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Fort De Kock of Health Sciences Bukittinggi

Nursing Science Study Program

Reseacrh, March 2017

Ammi Mardhatillah

The Correlated Factors of Behavior primary school childrens in Choosing Snacks at

Elementary School 03 Koto Marapak 2017

Vii + VII BAB + 63 Pages, 12 Table, 2 Pictures, 9 Attachment


Snack food, is happening household phenomena in the word in America, the children
6-11 years old often comsute snack food.Based on BPOM RI surveid showed that 78%
primary school chidren buy snack in canteen and around the school.The purpose of this
research is to knows the correlated factors of primary shcool childrens behaviour in choose
snack food.
The research use cross sectional study design,in 2 to 3 February 2017,in elementary
school 03 Koto Marapak ,with non probability sampling, consist oh 4 th, 5 th and 6 th class (85
students).The instrument that use is quesioner than analized by chi-quare with 0,05
The results showed is 60.0% had good knowledge, 61.2% had positive attitude, 64.7%
influnce of friends, 67.1% had either the action is not good on choosing snacks. and have a
correlation between knowledge(p value 0,000, OR 0,098), attitudes (p value 0,000 , OR
0,118), and the influence of friends(p value 0,016, OR 1,814) with primary shcool childrens
behaviour in choose snack food.
It can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between knowledge,
attitudes andr influences of friends with actions of primary shcool children choose snacks.
Suggestions to Headmaster Elementary School 03 Koto Marapak and the health institution
(Puskesmas) to better provide information to students about healthy snacks.

Reference : 26 (2005-2016)
Keywords : Knowledge, Attitude, The influence of friends, snacks food, elementry school

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