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Lecture 1: Word Roots Greek and Latin Elements in English Vocabulary

- Professor: Tim Brelinski
Office: 715 Sproul
Office Hrs: M 11-12, W 4:15-5:30, and by appointment
- TA: Anna Rudolph
OFHrs: W 4-5 Th 12-2 F 1-3
Email Her First; cla302014@gmail.com
- Graders for this class

Posted first three units in the Rources folder of the Smartsite

- 65% OF ENGLISH vocab comes from Greek and Latin
- Flashcards
- Quiz Fridays; HW due (in Paper) Monday
* Workbook assignments: every Class; NOT COLLECTED
* Written assignments: due each Monday; worksheet + key; posted on
Smartsite by the end of Friday; collected; pick them up when returned
* Quizzes: every Frida
* Lectures: Dont Miss
* PPT presentations: posted on SmartSite the night before each class
* Weekly Schedules: posted the previous weekend; CHECK IT!


- C.E.: Common Era (after the birth of Christ)
o Or use A.D., Anno Domini (in the year of the Lord)
- A.D. is put BEFORE Dates (A.D. 1040)
o C.E. is put after dates (2014 C.E.)
- B.C.E.: Before Common Era; before Christ
o Both follow the year; ex. 250 B.C.E. (B.C. and A.D. go together)
1. Second Century (100s); first century (less than hundred); First Century B.C.E.
(50 B.C.E.)


- mostly live in Europe in the country of Greece (Formed fairly recently in the
1800s and early 1900s) le of the 2nd Millennium B.C.E. (1500 B.C.E.)
- History greek were ppl who just spoke it and lived in more places; in the
Aegean Sea by the midd
- Over the next 1000 years they spread across the Mediterranean Sea to Black
sea, S Italy, Sicily, N Africa, S France
- Alexander Great (356-23 B.C.E) conq a huge chunk of the world, brought
Greek lang and culture to entire E Mediterranean (v imp force)
- Greek became Lingua Franca of the E Mediterranean
- Excelled in art, phil, and science
- They impacted later Euro, Mid Eastern, and S Asian culture
- Greek English
- originally a central Italian ppl, got name from city Rome
- 1st clear records say they come from mid part of the 1st millennium B.C.E.
- went from cont cent Italy W Mediterranean
- spread latin to W Med, while Greek remained the common language of the
Eastern Mediterranean.
- Romans admired and imitated many aspects of Greek culture
- Western portions of Roman Emp, devolved in 1st millennium C.E.
- The Eastern, Greek-Speaking part of the Roman Emp lived on till 1453 C.E.)
- Latin remained the lang of edu in the Western region till just a few centuries
- Latin evolved Spanish, French, Italian (Romance Lang)
- English is NOT Romance lang but because its Western European lang, its
heavily inf by Latin

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