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Fight Club

The narrator meets Tyler Durden - a capable leader with dangerous ideals. Together, they
gather a group of disillusioned men to form Fight Club; through Tylers urging, its activities
escalate into terrorism. In a shocking twist, Tyler is revealed to be a split personality of the
narrators. In order to stop the terrorist plot that Tyler set in motion, the Narrator shoots
himself to kill Tyler.

Story Synopsis:
The narrator is being held hostage in a high-rise building by a man named Tyler Durden.
They are set to witness a terrorist plot set in motion by Tylers group, named Project
This scene is revealed to be the end of the story, as the Narrator flashes back to where it all
began. He explains that he has insomnia which causes him to have random blackouts and
gaps in consciousness. He develops a routine of visiting several support groups for
debilitating diseases upon learning that he can sleep easily after crying. During a visit, he
meets Bob a man with testicular cancer who developed bitch tits. This routine is broken
by Marla Singer, a woman who fakes illnesses just like him. He finds that he cannot cry in her
presence, and strikes a deal with her to split the days of their visits equally.
Returning from a business trip, the narrator meets Tyler Durden, a man who sells soap.
Returning to his apartment, he discovers that all his possessions have been destroyed in an
explosion; he is forced to live with Tyler for the time being. The narrator learns that Tyler
also works other jobs which allow him opportunities for maliciousness.
After trying out street fighting between themselves, they gather a large group of men in the
basement of a bar every weekend to form Fight Club a secret organisation that pits men
against each other in a one-on-one no holds barred fight. The narrator is given a call by
Marla, who claims she attempted suicide by overdose. After a quick exchange, the narrator
abandons the call. At this point, the narrator blacks out. It is revealed that Tyler resumed the
call, and eventually had sex with her during the night. Over the next few days, the narrator
gets annoyed at their frequent trysts, and notices that they are never in the same room at
the same time.
He and Tyler break into a liposuction clinic dump to steal human fat, and cook it to make
soap. While making the soap, Tyler gives the narrator a chemical burn on his hand as a mark
of hitting bottom, and reveals that he had previously done the same to himself. At work,
the narrator accidentally leaves a copy of Fight Clubs rules in the copy machine, which is
found by his boss. The narrator threatens his boss not to talk about it.
Marla calls to ask the narrator to check her breast for lumps, but he does not find any. The
narrator meets Bob on the street, who not knowing about the narrators history with Fight
Club - tells the narrator about it. Bob and the narrator fight at Fight Club, and Bob wins.
The owner of the bar, Lou, intrudes at Fight Club and threatens to close down their place.
Tyler beats himself up and traumatises Lou in the process, forcing him to let them use the
place. The narrator follows suit and blackmails his boss into to paying him a full salary in
Tyler gives the members homework assignments, which become increasingly violent and
criminal in nature. Tyler also threatens a convenience storekeeper Raymond K Hessel
with death if he did not follow through on his dreams.
Marla talks with the narrator in the kitchen of Tylers house. Through the conversation, the
audience becomes increasingly suspicious that either Marla or the narrator is unreliable.
Tyler from the basement tells the narrator to quickly end the conversation, and he does.
Marla leaves in a fit of anger.
From a number of Fight Club members, Tyler creates Project Mayhem a terrorist group
intended to cause anarchy and chaos in the city. Over the next few weeks, recruits arrive at
the house and are routinely turned away. They are accepted only if they are persistent
enough. Once accepted, Tyler brainwashes them through a combination of manual labour
and propaganda, building himself an army. The narrator is gradually sucked into its ranks
as a footsoldier, and becomes increasingly disillusioned at Tylers vision. The narrator
becomes jealous of Tyler, who is seen as its general.
The house becomes packed with recruits who follow orders without question and work like
clockwork. After a Fight Club session in which the narrator brutally beats up a fellow Project
Mayhem member, Tyler crashes the car with himself and the narrator both inside.
One of Fight Clubs operations go wrong, and Bob is shot in the head. His body is returned to
the house in a body bag. One soldier orders the others to get rid of the evidence, which
the narrator reacts angrily to, saying his name is Robert Paulsen. This is taken up as a chant
by the soldiers, too brainwashed to see sense. The narrator runs away from the house.
The narrator searches high and low for Tyler, but none of them reveal any information.
Eventually, upon meeting a bartender from Project Mayhem, he is told that he is Tyler
Durden. The narrator runs to his hotel room and calls Marla, who confirms this. Tyler
appears in the room and reveals it the truth Tyler is a split personality of the narrators.
The narrator blacks out. When he wakes, he discovers that all evidence of Project Mayhem
has disappeared. He seeks out Marla, and tells him that he loves her, and that she is in
danger. Marla is disbelieving, but follows his advice.

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