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ASSETS BEYOND MEANS — OTHER RESPONDENTS 1. Mian Muhanmaé Shari ad been Sing tx rstuns/weath statements since the year 1969-70, Complete cox! of retums were not furnished by FBR as for assessment year {971/72 & 1974/75 - 1978/79, returns of wealth tax were not fled by Mian Muhammad “Sharif, moreso, income ax (FT) returns forthe assessment year 1969/70 - 1999/94 were not filed, Wealth statenents forthe arressment years 1969/70 - 1999/2000 were not fed (Gets are at Annex A). Analysis of retums of Min Muhammad Sharif reveal the following te Respondent No.1 claimed that is abr arx aan eater ‘owned asets in millions of rapes inthe — 1970's before the industry was rationalized; the tax returns of Mia “Mulamad Sharif presenta pitae to the contary, at asses held with Mian Mulan Sari? were around RS, 1 million singe 1969-70, There was 10 nate Jetne in his asses during the timefane of Nationalization bh His west started to inerease in the late eighties and early nineties, The wealth ‘of Mar Muhammad Serif multiplied 43 tines during year 1992/93 i, fem Rs, 7.9 millon to Rs. 32.15 aillion and by Rs £5 milion in 1995/96. ‘Sources income det were not avalabe to determine te inflow. 2 Bindinss .—Altlough Mian Muhanad Sharif remained involved i the family business which evenly Nourished considerably, be didnot ile IT retums fr a major period of ime >, Moreover, analysis of his companies’ profile refeting his source of income i rot comrnsnsurte withthe increase in his assets. A sharp insreae in assets is seen in the yours 1992-93, Having analyze ‘e ascerined that Mian Mutasunad Shai possessed, prim face, ASSETS DISPROPORTIONATE AND BEYOND KNOWN SOURCES OF [MEANS at the time cconomic growth and available source of income, it an ‘Marvam Safdar (Respondent No.6) 45, Respondent Na, 6 sare filing tums from yetr 1991.92, Complete record of tx retums/ wealth statements were not furished by FBR as for assessment years 1991/92 - ‘92/93, 199596, 199849, 1999/2000 & 2004/05 - 2008709, wealth statements were no fed by Respondent No 6,more so, I returns fr the year 191/92 2004/5 - 200809 were hot fled (details are at Anmex B). Analysis of financial details available with SECP and returns of Respondent No, 6 reveal following:- sc Marya Safar has been pat of the family business since she was a student and possessed assis woth Rs 147 mii sinee year 1991-92 and stared filing return of wealth tax. Is signficant fo note that he owned assets worth sillions with no visible seureeof income bo, Mer awets grew in year 199293; 21 times in 8 single yeu fom Re 1.47 nln in year 199192 to Re 305 milion without any declared income. anes Toots 1sp23 I9HB94 I8B495 199596 180697 3 p38" s80899 193000 ‘as per the das of ates reflected in her eta of wealth tt, Many Safdar bel 424400! shares in Hudabiya Paper Mis since year 199394 St date. She was lo Divetor ofthe company ding years 199698, Annex ‘As peril records of MRTML with SECP, Mary Safdar ovned 1000 ‘hres (orth Rs 10,000) in yar 2001-2003 but then ste wee not dclred ‘in wath statement forthe same years, Annex vhs per nancial cords of Ietag Supa Mills Limited with SECP, Maryam Safdar owned 55,000 shares (worth Rs $50,000) in years 2001 = 2008 and 3010-2013 however, se didnot declare these hares inthe wealth statement for theasessment sad years, Annex F ‘as pe financial records of CSML with SECP, Maryam Safdar owned 12,401,455 shares (woth Rx 20,710429) in year 201, boweves, she deste 401455 staes in weal satement for the assessment year 200970; mours to concealment oases and tax evasion, Amex G. Maryn Safar owned a BMW car wich was gid to er by he UAE Reve Frail and value ofthe car was declared a8 Rs 3 millon in the Tax Year “200940; the sme car was declare to be sold o a profit of Rs 19.65 milion in yer 2011-12. Ste price elton is abnormal she dare the soe [BNW in er welt statement int mi a / ay 4 wheres Maryam Saar declared tht she sold the car fr Rs 28.164 milion in the year 2011-12 tn ROPA, Muhammad Safdar declared that Ms, Maryam Sadar pi forthe duty ofthe care Rs. 312,18, wheres th same year Maryam Sefer total declared income was Rs. 1,184000/-, whete di he money come from? “As por 200/10 record, Maryam Safar owned anes wort Rs 73.80 milion, which alo included a loan worth Rs. 42 million +9 Chaudhry Sugar Mills “Limited, lan worth Rs 2.2 million to Mian Muhammad Nava, Sharif and roan worth Rs {million to Ms, Kulsoom Nawaz. Income during te year was a 118 align. There no evidenoe af such inflow or «periodic source of income as IF returns and wealth statements for years 2004/05 - 200809 were ‘ot filed by Maryam Safdar, ‘ian Mahanimod Nawaz Sharif declared land worth Rs 24.85 milion in his personal retums in the name of Maryam Safar in his wealth satement Sar 21011 same was not dele in wealth statement of Maryam Safar forthe sid year which amounts to concealment of asses. Annex Year ‘Gis received ‘Total Acts BIOL 317 million 102.93 milion aon 1.6 mlon “21081 35.86milion_ 236.5 milion 197,05 milion 347.6milion 2014s 310.53 milion 654.32 million 6 172.52 milion c Mayan! Safar did not fave a regular authentic source of income commensurate to her growth in weak and even ber spouse didnot posses & ouve of income (declared by Muhanad Safa, ill yar 2013-14) She bad ‘pen receiving heavy gifts fom Mian Mukammad Nawaz Sharif and brothers sain and Hassan, However, these gis boosted her assets from Rs 78.50 million to Rs 830-73 milion within the period of 2009-2016 ‘Dutng the perio, she purchased asia land wort Rs 804 million (1431 Kans), hich ie her declared source of nome, Conclusion “Acounulation of Maryam Safar’s assets shows a drastic hike in early 90's ‘with 3» declared source of incom. bb. Anatysis of financial details of er assets and record of FBR reflects “ichotomics of mis/ aon-declaratinn of assets which seemingly tantamount 1 biding fasts and tax evasion. . He contest general elections in 2008 and was elected as 2 Member of the ‘National Assembly. He war dawing salary but did not file his returns sn violin of income tax lis; though income tx was deeted at soure, he not Ge the returns, He dd not disclose in his nomination papes that he tad been paying tx since year 2008/09; it was revealed through copy of ‘nomination papets submited in ECP. Nomination papers submitted with ECP for General Elections 2013 ae at Annex J. & As per ROPA submited to ECP in year 201415 he decared ‘wort Rs 12.26 milion, however, in is wealth statment for same year be declared ts assets as 13.19 milion, Copy of ROPA submitted to BCP in yeat 2014/15 isat Annex H and wealth statement for year 2014/15 are at Anmex K. total assets Hussain Nawaz Sharif 16, Mr Husain Navaz Sharif, Respondent No.7 stare fling tx tums since the yest 1991/92 He was a stdent a tha ie and owned ases inthe fom of shares of companies; ale ofthese shares vas Rs 3.3 milion, He fil tx tums il year 2003. (details ae at [Annex L). Analysis of the financial detils available with SECP and retums of Husstin [Nawaz evel following ‘His ase multiplied 10 times from Rs 3.3 million fo Rs 33.63 