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Fire & Gas Solution Manual

for Safety Manager

Version 1.0

1 Introduction 4

2 Safety Manager Configuration 6

System parameters 6
General system parameters 6
I/O module parameters 6
I/O signal parameters 6
Analog input signals 7
Signal ranges 7
Non-scaled AI signals 7
Power Supplies 8
Battery back-up 8
Combined systems 9
Fire Suppression systems 10
Access control 11
Initiating devices and notification appliances 11
Circuits and classes 11

3 F&G application notes 17

Basic Fire and Gas Functions 17
Introduction 17
Primary Supervising Station 17
Secondary Supervising Station 20
Alarm and event historian 20
Basic Fire and Gas Application 21
Introduction 21
General system and Fire and Gas alarms 21
Input loops 24
Output loops 26
Monitoring for alarm status 33
Monitoring for failure status 35
Inhibit function 37
INHIBIT Logic 39
1- out-of-N INHIBIT function by EBI, Experion or other DCS
system 39
M-out-of-N INHIBIT function by EBI, Experion or other DCS
system 43

Contents Version 1.0 i

4 F&G Function blocks 47
IR point gas detectors 47
Combustible gas detectors 47
Toxic gas detectors 47
Flame detectors UV, IR and multi IR 47
Flame detectors UV/IR 47
Open path gas detectors 47
Smoke and Heat detectors, Non-IS type 48
Fire detectors 48
Smoke and Heat detectors, IS type 48
Linear Heat detectors 48
1 out of N INHIBIT function 48
M out of N INHIBIT function 48
Line monitored DO with TDOL FTA 48

5 Appendixes 49
Setpoints in rawcounts 49
Cause & Effect diagrams basic Fire & Gas Safety application 50

ii Version 1.0 Contents


AI ..............................................................................................Analog Input
DCS..................................................................... Distributed Control System
EBI ..................................................................Enterprise Building Integrator
ELD...........................................................................Earth leakage Detection
EOL..............................................................................................End of Line
F&G ........................................................................................... Fire and Gas
FLD.......................................................................Functional Logic Diagram
Safety Manager ............................................................... Fail Safe Controller
FTA................................................................... Field Termination Assembly
HMI....................................................................... Human Machine Interface
I/O ........................................................................................Input and Output
IR ...................................................................................................... Infrared
LEL ........................................................................... Lower Explosion Level
mA ............................................................................................. Milli ampere
MAC ............................................................................ Manual Calling Point
MOS................................................................ Maintenance Override Switch
NC....................................................................................... Normally Closed
NO...................................................................................... Normally Opened
PA/GA ..........................................................Public Address/ General Alarm
PFC ............................................................................. Potential Free Contact
ppm ...................................................................................... Parts per million
SIC ..................................................................System Interconnection Cable
SM......................................................................................... Safety Manager
UPS ............................................................... Un-interruptible Power Supply

Abbreviations Version 1.0 iii

1 Introduction

This document contains full description of F&G solution with the Safety Manager

This F&G solution is in compliance with the standards EN54 part2 and NFPA 72.
References to these standards are made throughout this manual.

The document describes implementation of the F&G solution on several levels:

Configuration of Safety Manager system
Connection of supported F&G field equipment
Application notes
Standard functions

Introduction Version 1.0 4

Introduction Version 1.0 5
2 Safety Manager Configuration

Minimum Safety Manager Configuration requirements

The minimum required Safety Manager Controller configuration for F&G applications
to be in compliance with the standards would be Safety Manager with single central
parts and single I/O modules.

For optimum availability a Safety Manager Controller with redundant central parts,
single inputs and redundant outputs is advised. The basic solution described in this
manual is based on this system configuration.

System parameters

General system parameters

The Safety Manager Controller parameters shall be set as follows:

Safety Integrity Level 3
Diagnostic test Interval 5 seconds
I/O module parameters

I/O modules shall be set as follows:

Fault response DI/DO Low
Fault response AI Bottom scale
Testing Normal
I/O signal parameters

Input signals shall be set as follows:

Safety Related Yes

6 Version 1.0 Safety Manager Configuration

Analog input signals

Signal ranges

Most of the analog F&G signals have a signal range between 0-20 mA. Range 0-4 mA is
often used for transmission of signal status information like fault, calibration, beam
blocked, etc., while range 4-20 mA is used for signal range, like 0-100 % LEL, 0-5-
ppm, etc.

For these signals engineering units in signal range, like %LEL or ppm, cannot be used,
as signals have to be configured as 0-20 mA type.

Non-scaled AI signals

For AI signals in F&G applications, AI signals configured in non-scaled mode shall be

used. In this mode AI signals are not converted to engineering units, but rawcounts will
be transferred to the application logic.

This rawcount value, type Long, will have value between 0-4095, corresponding to
signal range of 0-25 mA.

The conversion tables can be found in document MTTSP-0000-310021.

Safety Manager Configuration Version 1.0 7

Power Supplies
Power Supply
The Safety Manager Controller in general requires 24 VDC power supplies for powering
of the central parts and I/O modules described in this manual.

The 24 VDC power supply of the system can be supplied by:

Honeywell power supply units type FC-PSU-UNI2450 with primary
voltage range of 110-240 VAC, or
Delta power supply units type 1200 S24 P067 with primary voltages
of 115 VAC or 230 VAC, or
External power feeders of 24 VDC.

