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July 13th 2017

Ref: Wilson, Christopher Paul, Program Coordinator Nigeria, Secours Islamique France

To whom it may concern

I am writing in application for the Program Coordinator position in Nigeria with Secours Islamique

I have worked in senior management and programme coordination positions for over ten years with
extensive experience in strategic development and planning in International NGOs and within the UN
on a wide range of humanitarian and development interventions in various, often high-pressured,
settings. Most recently, as the chief United Nations Volunteers (UNV) representative in Iraq, I worked
on a range of project interventions in response to the Syrian refugee and Iraqi IDP crises.

With UNV in Iraq and Indonesia I held overall office operational management responsibility,
overseeing issues such as HR, procurement, logistics and general administration. I managed and
developed various multi-cultural teams, and led the successful delivery of our strategic objectives
through following processes such as ensuring a shared ownership and understanding of our strategic
plans, empowering team members, and providing meaningful staff appraisals and incentives.

In both my positions with the UN I was responsible for managing, overseeing and monitoring the
security for all UN Volunteers stationed in remote (and at times highly insecure) locations. In Iraq I
was also the delegated security warden for one apartment block that housed around 8 UNDP staff.

I have also held significant budget responsibilities. With Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) in Southeast
Asia I was responsible for a diverse project portfolio with multiple funding streams (DfID and the EU). I
succeeded in maintaining a programme delivery rate of over 89% whilst ensuring compliance to VSO
global strategy. The overall budget for this particular Programme was around US$2.5 million.

Managing and balancing diverse stakeholder and partnership relationships from grassroots
community level to senior Government officials and donors is one of my many strengths. With UNV
Iraq and Indonesia I liaised and networked with UN Agencies, donors and Government representatives.
Examples include collaborating with the UN Youth Ambassador, and maintaining a dialogue and
negotiating with the Prime Ministers Office in Baghdad, and at Ministerial level in Iraqi Kurdistan.

I have produced numerous reports and evaluation studies for VSO and UNV. The evaluation and
subsequent report I produced for VSO China not only shaped the future of the VSO China strategic
direction, but also fed into VSOs global education strategy

I have a Master degree in Development Studies, a Post Graduate Award in Business Administration,
and to support my extensive practical experience in project management I have a recognized project
cycle management qualification.

Thank you for considering my application and I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully

Christopher Paul Wilson

Wilson, Christopher Paul, Program Coordinator Nigeria, Secours Islamique France, July 13 th 2017

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