warna penunjuk Nilai pH
Acid P Red
Asid P Merah
Acid Q Yellowish orange
Asid Q Jingga kekuningan
Acid R Yellow
Asid R Kuning
Table 1.1
Jadual 1.1

Based on universal indicator chart, complete Table 1.1 by stating the

possible pH value for acid P, acid Q and acid R.
Berdasarkan carta penunjuk universal, lengkapkan Jadual 1.1 dengan
menyatakan nilai pH yang mungkin bagi asid P, asid Q dan asid R

[3 marks] 3
[3 markah]

(b) For this experiment, state

Bagi eksperimen ini, nyatakan

(i) The manipulated variable

Pembolehubah dimanipulasikan

(ii) The responding variable

Pembolehubah bergerak balas

(iii) The constant variable.

Pembolehubah dimalarkan.

[3 marks]
[3 markah]

(c) Based on the colour of universal indicator observed, state the inference for For
acid P, Q and R Examiners
Berdasarkan warna penunjuk universal yang diperhatikan, nyatakan
inferens bagi asid P, Q dan R.

Acid P : ........................................................................................................
Asid P

Acid Q : ........................................................................................................
Asid Q

Acid R : ........................................................................................................
Asid R
........................................................................................................ 1(c)
[3 marks]
[3 markah] 3

(d) State the relationship between the pH value and the strength of acid.
Nyatakan hubungan antara nilai pH dengan kekuatan asid.

[3 marks]
[3 markah] 3

(e) State the operational definition of strong acid for this experiment.
Nyatakan definisi secara operasi bagi asid kuat bagi eksperimen ini.

[3 marks]
[3 markah]
3 -3
(f) 25.0cm of 0.2 mol dm sodium hydroxide solution is titrated against 0.1 For
-3 Examiner
mol dm acid P using phenolphthalein as an indicator. The titration is
repeated twice. The results are shown in Table 1.2 s Use
3 -3
25.0 cm larutan natrium hidroksida, 0.2 mol dm dititratkan dengan 0.1
mol dm asid P menggunakan fenolftalin sebagai penunjuk. Titratan
diulang sebanyak dua kali. Keputusan yang diperolehi ditunjukkan dalam
Jadual 1.2

Set Initial burette reading Final burette reading

Set Bacaan awal buret Bacaan akhir buret

I 1

2 25

.. ..

24 48

II 49

26 50

.. ..


III 1 24

2 25

.. ..
Table 1.2
Jadual 1.2
Record the burette readings in the space provided in Table 1.2 on page 6. For
Catat bacaan buret pada ruang yang disediakan dalam Jadual 1.2 pada Examiners
halaman 6.

[3 marks]
[3 markah]

(g) Construct a table to record the initial burette readings, final burette
readings and volume of acid P in Set I, Set II and Set III.
Bina satu jadual untuk merekod bacaan awal buret, bacaan akhir buret
dan isipadu asid P dalam Set I, Set II dan Set III.

[3 marks]
[3 markah]

(h) The following equations show the ionisation of acid P and acid S in water.
Persamaan berikut menunjukkan pengionan asid P dan asid S dalam air.

+ 2-
H2P 2H + P
+ -
HS H + S

3 3
25.0 cm of 0.1 mol dm-3 acid P is needed to neutralised 25.0 cm of
sodium hydroxide solution.
3 -3 3
25.0 cm asid P 0.1 mol dm diperlukan untuk meneutralkan 25.0 cm
larutan natrium hidroksida.
Predict the volume of acid S needed to neutralised 25.0 cm of sodium For
hydroxide solution. Examiner
3 s Use
Ramalkan isipadu asid S yang diperlukan untuk meneutralkan 25.0 cm
larutan natrium hidroksida.

........................................................................................................................ 1(h)
[3 marks]
[3 markah] 3

(i) (i) Diagram 1.2 shows test carried out on ethanoic acid solution with
calcium carbonate powder for Set I and glacial ethanoic acid with
calcium carbonate powder for Set II.
Rajah 1. 2 menunjukkan ujian yang dijalankan ke atas larutan asid
etanoik dengan serbuk kalsium karbonat untuk Set I dan asid
etanoik glasial dengan serbuk kalsium karbonat untuk Set II.

