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Majority Caucus Resolution - July 13, 2017

Whereas, Councilwoman Jessica Green reported to Caucus leadership that Councilman Dan
Johnson reached down, grabbed her right buttock and squeezed it while posing for a
photograph at Wyandotte Park on June 7, 2017, and then laughingly told her it was an

Whereas, Councilman Johnson admitted to the touching and a witness to the event described
the touching as awkward and notable enough to immediately mention it to a co-worker,
while not knowing if it was intentional or not;

Whereas, Councilman Johnson responded to a published report about Councilwoman Greens

charge by alleging that Councilwoman Green harrassed [sic] him too;

Whereas, Councilman Johnson issued an apology to Councilwoman Green;

Whereas, two days after the letter of apology to Councilwoman Green was sent, Councilman
Johnson, through his attorney, sent a cease and desist letter to Councilwoman Green, casting
extreme doubt on the sincerity of his earlier apology;

Whereas, Councilman Johnsons actions are inconsistent with the standards of conduct to
which members of the Metro Council should be held, have brought embarrassment and
public scorn upon the Caucus and the Council, and are deserving of public censure and
expulsion from the Caucus;

Whereas, the Caucus has followed Caucus rules, heard from witnesses and afforded
Councilman Johnson rights due to him under principles of due process and a fair disciplinary

Now, therefore, be it;

Resolved, That the Democratic Caucus of the Louisville Metro Council

(1) condemns Councilman Johnsons actions at Wyandotte Park, his false

allegation that he was harassed and his insincere apology;
(2) expels Councilman Johnson from the Caucus, Councilman Johnson having
tendered his resignation and the Caucus having held an evidentiary hearing
in which Councilman Johnson was invited to participate and declined;
(3) urges Councilman Johnson to resign from Metro Council by August 1, 2017,
and not to seek reelection, to avoid a removal action by members of our
Caucus, and to allow the Metro Council to continue to address the critical
issues facing our community.

Approved July 13, 2017

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