milion in yest 199203, however, his income during the year wes nil ‘Yearwive growth in asatsof Husain Nowar Axper nancial records of MRTML with SECP, Hussain Naw, owned 1,000 stares (worth Rs 10,000) in years 2001 — 2003, however, he didnot declare these sares in wealth statement forthe ssid assessment years; amounts to concealment of ases and tax evasion, Wealth statment for assess EE 7 ‘2001/02 st 2003/04 at Annex M and MRTML Form A for years 2001 - 2005, ave at Annex E ce As per Snaeil records of Iefaq Sugar Mills Limited with SECP, Hussain ‘Nawaz owned $5,000 shares (worth Rs $50,000) in years 2001 - 2003, however, he didnot declare those shares in wealth statement for the atid sssesmcrt yeas; amount to conctalment of assets and tax evasion. Wealth statement for assessment years 2001/02 fill 2003/04 at Annex Mt snd tf ‘Sugar Mil Limited Form A for yours 2001 - 2003 are at Antex 4 As pee financial records of RBTML with SECP, Husssin Nawaz owned 225,000 stares (worth Rs 2,250,000) in years 2001 - 2003, however he did ot dcln these shares in wealth statement for the sui assesment years amounts to eoncelment of assets and ax evasion. Wealth statement for assessment years 2001/02 fill 200804 at Annex Mand RBTML Form A for yeas 2001-2008 ae ot Annex N, inings a. Accumubtion of Husain Nawaz's assets shows 1 drastic hike in early 90°s and thn in year 1997/98 with no declared source of income, Hussain Newa ven filed to provide any details inthis regard despite repeated request! advises, This isthe time once Shai family was prt of rling ft, Henee, JT botioves that tis build up af assets was through imegular means and Hussuin [Nawaz was used proxy to build fail asses tb. Analsis of fioneial details of his asses and record of FIR reflects dichotomies on mis! non-detaration of assets taniamount to hiding of assets and tox evasion. ce _Inyear 1997/98, he was observed loaning Rs 14 milion to Kulsoom Nava, ‘nts his anual income forthe year was Rs 400,000 In year 2001/02, his shares ¢F MRTML were sold for Rs 51 million, this grin was not dslosed in tis weet statement ad income tx return, (4 inane analysis of Hussin Nawa's assets and his available recor of FBR. reflects that Hussain Nawaz possesses, prima facie, ASSETS DISPROPORTIONATE AND BEYOND MEANS OF KNOWN ‘SOURCES OF INCOME. Na 8. Hassan Nawaz Respondent No. $ was a dependent child of Mian Mubarnmad Nawaz Sharif til year 1994; fe started filing IT retums from year 1995-96 onwards. Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif was managing the asets owned by Hassan Nawaz til yes 1995196 as he was a minor. Mian Mubammad Nawaz Sharif has been filing IT returns of Hassan Nawaz since year 198990 till 1995/96 (ets ate at Annex O), Hassan Nawaz ‘moved broad (UK) in ear 1994, After studies he started his business and established 10 lnowa companies in UK til date (Yearwise fund flow charts, detailed financtal analysts ‘of UK companies of Hassan Nawaz and detailed analysis of his companies are covered In Volume Vit of Invstigation Report of Joint Investigation Team, Panama Case), Analysis of is retusa financial analysis of avalale record forthe companies of Hassan ‘Nawaz ove! following a. Asics ovned by Hassan Nawaz were worth Rs 2.4 milion in year 199192, his assets grew 13.16 times in the year 1992/3 to Rs 31.55 million without any visible source of income, Retum of wealth tox of Mian Muhammad [Nawaz Sharif for assessment years 199192 & 199203 and IT retums of Hassan Nawaz for same yours re atached as Annex P ae 1993-98 ees etncone bb. In the year 1995196, Hassan Nawaz owned worth Rs 31.55 milion which sharply dctned to Rs 5.6 milion inthe next year (1996/7); registering a decline of Rs 25:95 million. Details were nota usin Nawaz's Wealth Statement reveals ation in shares of CSML, HEL and HPMIL, presumably transfered ohn by Issan Nawer and @ waton of eclne in assets of Hasan Nawaz. This was not delared in the wealth statements of Hassin and Hassan Nawaz which i tantamount fo concealment ‘Wealth ax returns of Hassan Nawaz and Husain Newsy 66 year 199596 sat Annex Q. ible; however, analysis of ‘ears nets of Hoan Naar (eine In Yea 197/98) Financial analysis ofthe companies in UK forte period from 2001 Wil 2016 cstablishes that thee has boon a gap between Hassan Nawez's avaible resource i the shape of fan claimed o be receive rom Qatar compared to his funding a vector to his UK. companies, Inflow from Qatar from 2001 fl ‘2004 wes GBP 2,477,307, however, his outow! loans wo his own UK companies enters nto a deficit of GBP 702,149 by year 2007. Detaled Hassan "Nawaz finds flow ehart for UK companies sat Annex R TAS NAWAZ FINDS FLOW aOMT ATF, SULUK KNOWN COMPANIES Yer] —Openng [Man | Hasan Nae | awe [ Ne alieeet | _ Noe INewaz_| Poston me | cumin | ‘Compass | Lzante | oftssan Bima | Tone | Siatows” | esnat, | "Near stat, | Sar | eoatneny | tow | sarin ai) ‘sar | Out | Oat ‘car ‘cnr | “cae pore 7a | cso [| 8s raezeas | aon | sgn | oon 700) ‘aos | c2.7m | 255 [ss 50309) sasszoes | oon | ange | ams, 125430 auosmes [25.00 700 west novez00r [insets 1219308) 750.001 (ited and wali of Hasan Naar foyer 2005770 reveals samlus of GHP 423,152; however, he Maaned GBP 462,477 to it UK compeics and adtonsly GRP 65821910 CSML (os mentioned in aes of ‘CSML where Hassan Nawaz sponsor in Pakisan thereby ovenpending of GBP 696,543, Source of this overspending it justified fom financial ) 10 statements of his companies. Ledger account of CSML forthe year ended ‘Septeiber 30,2010 and tveakupof Hons from sponsors of CSML i at Anmex s. TSS TAWA RINSE TO ‘ALU Far ope te to Ree acest | Nowa | LonnetoUK | Navas ‘tusan | Chimtvom | ‘Companies | Lean Neve | daar | tlw! | Cit, sumer | Gur} eouttow | toto ‘bated ‘Gar | Gutom | eetcin ‘cae car” | “coe oorawe | 00130) 2102789 3470 uos209_|_ 1.010 on. sis. noose | 25150 cary | dessa | coms rowan | sss cass 7.908 aoniam2 | 27009 oneu on mons | _ cose 40s son ans. 175001 L arse |. an, suas | 27,00 00240 aossane | coo2sy | Lungs sii | Another impotent factor revealed from finaacal analysis isthe aggregate Toss postion of UK companies of Hassan Nawaz for the period from year 2001 2016 is GBP 10,551,540, Despite such heavy losses, Hassan Nawaz has ‘managed to eee an empire of rel estat in UK, From the available record it ‘ransprs that Hassan Nawaz, Bas been associated with at least ten UK compaies. Furthermore, the financial analysis of these known UK companies reveal undeining mumerour properties. The aforementioned structure of roportes against the companies is annexed at Annex T. Financ infomation available on UK companies also reveals that inks with certin BVI Gulf tased companies. Movement of funds amongst UK ‘companies and BV Gulf bwsed companies is reported in the financial statements of UK eompinis. included in the BVI companies ae Alanna Services Limited whichis 20% srehoer in one of Hassan Nawaz company elit al Pe Lined nao i eh ey f \ ) se mm samely Lamkin S.A which is 30% shareholder in one of Hassan Nawaz: company anely Quint Limited. Another BVI company namely Caomber Gp Ine (owned by Husain Nawaz and Mian Mubammad