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WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 2016 The month of April, as well as the second part of this Year,

The Energies of April 2016 will be more centered on grounding ourselves and keep
mastering the art of giving form to our soul desires into our
tangible reality, and not just about sharing our inner
Beloved Ones, knowledge with All, but also about strengthening new
relationships, ways of living and anything that will bring us
We just left behind March, the most intense season of all this closer to who we have become and our new way to live in
Year, to welcome April, a month that acts as an the New, as we also have to adjust our outer reality with our
interdimensional liaison - creating the space for us to plant inner one. Aries this time, reminds us of the importance of
the seeds that in May will finally bloom, bringing harmony expressing who we truly are in the world, and gives us its
and unity between Yin and Yang polarities and rejuvenation, Fiery energy to share our uniqueness and start the projects
while we step out of our inner realms and direct all of our that by the end of the Year we would like to achieve. As
inner fire and visions into our tangible plane. If during during this month we also have many planets retrograde,
March, we focused on manifesting first from an inner place we are being offered the cosmic gift to rest after the intense
of higher clarity and wisdom, during April, gradually, we are waves from the Eclipses, whose effects will last for at least
going to come into the surface again, descending all the six months, as well as to give us the time to ponder about
creations that we hold within, for when May comes, be ready what it is that we are giving birth, while we rejuvenate
to finally ensure them in the physical. After all, ascension ourselves and physical bodies.
can only happen when we are incarnated into a physical
body, and we consciously decide to evolve by remembering As a confirmation of the resurrection, and the subsequent
who we are and by descending all of our soul memories into rise that we are also experiencing from within, is the 13
our earthy realm, which should be nurtured as well, as it is universal frequency that this new month of April holds. 13 is
here that we exist, and hence, where we have to anchor our the number of transformation and renascence, the period
divinity. between worlds, in which, we are still giving birth to
something new but is not yet the proper time to bring it into
We ended March with the Sun already in the sing of Aries, the light, exactly the inner/outer process that we are also
together with the Equinox followed by a potent Lunar Eclipse experiencing since the Eclipses begun and that culminated
in Libra. We pass now from Piscean Waters to Fire and later with the Equinox. Now, we pass to anchor these inner
to feel again the power of Earth with Taurus at the end of changes into the physical, which is also the same message
the month. The wheel of life has rotated again and we that number 4 (number 13 reduced) gives us at this time -
moved from mastering and integrating all of our past establishing strong foundations in our earthly lives, and
challenges as well as to release old fear imprints with Pisces, remembering that not only can we live of mere dreams that
the last sign of the zodiac, to initiate ourselves again in this reside in our ethereal plane, but that we are also here to
endless evolutionary soul journey, with the first sign of the master the art of bringing them into physical matter.
zodiac, who leads us into a new cycle with the strength and
wisdom regained in the depths of our being. Numbers 13 and 4, represents the Yin - feminine - and Yang
- masculine - polarities in perfect unity and balance, which is
the phase we are achieving again at this season of the Year. Moon at 18 degrees Aries! This Moon will illuminate all the
Both numbers. are a perfect reminder for us that there is not revelations and visions that have emerged from the
a lineal and fixed point, in which things and life experiences Eclipses, allowing us to be fully aware of what should be
terminate to start again, but an always in motion endless embraced at this time between all the other forms of
transformational spiral, where new beginnings and ends are illusions and reminding us about the importance of being in
linked and happening at once. Our main aim is to bring what joy, which is always our true state of being and the one that
we create from within into a tangible existence - mastering align us with our desires. This is the time, where we will find
alchemy and the process of conscious creation, to finally calmness after the turmoil of the Eclipses and the Moon
delight the physicality of our inner visions in the external. light, together with the Sun in Aries, will help us to retrieve
confidence in our path and courage to see beyond illusions
From a cosmic view, we begin this month with Venus, the the path that we are meant to follow without fearing the
Planet of Love and Abundance, moving as well into the fiery unknown.
sign of Aries on April 5, together with Mercury, doing the
same into Earthly Taurus. Venus, who was in Intuitive Pisces, The Universe always light up the way for us, we just have to
will find now in Fire, the courage to step out of its dreamy know where to look between all the shadows our human self
state while it resided in Pisces, to finally discern about the tend to create in the process. As the New Moon will make a
relationships that we have decided to maintain and keep co- trine to Saturn and square to Pluto, it is also an invitation to
creating within our lives. As when Venus was in ethereal make things tangible, to claim our sovereignty and create
Pisces, it dreamt about the new relationships it truly desired new foundations that will replace our old structures -
