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Gamification and Game-Based

Learning in Employee Learning

and Development
Robin J. Firestone

Abstract: If you want to make the paradigm shift from

standard methods of teaching and testing to learning by
doing in the corporate learning environment and make
it a social, cross-functional, and cross-departmental ex-
perience, try incorporating gaming and gamification into
your training plan. Whether its live or virtual, gaming
and gamification is fun and exciting and does not require
investing in any special texts or materials that will fre-
quently require updating or replacement.

Keywords: ADDIE, evaluation, mathematics, art, assessment

and analysis, design, development, instructional technology
design, employee development Game-based learning, Game,
Games and learning, Gamification, Gamify, G aming, GBL,
Robin J. Firestone is an
interactive learning, Learning and Development, Learning
Organizational Development and by doing, Learning intervention, Learning, OJT, On-the-
Learning Professional with 20 years job training, Science, STEAM, training and development
of experience. Her specialties are
andragogy, teaching/coaching,
The terms gamification and game-based learning (GBL)
instructional design (ADDIE), and
program/process management. are often used interchangeably. However, inclusion of
Robin writes L&D How-To guides either incorporates game-like motivators and/or actual
and, in 2017, co-authored The Killing gaming experiences as a method of improving time to
Collective published on Amazon.She learn, improving time to master and apply learning on
holdsan M.A. in Business Education
from N.Y.U. andis a Six-Sigma the job, and retaining learning and knowledge. Gamifi-
Black Belt. cation improves the transfer of new theories to applica-
tion and context by using the development of real-world
products and services as its end result and in real time.
Games are a great way to learn soft skills such as orga-
nization, planning, strategy, teaming, problem-solving,
decision-making, leadership, etc.
GBL is a type of game play that has defined learning
outcomes. Generally, game-based learning is designed
to balance subject matter with gameplay and the ability
of the player to retain and apply said subject matter to
the real world (Wikipedia). In other words, GBL is the
use of games in teaching a subject matter.

Expert Insights 1
Gamification and Game-Based Learning in Employee Learning and Development

Gamification is the tool with which learn- Is gamification ethical? That depends on
ing is improved. Why should we consider how it is used. If the designer is not careful,
gamifying? Gamification typically involves the project can easily slide into the abyss of
applying game design thinking to non-game cognitive manipulation. The use of progress
applications to make them more fun and en- charts and status bars, for example, can eas-
gaging . . . Gamification can potentially be ily be used to stimulate the more negative
applied to any industry and almost anything aspects of competition. Special care must
to create fun and engaging experiences, con- be taken not to advertise scores or progress
verting users into players ( milestones that might humiliate players.
The idea is for students to play already-made What does your training department
games and engage in friendly competition and you consider the true mark of suc-
to fulfill a learning objective. This can eas- cess? Is it job performance or reaching a
ily become a disaster for the instructor who milestone on your scorecard? Using gam-
does not have clear, measurable, and testable ing methods are meant to encourage pride,
goals and objectives in mind; a truly engaging stick-to-it-iveness, risk taking, and to see
game to play; and established motivators that failure as a natural step toward success.
matter to the player population. The designer Success is not always defined by scores or
and instructor must be very careful to avoid progress levels (KPIs), which may and usu-
the pitfalls of introducing fun time that does ally do change over time. In some cases,
not achieve learning and new applications for learners stay at the lower end of progress
that learning. scales until the eureka or aha moment
Some of the more popular motivators for arrives, and total understanding is achieved
achievement are: as a result of a newly developed systems
framework of thinking. Ratings can also
Points be easily used by unethical power-seekers
Levels to manipulate learners into increased at-
Rewards tendance ratings, frequency of play, an
Challenges unhealthy desire to win at any cost, or
Quests choosing teammates who might provide
Leaderboards them with better skills to get the win.
Achievement badges/pins/pens, etc. Lets be very clear. There are many reasons
Feedback loops to incorporate gamification into the work-
Progress charts/status bars. place. Gamification techniques strive to lever-
age peoples natural desires for competition,
Gamification techniques are great tools achievement, status, self-expression, altru-
for marketing and advertising and for in- ism, and closure (Wikipedia). Gamification
creasing awareness. We go to a specific encourages fun, intense focus, competitive-
pharmacy because we get points for shop- ness, collaboration, camaraderie, retention,
ping there. We apply for a credit card be- mastery (fail often until the problem is solved),
cause we can get cash back as a reward for meaningful choices, productivity, joyful opti-
using it. The most popular diet and well- mism, and creativity/exploration. Gamifica-
ness programs regularly use gamification tion helps improve memory, behavior, and
techniques to attract more customers and overall cognition. It keeps our brains younger
keep them longer. One of those techniques, and longer. This is not really news if you use
known as KPIs, or key performance indica- brains games, coloring books, and puzzles.
tors, such as personalized score cards that Gamification techniques are always a great
keep track of goals, pop-ups that require an addition to any learning initiative because
action to stay on track, and bonus incentives they are relatively simple to design and use
for reaching goals. and are highly effective.

