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The Court of Appeals ruled that the HSRA cannot be

Ruben Villaluz vs Calixto Zaldivar
declared void for violating Sections 5, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 18
of Article II; Section 1 of Article III; Sections 11 and 14 of
Article XIII; and Sections 1 and 3(2) of Article XV, all of the
1987 Constitution, which directly or indirectly pertain to the
15 SCRA 710 Political Law Control Power Removal Power duty of the State to protect and promote the peoples right
Appointees to health and well-being. It reasoned that the
aforementioned provisions of the Constitution are not self-
Ruben Villaluz was appointed as the Administrator of the Motor executing; they are not judicially enforceable constitutional
Vehicles Office in 1958. In 1960, Congressman Joaquin Roces alleged rights and can only provide guidelines for legislation.
that Villaluz was an ineffective leader and had caused losses to the I. 5. The Court of Appeals held that Executive Order No.
government. He indorsed the removal of Villaluz. 102 is detrimental to the health of the people cannot be
Consequently, Executive Secretary Calixto Zaldivar suspended Villaluz made a justiciable issue. The question of whether the
and ordered a committee to investigate the matter. After investigation, HSRA will bring about the development or disintegration
it was recommended that Villaluz be removed. The president then of the health sector is within the realm of the political
issued an Administrative Order removing Villaluz from his post. Villaluz department.
averred that the president has no jurisdiction to remove him.
ISSUE: Whether or not Villaluz is under the jurisdiction of the Whether or not the HSRA and EO NO. 102 violates the constitution?
President to be removed considering that he is an appointee of the
HELD: Yes. The president has jurisdiction and not the Civil
Service. The President of the Philippines has jurisdiction to investigate The Court finds the present petition to be without merit.
and remove him since he is a presidential appointee who belongs to
the non-competitive or unclassified service under Sec 5 of Republic 1. As a general rule, the provisions of the Constitution are
Act No. 2260; being a presidential appointee, Villaluz belongs to the considered self-executing, and do not require future legislation
non-competitive or unclassified service of the government and as such for their enforcement. For if they are not treated as self-
he can only be investigated and removed from office after due hearing executing, the mandate of the fundamental law can be easily
by the President of the Philippines under the principle that the power nullified by the inaction of Congress. However, some provisions
to remove is inherent in the power to appoint . have already been categorically declared by this Court as non
There is some point in the argument that the power of control of the self-executing. Some of the constitutional provisions invoked in
President may extend to the power to investigate, suspend or remove the present case were taken from Article II of the Constitution
officers and employees who belong to the executive department if they specifically, Sections 5, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15 and 18 the
are presidential appointees or do not belong to the classified service provisions of which the Court categorically ruled to be non self-
for such can be justified under the principle that the power to remove is executing in the aforecited case of Taada v. Angara, wherein
inherent in the power to appoint but not with regard to those officers or the Court specifically set apart the sections as non self-
employees who belong to the classified service for as to them that executing and ruled that such broad principles need legislative
inherent power cannot be exercised. This is in line with the provision of enactments before they can be implemented. Moreover, the
our Constitution which says that the Congress may by law vest the records are devoid of any explanation of how the HSRA
appointment of the inferior officers, in the President alone, in the supposedly violated the equal protection and due process
courts, or in heads of department. clauses that are embodied in Section 1 of Article III of the
Constitution. There were no allegations of discrimination or of
the lack of due process in connection with the HSRA. Since they
failed to substantiate how these constitutional guarantees were
Read full text breached, petitioners are unsuccessful in establishing the
relevance of this provision to the petition, and consequently, in
annulling the HSRA.
2. Even granting that these alleged errors were adequately proven
TONDO MEDICAL CENTER EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION v THE by the petitioners, they would still not invalidate Executive Order
COURT OF APPEALS No. 102. Any serious legal errors in laying down the
compensation of the DOH employees concerned can only
527 SCRA 746 G.R. No. 167324 invalidate the pertinent provisions of Department Circular No.
Facts: 312, Series of 2000. Likewise, any questionable appointments or
