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Endangered Species Presentation

You will work together as a group to gather information and presentation

This presentation should:
1. Introduce the animal with pictures and give background information
2. Present 5 interesting facts about the animal (different from
background info)
3. Explain why this animal is endangered
4. Explain what is being done to protect it or what COULD be done to
protect it.
5. Conclude with your opinion about this animal and its situation.

Step 1 Form groups of 2 (or only one). Choose an animal that is an

endangered species from the WWF Website. Divide the research:
characteristics, pictures, why its endangered, etc.

Step2 Gather information and pictures. Share info with your group.
Step 3 Prepare to present: Organize your information. Consider how
you will begin and conclude. Prepare a Power Point presentation.
Step 5 PRESENT for 3 or 4minutes
Preparing for the Endangered Animals speech

Checklist of things to accomplish today:

_____ Share the information you gathered about your endangered animal with your partners.

______ Decide which information to use in your presentations.

______ Organize the information

o Introduction:
Talk about the animal, show pictures and maps and give background information.
o Body:
Tell 5 interesting facts about your animal.
Explain why your animal is endangered.
Explain what is being done to protect it, or what could be done.
o Conclusion:
Transition Sentence: Restate your topic
Summary of the body.
Conclusion Sentence: Tell your opinion about your animal and its situation

______ Create a Power Point presentation. You may have NO MORE than 10 words on any one slide.

_______ Practice your speech.

I will grade you on the following:

1) How prepared you are

2) How clearly you speak
3) If you include all of the necessary information
4) Language use grammar, vocabulary and speaking ability
5) How enthusiastic and interesting you are
6) How well-organized you are.
7) PowerPoint with effective, clear photos and titles, good grammar/spelling


Your speech should be 3-4 minutes long. DO NOT READ YOUR POWERPOINT or YOUR NOTES!!!! Eye
contact is important! Practice Each person should speak for similar amounts of time!

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