Being Born Again (3b of 3a and 3b)

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Being Born Again 3b.

Even though I think that many are eager to come to the most important part of
"Being Born Again" - I will start with an explanation of some of the expressions
I use, here.
The intelligent power: The power in the lowest knuckle in the spine, combined
with the power in The Pineal Gland.
The lowest "Power of God": A power that can only "nourish" itself - from "The
Lower Regions".
The Highest Power of God: A power that is self sufficient, when it comes to
The Original Soul: The "Soul" that God created .. "in Him" (Read: in His Mind)
and gave it "A Holy Name".
It was beautiful in His eyes. (Read: It was without sin.)
This Soul were later .. manifested, then given it's "Right
to Choose" .. and developed to the Soul, we have to-day.
(In The Bible: "The name" we have - in: "The Book of Life")
(Eph 1:4 in conjunction with Rev 3:5)
The difference between: God - and - Gods.

"The Highest God .. of .. All Gods" - is, according to The Bible (Psa 95:3), "The
King over all Gods".
There is only ONE .. of Him.
He is ruling over Gods .. as a human King - rules over .. Humans!
So: There are many Gods, but - only ONE God.

Power: Here it is NOT - energy .. but .. The ability to CONTROL energy.

(In parallel to: A king has power over his people.)
Jesus had this control, when He stopped the storm - and - when He
ordered the figtree to die.
And now comes a new thing: WE - as a TRINITY .. shall merge (read: be one with)
The Trinity of God.
Only as a Trinity - we can merge with .. HIS Trinity.

-So .. our Spirit .. must become .. OUR HOLY Spirit.

Our Soul must become .. "Our New Soul" (Merging with "The Original Soul".)
Our Body .. must become - A Lightbody. (This one needs an elaboration.)

What does this last one .. means?

It means that: "The Christ Consciousness" .. must be activated - in the Human
Rev 2:28 "and I will give him the morning star.
Rev 2:29 "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches." '

Rev 22:16 "I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things in the churches.
I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star."

Jesus (Read: The Christ Consciousness), must help us (Read: The Human Mind)
to understand, what we MUST understand .. to get our divine nature, back (Read:
Our Godly Nature, back).

And here .. is a whole lot to understand. (It is not, for nothing - that we are warned
with:"He who has an ear...etc".)

We (all) were .. in The Garden of Eden.

Adam and Eve .. is the symbol og 2 things:
-The King and The Queen - of The Human Race.
-The representation of - the whole humanity.

If that isn't true .. why do we find - the following .. in The Bible?

Joh 17:5 "And now, O Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had
with You before the world was.

Joh 17:22 "And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just
as We are one:
Here they learn about it.

Eph 1:4 just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be
and without blame before Him in love,
Here they teach it .. to us.

In Joh 17:5, we can see .. that Jesus is specifying " glorify Me together with Yourself ",
since the first glorification happened " in Him ".
The next that is important to understand .. is:
When "Our Holy Spirit" becomes one .. with "The New Soul" (our new personality),
we must see the picture - from creation:
He blew the Spirit of Life into His nostrals .. and man - became a living Soul.

When we "make our new soul alive", we are "copying" this (I have a very bad language
to explain this .. so don't let that influence your impression of this. W have not developed
a language to explain this.).
Our Holy Spirit .. is extending it's field .. around The New Soul .. so both belong to
the same field. (And since we are talking about "The Spirit of Life" - they belong to
"The Field of Eternal Life". )
-This is: "Being One".
-This is (The Divine) I Am.
-This is .. The Representation of God (Yes .. singular).
...Meaning: You are NOT BEING God - you REPRESENT HIM - as Jesus did,
here on earth...

