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Mcloughlin CS.

Characteristics of Students Failing Medical Educa- Med Educ Online [serial online] 2009;14
tion: An Essay of Reflections. doi;10.3885/meo.2009.L0000029
Available from http://www.med-ed-online.org

Characteristics of Students Failing Medical Education:

An Essay of Reflections

Caven S. Mcloughlin, Ph.D.

School of Lifespan Development and Educational Sciences

Kent State University
Kent, Ohio, USA

Abstract: This essay offers a series of reflections by a psychologist who has evaluated and pro-
vided remediation and counseling to medical school students who are experiencing failure despite
an intellectual capacity to succeed. The common thematic indicators for students who stumble
in their medical education are described. Markers for potential-to-fail are suggested that relate to
students Information Organization, Planning Processing, and Preparation for Examinations.

There can be no greater nightmare for the intending There are good reasons to better understand the char-
physician than the prospect of failing medical school. acteristics and functioning of the failing medical student
For students partway through their medical education that include earlier recognition of the student destined for
the pressures to be successful are multiplied. Yet, quite difficulty. With earlier detection it might be possible to di-
expectedly, some find their chosen career path does not minish unreasonable burdens on students, and rearrange
parallel their developing interests, abilities, sensitivities, environmental circumstances to promote success. Finally,
or their maturing understanding of the worldofwork. with forewarning it may even be possible to counsel, tu-
Others, reluctantly, discover that despite their own strong tor, motivate and otherwise save the wastage of a mas-
interest in continuing in medicine they are no longer sive investment (both individual and societal) through the
welcome due to academic shortcomings. A smaller pro- expenditure of relatively minimal resources.
portion of the many that nonetheless do have acceptable
academic standing find that because of their lifestyle, use The commentary in this essay will not propose a
of restricted substances, personality characteristics, or in- method for selecting medical students, nor will it suggest
terpersonal idiosyncrasies, they are destined never to be comprehensively the reasons why some students are dis-
accepted as full members of the medical fraternity. missed from their medical education programs. Rather,
several patterns and themes will be described which ap-
Unusually large loans support medical graduate pear to characterize the learning, social, and psychologi-
study. The atmosphere within medical education can cal styles and dispositions of students who fail in their
reflect an almost religious fervour for climbing ladders medical preparation programs. These are simply observa-
toward preferred specialties. When this scenario is inten- tions and reflections; they are unsupported by an empirical
sified by a cajoling family, students have few legitimate foundation and are based entirely on clinical observation.
alternatives when reappraising their initial decision to en- There should be no doubt that these remarks are a result
ter medical school. However, continuing is not always a of potentially idiosyncratic study of medical school stu-
decision which is theirs alone to make. dents experiencing difficulty. Following the commentary
will be a brief outline of some potential remediation.
Medical schools dismissal rates, whether or not
including the number of students counseled to discon- While not empirically based, the trends I note here
tinue, reflect an inconceivably high wastage-rate when are the result of data and impressions collected when in-
compared to that of business, industry and commerce. terviewing, tutoring and counseling students in severe
This is not to suggest that medical schools intend in their academic difficulty at a Midwestern USA medical school
selection processes to include a proportion of failures compiled over several years. Only those features evident
in each class. To the contrary, efforts expended in moni- in a majority of failing students are discussed. No single
toring failure rates, and the reasons for the failure of a student reflected all the illustrated features; while each
minority of students, probably outweigh in both time and had problems, none was so burdened as to have them all.
effort what it would take to revise the curriculum so as to With the caveats that I have noted and an awareness that
increase retention rates. face-validity is the only measure against which these data

Mcloughlin CS. Characteristics of Students Failing Medical Educa- Med Educ Online [serial online] 2009;14
tion: An Essay of Reflections. doi;10.3885/meo.2009.L0000029
Available from http://www.med-ed-online.org

