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United States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: 5,026,530

_Drinkard, Jr. et al. [45] Date of Patent: Jun. 25, 1991


69011 5/1974 Australia ........................... .. 423/602
[75] Inventors: William F. Drinkard, Jr., Charlotte; 627083
2/ 1917
U.S.S.R. ........................ .. 423/602
United Kingdom .... .. .. 423/602
Hans J. Woerner, Mt. Pleasant, both
of NC. 445840 l/ 1935 United Kingdom .............. .. 423/602

Primary Examiner-Wayne A. Langel

[73] Assignee: Drinkard Developments, Charlotte, Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Ralph H. Dougherty
[21] Appl. No.: 502,564 A method of preparing copper arsenate compositions
having unique advantges in lower cost and higher per
[22] Filed: Mar. 30, 1990 forrnance for use in preparing chromated copper arse
nate wood preserving formulations. These copper arse
[51] Int. Cl.5 ............................................ .. C01G 28/02 nate compositions are insoluble copper arsenate in
[52] US. Cl. .................................... .. 423/87; 423/601; water or as a dry reactive powder, have a mol ratio of
423/602 As2O5 to CuO of 1:4, and is readily soluble in chromic
[58] Field of Search ........................ .. 423/601, 602, 87 acid to form CCA wood preservatives. This copper
arsenate is prepared by reacting suitable copper-bearing
[56] References Cited materials with arsenic trioxide and air or oxygen in
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS ammoniacal solutions. Either or both of the starting raw
materials, i.e., the copper and the arsenic, may be very
1,085,898 2/1914 Fischer ....... .. 423/601
1,517,516 12/1924 Lloyd et a]. . 423/602
impure, which impure materials were heretofore unsuit
1,596,662 8/1926 Jenkins et al. .................... .. 423/602 able for the production of copper arsenate.
2,112,102 3/1938 Klumpp .................... .. 423/602
2,573,252 10/1951 Farber ............................... .. 423/601 24 Claims, No Drawings
5,026,530 2
COMPOSITIONS It is the principal object of the present invention to
provide a method for improving the environmental and
FIELD OF INVENTION economic quality of CCA.
It is also an object of this invention to provide a
The present invention relates to the production of method for producing a high purity copper arsenate.
copper arsenate, and more particularly to the produc It is also an object of this invention to provide a
tion of copper arsenate from starting materials including method for producing a high purity copper arsenate
arsenic trioxide and copper, either or both of which can which will free CCA manufacturers from their present
be impure. The resulting copper arsenate is, however, dependence on a limited number of suitable purity cop
purer than those produced by other processes for cop per and arsenic sources.
per-chrome-arsenic (CCA) timber preservatives. Thus, It is also an object of this invention to provide a
the invention offers dual advantages: the ability to use method for producing a high purity copper arsenate
lower cost, more abundant raw materials while simulta which will signi?cantly lower the cost of both copper
neously improving the performance of the resulting and arsenic raw materials.
CCA wood preservative. It is also an object of this invention to provide a
method for producing a high purity copper arsenate
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION which will allow the use of very impure arsenic raw
It has been common to prepare copper and chrome materials, such as those presently being wasted and
arsenic compositions for use as timber preservatives
stored underground by gold and copper re?ners.
It is also an object of this invention to provide a
from chromic acid, copper oxide and arsenic acid start method for producing a high purity copper arsenate
ing materials. In such a process, the arsenic acid may be which will allow the use of off-grade copper sources,
derived from arsenic trioxide, but such arsenic trioxide 25 not only copper scrap, but also copper associated with
must be particularly pure, otherwise the impurities iron by-products and scrap products which sell for
therein would be carried through the process into the signi?cant discounts below copper scrap prices.
. arsenic acid solution. It is also an object of this invention to provide a
When such contaminated arsenic acid is used in the method for producing a high purity copper arsenate
manufacture of CCA, the impurities become insolubil which will allow the direct use of many copper and
ized in the CCA wood treating solution. The resulting arsenic containing by-products from industrial and min
precipitate not only represents an economic loss, but it ing operations without the need to purify these before