Nawaz Sharif) bas financed money to Flagship Scouts Limited and Que Holdings Limited ing owned by Hassan Nawaz, Furthermore, anther company namely Hilton Intemational Linitod hes forwarded loans to Flagship Investments Limited ‘Another company namely Capt FZE (Dubai based company) has given loan to Quint Paddington Limited being owned by Hassan Nawaz, This is cexplined in table below: ‘Difawre | Relationship | Loan | Hassan | Sharcholding ‘Lender | of Hassan awa | of Hassan Companies | Nawaz in Owned | Nawazin Oftshore Companies | Borrower Lender (Borrawer) | Company Company “Alana | 80% ‘GaP | Quint Eston [10076 Serves | Statcholding |16.380 in| Place 2 Limited 2004 | Limited Gop 106,534 in 2005 Gap 3,137 in 2008 Total = car 126,081 Tanks SA [70% GaP | Quint 100% Shareholding | 160,120 in] Limited 2004) car 21,368 in 2005 Gap 9,540 jin 2006 ‘Total = cor 191,029 Coonber Gp [Owedby | GBP ~~ | Que ings | 100% tne Husain | 179,000 | timied ‘Nawaz Shai [in 2007 fod Mariam) Total = Nawaz Sharif | GBP (Mariam | 1,700,000 L Saféan) | see Gooaber Gp [Owned by [GBP [ Fagiip7— | 100% 2 Hossain | 150,000 in] Securities Nawaz Stanit | 2008 | Limited snd Maram ‘Nawaz Sharif in (erm Safar) Vitter ——[Uaknown Flagship | 100% Intemational in Iavestments Limited Limited ‘Copia FZE | Opersed by aine To0% (ua based | Wasar in) Paddington feamapny) | Ahmed Khan Limited (Company = Secretary of Hassan | 615,000 Nawuz Companies in UK) Reference is made to ICI Panama Papers wherein, twas reveled tata bank ‘mortgage ded dated September 02,2008 was executed by Nilson Enterprises Limited (Morgagor & Borrower), Nescoll Limited (Bortower) and Coomber Group tre., (Borrower) with Deutsche Bank (Suisse) SA. The lease hold propesns known as 16 Avenfield House, 117 to 128 Avenild, London, |WIK TAH and 16A Avenfield Hous, 117 to 128 Avenfield, London, WIK ‘TAH which were owned by Nilson Enterprises Limited, were mortgaged gust a sum of GBP 7,000,000, I 6 petnent to mestion here that this ‘mortgage deed, on bebalf of Coomber Group Inc, was signed by Husxin ‘Nawaz Sharif and Mian Muhammad Nawaz Shai Mortgage Deed at Annex U. The sum of GBP 7,000,000 was divided amongst Nielson Bterprises Limi (GAP 170,000). Netcoll Limited (GBP 1,750,000) and Coomber Group tne (GBP 3,500,000). Leter from Fara Kerns (biter and solicitor) ia at Annex V, Coomber Group In, frther loaned GBP 1,700,000 to Que Holdings Limited (owned by Hassan Nawaz) in year 2009. The available financial statements of Que Hollings Limited for yeat 2012 reveals the full HSCS Q) 1B setilement of GBP 1,700,000 with Coomber Group Ine, however, no ocumentay evidence on the source was farished by Hassan Nawaz to she LIT despite several advises! opportunites. fh. Hassan Newaz'sciim on proceeds ftom Qatar hat not been substantiated by him hough any documentary evidence, Having analyzed financial details viable above mentioned loaning of Coomber Group In, it ean be assumed ‘hat memters of Sharif have stakes in ether offshore companies as well which ane involved in loaning to Hassan Near's UK based companios as these coffiore companies have been seen loaning 10 Hassan Nawaz’s companies on the same pattem as of Coomber Group Tne . However, deuils) Finacial Adcuents were not fished by the respondents despite several requess i. In the year 201 12, as per wealth statement of Maryam Safa, Hassan Nawaz gee outa loan worth Rs28.4 millon to het, however, same is not reconeiable as Hassan Navi is not filing IT etn wealth statement since year 20040. ingings Accumulation of Hassan Nawae's assets shows «drastic hike in early 90°s ‘vith no declared source of income. This the peso Sharif any was pat of the ring eft. Henve, JT believes tat tis build up of asets was through iopularmeans and Hsssan Nowa was used a a proxy o ui family aes b. Analysis of fnaneial details of his asets and record of FBR reflects dichotomies on mis-delarstion of assets tartamount fo hiding of assets and Detailed analysis of available financial details of Hassan’s UK. companies reveals gap between claimed parent nds from Qatar ans funding to UK compas as Hassan hs been observed over loaning than available funds ‘Moreover, the company’s annual finazcal postion reflets that most ofthe ‘companies remained in losses, Despite that losses, these companies not only rected en empire and purchased propetes in UK but Hassan was seen leaning to Shas family’s companies in Pakistan. Source! ia of these \ pb 10, Asma Nawaz was depend “ funds wer not provided by the respondent despite repeated request! opportnits. Financial analysis of Hassan Nawaz’s assets and his available ecord of FBR reflects that Hassan Nawaz possesses, prima facie, ASSETS DISPROPORTIONATE AND BEYOND KNOWN SOURCES OF MEANS. /o Mian Muhammad Nawaz Shavit 1 of Mian Muhasunad Nawaz Sharif her tox returns bave bon fled by bis father fom 1995-96, however she started filing er retums from 2001-02 She filed her IT Returns fom 1995-96 ill 2001-02 (Assessment years) nd 2002-03 til 2005- (06 were tax tears. She ‘ed her Wealth Statement for assessment years 1996-97, 1997-98, 2000-01, 2001-02 and ta tear 2003-04, however, she never ile her Return of Wealth Tax; {etal ot Annex W). Mian Muhanad Nawaz Sharif declared er assets in his Retum of ‘Wealth Tax. Analysis of avaiable data eves following: 1 cannot be ascertained from where assets worth RS, 1.47 milion in year 1991/92 have heen acquired by Ms, Asma Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif in het name a dovlred by Min Mubammad Nawaz Shari in his Retum of “Wealth Tx. Pina fee, it seemed an stem to hide assets and move money ‘Assets ened by Ms, Asma Nawaz were worth Rs 147 milion in year 1991/92; grew 21.7 tines in the year 1992193 to Rs 315 milion without ay visible source. Similarly, inthe your 200001, Respondent No 1 ansferred assets Ri 30.856 milion inher name for which sources! origin of assets were ‘not declared by herself or her father. Returns of wealth tx of Mim Mubanmad Nawaz Sharif for assessment years 199192 & 199293 are satached as Annex P. ‘seo alge _ actin aM Me In the year 2000/01, CSML was incuring a loss of Rs, 131.12 million, however Ms. Asma recsved dividends in the form of income worth RS 1,128,000 ftom the company. The sme cannot be justified asa company in Joss cannot prove profit to sharcholders {In the yeu 2000/01, Ms, Asma received dividends worth Rs 1,128,000 whoreas outflow of income inched worth Rs 1 million Joan 10 her srandmoter SA and Rs 1.2 ailion to her motber Ms, Kulsoom Navexz totaling Rs. 22 milion which also excludes the expenditure incurred during the year. ‘Mrs, Kulsoom Nawaz ‘Mis, Kulsoom Nawaz, wife of Respondent No hasbeen part ofthe family business and had bee filing retum since year 198485, She owned assets worth Rs 747,231 a8 per return of wealth for the year 1985/86. (details at Annex X), Analysis of retums of Mrs, Kulsoom Nawaz reveal ollowing:~ “Total Assets of Mis. Kulsoom Nawaz iereased 17.5 tines from Rs 1.64 rilion in year 1991-92 to Rs 28,62 million in year 1992-83, agains-the reported income of Rs 279,400 ony \ } 16 ‘Yoar wice - Astete vs Income