2 Expert Insights
Gamification and Game-Based Learning in Employee Learning and Development

But what about gaming? We know using for decades, teaches the principles or plan-
games to learn works well in society, but ning, designing, and developing a working
do games really have anything to offer us city complete with buildings, roads, water,
in the workplace? Should we be consider- electricity, repairs, and so forth. This is the
ing it as an addition to or as a replacement type of gaming experience that can turn
for other existing learning events? players into teams of inspired creators.
Examples of GBL in society: If you are considering incorporating
gaming itself into your training plan, the
Physics (Angry Birds) The Physics of A
ngry transition must align with the executive
Birds by Rhett Allain for Wired Science vision for employee development and a
(October 8, 2010) learner population that desires it as a com-
Math (Portal) Math of the Game Portal plement to or change in corporate culture.
by David Wees (October 3, 2011) http:// Most important, though, make sure your reasons for rolling out these methods or
/portal-almost-within-reach/ tools include the ones below and that they
History (Minecraft) can each be backed up with statistical data
and anecdotal statements that clearly show
Gaming as a learning tool in itself should its worth and need in your company:
be very carefully considered before mat-
ing it with eLearning and live learning or Game-playing motivates learners to com-
using it to replace another form of learn- plete activities.
ing event. You may find that using aspects It increases learner focus, attention span,
of GBL are a more efficient and effective and attention to what is being learned.
way to design blended learning. Simula- Learners engage in friendly competition
tions and virtual reality create a competi- with their peers.
tive environment requiring the application Learners can excel to a high-level game-
of knowledge in a real-world scenario. It board competition for leaders, in which
would pair well with live or distance meet- games can be followed and knowledge/
ings for theory and discussion. It is a great information/experiences shared with
way to replace standard paper testing with everyone.
performance-based testing. Virtual reality Status bars, progress charts, and achieve-
can provide fully immersive experiences ment of points are useful in understand-
that allow the learner to perform individ- ing where reinforcement may be needed
ually or on a team in a safe environment or how the game needs to be changed
in any number of scenarios while the live and/or improved.
component of your course would serve It promotes improved cognitive health.
well for debriefing. How about designing It promotes improved behavior.
a game meant to stimulate the design of It transforms employees into problem
a product and require the players to build solvers and self-directed learners.
and test it in virtual reality or a simulator It fosters employees sense of design-thinking
for the win? via game-making (create better world
If you intend to look for ways to roll systems).
out games that allow for real learning, the Games can be designed to improve the
game needs to be fun and well designed, teaching and learning experience, goals,
but you want to focus much more on the and objectives of those with learning or
end result before designing it. Decide the cognitive disabilities and, like online learn-
goals and objectives of the game and how ing, can be revisited endlessly.
you want them to be met. For example, Video-based games work well with the
Sim City, a game that has been available hearing impaired.