may be tested, I will first provide some reflections on ba- It should come as no surprise that intelligence, as
sic themes characterizing students who experience diffi- measured by IQ tests and reflected in secondary education
culty attaining and maintaining academic success. grades, is an imperfect measure for predicting success in
medical education. Native ability is clearly a necessary
Some Basic Themes but insufficient criterion for performing well in medical
school. In fact, whereas medical students do not have to
It is almost never necessary to use exhaustive, diag- be located in the IQ stratosphere to be successful, they
nostic testingtolimits to discern the nature of the spe- do have to be exceptionally well organized in their man-
cific problems experienced by medical students in severe agement of information. For many medical students, suc-
difficulty. The student who is failing for apparently unac- cess has come at the expense of, and sometimes despite,
countable reasons is rare indeed. Generally, the problems grossly inefficient study habits. The existence of efficient
are so dramatic that the causative agents are identifiable study habits or a willingness tore-learn study systems
with minimal detective work. With problems clear from are themselves critical indicators for identifying a candi-
the outset, the primary task is in checking that, in fact, the date likely to benefit from remediation strategies.
apparent precipitating problem is the real cause. Thus, it
is generally true that presenting problems are discernible Most students who approach the stage of noreturn
from the individuals history; if you read for clues then the in medical studies say they were not particularly academ-
data are incontrovertible. Of course, that does not mean ically-stretched prior to entering medical school. Conse-
that the problems are simple to remediateonly that they quently, we should never be surprised that most approach
are relatively easy to differentiate. their medical studies using the exact same strategies as
they used (albeit successfully) in secondary education
Failing students appear to value a frank, candid ap- settings. That is, they generally practice a strategy of
praisal. When discussing with a student the clues that I when in doubt simply read, read and read again.
see in their background their response is all too frequently
a sincere lack of appreciation of the double-edge embed- The failing student rarely expected to fail. This novel
ded in the evaluations they have received from Profes- experience of failing is emotionally painful and often
sors, Clinical Directors, and their Medical School Dean. without precedent for the medical school failure. Conse-
Typically the clues implying a prospect for failure are quently, it is common to see avoidance of contact with
embedded in coyly worded statements that intimate, but peers, and a parallel demeanour toward the schools aca-
rarely fully-explain the depth and implication of the un- demic review and promotions process. Failing students
satisfactory performance. Statements that objectively and have a generalized reluctance to approach appropriate
quantitatively identify a failing standard are tempered academic personnel for advisementdespite their clear
with qualitatively phrased compliments that act to dimin- recognition of its importance. The feeling of abandon-
ish the impact of the intended message. Appraisals are ment, experienced by many failing medical students,
cloaked in positive, kindly terminology; and, it is almost causes some to drop out completely from all study related
solely the positive upon which the student has focused. activity, which further compounds their difficulties.
In their reading of written evaluation all they see is the
encouraging tenor. Is this a case of selective attention? The failing-group includes a disproportionate num-
Almost certainly it is; however, the responsibility for ac- ber of individuals from vulnerable social situations, and a
curate communication lies equally with the message-pro- high proportion of persons living fringe-lifestyles. They
vider as it does with the recipient. It is likely that faculty appear overly represented by women and racial minor-
concern to ensure that messages are conveyed positively ity individuals, nontraditional students in terms of age
in fact blunts the messages true intent. and background preparation, those in socially demand-
ing family arrangements, people without a ready social
Typically, the individual who is failing is no less resource system, individuals lacking a family-legacy in
committed to their success as a medical student than any medicine, and those living with nonmedical roommates.
peer. While highly motivated to be successful in aca-
demic study and examinations, this student rarely thinks Since an active social and academic resource system
further ahead than graduation. Only infrequently do they is more typical for those who experience success, then
visualize themselves as a medical provider; rather, they there is no surprise that the failing group includes many
are overly focused on being an acceptable medical stu- loners. While not flattering, I have heard many students
dent. Superiority, they presume, can directly be equated in marked academic difficulty portray themselves as so-
to a facility to remember increasingly higher mountains cially retarded. Almost universally these are also indi-
of facts. viduals who are not part of any organized study group

Mcloughlin CS. Characteristics of Students Failing Medical Educa- Med Educ Online [serial online] 2009;14
tion: An Essay of Reflections. doi;10.3885/meo.2009.L0000029
Available from http://www.med-ed-online.org