1. In 1999, the DOH launched the Health Sector Reform Agenda transfers are properly addressed by an appeal process provided
(HSRA). It provided for five general areas of reform: under Administrative Order No. 94, series of 2000; and if the
A. To provide fiscal autonomy to government hospitals; appeal is meritorious, such appointment or transfer may be
B. Secure funding for priority public health programs; invalidated. The validity of Executive Order No. 102 would,
C. Promote the development of local health systems and nevertheless, remain unaffected. Settled is the rule that courts
ensure its effective performance; are not at liberty to declare statutes invalid, although they may
D. Strengthen the capacities of health regulatory agencies; be abused or disabused, and may afford an opportunity for
E. Expand the coverage of the National Health Insurance abuse in the manner of application. The validity of a statute or
Program (NHIP) ordinance is to be determined from its general purpose and its
F. On 24 May 1999, then President Joseph Ejercito Estrada efficiency to accomplish the end desired, not from its effects in a
issued Executive Order No. 102, entitled Redirecting the particular case. Section 17, Article VII of the 1987 Constitution,
Functions and Operations of the Department of Health, clearly states: [T]he president shall have control of all executive
which provided for the changes in the roles, functions, and departments, bureaus and offices. Section 31, Book III, Chapter
organizational processes of the DOH. Under the assailed 10 of Executive Order No. 292, also known as the Administrative
executive order, the DOH refocused its mandate from Code of 1987. It is an exercise of the Presidents constitutional
being the sole provider of health services to being a power of control over the executive department, supported by
provider of specific health services and technical the provisions of the Administrative Code, recognized by other
assistance, as a result of the devolution of basic services statutes, and consistently affirmed by this Court.
to local government units.
G. A petition for the nullification of the Health Sector Reform Page |1of 2THE JUDICIAL DEPARTMENTNon-Judicial Wo ! fo
Agenda (HSRA) Philippines 1999-2004 of the Department Judge"A #$ % &ec 12
of Health (DOH); and Executive Order No. 102, Meralco vs. Pasay Trans Co., 57 Phil. 600 (1932)Fast acts
Redirecting the Functions and Operations of the The case at bar relates with a petition of the Manila Electric
Department of Health, Company (MEC, pet), requesting the members of the SC,
sittingas a board of arbitrators, to fix the terms upon which providing free air time for one hour each day and, in this years
certain transportation companies shall be permitted to use elections, it stands to lost P58,980,850.00 in view of COMELECs
the asigbridge of the MEC and the compensation to be requirement that it provide at least 30 minutes of prime time daily for
paid to the MEC by suchtransportation companies!
!ct "#. 1$$6, %ection 11
"elates with the legal act of the members of the SC, sitting as a
board of arbitrators, to act on the petition! Issue:
&ss'eConcerns the le al ri ht o the e *ers o the %C,
sittin as a *oar+ o ar*itrators the +ecision o a a ority Whether of not Section 92 of B.P. No. 881 denies radio and television
o -ho shall *e inal, to act in that ca acity./el+ atio broadcast companies the equal protection of the laws.
#ct $%%&, Section $$ contra'enes the maxims which guide
the operation of a democratic go'ernment Whether or not Section 92 of B.P. No. 881 constitutes taking of
constitutionallyestablished, and that it would be improper
property without due process of law and without just compensation.
and illegal for the members of the SC, sitting as a board or
arbitrators, the decisionof a ma ority of whom shall be final,
to act on the petition of the MEC!The decisions of the oard Held: Petitioners argument is without merit. All broadcasting, whether
of #rbitration shall go through the regular court system (Trial radio or by television stations, is licensed by the government. Airwave
Courts * Court of #ppeals * SC)!They will be re'iewed by the frequencies have to be allocated as there are more individuals who
lower courts and will ultimately be re'iewed by themsel'es! want to broadcast that there are frequencies to assign. Radio and
The SC cannot sit as members of the oard of #rbitration television broadcasting companies, which are given franchises, do not
because it is not within their urisdiction to decided on cases
own the airwaves and frequencies through which they transmit
on purely contractual situations!
broadcast signals and images. They are merely given the temporary
TELEBAP vs COMELEC Case Digest privilege to use them. Thus, such exercise of the privilege may
Telecommunications And Broadcast Attorneys Of The Phils. Vs. reasonably be burdened with the performance by the grantee of some
COMELEC form of public service. In granting the privilege to operate broadcast
289 SCRA 337 stations and supervising radio and television stations, the state spends
G.R. No. 132922 considerable public funds in licensing and supervising them.
April 21, 1998

