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THE PLAY DICE If the Offense does not wish to go for it on 4th down, they punt the ball

If the Offense does not wish to go for it on 4th down, they punt the ball away. They may roll the punt dice
The play is broken up. The color yardage dice are all 0 for this play. If is rolled on KICKOFF , and the Defense may either roll the return dice , Or declare a fair catch and take the
RETURN, the result is a touchback and the ball is placed on the 20-yard line. ball where it lands. Or the Offense opts to remove 1 die of their choice and replace it with the . Then:
Breakaway! The player moves the ball forward (or backward) as indicated by the colored dice. Blocked Punt! Receiving team takes over the ball.
Both players then reroll the same dice, move the ball again, and continue to reroll if the Extra bounce! roll die and add to the total.
appears. (Ignore any effects of other icons when rerolling). Roll Referee die. If , Offense recovers ball downfield.
Potential Turnover! Move the ball forward the yardage indicated by the colored dice. Then roll the Roll Referee & Penalty dice. If Penalty occurs, adjust ball, then repeat punt attempt again from new
Referee die. If a is rolled, a turnover (fumble/interception) has taken place. CHANGE HANDS and spot (a penalty may give a 1st down).
move the 1st down marker appropriately. If any other results appear on the Referee die, the result Ball out of bounds or fair catch. No return allowed.
is NO TURNOVER. Turnovers in an opponents end zone result in a touchback. The new team takes over SCORING
the ball on their 20-yard line. Touchdown: Occurs when the player reaches the 0-yard line. Score 6 points, then attempt for an extra
Potential Penalty! Before the football is moved, roll the Referee die and the Penalty die. If a point. Roll dice. If two are rolled the attempt is blocked, else score 1 point.
shows on the Referee die, the penalty is on the Defense and they will give up yardage. If a Field goal: Scores 3 points on a successful field goal attempt.
shows on the Referee die, the penalty is on the Offense and they will lose yardage. If any other Two point conversion: Instead of kicking an extra point, a player can opt to score 2 points. Place the ball
result comes up on the Referee die, the result is NO PENALTY, so the move the ball the yardage rolled. on the 2-yard line and try one play to get it onto the end zone.
Results of Penalty die: Move the ball the indicated amount of yards (5A = 5 yards with automatic Safety: If the ball crosses into the Offenses end zone, the Defense scores 2 points. The Offense then
1st down to the new ball location). turns the ball over to the Defense by kicking a normal punt from their 20-yard line.
On penalties, ignore yardage rolled and do not adjust the down; the down is repeated. Penalty END OF HALF
stops the clock; do not burn a card for the Offensive play. Offensive player can decline the penalty. If The half ends immediately when the Offense has no cards left in their hand and deck. The team, who
Offense Penalty moves the ball in their end zone move the ball half way. But no more the 1-yard line. received the ball initially in the first half, will kick off to the opposing team at the start of the second half.
PLAY Reset the TIME OUTS back to 3 for each team.
Both Players choose one card from their hand and place it FACE DOWN or call a TIME OUT. SPECIAL SITUATION RULES
1. Reveal cards simultaneously and announce plays. If the Offense chose a Running play, immediately Red Zone: Some offensive cards have Red 10s and 20s in the upper corner. These cannot be used once
burn/discard the top card of the Offense deck. If deck is empty, discard a card from hand. (Burn is the Offense is within the respective yard line.
optional after a completed pass. Defense can prevent Burn with a TIME OUT.) HAIL/MARY: The offense may attempt a Hail Mary pass as the absolute last play of the half. To do this
2. Match the Offense with the Defense to see which dice are to be rolled. Offense rolls their colored dice they must: have only 1 or 2 cards, and be on or past their 35-yard line. Roll the dice. If +
(if any) and the . Defense rolls their . Advance the ball yardage equal to the total of values on the both appear, then a touchdown is scored!
dice. If it is a 1st down move the 1st down marker. Otherwise move the ball to the next column to Quarterback Kneel: Offense may take a knee to burn one card from hand, lose 1 yard and 1 down. Their
represent the next down. deck must be empty.
3. After determining the play results, players draw a new card from their deck if they have less than 8 Quarterback sneak: Can only be called if the Offense has 1 yard to go for a 1st down. Offense must burn
cards. a card.
TIME OUT: Players secretly search their discard deck for the play of their choice and add it to their hand. Results
Die Roll
Or Shuffle their hand into the deck, then take an equal number of new cards.
CHANGING HANDS or or Move ball 1 yard & gain new 1st down.
When the ball changes hands (after Punt, Score, or Turnover), the player return the cards in their hand to or Ball does not advance. Lose 1 yard.
the deck. Shuffles them, and then passes that deck to the other player. Each player draws a hand of 8 Roll Referee and Penalty dice. If or , assess normal penalty. Any other
cards from the new deck. result, ball does not advance. Lose 1 down.
SPECIAL TEAMS Fake Punt / Fake Field Goal
Kickoff: the receiving team decides to either take a touchback or run the ball out. Offense Picks Defense Picks Results
1. Touchback. Place the ball on the 20-yard line.
KICK KICK Normal FG or Punt kick.
2. Run the ball out. Roll Starting from the goal line at your end zone, move the football a
KICK FAKE Offense adds 5 yards to the yardage rolled for the FG attempt.
number of yards equal to the numbers on your dice.
Kick is faked! Offense/Defense both choose and play a card as
Field Goal: Roll . If the total of the yardage dice reaches the 0-yard line a field goal is scored. FAKE KICK
normal. Play is carried out WITHOUT rolling the black defense die.
The Defense rolls the and to try and block it. If they roll , then the field goal is blocked and the
FAKE FAKE Fake kick fails! Play is broken up. Turnover occurs at location of ball.
ball is turned over where it is. Offense must burn a card.
Onside Kick: 10 + (Offense)
A player may kick an onside kick instead of a normal kickoff. The ball is placed on their 30-yard line and
they roll . Advance the ball the distance rolled. For the kick to be successful, two things must
occur: 1. The sum of the dice must be 10 or more. 2. A must appear in at least one of the white dice.
Punt: (Offense) / (Defense)

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