Set Apparatus set-up

Set Susunan radas
I Calcium

Ethanoic acid
Larutan asid

II Calcium

ethanoic acid
Asid etanoik

Diagram 1.2
Rajah 1.2
Based on Diagram 1.2, state one observation. For
Berdasarkan Rajah 1.2, nyatakan satu pemerhatian. Examiners



[3 marks]
[3 markah] 3

(ii) State one hypothesis for the experiment in 1(i)(i)

Nyatakan satu hipotesis bagi eksperimen di 1(i)(i)



.............................................................................................................. 1(i)(ii)
[3 marks]
[3 markah]
(j) Classify the following acids into strong acids and weak acids. For
Kelaskan asid-asid berikut kepada asid kuat dan asid lemah. Examiners

Nitric acid Citric acid

Asid nitrik Asid sitrik

Sulphuric acid Carbonic acid

Asid sulfurik Asid karbonik

Strong acid Weak acid

Asid kuat Asid Lemah

[3 marks]
[3 markah]
2 Method to store metal depends on reactivity of metal towards oxygen. For example, sodium is
kept in paraffin oil, calcium is put in a vacuumed desicator and zinc is wrapped with paper.
The reactivity of the metals is compared by observing the brightness of flame or glow when
the metal burns in oxygen.
Kaedah penyimpanan logam bergantung kepada kereaktifan logam itu terhadap oksigen.
Sebagai contoh, natrium disimpan dalam minyak parafin, kalsium disimpan dalam
desikator yang kedap udara dan zink dibalut dengan kertas.
Kereaktifan logam dibandingkan dengan memerhatikan kecerahan nyalaan atau baraan
semasa logam terbakar dalam oksigen.

Diagram 2.1 shows the set-up of apparatus for an experiment to determine the order of metals
in the Reactivity Series.
Rajah 2.1 menunjukkan susunan radas bagi eksperimen untuk menentukan susunan
logam- logam dalam Siri Kereaktifan Logam

powder Glass wool
Serbuk Wul
kaca logam

Solid potassium manganate

(VII), KMnO4
Pepejal kalium manganat
(VII), KMnO4
Asbestos Dipanaskan

Diagram 2.1
Rajah 2.1

Referring to above situation, plan a laboratory experiment to arrange metals in terms of their
reactivity with oxygen. You are required to use four different metals.
Merujuk situasi di atas, rancang satu eksperimen makmal untuk menyusun logam-logam
berdasarkan kereaktifan logam berkenaan bertindak balas dengan oksigen. Anda dikehendaki
menggunakan empat jenis logam yang berlainan.
Your planning should include the following aspects:
Perancangan anda hendaklah mengandungi aspek-aspek berikut:

(a) Problem statement

Pernyataan masalah

(b) All the variables

Semua pembolehubah

(c) Statement of the hypothesis

Pernyataan hipotesis

(d) List of materials and apparatus

Senarai bahan dan radas

(e) ) Procedure for the experiment

Prosedur eksperimen

(f) Tabulation of data

Penjadualan data

[17 marks]
[17 markah]



2 '> jam


Skema Pemarkahan ini mengandungi 14 halaman bercetak


No. Answer No. Answer

1 B 26 D
2 D 27 A
3 A 28 D
4 A 29 B
5 A 30 D
6 C 31 B
7 C 32 D
8 C 33 A
9 C 34 A
10 A 35 B
11 C 36 C
12 D 37 B
13 B 38 C
14 D 39 D
15 C 40 D
16 B 41 C
17 C 42 A
18 B 43 D
19 A 44 B
20 D 45 D
21 B 46 B
22 C 47 C
23 B 48 A
24 A 49 B
25 A 50 C