In all cases two power feeders shall be used that are independent and reliable (e.g. UPS)
[NFPA72]. Each feeder shall have the capacity to feed the entire system and
connected devices.

The second feeder is not in standby mode, both feeders share the power supply to the
system. This assures that no change-over time is required when one of the two feeders
fails [NFPA72].

The secondary feeder shall have battery or generator back-up [NFPA72]. A
generator backed-up UPS system can be used as the secondary feeder, without the need
for additional battery back-up system, if the following criteria are met:
F&G system shall be of the Supervised type [NFPA72],
permanently monitored by central operation station.
UPS system complies with NFPA 111, Standard on Stored
Electrical Energy Emergency and Standby Power Systems [NFPA72].
The UPS system has a dedicated branch circuit and capacity
dedicated for the F&G system.

The power distribution of the Safety Manager controller will have proper over-current
protection [NFPA72]. This protection is achieved by special over-current
protection of the Honeywell or Delta power supplies and by fuses implemented in the
power distribution design.

Battery back-up
If the plant UPS system cannot be used as the secondary feeder, see above, an additional
battery back-up systems shall be used for the F&G system.

The battery back-up shall have sufficient capacity to power the F&G system under
quiescent load (system operating in a non alarm condition) for 24 hours and then shall
be capable of operating the system during a fire or other emergency condition for a
period of 15 minutes. [NFPA72].

If the F&G system also drives releasing devices for fire suppression, the test periods
shall be 5 minutes after 90 hours under quiescent load.

8 Version 1.0 Safety Manager Configuration

The battery back-up shall, as a minimum, support the fire detection and protection
related part of the system. Other non fire detection and protection related parts may be
de-energized during the power down as long as the power down of these parts has no
impact on the functionality of the fire detection and protection related part of the F&G

The battery back-up system shall have adequate facilities to automatically maintain the
battery fully charged under all conditions of normal operation. [NPFA72]

Adequate facilities shall be provided to recharge batteries within 48 hours after fully
charged batteries have been subject to a single discharge cycle [NPFA72].

Combined systems

In general F&G safety systems are separate systems that do not contain other

Combined systems can be used however in accordance with various international

standards like IEC 61508 and NFPA. [NPFA72]

If other functions are included in the same system none of the integrated parts of the
other functions may have any impact on the F&G safety part. These integrated parts of
the other functions do include;
Connected external devices and related wiring [NPFA72],
Application logic functions,
Maintenance procedures and activities [NPFA72 6.84.4].

The parts related to the F&G safety part shall be clearly recognizable [NFPA72].

The following engineering practices shall therefore be maintained:

No mix of &G signals with other signals on the same IO module.
Clear separation of FLDs used for F&G functions with FLDs used
for other functions.

Safety Manager Configuration Version 1.0 9

Fire Suppression systems

Fire suppression
On detected fires fire suppression systems are normally initiated to perform the required
fire fighting measures.

Fire suppression functions (e.g. halon release) are normally not performed by the F&G
safety system and are not covered in this basic F&G solution. The fire fighting functions
are normally performed by separated fire suppression systems or installations. These
systems or installations shall comply with the applicable standards.

These fire suppression systems normally have their own initiating devices. Status and
alarm information of these devices can be copied to the F&G safety system for
alarming, logging, visualization and possible other safety actions.

The F&G safety system may also activate fire suppression systems or installations on
confirmed fire alarm detection. The signal to the suppression system will be of the
energize-for-action type. This means that a fail-safe action of the F&G safety system
will not lead to activation of the fire suppression system. Only confirmed fire detection
will lead to this activation.

The releasing service control units can be connected and/or initiated by the following
approved loops [NFPA72].
SDOL-0424 module via TSDO-04UNI FTA connected to approved
SDO-0824 to SRO-0824 FTA to provide a Potential Fee Contact
(PFC) to the releasing service control unit.

If releasing service control units are initiated by the F&G system, fire alarm and
supervisory signals generated at the releasing control unit shall be annunciated at the
F&G system [NFPA72].

10 Version 1.0 Safety Manager Configuration

Access control

System protection
The F&G safety system shall be protected against unauthorized changes.

This protection against these unauthorized changes can be achieved by using the
password control facilities of the Safety Manager Controller. The various levels of the
Safety Builder tool those are required for system monitoring, system configuration,
system loading, etc., can be protected by means of password control [NFPA72,].

The Safety Manager Controller and the Safety Builder tool also check and control the
software versions that are installed in the system. The installed versions can always be
retrieved from the F&G safety system [NFPA72,]. The system is also protected
for entrance by the Safety Builder tool that has the incorrect software and application
versions installed.

Initiating devices and notification appliances

Initiating and notification devices

The fire and gas detection devices and the required notification appliances used in this
F&G solution are Honeywell devices or from third party vendors.

The supported devices are described in the Fire and Gas Interface Manual for Safety
Manager, PM.MAN.6591 [NFPA72 4.4.2].

Third party devices not included in this manual can be used but correct functionality
shall be validated.

For compliance with the required standards, these devises shall be approved to be in
compliance with these standards.