may block pumps, valves and other portions of the using them in our process.
handling and treating equipment. In addition, because It is also an object of this invention to provide a pro
of the chrome and arsenic content of CCA wood pre cess that may be operated without atmospheric dis
servative, these precipitates represent a signi?cant envi~ charge of waste.
ronmental hazard. It is also an object of this invention to provide a pro
Although many acid-soluble substances such as cal cess that may be operated without solid waste dis
cium, aluminum, etc., are undesirable, the major prob 40 charge.
It is also the object of this invention to provide a
lem-causing precipitate is acid solubilized iron. method for producing a high purity copper arsenate
As presently formulated, CCA preservatives cannot from arsenic trioxide, copper and oxygen, the steps of
use copper metal as a raw material, because the copper which method may be performed separately or may be
metal would reduce the chromic acid causing total performed in a combination of two or more steps to
precipitation of the CCA. Since copper oxide and other gether.
suitable copper forms of raw materials for CCA manu It is also an object of this invention to provide a
facture, such as copper carbonate, are manufactured method for producing a high purity copper arsenate
from copper metal, they always command a premium which will convert ammonium arsenite to cuprammo
price above the base metal. Such prices, traditionally, 50 nium arsenate in a single reaction.
are 50% to 100% higher than the base copper metal SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
Processes have been invented that allow the use of The present invention is a process for the production
copper metal directly in the oxidizing arsenic acid pro of copper arsenate, which comprises: (a) reacting ar
cess, but, unlike the present invention, all of these pro 55 senic trioxide with aqueous ammonia to produce ammo
cesses, because of their acidic nature, require a very nium arsenite solution; (b) reacting the ammonium ar
senite solution so produced with copper and cupric ion
pure form of copper. Any iron or other acid soluble
in the presence of oxygen to produce cuprammonium
impurity present in the copper or arsenic starting raw arsenite; (c) reacting the cuprammonium arsenite so
materials will be found in the copper arsenate formed produced with copper in the presence of oxygen and a
by these processes and carried by it into the CCA caus catalyst to produce a copper ammonium arsenate solu
ing precipitation. tion, and d) removing ammonia and recovering a slurry
During the past twenty years, there have been many of copper arsenate.
occasions when suitable arsenic trioxide for arsenic acid The copper arsenate produced by this process is dif
manufacturing was in very short supply, either it was 65 ferent from the copper arsenate produced by acidic
not available or available only at exorbitant prices. Such processes, which are blue and have the chemical for
supply and price difficulties have applied equally to mula ranging from (2.5CuO:As2O5><I-IzO) to
suitable copper and copper oxide materials. (3.5CuO:As2O5><I-l2O). The copper arsenate of the
3 4
present invention has the chemical formula 4CuOzAs verts the cuprammonium arsenite to cuprammonium
- 2O5XH2O, and has a green color. arsenate, again in the presence of oxygen and a catalyst.
We have found that potassium iodide at a concentra
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE tion of 1 ounce per 1,000 gallons of aqueous ammonia is
INVENTION the best catalyst to use, although other halides, particu
Initially, arsenic trioxide is reacted with aqueous larly iodides, bromides, and chlorides, also have a pro
ammonia which has been recovered from stripping the moting effect.
cuprammonium arsenate to produce ammonium arsen While the second and third reactions can be consid
ite. Crude arsenic trioxide, containing substantial impu ered a two stage process, we have discovered that they
rities, may be used instead of pure arsenic trioxide. The can be performed as a single step.
impurities of crude arsenic trioxide that cause precipita The copper used in the second reaction can be a
tion and other problems in CCA solutions, such as iron, primary copper, such as copper wire, cathodes, or the
are insoluble in the ammonium arsenite solution and like. However, it need not be a pure copper, but can be
may be easily ?ltered out. The crude arsenic trioxide copper scrap or iron-containing (bi-metallic) copper
can be in a form derived from well known arsenic con 15 scrap, such as armatures from electric motors. Various
taining ores and residues, for example, the 80 to 90% mine products, such as cement copper and various cop
