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17(1), 7174 (1996)

Racemic-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic Acid for

Inorganic Mercury Mobilization in Rats
K. Kostial,1, N. Restek-Samarzija,1 M. Blanusa,1 M. Piasek,1 Lj. Prester,1 M. M. Jones2
and P. K. Singh2,3
Department of Mineral Metabolism, Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health, 10001 Zagreb, Ksaverska
cesta 2, Republic of Croatia
Department of Chemistry, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37235, USA
Ivy Laboratory, Toxicology and Food Residue Laboratory, Ellington Agricultural Center, Tennessee Department of
Agriculture, Nashville, TN 37220, USA

Key words: inorganic mercury; rats; meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid; rac-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid; oral chelation
treatment; 203Hg retention; whole body, kidney, liver.

The efficiency of racemic-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid (rac-DMSA) compared with meso-2,3-dimercapto-

succinic acid (meso-DMSA) in mobilizing inorganic mercury was evaluated in female rats. Chelators
were administered orally at a dose of 0.5, 1.0 or 2.0 mmol kg21 on four consecutive days, 5 days after
a single intraperitoneal 203Hg injection (with 0.5 mg HgCl2 kg21). Both chelators reduced 203Hg retention
in whole body and kidney and at higher doses also in the liver. Racemic-DMSA was more efficient at
lower dose levels and equal to meso-DMSA at the highest dose level. Kidney retention decreased after
rac-DMSA to 27, 10 and 10% of controls and after meso-DMSA to 68, 39 and 10% of control values
at the 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 mmol kg21 dose level, respectively. Since meso-DMSA is already approved for
human use, its stereoisomeric form, rac-DMSA, deserves further attention for treatment of mercury
poisoning. 1996 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

The present experiments were performed further to

INTRODUCTION evaluate and extend these early findings. Previous
experiments were primarily performed using early sub-
Removal of mercury from the mammalian body is cutaneous administration of chelation therapy, while
most readily affected by chelating agents containing our experiments were designed as a later oral treatment
thiol groups. Of these, meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic for mobilizing mercury.
acid (meso-DMSA) and dimercaptopropan-1-sulfonate Since meso-DMSA is a chelating agent already
(DMPS) are found to be the most effective in animal approved for human application for mercury poisoning,
models and also in humans.1 Dimercaptopropan-1-sul- its stereoisomeric form, rac-DMSA, certainly deserves
fonate is reported to be somewhat more effective in further investigation.
removing mercury from the kidneys in animal models.
Nevertheless, an equivalent mobilization of mercury
can be achieved by a longer treatment period with the
more readily available DMSA.2 The antidotal efficiency METHODS
of DMSA against Hg poisoning was first disclosed in
mice and guinea pigs in China by Ding et al. in Experimental design
1965.3 This antidotal effect was confirmed by Western
scientists.4,5 Clinical reports show that DMSA would Two experiments were performed (Experiments 1 and
appear to be the most useful compound for current 2) on female rats. In Experiment 1, 8-week-old female
clinical treatment of mercury poisoning.6 Wistar-derived albino rats from the Institute for Medi-
More than 25 years ago Russian scientists reported cal Research and Occupational Health in Zagreb breed-
that racemic-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid (rac-DMSA), ing farm were used (average weight 190 g). In
which was obtained as a by-product in the process of Experiment 2, 7-week-old female Wistar albino rats
synthesizing meso-DMSA, has certain advantages over donated from the animal farm of Pliva Pharmaceutical
the meso form in increasing inorganic mercury elimin- Co, Zagreb, Croatia, were used (average weight 180 g).
ation and in reducing lethality and pathohistological The design in both experiments was the same; only
changes in organs caused by toxic doses of inorganic the dose level of the treatment with chelating agent
mercury.7,8 These studies were quite preliminary and was different. In Experiment 1 the effect of lower dose
did not furnish sufficient biological data. However, was tested and in Experiment 2 the effect of two higher
these reports, although abbreviated, indicate that rac- dose levels was tested.
DMSA might be superior to meso-DMSA as an anti- During the experiments rats were kept in polycarbon-
dote in mercury poisoning. ate cages (510 in each). Standard rat diet and tapwater
were provided ad libitum. Both experiments lasted for
9 days. On the first day all rats received a single
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. administration of inorganic 203Hg (HgNO3). Five days

