Lead and Mercury Mutagenesis: Type of Mutation Dependent Upon Metal Concentration

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Volume 13, Number 2, 1999

Lead and Mercury Mutagenesis: Type of Mutation

Dependent upon Metal Concentration
Maria E. Ariza* and Marshall V. Williams
Department of Medical Microbiology, The Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology Progam, Biochemistry Program and the
Comprehensive Cancer Center, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210

Received 10 July 1998; revised 09 September 1998; accepted 18 September 1998

ABSTRACT: Lead and mercury are toxic metals that INTRODUCTION

are widely distributed in the atmosphere, soil, and
groundwater. It is estimated that 24 @ 104 tons of
these metals are released annually into the environ- The toxic effects of lead (Pb2`) and mercury (Hg2`)
ment by natural and industrial processes. Therefore, on multiple organ systems is well documented (1), and
human exposure to low relatively nontoxic concentra- threshold exposure levels have been estlished (24).
tions of these metals is unavoidable. However, the pos- However, subthreshold amounts of Pb2` and Hg2` are
sible health effects of such exposure remain contro- released continously into the environment by indus-
versial. We have previously reported that low,
trial and natural processes. Thus, exposure to subthres-
subthreshold concentrations (0.11 lM) of these metals
are mutagenic in the transgenic Chinese hamster ovary
hold amounts of these metals is unavoidable, and such
cell line AS52. The purpose of the present study is to exposure may result in the accumulation of a signifi-
determine the types of mutations induced in the gpt cant body burden over a persons lifetime (5). While
gene in AS52 cells. Using multiplex polymerase chain concerns have been raised, the biological effects asso-
reaction and southern blot analyses, we characterized ciated with exposure to subthreshold concentrations of
the 138 lead-induced, 192 mercury-induced, 29 reactive these metals are unknown.
oxygen radical-induced, and 20 spontaneously arising Pb2` and Hg2` are reported to be clastogenic, te-
mutants for point and deletion mutations in the gpt tratogenic, and in some cases mutagenic (610). It has
gene. Similar levels of point mutations were observed
been suggested that the genotoxic effects of these met-
in the lead- and mercury-induced populations (47.8
and 53.6, respectively), which was significantly less als may be due to their ability to induce reactive oxy-
than that occurring in the spontaneously arising and gen intermediates (ROI) in cells and that these ROI ei-
reactive oxygen intermediate-induced mutants. How- ther alone or in combination with the metal induce
ever, further examination of the data revealed that at DNA damage. Our previous studies, using the trans-
concentrations of the metals of equal to or less than 0.4 genic Chinese hamster ovary cell line, AS52, demon-
lM, the majority of the mutations in the gpt gene were strated that the acute treatment of these cells with low
point mutations, while at higher concentrations, dele- concentrations of Pb2` and Hg2` (0.11 lM) results is
tions (partial and complete) were the predominant
a dose-dependent increase (2.11- to 6.24-fold) in the
type of mutation. These results are consistent with the
hypothesis that lead and mercury induce mutations in
mutation frequency of AS52 when compared to spon-
eukaryotic cells by at least two distinct mechanisms. taneous mutation frequency (6.71TGr mutants/106
q 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Biochem Toxicol 13: clonable cells) nontreated controls (11). These concen-
107112, 1999 trations of Pb2` and Hg2` also induce the formation of
hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in AS52 cells by at least two
KEY WORDS: Lead, Mercury, Mutagenesis, AS52 Cells distinct mechanisms, and there is a causal relationship
between the induction of H2O2 by these metals and
*Present Address: Maria E. Ariza, Ph.D., Arizona Cancer Cen-
ter, Department of Pathology, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
mutagenesis (12).
85724. The purpose of the present study is to determine
Address correspondence to Marshall V. Williams, Ph.D., De- the types of mutations (point, partial deletion, dele-
partment of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, The Ohio State tion) induced by these metals. This information is criti-
University, 2074 Graves Hall, 333 W. Tenth Avenue, Columbus, OH
43210. Tel.: (614) 292-0717; fax: (614) 292-9805; E-mail: wil-
cal for elucidating the mechanisms of how these metals
liams.70@osu.edu. induce DNA lesions and the effect that such lesions
q 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CCC 1095-6670/98/020107-06 may have on the DNA repair capacity of the cell.