There was sharp devine of Rs 27.67 million in asc in the 1997.98, details about he dispsa nthe form of transfer, sale or gift was not declared, ence cannot be ascertained sessment eae Decline in Assets ssgenon & Mrs Kuioom Nawaz also owned property worth Rs 63.75 milion in Chana Gali which was not delaodl in her Wealth Statement of tx year 2012/13, however is declared in the Wealth Stetement of spouse; Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Wealth statement of Mian Mohammad Nawaz Sharif and Mos ulsoom Nawaz fr tax year 2013/14 are at Annex Y. ai on 1m 12. Limited Tax reord of Mr, Muhammad Ishaq Dar was available with FBR His 1T missing from 198182 till 198516, Wealth statements were not provided by [FBR from assessment year 1994/95 til 2001/02 ana tax year 2002103 tl 2007/08 despite ‘repeated requests. Jn order to asceriin the true pice of ase held, Reta of Pesonat [Assets (ROPA) was reve fom Eletion Commission of Pakistan. (dts at Annex 7), ‘4. Invis wealth statement in 200809 sn increase of 91 ies in his assets was ‘seen ftom Rs, 9,11 million to Rs, 831.70 million. ‘This 2p ” assets is mt cliified! supported through any plausible nancial documents ‘Wealth statement for assessment year 1981/82 is at Annex AA. Increase in Assets of Ishaq Dar sonar wsmoss sages rr ee ee In ROPA of year 2005, reported investment of GBP 55 milion in BARAQ Holdings Limited fimestment with Shaith Navan). In 2008, out ofthe same investmen, he extended loan GBP 4.9 million to his son. Source of GBP 5.5 million was not declared. Prime face, this capital became the souee to build his emit in Dubai aswell this asst in Pakistan. ROPA for year 2008 and 2008 at Aanex BB From 2006 til 2016, he has received remittances ffom UAE worth Rs 627 aillion (ource ROPA), which included repayment of lan and gifts fom his son, These remittances became prime source of assets bil up and increase in 16, “These gis and foreign remittances are tax exempted. Sine source of parent capital (GAP 5.5 milion) isnot elsifed by Respondent No. 1, ROPA for years 2006, 2007 & 2009 - 2016 and Wealth statement for year 2016 are at Annex CC. ROPA for year 2008 at Annex BB, his income fom mere RS 0.7 milion in 2009 to Rs 46 milion in 201 Crown income of 1 ssusian, ROPA/ wealth statements from 2009/10 sill 2018/16 reveals donation of Rs 169.276 rillion to varios charities with major chunk to his own Hajveri Tus, and Haji’ Foundation (Rs 86.18 millin, deals ae-tabulated below). Q) ) J 1s Donations declared in ROPA of year 2012 - 16 were not declared in wealth statements of said years. These donations gave him tax exemptions while keeping such huge amounts within his own access amounts to tax evasion. [ROPA for years 2009, 2011 - 2016 and wealth statement for year 2016 at ‘Amex CC and Wealth Reconciliation statements for tax year 2008/09, 2010/11 & 2012/13 and Wealth statements for years 2013/14-2014/15 are at Annex DD. Year Donation to Amount 2009 | Fajen Trost Te 03 milion CM Panjab Relief Fund for IDPS oF [Rs $0.0 milion wre BOUT [Fajved Trust Be 1929 lion elpine Charitable Organization Rs LO milion ‘CM Panjab Flood elie Fund 5.10.0 milion OIE | Senate Emergency Relief Fund Rs. L025 million Tus Foundation Trust Re, 025 million Tanzan Ration / Food distbuton Re, 2.248 milion jeri Foundation Rs. £0.milion aver Tras [Rs 25 milion TF [Ratan Ration Food distibution | Rs 2.3 milion Hajveri Foundation Rs 3.0 milion joer Dust Rs 0 milion OIA | Rational Assembly Employeos Welfare | Rs 05 milion Fund ‘Senate Seer Employees Welfue [R503 milion Find st Nazi BL R505 lion Tajo Foundation Rs million Hyver Trust Rs 2.26 million 2013 |Hajver: Foundation Rs 50 milion Haver Trst Re 39 milion PM Relist Fund Tor TOPS 0,127 milion ‘CM (Punjab) Fund for Flood Relist [Rs 10 milion 3016 | aajver Foundation Rs 10 milion jv Trust 1s 133 millon “Fotat | Rs 169.276 mi 13, Findings Mr. Mubanmad Isheq Dar di not file income tax retums from 1981/82 to ‘2001/02 Feng an expert in economics and part of ruling lite is, prima facie, An exobitant increase in is asc has been observed since year 200809 for which sore of fund! income and details werent finished despite repeated request! epporuniis. Analysis of financial details of hie assets and record of FRR reflec Aichotomiss on mis-delaration of ats is tantamount, prima face, to hiding of asc and tax evasion Respondext No. 10 invested GRP 5.5 million in BARAQ Holdings in UAB. Source ofthese funds was not ielosd by him despite repeated requests Out of thee fads, GBP 4.97 milion were given by him to his son. Aer year 2008, he sated receiving funds snd payment of loans from his son which ‘beeame aso forbs sets build p in Pakistan ia mount of funds (RS 16927 milion) in Charity. Major chunle of charity was given to his own organisation and Respondent No, 10 gave subs keeping te funds within his own acess. These donations were mentioned in tis personal expenses in his wealth statements. Ths, availing tax exemption ‘on these hefty sunount i, prima face tantamount to tax evasion Financial analysis of Respondent's No. 1 assets and his = FBR reflects that Ishaq Dar possesses, prima ficie, ASSETS DISPROPORTIONATE AND BEYOND KNOWN SOURCES OF MEANS. lable recon of Mr.Saced Abmed 14, Me. Steed Ahmed, curently the President of National Bank of Pakistan, eistered as ‘taxpayer in 2015, thor, no record of pio fo tx yar 2015 is avaiable Ini 1 Return for 2014-18, he declan foreign inoue amounting 1 RS. 20 rillion tut no evidence regarding source of tis income is availabe a ‘Maan Raman ese Mi [i ieeauseau7 avtiay Swar Mil ed 19942008, 20102013 haem a TENOR yp Tietng Brothers Private Lined [ 1004, 1996-1998 [reteset is imod | 195,196, 1998 | Tana Board Mil Lined | 1992, 19962003, 2007 Bevinous tamzan Sugar Mills Limite 2-2014 ‘Sharif (Respondent — on Jeno No Tet Sugar Nils Lied 902015 Tiodabiya Paper Mills Lied 19982015 | “Tisibve Engincerna Piva —| Engines 2000-2016 Taal Tee Toe Tyas Bnrprises Private Limned | ___1993,1996 Teg Tent Mills lite 1990, 1993-194, 198 Tamra Spinng Mile Lites ‘Mean Ravan Texte Nils a 1994, 1996-2000 [Scns ser rane | DP BIT 999-008, ‘Chaory Sugar Mills Limited 1 19 [Fitctnnmad Batsh Tonite | 555-000, 20112015 | Hasan New Sarit |_Limted_} —____) (Respondent No, 8) ‘Hamza Board Mills Limited 1992, 1996-2003, 2007 Tawa SuearslsLinies | _— 19532015 | Tiel Supa Mile Linted 1901956, Hamza Spinning Mis amited 1995-2001 neq Tete Mil Limited 1990, 1993-1994 16, Deu financial analysis of these companies from the second made avilable to the {HT sat Annex ER: ‘The companies, waercinrespondenis were ating shareholicrsiireetorsbeneficial_ owners are primarily family owned business. These companies were mainly incorporated in 1980s and 1990s ‘when respondent umber I was holding public oes, <->" 2 “The respondents being sharcholders injected nominal capital as seed money ‘and these companies were mainly entsted with borowed funds from tunkinasial institutions! foreign nancial instintions or foreign incorporated special purpose vehicles. “The companies also borrowed funds at inception stages and rolled over funds with ther