CCC 0260437X/96/01007104 Received 17 July 1996

1996 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Accepted 14 August 1996

later they were divided into three groups according to

treatment (control, meso-DMSA or rac-DMSA RESULTS
therapy). Chelators were administered orally for 4 days
(on days 5, 6, 7 and 8 of the experiments). One day Results of Experiments 1 and 2 are presented separately
after the last treatment (day 9 of the experiments) rats as a percentage of the 203Hg dose and together as a
were sacrificed under an ether anesthesia by exsanguin- percentage of control values (Tables 1 and 2, and
ation from abdominal aorta, and organs were removed Fig. 1). This was necessary since control values due to
for radioactivity measurements. differences in the animal populations used (age,
sources, timing of the two experiments) could not be
pooled. The increase of body weights between control
203 and treated rats was the same in both experiments.
Mercury loading and Hg radioactivity
Effects on Hg whole-body retention
Radioactive Hg was supplied as nitrate from New In Experiment 1 at the 0.5 mmol kg21 dose level, rac-
England Nuclear (Massachusetts, USA) with a specific DMSA was superior to meso-DMSA at all intervals
activity of 12 Ci g21 (370740 GBq g21 ). Mercuric (i.e. 24 h after the first, second, third and fourth dose),
cloride (HgCl 2) was provided by Kemika (Zagreb, as shown by different superscripts (Table 1, upper part).
Croatia). In Experiment 2 at the 1.0 mmol kg21 dose level,
Rats were injected intraperitoneally with 0.5 mg rac-DMSA was again superior to meso-DMSA at all
HgCl2 kg21 in distilled water containing 2.5 mCi intervals. At the higher dose level of 2.0 mmol kg21,
(92.5 KBq) of 203Hg in a volume of 1.0 ml. Five days rac-DMSA was superior to meso-DMSA after the first
later, i.e. before the beginning of chelation therapy and and second treatment (WB 1 and WB 2) but after the
24 h after each of the 4-day treatments, whole-body third and fourth treatments no difference was observed
(WB) retention of 203Hg was determined. At the end (Table 1, lower part).
of the experiment 203Hg retention was determined in In Fig. 1, results of the two experiments are
kidneys (K), liver (L) and brain (B) in Experiments 1 presented as a percentage of control values to illustrate
and 2 and additionally in the femur (F) and pelt (P) the decrease in whole-body retention in relation to
in Experiment 2. dose and length of the treatment. Both the dose and
The radioactivity measurements in the whole body length of the treatment influenced the results. Gener-
and pelt were performed using a double-crystal scintil- ally, retention values after rac-DMSA were lower than
lation counter (Tobor, Nuclear Chicago). In other after meso-DMSA treatment and lowest retention
tissues, 203Hg was determined in an automatic gamma values for both chelators were observed at the end of
scintillation counter (Nuclear Chicago). the treatment. Greatest differences between the
All results were corrected for radioactive decay and efficiency of the two treatments were observed at the
the geometry of the samples. 1.0 mmol kg21 dose level.

Effects on Hg tissue retention
Chelation therapy
Table 2 presents 203Hg retention in the kidneys, liver
Meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid (meso-DMSA) was and brain from Experiment 1 (upper part) and retention
purchased from Aldrich Chemical Co., Millwaukee, in the kidneys, liver, brain, femur and pelt from
WI, USA). Racemic-2,3 dimercaptosuccinic acid (rac- Experiment 2 (lower part). In both experiments treat-
DMSA) was synthesized by using a modified pro- ment with chelating agents caused a decrease in 203Hg
cedure,9 which provided an improved yield of the rac- in most tissues, as indicated by the percentage
DMSA.10,11 Both chelating agents were stored under reduction of control values. However, a statistically
nitrogen and solutions for administration by gastric significant difference after treatment was observed only
intubation (gavage) were freshly prepared in a volume in the kidney and at higher dose levels in the liver.
of 1.0 ml of 5% NaHCO3. In Experiment 1 chelators In Experiment 1 at the 0.5 mmol kg21 dose levels,
were administered at the 0.5 mmol kg21 dose level, both meso- and rac-DMSA caused decreased kidney
and in Experiment 2 at the 1.0 and 2.0 mmol kg21 retention compared with controls. However, rac-DMSA
dose levels. was more efficient in this respect than meso-DMSA.
In Experiment 2, rac-DMSA was superior to meso-
DMSA in decreasing liver and kidney retention at the
1.0 mmol kg21 dose level and similar to meso-DMSA
Statistical analysis at the 2.0 mmol kg21 dose level as shown by the
superscripts in Table 2.
Results are expressed as a percentage of the 203Hg Kidney retention after the meso-DMSA treatment
dose (% dose) and are presented as the arithmetic was reduced to 68, 39 and 10% of control values and
mean and one standard error of the mean. Results are after rac-DMSA to 27, 10 and 10% at the 0.5, 1.0 or
also presented as a percentage of control values (% C). 2.0 mmol kg21 dose level, respectively. This indicates
The statistical significance of differences between that differences between these two treatments observed
groups (P , 0.05) was evaluated by Duncans multiple at the lower dose level (highest at the 1.0 mmol kg21
range test using the CSS Biostatistica program (release dose level) disappeared at the highest dose level
3.1, Statsoft 1991 package). (2.0 mmol kg21).