system. They rarely can identify a study-buddy. They help to keep in mind that whether successive or simul-
may have attempted to gain study-group membership but taneous in basic orientation, the student still needs to
as one student explained: When I pulled myself together have access to a variety of efficient planning processing
enough to ask, I was given too hard a task. It was intended strategies. Clearly, the preferred processor is the student
to dissuade me from ever asking again. As typically de- who makes use of a simultaneous approach, but who also
pendent rather than independent characters they seem to has access to efficient planning processing strategies.
allow the world to act on them, rather than take charge Thus, conceptually, the successive/simultaneous process-
of their life. Perhaps significantly, whatever their level of ing style represents higher order functioning, while the
unhappiness as a failing medical student, it is usual to specific problem management strategies (represented by
hear a resounding sigh of relief once the schools academ- planning processing) serve to make the general approach
ic review and promotions process makes a final decision more, or less, efficient.
to sever the student from the medical track.
Successive Processing: The focus is on the linear, se-
An associated social difficulty relates to the students rial relationship of ideas and information.
severely limited horizons about the World in which they
live. Failing students tend not to read newspapers, nor do Key points
they watch television news programmes or participate in
discussions about current events. Invariably, they cannot Student arranges information in specific linear se-
recall the last poem or novel they read. In an apparent quences.
contradiction, they seem overly focused on things medi- Orientation of parts into a whole is not easily or
cal; perhaps at the cost of viewing medical problems in frequently accomplished.
a similar way as the auto mechanic who sees a disabled Each segment of a reading (or task) is related only
automobile without regard to its owner. to the next one in the sequence (i.e., the whole can-
not be surveyed without recourse to considering every
There is another class of difficulties more directly element of the detail in the chain-like progression of
associated with efficiency and accuracy at managing aca- information). The successive-processing student can-
demic and clinical tasks. These problems can be catego- not jump to the central thesis.
rized in terms of Information Organization, Planning
Processing, and Examination Preparation. Students behavioural clues, and examples of
activities: Overrepetition of, and emphasis on, serial
A. INFORMATION ORGANIZATION events; incorrect use of syntax (or overrigid, uncreative
reliance on semantic-clues in a reading); jerky, rather
Problemsolving skills are clearly independent of than smooth, motor movements; almost no linkage or
native intellectual ability. Usually, those students with reference to related information from alternative sources
specific disabilities in problem-solving are also funda- (whether medical education units, modules or courses);
mentally naive about the gravity that such a deficit has relative absence of strategies for ordinating ideas within
for success in medical practice. These are people who a reading (e.g., few subheadings within lecture notes),
typically use a linear approach to trace relationships, or and little understanding of the concept of hierarchically
who are without a filter mechanism for determining arranging information based on priority within that infor-
the relative weight of chunks of information. Too fre- mation-set. When confronted by a patient with diffuse or
quently, the failing student does not understand the dif- multiple symptoms the student fixates on a single element
ference between central postulates and marginal detail; of the presenting symptomatology, misses crucial and ob-
all information is given equal priority. Also, they may vious clues, and afterthefact is sincerely unaware that
think linearly or successively rather than use simultane- the analysis was incomplete (i.e., he/she is dangerously
ous strategiesthat is, they have an inefficient cognitive singleminded in symptom pursuit). The student engaged
routemap to help in making judgments at critical deci- in successive processing strategies does not seek to link
sion points. Unfortunately, the traditional tertiary educa- data by creating bridges between informational elements.
tion system does little to teach problem-resolution strate- When this student uses someone elses memory device,
gies as a formal skill aimed at improving efficiency. a mnemonic for example, they invariably incorporate it
without any change or modification.
It may help to contrast the elements of successive
and simultaneous processing for adult learners, with ex- Observation: This problem-solving strategy results
amples of behavioural clues and observations for each in an extremely time-consuming and inefficient approach
approach demonstrated by medical students. It should to managing complexity. The inefficiency results from

Mcloughlin CS. Characteristics of Students Failing Medical Educa- Med Educ Online [serial online] 2009;14
tion: An Essay of Reflections. doi;10.3885/meo.2009.L0000029
Available from http://www.med-ed-online.org