Circuits and classes

Connection styles
The detection devices and notification appliances can be connected to the F&G safety
system in various ways.

These different ways of connection can be divided into various styles and classes.

Safety Manager Configuration Version 1.0 11

Initiating devices

Class A
Class A circuits are circuits capable of transmitting an alarm signal during a single open
or a non-simultaneous single ground fault on a circuit conductor [NFPA72,]

Class B
Class B circuits are circuits not capable of transmitting an alarm beyond the location of
the fault conditions specified for Class A [NFPA72,].

Signal lines to Initiating devices can be divided into various styles 4, 6 or 7, depending
on its ability to meet alarm and trouble performance requirements. The different
requirements are shown in table 6.6.1 of NFPA 72 [NFPA72,].

On the next pages a number of possible configurations and their related classifications
are described.

Ground faults
The Safety Manager Controller in general has a floating power supply design. This
means that a single ground fault will have no impact of the signals of the initiating

The ground faults can be detected by means of the Earth Leakage Detection (ELD)

The examples shown below are all based on Safety Manager Controllers with floating
power supply design.

Fire detector loops normally contain > 1 detector that are wired in a loop. For these
loops two wiring principles can be used, wiring in accordance with Class A
requirements, see Figure 2-1, or with Class B requirements, see Figure 2-2.



To Safety
Manager FIRE

Safety Manager
Fire detector input Class A, Style 7

Figure 2-1, Fire detector input Class A, Style 7

12 Version 1.0 Safety Manager Configuration



To Safety
Manager FIRE

Safety Manager
Fire detector input Class B, Style 4

Figure 2-2, Fire detector input Class B, Style 4

The same wiring principles can be used for fire detectors and gas/flame detectors with
PFC, connected to SDIL-1608 module with TSDI-16UNI.

For analog gas and flame detectors normally Class B wiring as shown in Figure 2-3 is
used. These loops contain 1 detector per loop and Class A wiring is normally not used.
If required, Class A wiring can be achieved by doubling the wiring to the device.


TSGAS-1624 Gas
Gas detector

To Safety

0 Vdc

Safety Manager
Gas detector input Class B, Style 4

Figure 2-3, Gas detector input Class B, Style 4

Notification appliances

Class A
Class A circuits are circuits capable of transmitting an alarm signal during a single open
or a non-simultaneous single ground fault on a circuit conductor [NFPA72,]

Class B
Class B circuits are circuits not capable of transmitting an alarm beyond the location of
the fault conditions specified for Class A [NFPA72,].

Safety Manager Configuration Version 1.0 13

Ground faults
The Safety Manager Controller in general has a floating power supply design. This
means that a single ground fault will have no impact of the signals of the initiating

The ground faults can be detected by means of the Earth Leakage Detection (ELD)

The example shown below is based on Safety Manager Controllers with floating power
supply design.

Notification appliance loops normally contain 1 device per loop

Class A wiring is normally not used. If required, Class A wiring can be achieved
doubling the wiring to the device.

For example of Class B wiring principles, see

Figure 2-4 and Figure 2-5.



To Safety

Safety Manager
Notification appliance output Class B

Figure 2-4, Notification Appliance Class B (SDOL)

14 Version 1.0 Safety Manager Configuration


24 Vdc
- + TDOL-

To Safety

Safety Manager
Notification appliance output Class B

Figure 2-5, Notification Appliance Class B (TDOL)

Safety Manager Configuration Version 1.0 15

16 Version 1.0 Safety Manager Configuration
3 F&G application notes

Basic Fire and Gas Functions


This section describes an application program for a Fire & Gas (F&G) application which
is designed according to the requirements of EN-54 part 2 and NFPA 72, with the
INHIBIT options installed.

The basic Fire and Gas application is based on the basic Fire and Gas function described
in Cause & Effect diagrams, C&E-SM-R110.XLS, revision 1, attached to this document
as appendix 5. The actual basic F&G application for Safety Manager Controller is stored
as Controller FLDG in Safety manager application STANDARDS.

Primary Supervising Station

The Safety Manager Controller as an F&G system is required to have a Primary
Supervising Station function.

The Safety Manager Controller does not include alphanumeric or graphical displays
itself. This function can be obtained by using one of the following options:
Hardwired mimic panel
EBI (Honeywell Enterprise Building Integrator) system
Graphical display
Text display

Hardwired mimic panel

The hardwired mimic panel shall contain the following functions and visualization.

Pushbuttons / switches for:

INHIBIT enable (optional),
Lamp test

General Indication LEDs for:

Power indication,
Power faults,
Device Communication failure(s),
INHIBIT enable ON,

Zone Indication LEDs for:

F&G application notes Version 1.0 17

General trouble per fire (or gas) zone,
General fire alarm per zone,
General low gas alarm per zone (warning),
General high gas alarm per zone (alarm),
INHIBIT indication per zone,

Operator alarming:

All switches, LEDs and buzzer shall be connected to the Safety Manager IO modules.

The signal lines to the LEDs and the buzzer will not be of the supervised type. These
signal lines shall be monitored by using the Lamp test button.

The signal lines to the Acknowledge and Reset shall be of the supervised type.

The mimic panel is fully passive type, all power is driven from the Safety Manager
Controller. Battery back-up for the panel is therefore not applicable.

