语境研究的多元化 胡壮麟 PDF

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2002 5 () M ay 2002

34 3 Fo reign Language T eaching and Research (bimonthly) Vol.34 No .3

: ,
, ,
, , ,
( )
[ ] H030 [ ] A [ ] 1000-0429(2002)03_0161-6

co-tex t(),
1 .

(contex t) ,
, ,
C ryst al(1991)
Cobuild ,
M art in & Ringham (2000) ,
(Leech 1983 ;
Brow n & Yule 1983)
, (logi-
, ,
cal form),
(Allen 1995 :228) Herbert Simon
, ,
Patel 1995)
(Hard Symbol Systems Hy pothesis , HSSH),

2000 :
746) ,
, , , (in-
, dexicals) , ;

2002 3

The cat is o n the mat ,
2 .
, ,
Gumperz (
1982 :
212) (),
(contextualization cues),
( ut terance) Scol-
, , lon Scollon(1995 :
Leech(1974/ 1981 : :
67) :
:Should I have it translated?
1) ;
:Yes , here they are .
Brow n & Yule(1983)
? ?
, ,
, Levinson (1987 :
54) :
Scollon(1995 :
21) , A ( ):Bill, that' s a great idea .
Could you write up a one-page summary fo r tomor-
row' s board meeting ?
B ( ):O f course , M r .Hutchins.

Should I have it translated ?

, Hoenwich , (
(1998) , , ) Saeed(1997 : 182)
, (discourse as context)
, Halliday Hasan
Lyons (1995 :
, () ,
, () ,
Lyons , ,

, , Brow n & Yule(1983 :
Halliday ,
, , ,
, co-text ,
, , , ,

, co-text , , ,
4 .
, , Saeed (1997 :

1) ;
2) ;
, ,
Saeed 1 ,
2 , 3
T hornbo rrow Wareing(1998 :

, :
M ee t me here at the same time tomorrow with a stick
A :I' m hung ry .
this long .
B:I' ll lend y ou some money .

, Me , here , the same ti me , tomor-

row , t his long ,
, ,

, me ,
Saeed Crystal ,
here ,
Cry stal 1 3
(the same t ime)
, , 1 ,

(tomorrow) , , 3
( ) Malinow sky Boas
(t his long)
(deixis), , 5 .
Lyons(1995 :271)
, , , ,
Cry stal(1991 : ,
78-79) , Lyons 1977
6 ,
( ,
) , , Brow n &Yule(1983) ,
, (
) ( )
, Harris(1988)
2002 3


Scollon & Scollon (1995 :
22-23) ,
, 7 , :

Lyons Brown and Yule Harris Scollon and Scollon

, , ,
Harris ( Akman ,
1 Saeed (1997 :
De Beaugrande (1980 :
30) : ,
, ,
Brow n and Yule(1983 :
233) ,
, , ,
, , (Ealy 1998)
, Leech (1983 :
13) s
, h ,
2 s
Lyons , Saeed (1997 :
185) (mutual
Ly ons , know ledge)
, , , ,
, ,
3 (
, Harris ,
, , /

/ , , ,
, / ,
, (tenor) ,
, , 5.
(Duranti 1997 : ,
314) , ,
/ ? / (code)Harris ,
/ , , ,
)( ), ( )
5 , ,
, Harris(1988) ,
, (Scollon &Scollon 1995 :
, ,
5 :
(1) :
(2) :
, , ,
(3) :

(4) :

Clark & Carlson (1992)

, ,

(5) , ,
Harris , (2)(3) ,
, (4) , Lyons , Brow n & Yule
, (5)
, , , Scollon &Scollon ,
() , ,
(key) , , ,
(Scollon & Scollon 1995 :
26) 5.
, , Scollon & Scollon (1995 :
2002 3

(m anifestation) bridge :Cambridge U niversity P ress.

, Ealy, L .1998/ 1999.Understanding Contexts [ M ] .

Smith Weaver-Smith .O n_line .
, ;

Gumperz, J.J.1982 .Discourse Strategies [ M] .Cam-

bridge :Cambridge U niversity P ress.


Harris, W .V .1988 .Interpretive Acts :I n Search of
Meaning [ M] .O xford :Clarendon Press .
Hoenwich , S .1998.Interpretation and indeterminacy in
, discourse analy sis [ P] ./ w ww .
criticism .
Leech, G .1974/ 1981 .Semantics :T he Study of Mean-
, ing [ M] .Harmondswor th , Middlesex , UK :Pen-
, guin.