This is: "I Am - The Heavenly Water", I Am - The Heavenly Bread, I Am The Way

This (read: I Am) is .. the representation of God - and - of The Divine.
To be "Son of Man" .. is to represent God .. in the same way.
Son of Man = A God of Gods (it is NOT equal to God)
But .. as - One of The Gods - You represent your King (The Highest God of
all Gods)...
The result of this is (explaining the prayer, in the end of the meditation):
-We lost our divine nature .. when we "ate the fruit" from "The Tree of
Knowledge .. of Good and Evil".
-Jesus made a covenant with the humans
...according to the wish of God
...and with the help of Gods Holy Spirit
-That everyone who discovered it - OR - were made aware of it .. could
find "the way" back .. to His Divine Nature.
-Being Born Again .. is .. Being "A Son of Man" (read: One of the Gods [plural])
This is an IMPORTANT part .. od The Salvation.
To complete it .. we go to "The Gospel of Thomas (that isn't in the Bible, but it
is the same Jesus - as in the Bible .. that is behind it).
3 verses will be explained.
30 Jesus said, "Where there are three deities, they are divine. Where there
are two or one, I am with that one."

101 Jesus said: When you make two into one, you will be Son of Man and
when you say mountain move yourself, it shall move.

70 Jesus said, "If you bring forth what is within you, what you have will
If you do not have that within you, what you do not have within you [will]

Verse 70: If you find the spirit .. the spirit will save you. (Letter of James 1:21)
If you don't find the spirit - you will go to damnation.

Verse 30 - is directly in the path we are going - "To be born again".

If we have become 3 .. we have reached our divine nature.

Verse 101: Two into one = Soul and Spirit into one. (See meditation on this point.)
(The third [The Human Consciousness] is still missing.)
[Verse 101 has another translation, saying: "the son of Adam" (just so I have
mentioned it).]

If Soul and Spirit are one - our human consciousness (Read; Our Christ Consciousness),
is not included - so we are : Raised in Jesus .. to something we haven't fully achieved

Then .. I think The Prayer, should be explained - fully.

So now .. The Meditation can begin.

First part of the meditation:

Now we come to the part, when the imagination - becomes important.

We begin with a tube, that we cut in 2 (along the length of the tube).
There is a flap, around the middle of the spine.
This flap is closed - and will therefore prevent the power, to rech The Spinal
This flap, must be pressed out.

The half tube, we have made .. will be pressed - under the flap.
This we do .. by thinking we press it (the half tube) flat, with our thumb.
We push .. under the flap, until it reaches the top of of the spine.

Then we push the bottom of the tube .. carefully - on the top of the "bottom
knuckle" .. of the spine.
Then we take up the thumb .. and .. get Fig 1.

Fig 1.

Under this half tube .. the power can now "ascend" to the Pineal Gland.
(Wheter you do this part with open or closed eyes, is up to you).

(But now:) Close your eyes.

See that the power .. from the lowest knuckle in your spine .. ascend up the spine
and up to The Pineal gland.

You can see this .. several ways:

-as a ball of colours.
-as a river of colours.
-as a smoke of colours.
...going up - to The Pineal Gland... (I choose the middle, in the following description.)

When this river of colours .. comes to the middle of the spine, there is a "valve", that
must be opened - to permit "the river" - to come up to the Pineal Gland.
(This problem is already solved.)
When this river of colours .. comes up to the gland .. it continues into the gland
and join together .. with the power, that already is in the gland.
Around The Pineal gland .. there occures an "aura" of light, that hasn't been there before.
This shows that: Now .. the power - that was originally meant to be there, is complete.

This happens under guidance and control of; "The Holy Spirit of God".
(Since we shall get .. OUR Holy Spirit - we must now .. part between:
-Our Holy Spirit ... and
-Gods Holy Spirit.

As we will have new expressions to deal with, that isn't in the language - we must make
a NEW language .. to cope with it.
Therefore: And this becomes .. "The Intelligent Power".

Later .. when I refer to "The Intelligent Power" - you know, that this is:
The Khundalini + The Original Power .. in .. The Pineal Gland - merged.