108 ARIZA AND WILLIAMS Volume 13, Number 2, 1999

MATERIALS AND METHODS Cytotoxicity and Cloning Efficiency

AS52 Cell Culture Cytotoxicity and cloning efficiency were deter-

mined, as described previously, by comparing the clon-
AS52 cells were obtained from Dr. Kenneth Tindall ing efficiency of the treated cell populations to that ob-
(National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences, served in the nontreated control (11,12).
Research Triangle Park, NC). AS52 cells were grown
and maintained as described previously (11,12).
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
Mutagenesis The procedures used to analyze the TGr-AS52 mu-
Mutagenesis of AS52 cells was performed as we tants have been described in detail (1315). Briefly, ge-
have described previously (11,12). Briefly, 24 hours nomic DNA from spontaneous, Pb2`, Hg2`, and H2O2
prior to treatment (day 11), cells were washed twice induced TGr-AS52 mutant clones, as well as DNA from
with Hanks Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS) and plated wild-type AS52 cells, was isolated using the Oncor
at a density of 106 cells in F-12 medium containing 5% nonorganic DNA extraction kit. The DNA was resus-
heat inactivated and dialyzed fetal calf serum (FCS). pended in TE buffer and examined by gel electropho-
On day 0, cells were collected, washed, and treated resis to insure that the DNA had not been degraded.
with different concentrations (0.11 lM) of lead chlo- The purified DNA, approximately 1 lg, was amplified
ride or mercuric acetate in HBSS for 1 hour. After treat- by multiplex-PCR using two sets of primers with a
ment, cells were washed three times with HBSS, F-12 Perkin Elmer Model 9600 Thermocycler. The first set
medium containing 5% FCS was added, and the cells of primers (10/29: AAGCTTGGACACAAGACAGG-
were incubated overnight at 378C. To allow for phe- CTTGCCAGA and 12/30: GCCTCCAGAATACTTA-
notypic expression, cells (106) were subcultured on CTGGAAACTATTGT) flank the gpt gene. Primer 10/
days `1 and `4 in F-12 medium containing 5% FCS. 29 is a 29 mer that hybridizes 58 to the gpt gene from
Selection was performed on day `6 following treat- base pair (bp) 1199 to 1171. Primer 12/30 is a 30 mer
ment, by culturing 106 cells in F-12 medium containing that hybridizes 38 to the gpt structural gene from bp
5% FCS and 10 lM 6-thioguanine (TG), at a density of 543 to 514. The second set of primers (DHFR1:
2 2 105 cells per 100 mm dish. Cells were incubated ACCTGTACCCAATACACATAACCAGCAA, DHFR
for 10 days and examined for the development of TG- 2: CTTGCTCCCCTTTCTTCTGTAATTAGTCTC) flank
resistant (TGr) clones. Only those clones containing exon 5 of the dhfr gene, which was used as an internal
greater than 50 cells were counted. Clones were sub- PCR control. Primer DHFR 1 is a 28 mer that hybrid-
cloned, expanded, and frozen in liquid nitrogen for ad- izes 58 to exon 5 of the dhfr gene from bp 2 to 29. Primer
ditional studies. DHFR 2 is a 30 mer that hybridizes 38 to exon 5 of the
To obtain clones containing mutations in the gpt dhfr gene from bp 412 to 383. Positive controls used for
gene induced by ROI, AS52 cells were treated either the amplification reactions consisted of 1 lg of wild-
with a radical generating system (xanthine oxidase; type AS52 DNA and 1 lg of pSV2gpt plasmid. PCR
0.01 unit/mL and 50 lM hypoxanthine in F-12 me- mixture lacking DNA was used as a negative control.
dium for 20 min at 378C) or with H2O2 (100 lM in F- PCR reactions contained in a total volume of 100
12 medium for 1 h at 378C) on day 0. After treatment, lL: Taq polymerase (0.5 units), 1 lg of genomic DNA,
cells were processed as described earlier. 200 ng of primers 10/29 and 12/30, and 60 ng of prim-
For the purpose of these analyses, it is important ers DHFR 1 and DHFR 2 in 15 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.8;
to insure that the mutants being analyzed represent 60 mM KCl, 1.5 mM MgCl2, and 20 mM each of the
independent mutational events. Recovery of sibling dNTPs. Reactions were performed in 0.2 mL thin-wall
mutants could lead to an overestimation for a given PCR tubes (PGC Scientific). The DNA/primer mixture
type of mutation. Therefore, the following criteria were was denatured at 948C for 2 minutes for the first cycle.
established. Within a single experiment, if mutant For the 29 subsequent cycles of PCR, samples were de-
clones isolated from the same plate exhibited different natured at 948C for 30 seconds, annealed at 558C for 30
types of mutation, it was assumed that they were the seconds, and allowed to undergo DNA synthesis at
result of independent mutational events. Conversely, 728C for 1 minute. At the end of 30 cycles, aliquots from
if mutant clones isolated from the same plate or any each of the PCR reactions were removed and analyzed
plate in that experimental group exhibited the same by gel electrophoresis.
type of mutation, it was assumed that they represented The 0.7 kb band containing the amplified gpt se-
the same mutational event. However, if mutant clones quence was isolated and used as a template for sec-
isolated from different experimental groups exhibited ondary PCR amplification using the primers 5.1 and
the same type of mutation, it was assumed that they 12/30. Primer 5.1 (CGCAACCTATTTTCCCCTCG-
represented independent mutational events. ACT) is a 26 mer that hybridizes 58 to the gpt structural
Volume 13, Number 2, 1999 LEAD AND MERCURY MUTAGENESIS 109

