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Dear Members,

I have been closely following all the postings in this Group and I
find that many are struggling to understand the usage of the principle

WHAT ARE THE RULING PLANETS? These are not mere Planets but they are
the POWERFUL LIGHTS that will take the KP followers out of the
labyrinth dark tunnel of KP principles where several precious stones,
jewels and what not, are strewn all over but cannot be seen by them
due to the thick darkness. Therefore one should be very careful before
trying to use these GREAT LIGHTS for their use. Then what is the
procedure. Let me explain below, which is backed by my experience as a
practicising KP Astrologer for the past half a century (50 years)
after learning this Great Divine Science directly by sitting under the
LOTUS FEET of our beloved GURUJI himself.

Before attempting to verify, correct and predict on a Birth Chart or

from a Horary Chart, first close your eyes, concentrate deeply and beg
for the GRACE of your Parents, (FATHER AND MOTHER) whether they are
alive or not, since they are the persons who gave you this body and
mind through which your intellect works on any subject and produce

Then beg for the GRACE of GURUJI to guide you properly and correctly.
This is a must, since without a Guru or Teacher you cannot understand
anything in life.

Next, pray to your Ishta Devta, (WORSHIPPING DEITY) it may be anything

like, Christ, Allah, Ram, Krishan, Shiv, etc., etc., This is necessary
because the Planets are placed in the firmament by THEM to give
results based on their position in the Chart. Here a question may be
asked viz., " I DON'T BELIEVE IN THE EXISTANCE OF ANY GOD " , what am
I to do?. O.K. At least you know and believe that you are brought into
this world by your Father and Mother. For such persons, their Father
and Mother only are the Gods or Ishta Devta.

Check your own Natal/Birth Chart and find out whether the RUNNING
period Lords, viz., Dasa, Bukthi, Anthar and Sookshma, Moon and the
Ascendant, are transiting in a favorable position for you on the day
you are working out the chart. Here give more importance to the
Ascendant which indicates the time at which you are taking up the
Chart for working. Please note here that I have not taken into account
Jupiter and Sun. The reason is very simple. Jupiter indicates the year
and all of us know that it is a very slow moving Planet and you cannot
wait for another Year to come before taking up the Chart for working.
Similarly Sun which denotes the Month also moves only a degree per day
and we cannot wait for one month, for taking up the examination of the

After satisfying all the above pre-requisites, you should work out the
RULING PLANETS with respect for them in your heart since they are
going to guide you to success. . Here also first you should take only
the 5 RULING PLANETS followed by our GREAT GURUJI, VIZ.,. Ascendant
Star Lord, Ascendant Sign Lord, Moon's Star Lord, Moon's Sign Lord and
finally the Day Lord, (Here, if you follow the Indian System of Day,
it should be from Sun Rise to Sun Rise. Otherwise, it should be from
Midnight to Midnight) for the time up to the Seconds, at the place you
are examining the Chart. Since correct time is the essence in this
exercise you should give greatest importance for the correctness of
the time up to the Micro Seconds which you can obtain from any
Scientific Laboratory which uses the Atomic Clock for their work.

The first set of 5 Planets should be kept and used as PRIMARY RULING
PLANETS. Then, take those Planets that have not figured directly as
RPs i.e., Primary RPs, but they are in the Star and / Sub of RPs.,
those Planets within 3 degrees of a RP, those Planets which are
occupying the Ascendant Sign in the RP, those Planets that are being
strongly aspected by the Primary RPs. These should be kept separately
as SECONDARY RULING PLANETS. So far as Nodes are concerned, if they
are conjoined with either the Primary or Secondary RPs they should be
taken as RPs in their respective set i.e., Primary or Secondary and
similarly if they occupy the Signs of the RPs., Primary and Secondary.
In this process you will mostly get all the 9 Planets as RPs.

After the above process is over, you can begin your work, first by
positioning the PRIMARY RPs to the required places depending on the
type of question etc., In case you are not getting the correct result,
go to the SECONDARY RPs to see if they fit in for the purpose for
which you have invoked the RPs.

In the case of Horary Charts, the usual elimination process (i)

removing the tempting RPs (ii) RPs that are occupying the negative
houses from the houses required for getting the result (iii) RPs that
are in the Stars/Subs of Planets occupying the negative houses (iv)
RPs in the Star and or Sub of a Retrograde Planet (v) RPs that are
occupying the houses 6, 8 and 12 to the houses of judgement, should be

I have been successful in my career as a KP Astrologer by following

all the above mentioned procedures and hence I thought that I should
share the above with all my fellow KP Scholars, Astrologers and KP

Due to my old age and other preoccupations with my Clients etc., I am

not able to interact with other members of this Group very often, for
which I hope they will pardon me.


