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Design of Experiment

Beverage Vending Machine Using LOGOSOFT

Course Code: Program:
Course Title: Date Performed:
Section: Date Submitted:
Members: . Instructor:

1. Objective(s):
This activity aims to be an assessment and an application of the knowledge and skills of students on
designing a program that yield to a Beverage Vending Machine using the software LOGO! Soft Comfort.

2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

The students shall be able to:
2.1 Design a working program of Beverage Vending Machine on LOGO! Software.
2.2 Apply the knowledge in programming to the software used of the students.
3. Discussion:
There are different studies about the automatic vending machines utilizing PLC (Programmable, Logic
Controller). Using this program, different food and beverages programs were made. Projects of diverse kind
using PLC based program in automation to enable ease of use is a trend. In this experiment, instead of
PLC, the designers made use of LOGO! as their programming based in making a Beverage Vending
Machine but in presumption of making coffee.

LOGO! Software is an easy and quick configuration that allows creation of programs for the user by
choosing its respective functions and connections via drag and drop. This is both applied in the function
block diagram and ladder diagram.

Figure 1: LOGO! Software logo

This software had been proven useful for switching programs step-by-step and to simulate and test it to
know if it functions or not. This approach prevents time-consuming troubleshooting in the whole program.
LOGO! Soft Comfort provides professional documentation with the needed project information, and also, it
offers comprehensive protection concept for the programs to be done and access to the controller.

4. Materials and Equipment:

2. SolidWorks

5. Procedure:
1. Open the Software LOGOSOFT (and for animation, Solidworks) to start the activity.

2. Design an experiment using LOGOSOFT that would simulate the process of Beverage Vending
Machine with the following conditions:

Press Coffee and Vend

activate Coffee solenoid for 10 seconds
Press Coffee, Cream, and Vend
activate Coffee solenoid for 8 seconds
activate Cream solenoid for 2 seconds
Press Coffee, Sugar, and Vend
activate Coffee solenoid for 10 seconds
activate Sugar solenoid for 2 seconds
Press Coffee, Cream, Sugar, and Vend
activate Coffee solenoid for 7 seconds
activate Cream solenoid for 2 seconds
activate Sugar solenoid for 2 seconds
6. Data and Results:

7. Data Analysis:

8. Conclusion:

9. Assessment Tasks:
1.) Create a Ladder diagram using LOGO of a tissue-napkin vending machine which can only
vend either tissue or napkin.

2.) Give five examples of possible PLC programs.

- Some of the programs utilizing PLC are elevator, sorting, security system, parking, and fire
alarm system. All of these are in automation.

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