EBI system
The EBI system shall contain the following functions and visualization as part of the
Primary Supervising Station function. These functions are to be included on the general
F&G HMI display.

Soft switches for:


General Indication symbols for:

Power Fault,
Device communication failure(s),
Safety Historian failure,
INHIBIT enable ON,

Zone Indication symbols for:

General trouble per fire (or gas) zone,
General fire alarm per zone,
General gas alarm per zone,
INHIBIT indication per zone,

Operator alarming:

Graphical Display
The Graphical display system shall contain the following functions and visualization as
part of the Primary Supervising Station function. These functions are to be included on
the general F&G HMI display.

18 Version 1.0 F&G application notes

Switches (hard or soft) for:

General Indication symbols for:

Power Fault,
Device communication failure(s),
Safety Historian failure,
INHIBIT enable ON,

Zone Indication symbols for:

General trouble per fire (or gas) zone,
General fire alarm per zone,
General gas alarm per zone,
INHIBIT indication per zone,

Operator alarming:

Text Display
The Text display system shall contain the following functions and visualization as part
of the Primary Supervising Station function. These functions are to be included on the
general F&G HMI display.

Switches hard for:


Alarm text lines for

Power Fault,
Device communication failure(s),
Safety Historian failure,
INHIBIT enable ON,
General trouble per fire (or gas) zone,
General fire alarm per zone,
General gas alarm per zone,
INHIBIT indication per zone,

Operator alarming:

F&G application notes Version 1.0 19

Secondary Supervising Station
The Safety Manager Controller may have Secondary Supervising Station functions. The
Secondary Supervising Station function can be provided by non-listed systems like DCS
or other HMI type of systems.

In general this function is included on the connected DCS system like the Experion

Detailed visualization of alarms, faults, inhibits etc. will be arranged by means of

graphical displays on the Experion, EBI or other DCS system (common and detailed
alarms, faults, etc.).

On the Experion, EBI or other DCS system all alarms, faults, inhibits, status and
warning signals will be collected listed in alarm list screens and will be stored for
historian functions.

Alarm and event historian

All alarms and events of the F&G system have to be stored and available for post-
mortem analysis.

This function can be obtained in two ways:

With use of the Safety Historian program, or
With use of the Alarm and Events function in the EBI system.

20 Version 1.0 F&G application notes

Basic Fire and Gas Application
In this chapter a standard F&G Application is described that includes all functions that
would be required by NFPA72 and/or EN54 fire standards.

F&G applications developed that are in compliance with these guidelines are therefore
in compliance with the NFPA72 and EN54 standards.

The figures in this chapter are FLDs taken from the basic F&G application FLDG that
is part of the Safety Manager application file STANDARDS.

Where applicable, references to the EN-54 part 2 or NFPA 72 standard are shown in
italics in square brackets. The status of the installation that is monitored and the status of
the Safety Manager Controller must be uniquely displayed [EN-54 part 2, 7.2]
[NFPA72, &].

Within the example this is accomplished by:

The use of hardwired digital I/O signals, which can drive LEDs, or
lamps on the mimic panel for the common alarm, fault and inhibit
signals, and
Detailed alarm signals as well as common alarm, fault and inhibit
signals displayed on the Experion, EBI or other DCS system. These
signals are transferred to these systems via the communication
networks such as the FTE communication link. Failure of the
communication link must be alarmed [EN-54 part 2, 8.2.5.b].

Note: The sheet references for safety functions in the functional logic diagrams must
point to a higher FLD number, which means that they are used in the same
application program cycle in order to get the best possible response time.

System response time

This response time for automatic fire detectors resulting in the required outputs is
maximal two times the Process Cycle Time (PCT) of the system.

For EN 54 standard, the maximum response time shall be less then 3 seconds [EN-54
part 2, 7.7.2]. This mans that the maximum PCT of the safety Manager shall be less then
1.5 seconds to meet this specific requirement.

For the NFPA72 standard, maximum response time of the F&G system including the
initiators is 90 seconds [NFPA72,]. The response time of the F&G system is
just a minor part of the overall response time. It is the responsibility of the designer or
user to define the maximum response time for the F&G system. The PCT shall be less
then half of the allowed response time.

General system and Fire and Gas alarms

The system alarms on FLD 2000 covers the status indication that the Safety Manager
F&G control system is powered and switched ON, the indication for an earth leakage
alarm [EN-54 part 2, 8.2.4.c] and the indication for a PSU or power failure [EN-54 part
2, 8.2.4.b, 8.2.4.d].

F&G application notes Version 1.0 21

FLD 2002 contains the common failure alarm that is set in case of a failure of any
component in the Fire & Gas detection system, including failures in the F&G detectors.
Any fault will result in activation of the General fault indication lamp [EN-54 part 2,
8.2.1.a, 8.5.a] and activation of the General Fault buzzer [EN-54 part 2, 8.2.1.c, 8.5.b]
[NFPA72,] on the mimic panel.

The buzzer can be silenced by means of a reset buzzer [EN-54 part 2, 8.6.1] switch on
the panel. Any new fault alarm will activate the buzzer again [EN-54 part 2, 8.6.3].