IMPORTANT: Try to see the pictures .. of what is happening - throughout the

To use your imagination here - is - The Most Important Part of The Meditation!
You MAY risk, to reduce the effect .. down - so much - that you increase the number
of times - you must do it, several 100 times - if you don't.
The last thing .. is:
There is an organ in the brain - I have called: "The Classroom".
This is .. first of all .. because - it has a light .. that is "Holy Oil" (for anointment).
In this classroom (as you imagine - the way .. you feel is right for you), most
of what is happening - happens here.
You don't need to know, where it is.
Both The Spirit and The soul - knows.
The meditation continues:

Since we have broken up .. the meditation, with extra explanations, we start - from
the beginning.
So .. from now on - is only meditation, with no more explanations.
But there are figures, that comes in addition - to help "the imagination".
Find a position that is comfortable.
Close your eyes.
Lead .. the half tube (Fig 1) .. slowly up the spine, while your thumb is pressing
it down.
When it reaches the top of your spine .. you take the thumb away - an you now
have a passage .. so The Khundalini Power .. can come up to the Pineal Gland.

Here it merges with the power .. in the pineal gland .. and becomes "The
Intelligent Power".
(The Triangle of light .. we don't use any longer [Fig 2].)

The Pineal Gland is sending out a beam of Intelligent Power .. to The

Chakra "The Third Eye" .. charging it.
This result in .. that "The Eye" of The Chakra - is forced .. to "look at" the
POINT .. The Third Eye, in The Forhead, from the inside of the head.
This happens under guidance and control of Gods Holy Spirit.

Fig 2.
The pineal Gland continues to send intelligent power to The Chakra - "The Third Eye"
and a light raise up .. through "The Crown Chakra" and up to the chakra .. over the
head (in the air .. over the head).
It continues out .. to the chakras - outside the temples of the head.
It continues down the body .. through all its chakras - and down .. to the chakra, under
the feet.
The cross is finished (fig 3).

Fig 3.

This happens under .. the guidance and control of Gods Holy Spirit.
The Pineal Gland continues to send out a beam of light .. and a halo is forming around
the head.
It uses the three points of the cross .. and ends in The Throat Chakra. (Fig 4)

Fig 4.
(This figure has Norwegian Texts, but I have translated those texts into English.)
"Haloen" = "The Halo".
"Chakraet over hodet" = "The Chakra over the head".
"Chakraet under fttene" = "The Chackra under the feet.
"Chakraene p begge sider av tinningene" = "The Chakras on both sides of The Temples".
This happens under guidance and control of Gods Holy Spirit.
Then .. MY Spirit, my Soul and my Human consciousness is coming .. in front of
The Pineal Gland.

The Soul and The Spirit - receive "The Intelligent Power" through the belly button.
The power go up behind the chest .. and form "a sun of intelligent power", 30 cm
in diameter.

This happens under guidance and control of Gods Holy Spirit - IF Gods holy
spirit find it necessary.

Then all three of them .. go into "The Classroom".

The Spirit go down on his knees - and receive the anointment on his head.
Then He raise up.
The Soul goes up to The Spirit - and The Light (Read; The Holy Oil) in the room,

goes through the shoulders .. on both of them - and anoint "The Sun of Intelligent
Both become "The Low Power of God".

My Spirit .. as "The Low Power of God" is calling "The High Power of God".
The High Power of god is coming down .. in a shining sparkling Aura, mainly
white, but with yellow spots - in between.
Under Guidance and control of Gods Holy Spirit - The High Power of God is
merging with The Low Power of God .. and They become - ONE.
AND .. My spirit becomes .. My Holy Spirit.

My Holy Spirit is calling "The Original Soul" .. in its holy name, that god gave it,
in The Book of Life.
The Original Soul is coming into The Classroom - in a "warm and beautiful Aura".
It is mostly read-violet, with Blue Violet and light blue parts.
And .. under guidance and control of Gods Holy Spirit .. The Original Soul, merge
with my Soul .. in The Holy Name of The Souls .. and they become - one.
This becomes The New Soul of The Body - My New Soul.
(Say both .. under the meditation.)

