Abstract Template ICENIS 2017

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The 2nd International Conference on Energy, Environment and Information System (ICENIS 2017)

15th 16th August 2017, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Indonesia

Production Planning and Planting Pattern Scheduling

Information System for Horticultural
Tanhella Zein Vitadiar1,*, Farikhin Farikhin2, Bayu Surarso2
Master of Information System, School of Postgraduate Studies, Diponegoro University, Semarang - Indonesia
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Diponegoro University, Semarang - Indonesia

Abstract. Research on production planning has been widely performed, This paper present the production
planning and planting patterns scheduling faced by horticultural farmer by combining two methods. Fuzzy
time series method used to predict demand. The result of fuzzy time series method will be one of variables
in linear programming calculation. Combination of both of these methods appropriately represent and
support decision making determination of planting schedule in horticulture farming activities by using
variable data demand, production, production cost, amount of farmers, size of areas, production advantage,
amount of seeds and age of the plant. This research resulted production planning and planting patterns
scheduling information system.

Keywords: Production Planning; Information System; Scheduling Planting Patterns; Fuzzy Time Series; Linear
Programming; Horticultural.

Corresponding author: sudarno_utomo@undip.ac.id
Corresponding author: sudarno_utomo@undip.ac.id

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