Federal Register-02-28418

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Federal Register / Vol. 67, No.

217 / Friday, November 8, 2002 / Notices 68093

Contract Activity: Veterans Affairs COMMISSION ON CIVIL RIGHTS Burden: 500 hours.
Medical Center, North Little Rock, Average Time Per Response: 10
Arkansas. Sunshine Act Notice minutes per response.
Service Type/Location: Recycling, End Number of Respondents: 3,000
of Life Electronics, U.S. Mint, AGENCY: U.S. Commission on Civil respondents.
Washington, DC. Rights. Needs and Uses: This form is used by
NPA: ServiceSource, Inc., Alexandria, DATE AND TIME: Friday, November 15, BIS seminar instructors at seminar
Virginia. 2002, 8:30 a.m. programs throughout the year. Seminar
Contract Activity: U.S. Mint, PLACE: Holiday Inn on the Bay Hotel, participants are asked to fill out the
Washington, DC. 1355 North Harbor Drive, San Diego, CA evaluation form during the program and
Service Type/Location: Storage and 92101. turn it in at the end of the program. The
Distribution Service Springs for responses to these questions provide
DSCP, Defense Supply Center Status:
useful and practical information that
Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Agenda BIS can use to determine that it is
Pennsylvania. I. Approval of Agenda providing a quality program and gives
NPA: Arizona Industries for the Blind, II. Approval of Minutes of July 19 BIS information useful to making
Phoenix, Arizona. Meeting; Acknowledgment recommended improvements.
NPA: Industries of the Blind, Inc., September 13 and October 11, 2002 Affected Public: Individuals,
Greensboro, North Carolina. ‘‘Meetings’’ businesses or other for-profit
Contract Activity: Defense Supply III. Announcements institutions.
Center Philadelphia, Philadelphia, IV. Staff Director’s Report Respondent’s Obligation: Voluntary.
Pennsylvania. V. State Advisory Committee OMB Desk Officer: David Rostker.
Deletions: Appointments for Arkansas, Copies of the above information
Georgia, Illinois, New Hampshire, collection proposal can be obtained by
I certify that the following action will New York, Oklahoma, Texas and calling or writing Diana Hynek, DOC
not have a significant impact on a Tennessee Paperwork Clearance Officer, (202) 482–
substantial number of small entities. VI. State Advisory Committee Report: 0266, Department of Commerce, Room
The major factors considered for this Civil Rights Issues in West Virginia 6625, 14th and Constitution Avenue,
certification were: (West Virginia) NW., Washington, DC 20230.
1. The action may not result in any VII. FY–2004 Budget Estimate to OMB Written comments and
additional reporting, recordkeeping or VIII. Discussion of Status of recommendations for the proposed
other compliance requirements for small Commission Projects information collection should be sent
entities other than the small IX. Presentations from Western Regional within 30 days of publication of this
organizations that will furnish the SAC members representing Arizona notice to David Rostker, OMB Desk
products to the Government. and California on recent activities Officer, Room 10202, New Executive
2. The action may result in and other civil rights developments Office Building, Washington, DC 20230.
authorizing small entities to furnish the in their states
products to the Government. Dated: November 4, 2002.
X. Presentations and Discussion Madeleine Clayton,
3. There are no known regulatory Relating to Challenges of Equal
alternatives which would accomplish Management Analyst, Office of the Chief
Opportunity in Higher Education Information Officer.
the objectives of the Javits-Wagner-
CONTACT PERSON FOR FURTHER [FR Doc. 02–28418 Filed 11–7–02; 8:45 am]
O’Day Act (41 U.S.C. 46–48c) in
INFORMATION: Les Jin, Press and
connection with the products deleted BILLING CODE 3510–33–P
Communications (202) 376–7700.
from the Procurement List.
After consideration of the relevant Debra A. Carr,
matter presented, the committee has Deputy General Counsel. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
determined that the products listed [FR Doc. 02–28719 Filed 11–6–02; 2:56 pm]
below are no longer suitable for Foreign-Trade Zones Board
procurement by the Federal Government [Order No. 1251]
under 41 U.S.C. 46–48c and 41 CFR 51–
2.4. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Approval of Processing Activity Within
Accordingly, the following products Foreign-Trade Zone 113, Midlothian,
are deleted from the Procurement List: Submission for OMB Review; Texas; Siemens Westinghouse Power
Comment Request Corporation (Inc.) (Industrial Power
Generation Equipment); Notice of
Product/NSN: Clamp, Loop. The Department of Commerce (DOC) Correction
5340–00–410–2973. has submitted to the Office of
5340–01–120–1320. Management and Budget (OMB) for The Federal Register notice (67 FR
5340–01–413–2977. clearance the following proposal for 64095, 10–17–2002) describing Foreign-
5340–01–418–5763. collection of information under Trade Zones Board Order 1251
NPA: None currently authorized. provisions of the Paperwork Reduction approving authority for Siemens
Contract Activity: Defense Supply Act (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35). Westinghouse Power Corporation (Inc.)
Center Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Agency: Bureau of Industry and to process industrial power generation
Pennsylvania. Security. equipment under FTZ procedures
Title: BIS Program Evaluation. within FTZ 113 in Midlothian, Texas, is
Sheryl D. Kennerly, Agency Form Number: N/A. corrected as follows:
Director, Information Management. OMB Approval Number: 0694–0125. Paragraph 2, Sentence 1, should read
[FR Doc. 02–28554 Filed 11–7–02; 8:45 am] Type of Request: Extension of a ‘‘WHEREAS, Trade Zone Operations,
BILLING CODE 6353–1–P currently approved collection. Inc.,* * *’’

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