15 lg of DNA and 35-fold excess of restriction

enzyme. Digested samples were separated by electro-
phoresis through a 0.8% agarose gel in TBE buffer.
DNA was transferred to a Maximum Strength Nytran
Plus membrane using the alkaline-transfer technique
as recommended by the supplier. Briefly, the gel was
soaked in denaturation buffer (0.4 M NaOH/0.6 M
NaCl) two times for 15 minutes each. Following de-
naturation, the DNA was blotted onto a Nytran mem-
brane by capillary transfer, using fresh transfer buffer
(0.4 M NaOH/0.6 NaCl), for 214 hours. The mem-
brane was soaked in 52 SSPE (0.18 M NaCl, 10 mM
NaPO4, pH 7.7 and 1 mM EDTA) and baked at 65
808C for 30 minutes to immobilize the DNA. The mem-
branes were prehybridized in hybridization bottles
with prehybridization buffer [50% formamide pH 7.4/
62 SSPE/52 Denhardts reagent/0.5% SDS/salmon
testes (1 mg/mL) DNA] and incubated for 12 hours
at 428C. 32P-primer-labeling of the DNA probe (0.7 kb
fragment containing the gpt gene) was performed at
258C for 1 hour, using the Random Primers DNA La-
FIGURE 1. Protocol used for analysis of DNA from various mu- beling Kit, as described by the manufacturer. 32P-pri-
tants. mer-labeling reaction contained 25 ng of denatured
DNA, dATP, dGTP, dTTP, random primers buffer mix-
ture, 50 lCi [32P]dCTP, and the Klenow fragment of
gene from bp 162 to 137, and it is internal to primer Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I. The prehybridiza-
10/29. Positive controls for secondary PCR amplifica- tion solution was removed, and the denatured radio-
tion reactions included 1 lg of plasmid pSV2gpt as labeled probe was added to the hybridization solution
well as 10 ng of the gpt fragment. Water was used as a (same composition as prehybridization buffer), and
negative control. The DNA/primer mix was denatured membranes were hybridized overnight at 428C. The
at 948C for 2 minutes for the first cycle. For the re- membranes were washed twice for at least 15 minutes
maining 19 cycles, samples were denaturated at 948C each with 72 SSPE/0.5% SDS at room temperature,
for 30 seconds, annealed at 558C for 30 seconds, and and soaked twice in 12 SSPE/0.5% SDS for at least 15
allowed to undergo DNA synthesis at 728C for 1 min- minutes at 378C. The membranes were soaked for 1
ute. Following secondary amplification, aliquots from hour in 0.12 SSPE/1% SDS at 688C and exposed to
each of the PCR products were removed and analyzed Kodak XAR-5 film with intensifying screens at 1708C
by agarose gel electrophoresis. for 13 days.

PCR products were analyzed by agarose gel elec-
trophoresis. Electrophoresis was performed at 60 V for In order to rapidly screen a large number of mu-
14 hours, depending upon the size of the gel, at 258C. tants, a protocol was established to analyze DNA for
The gel was composed of 1% (w/v) low-melting-point types of mutations using multiplex PCR and Southern
agarose in TBE buffer (89 mM Tris, 89 mM borate and hybridization to characterize deletion mutations (Fig-
2 mM EDTA). TBE was used as the running buffer. ure 1). For multiplex PCR, the gpt gene and exon 5 of
the dhfr gene were amplified simultaneously. The dhfr
fragment served as an internal PCR control, and only
Southern Hybridization Analysis
those samples containing the amplified exon were in-
The procedures used to analyze TGr-AS52 mutants cluded in the analyses. External controls included am-
have been described in detail (1315). Genomic DNA plification of the gpt gene from pSV2gpt DNA as well
from Pb2` and Hg2` induced TGr mutant clones was as the gpt gene from DNA of wild-type AS52 cells.
isolated using the Oncor nonorganic DNA extraction When DNA from wild-type AS52 cells is amplified,
kit. DNA was digested in separate reactions using ei- three DNA fragments are amplified: a linked PCR
ther EcoRI and HindIII or BamHI and HindIII as rec- product migrating at about 1.1 kb, the wild-type gpt
ommended by the supplier. Each reaction included 10 band migrating at 0.7 kb, and the 0.4 kb dhfr internal
110 ARIZA AND WILLIAMS Volume 13, Number 2, 1999

