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The White Family Legacy

This is the founder of The White Family Legacy. His name is Tristan White. His LTW which I did
not include on the picture above is, Become an Astronaut.

After being placed on the hugest lot possible, Tristan makes his way to Fort Gnome Military
base to enlist in the military.
Tristan heads over to the gym to work out and all I can say is that he is now very sexy ;) But
there were no potential wives.

Back home at his shack, Tri (his new nickname) is enjoying a bowl of cereal before going to
sleep. And can you see his muscles? Man is he hot!
Waking up at 5 in the morning is tough but he needs the money. And who can resist a man in a
uniform, even if his job is to clean toilets!

Feeling brave enough, Tri heads to the graveyard after work to explore the catacombs. In the
process, he gets mauled by a bear, which is why he looks like that.
The next day Tri met Molly French. He knew it was meant to be. They flirted a bit, and then he
made his move.

“Will you go out with me?” Tri nervously asked.

“Absolutely! Only one condition, we wait to sleep together.”
They spent the days together and the nights apart. Finally Tri popped the question!
“Molly, I know we only met a couple of days ago, but our love is strong. Will you marry me?”

“Oh yes!!” Molly exclaimed, embracing Tri.

They got married the same night. On the beach they exchanged rings with a few witnesses. Everyone
had a great time.
The newly married couple spends the first night together as all married people do.

Looks like there might be a little bun in the oven.

“I’m pregnant!”
Indeed you are. You better go tell the daddy!

“Honey, I’m pregnant!”

“That’s great! We’ll just have to get rid of the radio to help pay for all the toys and things.”
“I hope our child will be a great fisher, that way we will have lots of good food to eat.”

“Oww. I think the baby is coming!”

Molly heads to the hospital to deliver the baby.

Tri followed shortly after.

After a long birth, the couple welcomes baby Leo to the family.

Hoping to grow their family even more, the couple woohoo to their hearts content.
Molly unexpectedly ages into an elder while visiting the bookstore! Well I guess that means no more
babies will be born.

“Eww. I’m old and wrinkly!”

Molly’s LTW is to be a Heart Breaker. Not gonna happen.

The young, um sort of, old couple are skilling while they miss an important event.
Leo’s Birthday!

He is so adorable! I can’t wait to see what he looks like when he is older.

Because Molly wants to spend as much time as she can with her only son, she retires as a pastry chef.
Male bonding.

Molly, being the good mother she is, is potty training Leo.

“Can you say, ‘What’s that toxic smell?’”

“Wat tat toxic smell?”
Mean while, its Tri’s birthday. I have never seen anyone that happy to get older. I guess it’s because he
will be an adult and closer in age to his wife.

*fancy music in background*

“How do I look?”
* * *
And that’s it for this chapter. Please let me know what you think.

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