Expert Insights 3
Gamification and Game-Based Learning in Employee Learning and Development

Game-playing does not necessarily re- To decide if gaming is worth your com-
quire physical attendance in a classroom, panys time, money, and effort, consider
which works well for those with physical the following and then seek out experi-
limitations and those who telecommute. enced developers to help you design your
It promotes a sense of pride in the organi- first intervention:
zation and increased socialization across
the organization. 1. Is a learning plan that includes gaming
part of your companys vision? Is it a de-
There are also negative aspects of gam- sired enhancement or addition to your
ing in learning: corporate culture? Is it sanctioned by your
management and the executive team?
1. Gaming becomes a predictable and bor- 2. Is there a significant population of learn-
ing nonmotivator over time. How often do ers who might benefit from gaming or
you play Monopoly anymore? Or scrabble? video-based learning? Are there employ-
2. The stakes, motivators, and rewards must ees who are learning or developmen-
be continuously revisited. tally disabled or who are cognitively
3. Training design using gamification meth- impaired? This population can benefit
ods and/or games must constantly be greatly from gaming, especially because
updated to reflect new learning needs it can be paused, resumed, and revisited
just like all other training. time after time.
4. Poorly designed gamified activities are 3. Is a game the best learning tool for this
meaningless if learning objectives and goals topic and learning population? Would a
are not well defined, met, or exceeded. live or blended course be a better idea if
5. Ethical and moral concepts may arise in you incorporated some aspects of GBL?
designing and playing games. 4. Envision the way in which you would
6. Does learning have to be competitive? gamify it and/or the elements of the
The job world may already be competi- actual game. Begin to outline the design
tive enough for your learners unless for the kind of game you want to use.
the competition is only against oneself. 5. What should the motivators be?
Make sure the learning experience is a 6. How will you measure progress?
nonthreatening one! 7. What do scores tell you, and is there a
7. Gamification is not for everyone. Not plan to improve them?
all learners are social learners or learn 8. Are there winners and losers?
through gaming itself and/or alone. Other 9. How will you ensure successful learning
kinds of reinforcement need to be in has been achieved as opposed to having
place for those who will need coaching simply rolled out a fun game in return
or a different delivery method. for all the Assessment and Analysis, De-
8. Is it manipulative, unethical, offensive, sign, Development, Implementation, and
threatening, or immoral in any way? Evaluation (ADDIE) time and money
Games can easily lead to unpleasant is- (ROI) invested?
sues in the workplace. 10. How will you tie the learning experience
9. Does it incorporate themes or charac- to your learners job goals and objectives,
ters that may be considered offensive, prove that learning transfer has occurred
biased, bigoted, chauvinistic, racist, ho- and that the learners experience has led
mophobic, intolerant, hate-inspiring, or to increased performance, and explain
stereotype any characters in any way? the companys bottom line?
10. Does it promote the positivity of diver- 11. How will you incorporate proof that the
sity, or do leaders emerge who take over learning was successfully applied to a
in order to win? real-time and real-world project?