to manifest in this new phase but also, and even more standing firm into our true and using our power wisely to
together with Neptune, it could fall into old illusions and benefit All instead of just forcing things to occur.
false idealizations.
As we have Saturn in retrograde motion together with Mars
Now that Venus moves into the initiator Aries, we are invited in its pre-retrograde phase as well, this is also a blessing for
to ignite this inner spark of our true soul desires and set us, since all this fiery energy tend to be reckless, to give a
strong pillars that will support our relationships in the step back before making important decisions. It is a time to
physical. At the same time, Mercury in Taurus will also help redirect this inner force that creates our outer reality,
us to reflect if we are building strong foundations in our inward, to first become the observer and have a broader
lives, or if we still have to work more on sustaining ourselves vision of what we truly would like to bring into the world. As
in the physical, a message that will be reinforced when it we become more conscious of how we direct our inner
turns retrograde at the end of the month. It is also a power, we understand that the more we align ourselves with
wonderful time, with Planets in Fire and Earth signs, to it, the sooner our desires will manifest, and as the conscious
nurture our physical beings after the intensity of the latest co-creators that we are becoming, it is essential that before
energies that we are still integrating. creating things in the Now without the proper clarity, we
move inward and regain a clear vision that will show us if
On April 7th, the fresh, but at the same time powerful this is going to serve us and All at this time, as sometimes,
energy of fire, culminates with a magnificent Super New
even if our wish is pure, it is not the Divine Time for us to
bring our desires into fruition. On the next day, April 18, Pluto the Planet of Regeneration
and Power, will also turn retrograde. This is something that
Finally, on April 17, Mars will finally turn retrograde, and also will assist us to put our attention into our own personal
in a Fire sign - Sagittarius - until June 30. To me, above all purpose and healing process too, as Pluto brings into the
the limitations there seems to be about having a Planet light our inner shadows and the aspects of the Self that
retrograde, this is nothing but a cosmic gift for us to ponder need to be healed by inner transformation and regeneration.
and examine where we are and what we are already This is not something we should see as negative, but as
creating in the inside, before acting impulsively. When we something that will illuminate all that is hidden within our
move out of astrology, and our limited human perspective of core that needs to be embraced and integrated with a
the Planets, holding a broader sight of what Is, we are able higher form of wisdom. Both Planets retrograde, Mars and
to envision the whole picture, realizing that in truth, no Pluto, will assist us a lot to know ourselves better and to
Planet in actuality move backward, as this is just our view understand how we create, as this process is not easy at all,
from Earth. So it is then that we become conscious that and we will have a wonderful time to realize if we direct and
Mars retrograde is just an outer representation of what we channel properly our inner fire and if we use it wisely or if
are already feeling beforehand from within, Mars is not we still have imbalances, specially with self- worth and
doing anything to us, Mars, as another form of confidence issues.
consciousness within Creation, is following its way back to
Source. We just have to dissolve all the old beliefs we have At the end of the month, on April 19, the Sun will enter into
about external Forces and stop limiting us and our power. the earthly sign of Taurus. The second sign of the zodiac,
When Mars resides in Sagittarius in slow motion, is an ruled by Venus, The Planet of Beauty and Abundance, offers
invitation for us to direct our inner fire into constructive us the gift to create our Heaven on Earth, connecting with
ways. The Warrior invites us to ask ourselves: Are we free nature, honoring our physical realm and enjoying who we
from our own inner struggles before creating new things into are and our creations. Taurus will start opening the energetic
our path that will also reflect our state of BEing? Or are we gates for us to begin grounding ourselves as well as our
first in need to move within and integrate what we left desires in the physical. With Taurus comes our second
fragmented? It is all about how we direct our power and the initiation after Aries, into a deeper knowledge of how to
use we make of it more than just simply acting and creating manifest our desires from an energetic Plane into our dense
all the time. To the Universe, there is no difference in world, teaches us our next lesson within the wheel of life,
creating inwardly or what we consider physical which is to master ourselves into the endless art of bringing
manifestation, to the Cosmos everything we create from the things from our inner world into our human one.
inside is as real as it is for us what we see with our physical
eyes, so it is not that when we have Planets retrograde we With Taurus, a sign that likes to see the rewards of all His
are not manifesting, and if so, we should stop all action efforts, we are invited to pay more attention into our earthly
because is dangerous this belongs to the old, as the truth is matters, as they are the materialization of that which is
that we are constantly creating, no matter what is within and that sustains us in our lives, remembering that
happening in the outside or what we make of it. material things are also a part of our lives, we do not
separate anymore, as instead, we choose to unify All as retrograde in an earth sign as it is Taurus, it will show us