1 (a) (i) Melting

1. Same size of particles
(ii) 2. Particles are packed closely together but not in orderly

(b) (i) Higher than in solid

(ii) Weaker than in solid
(c) (i) i. Relative mass = 1 Relative charge = +1 1
ii. Relative mass = 0.0005 /0 Relative charge = -1 1 .2
(ii) 7
3 Accept: Z=Li
(iv) 3 TOTAL 9

Question A+iswer
The 2(a)(i)
chemical formula that shows the actual number of an atom of elem

Molecular formula shows the actual number of atom while
empirical formula shows the simplest ratio of atom // The number of carbon atom, hydrogen atom and oxygen a
Reactants : Potassium iodide and lead(O) nitrate Products : Potassium nitrate and lead iodide Solid

Number of mole Pb(N 3)) // 0.025

1 mole Pb(N 3)a produce 1 mole Pblz //

0.025 moles Pb(N 3)a produce 0.025moles Pblz

Mass of Pblz 0.025 x [207 + 2(127)]g // 11.525g

Sodium ion / ion natrium : 2.8

Oxide ion / ion oksida . 2.8

Sodium atom are bigger than oxygen atom//

Oxygen atom are smaller than sodium atom
Sodium atom has three shell occupied with electron while oxygen atom 1
has only two shell occupied with electron

(b) (i) Able to draw the correct electron arrangement of sodium ion and oxide 1
ion with correct charge

Correct number of sodium ion and oxide ion

(c) (i) The substance dissolved to form colourless liquid
(ii) 1. Correct formulae of reactants and product
2. Balanced equation
NazO + HCO --

4 (a) Mg", 3-, H, OH-// Magnesium ion, nitrate ion, hydrogen ion and hydroxide 1
(b) Potassium nitrate solution// potassium chloride solution // Potassium
sulphate solution // Sodium nitrate solution// Sodium chloride solution//
Sodium sulphate solution
Accept: any electrolyte which will not form precipitate
(c) (i) Reduction
(ii) The oxidation number of copper change from +2 to 0
(d) Negative terminal: Mg -- Mg" + 2e
Positive terminal: Cu" + 2e --- Cu
(e) More than 2. 7V // Increases // [ V]
(I) (i) From copper to silver through connecting wires/ external circuit.
(ii) 1. Correct formulae of ions
2. Balanced equation
Cu + 2Ag+ O Cu" + 2Ag


Asid yang mengion lengkap dalam air
untuk menghasilkan kepekatan ion hidrogen yang tinggi

(b) (i) Larutan Q

Larutan Q mempunyai kepekatan ion Hidrogen yang tinggi

(c) (i) Penunjuk fenolftalein

[mana-mana larutan penunjuk yang sesuai]

Merah jambu kepada tanpa warna

[perubahan wanna yang sepadan dengan penunjuk]
(d) (i) 2KOH + HTS 4 KGS 4 + 2HzO
formula bahan dan hasil betul
persamaan seimbang

W = 25 x 1 / 10 x 2

=1.25 mol dm-'

carakerja - 1 markah
jawapan betul - 1 markah

6 (a) concentration
(b) i Volume of hydrogen gas // mass of zinc// concentration of HQS 4
Gas hydrogen // H
(b) ii Functional diagram
-rubber stopper above the conical flask mouth
-clamping burette
-plastik rubber insert into
burette Label the apparatus


zinc Water, Air

lphuric acid
Ionic equation
Zn + 2H--Zn " + H
no of mol of HCI = 0.05 mol
mol ratio ; 2 mol of HCI produced 1 mol of Hz


lsipadu(d m3)


40 60

1. The number of H ion in Experiment 1 is twice the number of

Hion in Experiment 2// Concentration of Hionin Experiment
is twice the concentration of H ion in Experiment 2
2. Frequency of collision between H ion and zinc atom
in Experiment 1 is higher than Experiment 2
3. Frequency of effective collision in Experiment 1 is higher
than Experiment 2
4. Rate of reaction for Experiment 1 is higher than Experiment 3
2. ( Max 3 marks )

7 (a) (i) [Able to state the correct name of the alcohol]

Answer: Ethanol

Able to state 3 correct properties of ethanol.

