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Guidelines for Korea-Central Asia

Youth Summit 2017

All delegates are expected to:

1. Prepare for the conference by researching their country and topic in advance;
2. Obey the Code of Conduct;
3. Listen to instructions from the forum staff, who can be identified by their name tags;
4. Actively participate in the committees debate, including making speeches, caucusing, proposing Joint
statements and amendments, and voting; and
5. Listen attentively during lectures, opening, and closing ceremonies.

Awards will be based on the following criteria

(Ranked in order of importance):

1. Represents assigned country, realistically conveying a thorough understanding of the countrys policy;
2. Conducts oneself in a diplomatic manner during formal and informal debate;
3. shows a willingness to negotiate through topics for the benefit of the committee;
4. Understands and follows the meeting rules of procedure; and
5. Displays the ability to verbally present policy, ideas and questions during committee meetings.

Writing Keynote Speech

Format of Keynote Speech

Through Keynote Speech, delegates address their positions on the agenda. This Keynote Speech will be
presented at Committee meeting 1~2 (You will have time for preparing Keynote Speech during
Country Meeting 1 and data research time). Delegates should understand countrys position and the
importance of the issue. Basically, Keynote Speech includes following contents.

- Congratulatory Address for Chairperson

- Recent Situation Regarding to the Agenda

- Countrys Position Regarding to the Agenda

- Countrys Suggestions/Ideas for the Agenda

- Closing Remarks

Sample of Keynote Speech
Permanent Mission of the

Republic of Angola to the

The Republic of Angola United Nations

820 2nd Avenue, 12th Floor,

New York, NY 10021

Tel: 1 (212) 861 5656



Delegate KIM

Deputy Permanent Representative

Republic of Korea


Agenda Item:

The Function and Reform of UN PKO


The committee

of the Model United Nations

2 November 2014 Seoul

Honorable chairperson,

First of all, we would like to congratulate you on your election as a chairperson of this committee and we
express our special thanks to the executive board and staffs of Secretariat for the successful preparation for
this convention. I have no doubt that we will have a great conference due to your wisdom, calm judgment and
good leadership. Also, I sincerely feel honored to have all of the delegates from each country here today, and
I hope that this conference will be a place of unity based on trust and confidence. I also would like to announce
that we will do our best to reach reasonable conclusions for the prosperity of every country in the world.

Chairperson and delegates,

Recently, our world has been confronted with numerous challenges. Our world faces serious challenges from
regional level to global one.


It is the hope of Angola that these obstacles be overcome by the persistence of conversation and cooperation.
These are not only the PKO's problems but also the problems of the world, which ought to be addressed quickly
before conditions worsen. Thus, we wish countries would sincerely suggest solutions to Peace Keeping
Operation for the solving of these matters and the continuation of world peace.


Chairperson and delegates,

The UN's peace keeping operation has evolved. In these situation, all of us should promise the devoted effort
to make UN's PKO reform efficiency to become a foundation of world peace. Angola supports the Joint
Statement of the PKO problems presented and commits to assume an active role in further PKO revisions. We
emphasize that it needs the logic of universality and active, practical behavior of and by each state. Moreover,
Angola will be a firm bridge to bring effective strengthening in PKO activity. Angola will endeavor to cooperate
with the AU and construction of the PKO's foundational stability. Peace can be achieved when each country
acknowledges its duty for world peace and the UN plays a central role in international relations. Madam
chairperson and distinguished delegates, now the reality requires us to arrive at new mutual arrangements
and common action. Angola seeks to achieve further-reaching agreements and recommendations for world
Thank you.

1. Rules of Procedure (ROP) for Committee Meetings
1) Flow of Debate
Beginning of Meeting
Chairperson calls the meeting to order, Please come to order Delegates are to find their seats and be
Roll Call
The Chairperson will announce each delegations name. When the name is called, delegates should answer


Formal Debate Informal Debate

Formal debate revolves around the speakers list.

The Chair begins by asking all delegates who would
like to speak to raise their placards. (The speakers
list is now open. Any country who wishes to make a
speech, please raise your placard.) A country can A. Moderated Debate
only be on the speakers list once, but delegates
A delegate may propose a Motion for a Moderated
may add their country again after they have
Debate, specifying the total duration, individual
addressed the committee.
speaking time and the purpose of it.

Chairperson calls on the first country to speak. Once in Moderated Debate, the general Speakers
Delegates need to pay attention to the speakers list. List is suspended, and the floor is given to delegates
Delegates make their speeches, rising up from their who wish to speak. There are no yields in a
seats. After speeches, delegates may raise Point of Moderated Debate.
Information. Chairperson will then call on the
delegation to speak. Any delegation may raise Point
of Inquiry to ask the chairperson to ask the speaker B. Unmoderated Caucus
to speak up, slow down, or clarify. Points of
A delegate may propose a Motion for an
Inquiry regarding personal privileges such as
Unmoderated Caucus, specifying the total duration,
problems of room temperature, bathroom breaks,
and the purpose of it.
etc. can NOT interrupt a speech.
Once in Unmoderated Caucus, delegates are free to
The speakers list continues until a delegate makes a move around, speak, etc. Delegates may not,
motion. Motions may be raised in between formal however, use a microphone or deliver a speech.
debate speeches. Types of motions include: motion
to move into moderated debate, to move into
Unmoderated caucus, to close debate, etc. See the
next section for the complete list.