ites, Foreign ewreacy funds were generated to install plants ‘and machinery, However, going forward, majority of the companies wore cither nonopertional or Were ot Tunetioning atthe maximum eapucty and ‘were in lass having. negative equity. Such companies included Mohammad Buksh Textile Mills Limited, Huduibya Paper Mills Limited Hodabya Engineeriag Company Prive Limited, Hamza Board Mills Limit, Mehran ‘Ramzaa Textile Mills Limited ue to weak performance and in absence to accumulated or operational roi, dividends were not declared excep in few yest, These companies are ‘manly los making units ad almost ast twenty year no significant arround vas observed, 2 LUSK ‘As per the aforesated detailed analysis, siguficant exp / disparity amongst the ‘sown and declued sources of income and the welth accumulated by the Respondent No. 1,6, 7 and have been observed. The financial stature and health ‘of companies in Pakistan having linkage to the Respondents als do not substantiate ‘he wealth ofthe Respondents, There exis significant csparityberwesn the wealth declared by the Respondents ad the moans though which the Respondents had generated income rom knowaldesared sources, Moreover, iegulse movernent of age amounts in shape of loans and ifs fom inglom of Souti Arshia based company (Hill Metals Establishment), United ‘Kingdom based Companies (Flagship Invesiments Limited and others) and United ‘Arab Emirates based Company (Capital FZE) to Respondent No, 1, Respondent No.7 and Pakistan bese companies of Respondent No | and fail ave been highlighted, “The ole of offshore companies is ertcally important as several off shore companies (Neseol! Linited Nien Enterprises Limited, Alumna Serves Limited, Lamkin S.A, Coomber Group Inc. Hiker Intemational Limited) have been identified to be linked with ther businesses in UK while conducting this investigation. These ‘companies were nny used for inflow of funds ato UK based companies; which not ly acquired expensive properties in UK. from such funds but also revolve these ands amongst their companies of UK, KSA, UAE and Pakistan In dition to the companies, Respondent No. 1 and 7 have Been found to be recipients ofthe funds moveten into Pakistan as gitvloans whose purposeeason ‘ave not ute by them before the TT. Needles o say, these UK companies were tosencking enties with henvily engaged in evolving of funds vs--vis creating & smoke screen thatthe expensive properties of UK were due to the business operations of thoge UK companis Section 9) ofthe National Accountaility Ordinance, 1998: - Xolder of «public office, oF anyother person, is sad to commit or tc have commited the offence of eoption end corrupt practices 4 (0) ithe or any of his dependents of benamiars owns, possesses, oF AR Scguea ght or til in ay assets oF hole imavoeable power of fitomey in respect of an asses or pecuniary resources ‘Sspoportonate to his Known souees of inca, which he cannot ‘eatemnly aecount fr or maintains & standard of ASSETS beyond that ‘which s commensurate wit is sources of income —" ‘Seion 14() ofthe National Accountability Ordinance, 1999: Tnany eal ofan offence punishable under clause (9) of sub-section {@) at Section 9 ofthis Ordinance, the fact that the seeused person or Shy othr person of his behalf, sin possession for which the accused ponion cannot satisfactorily account, of aes of pecuniary resources [Gaproportonate fo his known sources of income, or that such person {ha o about the tte ofthe commission of the offence with which e's charged, obained an accretion to his pecuniary resources or Property for which he ctinot stsfatorily account, the Cour shall Frome, unless the contrary is proved thit the accusd person is fuily of the offence of comuption and corrupt practices and his onvction therefor shal ot be invalid by reason only that its based Solely om such presumption.” 21, The Qanun-e-Shanadat Onder, 1984 and the fllowing provisions are also relevant: Ariele 122 of the Qamuare-Shahadat Order, 1984 ‘Mhz. Burden of proving fact especially within knowledge, When any faa is especialy within the knowledge f any person the burden of roving tht facts upon him, Antce 117 ofthe Qamun-e-Shahaet Order, 1984 fAite Burden ‘of proot. (1) Whoover desires any Court to give Jademet oo any legal igh ibility dependent on the existence of Facts which he ast, ut prove that those facts exit (2) When peson is bound fo prove the existence of any fst itis said tha the burden of proof ies on that person.” Ante 129 ofthe Qanun-e-Shahadat Order, 1984 155. court may presume existence of certain facts. The Court may presume the existence of any fac, which it thinks Hikely to have fanpened, regard being had tothe common course of naturel events Fran coadet and public and private Dusines, in thes relation to the aes ofthe particular case Article 2(4), 7) and (8) ofthe Qarav--Shahadat Order, 1984: efintion of proved”: EQ)'A ther oid f0 be proved when, afr wonsring the matte ‘aloe it the Court iter Welieves it exist, o considers its existence ‘Siprobable that «pent man ought, unde the cirumstances of the fica ese 19 st upon the supposition tat it exits (0) Whenever iis provided by this Order that this ‘Goan way prosume a fact it may either regard such fact as proved, {nless ene un itis disproved, oF may call for proof oft 2s (8) Whenever is ircted by this Order hat the Court shall presume a Mapa regard auch fact ae proved, onl and iil itis dlsprovea.” 22, Eallre on he part of all es he requisite Information ‘own souress of Income facie tantamount to not being able ae hh (WAND 18) PP, (AMER AzI2) \be (BRIGADIER KAMRAN KHURSHID) a Annex -B Annex -C al | FoR A evan of st wth ender sabaeston (1) or scion (2) of scion 14 of WeSitetas Re 90. Hr veo Hoare oie oy eaman samen josccieeee ADRS. uy Nome othe eee oe ten). £006.. MAARIA 21. BNE. fey rar abotm Nae 206 Metter laenney there 0) Mento stan le ADB fan Lot Ame > Cty Ye. 3% Beptbse Ried Urtem. ay Resteniataddess O06, rch e 8, Pirein Leader (9) Sus (eaten | (ay anenof Pian Nee PAS (0) eae in ait NomresenTTEEED Valttion dae eos seeseneeenageeee Banls (GH rnaunect ned doesent natn ats 2220, (DBAs Stn shite piedted Homo, oer 20pin0 IEDM, ANI Terme, acest en oh evcvonne caterer casos sewsem sem nema 0 een ensprn ETE “0 sm ito 9 Sieur 30 awewesioren * eo © ywop2g 00, EE jy simouuy od seas MELA SaEel « Nc Sea sein aoe et vee ae one wae 7 Re Ay Dae 7 eee nmin Sno Send omy = ao meg agra en i y 2890. Sau sony Sreea am &) _— ¥ Sah vr nee ame ae eels HS gia << * ery 8 ar" — CBseg —aT wnere! prere OS sagem Gaps lay 28g ‘pay e-ea® onto sve i onan earn eg es BOC sno aon sZt pon ie const esow > WH SE 7 pets sg ane app ot sing oat agent aren 0 ted MN }OUP OTE Seg saan ntod og nares ot ont a os AE aime sq rng wee eg eee Ande = voit amy, sata van at Bn eed fee Seals enon _ — Teeny mmemamices ent net Se va a secantpmsaal pimmiecmcarts marmaraatcas,. Seam vaca Bt (octet ema erate eS ton ssn meme “SNES so) ena oS ron 78a VHS) . oie Jo vwensis asf ® ee a ° Winey nr Jam orpng ramen es “ene Fe son “aunay aie alma Lunes 3 1b wenyea nese oe cnn) A qe yo es 3 ~ oom nn )04 