arsenic trioxide that is commonly captured by electro per and arsenic precipitates may also be used. Waste or
static precipitation from gold and copper re?ning oper byproduct metal arsenides or arsenates can also be uti
ations. lized in the invented process. Metal arsenides must be
To minimize equipment size and to maintain the 20 added to the copper-oxidation reaction which will oxi
water balance needed to avoid discharge from this pro dize the arsenic present in the arsenide form to the
cess, it is desirable to carry out the reaction at tempera arsenate form. When the arsenide is copper, a reduction
tures above ambient temperatures. Temperatures as of copper from other sources is effected. Arsenates,
high as 90 to 95 degrees C. have been used satisfactorily, such as ferric arsenate are preferably added to the ar
but routine production is preferably maintained at about 25 senic trioxide reaction stage.
70 degrees C. It has been found advantageous to conduct both of
While it has been commonly believed that higher these reactions in a closed, mildly pressurized vessel
concentrations of arsenic trioxide may be dissolved which serves to prevent the loss of ammonia and speeds
with higher ammonia concentration of the aqueous up the process because of the higher solubility of the
solution, this has been found to be untrue. The ammonia 30 oxygen. To keep equipment costs low, the preferred
concentration as NH3 should be from about 3 to about 6 pressure is on the order of about 20 psig. The oxygen is
percent, optimally around 4%. The ammonia concen avidly absorbed by the reaction and the method by
tration may vary between 1 and 12%, but for routine which it is added is not vital. An in-line eductor is suit
work, the optimum concentration is best. able for this purpose.
Crude arsenic trioxide and even many puri?ed forms 35 During our ?rst year of pilot plant research, on nu
of arsenic trioxide are somewhat hydrophobic and tend merous occasions there were slight bits of copper metal
to form a separate solid phase above the liquid, thus or cuprous oxide in the ?nal copper arsenate precipi
greatly slowing the reaction. We have now found that tate. These are deleterious in that in either form they
the addition of a small amount of a low-foaming, non serve to reduce the chromic acid content of the CCA,
ionic surfactant, such as Triton DF-16, manufactured therefore requiring either additional chromic acid to be
by Rohm and Haas, of Philadelphia, Pa., greatly speeds added or, in many cases, premature precipitation of the
up the process. Usually about 1 ?uid ounce of surfactant wood preservative. After a great deal of work, we
per 1,000 gallons of aqueous ammonia is suf?cient for found that the answer was strong dissemination of the
effective dissolution of arsenic trioxide. solid copper phase at this stage into the copper
The aqueous ammonia solution is capable of ap 45 ammonia-arsenic-oxygen solution. Depending on the
proaching quantitative solubilization of any arsenic form, size and shape of the copper or copper bearing
trioxide present as such in the incoming arsenic trioxide raw materials used, there should be sufficient agitation
bearing raw materials. to suspend these materials throughout the solution until
Depending o the nature and quantity of the impurities they have been completely and quantitatively reacted.
in the crude arsenic trioxide, it can be desirable to have 50 To prevent ammonia losses, the preferred order of
more than one ammonia reaction or washing step to introducing the reactants into the oxidation vessel is:
recover additional arsenic values. Add the copper raw material, preferably in the form
For the purpose of describing the steps of the in of a solid or slurry, to the heel of cupric ammonium
vented process, it is assumed that this is one of the crude arsenate remaining from the previous reaction. The heel
arsenic trioxides that does not require an additional 55 should be about 1% of the volume of the total charge
reaction, washing, or ?ltration step. added. The catalyst should also be added at this time.
After the crude arsenic trioxide has been dissolved in Close the oxidation vessel and add the ammonium
the ammonia solution to form soluble ammonium arsen arsenite solution. Anhydrous or recovered aqueous
ite, the impurities associated with the arsenic, such as ammonia must be added at this point if analysis indicates
iron oxide, rock dust, etc., are easily removed by ?ltra 60 that there is insuf?cient ammonia to secure the proper
tion. If needed, the ?lter cake, of course, can be washed mol ratio of copper to ammonia to form the oupram
or re-pulped and washed or even additionally reacted if monia oomplex (Cu:4NH3).
