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Klacakra da Parara dictums

Ch. 46. Effects of Dashas of Ris, as a Result of these Gati

101-102. The effects of the Dasha of the Ris with Manduki Gati in the Savya
Chakr are distress to friends, relations, parents and elders and there is likely to
be cause for trouble from poison, weapons, thieves and enemies. In the Manduki
Dasha of the Gati of a Ri from Simh to Mithun there is the likelihood of the
death of the mother, or self, trouble from Government and possibility of brain

103. The effects of the Dasha of Ri with Markati Gati in the Savya Chakr are
loss of wealth, agricultural products and animals, death of father, or an elderly
close relation and feeling of lethargy.

104-105. The effects of the Dasha of the Ris with Simhavlokan Gati in the
Savya Chakr are possibility of injury from animals, loss of amity with friends,
distress to near relations, drowning in a well, fall from animals, possibility of harm
from poison, weapons and diseases and destruction of residential dwelling.

106-108. In the Dasha of the Ris with the Manduki Gati in the Apsavya
Chakr the effects will be distress to wife and conditions, loss of children,
possibility of feverish conditions and loss of position. In the Dasha of the Ris
with the Markati Gati there may be danger from watery places, loss of position,
distress from father, punishment from Government and wandering in the forests;
with the Simhavlokan there may be destruction of the dwelling and death of father

109-111. If the movement is from Meen to Vrischik, the native may suffer from
fever; if from Kanya to Kark, there may be loss of brothers and kinsmen; if from
Simh to Mithun, there may be ill health of the wife; if from Simh to Kark, the
native may die; if from Dhanu to Mesh, there may be death of uncles and similar
relations. If the Ri is yuti with a malefic, adverse conditions may be expected in
the Dasha of the Ri. Favourable effects will be felt in its Dasha, if the Ri is
yuti with a benefic.

112-113. O Brahmin! In the Kaal Chakr Dasha favourable and unfavourable

effects may be predicted, after taking into account the directions of the Ris and

114-119. If the movement is from Kanya to Kark, good results are realized in
places, located in the East and at that time journeys to the places in the North prove
fruitful. Unfavourable effects will be felt in places, located in the West and the
South. It will be advisable not to undertake journeys in those directions in the
Dasha of these Ris. If the movement is from Simh to Mithun, no journey should
be undertaken to places, located in the East. However, the journeys to the South-
West will prove fruitful in the Dasha of those Ris. If the movement is from Kark
to Simh, journeys during that period to the South will prove unfavourable and
result in loss and the native has to return from the South to the West. If the
movement is from Meen to Vrischik, there will distress, if the native goes to the
North. The same would happen, if the movement is from Dhanu to Makar. There
may be ill health, imprisonment, or death, if the movement is from Dhanu to
Mesh. There may be gains, comforts and property and marriage, if the movement
is from Dhanu to Vrischik. It will not be advisable to undertake journeys to the
West during the related period, if the movement is from Simh to Kark. Favourable
results should be predicted, if the Ris are yuti with benefics and adverse, if the
Ris are yuti with malefics.

120-122. According to the above-mentioned Kaal

Chakr, the person, born in the Aas of the various
Ris, will be, as under. Mesh A brave and a thief, Vrishabh wealthy, Mithun
learned, Kark king, Simh respected by king, Kanya learned, Tula minister, or
adviser, Dhanu sinful, Kumbh businessman, Meen wealthy.

123-128. If the Deha, or Jiva Ris are yuti with Srya, Mangal,
ani, or Rahu, the native will die. Worse results may be expected, if the Deha
and Jiva Ris are yuti with two, or all of them. If there is a malefic in Deha
Ri, the native suffers ill health; a malefic in a Jiva Ri will make the native
very timid. If the Deha and/or Jiva Ri are yuti with two malefics, there will
be distress and diseases. Three malefics in the Deha and/or Jiva Ri will cause
premature death. Four malefics in the Deha and Jiva Ri will cause definite
death. If both the Deha and Jiva Ris are occupied by malefics, there will be
fear from king and thieves and death of the native. If Srya is in the Deha, or Jiva
Ri, there will be danger from fire. Candr in the Deha, or Jiva Ri will cause
danger from water, Mangal fear from weapons, Budh fear from windy troubles,
ani fear from Gulma (a disease), Rahu and Ketu fear from poison. If the Deha,
or Jiva Ris are occupied by Budh, Guru and ukr, the native will be wealthy,
will enjoy all kinds of comforts and will have good health. Mixed results may be
expected, if the Deha and Jiva Ris are occupied by both benefics and

129-130. In the Dasha of the Ris, owned by malefics, the body and soul will
be in distress. The effects will be favourable in the Dasha of the Ris, owned by
benefics. If a malefic Ri is occupied by a benefic Grah, or, if a benefic Ri
is occupied by a malefic Grah, the effects will be of a mixed nature.
Ch. 49. Effects of the Kaal Chakr
1-5. Maharishi Parashar said. O Brahmin! I am now going to describe to you the
effects of the Kaal Chakr Dasha.

During the Dasha of the Ri, owned, or occupied by Srya, there will be ill
health, due to the blood, or bile troubles; Candr, there will be gain of wealth
and clothes, name and fame and birth of children; Mangal, there will be bilious
fever, gout and wounds; Budh, there will be acquisition of wealth and birth of
children; Guru, there will be increase in the number of children, acquisition of
wealth and enjoyment; ukr, there will be acquisition of learning, marriage and
gain of wealth; occupied by ani, there will be all kinds of adverse happenings.