being equal within Creation and human life experience. It is where we need to create more harmony and equilibrium in
a time to create, to bring forth new desires. A time to reborn our tangible lives. When we become sovereigns and
just as nature does, as everything is giving birth to a new responsible beings of our own life experience, we know that
way of existing and so are we. We just should stay open to we are the only ones who can control our lives and that no
receive all that we have been creating from within during all outer event can really cause any harm in our unique path
these months, and be patients, as everything has been but our own selves through the illusion we choose to create.
already perfectly orchestrated for us to just As ascending Souls, we have already chosen to release old
have faith and trust that at Divine Timing, all that is meant patterns of thoughts and fears by stepping into the powerful
to come to our lives, will come. creators and Divine Beings that we all are instead of fearing
outer forces or cosmic events. Mercury in Taurus is a
To help us stabilize our earthly and emotional sides, we have wonderful time to observe from a higher perspective of
on April 22, a wonderful Full Moon at 2 degrees Scorpio, unity with our soul, and its wise view, the aspects of our
which offers us a time to heal and reborn, among the lives, in which, we should set strong foundations and create
intensity of these new waves. It is a precious moment to more abundance, which is always another form of love and
look within our hearts and see what is impeding us to take higher awareness of our true Essence.
our power back and go after our soul desires and let the
light enter to dissolve all the human illusions that prevent us We also end this month with Venus moving as well into the
from embracing our true potential and the natural expansion earthly sign of Taurus. Venus pass now from Fiery Aries to
that we are here to experience in our ascension path. Take a direct all Her loving and passionate power into our material
time to honor yourself as much as you can, focus on all the plane with Taurus. The loving and abundant essence of
gifts that your soul has brought to this Planet and realize Venus materialized when it resides in the tangible sign of
that everything is more precious since you are here, sharing Taurus - making everything it touches, passionate, plentiful,
and assisting on this wonderful path with your unique and precious and loving without measure. Venus in Taurus also
wonderful gifts. Do not fear the unknown, do not fear what invites us to observe our earthly lives from above and
the light may bring into the surface, integrate it as an equal realize if we are building strong pillars in both, our own lives
aspect of who you are and as another human experience and relationships, that will support ourselves in the physical.
and move towards the path that is being illuminated for you. At this time, challenges - opportunities - may come for us to
master more aspects of the self and lives, so we can
At the end of the month, on April 28, we finally have integrate its knowledge and strengthen our lives, but this is
Mercury moving retrograde in Taurus until May 22. As I a wonderful gift, as Taurus is one of the ruler of Venus, to
always say, Mercury retrograde is not a cosmic event that create stability and harmony in our relationships and to
we should fear, it is a great opportunity to expand our secure things in the physical as well.
consciousness and be in contact with our inner compass, as
it will help us evaluate certain aspects of our own selves and Regarding our relationships, Venus in Taurus desires to
physical lives before taking important decisions. This phase, manifest our inner desires and not just keep dreaming about
will guide the next steps of our journey, and by having it what could possibly be. While Venus was in ethereal Pisces,
we regained more wisdom about our relationships, during its I wish you all an abundant, loving and miraculous month of April
pass through Aries, it gave us the Fire, the inner strength Beloveds!
In love and light always,
and power to fulfill our true desires, and now by having Natalia Alba
Venus in Taurus, we are called to establish strong
foundations into our relationships and to remember that
soul to soul communication is not all that is, but also the
beauty of the physical encounter between two equals and
whole beings what we are here to experience as well.

We are here to remembrance who we truly are in Essence,

and to bring this ancient memories to All. But we are also
here, and this is the cosmic message of April, to master the
art of descending and anchoring all that we already are and
have already created in our personal energetic vortex, into
our physical lives, which is not always easy, but that at the
same time, is one of the main reasons of why we decided to
experience a human and dense plane - to become both, soul
and physical alchemist, bringing into matter that which is
first created in the inner realms. We are here to activate our
new Human template, something that can only be done in
the physical. to resurrect the inner light that we all are -
bringing revival and claiming our sovereignty above all other
form of human illusions.

We now stand in the Light, we claim it, as we have already

faced our inner shadows as being an equal aspect of who
are. Now, we act accordingly to our True Essence, but we
also feel blessed to be experiencing - at this unique time
within Creation - this wondrous tangible realm, that sustains
us and everything we are constantly giving birth in the
physical. We do not separate, we unify everything and
everyone as being One within Creation, we honor, respect
and love equally what is physical and what is Divine,
because we now remember that

All is always part of the same Source of Love and light that we all came

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