Sample answer
Miscible in water
Colourless liquid
Low melting/ boiling point/ easy to evaporate
Cannot conduct electricity/non electrolyte
Max 3 marks : 3 answer for physical 1+1+1 4

[Able to name the reaction correctly]

[Able to write the correct chemical equation for the reaction] 2

1. Correct formula of reactants

2. Correct formula of products

Sample answer

[Able to write the correct name of the ester]

Ethyl propanoate

[Able to draw correct structural formula of the substance]

[Able to write the correct general formula of ester] 1 6

C,Hz, iCOOCqHzq=i

7 (b) (i) Haba yang dibebaskan apabila 1 mol mendakan argentum

klorida terbentuk


A H = - 65.5 kJmol-'

AgCl + KN 3

1. gambar rajah yang menunjukkan aras tenaga bagi tindak 1

balas eksotermik 1 2
2. label Tenaga, persamaan kimia atau persamaan ion yang
betul, FH = -65. 5kJmol-'

(iii) 1. Pengiraan bil mol AgCl terbentuk 2 markah

2. Perkaitan antara FH dan haba yang dibebaskan 1 markah
3. Pengiraan perubahan suhu serta unit 2 markah


1. Bil. mol AgCl = Bil mol g 3 tt KCl

MV / 1000
= 0.5 x 20 // 0.01 mol
2. 1 mol AgCl membebaskan 65500 J
0.01 mol AgCl membebaskan = 0.01 x 65500 = 655J

3. Haba yang dibebaskan =mcB

655 J (20+20) x 4.2 x X
X 655 C// 3.89 C
40 x 4.2

4. Nilai perubahan suhu ialah sama // 3.89 C

1 7
5. Bil mol mendakan AgCl tetap sama

No Rubric Total
8 (a) (i) X : sulphuric acid 1
Y : sulphur dioxide 1 . ..2
As fertilizer 1

[Correct formula of reactants & product] 1

[Balanced equation] 1 ...3
Nitrogen gas and hydrogen gas
Mix with ratio 1: 3 //
Nz + 3Hz 2 3
[Correct chemical formula of reactants and balanced
Temperature = 400
500C Pressure = 200 atm
Catalyst = kon [any two] 1+1
Soil become acidic//acidic rain 1
pH of lake/river decreases, 1
aquatic life die//Building damage 1 ...3
(b) l - soap dissolves in water and reduces the surface tension 1
of water to wets the dirty blouse
2- the hydrophobic part of the anion dissolves in grease/ the
hydrophilic part dissolves in water
3- grease is loosened and lifted off the surface by rubbing /
scrubbing/ heating
4- the polar ends of anion / the hydrophilic part surround the
grease and is lifted off the surface.
5- the grease is dispersed into smaller droplet / emulsified
6- rinsing away the dirty water removes the grease droplets .6


Analgesics Relieve pain
Antibiotics Kill or inhibit growth of
infectious bacteria
Psychotherapeutic Control symptoms of
mental illness

[Any two correct pairs]



9 (a) 1. The smaller the size of beef the larger the total surface area of 1
beef exposed to heat
2. More heat absorbed 1 2

(b) (i) P : [Niine ofsuitable metal karbonate ]

Calcium carbonate // Magnesium carbonate // Zinc
carbonate //

Q : [Nzine ofsuitable acid

Hydrochloric acid // Sulphuric acid // Nitric acid

[Chemical equation]
Sample Answer :

[Correct formula of reactants and 1 4
products] [Balanced chemical equation]
(ii) Experiment 1 30
3.0 cm' s-'

Experiment O = 30
20 1
1.5 cm' s-' 1 4
[Correct va/zie with uni( '

(c) Precipitate : Sulphur

0.2 mol dm-' sodium thiosulphate, 1.0 mol dm-' sulphuric acid, a 1
piece of white paper marked X at the centre.

i so cm' conical flask, stopwatch, 50 cm' measuring cylinder, 10 1
cm' measuring cylinder, thermometer, Bunsen burner, wire

Using a measuring cylinder, 5o cm' of 0.2 mol dm-' sodium
thiosulphate solution is measured and poured into a conical flask.

