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First of all, I would like to Thanks Allah, the All Mighty, for having made everything possible by
giving us strength and encourage to do this work.
We are, with the esteem depth of heart, thankful to the, Gift University, and our Course
instructor, Sir Abid Awan that he provided an opportunity to have a practical of all that we have
studied in the course Personal Selling and can help us to apply those things as in our real
We have tried to accomplish this project assigned by the instructor to the best of our abilities, but
still there are a number of problems in this project overall that will be removed only by the
guidance from the instructor.
We welcome and appreciate the error picking and suggestions from the side of our instructor.

We organized successful events in different schools with the name of the Magic World. In this,
we hire magician to perform magic tricks Magic is a performing art that entertains audiences by
staging tricks or creating illusions of seemingly impossible or supernatural feats using natural
means such as sleight of hand and deceptive devices and we provide cartoon characters to
entertain the students and also decorate the place in one school with Balloons to attract the
audience and provide the entertaining environment.
In this course we got a project which is mandatory to do because project is having much of
course wattage our project motive is to give us practical field expertise. There are many
recruitments of project main one of which is to generate such activate in which each group
member can achieve 22000 profit over his total expense.

Reason for Selecting this Idea:

We have selected this idea after thinking very deeply and doing market research. In this regard,
we also contact different magic show performers and done meeting with school principals we are
got positive response from both ends from school and performers which leads us to conclusion
that we will successfully complete our project and can generate handsome amount of profit. And
we also achieve the target and generated the handsome amount of Profit.

Market are Sale potential for this Idea:

The Potential market for this idea was School students who demand entertainment activities in
their schools .As student feel much burden on their little shoulders.

Exclusivity of this idea

Exclusivity of idea was that our event of first of this kind in schools where student are busy in
there daily life of regular study and school management staff is only busy in doing there regular
work of teaching they do not have spare time to plan this kind of event for enjoyment of there
students and school dont spend money on these kind of extra activity for enjoyment we provided
school management a unique opportunity to entertain there student our function also had increase
good will of schools and instead of taking some thing form school we have given profit to school
and we all manage this by our self there was no school effects in this.

Information data and information sources related to this idea before

We are the students of Marketing are studying course of Personal selling. There was requirement
of the project to sell something in a context that we have to generate some profit and there is
required profit asked which is to be accomplished in a given time.

First when we present our idea our plan was that to host a event in university and offer tickets to
students of university and also invite near by schools to university and charge them tickets also
but sir advice us that magic show we are talking about is not up to university level students you
should target school childrens preferably and we also talk to some schools managements they
said that instead of moving with there students it would be more convent if we host shows in
there on schools

Target market
After doing more research and advice by sir we only target schools and we target students up to
10 classes which is last class in schools we target students form play group to 10 class and age
group of our target market was 3 years to 16 years. Our target area was schools in Gujranwala
and all nearby small towns schools.

Segment 2 Segment 1
Demographic Demographic
Age 4-10 Age 11-17
Income level / Income level /
Occupation students Occupation students
Geographic Geographic
Density Urban Density Urban
Psychographic Psychographic
Social Class Middle class Social Class Middle class
Life style Dependent Life style Dependent
Behavioral Behavioral
User status Some time User status Some time
User rate Medium User rate Medium /heavy
Benefit Joyful feeling Benefit Joyful feeling

Marketing plan:

Marketing Mix:

Our Product is a Magic show. Magic show entertain the audience by staging tricks A professional
team who perform different tricks of magic such illusion is called a stage magician. Magician use
visual, sensory and auditory illusions in their tricks.

Our total cost of 3 shows which we conducted was 23,100 which include magician cost, cartoon
charter cost, balloons decoration cost, flex and tickets printing cost, traveling cost, documents
printing and other petty expenses. Detail of every expense is mention under finical data heading.

We conduct magic shows in different schools.

we promote our event in schools in a way that we should create maximum hype in childrens in
this regard we told them there is going to be very exiting magic show in your school we also
display flex o main door of school that every person sees from outside that what is going to
happen in school and we ask help for school management that note should be circulated among
children parents.

Product mix
As our company name was magic world our products were magic show, carton charter and
balloon decoration our main product was magic show.

for advertisement we made two flex and two standees and tickets were also printed our big flex
which we display in background of magician burring performance was 8 feet by 6 feet and small
flex which was display outside of school was 5 feet by 3 feet and standees were of 2.5 feet by 5
feet and tickets were also printed.

Sale promotion
For sale promotion in our first school we make a deal with them we will only take amount of 200
tickets from school more than tickets sold were of school in second school there was no sale
promotion in third school was 50% was off in first 100 tickets.