The argument that the subject law singles out radio and television
Facts: Petitioner Telecommunications and Broadcast Attorneys of the
stations to provide free air time as against newspapers and magazines
Philippines, Inc. (TELEBAP) is an organization of lawyers of radio and
which require payment of just compensation for the print space they
television broadcasting companies. It was declared to be without legal
may provide is likewise without merit. Regulation of the broadcast
standing to sue in this case as, among other reasons, it was not able to
industry requires spending of public funds which it does not do in the
show that it was to suffer from actual or threatened injury as a result of
case of print media. To require the broadcast industry to provide free
the subject law. Petitioner GMA Network, on the other hand, had the
air time for COMELEC is a fair exchange for what the industry gets.
requisite standing to bring the constitutional challenge. Petitioner
operates radio and television broadcast stations in
thePhilippines affected by the enforcement of Section 92, B.P. No.
As radio and television broadcast stations do not own the airwaves, no
private property is taken by the requirement that they provide air time
to the COMELEC.
Petitioners challenge the validity of Section 92, B.P. No. 881 which

Comelec Time- The Commission shall procure radio and television Bayan vs Zamora
time to be known as the Comelec Time which shall be allocated G. R. No. 138570
equally and impartially among the candidates within the area of October 10, 2000
coverage of all radio and television stations. For this purpose, the
franchise of all radio broadcasting and television stations are hereby Bayan vs Zamora
amended so as to provide radio or television time, free of charge,
during the period of campaign. Facts:

Petitioner contends that while Section 90 of the same law requires The United States panel met with the Philippine panel to discussed,
COMELEC to procure print space in newspapers and magazines with among others, the possible elements of the Visiting Forces Agreement
payment, Section 92 provides that air time shall be procured by (VFA). This resulted to a series of conferences and negotiations which
COMELEC free of charge. Thus it contends that Section 92 singles culminated on January 12 and 13, 1998. Thereafter, President Fidel
out radio and television stations to provide free air time. Ramos approved the VFA, which was respectively signed by Secretary
Siazon and United States Ambassador Thomas Hubbard.

Pres. Joseph Estrada ratified the VFA on October 5, 1998 and on May
Petitioner claims that it suffered losses running to several million pesos 27, 1999, the senate approved it by (2/3) votes.
in providing COMELEC Time in connection with the 1992 presidential
election and 1995 senatorial election and that it stands to suffer even
more should it be required to do so again this year. Petitioners claim Cause of Action:
that the primary source of revenue of the radio and television stations
is the sale of air time to advertisers and to require these stations to Petitioners, among others, assert that Sec. 25, Art XVIII of the 1987
provide free air time is to authorize unjust taking of private constitution is applicable and not Section 21, Article VII.
property. According to petitioners, in 1992 it lost P22,498,560.00 in
Following the argument of the petitioner, under they provision cited, the the Court had resolved to withdraw this privilege from Atty. Angel
foreign military bases, troops, or facilities may be allowed in the E.Garrido and Atty. Rowena P. Valencia for the reason of their blatant
Philippines unless the following conditions are sufficiently met: violation of Canon 1,Rule 1.01 o f the Code of Professional
Responsibilit y, which commands that a lawyer shallnot
a) it must be a treaty,
engage in unlawful, dishonest, immoral or deceitful conduct.
b) it must be duly concurred in by the senate, ratified by a majority of Furthermore, Thecontention of respondent that they were not yet
the votes cast in a national referendum held for that purpose if so lawyers when they got married shall notafford them exem ption
required by congress, and from sanctions; good m oral character was already required
c) recognized as such by the other contracting state. as acondition precedent to admission to the
Bar. As a lawyer, a person whom the community looked up to, Atty. Ga
Respondents, on the other hand, argue that Section 21 Article VII is rrido and Valencia wereshouldered with the expectation that they
would set a good example in promoting obedienceto the Constitution
applicable so that, what is requires for such treaty to be valid and
and the laws. When they violated the law and distorted it to cater to
effective is the concurrence in by at least two-thirds of all the members hisown personal needs and selfish motives, not only did their actions
of the senate. discredit the legalprofession. Such actions by themselves, without
even including the fact of Garridosabandonment of paternal
ISSUE: responsibility, to the detriment of his children by the petitioner; or the
fact that Valencia married Garrido despite knowing of his other
Is the VFA governed by the provisions of Section 21, Art VII or of marriages to two other women including the petitioner, are clear
indications of a lack of moral values not consistentwith the proper
Section 25, Article XVIII of the Constitution? conduct of practicing lawyers within the country. As such, their
disbarment isaffirm ed.