The conical flask is placed on top of a piece of white paper

marked X at the centre.

s cm' of 1.0 mol dm-' sulphuric acid is measured using another 1

measuring cylinder.

The sulphuric acid is poured immediately and carefully into the 1

conical flask. At the same time, the stop watch is satarted

The mixture in a conical flask is swirled.

The X mark is observed vertically from the top of the conical 1

flask through the solution.

The stopwatch is stopped once the X mark disappears from


Step 1 7 are repeated using 50 cm' of 0.2 mol dm-' sodium

thiosulphate solution at 40C, 50C, 60 C by heating the solution
before 5 cm' of sulphuric acid is added in.

Conclusion Max
The increase of temperature, increase the rate of reaction 9


Solvent X : tetrachloromethane // methylbenzene // (name 2
any organic solvent)
Solvent Y : water
X pelarut. tetraklorometana metilbenzena knama 1
apa- apa pelarut organik)
Pelarut Y. air
1. Add 1 spatula of inc/ maenesiun 'aluminium(solid
metal carbonate can be used to replace metals above) into 1+1
the two beakers containing hydrogen chloride in solvent X
and solvent Y respectively 1
2. No changes in beaker A 1
3. Gas bubblesformed in beaker B 1
4. Hydrogen chloride in solvent X tetrachloromethane 1
methylbenzene does not show acidic property H is 1 Max
absent 6
5. Hydrogen chloride in water shows acidic property H is

1. Tambah 1 spatula zink / magnesium / aluminium (pepejal
karbonat logam) boleh digunakan untuk menggantikan
logam di atas) ke dalam dua bikar mengandungi hidrogen
klorida dalam pelarut X dan pelarut Y masing-masing
2. Tiada perubahan dalam bikar A
3. Gelembung gas terbentuk dalam bikar B
4. Hidrogen klorida dalam larutan X / tetraklorometana /
methylbenzene tidak menunjukkan berasid harta / H + tidak
5. Hidrogen klorida dalam air menunjukkan sifat berasid / H
+ hadir

(b) (i) 1. Hydrogen chloride in solvent Ywater 2

2. Dissociates ionised
toform H show acid properties
1. Hidrogen klorida dalam larutan Y / air
2. Mengion di dalam air membentuk H //

Able to describe an experiment to prepare zinc chloride salt

from hydrochloric acid and a suitable substance

1. Measure [20-1001 cm' [0.1- 2.0 mol dm-'1 f
hydrochloric acid by using measuring cylinder
2. Pour the solution into a beaker and heat it
3. Add zinc oxide / zinc carbonate / excessively
4. Stir the mixture
5. Filter the mixture 1
6. The filtrate is heated until saturated / 1/3 from the initial 1
volume 1
7. The saturated solution is cooled at room temperature
8. Filter the salt formed 1
9. Rinse the salt with distilled water 1
10. Dry the salt with filter paper 1
1 10
Dapat menjelaskan eksperimen untuk menyediakan garam
larut dari larutan hidrogen klorida dan sebatian yang sesuai

1. Sukat 20-100 cm 0.1-1.Omoldm asid hidroklorik
menggunakan silinder penyukat dan
2. Tuangkan ke dalam bikar
3. Tambah zink oksida zinkkarbonat zinkke dalam
bikar tadi sehingga berlebihan
4. Kacau campuran tersebut
5. Turas
6. Hasil turasan dipanaskan sehingga 1 3
daripada isipadu asal
". Keringkan hasil turasan tersebut pada suhu bilik
8. Turaspepejal yang terbentuk
9. Bilas dengan air suling
10. Keringkan pepejal tersebut dengan kertas turas. TOTAL 20