Formal Debate Informal Debate

1a. When the session begins, speeches focus on 1b. After several countries state their positions, the
stating country positions and offering committee breaks for Caucus Groups to develop
recommendations for action. ideas.
2a. Delegates now make statements describing 2b. Writing begins as countries work together to
their ideas to the committee. compose draft Joint Statements.
3a. Delegates try to garner more support through
3b. Countries and groups meet to gather support for
formal speeches and invite others to offer their
specific ideas.

4b. Delegates finalize draft Joint Statements.

4a. Delegates make statements supporting or
disagreeing with specific draft Joint Statements. 5b. Draft-Joint Statement sponsors build greater
support for their Joint Statement and look to
incorporate others ideas through amendments.

Delegates declare any amendments they have created.

Close of Debate
Once the general speakers list is elapsed, or when motion to close debate is raised, the committee moves
into voting procedure.

Voting Procedures
A. Procedural Vote

Votes to decide on motions is called procedural vote. It requires simple majority to pass, and delegate may
not abstain.

B. Substantial Vote

Votes to decide on Joint Statements or amendments is called substantial vote. It requires simple majority
to pass, and delegate may abstain.

2) Points and Motions
Motion to move into This motion can be raised whenever the floor is open. The motion Simple majority
Moderated Debate needs to be stated with purpose, duration, and individual speaking
time. The chair may change the speaking time or rule out the
motion by discretion.
Motion to move into This motion can be raised whenever the floor is open. The motion Simple majority
Unmoderated caucus needs to be stated with purpose and duration. The chair may
change the speaking time or rule out the motion by discretion.

Motion to Set the In KCYF, Chair sets the speaking time by his or her own discretion. Simple majority
Speaking Time However, when the delegate feels a need to change the current
speaking time, delegate can raise this motion.
Point of Order Points of order are used when delegates believe the chair has No Vote
made an error in the running of the committee. Delegates rising to
points of order may not speak on the substance of the matter
under discussion. They should only specify the errors they believe
were made in the formal committee procedure.
Point of Inquiry When the floor is open (i.e. no other delegate is speaking), a No Vote
delegate may rise to a point of inquiry in order to ask the
chairperson a question regarding the rules of procedure, or for
personal privilege such as problems regarding bathroom, water, air
conditioning, etc.
Point of Information After a delegate has given a speech in formal debate, he or she may No Vote
yield time to points of information, or questions from other
delegates concerning the speech.
Motions to Adjourn Adjourning the meeting ends the committee session until the Simple majority
the Meeting next session.
Motion to Introduce After a Joint Statement / an amendment is approved by the Chair No Vote but a draft
a Joint Statement / and the delegate gets confirmation, he or she can raise this Joint Statement
an Amendment motion to introduce a Joint Statement or an amendment and must be submitted
make an elaborative speech. In case when amendment has been in advance
introduced, delegates will only be allowed to talk about matters
directly related to the amendment.
Motion to When a delegate feels that his or her countrys position as well as Simple majority
Close Debate on others are clear and that there has been enough talks on draft
Amendment/Joint Joint Statements, he or she may raise a motion to proceed to
Statement voting procedure by closing the debate. Up to 2 speakers against
this motion may be entertained. In the substantive voting
procedure, delegates may state yes, no, or abstain.
Motion to Introduce When draft joint statement was approved by chairpersons and No vote but should
a draft joint secretariats previously, representative sponsor may approach to be approved
statement the podium and introduce the draft joint statement. The previously
remaining time may be yielded to questions, other delegates, or
back to the chair.

3. Joint Statement

Sponsors and Signatories

Sponsors of a draft Joint Statement are the principal authors of the document and agree with its
substance. Sponsors in effect control a draft Joint Statement and only they can approve immediate

Signatories are countries that may or may not agree with the substance of the draft Joint Statement but still
wish to see it debated so that they can propose amendments. In KCYF all countries must be either
sponsors or signatories to a draft Joint Statement in order for it to be accepted.

Draft Joint Statements shall be submitted in writing to the Chairperson, who may approve it for circulation.
No Draft Joint Statement shall be discussed or put to the vote unless the Draft Joint Statement is formally
introduced. When the floor is open, a Sponsor of the Draft Joint Statement may raise a motion to
introduce a draft joint statement, once the Chairperson notifies the Sponsor that the Draft Joint Statement
has been approved and ready for distribution. The motion shall be passed immediately, and the Sponsor
shall read out the operative clauses and deliver elaborative speech. The Sponsor may yield his/her
remaining time to points of information, to another delegate, or to the Chairperson.