First show
On Tuesday 22 December 2015 we successfully conducted our first magic show in the Nation
School which is located in Ferozwala village near Gujranwala city. Our show was highly
appreciated by school management and school students were also very happy for such a good
entertainment in their school we have achieved very good amount of profit in school as compare
to our investment. We decorate school very beautifully with balloons and carpet was laid on
stage. Total Two Hundred Forty-One tickets were sold at price of 200 each on which 20 rupees
per ticket was school share. And agreement which was final at the time when we delivered our
sale pitch which was earlier done in November it was that only payment of Two Hundred tickets
will be given to us as organizers if tickets were sold more than that then school will keep that
whole amount per ticket so school have kept total amount of Forty-One tickets. We done this
agreement because selling two hundred tickets will lead us to vary handsome amount of profit.
We havent sale tickets to students personally because it is not only one-day activity and we
cannot manage our time that we arrange tickets desk daily so we provided tickets books to school
and they sold out tickets and it turn out good strategy.

Second show
We have successfully conduct our second show at Lincoln Grammar school in Shadamn Hall on
12 January 2016 On annual fun fare management of school have done partnership with us and
we have provided them service of magician to perform magic show and cartoon charters in their
event to amuse children. And deal with us was that our share will be in tickets school will give us
50 rupees after every ticket and total number of tickets were sold are 440.

Third show
We have conducted successful magic show in Ghazli school on 25 January 2016 and this show
was most successful in term of profit. Four Hundred Eighty tickets were sold at price of 100 each
and there was no school share on tickets sold and school have not even taken a share in total
profit school facilitate us to full fill our project requirement and whish us best of luck for our

Challenges faced during project:

while completing this project we face different challenges relating this project some of these are
as follow.

Lack of experience in organizing function.

To sale large number of tickets.

To overcome the threat of the event being cancelled due to security issues

Convincing school management

Learning outcomes:

We learn how to manage event before this we dont have any kind of experience in
organizing event.

Dealing with people.

Getting effectiveness in work.

Hesitation reduced while interacting with public.

Feeling confident that we can also do business.

Recommendation for further working on this idea

First take permission from local government administration
Time management with magician it should be in contract with him
Give small gifts to childrens

Operational plan
After Discussing and approval of idea by sir to its final shape we first plan the thing that in what
sequence things to do we firstly start collecting content numbers of magicians and then we call
different magicians and ask them there show cast first we didnt find any magician in Gujranwala
we mostly got the number of magician from Lahore when we call them and came to now there
performance price which was very high we become dis hearted that it would be very though job
to implement our business plan and to get our desire profit then after deep search we came to
know one magician in Gujranwala city we called him and ask him his performance cost it was
reasonable and on phone we set meeting with him and when we meet with him we arranged with
him very much at we are not professional we are students of university and its our project so we
were able to convince him at very discounted price of magic show and all other thing which he
have like magic show cartoon charter balloons decorating face painting castle jumping music
system and other things at this time we were not sure that what activity we will carry in our
company which we formed for propose of project which name was magic world .then after this
now we start looking for advertisement in advertisement we plan to make two flex and two
standees and tickets after final ling this we went for market visit and after visiting all market
form where we got less rates from all we went there and arranged also with him we were able to
crack his rate more and after giving him odder we start planning our sales calls now we now that
what will be our cast in for what and what thig to offer at what price we plan our sale calls this
all producer took our whole week and after we have everything ready it was now time to move in
market first we thought that it would be easy to convince schools management but when we were
in market we came to know how difficult task was this even we were offering profit to schools
and taking all tension of management even then schools were not allowing us to count shows
after moving in market for serval days we were able to convince our first school and we were
very happy this time now we start offering them our products what they want and what not after
this process we start finalizing finical matter that what we will charge and what will school share
and after this what will be producer of selling tickets after all we conduct over first show very
successfully it was in school in village area after big breakthrough we move forward and it was
same hard work to get another school after all hardship giving many sale calls we get another
school with this school we become part in their annual function after finagling all thing but
before few days from show a attack was happen in country three was high chance of cancelling
our show but we were able to conduct the show and it was also good show and after this
conducting shows were becoming difficult but at last we were able to conduct our last show in a
school after very hard work and it was also a great show and it gives us more profit then our last
two shows .

Financial data


Advertising cost 3600

First show cast 4500

2000 magician

1500 cartoon charter

1000 balloon decoration

Second show cost 10,000

2000 magician

3000 two cartoon charter

5000 security (police bribe)

Third show 3000

3000 magician

Other 2000

1200 Traveling and lunch

800 prints


10,000 sponsor money

36,000 income from first show

22,000 income from second show

48,000 income from third show

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