4 Expert Insights
Gamification and Game-Based Learning in Employee Learning and Development

12. Has the decision to use gamification has the best chance of understanding
and/or gaming been linked to business the topic being presented and using
and learning goals as they relate to re- that knowledge to create a product or
tention, performance, bottom line, and service. STEAM is a popular and suc-
new ways of thinking/creating/devel- cessful way to learn in the workplace
oping applications, processes, products, because learners are investigating
and services? things that matter to them and are free
13. Does it fit the corporate culture, and is to use their natural strengths and tal-
it sanctioned by your manager and the ents in those investigations, while be-
executive team? coming more adept at using others to
14. Should you start with something tar- function well and compete with each
geted to specific needs or with some- other on a level-playing field in todays
thing that meets a need that addresses technology-based and systems-based
everyone and that can remain largely work world.
the same over time? Is that the point of It begins by giving students a reason
the game to teach game design theory to be interested in the topic through ex-
and processes that can be applied to periencing the social connection. Then,
any project? they must perform research to learn the
15. Does your plan promote new behaviors content they need to know to gather and
and frameworks for thinking through analyze data. Next, they use that data to
solving problems while also stimulat- plan, design, and build something. The
ing creativity, teamwork, individuality, last step is to make any necessary cor-
perseverance, risk taking, and systems rections in data or design, analyze the
thinking? product or service, and report on it. In
16. Is the STEAM (Science + Technology + other words, students learn to organize
Engineering + Arts + Mathematics) ap- with mathematics, while they research
proach to functional literacy incorporated as scientists, artists, and historians by
into the objectives of the gaming expe- using technology so that they can under-
rience? The STEAM method is used to stand and communicate what is needed
promote learning through understanding and possible in engineering products and
the interrelationships of various topics developing services (STEAM Education,
and how they relate to each other in real 2015 at
life and real time. STEAM represents a 17. Is it fun and challenging? Does it promote
paradigm shift from traditional educa- socialization and friendly, good-natured,
tion philosophy, based on standardized and supportive competition? Does it help
test scores, to a modern ideal which fo- create an acceptance and appreciation
cuses on valuing the learning process as of diversity while solidifying a feeling of
much as the results. In essence, we dare corporate solidarity?
our students to be wrong, to try multiple 18. Did you plan and budget for rewards and
ideas, listen to alternate opinions and recognition?
create a knowledge base that is applica- 19. How will you teach participants how to
ble to real life as opposed to simply an play? How will you know each learner
exam (Deron Cameron, Former UPES understands the rules of play and how
PrincipalUnited Statess First STEAM to achieve a result?
Certified School). 20. How will you monitor each players prog-
All students should have the opportu- ress? Should the offering be a mandatory
nity to able to learn in the ways that course or style of learning or should it
align with their brain development and be offered as a nonmandatory alterna-
what matters to them so that everyone tive to mainstream live classes?

Expert Insights 5
Gamification and Game-Based Learning in Employee Learning and Development

21. What is the learning curve for players? and carry you through a journey that re-
Can they be up and running right away mains engaging, using an evolving balance
or is your game so complex that its too of challenges and a stream of well-crafted,
hard to learn? actionable feedback, but they cannot re-
22. How will you provide technical live place live intervention, real hands-on ex-
support for players, one-on-one project perience, lecture, discussion, and testing,
coaching, or remedial support? even if it offers structural elements like
23. How will you ensure that learning took levels and points, design techniques that
place, that the change is measurable, game designers have developed over many
that on-the-job (OJT) performance in- years, and psychological insights from
creases, and that it adds to the bottom game design to business concerns.
line or saves time and money? So how can gaming be used in a blended
24. Plan to offer motivators, including re- learning environment? Design the game
wards that are truly desired by the with a focus on content mastery and job
learning populationotherwise theyre performance. In any learning interven-
not motivators. They may be material, tion, we want learners to become fluent
nonmaterial, or even esoteric in nature. with the content (be it product knowl-
25. Who is designing the course or game? edge, new system tasks, etc.). Then, when
Make sure your first effort is done with theyve mastered the content, we want
or by a professional. them to translate that knowledge into ac-
26. You must be able to produce scores, prog- tual job performance. Consider the value
ress charts, and reports that can be de- this would bring to call center training,
livered to users and management. Youll sales techniques, customer service skills,
want to show trends in attendance/usage etc. while making the learning experience
versus achievement on the job, popular- fun, exciting, stimulating, and memorable.
ity, specific likes and dislikes, cost per Cross-functional, cross-operational, and
student, ROI, time or money made or cross-departmental training may also be a
saved, etc. great way to use gaming. Since many fac-
27. New methods and technologies must be ets of a company come together to create
thoroughly beta tested before you roll a product or service, it is a good idea for
them out to an unsuspecting learning employees to have a basic understanding
population. Things like this can make of what their coworkers know and contrib-
or break a career. ute, how they do it, and for what reasons.
28. Information sharing and knowledge For instance, including pilots, design engi-
management must become aspects of neers, and mechanics in the same game al-
gaming and gaming outcomes. lows knowledge sharing and transfer that
may result in a better and more practical
Gaming, as modules, offer trainers a new airplane or even prompt an intellectual
way to create blended learning events, but leap to another level of design, engineer-
it will not replace live, online, or self-study ing, and flight.
learning. As long as games remain relevant Begin small and look for off-the-shelf
and engaging and are as immersive as pos- products that can be customized. Once
sible, they are a wonderful complement to youve shown documented hard numbers
live training and online learning, but are in your companys return on investment,
absolutely not meant to replace either. You youll be able to justify increased budget
may want to consider including offline and for customized games or the redesign of
live components to your game as part of existing courses to include components
an entire course of learning, but it should of gamification. Go for something general
never stand alone. Good games pull you in and far-reaching in the organization, like

