Preschool Reflection

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Taralyn Jones Lead Teacher Reflection #3 Please think about ard answer the following questions about your lead teaching experiences. The answers should be thoughtful and reflect the abilty to evaluate your Instruction, instruciens to clarity some questions are wrtten in italics, 1 What went well gay? Provide 3 specific examples of children’s actions/comments that occurred during self-selected activities. What evidence do you have for your conclusion? DO NOT use the words, ‘loved, liked, enjoyed: rather describe the evidence of children’s reactions to the learning experience. + felt like there wore several things that went well today. | think that we had sreat one-on-one interactions withthe children. The children came in slowly, Which made ta pretty slow morning Josie and Landon came in frst and we had a lot of time o interact with ther. Landon opened up and talked» lot during ‘the day. think that a lt of that was due tothe time and attention that he received at the beginning ofthe day. with four to ve children, They pretended that they were fishing and swimming. \ Kayla was inviting the other children to come and play. ‘+The children rad some great social interactions with each other. There were ‘many times tat we could help them share and work together. One example of this was Aidy and Bralynne at the playdough table. They were therefor along time playing wth the fish and playdough. | could tell they were able to become better friends, Aidyn was also able to open up a litle bit more. 2. How did your activties help the chiléren meet the learning/cevelopment goals that Yyousset for them. Please address the specific actions of 2 children that you wrote goals for on the front page of your lesson plan. Did your planning help thera learn the things that you had targeted for them? ‘+ We were able to meet our goal for Bralynne. She is one that needs more focus ‘on activities. Sie needs to participate inthe activities that use more fine motor skills. put the playdough out specifically for her to help her with her fine motor skills. She was atthe playcough activity for along time. She also interacted and played with Aidyn while she was there. | found the activity to be a success "My dramatic pay area was set up specifically for Mari to help her develop social skills and workbetter with other children. Sharing is hard for her | feel like the activity was perfect for helping her practice sharing and being with other children, She had 3 few moments where she was in the boat and was alittle Upset about what the other children were doing, Katie was in the boat with her ‘and helped talk her through it and comfort her. | think that Mari stil needs some. work with that goal, however dramatic play was 2 good place for her to wer on it 5, Evaluate gathering ime, What were some postive aspects of gathering time? What were the parton needs of the children and how were they met? What would You change for nest time? 1 ‘teretatgatnering time went really wel To start off we danced to Listen and Move. Mos ofthe children gathered around started gathering time ear than normal because some of the children started torun around. jut fet ike k wae time to star Istarted ith the ry ce experiment talked about vapor ond Se ~ nbbied. They were realy excited tose the bubble pop. then dda diferent “experiment where | put dry ice in ‘soapy water and | let the children pop the bubbles when hey came out. They children were very intrested ine Landon and Shyer where both watching and apart of gather tine, Several he children were having 9 hadtime not waning to pt thei hand in and touch the water. Iwas world because ofthe dye that they would hurt themes. had another teacher take the ry ce avay an pulled et my boore with aiforet pictures ont, We talked about the ciferent forms of water. Then Lansitioned thm into small focus think ct gathering time ite shor because of hechlden getting into the water. However my smal foc groups made up the dferenc in time. + think that would rave changed the order hat id things fr gathering time. CD would have tales about the diferent pictures fst and then did the bube 2 experiment. think that | woul ave wate unl the very end to do the second bubble experiment wnere they could pop the bubble wth their own hands Overall et eth children enoyed ean they were abet Se the etferent things water canbe ee ines aire at weatus tana “change for next time would be to have more mason jars with shaving cream. We me 5. How did you set clear expectations for children’s learning/ behaviors throughout the day? Please tie this to the conversations you had in pre-and post: lab about ways thet you thought ond shared with the other teachers about how to support the children. This should also include information about set-up. ‘+ During pre-abwe talked about the different goals that we had forthe children Most of what we focused on in pre-lab was how we could help the children with literacy and numbers. We had several activities set up for math that also included letters \We had severa behavioral moments that needed to be addressed today. There a 25. were times when Tytan and Skyler did not want to share with each other. One “O think that we talked about in earlier labs was that we need to adress both children that were involved. We tried to do that in those instances, 6, What changes, or cevations rm the writen pan dl you make? Were they helpful why or why no? 4 We added several things to my ative. Orgnally I as going to jst have the Fishing poles ar net Inthe dramatic ply area. Matsa had the ies of hang the shinglinettom the loft area, This added itl it more depth to dramatic oly.

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