1 ' jam


Skema Pemarkahan ini mengandungi 13 halaman bercetak

Questions Mark Scheme Mark
1(*) Able to state all pB value correctly


Acid solution Colour of indicator pB value

Acid P Red 1
Acid Q Yellowish orange 5
Acid R Yellow 6

Able to state any two pB value correctly 2

Able to state any one pB value correctly

No response or wrong response 0

1(b) Able to state all the variables correctly

Sample answer

Manipulated variable:
Type of acid // Acid P, Q, R and S // Four different acids

Responding variable:
pH value // Colour of indicator // Strength of acid

Fixed variable:
Concentration of acid // Universal indicator // volume of acid

Able to state any two variables correctly 2

Able to state any one variable // idea of anlt variables

No response or wrong response 0
1(c) Able to state all correct inferences

Acid Inference

P P is a strong acid // P ionize completely in water // P

produces high concentration of hydrogen ions

Q Q is a weak acid // Q ionize partially in water // Q

produces low concentration of hydrogen ions

R R is a weak acid // R ionize partially in water // R

produces low concentration of hydrogen ions

Able to state any two inferences correctly. 2

Able to state any one inferences // idea of puff inferences

No response or wrong response 0

1(d) Able to state the relationship between pB value with the

strength of acid correctly.

Sample answer

When pH value increases, the strength of acid decreases

Able to state the relationship between pB value with the

strength of acid less correctly. 2

Sample answer

pH value is inversely proportional to the strength of acid

Able to give an idea

Sample answer

pH value is affected by strength of acid

No response or wrong response 0

1(e) Able to state the operational definition for strong acid

1. Low pH value
2. Add universal indicator

Sample answer

Acid that shows low pH value when universal indicator is added

into it

Able to state the operational definition for strong acid less

correctly. 2

1. Low pH value //
2. Add universal indicator

Sample answer

i. Acid that shows low pH value. //

ii. Add universal indicator into the acid

Able to state an idea of operational definition

Sample answer:

Colour of indicator change // pH less than 7 // lonise completely

No response or wrong response 0

Able to record all the burette readings accurately with two

decimal place and with correct unit.


Set Initial burette reading Final burette reading

I 0.30 cc' 24.30 cc'
II 24.30 cc' 47.80 cc'
III 0. 5o cc' 25.00 cc'

Able to record all burette readings less correctly with or
without unit 2

Sample answers

Set Initial burette reading Final burette reading

I 0.30 24.30
II 24.30 47.80
III 0.50 25.00


Set Initial burette reading Final burette reading

I 0.3 cm' 24.3 cm'
II 24.3 cm' 47.8 cm'
III 0. s cc' 25 cc'

Able to record at least four burette readings less correctly

Sample answers:

Set Initial burette reading Final burette reading

I 1.7 24.3
II 24.3 48.2
III 0.5 25

No response or wrong response 0

Able to construct a table to record the initial burette readings,
final burette readings and volume of acid for Set I, Set O and 3
Set III that contain:

1. Correct titles
2. Readings and units

Sample answer:

Set Initial burette Final burette Volume of acid

reading (cm') reading (cm') (cm')
I 0.30 24.30 24.00
II 24.30 47.80 23.50
III 0.50 25.00 24.50

Able to construct a less accurate table that contains the

following: 2

1. Titles
2. Readings

Sample answer:

Set Initial burette Final burette Volume of acid

reading reading
I 0.3 24.3 24.0
Il 24.3 47.8 23.5
III 0.5 25.0 24.5

Able to construct a table that contains titles and readings for

initial burette readings and final burette readings only.

Sample answer:

Set Initial burette reading Final burette reading

I 0.3 24.3
II 24.3 47.8
III 0.5 25.0

No response or wrong response 0

1(h) Able to predict the volume of acid S correctly with unit.


Able to predict the volume of acid S



Able to give an idea to predict the volume of acid S

Sample answer:

more than 25 // more than acid P

No response or wrong response 0

1(i)(i) Able to state the correct observation for both set.

Sample answers

Set I :
Bubbles released // Calcium carbonate dissolve in ethanoic acid

Set O :
No bubbles // Calcium carbonate does not dissolve in glacial
ethanoic acid.

Able to state correct observation for any one set.

