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biscogniauxia mediterranea

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prebaena u porodicu Graphostomataceae

phytophthora quercina,
- Mycelia will grow at a wide range of temperatures (between 5-27.5C [41-81.5F]); however,
optimal growth occurs between 22.5-25C [72.5-77F] (Jung et al. 1999, Barzanti et al. 2001).
- Though this pathogen can grow under a wide variety of conditions, drier sites with nutrient-
rich clayey and loamy soils and soil pH ranging from 3.5-7.0 appear to be most favorable
(Jung et al. 2000, Hartmann and Blank 2002, Balci and Halmschlager 2003a, Jonsson et al.
2005). Higher concentrations of calcium and magnesium may favor the development of the
pathogen and indirectly facilitate the infection process (Balci and Halmschlager 2003a).
- This species can spread naturally through movement of zoospores in soil and surface water.
Long-distance dispersal can occur when infested soil is moved on material (including
machinery and trecking boots). This species has been found transported with nursery stock
(this includes oak seedlings as well as non-host material) (EPPO n.d.).
p. ramorum,
primarni patogen: napada vitalna
slika: A hillside in Big Sur, California, devastated by sudden oak death

- u Velikoj Britaniji je primijeeno da vrsta dobro sporulira na listovima pitomog kestena

(Castanea sativa) i obinog jasena (Fraxinus excelsior) (Brasier i Jung 2006), zbog ega
te vrste mogu biti potencijalni prenositelji bolesti, a osjetljivijima su se pokazali hrast
crnika (Quercus ilex) i obina bukva (Fagus sylvatica)
- Moralejo u panjolskoj (istraivanja do 2004) navodi poljski jasen (Fraxinus
angustifolia) kao vrstu ije je deblo imuno na P.ramorum
- do 2009. je pseudogljiva bila u Europi prisutna sporadino, na gorskom javoru (Acer
pseudoplatanus), divljem (Aesculus hippocastanum) i pitomom kestenu (Castanea sativa),
obinoj bukvi (Fagus sylvatica) te hrastu crniki (Quercus ilex) (Brasier et al. 2006) te su infekcije
bile iskljuivo vezane uz pridolazak grmova roda Rhododendron u neposrednoj blizini, a od 2009.
je uoena na japanskom ariu (Larix kaempferi) u V.Britaniji (Webber et al. 2010). Vano je da su
se zaraze stabala odvijale u podrujima bez prisustva rododendrona u neposrednoj blizini

- osim za preivljavanje u nepovoljnim uvjetima, hlamidospore slue i za brzo irenje ove

pseudogljive u nezaraena podruja. Kretanjem ljudi u zaraenim podrujima
ove trajne spore esto ostaju na obui, gumama automobila, bicikla i sl. te se tako mogu
prenositi u nezaraena podruja

p. cinammomi ++
- najvei raspon domaina od svih vrsta roda Phytophthora
- iako tipina za australske vrste (odumiranje eukaliptusa), u Europu introducirana jo u
18. stoljeu, gdje je zajedno s vrstom P.cambivora uzrokovala tintenu bolest (trule
korijena i donjeg dijela debla) kod pitomog kestena te nekih vrsta hrastova (Q. rubra, Q.
suber), posebice u panjolskoj (Brasier 1993)
- u Australiji uzrokuje bolest samo u onim podrujima koja imaju 400 500 mm oborina
godinje, najvee se razine patogena u tlu javljaju nakon znaajnijih kia (vie od 5 do 10
mm) (Anon. 2005)
- patogen, kao heterotrofni organizam, hranu izvlai iz ivog biljnog tkiva, putem
micelija (hifa) koji urasta u tkivo domaina, dok god je vlaga iznad 80 % (Anon. 2005)
- tretman fosfitom se pokazao uinkovitim u kontroli utjecaja patogena na irok raspon
biljnih vrsta iz razliitih porodica (Hardy et al. 2001)
- smatra se kako e poveanje temperature (globalno zatopljenje) u budunosti
pogodovati poveanju aktivnosti vrste P. cinnamomi u obalnim regijama Europe, te
vjerojatno takoer i u sredinjoj Europi, s tom razlikom to e hladne zime i dalje
ograniavati njen razvoj. Naravno da e patogenost ovisiti takoer i o dostupnosti
domaina, te ostalim ekolokim uvjetima (npr. pH vrijednost tla) (Brasier i Scott 1994)
- patogen u tlu izaziva trule korijena i donjeg dijela debla te na taj nain smanjuje ili
zaustavlja kolanje sokova (prstenovanje)
- sporije se iri direktnim kontaktom korijenja te bre vodom, a irenju doprinose i ljudske
aktivnosti koje ukljuuju micanje tla, kao to su izgradnja cesta, prometovanje, kopanje
kamena (ruda), sadnja zaraenih sadnica...
- optimalna temperatura rasta micelija (slika 27) oko 27 C, rast zabiljeen na temperaturama od
9 do 30 C

Apiognomonia errabunda, ++
It is one of the most important foliar diseases on oaks (Muoz et al., 2003). New buds, twigs and
sprouts of infected trees shrivel and even die if formation of ringing cankers takes place. The real
problem comes up when the infections recur year after year, weakening the trees and making them
more susceptible against other damaging agents. In first place, this fungus damages only the leaves,
but then it can proliferate and move through the limb reaching the nervation. From there, it can
arrive at the petiole and move into the young twig. This is the typical way of acting of the so called
anthracnose, which is the common name for a group of diseases caused by several closely related
fungi attacking the leaves and new shoots of various trees. Frequent spring precipitations and
moderate temperatures favour the apparition of this fungus.

Suzbijanje: ManagementAnthracnose damage is generally insignificant in the Region, but

management may be necessary in certain high-value areas. The following are control strategies that
can be used to reduce disease severity:
Plant resistant or tolerant species in areas where the disease is a problem or where air circulation is
poor. Species vary in their susceptibility to anthracnose diseases. For example, true London plane is
more resistant than American sycamore, and the red oaks tend to be more tolerant than the white
Maintain proper spacing between trees to increase air circulation and improve tree vigor.
Proper fertilization may increase disease tolerance.
Raking infected leaves and litter in the fall may help reduce infections in the spring.
Effective protective fungicides labeled for anthracnose control are available.

trulei ima dosta, ali samo su dvije

Inonotus dryadeus
The rot causes many trees to be thrown by the wind, owing to decay caused to the root system
particularly the underside of the root buttresses. The attack occurring in the heartwood seems to
have little influence on the general vitality of the tree until the advanced stages of decay affect root
uptake of water and nutrients. It is very important on high risk sites to investigate the condition of the
roots and to determine the extent of any decay. Remedial action may only require crown reduction as
opposed to felling depending upon the degree of loss of anchorage.

Trichaptum biforme
trule korijena A. mellea

A. tabescens

*endofit: kad je gljiva u latentnom

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