6 Expert Insights
Gamification and Game-Based Learning in Employee Learning and Development

designing or redesigning processes and may want to take a second look at gaming
services or improving existing products and gamification in the workplace. Large
and designing new ones. Baydin creates companies are already incorporating it into
tools that help its customers make better their advertising and marketing campaigns,
decisions and handle massive email influx and their human resources groups are us-
more efficiently than ever before with The ing it to promote use of internal programs
Email Game (Top 25 Best Examples of Gam- such as wellcare. Learning specialists and
ification in Business March 24, 2014, Robert instructional technology designers will need
Stanley, Clicksoftware News). Using gami- to know how to design and develop games
fication to boost productivity, The Email and GBL to improve the learning process
Game gives users a 3-minute time limit to and raise the bar on employee uptime and
respond to emails that must be addressed productivity. Senior management will jump
now and rewards them with points, achieve- on this paradigm shift in teaching and learn-
ment of milestones, positive feedback, and ing if it will help create vastly better prod-
prizes when theyve done things quickly or ucts, processes, and services in far less time
managed their workflow well. The Email and for less. Last, prestigious learning insti-
Games enterprise edition can help your tutions such as the Wharton School of Busi-
teams become more productive and have ness are now offering courses in gaming and
more fun managing email at the office. gamification theory and design. You can be
sure it will be one of the top ten hot prod-
The Bottom Line ucts and services seen at learning expos this
Gamification techniques are great moti- year, so take a look around to see where gam-
vators. They work well and are relatively ing combined with the STEAM approach to
simple to design. Gaming design and roll- learning can improve your workforces abil-
out is much more complex, and although ity to bring excellence to work every day.
it makes a great training component when
this mode of delivery is justified, it does Resources for Learning How You Can
not replace other forms of training deliv- Incorporate Gaming and Gamification
ery. Success of learners depends largely into Your Training and Development
Program in 2017:
on the design of the game, and the design
1. Gamify Employee TrainingFree Gamification
of the game must ensure content delivery
101 Guide.
and mastery. Gaming must also, of course, 2. Top Gamification StrategiesLearn Customer
include gamification motivators such as Gaming Dynamics.
levels, points, badges, rewards, and the 3. 5 eLearning Gamification Strategies You
ability to track their own knowledge per- Can Try in 2017. https://elearningindustry.
formance indicators (KPIs) to keep learn- 4. LearnNow: Game DesignAssociation for Talent
ers interested and coming back for more. Development.
Results must be performance based and re- /Learnnow-Game-Design
portable. Gaming and gamification has been 5. Play to Learn: Where Games and Learning
MeetDavid Kelly.
in the news since the turn of the 21st c entury,
most notably used by the U.S. M ilitary, 6. 5-Star Gamification Book.
whove understood the value of games and 7. FocusOn Learning 2017Gamification Conference &
simulations in teaching for a long time. Expo.
Youve probably read the hype, but the 8. Games Industry Events | www
possibilities for practical application are real. 9. Gamify Your Training ProgramsMay 2124 in
Learning and development professionals Atlanta, GA.

Expert Insights 7

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