My New Soul becomes alive .. through that - My Holy Spirit .. extends its field
around My New Soul. So from now on .. they both belong to "The Field of Eternal
This is - "becoming one".
(This field contributes to .. the creation of our reality - but that is a different chapter.)
(This is .. from creation in The Bible: "He Blew The Spirit of life into His Nostrals,
and man became a Living Soul. (Become a living soul = become a soul - in the field
of eternal life.)
AND .. here you can see .. that - "The Soul being alive" = "The Soul being divine"
AND: Since your Soul is your personality .. When this happens, you get a divine

And .. A God - of Gods .. is born.

(Remind you: This is NOT being God. This is being - one of Gods servants.)

The God of Gods .. opens The Christ Consciousness in The Human Mind.
He then goes into prayer to Jesus - to download into this mind - the necessarily
understanding .. to complete the search .. for one's divine nature.
This mind .. becomes the new mind - of the body - My New Mind.
(Again: Say both - under meditation.)

A Living God .. of Gods - is born.
A Son of Man .. is Born.
(Those two are the same - in - That Jesus make this possible for us [Gospel of
Thomas verse 30].)

My Holy Spirit .. merges with Gods Holy Spirit .. to learn.
What He learns .. He relays to The New Soul - to my new soul, which relays it
to The New Mind .. of The Body - To My New Mind.

Thus .. we are - preliminary .. raised, by Jesus - to be:
A God of Gods .. which is
A Son of Man.

This has nothing to do .. with Gender.

"A son" is "A daughter" .. is "A Hole Human Being".

A man .. has surplus of masculine energies.

A woman .. has surplus of feminine enegies.
A Whole Human Being .. has complete balance between masculine and feminine

The prayer (in the end of the meditation):

I thank you .. God - King over all Gods (Psa 95,3)
I thank you .. Jesus - You .. Son of God - Christ .. and .. The saviour of this world.
I Thank you .. Holy Spirit of God - You who are: "The Love of God, The Helper
and Spirit of Truth".

That Jesus have done a covenant with the humans...

-According to the wish of God... and
-by means of The Holy Spirit of God

-That everyone who discover it .. or .. are made aware of it .. can find the way,
back - to the divine nature .. we began with.
-That I have been shown the way .. INTO the gaul .. to retrive this nature ... and
-That I have been shown .. HOW TO GO - ON this way .. to be sure to succeed.

This I send in:

Yeshua .. Emanuel .. Jesus name
He who is ..
- The Son of God .. IN The White Stone...
- Christ .... and
- The Saviour of this World.
In HIS NAME .. and no other name .. I send my thanks of gratitude.

Then I take out the passage I made in the beginning and feel that the flap, goes
back into its place.

In the raised state .. I now am in .. I say:

I am in The Universal Power .. and .. The Universal Power is in me.
I and The Universal power .. is one.

This is a parallel to, when Jesus is saying:
I am in The Father .. and .. The Father is in me.
I and The Father is One.
(They are both in the field .. of eternal life [here .. more], but - before we reach
the level of being a deity .. alone (The Gospel of Thomas verse 30) - we don't
have the right to use this.
The closest we can come .. is to use the two last sentences marked with yellow.),
because .. Jesus is The Third Deity - in us (thus .. we are raised up to a level,
that we haven't reached - yet.)

When our human mind .. becomes divine .. then we are Three deities - and we are
Gods (Again: NOT God).
At this stage .. we can ascend to a higher state of reality .. (as Jesus did when He
rose up .. and disappeared into the cloud [Act 1:9]).

And I terminate The meditation.

This meditation will develop itself.
So if you get an impuls (after a while, not in the beginning) to do "This" .. in stead
of "That" --- then follow it.
This works for YOU .. not necessarily for any other person.

The way it is described here .. works for all.

You will get in .. better and better contact with your spirit (Nefersh), as you do
this meditation.
(A FEW people .. starts with "Neshama", as their spirit - but the main rule is,
Nefersh. Neshama means: "The Fourth Lowest Spiritual Condition".)
To get The Holy Spirit .. is .. To Get A Teacher (and / or .. Supervicer / Mentor).
All other things (that I know of to-day) .. is to get "The Gift(s) of The Holy

Greetings Aage.


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