FLD 2004 contains the common Fire/Gas alarm that is set in case of detection of fire or
gas by the Fire & Gas detection system. Any alarm will result in activation of the
General Fire/Gas alarm indication lamp [EN-54 part 2, 7.2.a] and activation of the
General Fire/Gas alarm buzzer [EN-54 part 2, 7.2.c] on the mimic panel.

The buzzer can be silenced by means of a reset buzzer [EN-54 part 2, 7.4.1] switch on
the panel. Any new alarm will activate the buzzer again [EN-54 part 2, 7.4.3].

The failures in the F&G detectors are handled on other FLDs, in this example see FLD
530 for a smoke detector input loop [EN-54 part 2, 8.1.1]. Inside function block FB2411
alarm and fault signals for this detector are generated and used further on in the logic.
Smoke detectors have an automatic latching function. Detectors in alarm have to be
reset by switching off power to the detector device [EN-54 part 2, 7.6.1]. This reset
function is included inside the function block.

Figure 3-1, FLD2000 System alarms

22 Version 1.0 F&G application notes

Figure 3-2, FLD2002 General Fault alarm

Figure 3-3, FLD2004 General Fire/Gas alarm

Figure 3-4, FLD530 Smoke detector input loop

F&G application notes Version 1.0 23

Input loops

The basic Fire and Gas application has a number of input loops which come from Fire &
Gas detectors (see examples FLD 530 smoke detector and FLD 120 Gas detector). The
Fire & Gas detectors are connected using analog input modules. The output of the
detectors can be a digital contact with loop-monitoring or an analog input signal. The
function blocks 2400, 2401, 2402, 2403, 2404, 2405, 2411, 2412 and 2413 (see chapter
4), handle all functions that can be executed on an input loop [EN-54 part 2,7.1.2,
7.1.5]. These functions are:
Setting of alarm and fault levels [EN-54 part 2,7.1.2].
Loop status (open loop, short-circuit) as determined via the system
software of the Safety Manager controller [EN-54 part 2, 8.2.4]
Inhibit for the input loop [EN-54 part 2, 8.1.2].

Figure 3-5, FLD120 Gas detector input loop

Loop status
The loop status (operational status, failure status and inhibited status) is indicated on
Experion, EBI or other DCS displays with an indication per status [EN-54 part 2, 7.2.b,
7.3.1, 8.2.1.b] [NFPA72,]. All states are also transferred to other FLDs via sheet
transfers to generate the common status indication and to drive the audible indications
(horn) [EN-54 part 2, 7.8]. [NFPA72,]

Individual fault, alarm and inhibit signals are also grouped per area/zone for indication
on Experion, EBI or other DCS displays and on the mimic panel [NFPA72,].
See FLD 230 (common low level alarm) and FLD 232 (common detector fault).

24 Version 1.0 F&G application notes

Figure 3-6, FLD230 Common low level alarm Area 1

Figure 3-7, FLD232, Common F&G detector fault Area 1

F&G application notes Version 1.0 25

Output loops

The basic Fire and Gas application has a number of output loops that are used for the
required safety actions and annunciation.

The various different output loops are described in detail below.

Notification appliances

Sounders & beacons

One of the main tasks of an F&G safety system is to alert people of the potential hazards
and initiate the required evacuation of buildings and areas [NFPA72, 7.2].

The main notification appliances used are beacons, sounders and bells. An example of
these sounders and beacons can be found on FLD240.

These sounders and beacons shall be assigned and installed for each zone or area

These output signals are normally of the energize-for-action type. This means that a
fail-safe reaction of the F&G safety system will not result in activation of these external
alarming devices.

The loop shall be monitored on short circuit detection as a minimum [NFPA72,], while other possible faults, e.g. open loop or ground fault, shall not
influence other output loops [NFPA72,].

It is advised to connect the notification appliances to line-monitored digital output

modules, type SDOL-0424. These modules provide the full line-monitoring detection of
short circuit as well as open loop. See Figure 3-8.

For devices that require very high power consumption these SDOL-0424 modules can
not be used. In those cases installation and use of a special F&G FTA TDOL-0724 (or
TDOL-07120) shall be used. This FTA is to be connected to an input module type SDI--
1624 and an output module SDO-0824. The line monitoring function is to be done by
using a special function(-block) in the application. See Figure 3-9.

26 Version 1.0 F&G application notes

Figure 3-8, FLD240, Sounders and beacons

Figure 3-9, FLD742, Line monitoring function Sounders and Beacons

F&G application notes Version 1.0 27

Deluge valve

The deluge valves of the fire suppression systems are often driven by the F&G safety
system directly.

An example of connection of such a deluge valve can be found on FLD290.

These output signals are normally of the energize-for-action type. This means that a
fail-safe reaction of the F&G safety system will not result in opening of the valve.

The solenoid of the deluge valves shall be connected to line-monitored digital output
module, type SDOL-0424. These modules provide the full line-monitoring detection of
short circuit as well as open loop.