Message 1 of 5 , Aug 17, 2009

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1. In the RP & KP book, 1985, there are 41 articles (perhaps mostly from A&A magazine) by
24 authors, including KM Subramaniam, KC Subramaniam, KR Kar, N Moham.
2. At the end of preface, it is said that with the help of the RPSs, before a consultant
presents the chart, one can tell the RASI, birth star or even the birth Lagna. (p x)
3. But it doesn't appear to make it easily; in the case of birth star and the moment of birth, a
time frame of 3:30 am to 5 am is given in the query (pp 1-3); in the case of birth star, Lagna
Cancer is given (pp 44-45); in the case of birth Rasi, Li or Sc is given.
4. The same order of RPs as shown below is applied.
The original 5 ruling planets are listed below in their order of preference (Original KP Vol 2,
Sagar Publications, 1965 pp 273-4, 412; KP Reader VI p 123, RP & KP pp ix, xvii, 32; Dr.
Satya Prakash Chowdhary: Ruling Planets in KP):
1)Ascendant star lord
2)Ascendant sign lord
3)Moon star lord
4)Moon sign lord
5)Day Lord (Hindu Day from sunrise to next sunrise)
5. Some also consider the sub lords of Ascendant and Moon as ruling planets. (pp 65, 79,
6. Strength of RPs is also considered in selection of final RPs.
7. RPs who are deposited in the sub of a planet in retrogression, or of a planet signifying
houses detrimental to the matter in question, and are also not any way connected with the
houes relevant to the matter in query are left out of consideration.
8. Here it is to note that after thorough research it has been establiashed that a RP fails to
offer results only when it is in a sub of the lord which is retrogrde, (p xvii) i.e. RP in the star of
retrograde planet is not rejected as said in KP Reader VI as follows:-
The ruling planets in retrograde do not prevent the event to take place but will only give the
result when they become direct in motion. Reject the ruling planets which are posited in the
star or sub of retrograde planets. (KP Reader VI pp 167, 171, 176, 187, 202, 224, 274)
9. In a few cases, planets in conjunction or aspect to the ruling planets can also be
considered as ruling planest, especially if the planet is strong and located in the ruling
Ascendant itself.
10. RPs are the same for Natal or Horary, which rule the moment at the time of judgment of
any question,and any difference is not found.

ar Fiends,

Tw ji has shared extracts from RP&KP. Someone requested all RP related points at one
place and as always, Tw ji has done it beautifully. This extracts are very useful but should be
used with caution. I have few points to share based on my personal experience and I hope
that it will be useful -

1. RP&KP book should not be used as reference. In my opinion, this is the book that
created lots of confusion in beginners mind. People read it and try to achieve the same
and when they don't get results, they say that RP doesnt' work. We need to understand that
the articles in this book are research articles and some of the techniques mentioned are not
validated on larger sample and hence unreliable. Always refer III reader or VI reader for
the application of RP.
2. Extension to what I said above, RP&KP book misguided us that RP are independent tools
and some of the examples give impression that everything can be predicted with RP. It is not
true and should be avoided. As I earlier mentioned, RPs are useful only when the timespan is
known and for few hours. I believe it would be good to say that "RP are NOT predictive
tool but merely selection tool."
3. Shri KSK has not used any aspects (Hindu or Western) with RP so aspects should be
4. Shri KSK has used time chart in conjunction with RP, so time charts can be useful with
5. Shri KSK has not selected 'most powerful significator' and didn't use any
'elimination mechanism'other than planet in the star of retrograde planets should be
eliminated. People fall in trap when they try to select most powerful significator.
6. 'Planet in the sub of retrograde planet needs to be eliminated' is mentioned in VI reader
but never used by Shri KSK. Seeing that it is in italics, I believe that it is added later on. I
would request people who have 1965 and 1971 edition to verify it.
7. Shri KSK has used 5 planets and that should be used. In couple of examples, we also see
use of four planets excluding Ascendant Nakshatra Lord. My educated guess is that he has
done this to avoid calculation, as rest of the information is directly available from ephemeris.
8. Shri KSK talked about importance of querent's urge in application of RP. I personally
believe that success of RP has more to do with astrologer's clarity of mind than the urge.
There is possibility that urge and clarity are somehow interlinked, but as it is difficult to
measure/ correlate, I'll not talk more about it.

I again reiterate that RP&KP book should be used with caution. I have experimented with this
book for the last 15 years and I wanted to share my experience with this book and RP in
general. If we will use RP as 'solution of all problems', then we are going to make

Thanks & Regards,

Punit Pandey

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