, Leech, G .1983 .Principles of Pragmatics [ M] .Lo n-

don and New Yo rk:Longman .
, ,
Levinso n, S .C .1987.Pragmatics [ M ] .Cambridge :

Cambridg e University Press .

Ly ons , J .1977 .Semantics [ M] .Vols.
1 and 2 .Cam-

bridge :Cambridge U niversity P ress.
Ly ons , J .1995 .L inguistic Semantics :An Introduction
A kman, V .2000.Rethinking Context as a social con- [ M] .Cambridge :Cambridge U niversity Press .
struct [ J] .Journal of Pragmatics 32 :743-759. M artin , B .& F .Ring ham .2000.Dictionary of Semi-
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[ M] .Redwood City , CA :
Benjamin/ Cummings. Patel, M .J .1995 .Cognitive science , meaning , and tex t
Beaugrande, R .1980. Text , Discourse and Process : interpretation [ J] .SEHR , Vo l.
4/ 1 .
Towards a multi_disciplinary science of tex ts [ M] . Saeed, J .L .1997.Semantics [ M] .O xford:Black-
London :Lo ngman . well.
Brow n, G .& G .Yule.1983 .Discourse Analysis [ M] . Scollon, R .& S .Scollo n.1995.I ntercultural Commu-
Cambridge :Cambridge U niversity P ress . nication : A Discourse Approach [ M ] .Ox ford:
Clark, H .H .& T .B.Carlso n.1992.Context for Blackwell.
comprehension.In H .H .Clark (ed .
).Arenas of T hornborrow , J. & S.Wareing .1998 .Patterns in
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Crystal , D .1987/ 1991.The Cambridge Encyclopedia of :2002 3 8 ;
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2002 5 () M ay 2002
34 3 Fo reign Language T eaching and Research (bimonthly) Vol.34 No .3

Abstracts of major papers in this issue

A plural istic approach to the study of context , by Hu Z huangl in , p . 161

Contex t contributes positively and g reatly to the interpretation of discourse meaning and has been
a co ncern of semanticist s , pragmaticians , ethnologist s , ant hropologist s , philosophers , and cognit ive
scientists .Following the steps of their research , one can w itness t here has been a trend t o move from
a monistic approach to a pluralistic approach , although scholars dif fer in their classification .T he paper
also touches upon t he relation bet ween objective contex t and cogni tive co ntex t , and t he cognit ive-psy-
chological st udy of contex t as w ell .

Discourse production and comprehension :The role of sequential markers , by Li u Li jin , p . 167
T his art icle reports an em pirical study of the role of sequential markers in discourse product ion and
comprehension .Sequential markers o r connect ives serve to highlight continui ty and discontinui ty of
propositions in discourse .T hese markers can be signals to improve discourse comprehension , and also
traces of discourse_production diff iculty w hen a topic shif t occurs .T he data obtained in t he empirical
study , by and large , confirm this dual role and support the hypot heses as follow s :T he propo rtion of
sequential markers increases as t he discourse st ucture becomes hierarchically higher , and t he more dif-
f icult t he discourse production becomes , the more f requently the markers appear , especially and as a
trace , though it will not aff ect the function to highlight continuity of proposi tions .

Milestones of natural language processing technology , by Changning Huang & Ashley Chang , p .
T his paper is a brief discussio n of t he major finding s and developments i n the f ield of Natural Lan-
guage P rocessing (NLP)in the past 50 years .F irst , the co rpus invest ig at ion has show n the f ollowing
tw o facts :(1)Sing le labeled PSG rules are not suf ficient f or natural language description , and (2)
PSG rules have skew dist ribution in text corpora , i . e .the t otal number of PSG rules does not seem to
be able to cover the language phenomena found in a large corpus, w hich is out of most linguists' expec-
tation .T he development of N LP technology has been under t he inf luence of t he two f acts mentioned
above .And there have been three major breakthroughs and milestones in t his field :(1)multiple f ea-
tures and unif ication-based grammars , (2)lexicalism in linguistics research , (3)Statistical Language
M odeling (S LM)and co rpus-based approaches .T he latest investigations reveal that the bot tleneck
problem in the NLP technology is the problem of obtaining and developing large-scale linguistic know l-
edge ;t herefore , t he corpus const ruction and st at istical learning theory become key issues in NLP re-
search and application .

Further reflections on functional stylistics, by Shen Dan , p . 188

T his paper contains further reflections on functional st ylistics in term s of 1)style and t he criteria
of relevance , 2)t he si tuational contex t of the li terary text , 3)qualitative f oregrounding versus quanti-
tative foregrounding , and 4)the relationship betw een linguistic analy sis and literary interpret at ion .


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