the students need to cycleback each time a higheror- tism: Does it work? It would be wrong to deduce that
der interpretation or advanced information-retrieval is the simultaneous processing student studies effortfree;
demanded. The student treats information as though it however, the time that is expended brings more lasting
originates from within encapsulated, discrete and separate results and an improved outcome when compared to the
entities; without regard to the possibility that linkages be- linear thinker.
tween otherwise apparently unrelated information might
need to be sought out, or even cultivated. Essentially, A ruleofthumb problem solving index that I use
the symptom-pursuit strategies are grossly and danger- is to ask about the students selection of a medical spe-
ously inefficient because the significance of relationships cialty. Whatever their stage in medical education this is a
across information units is unappreciated. universal experience. It is remarkably typical for failing
students to have made their initial selectionthen never
Simultaneous Processing: The manipulation of infor- to have gone back to reevaluate that choice with updat-
mation through the thoughtful selection of personally ed information learned on the journey through medical
relevant strategies and the imposition of meaning school. Many times the trigger for the initial choice was
upon a databank of otherwise disparate facts. itself illinformed (a television portrayal, someone they
once knew in a particular specialty, a traditional family
Key points role, or presumed higher income prospects). Particularly
frightened to evaluate their own initial decision to go to
Requires the student to arrange information into a medical school are the very same students who them-
group or network. selves see their options for continuing as being snatched
Requires that the student thoroughly comprehend the away.
information being confronted; rather than approach-
ing it as a series of unrelated facts susceptible to be- In this exercise I ask the failing student to tell me
ing learned using rote memory devices, what data they accrued to make their current choice. Do
Each segment of a reading (or diagnostic task) is re- they know the influences on their choice? I also evalu-
lated to every other part of that task (i.e., the whole ate their degree of selfknowledge. Have they factored in
can be surveyed as a consequence of considering the their own values, needs and desires into the selection of
relationships within the whole). Thus, simultaneous- a medical specialty? Do they ever engage in self-assess-
thinking students can jump to the central idea be- ment as a personal-retreat? That is, do they ever attempt
cause they can see the relevance of each main idea to an appraisal of their professional and social aspirations?
all other main and subordinate ideas. Typically, students in difficulty have a poor understand-
ing of self. At the most basic level, some even appear not
Students behavioral clues and examples of activi- to know where their strengths lie in the traditional triad
ties: The student using simultaneous processing strategies people, information, and things.
seeks out logical relationships between sets of informa-
tion. And, where these are not immediately evident, this Efficient informationorganization involves mean-
student attempts to impose a personalized interpretation ingfully storing data so as to be later able to retrieve it
of meaning onto the data set. The student can perceive efficiently. Most students-in-difficulty focus on retrieval,
abstract relationships, identify higherorder meaning, and assuming that the storage mechanism will take care of
differentiate the relative importance of ideas embedded itself. They have forgotten (or perhaps never knew) that
in a complex reading (or task). The student creates sev- efficiency in storage is the primary limiter to ones later
eral personalized strategies for manipulating information ability to retrieve. When they do organize information,
(e.g., develops personally meaningful mnemonics). Thus, it is done idiosyncratically and exclusively according
when the student incorporates someone elses mnemonic to class topic, organ system, or even the academic year
it is purposely modified to make it personally meaning- when it was initially taught. Such a study-approach treats
ful. academic lecture classes as though each teaches discrete
pools of medical knowledge that are unitary and ultimate-
Observations: This personalized-study-approach ly separate; knowledge units are thoroughly compart-
makes it easier for an evaluator of the students study mentalized. These comments also address the students
skills to assume that each stratagem is inefficient or ir- approach to planning processing, which now will be
relevant since the students approach does not reflect that briefly addressed.
of the evaluator. However, idiosyncrasy is inherent within
personalizing. The true measure of the efficiency of the
students approach is answered by the test of pragma-
Mcloughlin CS. Characteristics of Students Failing Medical Educa- Med Educ Online [serial online] 2009;14
tion: An Essay of Reflections. doi;10.3885/meo.2009.L0000029
Available from http://www.med-ed-online.org

