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Basics of Anesthesia

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1. What was the worlds first ether 9. What are the -hx of difficult intubation
anesthetic? indications for -prolonged intubation or previous trach
endotracheal -C-spine instability or trauma to
2. What is the definition of the process of blocking
intubation? face/neck
anesthesia? the perception of pain
-neck radiation (abnormal anatomy)
and other sensations
-airway tumor or abscess
3. Can anesthetics work by both -mediastinal mass
excitement (destabilizing) or -RA with loss of cervical ROM
inhibition (stabilizing) at the site of -obstructive sleep apnea
10. What is the
4. What part of the brainstem does reticular formation, Mallampatti
anesthetics seem to work on the which regulates classification?
most? consciousness, alertness
and motor activity
5. What is the bodies response to -stimulates release of
injury? hormones from the
adrenal cortex
-secondary organs 11. What does a
stimulated Mallampatti class I
-activation of the CNS, look like?
immunological and
hemotologic changes
-coagulation activation
6. What are the goals of anesthesia? -analgesia
-anoxiolysis tip of the uvula, faucial pillars and soft
-antiemesis (nausea and palate are visible
vomiting) 12. What does a
-muscle relaxation Mallampattie class
7. What is a BIS EEG? What value do monitor that tells you IV look like?
you want it to read for general the level of sedation
anesthesia? -40-60 means there is
adequate sedation
8. What are the 3 red flags found in Problems with:
the H&P that are important to for -airway
anesthesia administration? -cardiovascular
only hard palate is visible
13. What does a
Mallampatti class
II look like?
14. What does a 21. What are some -CHF in last 30 days
Mallampatti class general red flag -MI in last 6 months
III look like? predictors of -cardiac surgery/stents within 12 mo
cardiac risk? -angina last 30 days
-new arrhythmias
-severe valvular disease
-emergency surgery
-age >70 years
-intraperitoneal, intra-thoracic or aortic
-poor general medical condition
22. What are the -Restrictive Lung Disease-Asbestosis,
pulmonary red Sarcoidosis,
15. What are the four -age flags for Interstitial Lung Disease
factors used to -functional status anesthesia? -Obstructive Lung Disease-
determine cardiac -comorbidities Asthma, COPD/Emphysema
function before a -invasiveness of surgical procedure -Airway Disorders- Obstructive Sleep
surgery? Apnea (OSA)
-Infection- Recent URI, TB, Pneumonia
16. What types of -major vascular surgery
surgeries are 23. What is the a short hand method for standardizing
considered as American Society and categorizing anesthesia risk (class I
high risk? of is normal healthy individual and class VI
Anesthesiologists is emergency surgery)
17. What types of -carotid
(ASA) physical
surgeries are -abdominal
considered as -thoracic
intermediate risk? -urologic
-ENT 24. What is the
-ortho surgeries perioperative
mortality for ASA
18. What types of -endoscopy
class 1-5?
surgeries are -superficial surgeries
considered as low
19. What is a good
way to guestimate 25. What are some
adequate cardiac medications that
functional need to be
capacity? stopped prior to

exercise ability is a good predictive

-MET (metabolic equivalent)- the lower 26. What are the ASA
the score the less active standards?
20. What MET level is <4 METs of activity
associated with an -inability to walk up 1 flight of stairs or
increased periop inability to walk 2 level blocks without
cardiovascular stopping due to shortness of breath
27. What is capnography 37. What is the roll of ketamine in analgesia
and what is it used sedation?
38. What is the roll of -sedative without
dexmedetomidine in sedation? respiratory depressant
*alpha 2 agonist and opioid
can detect malignant hyperthermia sparing

28. What are the ways a 39. What are the reversal agents -opioids- naloxone
patient can go into for opioids and benzos? (narcan)
hypothermia in the -benzos- flumazinil
OR? (romazicon)

29. What is monitored

anesthesia care

30. What is the main moderate/procedural sedation is not

difference between expected to induce depth of sedation
moderate/procedural that would impair their own ability to
sedation and MAC? breath
31. What is the reversal flumazenil
agent for
32. Does propofol have no, it only has sedative and amnesia
analgesic affecting properties
properties? Is there a -no, there is no reversal drug
reversal drug for it?
33. What causes MAC to
become general

34. What is the roll of analgesia

narcotics in
35. What is the roll of sedation
benzodiazapines in anxiolysis
sedation? amnesia
36. What is the roll of sedation and
propofol in amnesia
sedation? *no analgesic properties

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