aI HSS) 2 RUNNY ° : ® i anion ie gg a htt ons eet SE atta ane ohne oo aE sarang 00 a ‘eons uo ae pound settings em wmeshy anthem es nang eso vom uns on pot ad aout 19 WSIS (ean a y 1eg30 8055) ua suMERNY st “penman agvsnsh t * SR ese eo 2 — S569 SOP oper - a gunxanNy \ ino oe ‘soar pene oysno poeo| Aol seson 0 omy nh s0 nia se 000-95 8) xa FADER st 2g a ord pa po od ag ey“ ne te cape fre toon moo om td Pak “wna Jerr srase q vanes fn meee upsimovey ot Fermi sg wea mo sed Hf P| AeddaquoUR Jo yeausts (cams on wrase was 29) ma sanxaniey © 37 | _—— “onvna 0 iumapang}sa0 900 Y gypemspek | soipavoaen sith, ep owner ath ee p20 es HIE oxi ung TSE HET cous sn so Hs 2H x eRe 303.95 5) ey x sunxann! © a = 40 [ey ap {ip woos 5) ono popnpar 9 0 te a 2 SORE Re ASE geet oe eats ous (enna 0 mE sR4y0 9805): (aepusny uae aves) ix nN x SUNNY > 2 &) i 1 4 » op} ty enero, | snd ttt i of 6H atte te wating) + olden itt aes on ; uugsmemeraeresmgcomemsaaye taf | vec i \ ante dace ato anit cian of Paizals | a tian and wat ee Declai Tin Pakistan during the: nl veegarvmaa tren Denies || g | eatatinnim) | ae, AT Pe itt ‘esssetidediddet a. soe i= ; INLAND REVENUE OFFICER a ERC Unit-t6, Zone-V, ' conse aon nf rerre-uteien sense 9€5H = 0300 ans a Snpreas Rowdy Lenore z : voerthetex- 1992-93 Au Yanuation Dete: Soe eet88 [DREATLS 9? NEAVEH TAX RETURN. CABLE PROFEREY: ma jovasLs ROFBEEY: suareas Hetefag Sugar Wills Lad. $000" duaree of Ry. 10/- each. Gaeatabie. shores). m Ttterag Textile wing Ltd. [ED lanes of Bae 10/~ 2028. Re, 45,500 Rangea Sugar Wille 143, BH0EG0 sntres of Ro-t0/~ each. 9.27,00,000 Reazen Duke Qoxtile wills Lea. 00000 saree of Ro~10/~ exch. 14-10, 00,000 Ghoudhrd Suge> Mills 143 GeBOe anenes of R2-10/~ each. 129.26, 40,000 Mehraan Ranza: Textile xalla Da. WGTNGO"charas of Ae-10/~ sachs 5-48, 74,000 Mohennad Bakes oxtile Mile Ltd. YBET00 toasea of Hav 0/~ enche a.82,21,000 Hosea Spinning Mille Uta. y {EiiBo bhasoe of Ro-10/~ each. 10416, 41,000" udadiye, Peper Melis ta . GE2G0" suerte of 89-10) oooh. 1Ro442442,000 ingabiya Bagnsoring Comany C7.) Y22I0 shares of B2+100/- etch. ee12,27,000°~ Henge Board Wille Uta, {$0260 shares of Na.t0/- each.) Re,13,02,000 cash in hana Diy mos 32,267 gotai Tonith. we BB.34 05,275 787 cenogeetb sn payable for 1992-93 se Rae 6,95,809 Het Weotth, s+ ++ B5-2,98,31,987 hate panne vat Foalth-tex on Rey 20,00,000/-. +e RR Houttu-tax on Re.2,68,31,987/- 9 2.58. Rs otal Wealth-tex Payable u/s 14R. Re. We8 wu (20435024 FORM OF RETUEN OF TOTAL INCOME UNDER INCOME. TAX ORDINANCE, 197. yaronaLtaxns. DED ELD bale Ey] bas a ‘ek Uae | Aste Le Leff ra dibh 22 C Pb ee —___— | fy 2 | sau: [ee] [or] ] ar) Te) evra] | satu of fsness [7] cote so] | Noioeaty: [FARISTAN]~ Resident Stator: [RESIDENT [Now RESIDENT] i a PART Stutexient of ota income daring he income yer endl 3.26. 982 DISCRIPTION OF INCOME eso nt Vion cD (Beef eae Rest eet 9 {it SA theca 8 fig oom nO 4 ste (tare, Boo. 2152. i) Royals oF. {i Otertneme BSCE (9 Saty ane VD (0). FowegnInoome Anse VIE) vie | @ Tot! isc AEE ©) Lass (aka paid Gi) Weal Tax psd paaay «teacher fe tal oo rales Coypct) PARE INCOME CLAIMED TO BE EXEMPT AND NOT INCLUDED IN TOTAL INCOME. (Other than income eter 0 the annexe) titer tan iver ster ee ne) t______ ENe Amount ‘Nate offocome Bass of eam for exemption o @ ‘ 5 eles ANNEX, INTEREST ON SECURITIES. (2) Total amount of inks receivable (@) Inert pai on mney borrowed fr pps of ), Commision pu (4) Tot of eolrns2and 3, (6) Netincome Columss 1, (9) Tax te tres, ify. Sig som thon az ‘Name in lock eters:—HMe PR ad ANNEXIV | ‘CAPITAL GAINS i @). Adina expenseexemptions. (reas give deals) ) Net come Signature ‘Namen lock eter ANNEX omer sources (Dividend, teterest, Royalty, (Gross Receipts (Amex deta) )Admisibe epensienemptions (Pease give cas) 0) Nettocowe 2) feat ats es ee een ree preemseht SEEN Federal Board’ Cipocics ence ‘in STATEMENT OF ASSETS /LIABLIIES FILED VOLUNTARILY) Namo: HARRYAB SAFDAR Regitation No 8201502734¢ TAQ Mesum: ine [visit ian Gasresy asa fay Bond — Exteel Dra /OapstFund/sanen! | Too | osrane 0 | Detentre/Detont/fund/inrmern’ | roos | 1.61000 °| | rane | 4222800 (erent | aa200 dl o) a sad ee eee ean on Bu ln sess (Aare / Boring ORAT ecm tants Pease eer enya s1LJSTATENENT OF ASSETS IAB EL¢0 VOLUNTARY! EQN nl on oige! Ora oma AIR Ho. 807° /E AD FORMA sot act neh onder when (Ip weds he fio dint ind oil fe wcaltaseauessnent year AEB $4 day Pave esse ils ey USS, LOARYAAD.. WAEVAD ty rate teked None PUHAMIMAD.. ARV. SHDROP rowhih tie ander ston sou best is) Sus {Indien Minded nly (ay Cisenof PkanaeeGiieaizaien, | iy, Redes! io Plsenonsesdatin Bt J Bonk. LIB3, se vauatoe due 30 n A88.3. vision dae Sabie of es ud ets 0 pee Frteaue eff. eth, aie -E beFe/ GO sms # ore + wove wpbe 094) “Wzmarey adie 0) gs Grrasns emp A sims ne shone i Exe ‘iste geo poo meee ene Ss8 / meerst Arinaramwis oh ee pm (As Seysiot © Grmvseisy mip See ( wee TAS ee a a aresiaisenmnemies | See an suasrmn—auenmsh tees ma 23 gees ‘cf unanmy mi nisnniod aqua fle sausauoserevion-a0 meer EE . hd i ameny nd meronaded eqncen aS “ ADIRNOMEDEVEAON= wos 8 ip meme Diy snd ajenouny seared opr Regeral Tx fe ake CSTE? = wary xy yon egeeaic yew pre , eoeboe'y aay fern HYD. OD Leeper tuna eon LF Pee” nye Ay wd Pye wseno 40 E, stot em gue maa att op ages 15 mt pe SE we YATRA satay“ ays . aye “2k * saetoney TR eyeing su aruey om woes wa ig end 0 ba eso aeaun 6 wezemg (onsyem 0 uss quenns ns) G ns zunxassey " ASNENURE x = eect of Pat io his Reem Seneot of marae rpeny(aanbusnes at) sed ute akin, Docrrtan of Ae (2) Sots. und. sare = 1 of amy Gazenment ot Loe Authaiy ise tn poet oute Pa (0) attoegn Goren, Sots desu wr hand seman (0) Moneys et ot by way of fone cy ad 2rd de heen apn be uate, 2) Any her anmort duct age ih remain una (© mounts core by insagee paces which hae become ‘eave pyahe tater (2) eased chiens rete oer nee a punenip for member tog open fab dea Other ses ot nade te abn tems (Ge doa ‘ota keno Seton Ef Pst lo hi Kstue, A r im t Capertee nested erence Lave e toa ct via, “ub ‘Veluaes HESS nati AIRE, SBiviy adel Town; Lehore. DETAILS GF 4éA.0h Tak aeTuR iewovaaLe PROPZATY fetefag Sugar mills Ltd. 2992-94 Ae in dated 30.08-3995- 9 « Tetasgs eames SIMS Me ecch zakat deducted ok au Tetafag Toxtile Hib le Ute, ~ - SFSE'LORES'EE mae or ooch 0,52 3. Ravzen Sugar tills Ltde a METEb Ukres of ae. 40 enen 2,700,000 Basten tuteh TextiLe tlie ede 1gdsdco" Sten af 23,0 neh 2,009,900 Gh, Sugor mile Lee. $84, S98" tnatae of A. 20 each 9,040,200 Se sasitgan Ranzon Taxtile sitie, Lede 2957050 SAGES IPSs acy 4,274,000 7. Munooued suteh Textile Hse Ld. YEETSSSTAESEED OPEL sacw 4,821,000 fe Wonveh spinning #411 426. 120" do" Shoraevot fee ¥0 Ssch 1.641,000 10. MBB enc moring £3, eve) bade Terade ande0e°CH"Ba G08! Yad 1,227,000 tts Honzah Soord Halle tds BBTEo SACU ai ase io each 302,000 Cash in hand 3762 Total Weslth kage LeabaLstios ‘oalth-tex for 4992-93 sseossnent. 703,55 Ungtuncton for igsod aesoosment: 6821352 Eneongctex for 195894, yecessuant. 