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CHE2006 Fuels and Combustion

3 0003
Pre-req: CHE1003/MEE1003
Module Topics L Hrs SLO
Classification of fuels and solid fuels
Fuels Types and characteristics of fuels Determination of properties of
1 fuels -Fuel analysis - Proximate and ultimate analysis - Moisture 6
determination Calorific value Gross and net calorific values -
Calorimetry Dulongs formula for CV estimation.
Solid fuels
Origin of coal- Washing and cleaning of coal-Uses of coal- comparative 1,2,4,6,7
2 6
study of solid liquid and gaseous fuels-selection coal for different uses-
carbonization of coal.
Liquid fuels
Origin of petroleum or crude oil. Removal of salt from crude oil, 1,2,4,5,8,9
3 6
composition of crude petroleum, classification of crude petroleum,
processing of crude petroleum ADU and VDU.
Cracking methods FCCU- Fixed bed and Moving bed-Reforming, 1,2,3,5,8,9
4 6
Knocking-Properties of petroleum products-storage and handling of liquid
Gaseous fuels
Rich and lean gas Wobbe index - Natural gas - Dry and wet natural gas -
5 Stripped NG - Foul and sweet NG - LPG - LNG CNG Methane - 6
Producer Gas - Gasifiers Water gas Town gas oil gas liquefied
petroleum gas.
General principles of combustion Types of combustion processes- 1,3,6,7, 8,9
6 6
combustion of solid fuels-combustion calculations-Fluidized bed
combustion-combustion system and its control.
Air Pollution
Types of pollution - Combustion-Generated air pollution - Effects of air 1,4,7,8,10
7 6
pollution - Pollution of fossil fuels and its control - Pollution from
automobiles and its control.
8 Industrial visit, guest lecture, seminar. 3 1,2,4,5,6.7,8
Total Lecture Hours 45
Flipped Class Room, [Lecture to be videotaped], Use of physical and computer models to lecture, Visit to
Industry and study the thermal equipments, Min of 2 lectures by industry experts
Text Books
1. Sharma.S.P., Cahandramohan., (1999), Fuels and combustion., Tata McGraw-Hill
Reference Books
1. Roger A, Combustion Fundamentals, MeGraw Hills, New Delhi, 2000.
2. Shaha AK, Combustion Engineering & Fuel Technology, Oxford and IBH Publications, New York,
3. Kenneth K Kou, Principles of Combustion, Wiley & Sons Publications, New York, 2002.
Complied by Prof. S. Velu
Recommended by BoS on 04.03.16

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