Table 1. Effect of oral administration of meso- or racemic-DMSA on Hg whole-body retention in ratsa

WB 1 WB 2 WB 3 WB 4

% Dose %C % Dose %C % Dose %C % Dose %C

Experiment 1
Control (8) 66.9 2.6b 65.1 1.3b 69.7 1.5b 60.2 2.2b
4 3 0.5 mmol kg21:
Meso-DMSA (8) 63.9 2.0b 95 61.5 2.2b 94 54.6 1.7c 78 52.9 2.2c 88
Racemic-DMSA (8) 54.1 1.9c 81 48.0 1.5c 74 45.6 1.5d 65 40.8 1.5d 68

Experiment 2
Control (10) 56.7 1.7b 54.6 1.6b 53.1 1.9b 52.1 1.7b
4 3 1.0 mmol kg21:
Meso-DMSA (9) 47.9 2.5c 85 41.0 2.5c 75 36.1 1.8c 68 32.0 1.9c 62
Racemic-DMSA (10) 34.4 1.5d 60 22.7 0.8e 42 18.1 0.7d 34 15.1 0.6d 29
4 3 2.0 mmol kg21:
Meso-DMSA (5) 41.9 1.2d 74 33.5 1.7d 61 22.4 0.7d 42 17.9 0.5d 34
Racemic-DMSA (10) 30.1 1.0e 53 20.7 1.0e 38 17.5 0.9d 33 15.8 1.2d 30
Female rats (numbers in parentheses) received 203 Hg with 0.5 mg HgCl2 kg21 body wt. by single i.p. injection. A 4-day oral
treatment started 5 days later. Values obtained 24 h after each treatment at different dose levels (4 3 0.5, 1.0 or 2.0 mmol kg21).
Results expressed as % of 203 Hg dose (arithmetic mean SEM) and as % of controls (% C); WB 1WB 4 refer to the percentage
of remaining whole-body 203Hg after each treatment.
Significant differences (at P , 0.05 by Duncans multiple range test) are indicated by different superscript letters.

Table 2. Effect of oral administration of meso- or racemic-DMSA on Hg tissue retention in ratsa

Control (8) Meso-DMSA (8) Racemic-DMSA (8)

% Dose % Dose %C % Dose %C

Dose 0.5 mmol kg21Experiment 1

K 26.4 2.17b 18.0 1.19c 68 7.0 0.92d 27
L 2.2 0.33b 1.9 0.29b 85 1.8 0.25b 82
B 0.014 0.001b 0.012 0.001b 86 0.012 0.001b 86
Dose 1.0 mmol kg21Experiment 2
K 33.6 2.20b 13.2 1.25c 39 3.26 0.19d 10
L 0.78 0.07b 0.73 0.05b 94 0.49 0.03c 63
B 0.025 0.003b 0.026 0.001b 104 0.024 0.002b 96
F 0.034 0.002b 0.037 0.002b 109 0.028 0.002b 82
P 1.60 0.05b 1.61 0.05b 101 1.53 0.05b 89
Dose 2.0 mmol kg1Experiment 2
K 33.6 2.20b 3.28 0.48d 10 3.19 0.29d 10
L 0.78 0.07b 0.49 0.04c 63 0.47 0.04c 60
B 0.025 0.003b 0.022 0.001b 88 0.018 0.001b 72
F 0.034 0.002b 0.03 0.002b 88 0.031 0.003b 91
P 1.60 0.05b 1.39 0.01b 81 1.45 0.08b 84
Female rats (numbers in parentheses) received 203 Hg with 0.5 mg HgCl2 kg21 body wt. by single i.p. injection. A 4-day oral
treatment started 5 days later (at doses 4 3 0.5, 1.0 or 2.0 mmol kg21). Rats were sacrificed 24 h after last treatment, i.e. 10 days
after 203Hg administration. Results presented as % of 203Hg dose (arithmetic mean SEM) and as % of control values (% C) for
kidney (K), liver (L), brain (B) (Exps 1 and 2) and for femur (F) and pelt (P) retention (Exp. 2). Significant differences (at P , 0.05
by Duncans multiple range test) are indicated by different superscript letters.