Pre-ambulatory Phrases in Joint Statement

Affirming Deeply disturbed Guided by Noting with
Alarmed by Deeply regretting Having adopted approval Observing
Approving Desiring Having considered Reaffirming
Aware of Emphasizing Having considered further Realizing
Bearing in mind Expecting Having devoted attention Recalling
Believing Expressing its Having examined Recognizing
Confident appreciation Having heard Referring
Contemplating Expressing its Having received Seeking
Convinced satisfaction Having studied Taking into account
Declaring Fulfilling Keeping in mind Taking into
Deeply concerned Fully alarmed Noting with regret consideration
Deeply conscious Fully aware Noting with deep concern Taking note
Deeply convinced Fully believing Noting with satisfaction Viewing with
Further deploring Noting further appreciation
Further recalling Welcoming

Operative Phrases in Joint Statements

Accepts Declares accordingly Further proclaims Regrets

Affirms Deplores Further reminds Reminds
Approves Designates Further recommends Requests
Authorizes Draws the attention Further requests Solemnly
Calls Emphasizes Further resolves affirms
Calls upon Encourages Has resolved Strongly
Condemns Endorses Notes Proclaims condemns
Confirms Expresses its Reaffirms Recommends Supports
Congratulates appreciation Takes note of
Considers Expresses its hope Transmits
Further invites

SAMPLE JOINT STATEMENT The 2016 Korea-Central Asia Youth Model Summit

Joint statement of the 2016 Korea-Central Asia Youth Model Summit Resource Committee
Overcoming Resources Curse by Establishing Mutual Growth
Between S. Korea and Central Asia
Suwon, South Korea, July 28th, 2016

WE, the Member States of the Association of Central Asian Nations and the Republic of Korea,
gathered from July 25th to July 30th, 2016 in Suwon, ROK,

Emphasizing that Korea and Central Asian countries had special bonds and friendly relationship from
ancient times,

Recognizing the urgent need to revitalize the certain aspects of economic cooperation between
Republic of Korea and Central Asia countries,

Recalling active discussions and intense debates based on mutual respect and reciprocity;

Developing Logistics and Transportation system between C.A. countries to foster economic

1.1 Intensify the regional cooperation in terms of transportation and logistics by inviting non-member states
including Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Mongolia to join the Eurasian Economic union,

1.2 Ratify special trading agreement between Republic of Korea and Eurasian Economic Union limited by
certain frames to secure all Central Asian economies,

Increasing the flow Foreign Direct Investment to Central Asian Region

2.1. Reaffirm all of Nations attending the Korea-Central Asia Youth Model Summit 2016 to make
commitment and concerted effort to help each other getting FDI in mutually beneficial projects which are
based on natural resources,

2.2. Fully recognize importance and mutual benefits of the FDI that it could ensure not only sustainable
economic growth to Central Asian countries but also provide opportunity for Republic Korea to expand its
market and secure the industrial base,

2.3. Establish information interchange channel among Central Asia and Republic of Korea for more fluent and
frequent flow of communication in both public and private sector. For instance, organizing all kinds of trade
expo, economic cooperation forum and economic symposium between Korea and Central Asian countries
on quarterly basis,

2.4. Revise each countrys economic policy related with regulations of FDI to ensure safe and competitive
environment for foreign enterprises and investors,

Building Central-Asian Medical Organization

3.1. Establish Central-Asian Medical Organization which will work in each member's county with the help of
South Korean medical technology and advanced management system,

3.2. Establish Central-Asian Medical Organization which will work in each member's county with the help of
South Korean medical technology and advanced management system. Thus, we suggest to make
professional trainings among specialists to improve human resources in medical area and create medical
centers where that trainings could be held,

Initiating Joint Information Technology Cooperation between Korea and Central Asia

4.1. Build and implementing basic infrastructure required for advancing e-economy and e-governmental
organizations and private enterprises in Central Asian countries with the cooperation of South Korea,

4.2. Integrate IT system of public and private sectors in urban and industrialized areas by setting advanced
software and hardware equipment,

4.3. Dispatch private South Korean businesses and experts for offering skill-based training and more in-depth
knowledge for local IT engineers in Central Asian countries.


July 24th July 39th, 2017

Korea-Central Asia Youth Forum 2017

Amendment Sheet


Add / Strike out / Modify operative clause

------------------------------------- (Do not write anything below this line.) -------------------------------------

Approved by:

Serial Number:

4. Order of Model Korea-Central Asia Youth Summit

No. Time Performer Contents

Entering and sitting in
1 5 min Chair members & delegates
designated seats
2 2 min Chair members & delegates Taking Photo

3 3 min Chairperson Introducing agenda

4 10 min Delegates Free discussion

5 5 min Vice-chairperson Reporting Joint Statement

6 10 min Delegates Comments from all delegates

Last comment from the

7 2 min Chairperson
End of session/
8 3 min Chair members & delegates Chair members & Delegates
leave the stage


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