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Federal Register / Vol. 67, No.

217 / Friday, November 8, 2002 / Notices 68217

of the subaccount. The amount interest for the reasons described above. comments were received on the
recaptured will equal the amount of the Applicants submit, based on the ground proposal. This order approves the
5% Credits paid out of its general summarized above, that their exemptive proposal.
account assets. Although the owner will request meets the standards set out in
II. Description of the Proposal
be entitled to retain any investment gain section 6(c) of the Act, namely, that the
attributable to the 5% Credit, the exemptions requested are necessary or A. Background
amount of such gain will be determined appropriate in the public interest and The BSE is a participant in the
on the basis of the current net asset consistent with the protection of Intermarket Trading System (‘‘ITS’’).
value of the relevant subaccounts. Thus, investors and the purposes fairly The ITS is an order routing network
no dilution will occur upon the intended by the policy and provisions of designed to facilitate intermarket
recapture of the 5% Credit. Also, the the Act, and that, therefore, the trading in exchange-listed equity
second harm that Rule 22c–1 was Commission should grant the requested securities among participating self-
designed to address, namely, order. regulatory organizations (‘‘SROs’’) based
speculative trading practices calculated For the Commission, by the Division of on current quotation information
to take advantage of backward pricing, Investment Management, pursuant to emanating from their markets. The
will not occur as a result of the delegated authority.
recapture of the 5% Credit. However, to terms of the linkage are governed by the
avoid any uncertainty as to full Margaret H. McFarland, ITS Plan, a national market system plan
compliance with the Act, Applicants Deputy Secretary. approved by the Commission pursuant
request an exemption from the [FR Doc. 02–28484 Filed 11–7–02; 8:45 am]
to Section 11A of the Act and Rule
provisions of Rule 22c–1 to the extent 11Aa3–2 thereunder.4
deemed necessary to permit the Section 8(d)(i) of the ITS Plan
recapture of the 5% Credits under the provides that absent reasonable
Amended Contracts and Future SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE justification or excuse, a member of a
Contracts. COMMISSION Participant Exchange should not effect
3. Applicants submit that their trade-throughs.5 If, however, a trade-
request for an order, which applies to [Release No. 34–46759; File No. SR–BSE– through does occur and a complaint is
any Future Contracts that are 2002–14] received through ITS from the party
substantially similar in all material whose bid or offer was traded through,
respects to the Amended Contracts Self-Regulatory Organizations; Order the party who initiated the trade-
described herein, to Contracts described Granting Accelerated Approval to through may be required to satisfy the
herein, and Future Contracts Covered by Proposed Rule Change by the Boston bid or offer traded through or take other
the Existing Order, that are substantially Stock Exchange, Inc. Relating to an remedial action.6 Each Participant
similar in all material respects to the Interpretation of its Execution Exchange, including the Phlx,7 has
Contracts, is appropriate in the public Guarantee Rule adopted and obtained Commission
interest. Applicants state that such an approval of a ‘‘trade-through rule,’’
November 1, 2002. which is substantively the same as that
order would promote competitiveness
in the viable annuity market by I. Introduction provided in the ITS Plan.
eliminating the need to file redundant In a recent Order, the Commission