The following solenoids were tested as part of the FM listing (NFPA72):


The status signals of the deluge valve (see FLD 162) and its related fire suppression
system (see FLD160) are normally monitored and transferred to the control system

Figure 3-10, FLD290, Deluge valve

Figure 3-11, FLD162, Status signals deluge valve

28 Version 1.0 F&G application notes

Figure 3-12, FLD160, Status signals fire suppression system

Firewater pumps

The firewater pumps used for the fire suppression systems are often driven by the F&G
safety system directly. In general the firewater pumps are initiated by means of a PFC

The FM listed solution for the Safety Manager Controller is the use of the SDOl-0824
output module in combination with the TSRO-0824 relay FTA.

An example of connection of firewater pumps can be found on FLD260.

The start of the firewater pumps is initiated by fire or gas detection by the F&G safety
system or by manual activation on the mimic panel.

The status of the firewater pumps is monitored by the F&G safety system [NFPA72,], to check if the actual state matches the required state. This check is done on the
required running state only because firewater pumps normally also can be started
outside the F&G safety system logic, see FLD 262.

The start signal to the fire water pump provided by the F&G safety system is normally a
de-energize-to-start type. This means that the fail-safe state of the F&G safety system
will lead to start of the firewater pumps. The firewater pumps do not activate the fire
suppression systems normally but bring these systems to the required pressure.

In case start of the firewater pumps do initiate the activation of the fire suppression
systems, the start signal will be of the energize-to-start type so that fail-safe states of
the F&G safety system does not lead to activation of the fire suppression systems
directly. These signals are normally line-monitored.

The start signals are normally of the pulsed type and routed via dedicated motor control
systems. These systems shall comply with the required standards.

F&G application notes Version 1.0 29

Figure 3-13, FLD260, Start firewater pump(s)

Figure 3-14, FLD262, Discrepancy alarm firewater pump

30 Version 1.0 F&G application notes

PA/GA system

The F&G safety system can transfer an alarm signal to the PA/GA system.

An example of connection of PA/GA system can be found on FLD250.

The F&G safety system transmits the alarm signal to the PA/GA system on confirmed
fire or gas detection.

The alarm signal to the PA/GA system provided by the F&G safety system is normally a
energize-to-start type. This means that the fail-safe state of the F&G safety system
does not lead to an F&G alarm to the PA/GA system. The signals used in the basic F&G
application is of the pulsed type but this depends on the actual requirements by the
PA/GA system.

The PA/GA system itself shall comply with the required standards [NFPA72, 6.9.1].

Figure 3-15, FLD250, Alarm signal to PA/GA

HVAC system

The climate in the rooms that are protected by the F&G safety systems is normally
controlled by HVAC systems.

These HVAC systems have to act in case of detected fire or gas. A part of these control
actions are taken by the HVAC system itself. The F&G safety system transmits a
hardwired fire alarm signal to the HVAC system in case of a detected hazard [NFPA72]. This signal to the HVAC system provided by the F&G safety system is
normally a energize-to-act type, meaning that the fail-safe state of the F&G safety
system does not lead to actions by the HVAC system. For example see FLD 680.

The HVAC system also includes special fire dampers normally. These dampers are
normally driven by the F&G safety system directly, for example see FLD 690.

These signals are of the energize-to-open type. This means that the fail-safe reaction
of the F&G safety system will lead to closure of the fire dampers.

F&G application notes Version 1.0 31

Figure 3-16, FLD680, HVAC trip signal

Figure 3-17, FLD690, Close fire damper signals

32 Version 1.0 F&G application notes

Monitoring for alarm status

The input loops are monitored for an alarm status. If an alarm status occurs, an audible
alarm (horn) must also be activated [EN-54 part 2, 7.1.4].

The first type of audible alarm is located on the mimic panel and operator consoles. For
this purpose individual alarms of all F&G detectors are grouped (see FLD 250) to
activate common F&G audible and visual alarm used on FLD 2004.

In this example the same individual alarms activate an alarm signal to an external
PA/GA system as well [EN-54 part 2, 7.9].

The output signal to the PA/GA system can be inhibited as required in the applicable
standards [EN-54 part 2, 9.4.1.c].

The second type of audible alarms is located inside the buildings and the detection zones
to alert people in the affected zones for the potential hazards. For this purpose individual
alarms of all F&G detectors are grouped per area or zone (see FLD 240) to activate
common F&G audible alarms in the affected areas. Normally these audible alarms are
combined with visual alarm devices such as flash beacons. [EN-54 part 2, 7.8]. The
output signal to the sounders and beacons can be inhibited as required in the applicable
standards [EN-54 part 2, 9.4.2.a].

The visual alarm remains activated as long as an alarm is active [NFPA72,], the
audible alarm can be silenced by means of a reset signal [EN-54 part 2, 7.8.a]. For
compliance with NFPA 72, this switch shall be of key type [NFPA72,]. A new
F&G alarm will activate the horn again [EN-54 part 2, 7.4.3].

Figure 3-18, FLD250 Grouping of alarm signals

F&G application notes Version 1.0 33

Figure 3-19, FLD2004 Fire and Gas alarm lamp and buzzer on mimic panel

Figure 3-20, FLD240 Audible and visual alarm signals

34 Version 1.0 F&G application notes

Monitoring for failure status

All components of the Fire & Gas system, including the input loops and output loops,
are monitored for a failure status [EN-54 part 2, 8.2.4, 8.2.5.a]. If a failure occurs, an
audible alarm (horn) must also be activated which has a different frequency than the Fire
& Gas audible alarm [NFPA72,].