that is the particular nature of this particular arsenic The vessel is then heated to 185 degrees F. temperature,
bearing source. and the stream of oxygen is started. Oxidation is rapid
In the second reaction step, the ammonium arsenite 65 and exothermic. No additional heating is necessary after
solution resulting from the ?rst step is used to dissolve the introduction of the oxygen. The end point of the
copper in the presence of cupric ion and oxygen to reaction is determined by:
produce cuprammonium arsenite. A third reaction con a: Oxygen reaction stops. Oxygen pressure rises.
5,026,530 6
b. Tests for cuprous ion negative. Tests for arsenite SUMMARY OF THE ACHIEVEMENT OF THE
0. Weight ratio: CuO/As2O5/NH3=l:0.909:l. This
ratio is very important. For best results, the copper From the foregoing, it is readilyapparent that we
5 have invented an improved method for improving the
oxide/arsenic pentoxide ratio must be held as close as
environmental and economic quality of CCA, by pro
possible to that given. ducing a high purity copper arsenate. This product will
After the reaction is completed, any non-reacted free CCA manufacturers from their present dependence
matter, such as metallic iron or other impurities intro on a limited number of suitable purity copper and ar
duced with the copper source, is removed by settling or senic sources, will signi?cantly lower the cost of both
?ltration. It is essential that adequate solid-liquid separa copper and arsenic raw materials, will allow the use of
tion be used to prevent any metallic particles from pass very impure arsenic raw materials, such as those pres
ing through into the copper arsenate. The resulting ently being wasted and stored underground by gold and
cuprammonium arsenate solution is now ready for pre copper re?ners. The process also allows the use of off
cipitation by removing the ammonia. 15 grade copper sources, not only copper scrap, but also
In the precipitation reaction, the ammonia can be copper associated with iron by-products and scrap
removed from the cuprammonium arsenate by a num products which sell for significant discounts below
ber of means, such as inert gas stripping, steam injec copper scrap prices, as well as many copper and arsenic
tion, vacuum extraction, heating, or a combination containing by-products from industrial and mining op
thereof. However, to prevent atmospheric pollution, erations without the need for puri?cation before using
them. The process inherently does not pollute the atmo
we elect to remove the ammonia by heating, collecting
sphere, and by use of high purity raw materials, the
it in scrubbing devices downstream from the precipita process can be made totally non-polluting to the envi
tors. Heating is continued until there is no blue color ronment.
(the characteristic color of the cuprammonium ions is It is to be understood that the foregoing description
blue) in the supernatant liquor. Here again we found and speci?c embodiments are merely illustrative of the
great difficulty in our initial pilot work. About one best mode of the invention and the principles thereof,
third of the time, the copper arsenate would not precipi and that various modifications and additions may be
tate as anticipated by theory. It forms a gel-like mass made to the apparatus by those skilled in the art, with
around the agitator blades in the stripping reactor, caus 30 out departing from the spirit and scope of this invention,
ing severe vibrations and the need to heat for days which is therefore understood to be limited only by the
rather than hours. Through a great deal of trial and scope of the appended claims.
error work, it was found that there was a very narrow What is claimed is:
range of copper oxide (CuO) to arsenic pentoxide (As 1. A process for the production of copper arsenate
205) ratio that is required to effect rapid, repetitive 35 comprising:
precipitation of the copper arsenate. The ratio that is a) reacting arsenic trioxide with aqueous ammonia to
needed for trouble-free production is CuOzAs produce ammonium arsenite solution,
b) reacting ammonium arsenite solution so produced
2(_)5=1.0:0.92. Deviation from this ratio of approxi with copper and oxygen in the presence of cupric
mately 1:02 is acceptable, but deviation from the opti ion and a halide catalyst to produce cuprammo
mum ratio will cause an increase in precipitation time,
nium arsenate solution, and
and deviation outside the broad ratio range may result c) removing ammonia from the cuprammonium arse
in complete stoppage of production. Just before the nate solution so produced to yield a slurry of cop
precipitation step, the total concentration of ammonia, per arsenate.
copper as oxide, and arsenic as pentoxide varies with 45 2. A process according to claim 1 wherein the arsenic
