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Persuasive Essay: Peer Review Worksheet

Part of your responsibility as a student in this course is to provide quality feedback to your peers
to help them improve their writing skills. This worksheet will assist you in providing that
feedback. Copy and paste the completed review into your reply to the post containing the
assigned draft. Do not post your review as an attachment.

Name of the Drafts Author: Tabatha Montanio

Name of the Peer Reviewer: Christin Hale


After reading through the draft one time, write a summary (35 sentences) of the paper.
In Tabathas paper, she wrote about gun control. I would have to agree with Tabatha that stricter gun
law will help with controlling guns. Back ground check is a very important aspect to gun control. If we
did not let the mental ill have guns some things would be different.

Evaluate the Essay

After a second, closer reading of the draft, evaluate the essay using the Persuasive Essay: Final
Draft rubric. Determine the level of achievement appropriate for each assignment criteria. (Level
of achievement ranges from Unsatisfactory to Excellent and are found at the top of the rubric.
Assignment criteria are found in the left column of the rubric.)

Personal Perspective and Position

What level of achievement did the author score for this criterion?

What evidence do you have for this score?

She clearly stated how stricter gun laws will help with gun control.

2016. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

Argues to persuade

What level of achievement did the author score for this criterion?


What evidence from the paper do you have for this score?
She did state some very important aspects for gun control. She also brought out some very
important points. Like how private sales of guns is a loop hole for felons and others.

Adheres to principles of critical thinking:

1. Manage emotions and avoid fallacies.
2. Provide evidence to support your position.
3. Acknowledge other perspectives and evaluate assumptions about the topic.
4. Use facts and figures when appropriate.

What level of achievement did the author score for this criterion?


What evidence from the paper do you have for this score?

The author did have citations in every paragraph. This shows that she did her research,

Thesis Development and Purpose

What level of achievement did the author score for this criterion?


2016. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

What evidence from the paper do you have for this score?

IT had some very good and strong ideas.

Paragraph Development and Transitions

What level of achievement did the author score for this criterion?


What evidence from the paper do you have for this score?
Couple of the topic sentence in paragraphs needed to be reworded. They are saying the
same thing

Mechanics of Writing

What level of achievement did the author score for this criterion?

What evidence from the paper do you have for this score?
There were a few grammatical errors. Paragraphs need to be indented. Double spacing,

Three positive things about this paper are:

1) Very strong points of views.

2) Topic sentence is magnificent work.

3) The overall flow of the paper was great.

2016. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

Three things that could be improved are:
1) grammar

2) introduction paragraph should be 3- 5 sentences.

3) The conclusion should be 3-5 sentences

Grading Criteria
The assignment will be graded according to the following criteria:

1) First draft of paper posted to the Peer Review form in a timely fashion.
2) Each section of Peer Review Worksheet is completed.
3) Feedback provided to peer is positive and useful.
4) Directions followed for providing completed Peer Review to the appropriate peer.

2016. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

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