B. PLANNING PROCESSING: How a person de- when questions are not identified as originating from a
cides to solve problems and consequently their profi- particular content or subject area. Their study preparation
ciency at finding resolution. invariably anticipates that examinations will comprise a
set of separate quizzes, each of which will be exclusive
Key points to a particular domainand labelled with that domain
name. For example, if the student does not have a prompt
Planning allows the student to regulate, modify and to tell in which domain the knowledge might be located
evaluate their activities. (Biochemistry, NeuroAnatomy, etc.), then there is a high
Planning is a conscious, learnable activity; reflected probability that the question will go unanswered. This
in the strategies a person uses to pursue difficulttoin- student, too, has difficulty whenever information from
terpret information, and in the systems students use more than one domain needs to be combined to establish
to codify information into their memorystorage for a whole that is greater than the sum of the parts. This
later retrieval of that information. particular difficulty relates to a failure to develop an un-
Planning is demonstrated by the existence of a course derstanding of conceptual linkages between information
of action for solving tasks that can be articulated by learned across different medical topics or domains.
the user.
Planning allows for the inspection of the performance Rarely does the failing student see the totality of the
of strategies, so as to determine their effectiveness. medical classs content in any holistic sense. Their singu-
Planning is the thinking persons system for impulse lar approach to facts is distinctive; information is deemed
control and the regulation of their activity patterns. meaningful only in its particular, rather than universal,
context. This is the very student who will later approach
Students behavioral clues, and examples of ac- a case presentation in a particularistic way (for example
tivities: An efficient plan-processor evidences efficient focusing exclusively on organ failure and foregoing the
completion of tasks with clear, concise, organized notes; wholepatient appraisal). The students study-notes re-
ordination and heading within notes is commonplace; stu- flect this approach; for, material taught in each class is
dent makes a conscious effort to differentiate unimport- encapsulatedwithout cross referenced bridges to tie
ant from mundane or trivial information; student appears together concepts taught in linked-courses. Universally,
to be able to visualize relationships within pools of infor- class content is viewed as disparate and essentially unre-
mation, even across apparently disparate fields; student lated, except to itself.
tries to impose a pattern or meaning onto the mountains
of information that contemporary medical practitioners REMEDIATION
Procedures for providing assistance to the students
Observations: Students correct, modify, or in some described in this essay are based more in art than in sci-
way finetune their strategic plan whenever it leads to er- ence. Nonetheless and not surprisingly, the method of
ror, or becomes inefficient or time-consuming. This re- choice relates specifically to the identified shortcom-
quires that the student regularly and consciously reflect ingswhich itself is the medical model of targeting treat-
upon the plan that is being used. If a student cannot, after ment to the pathology.
a few moments of thought, articulate the strategy being
used to solve problems then most typically that student is Emphases are placed on multiple strategies so that
not using any strategy (i.e., they use true trialanderror the student can take charge of study preparation and man-
in the hope of hitting some instances of trialandsuc- agement. This can mean that the student will need to be
cess). Coding information for storage is the most vulner- counselled in:
able link in the three-part chain: Codify Place-into-
Memory Retrieve Systems for personal time management.
Strategies for initially organizing (rather than later
C. EXAMINATION PREPARATION retrieving) information provided in classes or clini-
cal rotations.
Students who stumble at the hurdle of formal ex- Recognizing the relative importance of context with-
aminations use characteristically inefficient strategies for in a recommended readingwhich means that the
preparation. They are not particularly testwise (seen, for student must be prepared to seek out backwardact-
example, in their failure to recognize that multiple-choice ing and forwardacting textual cues that illuminate
tests planfully embed incorrect answers as intentional dis- essential meaning.
tracters). These are students who fare particularly poorly Considering the advantages/disadvantages of pro-

Mcloughlin CS. Characteristics of Students Failing Medical Educa- Med Educ Online [serial online] 2009;14
tion: An Essay of Reflections. doi;10.3885/meo.2009.L0000029
Available from http://www.med-ed-online.org

prietary study schools examination preparation pro- various courses of study, and finding multiple hooks for
grams. single chunks of knowledge.
The personalizing of the students responsibility for
study preparation. True to scientific form, most medical students in
Recognizing the appropriateness of supplement- trouble become very objective and deny their valuable
ing examination preparation through attending ex- subjective feelings. That is why most of these suggestions
tra classes, taking mock examinations or shelf- are not particularly novel. They represent fairly common
boards. sense approaches which most of us will reflect on having
Incorporating personally-relevant mnemonics and used at one time or another. However, common-sense is
diagramming or charting information (e.g., with in remarkably short supply for the medical student who
colour coded systems). begins to sense failure on the horizon.
Developing picturable notes so as to be able to vi-
sualize material. Correspondence
Explaining traditional study strategies; for example,
the Study, Question, Read, Recite, Review paradigm Caven S. Mcloughlin, Ph.D.
(SQ3R). Professor of School Psychology
Developing a dictionary-habit for discovering the School of Lifespan Development
meaning of uncertain terms. and Educational Sciences
Searching texts for keywords, definitions, and link- 405 White Hall
ing concepts, and such like. Kent State University
Kent, Ohio 44242 USA
Most of all is the need for students to construct mean-
ingful linkages between information and concepts learned Phone: 330-672-2928
across different areas of medicine. This can be done by Fax: 330-672-2675
cross-referencing information and concepts learned in E-mail: caven@kent.edu

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