This audible alarm is located on the mimic panel and operator consoles [NFPA72,]. For this purpose individual faults of all F&G detectors are grouped (see FLD
232) to activate common General fault audible and visual alarm used on FLD 2002.

Figure 3-21, FLD232 Grouping of detector fault signals

The other faults that are collected on FLD 2002 to generate general fault alarm are:
1-OutputFault that indicates if an output module or F&G output loop
is faulty [NFPA72,].
Power supply failures that indicate in case a power supply or circuit
breaker fails. [NFPA72,]
Earth leakage failure that indicates that an earth fault has been
EXT.COMMUNIC.FLT that indicates that a communication error is
detected on one of the configured communication channels [EN-54
part 2, 8.9].

Depending on the application, other internal failures of the Safety Manager controller
can also be covered by the common failure alarm. If more than one failure group is used
in one Fire & Gas detection system, logic as shown in the FLD 2002 is required for each
failure group.

The visual alarm remains activated as long as a fault is active, the audible alarm can be
silenced by means of a reset signal [EN-54 part 2, 8.6.1]. For compliance with NFPA

F&G application notes Version 1.0 35

72, this switch shall be of key operated type [NFPA72,]. A new fault will
activate the horn again [EN-54 part 2, 8.6.3] [NFPA72,].

Figure 3-22, FLD2002 General fault alarm lamp and buzzer on mimic panel

36 Version 1.0 F&G application notes

Inhibit function

During operation it might be required that a detector device needs to be inhibited for a
certain period to avoid nuisance alarms from that device during that period [EN-54 part
29.4.a]. Reasons for such inhibit can be required for replacement of the detector device
or when detector has to be inhibited due to other external activities (e.g. welding
activities in the neighborhood of a smoke detector).

Inhibiting of a detector device is only allowed under certain conditions. The inhibit has
to be enabled by means of a hardwired ENABLE switch [EN-54 part 2, 9.1.2] on the
mimic panel and the Safety Manager will check that no more then a certain amount of
inhibits (M) are active inside a predefined group. The inhibit request for a certain
detector device will be made by the operator on the operator console by means of a
softkey switch. The inhibit request signal is transferred to the Safety Manager controller
via the serial link. The Safety Manager controller will check if the conditions are met
(ENABLE switch on, amount of inhibits active < M). In case the inhibit request is
granted, signal inhibit indication will be send to the Experion, EBI or other DCS system
[EN-54 part 2, 9.2.b] and inhibit signal of the specific detector in transferred inside
Safety Manager logic. For example see FLD 101.

For further details of M-out-of-N inhibit functionality, see page 43.

Figure 3-23, FLD101 Inhibit M-out-of-N function F&G detector devices

The inhibit signals are also grouped per area to generate common inhibit indication per
area on the F&G mimic panel and the overall display on the Experion, EBI or other
DCS console [EN-54 part 2, 9.2.a]. See FLD 234 for F&G detectors inhibited and FLD
236 for F&G outputs inhibited.

F&G application notes Version 1.0 37

Figure 3-24, FLD234 Common F&G detector inhibited Area 1

Figure 3-25, FLD236 Common F&G outputs inhibited Area 1

38 Version 1.0 F&G application notes


1- out-of-N INHIBIT function by EBI, Experion or other DCS system

Functional description
With this function it is possible to create an INHIBIT function in order to inhibit alarm
signals from F&G detection devices by the EBI, Experion or other DCS system.

This function use a number of Function Blocks to be able to create inhibit groups with
various amount of required inhibit-signals. For details Function Blocks, see page 48.

With these function blocks any size of inhibit group can be created by taking a number

e.g. INHIBIT group for 14 signals shall be formed by:


Functional Logic Diagram Typical

Figure 3-26, INHIBIT ENABLE application logic

F&G application notes Version 1.0 39

Figure 3-27, INHIBIT ENABLE application logic

If an alarm signal from an F&G detection device has to be inhibited, the operator has to
enable the relevant INHIBIT group in which the F&G device is located. The INHIBIT
group will be activated by putting the INHIBIT group Enable switch (hardwired to
Safety Manager Controller) on the mimic panel in the Enable position. A lamp in the
switch will light up to confirm this action.

If the inhibit group is enabled, an alarm signal of an F&G devices can be inhibited with
a soft inhibit switch on the EBI, Experion or other HMI screen. The lamp in the
INHIBIT group enable switch will start flashing. When the enable function is released,
i.e. disabled, the inhibit-signal shall be deactivated. The inhibit-signal shall not be
activated again when the INHIBIT group enable switch is switched back on.

40 Version 1.0 F&G application notes

Figure 3-28, INHIBIT switch (1ooN) application logic, 2 times 3 INHIBIT

Figure 3-29, INHIBIT switch (1ooN) application logic, 2 times 3 INHIBIT


F&G application notes Version 1.0 41

Figure 3-30, INHIBIT switch (1ooN) application logic, 1 times 2 INHIBIT

It is not possible to activate more than one inhibit-signal within a group of inhibit-
signals from the EBI, Experion or other DCS. A consecutive request to activate an
inhibit-signal when one is already active is blocked by the logic. The functionality is
such, that the first active inhibit signal has to be deactivated before the next inhibit-
signal can be activated.