meso-DMSA also reduces mercury retention in the

DISCUSSION brain.35 However, generally, meso-DMSA was not
found notably effective in reducing accumulation of
Both rac- and meso-DMSA decreased the body burden mercury in the brain of rodents.2 It was explained that
of mercury after late oral administration, as indicated meso-DMSA is quite hydrophilic, and would not be
by decreased whole-body and kidney retention at all expected to enter the lipid part of the brain in which
dose levels and also liver retention at higher dose Hg appears to accumulate. For rac-DMSA quantitative
levels. It is known from previous publications that data on kidney and liver retention, although referred
to as reduced after treatment, are missing from the

in the brain, femur and pelt was unchanged at all

doses, indicating that both treatments caused no redis-
tribution of mercury to other tissues.
In a recent study in rats, a comparison of the
racemic- and meso-form of DMSA showed that the
racemic form is significantly more effective in reducing
femur and renal lead levels.12 The enhanced ability of
rac-DMSA can be ascribed to its configuration, where
the like groups are farthest from each other, unlike
those of meso-DMSA. Another property which could
greatly assist the in vivo mercury and lead mobilizing
ability of the racemic form is the enhanced lipophilic
property, since this helps increase cell membrane per-
meability. Racemic-DMSA is soluble in water as well
as in organic solvents, more so than the meso form.
The partition coefficient of rac-DMSA is found to be
2.8 in the n-octanol/water system. 9
Figure 1. Effect of meso- or rac-DMSA on 203Hg whole-body
retention (% control). Values obtained 24 h after each of the
In the meantime we performed comparative acute
4-day oral treatments (doses: 4 3 0.5, 1.0 or 2.0 mmol kg21). toxicity testing of the two isoforms of DMSA. Prelimi-
Treatments started 5 days after 203Hg i.p. injection. nary results indicate an about three times higher tox-
icity of racemic- as compared to meso-DMSA.12 This
might explain the results obtained at the highest rac-
papers of Okonishnikova et al.7,8 However, the superi- DMSA dose used in this experiment. In all our experi-
ority of rac- to meso-DMSA in enhancing mercury ments we used equimolar doses of meso- and rac-
elimination is in agreement with their results. They DMSA, assuming similar pharmacokinetics and dose
also found that the ability of the racemate to prevent response. However, due to the higher toxicity of rac-
death and development of other morphological changes DMSA, further work should include additional dose-
was more pronounced than for the meso-form. All related experiments. Such studies are justified since
effects of racemate were more apparent after just one rac-DMSA definitely seems to be superior to meso-
administration. In our experiments rac-DMSA was DMSA in decreasing metal retention, especially at the
superior to meso-DMSA at lower dose levels (0.5 and beginning of the treatment.
1.0 mmol kg21) but equal to meso-DMSA at the highest
dose level (2.0 mmol kg21). An increase in the dose
of meso-DMSA enhanced its efficiency in decreasing Acknowledgements
the retention of mercury, while a similar increase in
the dose of rac-DMSA did not improve its effect. The The present study was supported by the National Institutes of Health
via Grant ES-02638 (M.M.J., P.K.S.) and the Ministry of Science,
doseresponse curve for mercury mobilization by rac- Republic of Croatia (K.K., N.R.-S., M.B., M.P., Lj.P.). The skilful
DMSA rises more rapidly as the dose increases than contributions of the technical staff of the Department of Mineral
does the curve for meso-DMSA. The retention of 203Hg Metabolism in Zagreb are gratefully acknowledged.


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