Section 25, Article XVIII, which specifically deals with treaties involving
foreign military bases, troops or facilities should apply in the instant Statement of UP Professors. While the statement was meant to
case. To a certain extent and in a limited sense, however, the reflect the educators opinion on the allegations of plagiarism against
provisions of section 21, Article VII will find applicability with regard to Justice Del Castillo, they treated such allegation not only as an
the issue and for the sole purpose of determining the number of votes established fact, but a truth. They expressed dissatisfaction over
required to obtain the valid concurrence of the senate. Justice Del Castillos explanation on how he cited the primary sources
of the quoted portions and yet arrived at a contrary conclusion to those
The Constitution, makes no distinction between transient and of the authors of the articles supposedly plagiarized. The statement
permanent. We find nothing in section 25, Article XVIII that requires bore certain remarks which raise concern for the Court. The first
foreign troops or facilities to be stationed or placed permanently in the paragraph concludes with a reference to the decision in Vinuya v.
Philippines. Executive Secretary as a reprehensible act of dishonesty and
misrepresentation by the Highest Court of the land. The authors also
It is inconsequential whether the United States treats the VFA only as not only assumed that Justice Del Castillo committed plagiarism, they
an executive agreement because, under international law, an went further by directly accusing the Court of perpetrating
executive agreement is as binding as a treaty extraordinary injustice by dismissing the petition of the comfort women
in Vinuya v. Executive Secretary. They further attempt to educate this
Court on how to go about the review of the case. The insult to the
members of the Court was aggravated by imputations of deliberately
G ARRIDO vs. G ARRIDO delaying the resolution of the said case, its dismissal on the basis of
Facts:The petitioner, the respondents legal wife, filed a complaint-
polluted sources, the Courts alleged indifference to the cause of
affidavit and a supplementalaffidavit for disbarment against the
respondents Atty. Angel E. Garrido and Atty. Romana P.Valencia petitioners, as well as the supposed alarming lack of concern of the
before the Integrated Bar of the Philippines Committee on Discipline, members of the Court for even the most basic values of decency and
chargingthem with gross immoralit y, in viol ation of Canon 1, respect.
Rule 1.0 1, of the Cod e of Professional Responsibility. The
complaint arose after the petitioner caught wind through her
daughter that her husb and wa s having a n affair wit h a The publication of a statement by the faculty of the UP College of Law
wom an other tha n his wife a nd alread y ha d achild with her; regarding the allegations of plagiarism and misrepresentation in the
and the sam e inform ation was confirm ed wh en on er of Supreme Court was totally unnecessary, uncalled for and a rash act of
her d aug hters sa w thather husband walking in a Robinsons mall misplaced vigilance. Of public knowledge is the ongoing investigation
with the other respondent, Atty. Valencia, with their child in precisely to determine the truth of such allegations. More importantly,
to w. After a much further investigation into the matter, the time and eff the motion for reconsideration of the decision alleged to contain
ort given yielded resultstelling her that Atty. Valencia and her legal plagiarized materials is still pending before the Court. We made it clear
husband had been married in Hong Kong.Moreover, on June 1993, her in the case of In re Kelly that any publication, pending a suit, reflecting
husband left their conjugal home and joined Atty. RamonaPaguida upon the court, the jury, the parties, the officers of the court, the
Valencia at their residence, and has since failed to render much counsel with reference to the suit, or tending to influence the decision
needed financialsupport. In their defense, they postulated that they of the controversy, is contempt of court and is punishable.
were not lawyers as of yet when theycomm itted the supposed
imm orality, so as such, they were not guilt y of a viol ation The UP Law faculty would fan the flames and invite resentment against
of Cano n1, Rul e 1.01. a resolution that would not reverse the Vinuya decision. This runs
contrary to their obligation as law professors and officers of the Court
Issue:Whether or not Atty. Garridos and Valencias actions constitute to be the first to uphold the dignity and authority of this Court, to which
a violation of Canon 1, Rule1.01 and thus a good enough cause for they owe fidelity according to the oath they have taken as attorneys,
their disbarment, despite the offense beingsupposedly comm itted and not to promote distrust in the administration of justice.Re: Letter
when th ey were not la wye rs. of the UP Law Faculty entitled Restoring Integrity: A Statement
by the Faculty of the University of the Philippines College of Law
Held:Yes. Mem bership i n the Bar is a privil ege, a nd as a on the Allegations of Plagiarism and Misrepresentation in the
privi leg e besto we d by l a w th roug h theSup rem e Cou rt, Supreme Court, A.M. No. 10-10-4-SC. October 19, 2010.
m em bership in the Bar can b e withdra wn whe re
circumstances show thelawyers lack of the essential qualifications
required of lawyers, be they academic or moral.In the present case,

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