temperature, but usually is just under twenty percent. trioxide is crude arsenic trioxide.
The copper arsenate which results from the precipita 3. A process according to claim 1 wherein the arsenic
tion reaction can be recovered by many means such as trioxide is in crude form derived from metal arsenides
?ltration, centrifuging or settling. The copper arsenate or arsenates.
slurry, after ?ltering, can be used directly in the manu 4. A process according to claim 1, further comprising
facture of CCA, or the product can be dried for ship beginning with a starting solution of a cupric ammo
ping or storage. nium arsenate heel from a preceeding batch, said heel
Although the three reactions can be conducted as being about 1% by volume of the total solution.
separate stages, this is not necessary, nor indeed desir 5. A process according to claim 1 further comprising
able. It is also possible, if high purity materials are used, 55 agitating said reactants in step b to a sufficient degree
such as arsenic trioxide and copper, to conduct all of to suspend the copper metal particles or other solid
these reactions in one vessel, including the precipitation copper forms.
6. A process according to claim 1 further comprising
reaction. adding a non-foaming, non-ionic surfactant, in step a.
The removed ammonia from the process is recycled 60 7. A process according to claim 1 in which removal
and used in the following batch operation in the form of of ammonia and resultant precipitation is performed at a
aqueous ammonia. copper (II) oxide to arsenic pentoxide ratio of from
The process may be operated without solid waste 1.0:0.72 to 1.0:].12.
discharge. This requires the use of suf?cient high purity 8. A process according to claim 7 in which removal
copper and arsenic raw materials so that no solid waste 65 of ammonia and resultant precipitation is performed at a
is generated that might require disposal. This zero solids copper (II) oxide to arsenic pentoxide ratio of l.0:0.92.
discharge process for the production of copper arsenate 9. A process according to claim 1 wherein the copper
avoids both atmospheric and environmental pollution. source is selected from group consisting of primary
5,026,530 8
_ copper, scrap copper, cement copper, and bi-metallic 18. A process according to claim 16 wherein the
scrap. aqueous ammonia concentration is about 4 percent.
10. A process according to claim 1 wherein the cop 19. A process according to claim 1 wherein the cata
per source is selected from copper-arsenic by-products. lyst is an iodide, bromide, or chloride.
20. A process according to claim 19 wherein the
11. A process according to claim 1 wherein the ar catalyst is potassium iodide.
senic source is selected from arsenic waste products. 21. A process according to claim 10 wherein said
12. A process according to claim 1 wherein the reac copper-arsenic by-products are copper arsenide and
tions are carried out at a pressure above atmospheric. copper arsenate.
13. A process according to claim 1' further comprising 10 22. A process according to claim 11 wherein said
?ltering the ammonium arsenite solution to remove arsenic waste products are selected from the group
insoluble impurities. consisting of ferric arsenate, copper arsenate, and cal
14. A process according to claim 1 further comprising cium arsenate.
?ltering the cuprammonium arsenate solution to re 23. A process according to claim 1, further compris
move insoluble impurities. ing recycling the removed ammonia to step a) to con
tinue the process, whereby the process results in no
15. A process according to claim 1 wherein step b discharge to the atmosphere.
is carried out at a temperature from ambient to about 95 24. A process according to claim 1, wherein said
degrees C. arsenic trioxide is puri?ed arsenic trioxide, and further
16. A process according to claim 1 wherein the aque 20 comprising recycling the removed ammonia to step a)
ous ammonia concentration is from on to 12 percent. to continue the process, whereby the process results in
17. A process according to claim 16 wherein the no solid waste discharge.
* i *
aqueous ammonia concentration is from 3 to 6 percent.






PATENTNO. I 5,026,530.
DATED 3 June 25, 1991
|NVENTOR(S) : William F . Drinkard, Jr .
Hans J. Woerner
It is certi?ed that error appears in the above-indenti?ed patent and that said Letters Patent is hereby
corrected as shown below:

Column 3, Line 49, change "Depending o"

to - Depending on --.

Column 7, Line 21, in claim 16, change "from on" to

from one -.

Signed and Sealed this

Eighteenth Day of October, 1994

Am 64%! W

Arresting Oj?cer Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks

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