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COROZAL took place in 1770 because it was

necessary an authorization from the
governor of Cartagena. Finally on
By Carlos Mario Castro Navarro May 26, 1770 Carlos the Third from
Spain, by Royal Decree, was
Corozal is the second most recognized as a
populous town in the Department of the Cartagena Province. The small
Sucre in northern Colombia, within town started to spread because of
the Caribbean Region. Corozal is the expansion and development
located ten kilometers away from reached by neighboring towns like
Sincelejo, the main town in Sucre, Cartagena and Mompox.
and forty kilometers away from the
Caribbean Sea. In the republican age in Colombia,
Corozal became an important trade
Corozal has a total area of 203.3 center in Sucre, but it was always
square kilometers and it is placed dimmed by the success of Sincelejo,
within the Tropical wet and dry or more when it was chosen to be the
savanna climate (Y ) according to capital of Sucre when this
the Köppen climate classification , so department was created.
it keeps an average temperature Nevertheless Corozal has a unique
close to 28º Celsius. identity and it keeps a rich culture
Story legacy, which is why some had
called it ³Cultural Town on the
-hen the Europeans arrived to the Savanna´, ³City of teachers´ or ³City
Americas, the territory where is of literates´.
located the department of Sucre
The People from Corozal
was inhabited by several indigenous
tribes that were part of the Arawac The people from Corozal fix
and Caribbean families, among perfectly within the definition of the
these tribes there were the D  Caribbean Colombian people, a
and the 
 almost perfect melting pot of three
Eventually Spanish conquerors took different ethnic features: the
these lands close to 1501 in order to Caucasian, the Amerindian and the
get gold, pearls and other African, the most of people in
resources. The Europeans and the Corozal does not recognizes
natives established a town named themselves as a part of any of these
      , but the priest ethnics but they do recognize
Juan Antonio Aballe y Rumay was themselves as mestizos or mix-
worried about the dryness of the raced. It is important to mention the
zone, so he convinced the little but important migration of
inhabitants to move to a better place people from Middle East, usually
for agriculture and cattle raising, called ³The Turkish´, but unlike other
then they bought a farm named Caribbean zones as Barranquilla
     , but the actual moving where this component is still alive, in


Corozal it has mixed with the local Corozal, unlike Sincelejo, where it is
component, becoming part of the not permanent, this had impacted in
people from Corozal. the real state of Corozal, so a house
in Sincelejo (for renting or selling) is
Corozal is still a small town, which is cheaper than in Corozal.
why the 95% of the households are
houses. The electricity is available Unification with Sincelejo
for 95.9% of the households and it is
Corozal is the most indebted
the most spread basic service in
municipality in Sucre, so it had to
Corozal, unlike the telephone
accept a payment plan suggested
service that only reaches the 34.5%
of the households. But the cell by the national government, if
phones revolution made it to Corozal eventually is unable to keep
Corozal, and it is estimated that this plan, its condition as
about the 85% of the adult independent municipality will be
over and it is going to be annexed to
population in Corozal own a cell
phone. Sincelejo. If Corozal and Sincelejo
become one municipality, Sincelejo
There are more women than men in is going to receive the rights to
Corozal, and a half of the adult explode the aquifer getting the most
population is single. Corozal is important source of water in
known in the department of Sucre northern Sucre.
for having an increasing openly gay
Why to go to Corozal?
population, which is the source of
very cruel jokes toward its Corozal has got several pieces of
inhabitants and the local people in architecture within its central zone,
other towns and municipalities. the people have made efforts to sow
The Carnival ornamental trees and plants, so it is
possible to see flowers all along.
Corozal is also known for its The carnival is an excellent time to
carnival, which starts in February or arrive to Corozal, but it is necessary
March and it lasts 4 days, this to reserve a room weeks before,
carnival includes several parades, and having an open mind and
free concerts and a beauty contest, dressing old clothing, because get
the carnival has reached great dirty using water and natural
importance and the tourism gets a colorants is part of this celebration.
peak while the carnival takes place.

The Water

Corozal owns the most important

source of water in the north of
Sucre: the Morroa¶s Aquifer, and
because of this, there are
permanent supply of sweet water in

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