On September 5, 2002, the Boston
exemptive applications in the future, recognized that the ITS trade-through
Stock Exchange, Inc. (‘‘BSE’’ or
thereby reducing administrative provisions were designed to encourage
‘‘Exchange’’) submitted to the Securities
expenses and maximizing the efficient market participants to display their
and Exchange Commission (‘‘SEC’’ or
use of Applicants’ resources, Applicants trading interest, and to help achieve best
‘‘Commission’’), pursuant to Section
state that requiring them to file execution for customer orders in
19(b)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act
additional Applications would impair exchange-listed securities.8 The
of 1934 (‘‘Act’’),1 and Rule 19b–4
their ability effectively to take advantage Commission also acknowledged,
thereunder,2 a proposed rule change to
of business opportunities as they arise, however, that these rules were designed
render voluntary a CHX specialist’s
and that investors would not receive at a time when ‘‘the order routing and
obligation to fill limit orders in the
any benefit or additional protection by specialist’s book following a primary
requiring Applicants to repeatedly seek 2002) (notice of immediate effective of extension of
market trade-through, if such trade- pilot to November 3, 2002.)
exemptive relief that would present no
through occurs in an exchange-traded 4 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 19456
issue under the Act that has not already
funds (‘‘ETFs’’) tracking the Nasdaq-100 (January 27, 1983), 48 FR 4938 (February 3, 1983).
been addressed in this Application. The SROs participating in ITS include the
Index (‘‘QQQs’’), the Dow Jones
American Stock Exchange LLC (‘‘Amex’’), the
Conclusion Industrial Average (‘‘DIAMONDs’’), and Boston Stock Exchange, Inc. (‘‘BSE’’), the Chicago
Applicants submit that their request the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index Board Options Exchange, Inc. (‘‘CBOE’’), the
for an order of exemption that applies (‘‘SPDRs’’). Chicago Stock Exchange, Inc. (‘‘CSE’’), the
The proposed rule change was Cincinnati Stock Exchange, Inc. (‘‘Cincinnati’’), the
to the recapture of bonus credits paid on National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.
the Amended Contracts described published for comment in the Federal (‘‘NASD’’), the New York Stock Exchange, Inc.
herein or Future Contracts that are Register on October 8, 2002.3 No (‘‘NYSE’’), the Pacific Stock Exchange, Inc. (‘‘PCX’’),
and the Phlx (collectively ‘‘Participant Exchanges’’).
substantially similar in all material 1 15 5 A trade-through results when a member
U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
respects to the Amended Contracts and 2 17 purchases (or sells) a security at a price that is
CFR 240.19b–4.
underwritten or distributed by Allstate 3 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 46580 higher (lower) than the price offered in one or more
Distributors, Affiliated Broker-Dealers, (October 1, 2002), 67 FR 62839. The proposed rule of the other ITS participant’s markets. See ITS Plan,
or Unaffiliated Broker-Dealers, and to change is currently in effect as a pilot. See Section 8(d)(i).
6 See ITS Plan, Exhibit B.
Future Accounts Covered by the Securities Exchange Act Release Nos. 46482
7 See Phlx Rule 2001A.
(September 10, 2002), 67 FR 58662 (September 17,
Existing Order, Contracts and Future 2002) (notice of immediate effectiveness of pilot for 8 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 46428
Contracts Covered by the Existing the period September 4, 2002 to October 4, 2002); (August 28, 2002), 67 FR 56607 (September 4, 2002)
Order, is appropriate in the public 46651 (October 11, 2002), 67 FR 64669 (October 21, at 56607 (‘‘ITS Exemption Order’’).