control. A typical example of multiplex PCR analysis

is shown in Figure 2. For these analyses, amplified gpt
fragments from DNA of mutants were classified as
containing point mutations if the size of the fragment
was the same as that obtained in the positive controls.
To confirm that bands being amplified in multiplex
PCR were the gpt gene, nested PCR was performed on
the primary PCR gpt product as described in Materials
and Methods. Only those fragments amplified by
nested PCR were used in the analysis.
Mutations initially classified as deletion mutations
by PCR analyses could be the result of a point/partial
deletion mutation in the regions where the primers an-
nealed, or they could be the result of a deletion of the
entire gpt gene. To address this question, Southern hy-
bridization was performed. A typical result of
Southern hybridization analyses is shown in Figure 3.
Using this approach, the types of mutations occur-
ring in independently arising Pb2` and Hg2` induced
FIGURE 2. Primary PCR of DNA from wild-type, spontaneous, mutants were characterized and compared to the types
and Hg2` induced mutants. DNA was isolated from mutants and of mutations occurring in spontaneous mutants and
wild-type AS52 cells; PCR amplified and the amplified fragments ROI-induced mutants (Table 1). Overall, similar levels
separated as described in Materials and Methods. Lane 1: molecular of point mutations were observed in the Pb2` and Hg2`
weight markers (100 bp DNA ladder); lane 2: negative PCR control;
induced mutants (47.8 and 53.6%, respectively), but
lane 3: pSV2 gpt plasmid, positive PCR control; lane 4: wild-type
AS52 DNA, positive PCR control, lane 5: spontaneous AS52 mutant; this was significantly less than that observed in the
lanes 610: Hg2` (0.8 lM) induced mutants; lanes 1113: Hg2` (0.6 spontaneously arising and ROI-induced mutants
lM) induced mutants. (89.8%) (p , 0.05). However, further examination of the
data indicates that at 0.4 lM and below, the majority
of mutations in the gpt gene are point mutations (65
TABLE 1. Frequency of Mutation Types Induced in the gpt and 72%, respectively, for Pb2` and Hg2`), while at
gene by Pb2` and Hg2` higher concentrations of the metals, the majority of the
mutations are partial deletions and deletions (67 and
Number of 72%, respectively, for Pb2` and Hg2`).
Mutants Point
Treatmenta Examined Mutations Partial Complete

None 20 18 1 1 DISCUSSION
Hydrogen peroxide 21 13 3 0
Radical generating system 8 8 0 0
Our previous studies demonstrated that low con-
Pb2` (lM) centrations (0.11 lM; 0.020.2 ppm) of Pb2` and Hg2`
0.1 13 5 7 1 were mutagenic (11) and that they induced H2O2 in
0.2 15 13 2 0
0.3 16 14 0 2
AS52 cells by two distinct mechanisms: one that was
0.4 21 10 4 7 dependent upon xanthine oxidase activity, and that
0.5 18 6 10 2 there was a causal relationship between H2O2 induc-
0.6 25 9 7 9 tion by these metals and mutagenesis (12). The results
0.8 21 4 7 10 from the present study demonstrate that the predom-
1.0 9 5 1 3
inant type of mutation induced in the gpt transgene of
Hg2` (lM) AS52 cells is dependent upon the concentration of
0.1 24 19 1 4 metal. At concentrations of Pb2` or Hg2` below 0.5 lM,
0.2 42 27 4 11
0.3 36 25 1 10
point mutations were the predominant type of muta-
0.4 13 10 1 2 tion, while at higher concentrations of the metals, de-
0.5 17 7 8 2 letion mutations were the most frequent type of mu-
0.6 10 2 5 3 tation detected. What may be responsible for these
0.8 22 8 10 4 differences?
1.0 28 5 10 13
ROI induce several types of promutagenic damage
AS52 cells were treated as described in Materials and Methods. DNA was
extracted and analyzed by multiplex PCR and southern hybridization as de-
in DNA including base modifications and single- and
scribed in Materials and Methods. double-strand breaks. In addition to inducing H2O2,
Volume 13, Number 2, 1999 LEAD AND MERCURY MUTAGENESIS 111

FIGURE 3. Southern hybridization of Hg2` induced AS52 mutants. Genomic DNA from mutants classified as containing deletion mutations
based upon PCR analysis was purified, digested, separated, and hybridized to the gpt probe as described in Materials and Methods. Lane 1:
wild-type AS52; lane 2: Hg2` (0.1 lM) induced; lanes 3 and 4: Hg2` (0.2 lM) induced; lanes 5 and 6: Hg2` (0.3 lM) induced; lane 7: Hg2` (0.4
lM) induced; lane 8: Hg2` (0.5 lM) induced; lane 9: Hg2` (0.6 lM) induced; lanes 10 and 11: Hg2` (0.8 lM) induced.

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