The Effects of the Dashas on the Basis of the Nav of each

6-7. In the Kaal Chakr Dasha of Mesh in Mesh Nav there will be distress,
due to troubles, caused by the pollution of blood. In the Dasha of Mesh in the
Nav of Vrishabh there will be increase in wealth and agricultural product. In
the Nav of Mithun there will be advancement of knowledge. In the Nav of
Kark there will be acquisition of wealth, in the Simh Nav danger from enemies,
in the Kanya distress to wife, in the Tula kingship, in the Vrischik death and in the
Dhanu acquisition of wealth. Such will be the effects of the 9 Padas of Mesh. In
assessing the net effects the nature of the Grah, occupying the Ri, should also be
taken into account.

8-10. In the Dasha of Makar Nav in Vrishabh there will be tendency to perform
undesirable deeds along with more adverse effects. In the Kumbh Nav there
will be profits in business, in the Meen success in all ventures, in the Dasha of
Vrischik Nav danger from fire, in the Dasha of Tula Nav recognition from
Government and reverence from all, in the Dasha of Kanya Nav danger from
enemies, in the Dasha of Kark Nav distress to wife, in the Dasha of Simh
Nav diseases of eyes and in the Dasha of Mithun Nav obstacles in earning
livelihood. Such will be the effects of the 9 Navas of Vrishabh. Similar
interpretation should be made of further verses on this subject.

11-12. In Mithun in the Dasha of the Vrishabh A there will be acquisition of

wealth, in the Dasha of Mesh A attacks of fever, in the Dasha of Meen A
affectionate relations with maternal uncle, in the Dasha of Kumbh A increase in
the number of enemies, in the Dasha of Makar A danger from thieves, in the
Dasha of Dhanu A increase in the stock of weapons, in the Dasha of Vrishabh
A injury by some weapon and in the Dasha of Mithun A enjoyment.
13-15. In Kark in the Dasha of Kark A there will be distress, Simh
displeasure of the sovereign, Kanya reverence from kinsmen, Tula
beneficence, Vrischik creation of obstacles by father, Dhanu increase of
learning and wealth, Makar danger from water, Kumbh increase in the
production of agricultural products and in the Dasha of the Meen A acquisition
of more wealth and enjoyment.

16-17. In Simh in the Dasha of the Nav of Vrischik there will be distress and
disputes, Tula extraordinary gains, Kanya gains of wealth, Kark danger
from wild animals, Simh birth of a son, Mithun increase of enemies,
Vrishabh gains from sale of cattle, Mesh danger from animals and in the Dasha
of Meen A journeys to distant places.

18-19. In Kanya in the Dasha of Kumbh A there will be acquisition of wealth,

Makar financial gains, Dhanu mingling with kinsmen, Mesh happiness
from mother, Vrishabh birth of children, Mithun increase in enemies,
Kark love with some woman, Simh aggravation of diseases and in the Dasha of
Kanya A birth of children.

20-22. In Tula in the Dasha of Tula A there will be financial gains, Vrischik
good relations with kinsmen, Dhanu happiness from father, Makar disputes
with mother, Kumbh birth of a son and financial gains, Meen entanglement
with enemies, Vrischik disputes with women, Tula danger from water and
in Dasha of Kanya A more financial gains.

23-24. In Vrischik in the Dasha of Kark A there will be financial gains,

Simh opposition to the king, Mithun acquisition of land, Vrishabh financial
gains, Mesh danger from reptiles, Meen danger from water, Kumbh
profits in business, Makar profits in business, Makar possibility of suffering
from diseases and in the Dasha of Dhanu A financial gains.

25-27. In Dhanu in the Dasha of Mesh A there will be financial gains,

Vrishabh acquisition of more land, Mithun success in ventures, Kark success
all round, Simh increase in the accumulated wealth, Kanya disputes, Tula
financial gains, Vrischik affliction with diseases, Dhanu happiness from

28-29. In Makar in the Dasha of Makar A there will be happiness from children,
Kumbh gain of agricultural products, Meen well being, Vrischik danger
from poison, Tula financial gains, Kanya increase in enemies, Kark
acquisition of property, Simh danger from wild animals and in the Dasha of
Mithun A danger of falling from a tree.

30-32. In Kumbh in the Dasha of Vrishabh A there will be financial gains,

Mesh diseases of the eyes, Meen journeys to distant places, Kumbh increase
in wealth, Makar success in all kinds of ventures, Dhanu more enemies,
Mesh loss of happiness and enjoyment, Vrishabh death, Mithun well being.
33-34. In the Meen in the Dasha of Kark A there will be increase in wealth,
Simh recognition by Government, Kanya financial gains, Tula gains from
all sources, Vrischik fever, Dhanu more enemies, Makar conjugal
disputes, Kumbh danger from water and in the Dasha of Meen A good fortune
all-round. In this manner on the Kaal Chakr, prepared on the basis of Pad of the
Janm Nakshatr, the Dashas of the Nav Ris and their duration can be assessed
and prediction can be made for the whole life of the native. Appropriate remedial
measures (recitation of Mantras, oblations etc.) should be taken to alleviate the
adverse effects, caused by malefic Dashas.

35-37. The effects of Dasha in Raj Yog etc. have already been described in Vol. I
of this book. The same should be applied in a judicious manner in the Kaal Chakr.
These are in brief effects of Kaal Chakr Dasha.

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