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68218 Federal Register / Vol. 67, No. 217 / Friday, November 8, 2002 / Notices

execution facilities of markets were the expected price improvement would Commission finds that the proposed
much slower, intermarket competition not be significant.13 rule is consistent with the requirements
was less keen, and the minimum quote of section 6(b)(5) of the Act 16 because
B. Applicability to the BSE
increment for exchange-listed securities it is designed to facilitate transactions in
was 1⁄8 of a dollar ($ 0.125).’’ 9 The Chapter II, Dealings on the Exchange, securities; to remove impediments to
Commission noted that with the Section 33, Execution Guarantee, of the and perfect the mechanism of a free and
introduction of decimal pricing and BSE Rules paragraph (c)(2) states that open market and a national market
technology changes that greatly reduced ‘‘(a)ll agency limit orders will be filled system; and, in general, to protect
execution times, the trade-through if one of the following conditions occur investors and the public interest; and is
provisions of the ITS Plan have limited * * * (2) there has been price not designed to permit unfair
the ability of a Participant to provide an penetration of the limit in the primary discrimination between customers,
automated execution when a better market * * *’’ There are similar issuers, brokers or dealers.
provisions in various sections of The Commission finds good cause for
price is displayed by another Participant
Chapter XV, Dealer Specialists.14 These approving the proposed rule change
that does not offer automated
provisions, in particular those set forth prior to the thirtieth day after the date
executions.10 In support of this
in Chapter II, guarantee that a limit of the publication of notice thereof in
conclusion, the Commission explained
order in a BSE specialist’s book will be the Federal Register. By adopting the
that certain electronic systems are able filled if the primary market trades
to deliver executions in a fraction of a proposed exemption, the Exchange
through the limit price. When the BSE removes the specialist’s obligation to
second, while ITS participants have, at specialist provides this trade-through
a minimum, thirty seconds to respond provide trade-through protection in
protection to its customer limit orders, situations where it will not be permitted
to a commitment to trade. Because of he is permitted to seek relief through
this, ‘‘an ITS Participant seeking to to seek satisfaction through ITS from the
ITS. primary market. This obligation was one
execute a transaction at a price inferior Under the Commission’s ITS
to the price quoted by another ITS the BSE assumed voluntarily in order to
Exemption Order, however, certain make its market more attractive to
Participant must generally either (i) primary market trades-through in the
attempt to access the other Participant’s sources of order flow, not an obligation
QQQs, DIAMONDS and SPDRs will the Act imposes on a market. The
quote, which could delay the customer’s constitute exempt trades-through, and
transaction by thirty seconds or more, or Commission believes that the business
therefore the specialist will no longer be
(ii) become potentially liable to the decision to potentially forego order flow
able to seek recourse to seek satisfaction
other Participant for the amount by by no longer providing print protection
through ITS from the primary market
which its quote was traded through.’’ 11 is a judgment the Act allows the BSE to
even though the BSE Rules will require
make.17 Further the Commission notes
In its Order, the Commission stated the BSE specialists to provide trade-
that it approved similar proposed rule
that the ITS trade-through provisions through protection. Therefore, the BSE
changes for the Chicago Stock Exchange,
were particularly restrictive in the case has proposed to add Paragraph .07 to
Inc. (‘‘CHX’’) and the Philadelphia Stock
of the QQQs, DIAMONDs and SPDRs, as the Interpretations and Policies section
Exchange, Inc. (‘‘PHLX’’), and believes
these ETFs are highly liquid securities, of Chapter II, Dealings on the Exchange,
that it is appropriate to grant the same
and their value is derived form the Section 33, Execution Guarantee, of the
relief to the BSE in a timely manner.18
values of the underlying shares. The BSE that will permit the Exchange to
Commission noted that immediate not enforce the provisions of Paragraph IV. Conclusion
execution of these securities might be (c)(2) of Section 33 following a de
It is therefore ordered, pursuant to
more important than the opportunity to minimis trade through of certain ETFs
section 19(b)(2) of the Act,19 that the
obtain a better price to certain outlined in the ITS Exemption Order.
proposed rule change (SR–BSE–2002–
investors.12 To address this issue, the III. Discussion 14) is approved on an accelerated basis.
Commission granted a de minimis After careful review, the Commission For the Commission, by the Division of
exemption from the trade-through finds that the proposed rule change is Market Regulation, pursuant to delegated
provisions of the ITS Plan with respect consistent with the requirements of the authority.20
to transactions in the QQQs, Act and the rules and regulations Jill M. Peterson,
DIAMONDs and SPDRs that are effected thereunder applicable to a national Assistant Secretary.
at a price no more than three cents away securities exchange.15 In particular, the [FR Doc. 02–28430 Filed 11–7–02; 8:45 am]
from the best bid and offer quoted in the
Consolidated Quote System (‘‘CQS’’). 13 Id. at 56608.
This exemption, which went into effect 14 See, e.g., the Commentary to Section 1,
proposed rule’s impact on efficiency, competition,
on September 4, 2002 and will remain Specialists, which sets forth a specialist’s
and capital formation. 15 U.S.C. 78c(f).
in effect until June 4, 2003, allows obligations in relation to buying and selling on a 16 15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(5).
principal basis while holding unexecuted orders in
Participants to execute transactions, his book; Section 2, Responsibilities, which sets
17 The Commission notes that the BSE’s proposed

through automatic execution or forth, in part, a specialist’s primary duties as agent; rule change will remain in effect only until the
otherwise, without attempting to access Section 4, Precedence to Orders in the Book, which expiration of the Commission’s ITS Exemption
sets forth the precedence parameters a specialist Order on June 4, 2003.
the quotes of other Participants when 18 See Securities Exchange Act Release Nos.
must adhere to; and Section 18, Procedures for
Competing Specialists, which sets forth, in various 46760 (November 1, 2002) (order approving SR–
9 Id.
paragraphs, obligations which may conflict with the CHX–2002–31); and 46761 (November 1,
10 Id. 2002)(order approving SR–Phlx–2002–49.
de minimis exemption in the Order.
11 Id. at 56607–8. 15 In approving this rule proposal, the 19 15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(2).

12 Id. Commission notes that it has also considered the 20 17 CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).

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