137s iSoaFron oh Sugar ssile Lede 47,380 Ueto Statutory exemption Toxstte veaith. ilealth-tax on Ree 4600, 000 20,000 theta on Res 26,502)087 ot 2 seay352 Total weeithetox poysble u/s 4A Ree 892,852 30,542,592 530,582,302 1840, 289, Re. 29, 208.057 3,000,000 c Fe OFFICER mnbB IN Ke, pte pin si ic, gy ANNUAL RETURN OF FORM A ‘AS REQUIRED By PART Vst5 OF an congas {Ser Soain59, Pe 4 GHRAAN RAMZAN HET NOLS Teh, Umied, mdoupto 292 ayo March, 205, lust Anal General Mecting of Se Campy, OF Ui lt date f the year where no sach noting ald dung the yea Prantl fr fling by Thvg sig Khan (Company Setar) Cet Faced Pheser Secretary. Adee of: @ Registre Ooo he Company : Tahors. (Principal Head fice at place Asabove tee than the Reps OFS) (4) Underaing ofthe Conpany Spinncg Mil situa : [SKM Ri istic Kau + 5 2 SUMMARY OF SHARE CAP(TAL AND DEBENTURES (9) Normatshow Capital Nomalshare Capital Be 115009000 Divided into 7000 (Quin) Share of Re 10s aneh (teed Shoe Capt and Dabenses Number | cia ofStaee ‘Nur of shes ten ap bth date ot ‘hua (wich numer st ge wi 12903300] Ordinary ‘he tial shown in Ue Hat ws eld by “eiting mntersh. Dumber of Shares fst bjt to zssss00| — Orainay payment whey n cash abr ora Sta su oy aly _ 7 pitup, Number ef Shares sul aly pald-up ~ - forconsleraon other an cash. Nuctber of Stace (Many) Saved aa ~ - acount ‘Anountef ducnunt onthe lus of shares ‘eh hae not been writen ll a the date of _ . ‘here, he : ol Amount Pad openturs ofeach cate R&_10/-_persiww on as Onn es pershnwen = sures Tot rout ese on shred ayant ash Rs 124335000 ‘ob emourt (any) agredtobecrmsitece [Te ou = tepildenunterctstarriweten ptkup [Sul fore consideration they than ch, “ot pidap cpt ‘ota amount te sums (fy) by wy of commision Innspectt any share debra “Tanne (any) ese by may of premium of hares. ‘Tntemonmlof he su (Ean) ee by wy fz a reopecofanydetetoen sins he da hs et eta 5. PateunsofDebetier nus wing che separ, eth vlan, ‘er and redemption di 4, Panic dines, 1h asoaat of Hsbedoe of ts Capron the dy ofthe st Anal Gena Meeting mely 24K Dayol March 20 or the at day of the yar Tn rapet al clgage and care whch ave egos (oreged wih Ba ogi rer be inane any previous Companies Act. Dhwdenk Lined ny cangOGBO0 DeleBicktiniel = Re OOO Fab bnk Lit BR Baya Yank LA fe -ssaongoo ‘ak ta Re sagonmo0 ‘nk alas fe saan rice = soa Paes of haga of Campo Nn an ad Hayter ee wtf Soha od ces : @) 7 al | eT ear amam SaeS cgi Se oS ES oR RE we age Nea ow anne RO é wee | ow eee earn | sore | qemmatenecm | goin | eemey | collie | suumemee = cnn smn ses tae ea xawanpugnians tang Seth a aman pos seed Pen a Nm PHOSITA on SES oT RIENCE ieee @)| - ot Es ~ \% spon SS ee Er ee = ‘TETAS REORIEN 4 wea emume nimg | eS oa ERT | memo rere | cermin Sp | ee. “EAR PROONYTEN a nee earn aa (: ‘Nomeinders ernest 3 gers uly Kw by tl ioe fom hose, mem Oat He ‘ Pormer same? and armer sume! rot hc (0) inthe cat fa parson seul kin by ate ferent rm Ms ura the ‘ame iy which be was own previous tha option of oF succession oe tie; oF (0) inthesae funy pein a foncr name or koma where that mae or sumaine was changed or dius before the pean bering the same taledtheayeof eigen years ras bon changed dias Fora tod of ot ss thn ent yer (9) fa the case of a marist woman the name orsuramne by which she was Snown prevoustothemarsay ‘Thenamesof all bois porate corporate of carping on busines in Pakistan which the Dior, Chi erat, Managing Agent or Serelry s ao «Dieter, (Chief ectve, Managing Agi or evsary shouldbe en, ace bode corporate fof which the Company making the lum isthe wha owned sbeidlay or bodies + arporaewehich are the wholly “ow subidiais ithe the Company oof aother tly compra of whch be Canpany isthe whlly-ovned subln. A body crporte corporates dered to be th wholly - owed subs of arate thas member ‘ence thatther and that othr wholly oxed subsidiaries rl itso her omnes, In th epic provided inthe for sino, partials of lhe dietorships, ‘ciel Eaectiesips, Managing Agni or seein, should bested co seperate statement tah tos ern whieh shoal be sary cried and signed Cntifieateto be given by Net Lactve and Sureary or two Duca of every company. io cated that tho rt snes sft a ey ta on the date of Aral ener Mecing sera col and completely Signed _ Chie Eeoatve Dried 28.04.03 TAWA SIRBAE SEAR . hace Wht secretory TR DnSTERAN rn ee i ta inn hl Bacau a Sey it ery neacoarer ‘We cary ut the Campany hae wot ane the date af the incorporation ofthe CCompanythe Annet General etn wth elerenc to which helt anol ern 8 ‘Site ood ony ila te ble to babe fer any shares or debentures of he Company. Daa chet ccave Secary Fine certfiens to glen ac aforsi i the mame of Mentarsaned Debentar- elders ofthe Company eved iy, We cet hat the excess ofthe number of membre and debenture poder of te ‘Company over ity onset holly of persons who, underclass (28 fsb ection) ff seton 2of the Companies Ordinance 194 are not ncduded in ceckoning the ‘umber of fy Dated Signed cher ecutive [Nott Naina of patrt shoul lobe slated, under het signature In hbk ters 4 FORM": By 2g) (S09 Section 15% deniyac meTunn oF 2s! ean texte a Re thes An ony Meeting fe Corgan, orto tal ala aL io aatng il dung ho yea rosnte for nia bi DredeSocelan. Ih, Adds of (. Pealtored: Office 01 the Company, ee Preps or Head Orton (ot pleco — air than’ the) Reaisteroo LW Unaariakiogs of to company. a ‘SUMMARY OF SHARE GAPITAL AND DEBENTURES 42) Nomieal Shaye Cageat Nejoial Graig Cantal Fe, —172.2%.000 Gia it, hunbatrandts of Ra ——.s09ch, (by lesune shave Capital ana Desaruree Naber oa ih Mr Myo t9t as held BY Numba oF shares taken up 0 ts Whe rou twnch humor mut theo show sing name 12,23,200 Numbet eraroe eewod cubjoct to =| 12.9.0 pyar whol in cash Number Bors theres found as ‘uly palsy eo Niunst of shales iesuod a2 (uy pa¥-vo fora canaderstan ofr then cash Mumba. of shares, (I eny) aaued ot a | ‘geo trout of clecount 2 the igeue osha (eich nag team ton of at tho date of ‘hist, 77 Le shares of och dose Re 22L> por shar on aE Rs, por shave on = Fars) agrwed to bo consisacoa mem Honore than sh of unpaid ani on ay reeves ty wey of promi af has. ito sume arp) asned by way of cccunt ig bret ee te te on slay of Debarus issued showing each isu soparaaly, wit valu, amount, apampion das ly of th las, Annual Generel ath day of Haveli 2002 —0F the Ass de of ina. =n faspect of ll mrigages and chargas whl ae ride to With spo ragstar under the Ordsancs of ary prasious Companies. Ac, of Sharhalde, e._= por sara on. Resp share n= shares Fon shaos suo agains cash, ee 128.35,000 Fry) agree tobe consceroa = eof sharos five 29 pae- iol ty eure fant pid by way of commision sy hao o dba Ei Ws Feld ty yay of promium of cha. fouit of sums fan ved by way of count a gy ae ce te of Dabsoturs etves shonin each lsu soparaay, wt valu, aroun, ion dete ails fot acmerps of ho Carpary on th dy of l,i eR any oh hs TL” re hatte = In respect of al morigages and charg whl ar que to (st ha rapisrer uncor tho Ordihanch oF ny: previous Compan. Ac. Namo aod stcross of Roo} me SRE, Ment mn aoa ; . eee me ® a ae Ee =, aaa et ml ge aan a es TEniatatentemecccerd eee eee ‘garner evTTST, Br ree home ~ a | | ears | | =~ vemeae MaRS SS eee EES RTT rNERCRASTCTOR | z " eae in ra Sasi veh om