42 Version 1.0 F&G application notes

M-out-of-N INHIBIT function by EBI, Experion or other DCS system

Functional description
With this function it is possible to create an INHIBIT function in order to inhibit alarm
signals from F&G detection devices by the EBI, Experion or other DCS system for
maintenance purposes.

This function use a number of Function Blocks to be able to create INHIBIT groups
with various amount of required inhibit-signals. For details Function Blocks, see page

With these function blocks any size of INHIBIT group can be created by taking a
number of INHIBIT REQUEST BLOCK function blocks and an equal amount of
INHIBIT CHECK BLOCK function blocks.

Each combination of these two blocks can be used for 1-5 inhibit-signals. E.g. for 11
inhibit-signals, 3 of INHIBIT REQUEST BLOCK function blocks and 3 of INHIBIT
CHECK BLOCK function blocks shall be used. Spare channels can be left unconnected.

Functional Logic Diagram Typical

Figure 3-31, INHIBIT ENABLE application logic

If an alarm signal from an F&G detection device has to be inhibited, the operator has to
enable the relevant INHIBIT group in which the F&G device is located. The INHIBIT
group will be activated by putting the INHIBIT group Enable switch (hardwired to
Safety Manager Controller) on the mimic panel in the Enable position. A lamp in the
switch will light up to confirm this action.

If the INHIBIT group is enabled, an alarm signal of an F&G devices can be inhibited
with a soft inhibit switch on the EBI, Experion or other HMI screen. The lamp in the
INHIBIT group enable switch will start flashing. When the enable function is released,
i.e. disabled, the inhibit-signal shall be deactivated. The inhibit-signal shall not be
activated again when the INHIBIT group enable switch is switched back on.

F&G application notes Version 1.0 43

Figure 3-32, INHIBIT switch (MooN) application logic, first five signals

Figure 3-33, INHIBIT switch (MooN) application logic, second five signals

44 Version 1.0 F&G application notes

Figure 3-34, INHIBIT switch (MooN) application logic, last five signals (4

Figure 3-35, INHIBIT switch (MooN) application logic

It is not possible to activate more than M inhibit-signals within a group of inhibit signals
from the EBI, Experion or other DCS system consecutive request to activate an inhibit-
signal when M are already active, is blocked by the logic. The functionality is such that
first one of the active inhibit-signal has to be deactivated before the next inhibit-signal
can be activated.

F&G application notes Version 1.0 45

46 Version 1.0 F&G application notes
4 F&G Function blocks

IR point gas detectors

The standard Function block for IR Point Gas detectors is described in detail in
document MTTSP-0000-322101.

Combustible gas detectors

The standard Function block for Combustible Gas detectors is described in detail in
document MTTSP-0000-322102.

Toxic gas detectors

The standard Function block for Toxic Gas detectors is described in detail in document

Flame detectors UV, IR and multi IR

The standard Function block for UV, IR and Multi IR Flame detectors is described in
detail in document MTTSP-0000-322104.

Flame detectors UV/IR

The standard Function block for UV/IR Flame detectors is described in detail in
document MTTSP-0000-322105.

Open path gas detectors

The standard Function block for Open Path Gas detectors is described in detail in
document MTTSP-0000-322106.

F&G Function blocks Version 1.0 47

Smoke and Heat detectors, Non-IS type

The standard Function block for Non-IS type Smoke and Heat detectors is described in
detail in document MTTSP-0000-322107.

Fire detectors

The standard Function block for Fire detectors is described in detail in document

Smoke and Heat detectors, IS type

The standard Function block for IS type Smoke and Heat detectors is described in detail
in document MTTSP-0000-322109.

Linear Heat detectors

The standard Function block for Linear Heat detectors is described in detail in document

1 out of N INHIBIT function

The standard Function blocks for 1 out of N INHIBIT function are described in detail in
document MTTSP-0000-322111.

M out of N INHIBIT function

The standard Function blocks for M out of N INHIBIT function are described in detail
in document MTTSP-0000-322112.

Line monitored DO with TDOL FTA

The standard Function blocks for Line monitored DO with TDOL FTA function are
described in detail in document MTTSP-0000-322114.

48 Version 1.0 F&G Function blocks

5 Appendixes

Setpoints in rawcounts

Setpoints for low and high alarm levels of gas detectors are set to values in engineering
units normally. These engineering units depend on type of gas detector and would be
like: % LEL, ppm, LEL.m, etc.

The detectors are defined or configurable for engineering unit with a top and bottom
value. This range equals the actual signal range 4-20 mA normally, where 4 mA signal
equals bottom value and 20 mA signal equals top value.

For gas detectors a large scale of different ranges occurs. The most common used ranges
are included in the tables below including the possible setpoints in raw counts.

The conversion tables can be found in document MTTSP-0000-310021. This document /

tool also includes table to calculate rawcounts for other ranges.

The setpoints are indicated in steps of 5 % of the full range. In case other setpoints are
required, rawcount value of the required setpoint can be calculated by means of linear

Appendixes Version 1.0 49

Cause & Effect diagrams basic Fire & Gas Safety application

50 Version 1.0 Appendixes

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