Sample answers:

Set I :
Bubbles released // Calcium carbonate dissolve in ethanoic acid


Set O :
No bubbles // Calcium carbonate does not dissolve in glacial
ethanoic acid.

Able to give an idea of the observation

Sample answers:

Calcium carbonate reacts with acid // Carbon dioxide gas

No response or wrong response 0

Able to state the relationship between the manipulated

variable and the responding variable and state the direction 3

Sample answer:
Presence of water causes acid to show its properties

Able to state the relationship between the manipulated

variable and the responding variable less correctly. 2

Sample answer:

Acid will shows its acidic properties when water presence.

Able to state the idea of hypothesis

Sample answer:

Reaction occurs when water present.

No response or wrong response 0

Able to classify all the acids correctly

Sample answer:

Strong acid Weak acid

Nitric acid Citric acid

Sulphuric Carbonic
acid acid

Able to classify any three acids correctly 2

Able to classify any two acids correctly

No response or wrong response 0

2(a) Able to state the problem statement correctly

Sample answer:
Does different metal have different reactivity towards oxygen?

Able to state the problem statement less correctly

Sample answer:
Does different metal have different reactivity

Able to give an idea of problem statement

Sample answer:

Metal affect reactivity

No response or wrong response 0

2(b) Able to state all the variables correctly

Sample answer:

Manipulated variable:
Type of metal // Different metals // Any four different metals in
Reactivity Series except K, Na & Ca.

Responding variable:
Brightness / intensity of flame or glow // Reactivity of metal

Fixed variable:
Potassium manganate(VII) // Quantity / mass of metals /
potassium manganate(VII)

Able to state any two variables correctly 2

Able to state any one variable correctly // idea of anlt variables

No response or wrong response 0

2(c) Able to state the relationship between the manipulated

variable and the responding variable with direction correctly

Sample answer:
The higher the position of metal in Reactivity Series, the brighter
the flame or glow / the higher the reactivity of metal. //

Going down Reactivity Series of metal, reactivity decreases.

Able to state the relationship between the manipulated

variable and the responding variable. 2

Sample answer:
The brighter the flame or glow / the higher the reactivity of metal,
the higher the position of metal in Reactivity Series //

The higher the position of metal, the brighter the reactivity of


Able to state an idea of hypothesis

Sample answer:
Position affects reactivity // Metals affects flame

No response or wrong response 0

2(d) Able to list all the materials and apparatus

Sample answers:
Magnesium, Copper, Iron, Zinc, potassium manganate(VII),
asbestos paper, glass wool, boiling tube, retort stand and clamp,
bunsen burner, spatula and forcep

Able to list the following materials and apparatus

Sample answers:
Magnesium, Copper, Iron, Zinc, potassium manganate(VII), glass
wool, boiling tube, retort stand, bunsen burner and spatula

Able to list the following materials and apparatus

Sample answers:
Any two metals, potassium manganate(VII), boiling tube / test
tube and bunsen burner

No response or wrong response 0

2(e) Able to state all the steps of procedure correctly

Sample answers:
1. Put one spatulaful of potassium manganate(VII) in a
boiling tube.
2. Push in some glass wool into the tube and clamp it
3. Place one spatulaful of magnesium powder on a piece of
asbestos paper and put it into the boiling tube.
4. Heat the magnesium strongly and then heat the potassium
5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 / experiment using copper, iron and
zinc to replace the magnesium.
6. Record the observation.

Able to state the steps of procedure less correctly.

Sample answers:
1. Put one spatula of potassium manganate(VII) in a boiling
2. Put one spatula of magnesium powder into the boiling tube.
3. Heat the magnesium and potassium manganate(VII).
4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 / experiment using copper, iron and
zinc to replace the magnesium.
5. Record the observation.

Able to state idea of procedure for reactivity of metals.

No response or wrong response 0

2(I) Able to tabulate the data with the following aspects

1. Correct headings 2
2. List all

metals Sample

Metal Observation




Able to tabulate the data

One correct heading / list of metal in table

Sample answer:

Metal Observation



No response or wrong response 0



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