Table of Current UKCS Installations: Key To Areas

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Table of Current UKCS Installations

Summary Installations Manned Unmanned Key to Areas

Number of Oil Platforms 94 79 15 CNS = Central North Sea
Number of Oil Floating Installations 19 19 0 IS = Irish Sea
Total Number of Oil Installations 113 98 15 MF = Moray Firth

Total Number of Gas Platforms 189 47 142

Total Number of Oil and Gas Installations 302 143 157 Contact:

Total Number of Operational Installations 261 143 118

Field Name Quadrant Area Type of Fluid Facility Operator Facility Name
ALBA 16 MF Oil CHEVRON Alba Northern Platform

ALMA 30 CNS Oil ENQUEST Alma FPSO - Enquest Producer

ALWYN NORTH 3 NNS Oil/Gas TOTAL Alwyn North NAA Platform

ALWYN NORTH 3 NNS Oil/Gas TOTAL Alwyn North NAB Platform

ANDREW 16 NNS Oil BP Andrew Platform

ARBROATH 22 CNS Oil TALISMAN Arbroath Platform


AUK 30 CNS Oil TALISMAN Auk A Platform


BANFF 29 CNS Oil CNR Banff FPSO - Petrojarl Banff

BEATRICE 11 MF Oil ITHACA Beatrice AD Platform

BEATRICE 11 MF Oil ITHACA Beatrice AP Platform

BEATRICE 11 MF Oil ITHACA Beatrice B Platform

BEATRICE 11 MF Oil ITHACA Beatrice C Platform

BERYL 9 NNS Oil/Gas APACHE Beryl A Platform

BERYL 9 NNS Oil/Gas APACHE Beryl B Platform

BERYL 9 NNS Oil/Gas APACHE Beryl A Riser Tower

BRAE-SOUTH {pt. of BRAE} 16 NNS Oil MARATHON Brae A Platform

BRAE-NORTH {pt. of BRAE} 16 NNS Oil MARATHON Brae B Platform

EAST BRAE 16 NNS Condensate MARATHON Brae East Platform

BRENT 211 NNS Oil/Gas SHELL Brent A Platform

BRENT 211 NNS Oil/Gas SHELL Brent B Platform

BRENT 211 NNS Oil/Gas SHELL Brent C Platform

BRENT 211 NNS Oil/Gas SHELL Brent D Platform

BRITANNIA 16 MF Condensate BOL Britannia Platform

BRODGAR and CALLANISH 15 MF Condensate/Oil BOL Britannia Bridge Linked Platform (BLP)

BRUCE 9 NNS Condensate/Oil BP Bruce D Platform

BRUCE 9 NNS Condensate/Oil BP Bruce Phase II Platform

BRUCE 9 NNS Condensate/Oil BP Bruce PUQ Platform

BUCHAN 21 CNS Oil TALISMAN Buchan A Platform

BUZZARD 20 CNS Oil NEXEN Buzzard Wellhead Platform

BUZZARD 20 CNS Oil NEXEN Buzzard Production Platform

Last Updated ###############

NNS = Northern North Sea

SNS = Southern North Sea
WOS = West of Shetlands

Facility Type Description First Oil/Gas Manned or Operational or Non-

Date Unmanned Operational
Platform - Large Steel Jan/1994 Manned Operational

Floating Process Storage & Offloading Oct/2015 Manned Operational

Platform - Large Steel Nov/1987 Manned Operational

Platform - Large Steel Nov/1987 Manned Operational

Platform - Small Steel Jun/1996 Manned Operational

Platform - Small Steel Apr/1990 Manned Operational

Floating Process Storage & Offloading May/2012 Manned Operational

Platform - Small Steel Dec/1975 Manned Operational

Floating - semi-sub. Process Facility Nov/1986 Manned Operational

Floating Process Storage & Offloading Sep/1996 Manned Operational

Platform - Small Steel Sep/1981 Unmanned Non-Operational

Platform - Small Steel Sep/1981 Unmanned Non-Operational

Platform - Small Steel Sep/1981 Unmanned Non-Operational

Platform - Small Steel Sep/1981 Unmanned Non-Operational

Platform - Concrete Gravity Based Jun/1976 Manned Operational

Platform - Large Steel Jun/1976 Manned Operational

Platform - Small Steel Jun/1976 Unmanned Operational

Platform - Large Steel Jul/1983 Manned Operational

Platform - Large Steel Apr/1988 Manned Operational

Platform - Small Steel Dec/1993 Manned Operational

Platform - Large Steel Nov/1976 Manned Operational

Platform - Concrete Gravity Based Nov/1976 Manned Operational

Platform - Concrete Gravity Based Nov/1976 Manned Operational

Platform - Concrete Gravity Based Nov/1976 Manned Operational

Platform - Large Steel Aug/1998 Manned Operational

Platform - Small Steel Jun/2008 Manned Operational

Platform - Small Steel May/1993 Manned Operational

Platform - Small Steel May/1993 Manned Operational

Platform - Small Steel May/1993 Manned Operational

Floating - semi-sub. Process Facility May/1981 Manned Operational

Platform - Small Steel Jan/2007 Manned Operational

Platform - Small Steel Jan/2007 Manned Operational

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