a EAST SPRATT Gilog mn yploe 22 ‘he Inst Anvel Gaporal Moe “Se ting shold du 8 xan yp oh cal of ner rust agree wih ib Sat a5 held by tho 508 of sharos le fatto data ot : FORM As REQUIRED BY PART vil OF TH COMPANIES (Sao Seétion 195) INUAL RETURN OF se Ue4in eaky_UEE fog Ub]. ww ee —. #804 baing tho dao. 0 ha. yoar where to Spineing nit ext ret eee ach Neer ‘Cass of Sas s.tghson | andtenry | nears stp sare ech cies LOL=pr sa ay—Bs 22450 e,—__—per share on === Shares ‘Re. —2—_- per hare ona BRIO | ‘oi amount recived an Shas issued aginst 22 ip 223.000 : “Tol amount (it any) agroed wo ba considarad J SAnne mao | ‘tepals on number of dareslssued as psibup| E A {ora colar other than cash “ul mount of uopaleaital “Tt arourt ol hs eur (ti pa by way of ornission intespect of any eros codon “oh amoust ny) teeaved by way of premium of sas. Foal ato se are alowed by way of sob 0 Feapen al ary dbannes enc to dete of the et mn “gaia of Dobagves ose showing each itu separ tonne and spin dele “Paci elas «a fw Campa coe cy of Aslan! tite ane) ——-————" 0 as aya rat Tp vsonct a a ageges ond dros Me ae eget eles oga toga nt Oran or ay ens, COmPAHS A ghar fly coianowesa Goes ae] “bras a Coven omens woven vee eouemg ewer aeyaggs Pe We ~ S) : oe KEY | | a SS SS rs nal “tore eer sims | armen ior ‘coeur - = SS ee eS Se Tasow aor B ama ‘name cab oe (3 ‘Niro Iles Honora", en! surnaoa” Ia tha case ota parson sway knows ‘ya til alifaont fom hie same. moans hate sormernamet anc “error sua" donot ned {a} the caso a prea waty frown by 8 le erent Kn sme, a arb by neh be was known pre fo ha aopon fof sso oe thet or {by rho cise of any peton, s forme nara or surname wher, tat name. fuumaine was changed or d-asod bofo® the person beating She rar atiiod tho-agg of eigtoon years 1 hes oon chiged or deed fr a pid nat Joes than ony years; er the ogee of ated woman he name o suamo by whe she wes kroan priius fo te mara. a ea fo bes corte nouprtd a rig tsi nF ~ awake Bsr hil Exacutun, Managing Agence Seorelay fa al a Drea, Galt iveiv, managia ager Seer should be given, excel bese copra ee corp rage tun f the wly-owrad auodlay bod Seeperete welch are he woly-onned sioaidariss oir of the Company of ef ancthe crest wich We Conran fs the whore eublary, A boy ctor Oe ee bate wines sul Of anor has no member exept Pat «Gor and hat cher= wooly avnod soscitas ands rhe omnes, | cn apace rosea ve toms wae, prcus tor detest, gt GRR A aangaacncoe, aoe. stou ba Ted on aie tape sted to Ti rlum whieh sb b snl cored ae slg “Cantona in: bo given by Chol Execuve and secretary or two Delors of every F “We coy ta te guy sas to facs a8 thy sad cn at. o he Aer ~ Ganorel Meeting afiassi corecly and completely. 03) ie Caen bo gob th Chi Exes ed th Saco or wo Dots a Pat Compan f Y We carly that te Campany Ns not soa tho date of the inccrportion othe Ccomoary/ine Arua Gener Meoing wih reference to which the lst annul return was ‘ube, sued ary nvtaton to he pli to subse for ary shares or debentures fhe ‘Signed_____chiet Eraoitve — tosttay \ W fof Dirwotos cr ro sr och catiata t bo given assess X he number of Member and Osbortur. solders ofthe Company oxconds ty. We cert tel the ecnee of the umber of mémbacs and esr holier ofthe ‘Samar Gre ty cond holy of pesons who, under clause (23). of seston (Fo _sesion# ofthe Compenize Crane, 194 arent tc bo nludedn reckoning the numa of iy, 4b WeNLTi STATEMENT UNDER, epson cea SS SS woot ROSES (states) Y (1s ; Co seqnon ts oF HENNCOME TAKORONANEE Ny ces ‘ran voat “mount POWER OF ATTORNEY 4 We, Mes. Mareva tay of M/s Chast Sagar Mills Lie ORO roby ori Unde Sain Bf hance TAS ONAN "001 Messrs, KALEEM AND a PANY, CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ane hei authored eeprescela epson meus acon 6/ HE Tocome Tax. Wealth Tax assesses varor appear tse the AApAAE ASSES va Commissioner afisame TS CAPPOB andjor review proceedings before se ‘Commissioner of come Tat FoF tHe WS SE oad an proce the accounts a6 und Ondare and/or Cotfeatas Unter ives t0 veonnacted theses and ctl Ref tacomants oon Tax Ondine 2007 The emplamasione ‘and statement il section 170 of te Ic be binding on me 8 : nos Katee ans Company go BEY declare that, being, Chatered vo ear daly gad Unie Son 229 cof the Income Tax Ordinance, ssecountan Ze above mentiil assess0e- pene al ue Bee a cert pale ‘EqnzEM AND COMPANY. Dae CHARTERED) ACCOUNTANTS “wb IRS. MARRIVAM SAFDAR. WEALTH RECONCILIATION STATEMENT TAS AT JUNE 20, 2008 ees eam as n Je 28, 2008 aesisT8 an as on 32,2003 os840 net ecroasnin We msn sourees: ses esol igenses a Toaton POS ess oa Balance COMPARATIVE WEALTH STATEMENT ‘ASSESSMENT YEAR 2003-2004 [azan Soars it ares Siig Ms Li. Itinarmod ten Teste is festa Paper sis fist Engen Pe Li oa oud be nora, pert he! luv secunen Loans Ire snamie aise isn uramma aves Start lsue-roraL ree ne nent |csonsntone lsue-roraL jOTAL ASSETS: jess: series 2z0og00] 2.700000 teaigoo| — ¢6e1000| 4szion0) —4azt000, 42090] 420.00 taaroco| — t2a20%0 Hoozco| 1302000 2amaee| esr so0n000 | ioRo00 3200] 2.200.000 3.200000 | 3.200080 ssa] stots wage] sae ise] fares hte Sg Lio s.reogrs| sane lrovaLuamwmes Teas |__ae ae lerweaut Bests] ae7e0 Ta oe a Ta rates erie tne ‘tana Sasa enw co nny Sit seat Yes eee nose lovoness arma. lve-voran Iow-AGncULTURAL PROPERTY : \ suo-rorat z = Jcricucrun PnorERTY vesrucns | nay Ses soioseo) eag0m | So : C3) cy ot ou OF WEALTH STATEMENT cron GP Ssee LASTEST Gk nines ARS, VARRRY A AEA sta panes nts: 21 CHMSNEY SUGAR HOS ETO 3. BUSDRESS CAPTEAL (So) Nate) (Sale Tradosor Pariser Fe Nae me ‘Bane of apa Aout alae oe Comes AoE ‘abnce on on Act (0) Lita Compsics CompanyName Sine Bld, cat | ‘ane on Care Act ‘ease om Ln cot = pment ecmuttnsetsert = | esenourousrn | wos (yes Sr ee sco ectptons Pereira porlind Aaage sia CiOm ase) SH) NO, vines Tes ‘adalSsb Dion, (oy Aged upto (Sex Nota) (@° Ls soce unter Dewsipion Cat (@) Seating muir (oe aang 4 ivsrocehTs tat cnn rake: (a) Share, GeeNate®) © emt —— (a) Naval twemant Unt) Tras Caries (c) Poe Sve Certs —— () Morgagesataned (@) Unsere ana tat a 5 MOTOR VEHICLES (= Mie TE, eg No ate pares 5 JEWELLERY ote) espn aioe sision 4. FURNFTURE AND FITTINGS (RESIDENCES ct) oral, 70) 10; @) “ IRS, MARRIYAM SAFDAR WEALTH RECONCILIATION STATEMENT ASAT JUNE 30,2001, Rupees Wath on sme 9, 2000 S164) Weath oo ne 20,2003 reste et Dvceseein Wealth 1506 Soures: , t ese . 427209 Shores of MRT gio Men istainnonss 487 000 Persone pener an Tamton Pad £4095 satsce Balanse Desres (pai508 eM Pye ae apres Ps S . (4 ‘COMPARATIVE WEALTH STATEMENT Tae TE oon ements are wri co rewnis co ‘ony Sue cre ae sone mote fausmess CATAL [AGRICULTURAL PROPERTY lnvesmienrs : [chantry Saget tosoeno} sera |sercen gerne amon] nao Ione night etiam) ream Iara ute Se srzieoo] esa bistive Pare Ls samo] «2.00 Iss Erect tarm| 12700 Ione arate tua) casos sua-Tora. Taal aw \uesecuneo Lowis Iie. Sin itr tame} 10000] hb Ns Sar tsonen| ___2m0m| [sup tora 2s ao| 32 0a (cksh. BANK BALANCES lcaintnd aaa sass fora. assens sss] maze] [cmc Svar Lid zoezoa) sis frovaL uneitmes aaa INE weaTs Srsnieee| assem

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