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FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/13/2017 04:45 AM INDEX NO. 654328/2013

From: Frank Drabont

Sent: Thur:day, June 16, ?011 12:21 AM
To: Dnise Huth; Gale Anne f lurrl; Tnrn Ius; lJunter Via; david_boyd@nre,corn
5ubct: <no subject>

tley Denisc (and Tum, and Davirl. ct al).

1 taecl to Galc a lew hours ago, trcn I told her lo go to sleep bec.ause she rvas xhruted.

Beilg very alur now (thaugh sc de.pressed after seeing the "shane being chascd" dilies thrt I u'ert
ta bed is afternoon" pulled lh covers oycr my hcacl, aud slcpt for four hours):

Oh my God, do wc havc prob'lcms, Fhurte's still irr th,: ediling rooirr at thi horr ad hs"s in a slate of
panic. So rnueh does not wok. It's acrually suteal to see.

Irr tiacq Hunter's first rvords to me when we.spnkc this cvening were: "I'm so ffIgry at Gwlrneth."
Thn he vente<l lrom thcrc, urcl you knorv tqt's not like Hunler. I tod him not to ibroq'a liL;
I've alrcady throwri rlenty' for.tlie both of ts.

Based on ra1, tlk with Gale, she's also very aware bed un watching lhe shool how much troubLc
ye'r jir. For v.'hjch I !m gftsful.I am very reevecl and glad that she resli:zes I'mnot justthe lunatic
who lost his shit bg time llfs rvcck for no rcaron.

Tom and cnisc ant lravirJ= yulr need fo be clued-i fulty too:

Huntgr will hand sequences offlo Jute andNathan lomorrow. Right now the tsk is beyond ons eito
cutting and relining scenes as i a nonael ediling prrrcess. Righr norry Try're like thost crews in Japan
shtfiling throrrgh rniles of flrbbie a u'ondring rvhcre to vo begl because the t-rsk is so enonou
nd the deva-1tation so huge.

\Ye need to keep the, editos urorHng through the rveekcnd" lVe neerl to geerate a cmprehe.nsive'
catalogue o1'v,'hal needs to be shot or re.shot in ordcr 1o make the episode lvork. [' not saying work
just creativc lhaL's mcrely t-hc srrLirrg porlt. When I say 'ork," I men 'it can achrally cul
tagctlrer into'a scqucnce fhal is renrotely lvorkble or cohe[ent."

My inidal hope ttrat it could benaybe half'a dar or a h.rlJ rlay' of shootng rvr.i narve aod $upid. .4"t
tust I thought Grvyneth had a bad day on set and the reshoots rcquircd rvould be of flJog ad s little
exLra $tuffof Sopha. I3ut beca*e evcry siagie dayts rkics arlded a,rolt staggering round of
problcms lhat need frxing. ihat amormt of work hzes kr-pt exparrdilg.

Ard, yes, J will 'r,am ),ou nou/:

Sbanc hcin cha.scd by zr:ulbics o fle Parkway and teieg rescued by tthe RV is n major elt lexl \{e
mrxt rcshuot, Seeilg those dailies today lcft ule gobsmacked and thinldng I shor:ld fake nry owl
death. leave to\.,.'n, and live tmder an assumed rame- 'Ilrere are s(lme shols vc c.fl use 6or 1'4tteth'5
foolage, bul only shors. Right nou, lhe seqrrucc rlocsn't exi:sl. Re-shurtirrg tris akng rvilh everythilg

I of3

FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/13/2017 04:45 AM INDEX NO. 654328/2013

else is -rrnething s,c have lo plan l"tir. And I lavcn'l cven velferl the goat fatm stuffyet, but l can
safcly be t vou a million dollar.; thcc arc major problcms there too.

t this 'oint I'm hoping thot TWO DAYS nl shootng can sufficc. I f"rankly havc my douhts. \lc
won't know urtil Monday at the earlest. rlny thought rrf Hrrntr:r handing n his c:rrt rrn Tucstlay musf
be banisired, bpause right now therc is no cp:-koclc to r;ut. :lJrcre ;4.rc sccrrc-, yes. Thcre ar shots we
can use, for sure" But not an episode.

Shat we rvll get inslead s o rougir ass*mbly rvill a LT uf sluffniissirg ald a LOT of snff that
doesn'f wor but v'hich will help n:e gauge what eeds tr be done in ode to sve e-u show fro:
losing its audisncs tlre nght our tist episc'de airs.

That's the sad and ugly situation $,'r fur, To say it's a disaster is to uderstate it.

FYI, on a side uote;

I'm ptetF*stre Grvyneth just fuckd my cbanr:es to dire+t 213, becse my having to compensafe for
rhe damage she's done on 2l'only pushes the rrrithg effort rthcr dp$n lhe tracli^s. t havc a, fccling
ttrut inslcad of t:cing on thc set directing, the "hack fir'e'i scripl"q will run me flu-orrgh fhe sne pr.]csss
as lnst year: I'll ;e rvoiking lound ilre clor:k gcncralirg scripts and feeding them to produetion the
light betore you shool. I'm sorry about lhaq bul +.his massive deficit at the siarting gate will hut us

Switching to alather sutjrct:

I)enise, I'm putting my angcr and disappointnent at firv7netb aside rvhen I say this. T proroisc I'm not
bcing a hyperboli c 'iseass.

Rerrembe ourexperience witb Allen arfiekl on The Mqiestic?'We were all so shocked because it
rves like hc had no grflsp af the basics of his cratl? And it tumed out late that he'd had a skoke he
ws r$rawarc o{? Ad a feu'monlls afle we rrapped, the massive secondary stroke happened that
put himpi:rmancnlly in the bospilai?

I am honest-to-God wondering f G*yreth Lra.uo't exprrieuced tl sle ilrilg. Tlrat's bow

fundamentally fueked this footage is. lt's as if she's totally lost her gasp of lvhat to do. It"s like we
vated some kid lvith no experienee out o1'high school and put her in charge of direcing a show'- Ard
wat's really weird is thnt she doesn't seem to lmorv it Huter says he's had numffous .onversations
wilh hcr the past few days To discuss the huge glaring problf,trs n the foofagr. &tat he's consistently
gotten from her as a reqlonse is: "Oq I'm surc it's all there."

lL i.r solOT ul there. You knorv tbat I funtcr and I lnou'hop' to look at ciailieg with a prcf.ty kucn eye.
Sy'cknow when stuff is drere or o1. And cven u.ith tlrc problcms c werr handcd last year, we vr'ee
ulways able To fr-x it ir t}e editirrg roorn. Wc r:vcn conjured a sirgle of JeffDeMunn out of thin ai lbr
th flal momenh of 106. But looking at this stuff, wc knerrv.w'c DON'T have iL There's no place
from u'lch t stil't. Thee ac no icks'rlc rn.r cmplo.v to "fix" it iu the editing roon because the
strrf is eirer lrissing or coruplctely and lnrlarncntally incrihcrent.

2 o[-q

FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/13/2017 04:45 AM INDEX NO. 654328/2013

.And frour what Galetclls me, nothing shc t)r vou lied ir terms of irtervenng or talking sens Xo

Gwyneth on the set seemed to make any rlilfercnce.

My poinr hcrr; is: The dfference betr,een *4rat Guynetr did last y'er ard uha she's done now goes
\\AY bcyond rr-\rn. t's night and day. lt uninds rne of Allen Gafield I lionestly lhinl r'e should
recommend trr Gwlneth tha she go get a brair sean and see if she 's had a problem. Sbe may be in real
tlanger. It's tlr4-t bad.


-l uf-3


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